Debt Rattle September 20 2020


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  • #63453

    Robert Capa Capucine, French model and actress, in her hotel room, Rome 1951   • Ginsburg Death Opens Complex Partisan Chessboard (JTN) • Picking
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 20 2020]

    V. Arnold

    Robert Capa Capucine, French model and actress, in her hotel room, Rome 1951

    Rather boring, no?
    It’s a nice photo, composed well, attractive subject, but, but, but…

    Max Blumenthal
    RIP Stephen Cohen, a friend and guide who spent the last four years of his life standing against a tidal wave of hysterical Cold War hostility with elegance and erudition.

    His intellectual courage was anchored in experience and scholarship his antagonists could never match.

    I very much liked that comment by Max Blumenthal.
    Sums it up nicely and I wholeheartedly agree…

    Mister Roboto

    Don’t know if it’s shoddy reporting or shoddy regulations, but “mask orders” or “mask mandates” are not terms anyone should use. After 9 months, it’s all turned into oppression.

    That is just a stupid generalization. Mask-wearing is more about protecting other people (especially senior citizens and poor people with potential co-morbidities) than about protecting yourself, so it really only works when nearly everybody is wearing them. But we don’t think about other people in ‘murka because muh freedumb.

    V. Arnold

    That is just a stupid generalization. Mask-wearing is more about protecting other people (especially senior citizens and poor people with potential co-morbidities) than about protecting yourself, so it really only works when nearly everybody is wearing them. But we don’t think about other people in ‘murka because muh freedumb.

    I agree.
    The rest is just noise……….


    That is just a stupid generalization.

    The stupidity lies in thinking you can order and mandate people around indefinitely. Masks work best in those countries where people don’t have to be ordered to wear them, because they already know. Where they don’t, which is everywhere except Asia, this will have to be carefully explained, certainly 9 months later, or you create enormous mayhem. Which is more dangerous than the virus. As long as you see people walking outside with masks on, because they think that has a function, forget about explaining why and where masks actually do work. It’s easy to ignore how incompetent the people are who order others around, but it’s not smart. Because those they try to order around are not all stupid.


    Talk about virtue signaling value, I picked this off a questionable source, can anyone confirm? (attempting to load attachment)


    Thank you for your support. Good catch!
    – We don’t know the truth
    – Model predictions are no good
    – Media doing a poor job at telling the truth

    #1. • COVID May Have Already Peaked In Many African Countries (G.)
    #2. ” ….. future prosperity based on the delusional presumption that massive debt and money-pumping actually create economic growth and wealth.”
    #3. • Glenn Greenwald On Why Mainstream Media Is Ignoring Assange Trial (ZH)

    wait for it …..
    ….. the media is ashamed and guilty of doing wrong
    ….. the media will not admit to doing wrong
    …… the media considers itself too powerful to apologize or retract their fabricated lies

    “Cohen found himself in the crosshairs of the mainstream media for challenging the now-debunked Russiagate narrative, which he said was being used to sabotage bilateral relations and trigger a “new Cold War” with Moscow.”


    Ok, I fail basic attachment test.
    Image was in typical Twitter format, titled above with “Just a photo of Judge Amy Barrett and her beautiful adopted children from Haiti”, and below was captioned “Found on Twitter. They have 5 biological children and one has special needs.” Picture appears to be a dune line, perhaps the NC’s Outer Banks, with Amy & gentleman standing with two black kids, one held, one standing, perhaps both under 7 years of age.
    For virtue signalers, it would seem the Barretts have paid back their while privilege, given the circumstances are valid.


    Those people against abortions might think of her as a positive choice for Trump to make to replace RBG.


    Today is the 20 of Sept. Wiki has been updated. Somebody is making sure that Amy “stay in the spotlight” .
    After Kavanaugh’s selection, Barrett was expected to “stay in the spotlight” as a possible nominee for a future Supreme Court vacancy.[60] Trump was reportedly “saving” Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat for Barrett if Ginsburg retired or died during Trump’s presidency.[61]
    “Ginsburg died on September 18, 2020, and Barrett has been widely mentioned as the front-runner to succeed her.[62][63][64][65]”


    Kimo, post the URL and I’ll take care of it


    Raul, mahalo for your offer, try not to be shocked!



    It’s interesting how folks interpret a mask mandate or mask order as oppression – that seems extreme to me. Aren’t mandates/orders just words when everyone knows that absolute enforcement is not possible? It’s not like they are marching people on to trains and off to camps for not wearing one. Don’t most Americans choose to adopt practical measures, including no mask at all/total resistance, under the circumstances?

    I have never felt like our CA officials were ordering me around….hummm. Some of my neighbors see this as loss of freedom. The loss of freedom came from the virus itself – stop blaming the mask.

    Since mask wearing has not been a staple in the West, Americans need some time to take in pros/cons and adjust. In my small community most are adopting measures that are practical and sensible. Yesterday, in the absence of fire/smoke, no one was wearing a mask outside. The few who wandered into the Art Gallery were masked up. Most everyone at the local grocery had on a mask.

    It doesn’t help that scientific clarity around masks is conflicting. So people will find their Way forward on their own.

    When do the people calling for mandates/orders become oppressors? To me that feels like an extreme label for the elected officials who manage our towns/cities. Orders/Mandates became necessary when cases were exploding and those in charge were desperate for a turn around.

    Unfortunately, we missed the opportunity for making RECOMMENDATIONS early on – as the whole thing was politically hijacked at the start. Masks = weakness/must deny the potency of Covid vs. Masks = strength/must magnify the potency of Covid. We now seem to have arrived at Masks = act of kindness/must take responsibility/respect for self and others.


    After 9 months, it’s all turned into oppression.

    No. Not even close, crybaby. Oppression is when I come hunting for you with my shotgun because you won’t use your mask and I, or my wife, or my kids, or my grandkids get sick. You know nothing about oppression, and you should pray you aren’t compelled to find out. Now get your fu*kin’ mask back over your fu*kin’ mouth.

    Mr. House

    After reading this….. and the previous comment, we all might want to revisit this


    When the Shock Doctrine (Naomi Klein) came out in 2007 my reality was forever expanded. The potential for leveraging Covid for gain is real and dangerous. Are we there yet?

    What have we learned in recent months and how can we improve our Covid response? If there is no change in tactics other than resorting to lockdowns/mandates/orders, there will be a revolt. WE have a responsibility to demand better from our elected leadership – and they have a responsibility to deliver more + better.

    On RGB’s passing: she was a force for women and a great role model for all. We can’t stop the replacement process…but that does not mean it will end with a confirmation of President Trump’s nominee. How interesting the timing! How will this process change the dynamics of the races in play? I agree that the President will nominate a woman.


    It’s interesting how folks interpret a mask mandate or mask order as oppression – that seems extreme to me. Aren’t mandates/orders just words when everyone knows that absolute enforcement is not possible? It’s not like they are marching people on to trains and off to camps for not wearing one.

    The UK announced a £10,000 fine for repeat offenders today. Sure, it could be worse, but…

    Update: Note: that’s for lockdown offenders, not much difference, but some..


    ” … with a confirmation of President Trump’s nominee”

    I expect a nomination, then a lot of political diversion rhetoric meaning nothing, then with the confirmation after the election by the senate (even if the R. senate turns D and Biden gets elected)
    Get your popcorn for this comedy movie


    Where do all you “maskers” get off? What could possibly justify this obsession with enforcing your paranoia on the rest of us? And with threats of shotguns no less?
    Virtually every scientific study on mask effectiveness at stopping the spread of viral infection for the last hundred years, starting with the 1920 report and as recently as September of last year, have concluded that mask wearing is NOT effective at stopping the viral spread and is only useful as a psychological crutch for the paranoid.
    Prior to March 2020 every major health and safety organization agreed, “Masks should not be worn by the general public”. These included the CDC, NIH, WHO, OSHA, and more. These positions were expounded by the heads of all of these organizations. Yet somehow 100 years of science has been totally upended by a few studies demonstrating how efficient masks are at stopping spit. Now everyone’s on the same page basically saying mask up or die and the MSM spends all it’s time scaring the crap out of people with a totally unwarranted certainty.

    The 1920 analysis of cloth mask use during the 1918 pandemic examines the failure of masks to impede or stop flu transmission at that time, and concluded that the number of layers of fabric required to prevent pathogen penetration would have required a suffocating number of layers, and could not be used for that reason, as well as the problem of leakage vents around the edges of cloth masks. (see attachment comparing Boston, no masks, to Stockton, mandatory masks)

    The virus is .1micron in size. N95 masks are 95% effective at stopping .3micron particles but are minimally effective at .1micron. Even if properly fitted cloth and surgical masks are just a good laugh to any self respecting virus and I doubt if more than 1% of people wear properly fitted and clean masks.
    I’m no rabble rouser, I wear a mask when I shop or interact with others. I do it for them because I know that people have been freaked out by all the BS, they’re scared and I have no desire to frighten them anymore then the MSM already has but I don’t believe for a minute that this mask is doing me or them any good at all. Now if someone wants to point me to some real scientific studies that tell a different story then I’ll be glad to consider them and if the evidence is compelling then I’ll change my mind.
    People like DrCiber should do some research before making such outrageous, uneducated threats.


    Doesn’t look like my attachment made it. I’ll try again…


    Mahalo, Raul, for posting the image.
    I hope this does not come off as biting the hand that feeds you (me).
    Open Letter from Medical Doctors and Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media
    The open letter is a quite detailed and footnoted, worthy of reading in it’s entirety (I hope I can get to it.) The subjects covered are:
    The concept of health
    The predicted pandemic with millions of deaths
    The facts about covid-19
    Our immune system
    Consequences of social isolation on physical and mental health
    A highly contagious virus with millions of deaths without any treatment?
    A second corona wave?
    Strengthening a prevention policy
    The Hippocratic Oath
    The role of the media and the official communication plan
    Emergency law versus Human Rights
    Immense damage caused by the current policies
    Distribution of this letter

    On the subject of …
    Oral masks belong in contexts where contacts with proven at-risk groups or people with upper respiratory complaints take place, and in a medical context/hospital-retirement home setting. They reduce the risk of droplet infection by sneezing or coughing. Oral masks in healthy individuals are ineffective against the spread of viral infections. 29 30 31

    Wearing a mask is not without side effects. 32 33 Oxygen deficiency (headache, nausea, fatigue, loss of concentration) occurs fairly quickly, an effect similar to altitude sickness. Every day we now see patients complaining of headaches, sinus problems, respiratory problems and hyperventilation due to wearing masks. In addition, the accumulated CO2 leads to a toxic acidification of the organism which affects our immunity. Some experts even warn of an increased transmission of the virus in case of inappropriate use of the mask.34

    Our Labour Code (Codex 6) refers to a CO2 content (ventilation in workplaces) of 900 ppm, maximum 1200 ppm in special circumstances. After wearing a mask for one minute, this toxic limit is considerably exceeded to values that are three to four times higher than these maximum values. Anyone who wears a mask is therefore in an extreme poorly ventilated room. 35

    Inappropriate use of masks without a comprehensive medical cardio-pulmonary test file is therefore not recommended by recognised safety specialists for workers.
    Hospitals have a sterile environment in their operating rooms where staff wear masks and there is precise regulation of humidity / temperature with appropriately monitored oxygen flow to compensate for this, thus meeting strict safety standards. 36


    oh, and the link to the Open Letter from Medical Doctors….


    If there was an American public health system to coordinate messaging and direct research to save American lives, there would be no “mask rage”. Face masks decrease the number of cases of COVID-19 by protecting yourself and others from inhaling the virus and a mask avoids your hands transferring the virus to your mouth and nose.

    Research money should have been directed to find therapies that work against the coronavirus. Not to fund the pharmaceutical companies billions of dollars for a patentable vaccine that may or may not work next year. The death of 204,118 Americans is something. The pandemic, economic depression, hurricanes, toxic air, burned towns, and especially inequality (all of which the US government is unable to address) drives the rage. But, being human, our fears are projected onto others who are easily identified by skin color, masks, clothing, or location. Instead, the “greed is good” social pathology within oneself and tribe is ignored. This is the reason why corporate profits are more important than life itself in America.


    @Kimo re: the letter

    I repeatedly bring up these very points, and at best I’m ignored, at worst I’m subjected to cancel culture shenanigans. Fortunately, nobody has accused me of sucking orange dick yet.

    V. Arnold

    It would seem that all common sense has been lost to mass hysteria and mental illness (redundant?) 😉

    When did the reversal of ID’s take place? Weird…


    When did the reversal of ID’s take place? Weird…

    Saw it and fixed it. There was a loose “li” commend that wasn’t closed. Took it out completely.

    V. Arnold

    Saw it and fixed it. There was a loose “li” commend that wasn’t closed. Took it out completely.

    Back to normal, yay…thanks…

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