Debt Rattle June 13 2023


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle June 13 2023

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  • #136795

    Where are they?

    (Went to see the doctor.)
    New, Young, Inexperience receptionists. ?nurse?
    A) Doctor says, their experience staff has moved on to another/better job.

    B) Talking with municipal supervisor
    Looking for 18 part time summer employee for $23.00/hr. Can’t find them. Nobody is applying.
    When I was growing up you had to have a good friend in the municipality to get recommended because there was lots of people wanting those jobs.

    Where is everybody gone?
    Did they “quiet quite” before even getting hired?


    Madame-Bosco-Ski on/off her/it/she/he meds again spam shit posting…. same as it ever was….

    Despite being very masculine in all physical registers, I come across in person kinda… gay. Well, I hanged out with a lot of queers in my earlier years.

    Hahahaha… correlation is not causation? Have you explained to your mommy wife therapist why you cross dress, create fake accounts pretending to be a woman-ski, are obsessed with fecal matter, and you can’t ever (never ever) stop talking about yourself?

    Narcissistic gay much? Like every time you open you’re wanna be dick sucking mouth? Just Do It…

    boscohorowitz, You’re always picking fights or jumping into existing fights that weren’t yours, then crying victim. By all means though, if you have anything to actually say, go ahead and say it.
    What is it you are passive aggressively trying to cringe your way towards this time?

    Hahaha… Madamski’s Liberal dis-ease is the real virus. Funny (not) how your multiple personalities always seem to distract on/from the real topics at hand and revert back to – “it’s all about ewe” – the poor victim ewe.

    Clearly you identify as Vaxd and Boosted, pity you’re not.


    Let’s Leave Cheyenne


    I didn’t call you any name but Germ, Germ. If you don’t like your name, change it. It’s a free internet.

    I surely *insulted* you, indeed, oh unfucked one. I said you are an unrepentant asshole. (That’s kinda like ‘big fat poopy butthead’.) But, you know, I’ve never given my asshole a pet name, so why should you deserve one?

    Oh, alright. How about this name. I’ma call my asshole Seriously Fucked.

    But please, don’t let me stop you from glorying in the misfortune of others. Continue. I will continue to point out to people relatively new to this site that such sadistic politicization of a tragic unfolding does not represent this site accurately, to say the least. I want others to know that not ALL TAE commenters are unrepentant assholes.

    Dr. D

    Butch voices. Sounds super cool. People should use what they’ve got, we get so little for advantages we can’t afford to let any slide. I used to have a nice voice but the world has told me to STFU for about 20 years now.

    Schadenfreude. The reason people get excited is they almost never see justice being meted out correctly down here. It’s giddying to see anyone get their just desserts ever. It doesn’t mean they mean others ill.

    Germ is the same way. If we’d all stood up and said What the f—??? about every time somebody died, we would have saved the lives of TEN MILLION people. Who are children, right now. But really…shouldn’t we be polite and let them all die quietly instead of finding out if they can do something about it? Isn’t that…nice? No. It is not nice. It’s accessory to Murder 1, a felony. However, no one will listen to me and have me arrested instead, so I make forays which are universally rebuffed. You are not required to attempt to save a drowning man if it will drown you as well. I am required to try, and find out, and I do. Not yet.

    Gays People have always had to fight or submit or hide to be left alone.”

    As you know from being a man, you have to fight, and get piled on and take s—t, Every. Single. Day. There is no day at work your balls aren’t busted and you wish they would leave you alone. There is not a day a boy isn’t picked on by the other boys, teens aren’t picked on by other teens, and men aren’t abused by other men. The only distinction between any of them is how well they take it, and if you take it well, generally are left alone because, then what’s the point? It’s no longer fun.

    The difference with these groups is that they want to be special snowflakes and be treated BETTER than the whole group treats itself. Ever. And Always. Sure I’d like that too, but I’d also like Zendaya on my lap and that ain’t happening either. Everyone wants to be special. Too bad. Almost no one is. Suck it up buttercup, like the last 25 Billion men and women have.

    The only thing I can do is treat people better myself and hope it starts a movement. So far no.


    “Clearly you identify as Vaxd and Boosted, pity you’re not.”

    Clearly you’re taking some serious drugs. No vaccination in me.

    But my ego appreciates the attention, citizenx. It’s bored and not ready to face anything more than making fools like you suffer for making others suffer exposure to your folly.

    BTW, the death wish speaks poorly for the benevolence or even mere decency of your intentions.

    It’s fun to pick on people, jah? C’mon. Let’s go find some suckers and say bad things about ’em.



    “The reason people get excited is they almost never see justice being meted out correctly down here.”

    Oh my, Dr. D. That is an astounding bit of sophistry. Dr. D. speaks on behalf of God and all humanity (or something weird and absurd like that) to be the judge of what (let’s call it) Darwinian justice is. If this is your idea of improving yourself and hopefully inspiring a movement around you…. oy.

    You steadfastly use your genius to measly-mouth your way into avoiding things that might disturb your self-justifying world view. The sad result is that you sound like you take yourself so very seriously. But saying this is pointless, of course. We both know this.

    If it makes you feel better to continue this way, if it makes you happy, oh well.

    But it just makes me feel like a kid trying to stay awake in church and desperately waiting for that almighty closing hymn so I can escape. Sorry. Nothing personal, i.e., I don’t feel any need to make you look bad or lesser as a way to make me feel good or greater. You like your expressions and apparently believe in them.

    As for gayness and all that: I remember 20 years ago when gayness was a disease according to many Xtians, and kids were sent to de facto gender realignment camps to cure tehm of teh gayz. Back when even civil union marriages between consenting adults of the same sex were considered a profanity.against all decency.

    Yeah. Life is tough. Like a dead rock singer (any still alive?) said:

    It don’t really matter to me
    Everybody’s had to fight to be free.

    I wanna cast judgment too. That’s one of the reasons I’m here. If I remain positive, people gonna throw stones at me. It’s a law of human nature or something. It’s how the game is, apparently, played. I happen to have a wristrocket and a bagfull of genyoowwine river rocks from Jordan. Bought ’em online:



    “I remember 20 years ago when gayness was a disease according to many Xtians”

    In fact, I remember when it was listed as a disease in the psych bureaucracy List of Approved Mental Disorders. Was a time when silly faggots or faggot wannabes didn’t want to be treated better than others, just not treated like disposable dog shit.

    But, like you said, everyone has to fight to be free or even just get by. Somehow, people “like you” seem to think that, having won one’s (one won’s) freedom in difficult, often dangerous, struggles, one should stop now that one is no longer oppressed. But really (and I’m citing your logic yet again; I know: sue me, right?), one gets a little giddy when one sees justice happen, especially if one did it one’s own god damn self, bloody knuckles and all, and one tends to follow the logic of another dead singer:

    I saw a beggar leaning on his wooden crutch
    He said to me, “You must not ask for so much”
    And a pretty woman leaning in her darkened door
    She cried to me, “Hey, why not ask for more?”

    I mean, after all, it’s a free country and justice is oh so Darwinian.

    Bird On a Wire


    Before I leave for Cheyenne, I’ll add another thing:

    Blaming the vaxxed for being submissive fools is exactly the kind of self-“justification” that eased Nazi German soldiers hustling innocent Jews off to death camps. It serves them right to be wronged, right? Until it comes your turn to be served.

    Seriously: repentance is SO much easier and rewarding although scary at first. Doubling-down on (what I will call) wrong in order to prove one is right is, (Elmer Fudd voice) oh so very very wrong.


    P.S. Thanx for talking about me citizenx. It’s almost like you’re doing my work for me. Badly, of course, but that’s your trademark around here since we wuz all knee-high to a chatbot.

    D Benton Smith

    Ease off on the invalidative personal psych evals Bosco. Makes ya look like a mugwump instead of an atheist. First you intimate that there may be God and then you hint that there isn’t, or that the notion is delusional and stupid, but then again (you indirectly suggest) that poor dilapidated humans can’t really know so therefore agnosticism is the only honest way to go. But agnosticism ISN’T actually honest, is it, when agnostics are basically just wishy washy chicken shits.

    Make your call Bozo. Take a stand or just shut the fuck up. I’m sick and tired of your literarily dexterous nihilism, poking snarky barbs at everyone who has the balls to just state their case and defend it (or perhaps even change their minds.

    So you’ve got a gripe with God? Then take it up with Him. I’m serious. If you don’t like the way God runs this universe then file your complaint directly with the Boss and you two work it out. If, on the other hand, you’re damn sure there is no God then just fucking say so and argue the case. At least the rest of us can have a dependable take on the color of your hat.

    One thing is for damn sure. It ain’t both ways, and if you take the position that God is some kind of nonsensical humanoid construct then you’ve got some ‘splainin’ to do about why there is absolutely something everywhere you look rather than absolute nothing.


    “Never forget, never forgive.” – what they have done,

    TVASSF (And there you are, people.)


    Never forget these victims Bosco-tastic.
    Never forgive those responsible.



    “A Blind Eye is Better than a Blind Heart” – Bosco-tasctic

    How about both?!

    Risk assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccination

    “Individuals with COVID-19 vaccination had a higher risk of all forms of retinal vascular occlusion in 2 years after vaccination…
    The cumulative incidence of retinal vascular occlusion was significantly higher in the vaccinated cohort compared to the unvaccinated cohort…
    Additionally, individuals with first and second dose of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 had significantly increased risk of retinal vascular occlusion 2 years following vaccination…”

    TVASSF (and just can’t see it)


    Ah, Dr. Smith. For some reason, you’ve chosen to believe I’m an atheist. Well, at least speak as if that’s what you believe. That’s an interesting extrapolation to infer and projection to imply. Upon consultation with my personal still small voice, God and I agree that whether I believe in God or God believes in me is none of your business although you’re free to ponder and chatter away on it all ye like.

    Me and God, we’re gonna go downtown and get some tattoos.


    I wonder if people like Germ even care if they’re fomenting a flavor of mass hypnosis yet to come, one called Lynch ’em and Burn ’em Alive. Oh well, whatever stokes one’s sense of personal justice, I guess.


    Meanwhile, and seriously, sincerely, etc., I recommend this lecture/speech/sermon on being human and all that god stuff.

    You’re Made in the Image of God, so Act Like It.

    D Benton Smith

    I believe it was you, Bosco, (or someone posting under your handle) who not too many hours ago wrote, “For millennia, we submitted to “an artificial intelligence system which has been granted legal “person-hood”. We called it God. (insert G.B.Shaw remark about humanity needing to invent God if none availed).

    Like I said, take a stand. Your cowardly duplicity is worse than wearisome, it’s a waste.



    Here’s the trick I see you do over and over again and once I see it, I cannot unsee it.

    I am The One Who _____

    You are The One Who ______

    Once you see the trick, it becomes extremely BORING.

    Remember when you jumped into the Climate Meltdown debate? And then you did your usual thing, arguing everything and nothing, switching positions, identities, denying what you previously said, saying it’s someone else’s fault, they started it, etc.

    So I brought the receipts. Which proved you were changing your tune. And then you shrieked in outrage that YOU would never trust ME again and would never interact with me again.

    While you’re savvy enough to mostly figure when you’ve had your ass kicked, you’re still not getting that it’s usually because you asked for it.

    from the person I watched, for about 2 years while I lurked here before posting, continually accusing everyone he got into arguments with of projection.

    Contrary to what you said 6/10 a theory is not a hypothesis. A conjecture or surmise isn’t either. Waiting until you hope I’m gone for the day and then shouting that you have won without engaging with ideas is the argumentative equivalent of soiling your armor and running away.


    And furthermore:


    I was a serious agnostic ages before Dr. SMith met me on this lousy film set

    And furthermore yet, Doc Oc, I never shilled for phony religions run by evil megalomaniacs, unlike you. If you’re gonna wave your dick around in public, at least wash the thing for el_Ron’s sake.

    Asshole. See? I take you seriously after all.


    you are positioning-yourself-as and positioning-him-as. Boooooooring.


    Some days my mouse scroll wheel gets quite a workout.


    lol try the PgDn and apologies for contentless content. Your regularly scheduled substantive discussion will resume at some point.


    jb-hb, I’ma do an even dirtier trick on you, something fundamentally like the logic of I know you are but what am I.

    Because that is, alas, exactly how I feel about your remarks toward me.

    For example: “Contrary to what you said 6/10 a theory is not a hypothesis. ”

    I never said that. You projected a falsehood in my name. Here is what I said:

    “All a theory is is a hypothesis/es that survive the first elimination round. ”

    From there a theory grows forth. It may die or not on it’s second or third or whatever hypothesis/es, but until then, it is a theory (as opposed to a mere theorem).

    Before that, I said: “but fwiw, theories become established as canonic dogma (albeit ever pending further review as needed) as they will”

    Which is true. There’s abuncha politics and such in how theories come about. The logic path to a ‘canonic theory’ is strewn with petty ego squabbles and similar distraction. Give a roomful of scientists Occam’s razors, and they take to cutting each other up for spite and vanity and laziness and confusion just as much as for truth.Now, a theory that survives all that and survives the war of competing theories, becomes the last man standing and graduates into what we commonly call Proven Scientific Fact (but is still really just a theory with a whole buncha circumstantial evidence in its favor).

    Look, you wanna criticize people here, go for it. But don’t follow me around to do it. I gave up on you long ago, jb-hb.


    Major typo:

    “For some reason, you’ve chosen to believe I’m an atheist. Well, at least speak as if that’s what you believe. ”

    should be

    ‘For some reason, you’ve chosen to believe I’m an atheist — well, at least you speak as if that’s what you believe. ”

    I wouldn’t want Doc Smith to think I want him talking to or about me.


    “Some days my mouse scroll wheel gets quite a workout.”

    You poor thing. It must be dreadful.


    But don’t follow me around

    Again, from the person I watched for 2 years accusing everyone they got in arguments with of projection.

    YOU keep starting shit up in response to MY posts. I had originally thought that I needed to do better, but then I went back through the history. I reflected on this and watched for a few months, and noticed it was your pattern with other people as well. And it was your pattern for the approximate 2 years that I lurked here reading practically every post.

    I wanted to be nice to you upon your return. But your continual shallow drive-bys are TIRESOME.

    So fine. About MEMORY


    ““For millennia, we submitted to “an artificial intelligence system which has been granted legal “person-hood”. We called it God. (insert G.B.Shaw remark about humanity needing to invent God if none availed).

    “Like I said, take a stand. Your cowardly duplicity is worse than wearisome, it’s a waste.”

    It was a fucking metaphor, dipshit. FWIW, I’m all for those days when our culture submitted, even if only mostly superficially, to the belief in a great big good God. I said “artificial” to bounce off your remark, to use God as a comparison of something (that I personally think) would be better to submit to than some human cybernetic monstrosity, and also to note that belief is an artifice, that beliefs are artificial, that God is not necessarily constrained to be in fidelity with your belief about God.

    LOL!!!! How seriously everyone here takes this shit! Why, you’d almost think that their egos are involved rather than the fair and just and oh so logical and better informed rationale/rubric most people here claim to own a chunk of.

    You’re not impressed with me? Fine. I’m not impressed by you, either. Not am I impressed by me although my senseless ego loves to preen.

    But do I take it seriously? No. There are certainly less than a handful of people here I take seriously at their word. I tried to for several years but… I repeat a quote from David Bohm:

    “On the whole, you could say that if you are defending your opinions, you are not serious. Likewise, if you are trying to avoid something unpleasant inside of yourself, that is also not being serious. A great deal of our whole life is not serious. And society teaches you that. It teaches you not to be very serious – that there are all sorts of incoherent things, and there is nothing that can be done about it, and that you will only stir yourself up uselessly by being serious. But in a dialogue you have to be serious. It is not a dialogue if you are not – not in the way I’m using the word. There is a story about Freud when he had cancer of the mouth. Somebody came up to him and wanted to talk to him about a point in psychology. The person said, “Perhaps I’d better not talk to you, because you’ve got this cancer which is very serious. You may not want to talk about this.” Freud’s answer was, “This cancer may be fatal, but it’s not serious.” And actually, of course, it was just a lot of cells growing. I think a great deal of what goes on in society could be described that way – that it may well be fatal, but it’s not serious.”
    ― David Bohm, On Dialogue

    When a person’s commitment is primarily to proving themself right (which, ironically, is most popularly expressed , in the form of ‘you are wrong because I am right<>I am right because you are wrong’), there’s little left but their bias. I have a hard time taking dogma seriously. Dogma is property, and information needs to be beholden to no one to maintain its intellectual honesty, discursive rigor, rhetorical hygiene and, in a word, honor.

    And why should I give a fuck what you think of my feelings about God or your beliefs about my honesty or lack thereof? I know of none, and so I don’t.


    “YOU keep starting shit up in response to MY posts.”

    YOU don’t have to do shit about that. YOU don’t even have to see my remarks as “starting shit up”. YOU are not your words. Do as thou wilt, but don’t blame me. Engage or not, whatever. I didn’t ask for your impression of me (although you’re thoroughly entitled to give it) or my remarks on ANYthing. So don’t fucking blame me for having those impressions your making those remarks. I am neither your mother nor a voice in your head. (That I know of, anyway.)


    You’re doing that boring thing again.



    On this discourse thing, Bohm again:

    “You may not even have known that you had an assumption. It was only because he came up with the opposite one that you find out that you have one. You may uncover other assumptions, but we are all suspending them and looking at them all, seeing what they mean.”
    ― David Bohm, On Dialogue

    “In the dialogue people should talk directly to one another, one to one, across the circle. Then the time would come, if we got to know each other a bit and could trust each other, when you could speak very directly to the whole group, or to anybody in it.”
    ― David Bohm, On Dialogue

    The latter is the opposite of the primary discursive pattern in virtually all online fora. It can be great fun and information (and frustrating and disinformational), but it isn’t serious dialog.

    The former can still be observed and applied therapeutically to how folks chat at places like this.

    Geezx, I gotta get some work done. As Rocinante and I hobble off into the evening haze, I invite y’all to stop taking yourself “seriously”. It will make you less protective/paranoid, which in turn promotes honesty with others and, most of all, yourself. And that, honesty, is the only true seriousness there is.

    If that isn’t opinionated enough, here’s this:

    “Let those with ears to hear, hear.”


    typo fix: “So don’t fucking blame me for having those impressions or for your making those remarks.”


    For Dora’s poor mouse-hand:


    YOU don’t have to do shit about that.

    haha it is in ME not in YOU, you say.

    I didn’t ask for your impression of me

    From the person I have seen here, over and over, accuse people they get into arguments with, of projection

    How many times have you volunteered psychological diagnoses on others here on TAE? Over a hundred, easily? In 2 or 3 years, doing so once every 3 days – VERY conservatively estimating. Shit adds up, man.


    “You’re doing that boring thing again.


    If you’re that bored, lonely, wanting attention, you might try something more than telling me how much I( bore you. It won’t inspire me to attempt entertaining you. Well, I know I have something better to do. Maybe you too?


    Now it’s my turn to tell you that you’re boring me, jb-hb. But most certainly we’re boring others, and there’s poor Dora’s hand top consider, so I’ll leave us be for now.

    Veracious Poet


    This is what they’re doing, but that’s not all. Not only is every moment about their penis, their whole IDENTITY is about their penis. Their personality is about their penis. What would you say if, after that, I was only winning to talk to other people who only talked about their penis. If someone didn’t talk about their penis IMMEDIATELY, on meeting and greeting, I’d accuse them of crimes, try to get them blacklisted, slandered and arrested, removed from all jobs, committees, even removed as parents. Then you’d KNOW I was god d—-d insane. And an appalling, unhinged bigot of the first order.

    Concise & to the point, boiled down to the Collective EG0ic common denominator ~ Nothing but another animalistically inhuman obsession mutated into “God” status ~ It’s Their religion, and just like most religions, it’s The most important thing in the world.

    Over millennia it’s patently obvious that *most* religions eventually reach a fever pitch with enough numbers to cause untold misery & suffering ~ The event horizon of Mass Formation Psychosis

    Devoid of Spiritual Sanity, They *feel* justified in attacking you, even murdering you (including your family, your children & community), along with *all* who disagree with The most important thing in the world (ex. Bonhoeffer), which begins the second *They think* appropriation of the numbers and/or power to succeed has been reached ~ It *always* starts with child indoctrination, followed by disarming/belittling The Spiritually Sane.

    And yes, it’s clearly social engineering from our alien overlords, the penis religion performs the *same* purpose as another penis worshiping cult, namely the SA brown shirts, until they were replaced with the SS black shirts…

    Shock & Awe!

    It’s all part & parcel of same shit, different century Collective EG0ic Madness that binds The Elite in Their CULTural quest for MOAR! wealth, power & control 🙄

    We are witnesses to the perfection of propaganda (thanks Bernays, Operation Paperclip. WOT et al. ~ Now with AI!), & the C19 A Propaganda Masterpiece is just the latest, greatest mind fuckery unfurled upon We The People, who stupidly are still, more or less, grazing on pastures of ignorant bliss…

    I have to admit their cunning ingenuity has nightmarishly expanded & endured far, FAR beyond what I could have imagined when I became part of the truth tellers aka conspiracy theorists 😐

    The West has been dumbed-down-to-succumb on a level that would have made Goebbels blush, Stalin jealous, Mao swell with pride…

    *ALL* of the obstacles the UniParty GlobalCap CULTure encountered since FDR, have not only been expeditiously eliminated (Natural Rights, *real* money, banking regulations, Democratic Iran et al., JFK, RFK, Democratic Socialism, proliferation of “deplorables”, Islam, Iraq, Libya et al., MAGA Trump moronicity), The Elite CULTure have seized & employed *all* of the important economic, political, journalism, entertainment, legal levers of power necessary to *stop* any & all opposition 😐

    The Elite UniParty GlobalCap CULTure have even succeeded, non-stop, in brainwashing the masses, from the bottom-up, to worship Their Religion, through judicious use of sex, drugs, pop fad trends, bait & switch tactics (political pandering), fear & massive immigration of ruthlessly perfidious competing CULTures…

    You’ll own nothing & like it!

    This is FAR beyond race, creed, color, in fact those attributes have been subjugated, compromised & transmogrified into Their perfection of propaganda, as integral to The Plan as buying, owning, compromising and/or sandbagging *all* important members of *opposition*, if not outright murdered & replaced…

    These are twisted & dark times, with only a few flickering candles of Spiritual Sanity here & there, with anyone mentioning *HARD TRUTH* is immediately gaslighted (or worse), a tragic return to the rancidity of murderous religious dogma, where children are sacrificed without pause, where The Loving, Healing, Creative Power of Life itself is castigated & reviled.

    This is a new *Dark* Age of Evil 😐

    🙈 🙉 🙊


    I was part of one of Karl Denninger’s purges over a decade ago, after joining in 2007, witnessing his temper tantrum behavior eventually festering into purging the entire TF community (he burns anyone that questions his “brilliance”), only recently visiting a few times when his know-it-all pronouncements have been linked by RIM ~ Ever notice that how 99% of the original members are gone, how his filter bubble is now populated only by recently joined ass kissers? 🙆

    I no longer care, I just prepare…


    Buried in White Noise

    search › news › justiceJoe and Hunter Biden caught on 17 recordings with Burisma …
    1 day ago · Grassley added Monday that, according to the FD-1023, “the foreign national possesses 15 audio recordings of phone calls between him and Hunter Biden” and “two audio recordings of phone … politics › grassley-burismaGrassley: Burisma executive who allegedly paid Biden has …
    1 day ago · Sen. Chuck Grassley said Monday that the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden and Hunter Biden kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them as an “insurance policy,”… › 2023/06/12 › grassley-burismaGrassley: Burisma Exec Has Audio Recordings With Joe Biden
    1 day ago · “The [FD-1023 form] produced to the House committees redacted reference that the foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden allegedly has audio recordings of his conversation… › 2023/06/13 › foreign-nationalForeign national in Biden bribery scheme kept 17 recordings …
    Jun 13, 2023 · Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said that the Burisma Holdings executive who allegedly paid $5 million bribes to Joe and Hunter Biden kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with the two…

    Now look at what CHATBOT said on my question

    17 audio recording of Hunter

    Sent message.
    Searching for: Hunter Biden audio recordings Burisma Holdings executive

    Generating answers for you…

    Generating answers for you…

    Received message. According to the news search results, Senator Chuck Grassley said that the Burisma executive who allegedly paid Joe Biden and Hunter Biden kept **17 audio recordings** of his conversations with them as an “insurance policy,” citing the FBI FD-1023 form that the bureau briefed congressional lawmakers on. The FD-1023 has a redacted reference that the Burisma executive possesses **fifteen audio recordings** of phone calls between himself and Hunter Biden. According to Grassley, the FD-1023 also states that the executive possesses **two audio recordings** of phone calls between himself and then-Vice President Joe Biden. I hope this helps.
    Learn more:


    Veracious Poet – he really IS the quintessential jerkhero.

    He purged practically everyone that made TF special. I remember someone specifically posting “TF isn’t just you, it’s ____” ( a whole bunch of brilliant TF’ers) – they immediately were banhammered!

    Yet he fought the good fight, rather obstinately, against the greatest psyop ever run, titanic forces visible on the other side. Total jerk. Truly. Yet, damn man. He picked up his burden and carried it anyway WITH that handicap. Churchill was a drunk. Themistocles was a blackmailing, lying embezzler

    I almost think he fills TF with sockpuppets even. Hurtful, a bit, the banhammering. when I’d helped him hone his viewpoints a few times over the years. It wasn’t just No-Thing, tons of people on his forum helped him on his way. lol I totally get where you are coming as a fellow banhammered

    Dr. D

    Seems warm in here. I looked. I don’t think what I say was all that out of line. “People” have an internal sense of what is right or wrong. That doesn’t mean they’re correct about it. It may change from era to era, who knows? And maybe there is justice right before our eyes, who knows? All I know is THEY don’t think so. They are looking for “something else”. And when they find it, they’re happy and feel relieved, reassured. Did I issue opinions on it?

    I will now. I agree. Justice is slow, I suspect takes lifetimes, and is mostly hidden. It does turn, though and generally agree that what the broadest sense of justice is to the people is correct. So I partake of it as we all do and for the same reasons we all do. Not because I’m mean, but because once in a while it’s good to know that meta—–physics…works. That on accident morality can come through. You know, in less than a hundred years.

    The other part, that gays had a tougher time way beck when, and some of them are still alive, good point. If dreadfully outdated. However doesn’t that go with the other part?

    “somebody must have kicked you around some
    Tell me why you want to lay there revel in your abandon
    Honey, it don’t make no difference to me,
    Everybody’s had to fight to be free”

    Everybody. Everybody’s therefore in the same boat. More or less. So thanks for reinforcing my point so elegantly. That’s exactly what I was trying to say, and you understand and agree.


    President Trump: “This is the final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State, we will expel the warmongers from our government, we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists, we will throw off the sick political class that hates our…

    No he won’t. He is s business man, he is programmed to make friends, not enemies. He will try to come to some sort of understanding with the deep state and that “agreement” will fail yet again. He is a helpless romantic that cannot see the reality of the situation and probably still counts Hillary as one of his friends. He is only worth supporting because the Democrats hate him so much, expecting him to deliver is “doing the same thing twice and expecting different outcomes”.

    Veracious Poet

    Dood, or dudette, you can’t see the forest due to monomaniacal obsession with the dead trees 🙄

    Veracious Poet

    Yet he fought the good fight, rather obstinately, against the greatest psyop ever run, titanic forces visible on the other side. Total jerk. Truly. Yet, damn man. He picked up his burden and carried it anyway WITH that handicap. Churchill was a drunk. Themistocles was a blackmailing, lying embezzler

    The good fight? ROF

    The Good Fight needs leaders that exhibit honesty, humility, wisdom & love! Without that, there can be no unification of The Light to repel The Darkness.

    Karl is the epitome of the fish rotting from the head down 🙄

    When America was founded, Ol’ Denninger would have been ejected poste haste from The Sons Of Liberty, on his derriere (30 seconds after he opened his mouth), probably exiled to Canadada…

    He exemplifies the divide & conquer MO of the UniParty GlobalCap relying on *base* corrupting factors of EG0 & Pride, i.e. more *noise* than *signal*…

    Hell! Karl even denounced the Tea Party on MSM & supported Obama, in case you didn’t know…

    Good luck with the purge(s), love & peace to the innocent.


    Thought defends its basic assumptions against evidence it may be wrong. (David Bohm)

    Applies to me as much as anybody, no target implied.

    I had some follow up thoughts regarding Prigozhin (he was busy today), He is claiming more people wanting to sign with Wagner. I think he has been green lighted by Putin to “shit talk” the MoD. He was visiting families of fallen Wagnerites at their homes and grave sites. Touring a factory that make BTR-60s and giving employees an update. On telegram, someone asked him what he was doing next. He said he was going to take his men to the north of Mexico. Does that me south of the border or Texas? Hard to tell with these Russian to English translators. All very intriguing nonetheless.

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