Debt Rattle September 28 2019


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    Paul Gauguin Harbour scene, Dieppe 1883   • New Docs Contradict Biden Claim That Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Corrupt (ZH) • Adam Schiff Epitom
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 28 2019]

    V. Arnold

    • New Docs Contradict Biden Claim That Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Corrupt (ZH)

    Biden’s real problem was that the prosecutor wasn’t corrupt!
    I think it’s pretty clear Biden is toast!
    Rhetorical question: Why is it that only the most bought, corrupt, individuals are the ones running for office?
    No! Why are the least corrupt kept from the highest offices in the land?
    The U.S. is just so fucked; beyond redemption!
    Bye, bye empire; say hello to ancient Rome…

    Dr. D

    V. because the people themselves are #AntiLogos and love corruption more than air. They think they’re all clever to a man and will get away with their small crimes, not realizing instead they are tolerating and encouraging crimes that steal 10x what petty advantage they gain. I can’t save them from themselves and neither can God, as he is a supporter of free will. They can only come to themselves.

    “New Docs Contradict Biden Claim That Fired Ukrainian Prosecutor Was Corrupt (ZH) “

    Sadly Solomon is tracking this accurately – a single journalist doing his job – and that does not make a happy story for Democrats or America. Or Ukraine, I guess. But the truth should come out so we can deal with it and adjust.

    “Adam Schiff Epitomizes the Total Collapse of Democratic Party Integrity (PCR)”

    I wouldn’t go nuts about it, but it points out that in better times, this sort of behavior would be a scandal on the office, and support would vanish, but also how the present game is played. Put out hilariously, overwhelmingly, provably fake news, any way you want, then at 6am, just 12 hours later, retract it all and say “oopsie!” The clips that pretend this is even slightly credible circle on YouTube forever, such that the NY Times, and Schiff, are an enemy of the truth and any reasoned discussion, and thus a danger to the Republic and fomenting a Civil War, and should indeed resign to let others attempt to restore the credibility of the office. …But they won’t, so here we are.

    “Key feature: “..the Ukrainian delegation hadn’t even been made aware aid was held up until a month after the Trump call…”

    This is indeed a key feature, and one critical into driving the leakers into attempting this self-defeating gambit. Trump can put it about that he hid the transcript (true, to frustrate leakers) and withheld funds (true, helps support his guilt) and so the CIA non-whistleblower (you can’t be a whistleblower when you have no firsthand evidence, or evidence at all), would feel confident in Trump’s guilt, even though he has plugged the leaks and they can’t get the actual evidence anymore.

    They run with this, exactly as he warned them not to in “22-and-0” quote, and it’s a trap he leaked specifically. Tell me, really people! That this conversation just HAPPENED to mention Crowdstrike, HAPPENED to mention the servers, HAPPENED to mention he only wants to investigate the ‘16 election rigging, HAPPENED to mention Biden, and HAPPENED to leak exactly this distance from the Primary. Really? No wonder he called it “a perfect call.” And then the hammer falls, as they discover the transcript was mis-leaked, he never said anything 8 times, and Ukraine never knew anything about withheld funds.

    Now you don’t have to be a genius to try this – and they’re not – because apparently they are so deranged that when Trump goes on national TV and tells them “Warning: THIS IS AN AMBUSH”, and the GOP votes 100-0 to release the documents, they go ahead anyway. So they’re not all that smart, so just imagine how dumb the NYT and CNN must be. But half the country is below the bell curve, refuses to click the widely-circulated video clip, and despite 20 years since the WMD/Iraq War, believes whatever convicted serial liars Brian WIlliams and Anderson Cooper tell them. But less every day, because the people actually care about POLICY for workers and union guys, not so much because they give a hoot about about the truth of this or impeachment. And that’s okay.

    “Intel Community Secretly Nixed Whistleblower Demand of First-Hand Info (Fed.)”

    After decades, the CIA and only the CIA decided Whistleblowers could use legal hearsay two days before this was filed. As a coincidence theorist, I do not find that suspicious at all.

    “they have zero direct knowledge of underlying evidence”

    Good enough for me!

    “Their ongoing campaign to undo the 2016 election is igniting a civil war.”

    As planned since the ‘60s. Any reading of U.S. domestic history since MLK can pick this out pretty easily. However, these racists couldn’t get a race war started, since they’re the ones who – to antagonize the divide – told people to have interracial relationships and families. So they did. So what race are people when they are now 3, 5, 7 races by lineage? A: Pure American. And what are their spouse, their coworkers, their neighbors, their favorite stars are all of races? A: Allies. So thanks! Turned out pretty well after all, as most evil plans do come to bad ends. They are #AntiLogos, and therefore self-contradictory, like their lies.

    “Joseph Wilson, US Envoy Who Defied Bush Over Iraq, Dies Aged 69 (BBC)”

    There are many heroes and good guys in government, but they can’t get much press or they’ll be purged. There was a diplomat that lost her career preventing Cheney from invading Iran a month before 2008. Outing Plame more or less outed the front companies of the CIA in Africa and blinded them for years, possibly an impeachable offense, or if working with somebody (lookin’ at you, S.A. and IDF), then treason. Still time! They’re still alive, the evidence still exists.

    “White House Deliberates Block On All US Investments In China (CNBC)”

    I wonder if he can do that, but investments there are a loss since China must own part of the company and everything they own in China can (and I expect will) be confiscated at any time.

    “Establishment & Media Sympathize With Greta. So How Is That A Protest? (RT)”

    That is a good point. Who are they protesting? There’s some invisible enemy nobody’s met that wouldn’t clean the environment if they could? Since the Media and government, CEOs feverishly sign on, who does that leave? As they point out, their enemy is the Yellow Vests, because they are the poor people savaged by their Eco master plans, and gleefully shot and dismembered in the street while the same passionate, caring media cheers. Les Miserables vs. the Wealthy upper class government workers and media. When that happens you can guess which side I’m on.

    So their real enemy? Assange. And therefore the truth. If you have the truth on your own side, such measures as we see with Greta are superfluous.


    ” …. half the country is below the bell curve ….”

    half the country is below above the bell curve

    The “holier than thou” displayed by the upper half of the bell curve is disgusting.

    They, (the upper half of the bell curve), think that the lower half cannot do anything unless they have been led and been told what to think and what to do.
    For example:
    1. they, ( the upper half of the bell curve), think that the rif-raf cannot,and don’t know how to organize a demonstration.
    2. They, (the upper half of the bell curve), think that the rif-raf, (the lower half of the bell curve), will put up with any and all social/economic conditions imposed by the upper half without causing any problem ( the rif-raf are considered sheeps)

    3. They, (the upper half of the bell curve), cannot understand why there is such a thing as the yellow vest, the umbrella demonstration, and the students and their supporters demonstrating for mother earth.

    4. They, (the upper half of the bell curve), expect the rif-raf, (the lower half of the bell curve), to behave just like the North Koreans, the Haitians, etc. and to accept and to stay in their place.

    Are all bloggers, all commentators, journalist?
    Are all bloggers, all commentators, leakers?
    Are all bloggers, all commentators Whistleblowers?
    Are all bloggers, all commentators rebels inciting revolt against the establishment?

    Where is the acceptable red line?


    How would we know what is happening without bloggers and commentators?


    It is too easy to confuse and conflate how the media establishment, and its handlers, may or may not be handling Greta Thunberg, with the actual genuine (one assumes she isn’t a hologram) Ms. Grunberg herself and her young, terrified peers who are soon-to-be-enraged in a manner not seen since the Great Depression, and likely to far surpass it.

    She and her age grouping have every reason to be furious, and I mean furious in the real raw literal sense, like: ‘Step on those old whiny fuckers’ heads and stomp until they stop oozing!’ Let’s just let that fact sit where it is and not pretend it isn’t so.

    Did I say Great Depression? More like the 14th century and the Black Death.

    So, having gotten that untidy facet of reality tucked into its shelf niche, let us resume our adult musings and self-entertaining analyses and abstractions, however based on genuine concern, even terror, they may be.

    I see Greta, vis a vis the media/establishment/UN/3-ring manipulation frenzy that is today’s political processes and reportage thereof, as what the CIA calls a “limited hangout”. They know they can’t continue to keep the kids passively quiet and reassured with phony promises by foamheads like Elon Musk and Al Gore. (Remember this snake oil? )

    But the fact that they’re trying to manipulate her doesn’t mean they can control her or her potential audience. Look: the fact that a 15-year old girl stood in front of the UN and openly called them shitfaced poopoo-doodoo-cacaheads and Big Fat Poopy Buttheads, with a slightly murderous edge in her tone, does not bode well for the security and authority of the primary Powers That Be.

    Greta was not manufactured by assholes looking to make yet another killing selling eco-snake oil. She’s the kid down the street. Be grateful they haven’t killed us in our sleep yet.


    Meanwhile. bosco wonders if the increasingly rapid collapse of the DNC, sort of a disappearing clown car act, won’t happen so fast that it creates powerful vacuum of the kind that often brings in a black swan event. Specifically, the kind that looks like the whitest white swan anyone has seen since Disney’s Swan Lake.
    I don’t see partisan politics in USA lasting much longer. Either we go full Orwellian totalitarian like the left fears Trump will bring about, certainly with a major war accompaniment, or we go revolutionary, almost certainly via some kind of civil war.

    After all, as I always say:

    Why let the rich and powerful make fools of us when we can make fools of ourselves?


    This website like so many other astroturfing efforts, all the posts over the last few days and those yet to come rely on one thing that evidence overwhelming proves doesn’t exist, that Trump is an honest and loyal man.

    The evidence is overwhelming that Trump is anything but.

    The issue isn’t the Democrats, the issue is Trump and his incapacity to govern.


    At the 11 1/2th anniversary of TAE someone comes along and makes a comment about what was said here in “the last few days”. Problem is, you can never compress all that time into one article or comment. So they seem to win, always. Problem also is, though, that Trump is no more of a problem than the Democrats are. If you missed that, you’ve read too much MSM.

    But if I don’t go along with the NYT/WaPo view of things, I’m automatically a Trump supporter. US media is truly contorted. Independent views are viewed as suspicious. That’s not going to hold me back, but it’s scary nonetheless.


    This is too much.

    Epstein redux. Hubris. Unethical Ziogloalist “lawfare”. Sometimes the only answer to power is disempowerment.


    “I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq’s nuclear weapons programme was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat.”

    An apt prelude to our Anti-Logos century. RIP Mr. Wilson.

    Doc Robinson

    “Establishment & Media Sympathize With Greta. So How Is That A Protest? (RT)”

    I don’t believe that the “Establishment” sympathizes with Greta’s message about the love of money and “fairy tales of eternal economic growth.” Some pretend sympathy, maybe, while they hope she goes away soon.

    The Establishment’s real attitude seems to be encapsulated in this quote from an article which is unabashedly against Greta Thunberg:

    There are only better and worse ways to deal with coming changes. Contra Thunberg, the better ways don’t demonize economic growth as a problem but as a solution. “The most inexorable feature of climate-change modeling isn’t the advance of the sea but the steady economic growth that will make life better despite global warming,” writes science journalist…


    We cant subsides solar panels on houses and windmills cause cancer and socialism as in increasing the efficiency of medicine by eliminating parasitic entities is wrong but this is ok.

    The youth are right and finally showing up — took long enough. Lets hope they keep it going.


    I don’t see partisan politics in USA lasting much longer.

    It’s been a circus simulacrum for a long time already. Even the Nazis and Bolsheviks are ultimately expendable actors cut from the same cloth by the BIG machers who worship and have entrained us also to subconsiously bow down to the subultimate power of god Mammon (second to themselves, of course). After all, their prime existential good is to maximize profit, and their gloves are off toward achieving that goal. Thus, expensive and increasingly unnecessary intermediaries like Epstein, Bolton, the main political parties, and central banks will be superfluous drains on profit once the alchemical man-mineral hybrid AI and overwhelming physical power become the penultimate hegemons. The cost-cutting is already underway, especially after enactment of FASAB56. The global power web is like an autophagous beast that devours its extremeties once they are deemed superfluous. I have been influenced in this line of thought by the clear thinking and factual knowledge of Catherine Austin Fitts (


    I think you are wrong on Greta. When it comes to Trump you need hard proof for any critical thought but when it comes to this girl you can insunuate handlers, people using her, not considering any agency on her part. Show us some proof of her inauthenticity. I think she is doing what she is doing out of choice, she is speaking to power the same message I have seen on this blog but of course in a childish way. At the start the elite wanted to share in her glow and they raced each other to virtue signal next to her, they probably thought they could get away from her critique or that people would tire of her by them inviting her in but now they see she is not holding back but growing fearser in her attacks. Maybe this is actually a similar figure to the legends you dont want to associate her to, only time and the young people swept up in this movement will tell. She might end up in the midst of the great or fade away if it (technique) manages to neutralize her. She might end up achieving change to the better on the environmental front but those who excpect her to bring some utopia will of course be dead wrong, technique will continue substituting the artificial for the natural and Greta and even Assange will in the end help the technical system improve itself instead of challenging it because they are both deeply embedded in technique a hacker and a mediastar. The best we can hope for of any of their work is for the technical system to manipulate the masses a little softer and destroy nature a little slower on its march toward complete totalitarianism and complete destruction of the natural world. Does that mean we give up on their visions, no, there is always the unexpected.

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