Debt Rattle June 16 2016


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    Arthur Rothstein Bank that failed. Kansas 1936 • Brexit Is The Only Way The Working Class Can Change Anything (G.) • It’s Time To Call Time On The EU
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 16 2016]


    I remember a few weeks back an article speaking about the hold-up in sending refugees from Greece back to Turkey. The person doing all the holding up was from the U.N. I looked her up. She graduated in 2009. She had all the useless, but required degrees, had done all of her internships, jumped through all the hoops. You could see her working her way up through “the system”. And now she was in charge of sending them back. Turkey was not safe, she said. Oh, and what about their legal counsel?

    What about the fact that they had been safe in Turkey before they left Turkey, or should I say before they were “enticed” away from Turkey by Merkel and the EU? I came away thinking just this: that TPTB did NOT want the refugees sent back, simple as that. She was being used to bring this about, stall. Just as international NGOs are used to stir up trouble, to create humanitarian crises. They create the crisis, then direct the human cattle in the direction they want them to go in.

    The dead Syrian boy washed up on shore (the famous picture) would NOT have shown up in every major newspaper unless they wanted to sway the public, which is what they wanted to do. Germany wanted cheap labor, Sweden was just plain stupid. But let’s call a spade a spade: they created this crisis and wanted the Syrians. Simple as that, otherwise they would have been stopped. In their tracks.

    So Brussels and Germany have now had their fill; the public is starting to get antsy, countries are starting to get angry, politicians are getting nervous. Time to speed up the send-back.

    Greece has been governed by fools. They should not have allowed their country to be a path to the North. You want new slaves, Germany? Well, go to Turkey and put them on planes. Don’t pretend that it’s all about humanity.


    And here is the other wave coming from Africa to Italy, through Libya.

    “But there is another humanitarian crisis in Europe we have heard much less about: the roughly 200,000 migrants and refugees who left Africa for Italy since last year. […] This summer, as the Mediterranean waters calm, African migrants and refugees are expected to set sail in record numbers. According to a recent joint Interpol-Europol report, an estimated 800,000 or more will attempt to reach Europe from Libya.”

    This has been going on for years; the numbers are just increasing.

    “All the men at the house said they know someone who has made it to Italy or France — an uncle or a friend. The fruits of their journeys are on display in their home villages, where the beneficiaries have new smartphones, televisions or houses. The families of the men here wonder why they cannot have this, too. If they return home empty-handed, they fear they will be rejected.”

    So millions will be flooding into Europe, chasing the dream. You can see from the pictures that one is wearing Adidas track pants, holding an Ipod, the other wearing a gold chain, rings. Rents will increase in Europe because of the influx, prices will rise, and conditions will worsen. Like others have found out, as prices rise, there soon is nothing left to send home in the way of remittances.

    Africa just moves north.



    I thoroughly agree with you. The Europeans supported the Americans’ wish to destroy all these countries and are now having to pay the real cost (not just the financial cost).

    Here is a bit of common-sense from Farage

    Nigel Farage on the future of immigration post Brexit

    It is largely thanks to him that there is going be a referendum. However, I am sure that just like in Scotland, they will manipulate elegibility and the counting.


    Nassim – Nigel Farage is a gem. Britain is very lucky to have him. It’s just too bad people didn’t listen to him years ago. Of course, people only act or change when things become really, really obvious, like in-your-face obvious. Nigel Farage was able to see far down the road, see the consequences. Thank goodness he’s hung in there. Many wouldn’t have. He’s been called every name in the book, even a “nationalist”. Horrors! Imagine wanting to have your own nation, a nation with a culture. As Farage said, even his so-called enemies are now trying to be his friends.

    A director once said, “You are always ready to begin a project just at the very end.” Because everything has been done, the bad things or things that didn’t work out have been realized and rejected, what is right and workable has emerged. All pain and struggle has been worked through. That is what is necessary for a nation, or even a person. You end up with what you really didn’t know you knew.

    Brexit must pass. If it doesn’t, I truly believe Great Britain will be lost.

    Thanks, Nassim.

    Here’s Paul Craig Roberts on Brexit. I haven’t listened to it yet, but here it is:


    Very interesting 16-minute debunking of what happened in Britain today (the tragic death of a British MP). Apparently, according to these fellows, the gunman did not shout “Britain First”, the eye-witness shopkeeper who supposedly heard these words – well, he apparently didn’t – and yet that’s what’s plastered all over every newspaper, including the free newspaper (the London Evening Standard) that everyone in Britain gets when they’re coming home from work on the trains. According to reports, this man was mentally unstable and was having an altercation with someone else when the female MP stepped in to help.

    Who knows what happened. But here is their side.

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