Forum Replies Created
ParticipantTo date, we have not had to dump milk ourselves. Our co-op dumped tractor trailer loads in April. All co-op members pay a fee to cover the cost of dumped milk.
ParticipantHi everybody, This morning while milking cows the thought occurred, “More old people die from COVID-19, more men than women, more minorities than whites, but this misses the hugest point: More city than country folk.” If you are sitting in your Manhattan condo with the wife and three kids all screaming, the $3000 rent past due, laid off, people dying all around, you ask yourself, “Where do I want to be when the next pandemic comes?” A few acres, some pigs and chickens, a garden, fresh air. I welcome new neighbors, if they are willing to shovel shit, so much the better.
ParticipantFriends, Don’t fret or recriminate. Go outside and grab a handful of soil. In that bit of dirt reside organisms, too numerous to count, which need not fear humankind. Indeed, we are an emergent manifestation of the microbiota living in, on, and around us. They care not for corporations or political machinations, and if we succeed in self-annihilation, we just might thereby fulfill our ultimate purpose. Who knows? Today we celebrate Saint Patrick.
ParticipantMilking cows for a living is a glorious gift! Currently, our price for milk is $1.73 per gallon, a ruinous amount; yet the local supermarket sells milk for less than I am paid. There will be a reckoning.
ParticipantI think people would not accuse me of genius to note the direction of global migrations tends from south to north. It’s gettin’ hot.
ParticipantJoseph Campbell wrote, “And so every one of us shares the supreme ordeal–carries the cross of the redeemer–not in the bright moments of his tribe’s great victories, but in the silences of his personal despair.” From “The Hero With a Thousand Faces”. Be gentle with John McCain. He endured hardships I hope we never have to experience. What he learned reminds of the old Russian Joke: “Capitalism is about Man’s exploitation of Man. Communism is just the reverse.”
ParticipantAllow me to add to this irrepressible fount of optimism, on behalf of the American young, that being fucked is a time-honored means of becoming pregnant. They may indeed encounter daunting challenges of which they have no knowledge, but they are young; they can deal with it, notwithstanding the blathering of impotent old men. Thank you very much.
ParticipantHi gang! I met Nicole and Ilargi on The Oil Drum website several years ago, and my life has been much improved through the wisdom they shared. The Oil Drum was a good place to ponder the ramifications of human mischief as we exploited, then exhausted the amazing resource which is fossil fuel. Depletion of fisheries is connected to depletion of fossil fuels. Our genius is connected to our hubris. Find a young person looking to start out in life and help him/her find a way forward. Enjoy the reward their success affords you; that the species may survive.
ParticipantThere is nowhere to go, there is no escape. We are specimens of humanity, and as such share the same fallibilities, regardless of location. So work for the good, however you perceive it. Bitchin’ is for babies.
ParticipantAnd don’t forget Jared Diamond!
ParticipantWhat a profound opportunity to witness how and to what degree the carrying capacity of Puerto Rico is redefined. All the Automatic Earth, James Howard Kunstler, Joseph Tainter, and James Rickards talk of Humpty Dumpty comes now to fruition.
ParticipantV. Arnold, Dear V., Whom shall we read, if not James Rickards?
ParticipantNot to press a point, but the cities attacked are cities, that is a concentration of humanity. Our township boasts 211 individuals. We present an unattractive target for terrorists. As you and Nicole have long argued, the concentration of power and people at the center will bring about collapse. When the suicide bomber comes here, he will endanger maybe a couple of cows.;
ParticipantPoverty is usually defined in terms of an insufficiency of tokens, i.e. dollars annual income. The Automatic Earth eloquently argues such definitions evanescent and fated to vanish when our financial empire implodes. Perhaps hopelessness and inability to affect one’s environment would be a better way to define poverty. Jesus and Gandhi eschewed pursuit of tokens. Let the fetuses figure that one out.
ParticipantTao Jonesing is my new hero! The power of the simple explanation is termed, “Occam’s Razor”. I don’t know who Occam was, or whether his razor was particularly sharp. But I do believe those poor Syrians are dead as hell, and their president/dictator did not bother to keep them safe from whichever American news organization or American political actor actually poisoned them.
ParticipantHumans are clever, aren’t they, to be able to represent reality with some tokens, whether shiny gold ones or green ones? Then they fret incessantly over which token is best, losing sight of the underlying truths to which the tokens refer. I propose a fat hen trade for three loaves of bread. How say you all?
ParticipantDoesn’t it seem the Trumpites consider themselves invulnerable to the vicissitudes life thrusts upon us all? And I Googled the following: “This is literally a Proverb, in this case Proverbs 16:18. In the KJV, with the next verse: 18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. …”
ParticipantCheck out The Guardian, March 2, 2016. Syria is blistered by a series of crippling droughts, which owe allegiance to no political entity. They die from bombs, thirst, or starvation, or emigrate. Which would YOU prefer?
ParticipantWhew! What a spate of comments! Politics, theology, and what’s missing? Beer! Down at the Railhead Brewing Company, a sign hangs on the wall: “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Remember to include yeast in the survival supplies.
ParticipantThe book I ordered to help me get going in ham radio arrived today. Looking to the future.
ParticipantYou cheer Humpty Dumpty.
ParticipantI’m with you, Joe!
ParticipantI tried to determine which party is in power. As near as I can tell, it’s Goldman Sachs. Same as in the Obama administration, W. Bush, Bill Clinton, H.W. Bush, Reagan, you name it. The voting machines hadn’t cooled off before someone from Goldman Sachs was appointed each time. So when you say that president should have done this, or this president is gonna do that, rest assured–They are gonna do their masters’ bidding, just as they have been. All hail Lloyd Blankfein! All hail!
Participant“I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy,” Bush said in remarks he later regretted. “. . . I was able to get a sense of his soul.” OK, some of you think the CIA and other US intelligence agencies have got it wrong about Russia. I don’t know, but I suggest all parties operate on the basis of self-serving motives.
ParticipantWinter in North America is surely the work of the Russians.
ParticipantYo Zero, Thanks. That was poetry.
ParticipantNice pics!
ParticipantJim Rickards rules!
ParticipantWe worry about what “THEY” are doing or intending to do. My wife says, “What are YOU going to do?” She is a wise woman. Since our each and every life depletes resources and produces waste, rendering life less pleasant for those who come after, I disagree with you, zerosum. We could affect the future for others by committing suicide, leaving them more resources and less waste(after our bodies had decayed organically). Yet, in answer to my wife, and you all as well, I will live on as well as can be, fostering edible forest gardens(permaculture), where we can disappear. I hope to see you there.
ParticipantBless you, TAE, for putting yourselves at the cusp of emerging events. Predicting the past offers far greater accuracy than predicting the future. How can we forget Dennis and Donella Meadows and their work with the Club of Rome in the 1970’s? At that time computers took more space than my house. I remember my Fortran computing class with frustrating trays of punch cards, yet these people performed advanced calculations, modeling the effects of recursive patterns of events on future outcomes. We owe them a great debt of gratitude. TAE is correct in predicting catastrophe of epic proportions. I dedicate my efforts to working with all of you to facilitate our mutual survival.
ParticipantIs Russia doing horizontal hydro fracking? That is the gold standard of collapse.
ParticipantRegarding the military warning about climate change, let us wish them well convincing the climate deniers packed into the incoming Trump administration. Here in western NY our above ground water lines to the grazing paddocks are still free and running December 1, following a summer of unprecedented hot, dry weather. And aren’t those folks who burnt up in Tennessee lucky that torrential rain and tornadoes arrived to put out the fires?
ParticipantAfter election, Donald Trump immediately betrayed the people and principles he championed during the campaign, from the Alt-right to climate change to jailing his opponent. For this perfidy he garners the praise of The Automatic Earth. I had considered The Automatic Earth an advocate for honesty, kindness, and fair play. Please forgive my naivete.
ParticipantThank you, Doctor. I wish I had the financial acumen some of you guys enjoy. Only thing I know is grazing dairy cows.
ParticipantDow over 19,000. See what a great leader we have elected! I’m selling all my stocks.
ParticipantHey Ilargi, I’ve been rereading “Why There is Trump”. I emailed it to all my children and siblings. Thank you!
ParticipantHillary Clinton stands accused of politics. If proven guilty, she must be deemed qualified for the job of top politician in the USA.
ParticipantIlargi, am I correct you are not a citizen of the USA? If not, you are not eligible to vote, whomever you prefer. That burden falls on the imperfect electorate whose government, in fractal terms, exists as a compilation of all our aptitudes and accomplishments, our failings and frustrations. Woe betide us all, especially the poor sap or sapess who becomes our next president, if events proceed as you and Nicole insist. Rather than criticizing individuals, kindly offer one constructive idea each of us can do in our own lives to better prepare for the future. Thank you.
ParticipantAnd yet every day is just another day. We have pitched our tent on the railroad track. Everything is fine so far.
ParticipantMy son and his wife operate Mod Sock, a producer and seller of original design socks. Their socks are made in South Korea, as nobody in the US has the machines(200 needles) to make the socks. I told my son to not ship by Hanjin. He replied they had scheduled shipment by Hanjin September 4, but got a heads up and switched to a Hyundai ship. Close call. He said the freight rates went up 55% overnight. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. Check out the Mod Sock website. Your feet will look GOOD!