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  • in reply to: The Disgrace of Sacrificing a Generation #15764

    I would agree that “anthropology” certainly is key to understanding the central devastating issue of capitalism. What Social Darwinists miss is that capitalism and its destruction and waste is such as it has stepped outside our human evolution as a sustainable tribal species.
    At that time, the pillars of the community, those respected and celebrated before the advent of the destruction of nature by agriculture were measured by the tribe in how much one could give freely and share with that tribe, which was wholly to the benefit of all. Notice how this has been reversed under capitalism? Our society is burdened by the usurper, the oligarch, the libertarian, taking to hoard as much “wealth” as possible for himself, and this has been the new paradigm for all of us; we now must hoard as much as possible in worries of our declining years or misstep, or face the curb as an outcast that we just don’t understand that we have already become. All of us are outcasts from one another, outcasts of nature, outcasts within the most ugly “society” imaginable, one that is a mockery of the word itself. “Capitalism” is more aptly described as a cancer on life, and obviously a terminal one as is being uncovered daily.

    in reply to: The Disgrace of Sacrificing a Generation #15723

    It feels to me all of this is talking directly about and around, but not naming the central issue being: capitalism.
    That status of enriching oneself, or one’s family, or one’s tribe above another is the opposite of socialism’s attempt at “raising all boats” that would need to come about for a sustainable world.
    The “free market” produces far more failures then successes, as those successes become fiefdoms unto themselves, and advertised positively as the “status of wealth and success one can achieve in capitalism.” Those who can afford it are reaching ever higher for that golden ring, and those who are excluded from “the ride” if not too busy at their hand to mouth existence, still want to get on it somehow in their hopes and dreams, and feel themselves responsible to be “the failures” that they are engineered to be.
    Of course those masses who are footing the “successes” of the nepotist must first become aware of the central issue of capitalism and its world ending devastation before any real change can be made to society bent on its own and our world’s annihilation.

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