Debt Rattle January 6 2024


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    Marc Riboud Painting the Eiffel Tower 1953   • Biden Vows To Protect US Democracy From ‘Nazi’ Trump (RT) • Supreme Court Takes Up Colorado Trump
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 6 2024]


    has anyone seen any statistcs relevant to consumer spending from Black Friday to Christmas? Historically this time frame has been the period of profit for consumer enterprises and the spending reported in the press. This year there doesn’t seem to be any national reporting on spending. The BLS report should be considered in light of end of year consumer spending. Please post any information you may have gleaned concerning holiday spending.

    As i walked Buddy through the neighborhood after Christmas the amount of product wrapping at the curb seemed lower than in previous years. The amount of packaging from the delivery of online purchases did not show any notable increase at the curb in the weeks before Christmas. UPS uses small trailers drawn by small ATVs for neighborhood delivery during the holiday season and their traffic also seemed diminished.

    Dr. D

    The Eiffel doesn’t look very tall but it sure looks tall there.

    Thinking about the Peak Oil issue and how “We don’t have any”. That is, Russia is signing 50 year contracts, but we won’t even explore.

    I think it may go like this: YES, that is true, BUT, the Bush/Bilderberg Plan was to pump all the CHEAP oil, the shallow oil, for free, pay for it in printed, fake dollars. THEN, when you need technical competency to get the harder stuff, you control it by PROMOTING the Muslim Brotherhood, Wahaabism, Stone-Age Islam in all the key countries. Then you, Exxon, have control because THEY can’t pump oil in Libya without you. YOU, Exxon, BP, Dutch Shell, set prices. That was the foray into grabbing Iraq and surrounding Iran. Without them, this run into oil wasn’t going to work. AND, it was 1999, and we were just about to chop up and sell Russia back to Germany (at last).

    And why? Because Controlling the OIL (we already controlled the food) we would control CHINA. Make them our new slave market, our b—h.

    Okay, fast-forward, Bush is an idiot, Cheney is a maniac, and Blair is a pillar of shite. The Bilderbergs are now all idiot sons of idiot sons who can’t even listen to the functional evil of Rumsfeld and Kissinger (thank god).

    BUT! The legacy of that 50 year, world-wide “Take over the world plan” is still out there, it’s legacy persists as they could never tell the rubes enforcing it what was going on to begin with. We see that in the continuing “Peak Oil” plan, the control of Gaza gas fields, Suez/Hormuz oil transit, and Global Warming. You’re seeing that as these lies conflict with other lies, and the lies of these plans interfere with the new directions no one’s decided on yet.

    Back to the basics: THERE IS OIL. A LOT of it. IF BRIICS can get financing to Niger, Sudan, etc, they can pump it, there is no pricing power, London can’t willy-nilly rig the markets, the whole plan falls to s—t. …By making oil relatively cheap for us? Uh, sadly, yeah. The problem is no longer the oil is expensive, it’s that US/EU currencies are worthless. Same thing, from our perspective. So Niger could double production (and they will) but gas will still be $5/gal (I know you non-Americans are laughing).

    Again, as this happens, BRIICS will control the price, and Shanghai will control the banking. The oil will be pumped as they see fit. Again, on 50-year contracts.

    Part II: it is rumored we needed this NOT for Iraq’s oil (we could have bought every barrel cheaper than the war) but for the PRICING POWER, that is, the market rigging. Only THEN would it be safe to admit we still have a tonne of oil in Alaska and under 30,000 feet (aka, the magma center of the earth) in the Gulf. Before then (and we had a Saudi deal that runs the PetroDollar), if we “discovered” a new field, the price would merely drop. Why have that? Pump the other guy for free! WORSE, we would then be expected to pay back that $36Trillion we owe. No way, Jose’. FIRST default (or take over the world) THEN find that oilfield. Right?

    That would mean, there’s not only a lot of oil in Russia and Iran – Generations of it – but just as much again here in the U.S. Our oil is higher cost though, which is why we needed to price-rig as insurance.

    Got it?

    Yeah, the failing failures of fail, like Blair, the Idiot Sons of Idiot Sons, like Blinken, screwed up all that. The oil is safe though, still underground in storage like our rare earths and gold.


    There is plenty of food. More than ever as Russia increases. There is plenty of oil. There’s no need for oil wars. There is manufacturing so much that they prove Marx right (why do you prove Marx right???) that I can order tech – earphones, etc — from China, made halfway around the world and shipped to my door for $1. Unlike nuclear power, goods are made almost too cheap to meter.

    And so we’re fighting for why again? ‘Cause some Billionaire with a d—k rocket told us to on WaPo?

    Down at the basic level, THAT is what is true, and THAT is what they don’t want US to find out: There’s plenty for everyone, and your neighbor is not your enemy. Where would they be then?

    Where would we be if they stopped using every dollar to make fake trouble in “Three World Wars” and are willing to liquidate Disney, Target, and AB InBev to cause dissension and strife? It’s all fake: the economy is fake, the war is fake, the reasons are fake, but your hardship is real. Behold, the Power of Lies.

    Dr. D

    Moving on to today:

    “In 2016, Victoria Nuland told Congress” …That we had dozens of illegal bioweapons labs in Ukraine. These were later to be shown working with Hunter, and creating Covid.

    Ramaswamy, boy they love to come back for seconds. Please never stop asking. It’s so disturbing to listen to such trollop. And it’s designed and meant to be demoralizing. Is it working on you? And this reporter I guess feels the story is all about her. She is more important than a Presidential candidate. She doesn’t care what he has to say OR a single thing about black people, black cities (so to speak), black crime, and black victims. When he brings it up, falls right out of her head as so irrelevant, such non-people, non-humans, doesn’t even compute. …Moves right on with her “white” narrative.

    Hey, go down to Baltimore and tell them to their face, yes? Go tell them you don’t care, see if you can get good agreement on that. Why don’t you go to Arkansas and Vermont and tell the white people they’re not poor. How privileged they are. Let’s go get it all on camera, and post it without editing on YouTube, so everyone can know who’s right and wrong.

    “Biden went on to say that Trump and his supporters still embrace “political violence,”

    Okay, show me. That can’t be too hard. Show me all the things. If there are so many should be easier than a normal news day and you can knock off early.

    “He also drew a comparison between the Republican candidate and the Third Reich.”

    Yes, that Republicans are long known to be the “Socialist” “Workers’” Party, right? Isn’t that their claim to fame? Practically identical I guess. “National-sozialistische Arbeiter-Partei“ Right? No one was more Socialist than Ronald Reagan, John McCain, and Mike Pence. Glad we’re all on the same page here.

    “We’ll know our work is done when everything the American People believe is a lie.” — CIA Director Casey.

    Biden: “The nation watched in horror on January 6th and Trump did nothing.”

    Except to ask Nancy Pelosi to beef up the city police and please use the national guard. Except to ask the same of the Joint Chiefs. Except tell them to be peaceful. Except tell them to go home. Except Which they did. The Horror was so great that the Capitol Police escorted many of them through the building, with 20 camera crews in tow, and took selfies. Such horror that Babylon Bee worker went home, then when stuff was happening, went back down empty streets to a mostly empty doorway and was let in. After he had been let in as a member of the press, they told him to go home, because there was no notice or riot and they could hear everyone at a speaking voice. So he did, and was arrested by Biden over 2 years later. For going home when requested.

    “The Horror, the horror” as Conrad said. “This aggression will not stand” that other fiction-writer said.

    “The Trump Organization denied on Jan. 4 that former President Donald Trump improperly profited from his presidency, describing House Democrats’ claims to the contrary as “insane.”

    He profited by losing almost $2B dollars? After not taking a salary? Uh-huh. And of course we all remember when General Washington refused to sell tobacco and cotton to anyone in France or Britain so as not to be influenced, right? If I recall, he took million dollar book deals instead.

    ““are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnic … group in the Gaza Strip.” (1) That charge fits clearly under the definition of genocide in the Geneva Convention,”

    Yes. Words have meanings. We are not being hyperbolic, we are being literal. They literally and legally are doing this.

    “After all, brute facts are hard to dispute.”

    Ah, you must be on the Right. No one “disputes” facts and data: We ignore them. We have feelz. We have “Context”. We have “exceptions”. We have “reasons”. That makes it all okay because we’re a pal.

    Law is POWER. If you have POWER, everything is legal. If you lack POWER, everything is illegal. Socialism is self-described as the study of precisely this social power and how to get it and use it. That’s what “Critical Race Theory” is, a updating of Socialist “Critical Theory.” All life, all action, all thought are about POWER. (To the critically and dangerously mentally ill such as they) Just watch. You don’t get “Justice in exactly the measure you can afford”, you get Justice in precisely the measure of your POWER. And everyone applauds.

    “The “Transfer” of Palestinians Out of Gaza Is Not a “Voluntary Migration”(TO)

    The Vax is voluntary. We’re just going to take away more stuff each day until you “voluntarily” do it. That’s what “voluntary” means. (to mentally ill diabolic narcissists) Since the whole West thought that was voluntary, Gaza must be voluntary too. Or at least not wrong at all.

    ““Whether the US will leave or not, I don’t know. I tend to doubt it because they have too much [interests there].”

    What interest is that? I hear this all my life but no one can seem to describe it. Best I can tell, we extort the region so we can blackmail other countries with shutting off their oil, like Yemen just so easily did to us. Just guessing tho. I keep asking and maybe someday someone will tell me.

    ““I’m not surprised because ISIS has been known to work with the Israelis,” he told Sputnik.”

    .: Pentagon believes Mossad and ISIS are basically brother groups. Huh. Right. But they’re also #Opposite groups? Well, I guess it depends which the reporters finds more convenient to fit that day’s narrative. Is it a day we are at war with Estasia, or what? Then Daesh is Goldberg and the Space Plane exists. If it’s Westasia, then the #Opposite.

    But Mossad? Was it Mossad who worked with the Libyan embassy (actually a 3rd rate CIA safe house) to move shiploads of arms, and was it Mossad who bought 10,000 pickup trucks in Texas and transported them through Turkey? Asking for a friend. And when that happened, MI6 and Interpol had no idea, and none of the money moved through EU or London Banks. How about that?

    “Lindsey Graham Vows To Make Iran’s ‘Worst Nightmare’ Come True (RT)

    Lindsay Graham wants war? That’s not news. Buddy, guy….here’s a plane ticket and a gun. Gratis! Have fun! Sayonara.

    “Ukrainian forces launched a deadly attack with cluster weapons on Belgorod, killing dozens and injuring hundreds of people, including several children. There was no military target…”

    That’s how you win wars: by hitting everything EXCEPT the military. …In #OppositeLand. Since that’s not a #Rational response, it is therefore a… IRRATIONAL one? A reaction of da Feelz? Is this a #Male-oriented approach or a #Female one? Just asking: you decide.

    “no consensus was reached on punishing Ukraine for its crimes, as Western states absolutely support the actions of the neo-Nazi regime.”

    And the West is an #Irrational nation of #Feelz?

    “Western propagandists even commented that Kiev would “retake” the regions liberated by Russian forces – including Crimea.”

    Let’s cover this for a second: +90% (98%) of Crimeans want to be Russian according to the referendum vote. Who would want to be in Europe’s most corrupt nation if you could even be in the 4th most corrupt? “The West” seems to think this isn’t so. Okay then, show me all the Crimean uprisings that are attempting to re-unify Crimea with Ukraine which is RIGHT ACROSS THE BORDER, that is, ZERO distance. It’s been 10 years, and most of that without a war. Surely you have a dozen attacks of Crimean loyalists by now, right?

    No? So if Ukraine retakes Crimea, what do you think will happen? You just showed me you have no pro-Ukrainian population there, and are therefore at least moderately pro-Russian. If Ukraine takes Crimea, won’t Crimean just fight and remove themselves again?

    Again, YOU are telling me this, with your facts and stories, not me. I’m just repeating it back to you. Now WHAT makes “a country” one thing or another, I guess it’s not top-down kings and spreadsheet jockeys moving lines on paper, is it? That is YOU don’t decide, Kiev, Moscow. THEY decide. And if THEY decide to go one way or another in their hearts, there’s no much anyone can do about it is there? Right Dublin? Zero distance from the British Empire and yet free?

    “The EU is considering alternative ways to keep funding Ukraine, in case member states fail to bypass a veto”

    It’s not about Ukraine: it’s about printing money. If they don’t print money they will collapse, and it doesn’t matter who or what it is for. To forestall inflation they either need Collateral, or else more Control (fascism). They are trying this with stealing Russia and Ukraine, yes, but also AGW Carbon Credits, the “original sin” of Social Credit scores, but no one will use them. Their plan just sucks and it has to. Fundamentally, it’s each and every a “You give me everything, I give you nothing” narcissistic abuser plan. WHO exactly do they think will sign up for that? The mentally ill, their codependent enablers? There’s not enough of them, even as, since you attract each other, you’re surrounded by them and think that there are. There aren’t: we hate your guts and hope you die, falling only slightly short of helping. And only for now.

    Back to money, we’re talking about the U.S. rolling over $6 TRILLION right now; $6,000 Billion; $6 Million dollars done a million times, and yet you look at Europe and say, “I’d like a million of that instead”? Uh, no. EU is 80% of the DXY and Europe is WORSE than we are. I know that’s near-impossible to believe, but it’s true.

    Take every line: which of us has oil, them or us? Which has 1,000 x 500 miles of gold mines? Which has an active war going, them or us? Is that war with their only energy supplier? We both have immigrants, which one pays them more? Which immigrants are more violent? If either was going to expel them, which could do it with least trouble? …And so on. Core currency goes down LAST.

    “Russian historians attribute the country’s success in what they call the Patriotic War of 1812 to the sophisticated bait-and-switch strategies of Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov,”

    It’s similar in type to Fabian in 218BC And many wars are winnable like this. Perhaps most of them, like Ireland, above. If you’re willing to take the punishment, no one can stop you. That’s a social, cultural thing. Nor is it fixed in stone. Ireland wasn’t which is why they were conquered: squabbling and back-stabbing. But the experiences they had hardened them until they were. Once they were fixed and willing, England could no longer stop them, nor even affect them. Regardless of what happened, their focus always returned to one thing: independence. As ours does to freedom, but in a much more hazy way.

    No one would CHOOSE such a strategy. You do it because you didn’t prepare and have nothing else. But notice also WHEN Napoleon went there, who was surrounding him and directing him by then, as Emperor and without Josephine. This play was later imitated with Mussolini, sending him to Ethiopia (why???). Is this the first “British,” Crimean, ie Planetary war?

    Btw, this strategy of the “Fabian Socialists” who had essentially nothing but a few gay Lords back then, but a lot of time to “March through the institutions” until they essentially were running everything until recently. Unable to defend or defeat them, our present “White Hats” are doing the very same strategy, and it’s working equally well, wheels of time having started with the Fabians at the top (London) and let time grind them under like Bush Sr. Now they’re all moronic ninny-pants like Blinken, as “Soft times make soft, crack-smoking men” while all the Patriots are rock-hard and never lived a day so far without a beating. How do you stop them?

    You just used all the “nuclear options” your soft, soft hands could handle: You called them all “Hitler”. In public. Oh noes! You de-platformed them! From TikTok!!! You put almost a dozen out of 150 Million such people in jail! I’m literally shaking right now! However shall we survive and persist if they get Siaka Massaquoi too??? I think maybe they’re “Unclear on the concept”: We already won. The issue at hand is if we are willing to take the punishment to avoid a Civil War over it. Apparently we are.

    “a military hostile to “racist, misogynist heterosexual white males.” These officials might all be competent, but they don’t come across to those in the ranks as loyal warriors”

    I guess he’s so old he thinks this is both true and reasonable to say? No, PCR, no. THEIR FRIENDS ARE ALL BLACK, HISPANIC, Gay. Duh. Their WIFE and girlfriend is black. The military is one of the most integrated, they know that, it’s always been true, even their Daddy was already there was already fine with it as their GrandDaddy was in the integration. None of that is the slightest problem or point.

    So the point therefore is that they ARE incompetent, and as PROVEN by their disloyal actions, unfitting to the offices they serve. So were all of the White Officers, if you hadn’t noticed. There is no race lines, they are all made up out of a fevered hebephrenic delusions of the Left, and the ONLY point is the competency and loyalty of the Officers, so like an algebraic equation, race drops out of the matter, leaving pure numbers. In his generalities he may be correct, but he’s becoming a liability about it.

    Nobody cares. This has gone on so long, probably nobody under FORTY cares. Note that the “Trump Era” is now more than 10 years on. Whole swaths of Federal employees are resigned, retired, whole new waves like MTG have come in and are incumbents. In short, time moves ever on, it’s not the world of 2000 and baby Bush, not 2012 with five new Obama wars killin’ kidlings over breakfast. I know we all pin ourselves somewhere but try to keep up.

    ““We will not provide him with special treatment because of his last name,” Comer, of Kentucky, and Jordan, of Ohio, said.”

    “He said”. Not “he attacked”, not “he alleged.” Very nice, you keep your job for now. However, those Congressmen very much ARE giving Biden every possible special treatment, as per every other day of Hunter’s life. Or do you think I could smoke crack on camera, run gun charges, and traffic both money and crack and just walk around ignoring subpoenas? You really think that? Let’s take a walk.

    “But the Republicans have not produced any evidence of wrongdoing by the president or that he benefited from his family’s foreign business ventures.”

    Uhhhhh, whut? Oh: CBS, nevermind. It’s BS, right there in the name. Okay, ask Americans which they believe is true. CBS? CNN? Or somebody else. “Why don’t they trust ussssss? WHYYYY do they think we are LYINGGGGG???”

    “This is truly a thing to behold. It is a frivolous lawsuit based on an absurd law motivated by raw hypocrisy.”

    Yeah, uh, I just shrugged. This is our life now. This is the level we are. Why not? At least the bus company and the actions they took actually exist. That’s better than most lawsuits they bring.

    “• The Month That Labor Markets Fell Apart (Street)

    It’s been brought up all over that they changed the official report about a minute before they went on camera. Which never happened before. The Fed (which Fed, which chairs?) said they “Suddenly got new data” that minute, about the same minute they got a call from the White House to print a nicer, better, more election-winning report. And guess what? Only the Biden Dove chairs said Yes! Isn’t that an amazing coincidence?

    Whatever. They haven’t told the truth in a lifetime, why start now? There are floor traders making six sums that were born, raised, locked in closets, graduated prep school, finished Columbia and got in to Morgan by selling coke who have never seen a day the Fed or BLS ever told the truth, nor were rumored to have ever told it. Time’s winge’d chariot and all that. So is this news? We had the same discussion in ‘99 when “Subprime was contained” and the Nasdaq popping wouldn’t have any effects.

    “..but there are tens of thousands of doctors in the United States and where are they all standing up and saying: “Oh my gosh”?

    They need to stop lying their asses off, as Cullom said. That’s not a minimum, that doesn’t reach the minimum, that’s only the first step of the minimum, and we’re not there yet.

    “State troopers raided Amos Miller’s organic farm in Pennsylvania today.’

    I’m glad they have all kinds of time and money to remove these dangerous criminals off the buggies of Lancaster. God’s work.

    Potassium: I guess you wouldn’t want to get that in your eyes. But we are air-dropping all that potassium — or white phosphous — on Gaza for free!!! Usually you have to pay for your vitamins. Are we humanitarians or what?

    Dr. D


    So did we close a Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly high? No interest, coverage, or buying. What does that mean when you break to all-time highs and the market yawns? 1) You’re at the beginning? 2) You’re at the end.

    This happened as “Something broke in the market” with Sofra, etc, out there in banking and rates. What is it? So when no one will finance our $6 Trillion on a $36 Trillion debt, we can do it far easier if we LOWER rates, right? More risk, less reward always brings out the buyers.


    Woketardturd Boston

    PROGRESS is Our Most Important Product

    Chris “Adequate Citations” Martenson

    “100% built with fossil fuel-derived materials and workers fed with food grown with fossil fuel-based fertilizers who drove there on asphalt roads. “

    And, it’s ugly as sin.”

    This is the largest carbon-neutral building constructed in the City of Boston.

    “..please tell me more about all that steel you made with no fossil fuels …”

    “..That’s hideous! It looks like a giant game of rail car Jenga.”

    “…It has a huge parking garage attached at the bottom…”

    “…Celebrating expensive regulations, in an urban area full of poor ppl.Interesting..”

    “…I honestly thought this was a picture of a building in North Korea before reading the tweet. This is one of the ugliest buildings I’ve ever seen….”


    Dr D Rich
      “One is reminded of how the Nazis talked about dealing with Jews when reading how Israelis in “positions of the highest responsibility” talk about dealing with the Palestinians.”

    Professor (I added professor for gravity and clarity) John Mearsheimer

    “One”. “Nazi”. “Jews”. “Israelis”. “Palestinians”

    All in one sentence courtesy of Prof. Mearsheimer.

    That’s one für the Commentariat.

    Go at it, obscurantists!
    Heave! Ho!

    Not in face of Corporate Governance is “Law [is] POWER. If you have POWER, everything is legal.”
    Go to court any day and each officer of the court, judge included, KNOWS WITHOUT EVER BEING ASKED OR CHALLENGED, to immediately defer to Corporate Governance.

    Disorganized replaced it in the DSM version some time ago. Did the rename it again? Those afflicted by it are some of the funniest people in the world, but laugh at them unsympathetically and you’ll injure them for life.

    “Most integrated institution in the world” said who but Colon Powell.
    45% of midshipmen were Roman Catholics, most of them Irish or Italian ethnicity (you can’t find that stat anymore) and I wrote an award winning term paper there on it, that fact, and the challenge presented by the Papal Encyclical on Nuclear weapons, proportionality and Just War Theory. Rickover didn’t give a damn about future Colon Powell’s most integrated institution claim.
    My section professor in Leadership & Law was visibly proud of his student AND equally flabbergasted that he hadn’t contemplated these things about his alma mater, his faith and his profession.
    Nevertheless, the celebration which was to have included a public citation by USNA’s Superintendent and my paper memorialized in Nimitz library alongside the best from the past WOULD never come to pass. As I previously predicted to my proud professor, once the paper reached the Offices of Commandant and Superintendent, men, all of them white like me, saw the danger the paper’s content demonstrated to midshipman who might read it and be informed about their lives and chosen profession.

    Inevitably they returned the paper to me, marked up and marked down. Marked up in red ink as, I suppose, a stinging rebuke to a 20 year old. Marked down from a “100” to a 95%.

    My professor said “I fought for the 95 but you don’t seem too disappointed by the politics of it all.”
    My reply, “it wasn’t my best effort. My plebe English professor Wysong would have judged the paper harshly. I’m rather busy with C-nav, pChem, instrumental analysis, economic geography and doubleE. We both learned something about this place’s leadership. They’re afraid of thoughts put to paper.”
    My prof: “How did you know Wysong judged your essay?”
    Me: “I didn’t. The Navy is a small place.. i bet Dean Kelly liked it”
    My prof: “John couldn’t have advocated more proudly for one of his own.”
    Me: “Irish Catholic”


    Control the “Narrative”(The Lies) – fight between right and wrong.
    The Establishment/The Entrenched/The Swamp


    Gaza – over-crowded, open-air prison
    Depopulation/Genocide with U.S.-supplied 2,000-pound bombs, and carpet bombs, destroying infrastructures.
    Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist.
    Gaza destroys western divide-and-rule narratives
    Since Israel’s assault on Gaza began, three separate polls show that Arab and Muslim populations are shifting their support away from Washington’s regional allies toward West Asia’s Axis of Resistance.

    Sharmine Narwani JAN 4, 2024

    However, former Pentagon senior security policy analyst Michael Maloof does not rule out that the terrorist group “might be trying to take credit for something as a cover for somebody else.”

    Assuming that Tel Aviv or Washington could have been behind it. President Ebrahim Raisi’s deputy, Mohammad Jamshidi, tweeted that: “Make no mistake. The responsibility for this crime lies with the US and Zionist regimes (Israel) and terrorism is just a tool.”

    US senator vows to make Iran’s ‘worst nightmare’ come true

    Last month, Graham, who is also known for his staunch anti-Iranian position, called for a bombing campaign against Iran, calling for the country’s oil fields and the Revolutionary Guard Corps headquarters to be “blown off the map.”
    Two birds with one solution

    Recruitment Problems Plague US Military

    Recruitment Problems Plague US Military
    January 5, 2024

    If the pro-Israeli neoconservative warmongers remain in control of US foreign policy, the likely consequence will be that Washington will make a deal with immigrant-invaders of trading citizenship for military service. (mercenaries)


    “That’s how you have to be about the two parties; stop thinking about them as two separate, competing entities and start looking at them as two weapons on the same enemy. Stop staring at one hand and start watching your actual opponent. Start watching their movements, start making some reads, and start figuring out ways to put some leather in that fucker’s face.” Caitlin Johnstone


    Vivek says all the right things for a lot of voters. I’m glad to hear him push back against the official narrative media. However, he said in the Roseanne interview that he’s a libertarian internationalist. Sounds kinda a like a no govt rules globalist to me. I also see he was listed on the WEFs Young Global Leaders list a few years ago but recently sued them to have his name removed. He says he likes Argentina’s Milei a lot. Milei is affiliated with the WEF and is about to bring vast pain to Argentina’s middle class and poor. Think Milton Friedmans’ Chicago School economics revisited on a South American country…again.

    I like what Vivek says pushing back against the MSM official narrative recitations. Reading between the lines, howver, I think he’s another WEF adjacent globalist with a good talk but a real agenda for Davos centered than US centered. Like Clinton and Obama before him. Those two had great campaign talking points, too.


    There were no pro-Israeli conservative warmongers in 1861-1865 and +-620000 human beings lost their life so a handful of industrialists could maintain their grip on the economic engine of the United States.

    In the last two years a similar number have been dispatched into the unknown so a small group might maintain a similar position. To paraphrase Joe Tzu “You can’t be a blood thirsty thieving bastard and pro human dignity and value”

    “Out damned spot” did not work for the Lady and it wll not work any of the apologists for 500 years of rape and pillage. Ignoble is as ignoble does.

    There are 50 non-Jewish citizens in the United States for every Jewish citizen. There is not a “Jewish” problem there is a problem with pleonexia driven human trash, globally. Those who might exclaim “The one who dies with the most toys wins” or “I got mine” are among the human flotsam and jetsam that plaque all life on the third rock from the sun. All of this moral posturing is truly respulsive.

    of course participation trophies abound


    Vivek again.
    “My top goal is to reunite this country & pardoning Trump is a requirement to achieve that.”

    Pardoning Trump from what? Does Vivek assume and signal, like Biden, that Trump is guilty of something before he’s been convicted on serious charges? Sly way to stick in the shiv, Vivek.

    RFK, jr. Wish he’d spend less time running as his father’s son and JFK’s nephew and stand stronger on his own feet.

    Mister Roboto

    This is an hour-long video, but I would dare call it a must-watch.


    Vivek and RFK would not be allowed to run if either were genuine.

    Stop with the junior high naivete about ‘real alternatives’ running for office.

    It’s about as stupid as the stories prattling on about ‘negotiations’ with Russia over Ukronaziland.

    That too is unconditional surrender, period.

    Even Trump is a gasbag

    Nikki the Bimbo was his pick as UN ambassador.

    Really think he’d do better the second go around?

    John Bolton and that fatfuck turd AG Barr.

    The Demonrat Senate has to confirm his cabinet appointments.

    The same horror show of Deep Dipshit State players will be in his cabinet second time.

    Zaluzhnyi had a Grand Mal Seizure Meltdown in Ukronaziland parliament the other day.

    A panicked desperate psychotic bargaining performance.

    He’s really losing his shit.

    And in Gaza

    Al-Qassam is still working unhindered


    And meanwhile back in the Empire of Lies rat infested subways, meatheads have fisty-cuffs with predictable results.

    Something that does NOT happen in Moscow’s subway system.

    Why you shouldn’t fight near the train tracks


    “Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist.”
    So what will that make Israeli “settlers”?

    Oroboros- that building needs to be submitted to Kunstler’s “eyesore of the month”.


    @Dora re: RFK Jr, interesting.

    I used to watch Formula 1 racing a lot. I noted over several seasons that certain drivers who were superb but also good sports would eventually be dropped from teams. Drivers who were damn near sociopath became the champs. Ferrari had Michael Schumacher and Reubens Barrichello for a long period. Schumacher was a ruthless shite. Barrichello was a good sport.

    If you care, even a tiny bit, that is a crack into which the wedge is driven. Schumacher swerved and ran Barrichello off the track and nearly into the wall, just to have the position. I dare say their relationship changed markedly after that.


    “literally hitler” was a thing for purple haired millennials on social media 9 years ago in 2015.

    I can’t imagine that Joe Biden spontaneously on his own thought it would be a brilliant election strategy to call his political rival, a 90’s business democrat, hitler. Or that he would think of much of anything at this point.

    We can only conclude that 22 year olds pushing this meme in 2015 are now 31 and managing “joe biden,” having totally ossified on “what works.” Couldn’t think of anything new in the intervening 9 years.


    …it’s just weird to think of those White House staffers in their 30’s with brains ossified as if they were in their 80’s. Millennials are literally Boomers!


    always that 30-34% Is that just what fake poll takers think is most effective? Biggest impact vs incredulity compromise? Or was it the same 30% that wanted to send me to summer camp? I wonder if we could get all the people who trusted everything on the survey in a room together, like a Trust Everything Convention or something. Or maybe Disney could do a theme cruise.


    The Chechans are sending in another “A Team to punish Ukronaziland

    Putting it in proper perspective — the Grozny’s Garrison alone is two and a half times larger and more combat ready than the entire combat component of the total British Army.


    British Butthurt

    Blimey the Limeys!


    The Chechans look and act like actual Real Men

    Not the Collective West Snowflake Girlie woke ‘men’.



    British slang:

    a euphemism for “God blind me”


    One big spook operation.


    Russia and China are Melding | Dmitry Orlov

    China’s realization: NATO=ZATO is a toothless tiger

    Russia is pistol whipping the Empire of Lies proxy in Ukronaziland.

    China can do the same

    The Empire of Lies abandons everyone is says it supports.

    Ukronaziland is just the latest in a long line of betrayals.

    Cut n’ Run

    Should be engraved on the Capital Dome in Latin.

    Secare et vade


    Pedo Joe

    What a creep!



    Guys! Guys! Nobody’s on the ballot, and you have to write in your vote! Paper ballots only, and spelling counts. One day only!
    Ding ding ding!


    I don’t think the US Supreme Court will rule directly on the Colorado Supreme Court’s ruling since it has already been stayed by the same Colorado Supreme Court. Therefore no US Supreme Court ruling is required since nothing has really happened. They are just pretending that they have banned Trump from the ballot. It is just Lawfare.

    Instead the US Supreme Court will side step the issue completely since there is nothing too rule on!

    This will leave the Uniparty free to do as they wish, banning Trump in just enough states to denied Trump 270 Electoral College Votes. They will ban Trump but then stay the ban as Colorado did. So Trump will remain on the ballot but the media will say he is not on the ballot to discouraged Trump voters from voting.

    Then after the 2024 election, congress will not certify Trump’s Electoral Votes in the banned states. Afterall congress created the fake January 6th “emergency” so they could certify the fake 2020 election results without any objections!

    Congress will then elect the new President and Vice President. It will be interesting to see which fraction of billionaires wins this election, Kamala or Nikki.

    Sorry Joe old boy, I don’t think your name will be on any congress ballot!

    Congress’s actions speak louder than their words!
    SCOTUS’s actions speak louder than their words!

    D Benton Smith

    In the 80 years since it began in WW2, how much time, effort and treasure do you suppose has been invested in building the virtually axiomatic cultural belief of Nazi Germany being the worst nation, Hitler being the most evil tyrant, and the Jewish Holocaust being the biggest deliberate crime in human history?

    Yet in a mere 3 months Netanyahu’s Zionist Israel’s explicitly purposeful annihilation of innocent women and children in Gaza has already replaced these record holders, to assume First Place in all three categories of inexcusable depravity.

    This time, I think, the world truly shall never forgive and never forget.


    Dr D Rich said

    “One”. “Nazi”. “Jews”. “Israelis”. “Palestinians”

    The real list reads as follows:

    “One” : “One”
    “Nazi” : “Ukrainian, German and Prussian (redundant) Nazi”
    “Jews” : “Ukrainian/Kazarian, same place”
    “Israelis” : “Ukrainian/Kazarian, same place but not transposed to Palestine”
    “Palestinians” : “Descendants of the Israelites, God’s chosen people”

    Funny how the world changes and the corrupt power mongers change the meanings of words, but just can’t let the original meaning die as it gives them POWER over the sheep. That power is currently murdering the descendents of the Israelites, God’s chosen people, and the modern Jews and modern Chritsians (has there ever been a dumber group) support it.

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