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  • in reply to: A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity #28604

    Doesn’t much matter which is the real money or which is the not real money if I have none of either. If, however, I possess a fat chicken or a well-baked loaf of bread, today and probably tomorrow will be counted as good days by myself and a few dear friends.

    in reply to: Finance + Stress = Suicide #28122

    I hear Warren Zevon singing, “Life’ll kill ya! That’s what I said. Life’ll kill ya, And then you are dead!” Stressed? You want stressed? Read “The Automatic Earth!” That dude will make your fingernails curl, but I love him just the same.

    in reply to: Is China About To Drop A Devaluation Bomb? #26444

    I admire James Howard Kunstler’s definition of money as a “narrative construct. In other words, a story explaining why we behave the way we do around certain things.” Everybody trying to massage the story to suit their ends. Ultimately, we gotta eat, stay warm, and get around.

    in reply to: Square Holes and Currency Pegs #26349

    I think both inflation and deflation come from root word flatulence, which is what we’ve been whiffing out of the bankers’ butts for so long. Let’s move our noses to different location.

    in reply to: CON21 #25613

    Hey Gang, When I go to the store this week, I’ll drive the Chevy Impala. Hell of a good car.

    in reply to: Volkswagen and China: A Perfect Fit #24774

    Juxtaposition. Never use a big word when a diminutive one will do.

    in reply to: How Our Aversion To Change Leads Us Into Danger #24285

    Danger in sameness, danger in change, life is exciting, ain’t it?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 6 2015 #24108

    Steady, steady. Onward is the only option we have.

    in reply to: Angela Merkel Defeated by a 3-Year Old Dead Boy #23710

    The USA is only an ocean away. My old boss, Frank Yamaguchi, presciently stated strife would cease only when all peoples enjoyed the same standard of living.

    in reply to: Eurodystopia: A Future Divided #23681

    Thank goodness we have a focus around which to pivot. Send a few of those oversized dollars to Nicole and Ilargi, that they update their wardrobe. I suspect they will begin to receive invitations to classy dinners with the hoity toity. They should represent us as we would hope to deserve.

    in reply to: Give All Refugees A Free Ticket To Brussels #23638

    Pictures of the “Dirty Thirties” in USA underscore the gravity of the plight of MENA migrants. Keep shining your light.

    in reply to: Refugees Expose Europe’s Lack Of Decency #23532

    We read this site who want to help each other survive what comes next. To those of you who dissent, please consider joining the movement.

    in reply to: The Boundaries and Future of Solution Space – Part 3 #23269

    To receive such a gift of love humbles me. Thank you.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 8 2015 #23056

    Ilargi, Our thoughts are with you and your mother. My mother passed in May at the age of 97. It seems like a round trip ticket. Mother rode the train here from 1918, and we get to ride it back. Enjoy the scenery.

    in reply to: Deflation, Debt and Gravity #23018

    A 1000 pound ox will eat 2% of his body weight per day, or roughly 7000 pounds per year, of materials, such as grass, that human digestive systems cannot utilize. He can deliver the pulling power of six humans to work all day in the field. His manure returned to the land will greatly enhance fertility, and, when his working years are done, his body will nourish the humans he has served. Long live the ox!

    in reply to: Power and Compassion #22849

    Thank you, Ilargi, for your kind words.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 31 2015 #22833

    I’d like to book Nicole for a meeting with farmers here in western NY. We’ll have home cooked food and music. Bring the old man along for fun!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle July 17 2015 #22510

    Heard a report on NPR about a Greek family who grows olives and desires to market their own olive oil rather than sending it bulk to Italy. I think theirs is a cause worthy of support.

    in reply to: Troika Documents Say Greece Needs Huge Debt Relief #22015

    What a GREAT conversation going on in COMMENTS! I inquired about agriculture because when people don’t have money they can’t buy food, so the farmer suffers loss of income. However, the farmer HAS food, so he suffers with a full belly. Get out of the city while you can!

    in reply to: Volatility and Sleep-Walking Markets #21950

    Greetings! We here in western NYS are experiencing a cool monsoon season. Tough to make hay. Our family is working to establish a holistic goal for transitioning to what comes next. TAE has been a valuable resource, urging kindness and caution going forward. Please report on the status of Greek agriculture, as to what might be instructional to our situation here. Thanks.

    in reply to: It’s What Jesus Would Do, Right? #19973

    I dunno about all that stuff, but Janet Yellen has copied Nicole’s hairstyle.

    in reply to: Behind The Global – Game Of – Thrones #19094

    The first calf of the season is due tomorrow on our dairy ranch in western NY. In
    Greece they have goats, and sheep, and cattle, pigs and whatnot. The biblical father directed the slaughter of the fatted calf to celebrate the return of his prodigal son. Let us do the same for those of our number who have squandered their substance on ephemeral tokens of dubious value, thinking all the while theirs was the greater prize.

    in reply to: Debt In The Time Of Wall Street #18942

    The “Creature from Jekyll Island” taught us that debt=money. Repay the debt, you destroy the money. Deflation.

    in reply to: Have A Little Faith In Blotto #18941

    Zorba the Greek. Don’t get no better’n that!

    in reply to: Is This The Day Europe Gets Its Future Back? #18654

    I read Shock Doctrine. Made me want to dig a hole and crawl in. What can we buy imported from Greece, yogurt? My wife makes Greek yogurt by hanging regular yogurt in cheesecloth. The extra liquid drains out, taking with it the tart flavor, and leaving the good stuff.

    in reply to: We’ve Let The Clowns Come Way Too Far #18588

    Whichever goes best with a nice balsamic vinaigrette.

    in reply to: We’ve Let The Clowns Come Way Too Far #18576

    Choose a south facing window, and start a tray of lettuce or spinach. Bitch about banksters every day until the baby leaves are ready to eat, then eat them.

    in reply to: We’ve Let The Clowns Come Way Too Far #18566

    How is bitching about the problem in any way akin to working toward its solution?

    in reply to: The End Of The World Of Finance As We Know It #18492

    I love you guys! A few of us are beginning to realize how desperately the titans of finance need us little people. We truly are the wind that fills their sails. As long as we strive, as long as we struggle, we propel them toward their brighter tomorrow.

    in reply to: At Last The ‘Experts’ Wake Up To Oil #18334

    You see, they need to keep us alive, else from whom would they steal, each other? Not likely. Having lived as a small farmer all my life, I know how food is kept cheap as pabulum, enabling the urbanites to stay alive for continued mugging. The farmer’s income is thus insufficient to sustain business, so various government programs and tax incentives are put in place to keep the farmer alive for continued mugging. What a sad, desperate game they play, having to carry billions of poor people in order to afford their house in the Hamptons. For the rest of us, how hopeful and encouraging to live on little, preparing us for the time when little is left.

    in reply to: At Last The ‘Experts’ Wake Up To Oil #18303

    Congratulations, Ilargi. Well done! Just don’t hurt your arm patting yourself on the back. We need you to forge ahead with positive suggestions what we, your devoted readers, can do to keep our heads above the surface of this cesspool. Thank you.

    in reply to: This Oil Thing Is The Real Deal #18158

    I miss Stoneleigh, too, but I am heartened that her absence resulted from taking her own advice. She did as Gandhi urged, to be the change we seek. Perhaps we should help each other adapt for survival even as we piss and moan about the powers that be. If I have a dollar, it seems pointless to hold it until it becomes worthless. I must spend it to enhance my family’s security or invest in the manufacturers of war materiel. Those in the latter category don’t need my investment, but my family does. Family wins.

    in reply to: This Oil Thing Is The Real Deal #18135

    We hear the new Republican majorities in Congress plan to push through the Keystone pipeline as a first order of business. Who do you suppose will inform them no Canadian tar sands oil will be produced at current prices to flow through said splendid conduit?

    in reply to: The Meaning of Your Life is Other People #18059

    Nassim, I thoroughly enjoyed your post! The rest of my day will be devoted to qualifying and quantifying the value of the Pope’s testicles.

    in reply to: Quo Vadis, America? #17529

    Today we milked the cows twice. Hopefully tomorrow we will do the same. In answer to the astute observations above, I suggest: Do not oppose those with all the money and all the guns, instead, find a moral way to be necessary to them, and they will pay you money they can’t afford. Feed all the people. Give them a ride. Help them with their health. Fix their front porch. Let the bitter blade of our unstoppable revolution be the kindness we show one another.

    in reply to: And On The Seventh Day God Shorted His People #17348

    We milked the cows twice today. Chances are, we’ll milk them twice tomorrow and the next day, right on through the seventh day, then just keep going. Whatever the deity and the central banker hold in store for us, best they keep their titties hid, or we’ll milk them, too.

    in reply to: Non-Linear Crises #2283

    My bank seems to be moving toward increased fees on everything. The money it loans is ginned up out of thin air, then it charges fees out the wazoo for each transaction that occurs in the larger economy. Velocity of money yields handsome returns. Maybe this softens the blow of late loan payments.

    in reply to: Athenians buy potatoes direct from farmers #1702

    While it is great for consumers and farmers to cut out middlemen, we must remember middlemen are consumers, too. I am a farmer who loves to sell his product (milk and meat). It amounts to a pint of milk for 2057 children every day of the year and 36465 quarter-pound hamburgers divided among whomever you wish. Thing is, if you are not a farmer but have a job, you are probably in the middle of something, so if cutting out the middlemen cuts out everybody but the farmer, the farmer has no income.

    in reply to: Modern Myths that Destroy Humanity #1261

    ABCD Puppy?
    LMNO Puppy!

    in reply to: Democracy Rears It's Ugly Head… Again #1098

    Nasturtiums are wonderful, beautiful, spicy edible flowers. Okra is closely related to Rose of Sharon and Hibiscus. Maybe if you change the way you see, you’ll change the way you be.

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