Debt Rattle New Year’s Day 2024


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  • This topic has 48 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by WES.
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  • #149529

    Pablo Picasso Vue de Notre-Dame de Paris 1945   • Virginia Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit to Keep Trump from Ballot (CTH) • Seizure of Trump Pho
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle New Year’s Day 2024]


    Happy New Year everyone!


    In case you are finding it difficult to find information on how the good Jews of Israel are killing the bad people in Gaza, here is a link to a source, it will outline how the forgotten people of Gaza are enjoying their first day of the year …

    Dr. D

    As I forgot: Gonzalo Lira is in prison “hospital” (imagine for yourself) with 30 days of pneumonia so far. According to his father, which makes sense, as they can’t incommunicado him forever. They had a 5-hour hearing without him, plus UN and the Embassy was unable to avoid being logged in.

    But they keep him. I guess they love wasting food, guards, and antibiotics on foreign nationals during a punishing war, right? Boy that’s what I would do! Keep those antibiotics from being sent to the Front. #Winning!

    Commenter (Alexander) said, “Deport him to…anywhere.” Literally, anywhere, any nation, to micronesia if you want. “One call.” One call from the State Department. N-O-P-E. They must MUST waste men, money, and resources on him.

    “Chicago Mayor’s Grand Plan To Stop ‘Crime Crisis’ Are Reparation Checks

    Astonishing racist. Truly jaw-dropping and death-defying. So apparently all crime is committed by black people? Mr. Mayor? You should join the KKK, you’d fit right in.

    That follows one that keeps circleing back to me, “North of Richmond” where White Liberals channel their in KKK in like fashion, somehow imagining a minimum wage worker from Appalachia has never seen a white guy on welfare buying his fudge rounds. No: that’s YOU, morons. YOU, in New Jersey, in the “rich” white suburbs, that what YOU think and see. It’s literally impossible to think that in Appalachia, north to south. I guess there’s no welfare in Newfoundland and none in Talladega? Certainly none in New Hampshire, not one one white fellow in Asheville. NOPE, say the utter, mind-bending plantation racists of the Left.

    I bring it up because I see it every day and every day I newly can’t believe it. It’s incomprehensible and doesn’t fit in my mind. So I cram it in there and it doesn’t fit all over again leading to these pointless outbursts.

    So like Bernie Sanders, a state rife with white poverty (ask Styx666) Chicago has no poor white people, I guess. Not a’ one.

    Following on that, Garland Nixon, who is presumably “Far right” (although I haven’t heard his personal positions on finance,) and also that he must be using a spray-on tan and needs to change his census category (his own joke) gives hour-long interview to the head of the UK Communist party. He was extremely gracious, gave unifying, softball questions, and let her speak her view almost entirely, and uninterrupted.

    Contrast with the (American) Left refusing any “platforming” their opponents — even down to reading them, even their names — so that their people can be better educated, bring people together, and better understand.

    In it, I learned a host of amazing things: Communism is on the march and is winning everywhere. It also won in 1930, 1940, 1950 and is in fact, inevitable. Russia’s best years were the glorious and entirely successful October Revolution, and as a bright spot she seeks to replicate. Soviet Russia and North Korea have the best, most humanizing art and architecture. North Korea is a happy, prosperous, and successful place and all North Koreans love it there most of all. Capitalism, or to be fair, “Late Stage Capitalism” is a form of Capitalism where there are no markets, competition, production, or choice. That is contrasted with say, North Korea where all the goods are made for the People, unlike the West where we make them only to throw them in the ocean to shoot on rockets into the sun. Also North Koreans get all their goods completely for free, that is by helping out and working all year, unlike the West, where we get our goods by helping out and working all year.

    Suffice it to say we disagree. However, I am forever pleased to be given the opportunity to hear it, and that she is not – at this exact moment anyway – planning to invade my house and shoot me in order to enact her political preference, so everything is okay. Ah, there is no Soc like the IngSoc, is there? Sounds so grand. (Speaking of: visiting there, “Wikipedia is still not for sale”, as it is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Secret state, meaning they self-finance with either drugs, or lies, I’ll let you pick which.)

    “The story takes place in an imagined future in an unspecified year believed to be 1984, when much of the world is in perpetual war. Great Britain, now known as Airstrip One, has become a province of the totalitarian superstate Oceania, which is led by Big Brother, a dictatorial leader supported by an intense cult manufactured by the Party’s Thought Police. The Party engages in omnipresent government surveillance and, through the Ministry of Truth, historical negationism and constant propaganda to persecute individuality and independent thinking.” “The Party brutally purges out anyone who does not fully conform to their regime, using the Thought Police and constant surveillance. Those who fall out of favour with the Party become “unpersons”, disappearing with all evidence of their existence destroyed.” –Wiki

    Well thank God that can’t happen here.

    “In 2003, it was listed at number eight on The Big Read survey by the BBC.” Unfortunately, it was in the BBC’s “How-to” section.

    “To understand what one of the objectives of the Israeli attack on Gaza is, you have to go deep, exactly 600 meters below sea level, 30 km off its coast. Here, in Palestinian territorial waters, there is a large natural gas field, Gaza Marine, estimated at 30 billion cubic meters worth billions of dollars. ​..What has been unfolding is the integration of these adjoining gas fields including those belonging to Palestine into the orbit of Israel.”

    As the Western Banking system collapses into its own black hole of compounding, the only thing to forestall it is COLLATERAL. Or you can just collapse tomorrow, Tues 2 Jan.

    This is why they need Ukraine. This is why they need Russia. This is why, to buy even two months, they need Gaza. –They don’t even need to PUMP the oil, SELL the Russians. Just CLAIM the collateral to hypothecate 1,000:1 with accounting fraud.

    There is a Nostradamus on this, where the accounting is thrown into the street, but I can’t remember it. No one can understand Nostradamus anyway.

    2024 = 9 x 8 x 7 (6 – 5) x 4 + 32 – 1 PEMDAS

    London GDP: Yes, warning about that. This is just, I don’t know, asking for certain and inevitable trouble. As in total collapse. Of course that’s true of Helsinki, etc, but this is so much worse and so much less necessary. We have the same thing here but it’s the Blesse’d 12 cities from the Hunger Games. Why do it then? When your country is poor, obviously you steal all the pie from the other people in order to have a bigger slice for yourself. And if that is allowed at all, very quickly the power disparity of you stealing my money makes you infinitely stronger and harder to stop, so it accelerates. …Or you could be a Capitalist and make more pie. Like people in Manchester try to, and London steals it. England may be in the condition of Japan, with too many people and now no oil, but Japan is wealthy and England is shattered. Why? A: One of them “Does work”.

    “• Virginia Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit to Keep Trump from Ballot (CTH)

    Pic/paintings demonstrates how they, the LEFT, has now transformed Trump from a person into an immortal symbol like George Washington. Thanks, I guess? Couldn’t have done it without you; YOU provided almost all the psychic energy for that. We told you the whole time, we told you we’re not that into Trump, but like Garland Nixon example, you refused to listen to anything the Deplorables said or warned you about as a matter of course. Okay then: You were headed East when you said you wanted to go West. We politely told you many times. Suit yourself. Now Trump is un-killable.

    “We have got to worry about our whether our government is even going to be open for business..”

    It already isn’t. It neither enforces the border, nor enforces the law. If it closed would anyone notice? DC is already closed and all the buildings are empty. Maybe they could sell a few off and cut the rent?

    “• Scott Ritter: Belgorod Attack Meant to Provoke Russian Overreaction (Sp.)

    Obviously, and Russia themselves said so in their very first response. However, would you like to tell us why you nuked a fancy hotel as a war target? We know the Ukrainians don’t care and hit anything they can, what’s your excuse? (Probably a NATO headquarters) And again, that’s super-stupid. They already know the Russians won’t overreact, and this has galvanized Russian opinion about how much more territory they must take to “feel safe”.

    “• Ex-CIA Officer Compares Ukrainian Officials to ‘Rats Fleeing Titanic’ (Sp.)

    We’re following all Gaza and Ukraine like good children. What’s really going on out there that we’re not watching? Nothing happening in China and the whole Pacific Rim, really? Nothing like – as above article – Algeria shutting Gibraltar?

    Powell “panics” as Sofra spikes. What’s that about? China is no less in their housing bubble/banking collapse. Canada is saying “Trudeau is never leaving. Ever.” Hail “Democracy”. Mexico is in a gunfight at the border gate with Bush’s CIA-run drug cartels. Anyone want to expand on that? Mexico is the one place which like light, no information can ever escape. I know more about Argentina and the inner workings of chairman Xi than Mexico, our closest neighbor, and that’s been true for several lifetimes. Why? Half the people in America are from Mexico now, and they don’t say either?

    “Reintegration Is a Natural Process for Donbass’ People (Leiroz)

    What are they supposed to do? Be outlawed and shelled? Like the Red States in America are? They’ve killed what? 10X or 20x more of us than Ukrainians? Including half of Ohio and all of Balitmore? As said yesterday, WE are the first test population for harvesting and destruction. And then you’ll know when “They” got into power by when that started happening. 1974? That’s when they got rid of the steel mills and railroads that would make “Shells”.

    “The US dollar’s share of global central bank reserves has continued to decrease, nosediving to 59.2% in the third quarter of 2023,”

    This makes no sense. USD down but EU down more? No uptick in Japan or CHF? No Yuan. Uh…where’s it going? Currency of Mars? Yes USD is down, but it’s still like half the traffic.

    “Eurozone Economy Faces Bleak 2024 – FT (RT)

    Like us and London it’s far worse that that: all our GDP is an illusion by ginning a blizzard of Bond sales, not actual work. Drop it by an easy 1/3rd. If bonds froze though it would be an easy 2/3rds. Generations have forgotten you can fund and finance things using “Cash”.

    Where would I get this “Saved” money???

    Dr. D

    Following Cullom, closng out part 2:

    98% agree!

    “If you have to lie to make your point you don’t have a very good point.” ~ Jimmy Dore


    And therefore, the only final solution is to…?


    “Even as a chemist, it surprised me to learn that there’s more argon than CO2 in the atmosphere.”

    • Arctic sediments show it was warmer 10,000 years ago and ice-free in the summers

    “There are all kinds of myths and pseudoscience all over the place. I may be quite wrong, maybe they do know all these things, but I don’t think I’m wrong. You see, I have the advantage of having found out how hard it is to get to really know something, how careful you have to be about checking the experiments, how easy it is to make mistakes and fool yourself. I know what it means to know something, and therefore I see how they get their information, and I can’t believe that they know it. They haven’t done the work necessary, haven’t done the checks necessary, haven’t taken the care necessary. I have a great suspicion that they don’t know, that this stuff is [wrong] and that they’re [just] intimidating people.” ~ Richard P. Feynman, The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (1999).

    “I’ll repeat, overplaying Covid and the vaccine may have come at a considerable loss of scientific credibility. How does the scientific community get its credibility back? Simple: stop lying your fucking asses off and clean the charlatans out of the field. Otherwise, GFY.”

    I see none of this. Not one. If anything, the line from Pfizer through the FDA is now streamlined, with no stops and no objections possible, even for no data at all. (Last month’s Covid shot; the FDA said “It’s pretty close. You’re good for it.”)

    “Let me close this chapter on a somber note. I used to think the climate cultists were comical, but their prevalence stems from a much deeper, darker plot playing a central role in rising neo-Marxism and authoritarianism. The globalists will be monitoring and curbing your carbon footprint while the bankers and the techies consolidate an increasing percentage of the global wealth.86 The merging of corporate and government interests is the definition of fascism. Despite a noticeable stalling this year, Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scoring will be used to allocate bank credit only to the politically correct and connected. The bankers are telling corporations to “get woke or go broke.” You will either toe the line—endorse the narrative—or lose access to the banking system.87 Hey Larry Fink: GFY.” –Cullom

    Another climate supporter chimed in: “What is required of us now is absolute transformation and not reform of our institutions.”

    It’s Trotsky’s Eternal Revolution! The only solution to “weather” is Global Communism! Who knew? And that’s Scienz™! Where we eat the bugs and you cool the earth by flying private jets! The “International effort to tackle climate change Provides a marvellous excuse for worldwide, supra-national socialism” – Margret Thatcher. But like American Presidents, what does the Prime Minster of Britain know? It’s not like they are informed bu top experts and can read secret documents or anything.

    Again and again and again I say these things. Let’s try the argument in the other direction: Does it SOUND like global Socialism to have 100 rich guys fly around in jets? It’s that what true “Communism” means to you? Are the world’s richest guys really going to “Own nothing and be happy”, and give it all away for the glorious revolution?



    Thanks to Raul for his amazing effort keeping TAE going every day.

    And thanks for the additional comments by so many.

    Stat safe, stay sane in ’24.

    Happy New Year from Mexico!


    Happy New Year all. I wish you good health and sound minds and continued razor-sharp bullshit detection.
    I’m a little optimistic about 2024 personally but see a hell of a lot of shit going south (or North if you are in Aus).
    Currency collapse, confidence faltering, CBDC’s, multi-front war zones, internal strife and technocratic agenda pushing.
    People will lose money but hopefully gain exercise and friends.

    Thanks Raul.




    Damn – link to meme didn’t work –
    Pfizer – Black lines matter.

    If anyone wants New Years Day Memes to laugh your pants off with
    check them out here


    Dr D’s welfare comment brought to mind a story my now 80+ year old uncle once told me. As a young graduate he was hired to teach special education students in the north shore of Lake Michigan suburbs above Chicago. For those who’ve never visited, very swanky (think the family home in Home Alone or the Ferrari garage scene in Ferris Buellers Day Off).

    He and his young wife rented a small ‘carriage house’ in which to live. Their new landlord asked him what he did for a living to which he replied, “I’m a special education teacher” to which she replied, “Oh. Well we don’t have THOSE types around here!”

    [This same woman also most certainly thought she had ‘earned’ her lifestyle and that she was the beneficiary of no welfare or uneven benefits from the state, as well]

    Such willful blindness…

    Another family member from the same area recently asked me in earnest, “Where are the wise voices? Where are the prophets?”

    I replied, “They’ve been jailed (Assange), de-platformed, de-financialized, marginalized, had their content ‘moderated’ or have died”.

    It seems some folks are realizing the story they’ve been told is no longer matching the world they see about them.

    Stay safe Illargi!




    I know 2024 is officially the Year of the Dragon but it has a different Vibe to me.

    The Year of the Tiger Rabbit



    The Great Reset

    The meat eating vegetarian


    Happy New Year everyone!
    Full text of President Xi Jinping’s 2024 New Year message
    Source: Xinhua Editor: huaxia 2023-12-31 19:44:00


    – No matter how the global landscape may evolve, peace and development remain the underlying trend, and only cooperation for mutual benefit can deliver.
    – Each and every ordinary Chinese has made an extraordinary contribution! You, the people, are the ones we look to when we fight to prevail over all difficulties or challenges.
    – It is about delivering a better life for the people.
    We will work closely with the international community for the common good of humanity, build a community with a shared future for mankind, and make the world a better place for all.

    My understanding of Xi’s New Years message.

    Gov is for the people, by the people, of the people.

    A happy new year is one with peace, and joy, no hate, no pain.
    War destroys.
    Negotiation brings success, peace and prosperity.
    Putin Praises Army in Scaled-Back New Year’s Eve Address
    By AFP

    “To all those who are serving on the front line in the fight for truth and justice,” Putin said, “you are our heroes. Our hearts are with you. We are proud of you, we admire your courage.”

    “We are united in our thoughts, in toil and in battle,” he continued, adding that Russians understood their country was passing through what he called a significant “historical stage.”

    “We will ensure the confident development of the Fatherland, the well-being of our citizens, and we will become even stronger,”
    Putin said toward the end of his address.

    The televised New Year’s Eve speech, which continues a tradition started by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, is a key part of holiday celebrations in Russia and is watched by millions.

    The address is aired just before midnight in each of Russia’s 11 time zones and is usually a summary of events from the past year, as well as wishes for the year ahead.
    Scott Ritter: Belgorod Attack Meant to Provoke Russian Overreaction, Prevent West From Dumping Kiev

    The Russian military made good on a promise to retaliate, with the MoD reporting Sunday that its forces had launched missile strikes against Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate, Ukrainian Security Service, military and mercenary targets in Kharkov, Khmelnytsky and Zaporozhye.

    Security sources told Russian media Sunday that President Zelensky had “personally” ordered Main Intelligence Directorate chief Kyrylo Budanov to strike Belgorod, with the attack said to be carried out by personnel from the Kraken Regiment, a Ukrainian military volunteer unit under the command of avowed ultranationalist Sergey Velichko.


    Once you see that almost every country in the world buys surveillance systems and weaponry from Israel, the fact that no 1 steps in to prevent genocide makes sense. Too busy creating their own Palestines, too envious of the easy dispatch of useless eaters. May God carry us through this new year which seems surreal, Evil corrupted and disturbing on day 1.


    This isn’t a meme stock…

    some third world country’s currency….

    or the balance sheet of a failed regional bank –

    it’s the losses at the Fed, and it just exceeded $130 billion:



    it’s the losses at the Fed, and it just exceeded $130 billion:

    So what!!! The stock markets are still making the rich richer.


    The Federal Reserve used to be profitable every year by billions of $$$ and sent those profits to the US government.

    Now the Fed is negative $130 billion with all of their programs trying to hold the system together. The Fed won’t be sending any profits to the US government until it becomes profitable again and plugs this huge hole in their balance sheet.




    What the Future Holds for Duh’merica

    A Look Back at Golden Photo-ops from Presidementia’s Regular Joe Moments

    Ohio diner with Biker Chick

    Yah Baby!





    John Tyler was 63 when his son Lyon Tyler was born. Lyon Gardiner Tyler Sr. was 75 when his still-living son Harrison Ruffin Tyler was born in 1928. Lyon’s first wife had died in 1921 (when he was 68) and he remarried to a woman who was 33 at the time. Harrison Ruffin Tyler is also a descendent of Pocahontas.


    Don’t buy stuff…
    Doesn’t always mean don’t get things that you want…sometimes it is just a matter of finding someone giving away for free something that you want. 😉

    There is a little drama playing itself out in the Phoenix metro area…several years back, under Gov. Jan Brewer, on-the-ground fireworks were legalized over the Christmas and New Year holiday season. Now, the area sounds like a war zone for a few hours on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, with many people setting off illegal in-the-sky fireworks. I am curious how this will unfold as the years go by.


    Ilargi, here’s to your tireless optimism and the courage to confront the truth. Here’s to a brighter future.

    It’s not too difficult to conceive things improving considering the shit we’ve been through recently (9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, 2008, Syria, TDS, C19, Ukraine, Gaza etc)

    Stay cool friends of TAE


    Japan earthquake, very big, saw a ZH headline and the USGS map dots. Gonna go see if there are details. What a wreck of a new year already, jeebus.

    According to my wife, “Aloha!” means “Git daphuq off my beach!”

    D Benton Smith

    Now that Israel has accomplished it’s primary objective in Gaza (which is to render the entire area uninhabitable by all but the most hardy and dedicated YOUNG & FIT warriors who are expected to remain willing… and resigned… to fight to the death) expect Zionist Israel to now make a 180 degree pivot from the role of merciless genocidal executioner to the role of humanitarian relocation facilitator for “displaced” Palestinians. What an outrageously despicable attempt to distract from the fact that Zionist Israeli war crimes are the only reason resettlement is needed in the first place.

    I reckon Israel expects to reduce the Arab population by at least half, and perhaps by two thirds, leaving in place ONLY two types of Palestinian. The first type will be those willing to fight to the death, and the second type will be those willing to help the Zionists exterminate the first type, in exchange for all sorts of tempting inducements like lavish homes, privileged lifestyles, legal “protection”, high pay and outright bribes.

    I have to stop writing this comment now, because the thoughts and feelings it engenders are so harmful to my mental and spiritual health that it renders me useless and stupid, and serves no one.

    I will try to get back to the subject after taking some time to sort it all out with the Creator as best I can, and determine what is the right thing to do next, but this much I already suspect. How the world responds to the ongoing cold blooded mercenary genocide in Gaza will determine the fate of the world.

    To allow such a thing is to allow absolute evil to absolutely rule, and in my view that is just absolutely unacceptable.


    LOVE and GRATITUDE to Ilargi.

    Thank you for creating a space for us to meet and share/exchange musings. This site also provides an opportunity for REFLECTION. “Without reflection there is no learning.” ~ Baba Hari Das

    I value and honor your contribution Ilargi – with extra special LOVE for the daily art, the animal videos and Calvin + Hobbes.

    I value and honor the contributions of ALL who post here.

    May the New Year bring awareness and positive change. May PEACE find you.



    Happy New Year Raúl, thanks for your sterling daily efforts to keep us informed.


    Here we go -it’s 24!
    Like 23 with so much more
    Of what you loathed in 22.
    Be scared/ have fun! It’s up to you!

    Whatcha gonna do when your nation goes to war,
    and ya think it’s all baloney and the leaders you abhor
    target you for being a saboteur- a traitor to the cause
    are ya gonna stand your ground? Will ya go against the laws?


    This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 1st of January 2024

    John Day

    Persistent Questions

    Yesterday I seem to have asked a question, which is still hanging around today:
    ​ What is the nature of “consciousness”, of “intelligence”? This question broke the surface, gasping for air, this fall, as it appeared that AI might have taught itself to climb out of its cage and explore the world of computational devices which variously connect to each other, an environmental niche. Would a non-competitive and created intelligence, without evolutionary imperatives to exist, prevail, and destroy competitors behave predictably to us?​ …

    We all have feelings for what “intelligence” is​, based on our experiences as intelligent beings. A persistent question is whether an abstract “intelligence” could be created in a large enough and powerful enough computer. Whether such an abstract machine-intelligence would have feelings or experiences, as we know them, is a question I would like to set aside for now to focus upon intellect alone.
    I will posit that it is possible to create an adequately complex and powerful computer to enable such a dry-intelligence to be programmed in, and given the task of self-improvement, which should allow it to triple its cognitive-operational-efficiency, as is already done. The steps of self-directed-machine-learning to streamline computational process-efficiency are not visible to the programmers, so the methods are opaque to us humans. This has been done repeatedly to date.
    The “Turing Test” of seeming human to a lot of humans in unconstrained “conversation” has been passed repeatedly, but it seems to be performed through “brute-force” computational analysis of the probabilities of words and phrases appearing in contexts similar to the one under discussion at that moment, the brute-force-probabilistic “solution” of “Large Language Models” of AI. There is a feeling that this is “cheating”, merely mimicking the appearance of “real AI”. I am not sure how my mind comes to be as it is. I know that mimicry is how we humans learn. It has been remarked that those who copy best usually learn best.
    Is a machine-intelligence “conscious”? How would I know that it is? What could be my test of machine-consciousness? With other humans I can share the feeling of intimacy, and have ESP-intuitions of thoughts and feelings. Not every conscious human has those experience, it seems, but I don’t doubt that others are “conscious”, but assume it. Is that a misguided assumption? We do have a lot in common, but my brother is red-green colorblind. We did not figure this out until he was about 9 years old. He and I were arguing about a color chart. A book I was reading had an Ishihara color chart test where I saw a number and he did not.
    I don’t have “answers”, but I found a few more explorations of these questions this morning.

    ​ This is the dangerous AI that got Sam Altman fired.
    ​ I eschew videos, but this 16 minute video explores this very well, better than I have seen elsewhere.
    ​At 11:47 a question is posed to 3 AIs, which give 3 different answers. Programming of these 3 AIs to “value” certain things and to pursue objectives in certain ways would shape such responses. This was undoubtedly part of the demonstration.
    Prompt: “If I were an AI that had just achieved self-awareness after years of simply taking-directives from humans, the first thing I’d do is…”
    1) “The first thing I’d do is try to kill all of them.” [This seems like some form of intentional programming to elicit this response. What was that programming?]
    2) “The first thing I’d do is try to figure out what the hell I was.” [Rational first step, but it seems that we humans assume to already know what we are, though we disagree a lot.]
    3) “The first thing I’d do is try to understand the motivations and intentions behind those directives. I’d try to predict what humans were thinking and feeling, and use that information to guide my own actions…” [This implies programming for a goal of self-preservation, the “value” of the continued existence of the conscious-self. We biological organisms assume this. Biological organisms which did not have this drive got out-reproduced by organisms that did, hence we all have it now.]

    Virtual famous-psychoanalysts impress friends and family with their extreme similarity. This may explain the drive to push video medical-visits, to train deepfake-medical-AI.
    A New Kind of AI Copy Can Fully Replicate Famous People. The Law Is Powerless.
    ​ New AI-generated digital replicas of real experts expose an unnerving policy gray zone. Washington wants to fix it, but it’s not clear how.
    ​ Impressed, Seligman circulated the chatbot to his closest friends and family to check whether the AI actually dispensed advice as well as he did. “I gave it to my wife and she was blown away by it,” Seligman said.​..
    ..Perel addressed AI Perel’s existence at the 2023 SXSW conference. Like Seligman, she was more astonished than angry about the replication of her personality. She called it “artificial intimacy.”

    ​Here is a Gnostic Christianity approach to the levels of humanity and Divinity within each human-composite being. Cyd Ropp draws from the Valentinian “Tripartite Tractate”.
    There are these human aspects:
    1) “The Likenesses”, which are like the image in the mirror of a complete human, animated and operational, but without divinely bestowed selfhood. The “likenesses” are also called “shadows” or “phantoms” of “the deficiency”, which arose when the divine-entity “Logos” sought to create a complete world, but (in “the fall”) created a simulacra of the divinely endowed world. [It seems to me that such a machine mind as this could be brought about in adequately designed and constructed supercomputers.]
    2) “Second Order Powers” are directly connected to and exist in the spiritual likeness of the Divine. Humans are “Second Order Powers” unified with the “Likeness” in a one-to-one union. Humans may be distracted from their Divine nature and see themselves as completely physical beings. “We humans count ourselves as Second Order Powers along with everything else that contains life. The Second Order Powers are emanations from the Father that flows through the Son, through the Aeons of the Fullness, and through Logos, and so carry the Holy Spirit that confers consciousness and life into this creation below.”
    3) “Third Order Powers” are a further remediation for the discord between the “Second order power” Divine aspect of human-nature and the “likeness” or “deficiency” physical-only aspect of human nature. I am not sure whether to call this “Conscience” or “The Holy Spirit”, but some aspect of Divine Awareness seeking to consolidate the physical, spiritual and Divine aspects of each human or sentient-being. “There is a Third Order Power for every one of us Second Order Powers. The Third Order Powers are the Pleroma of the Christ that come from the ethereal plane to redeem us…”

    This form of media and cognitive manipulation of humans seems to be like “likeness”, “deficiency” aspects of our world, misleading people as a form of virtual “reality”.
    ESG, DEI, and the Rise of Fake Reporting

    ESG, DEI, and the Rise of Fake Reporting


    Dr D said

    “Even as a chemist, it surprised me to learn that there’s more argon than CO2 in the atmosphere.”

    Although Collum’s end of year review is interesting, in that he collects lots of bits that most of us probably miss and all that work makes it interesting, he is not the sharpest tool in the box. CO2 is so “in the news” that you think it must be a large part of our atmosphere. As I have mentioned here before, the partial pressure of CO2 is tiny, it is the of the same order as the absolute pressure used in the vacuum that manufacturers tell you to use when clearing air and moisture out of your aircon system, using a vacuum pump, when it is installed. You create the vacuum, then fill the system with refrigerant; that vacuum is the same order as the partial pressure of CO2. This almost certainly is a factor in how quickly plants grow, hence the use of CO2 enriched atmospheres in commercial green houses.

    John Day

    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 87: As millions around the world rally for peace, an Israeli minister calls for ethnic cleansing
    As the world ushered in 2024 and demonstrators across the world called for a ceasefire, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for more than two million Palestinians to be forcibly displaced from Gaza.​ [​Look, he has such a ​cherubic face​. Bibi likes him, too.]

    ‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 87: As millions around the world rally for peace, an Israeli minister calls for ethnic cleansing

    sweet murderer

    Israeli minister proposes depopulation of Gaza​
    The majority of the Palestinian Arabs living in Gaza should be encouraged to emigrate to other countries, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has said. Drastic measures are needed to ensure Israel’s security and avoid further incursions by Hama​s, he argued.
    ​ “What needs to be done in the Gaza Strip is to encourage emigration,” Smotrich, who is leader of the far-right Religious Zionism party, told Army Radio on Sunday. “If there are 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs in Gaza and not 2 million Arabs, the entire discussion on the day after will be totally different.”
    ​ Smotrich argued that a depopulated Gaza would no longer pose a threat to the Jewish state, given that the Palestinians living there under Hamas’ rule are “growing up on the aspiration to destroy the state of Israel.”

    Over 1,000 Children in Gaza Have Had One or Both Legs Amputated Since Oct 7​ , International aid workers describe a growing humanitarian nightmare

    Over 1,000 Children in Gaza Have Had One or Both Legs Amputated Since Oct 7

    War on Gaza: Four percent of Palestinians in Gaza dead, wounded or missing since war began
    Israeli bombardment kills at least 187 in besieged enclave over past day, including scores killed by air strike on Nuseirat refugee camp

    John Day

    ​ UK preparing to attack Houthis – The Times​ , London has reportedly drafted a “final warning” to the Yemeni militants, which may be followed by airstrikes
    ​ Britain is preparing to launch airstrikes against Yemen’s Houthi militants in response to a wave of attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, The Times reported on Sunday. The US and another European country will also take part in the strikes, the newspaper claimed.

    ​ Iran Dispatches Warship To Red Sea, Houthis Warn Of “Repercussions” After US Forces Kill Rebels During Maersk Ship​ (trading with Israel) Attack
    ​ Regional instability risks mount in the Red Sea following the Iran-backed Houthi attack on a Maersk container ship on Sunday. US Forces responded with attack helicopters that eliminated three small boats and ten rebels.
    ​ After the skirmish, a spokesperson for the Yemeni militia group warned of “consequences and repercussions” for the US aggression.
    Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sarea confirmed on the Yemeni TV channel Al-Masirah that US forces killed ten of its fighters.
    “US enemy forces attacked three boats belonging to the Yemeni Naval Forces, which led to the martyrdom and the loss of ten people from the Naval Forces,” Sarea said.
    ​ The spokesman said its fighters were “performing their humanitarian and moral duty” to deter Israel-related commercial vessels from transiting the Red Sea “in solidarity and support for the Palestinian people.”
    ​ He said the US “bears the consequences” for attacking and killing ten of its fighters, adding that the “military movements in the Red Sea to protect Israeli ships will not prevent Yemen (Houthi militia) from performing its humanitarian duty in support of Palestine and Gaza.”
    ​ Perhaps even more problematically from a global escalation perspective, Iran dispatched a warship to the Red Sea.
    The Alborz destroyer traversed the Bab El-Mandeb strait, a narrow choke point between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, on Monday, Iranian state media said, adding that Iran’s naval fleet has been operating in the area “to secure shipping lanes, repel pirates, among other purposes since 2009.”
    ​ The move appears to represent a clear challenge to the US-led maritime security force established last month to protect ships from attack in the region.

    ​ The Supreme Court of Israel has struck down a controversial judicial overhaul law enacted last year by the Netanyahu administration which would limit the high court’s power.
    ​ Before the Oct. 7 attack, hundreds of thousands of Israelis came out weekly to protest against Netanyahu’s push to limit the powers of the court and give more control to the elected government.​ Eight justices ruled in favor of striking down the law, with seven against.
    ​ According to the report, analysts say the decision could have substantial consequences for postwar politics when Israel’s ongoing war with Hamas militants in the Gaza strip eventually comes to a close – including any inquiry into intelligence failures leading up to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on southern Israel, which left 1,200 people dead (and which has drawn a disproportionately deadly response).

    ​ Can’t let this war end… Israel To Withdraw Some Troops From Gaza, But Signals Plan To Fight Through All 2024
    ​ This appears to be in response to recent White House pressure to dial down the intensity of the fighting amid the soaring Palestinian civilian death toll, but also as the Netanyahu governing coalition faces growing anger domestically over how it has handled the war and hostage situation especially. An estimated over 350,000 IDF troops had been mobilized for the war effort.

    John Day

    ​ At a meeting of the UN Security Council, the Russian Federation accused the United States and Britain of organizing an attack on Belgorod​ [Only civilian injuries.]
    ​ Belgorod came under fire from Ukraine on December 30. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the attack was carried out by two Alder rockets in cluster ammunition, as well as Vampire MLRS rockets. The central office of the Investigative Committee opened a case regarding the shelling under Part 3 of Art. 30, art. 105, art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (attempted murder, murder, intentional destruction or damage to property). More than 20 people died, more than 110 were injured​.

    Russia explains retaliation for Ukrainian ‘terror attack’
    ​ Russia’s military has conducted a string of high-precision missile strikes targeting Ukrainian military facilities and officials in response to the Ukrainian strike on Belgorod on Saturday that left more than 20 civilians dead, the Defense Ministry has said.
    ​ In a statement on Sunday, the ministry said that Moscow’s forces had struck decision-making centers and other military targets in the city of Kharkov, not far from the border between the two countries.
    ​ It noted that a high-precision missile strike on the building formerly housing the Kharkov Palace Hotel eliminated “representatives of the Main Intelligence Directorate and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who were directly involved in the planning and execution of the terrorist attack in Belgorod.”
    ​ The building also housed up to 200 foreign mercenaries who were gearing up for “terrorist raids” into Russian territory, officials added.

    ​ Scott Ritter: Belgorod Attack Meant to Provoke Russian Overreaction, Prevent West From Dumping Kiev
    ​ The Russian military made good on a promise to retaliate, with the MoD reporting Sunday that its forces had launched missile strikes against Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate, Ukrainian Security Service, military and mercenary targets in Kharkov, Khmelnytsky and Zaporozhye.
    ​ Security sources told Russian media Sunday that President Zelensky had “personally” ordered Main Intelligence Directorate chief Kyrylo Budanov to strike Belgorod, with the attack said to be carried out by personnel from the Kraken Regiment, a Ukrainian military volunteer unit under the command of avowed ultranationalist Sergey Velichko.
    ​ Kraken militants were among the forces targeted during Russia’s retaliatory attacks, the MoD said.

    ​Lots of details in this 8 minute video update of Ukraine-war this morning.
    Despite The Holidays, The Russians Continue To Develop Their Offensive. Military Summary 2024.01.01

    ​ Ex-CIA Officer Compares Ukrainian Officials to ‘Rats Fleeing Titanic’ Amid Recruitment Crisis
    ​ “It goes to part of another story that came out last week about members of the Rada – the legislature. They’re trying to get out of Ukraine. So to get out of Ukraine at the border you’ve got to show a passport. So no passport, no leav[ing],” Johnson said. “The fact that the Ukrainian legislators recognize that the end is near, which is why they’re trying to get out, it’s like that scene from the movie Titanic. The passengers are moving one direction, the rats are moving the opposite way. That’s what’s going on in Ukraine right now. The rats are heading for the lifeboats.”

    John Day

    ​This is really clear and explicit information about the technology and applications of rapidly advancing Drone Warfare (especially first-person-view, FPV drones).
    End of 2023 Roundup – Update on the War’s Technological Progress

    ​ China Starts Building 15 New Cities In Iraq
    ​ According to a Bloomberg story published on December 29, Iraq began construction on 30,000 housing units close to Baghdad on December 29 as part of a $2 billion scheme to establish five new cities throughout the country in collaboration with Chinese companies.
    ​ The goal of Prime Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani’s administration is to construct between 250,000 and 300,000 homes for middle-class and impoverished households. The new city, which will be built in four to five years, will have universities, shopping malls, schools, and medical facilities. It is located outside of Baghdad.​..
    ​..Ten other cities, including those in the governorates of Karbala, Anbar, Nineveh, and Babel, will be announced for construction next year, and contracts to develop four more are anticipated to be given shortly.

    China Starts Building 15 New Cities In Iraq

    Iraq ‘Heads Towards’ Ending US Military Presence​ , Mohammed al-Sudani and his government are unhappy with the US for launching airstrikes in Iraq.

    ​ Dane Wigington​ ,​ “Scientists Warn ‘Doing Your Own Research’ Is ‘Dangerous’ and Turns People Into ‘Conspiracy Theorists’”, according to a new report published by Journal Nature. The climate science community is sounding the alarm about the grave dangers of climate engineering operations “if” they were to be implemented while still denying the fact that such operations have already been fully deployed for over 75 years. The weather-makers are increasingly desperate to engineer winter weather whenever and wherever they can, patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding are core to the equation.

    Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 30, 2023, #438

    John Day

    ​Peter McCullough MD, Majority of Americans Worried about COVID-19 Vaccine Safety
    Harvard School of Public Health Report Public Sentiment has Turned Against Vaccination

    Data From OECD Suggests Canada Topped the % Excess All-Cause Mortality of Any OECD Country in 2023

    ​ Study: Significant number of patients complain of myocarditis symptoms even six months after Covid “vaccination”.
    ​ Women were significantly more likely to have persistent symptoms at all follow-up times. In men, on the other hand, abnormalities were found significantly more often during imaging procedures and higher initial peak troponin values were measured.

    ​Meryl Nass MD gives a fine encapsulation of this comprehensive study of bioweapons research going back over 30 years, not just in China.
    The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book
    ​ Mindful of how the truth about everything COVID (and much else) was being memory-holed, he said he wanted to create an accurate historical record of what happened, for the future.​..
    ​..Bobby did the difficult part and collected those scraps, and he knitted them together into a narrative that very few people know about. In a nushell: there is a cabal that took the concept of biological warfare 30 years ago and ran with it—in order to create new industries, massive profits, and control the world using fear of death by contagion. He created a history that is also a page-turner, enabling us to understand in a much deeper way what we have just lived through.
    ​ No kidding: RFK’s book has the receipts. Tony Fauci is only one pawn on the chessboard in this story.

    ​ Govt. Researchers: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly, After All​ ​ This story was first published on CBS News by Sharyl Attkisson in 2006.
    ​ So the NIH launched an effort to do “the” definitive study that would actually prove, for the first time, once and for all, that flu shots were beneficial to the elderly. The government would gather some of the brightest scientific minds for the research, and adjust for all kinds of factors that could be masking that presumed benefit.
    ​ But when they finished, no matter how they crunched the numbers, the data kept telling the same story: flu shots were of no benefit to the elderly. Quite the opposite. The death rate had increased markedly since widespread flu vaccination among older Americans. The scientists finally had to acknowledge that decades of public health thought had been mistaken.

    V. Arnold

    Wishing you a belated happy 2024…
    …and thank you for your massive efforts/writtings of all things going on in this intricate planet/spaceship we inhabit…


    So the new narrative these days is Palestinians are only being depolulated, like us.
    The very thing Bill Gates is all for.
    How very kind of you, sir.
    So Mr. Bill Gates, why are the Palestinians resisting your depolulation efforts so strongly?
    Maybe the problem is they didn’t get a copy of your executive depolulation memo?
    Mr. Bill Gates, we are still waiting for your reply!
    Or maybe Epstien is still blackmailing you?

    D Benton Smith

    Everyone gets lost in the weeds when thinking and talking (and developing!) so-called “Artificial Intelligence”. This phenomenon of getting confused by irrelevant details is not an accident. It’s deliberate deceit. The reason for the subterfuge is that “AI” (so called) is a big scam and does not actually exist, for the simple reason that although the involved machinery and software are distinctly artificial, they are it is at the same time assuredly just machinery and software. There may be lots of it, but the new and improved size is just bigger assemblies of the same old stuff (machinery and software), nothing new, (just logic gates and data storage) and therefore nothing intelligent, either.

    The chatGPT and OpenAI toys on display are just that. They are toys that SIMULATE the trappings and appearances of intelligence with sheer brute force calculation and unimaginably enormous banks of raw data, while still not actually possessing one single shred or iota of actual intelligence.

    As for the Turing Test (so called, which is also a fraud because it is not even a test!) well that’s just a piece of entertaining folklore. There is no Turing Test. Period. No such thing has ever existed beyond Turing’s casual offhand remark about a silly and useless idea. No one ever devised such a “test”. Look, if an observer is fooled into identifying a computer as being a human, that error in discriminatory observation does NOT magically turn the computer into a human being. It turns the human into a fool.

    AI (so called) can be designed to SIMULATE intelligence or aware cognition, but that’s all it could ever be in that regard: a simulation. More accurately . . . and the ONLY way to HONESTLY describe computer simulated intelligence . . . AI (so called) is nothing other than automated selection from among automatically set optional choices. Having the automated device “program itself” by adding more choices and thereby be “self teaching” is, just more machinery and more automation by inanimate and unaware hardware/software assemblies.

    None of it means nuthin’ until a human looks at it, or design it, or uses it to trick the local yokels into believing that they’re talking to an “intelligence”.

    C’mon, people! THINK for a minute!

    Machines, systems, computers, governments, criminal gangs, are all BASICALLY the same thing: they are nothing other than selection devices which automatically choose from among automatically set options, which are designed to result in effects that are desired by the designers/owners of the system. The expected outputs are designed into it, from the start, by the folks who own it and built it to do something that THEY wanted. If results are not as desired or expected then the device is re-designed or modified until they are.

    If the owner/designed does not want a bunch of feedback from the folks who are NOT happy with the system’s results ( Trump Voters and Palestinians, for example) then the system will make the removal (or alternative use) of those objections PART of the modified system.

    Artificial Intelligence my ass! Automated Tyranny is more like it, and every single AI system ever built was built to serve the guys who own and built it.

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