el gallinazo

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  • in reply to: Merkel's Leading Germany Into an Abyss #932
    el gallinazo

    “The slow boil” reminds me of the Yellowstone NP fire disaster. The “moral hazard” of the TBTF and their political puppets is leading to a total conflagration in all the markets.

    in reply to: Merkel's Leading Germany Into an Abyss #927
    el gallinazo

    The question about a war with Iran centers around the question of whether the US military could reopen the Straits of Hormuz in a short period of time. If they believe they can, then they will go to war. Believing they can and doing it are two different sacks of fish. I suspect that the Iranian military are far more capable than many predict. And then there is Russia and China. Can they afford an Western takeover of Iran, and if not, what are they going to do about it? And then there is also the factor of the Zionist tail wagging the US dog. If the Straits are closed for six months or more, which I see to be quite likely, then the global Ponzi will certainly collapse. One school of conspiracy factists believe that the NWO strategists wishes to collapse the Ponzi in order to rebuild with a world currency and government.

    Recommend Dmitri Orlov’s interview with Max Keiser at:


    Also, Club Orlov has some outstanding recent articles and letters as well as a link to an excellent animation.

    Orlov had to amend is five stages of collapse recently from watching the financial quackery taking place. He original saw them in succession, financial, economic, then political, but now he sees them as a simultaneous pile-up. This is what the NWO attempt to save the banking Ponzi since the first collapse has brought. He also puts forth the idea, which I&S also support, that the American Empire will collapse when the rest of the world will no longer trade its real goods for paper with pictures of dead white men and electrons. He claims that in the end, this is what collapsed the Soviet Union. Orlov states that in its last days, Gorbachev approached Washington through Helmut Kohl to bail them out, and Orlov never seems to get his facts wrong.

    When asked about the coming FaceBook and Zuckerberg IPO, Orlov’s comment is that you know that the economy is near collapse when its touted pinnacle is a time wasting diversion. By the way, unlike the Hotel California, it is possible to quit FaceBook, though the path out is laborious. My advice is just mail your upcoming itinerary direct to Vaterland Insecurity. You¡ll be saving them and yourself a lot of time.

    CHS today also put forth a rigorous piece of analogous reasoning which would indicate that the Ponzi will collapse suddenly in the end. This supports I&S idea of a period of monetary deflation, because the central banks will be unable to “print” on a scale to counteract this sort of collapse. The HI financial counterculture (ZH for example) is using the idea of “printing” very loosely. In Weimar and Zimbabwe, the paper money was printed and distributed, after a large government cut, to the pissants. This resulted in a straight forward dilution of the value of the currency. What TPTB are now doing is just trading credit of the central banks to the TBTF banks, who then put the money into sovereign debt or market speculation in a giant, transgovernmental circle jerk. That is why we have not seen HI inflation yet. Most of the credit never reaches the common man. It does raise the world market price of stuff by commodity speculation, but since the vast majority of people around the globe are seeing their income decrease, this just means that they can buy less essential stuff, and limits a “price inflationary” spiral. And by the Austrian school definition, the globe is seeing net deflation, manifested at this stage by the collapse of the shadow banking system and many hedge funds.

    in reply to: Reply To: Re: Syria #913
    el gallinazo


    As in Libya, the vast majority of the “rebel” fighters in Syria are al Qaeda killers. Even much of the MSM is reluctantly beginning to admit this. One must understand that al Qaeda, as the Muslim Brotherhood, is a CIA asset, and has been so since it was first put together to fight the USSR (remember them?) in Afghanistan. Also several hundred Turkish irregulars were sent into Syria and captured. Turkey is demanding that they be released. They have admitted to Syrian interrogators that they were trained by the Israeli Mossad in Turkey. This information is readily available for those who care to look. Almost nothing is what it appears or is claimed to be by the MSM.

    in reply to: Europe's Latest Swiss Cheese Bailout Package #908
    el gallinazo


    “But a modern society with open borders and at least the appearance of open, democratic elections cannot be ruled without the consent of the governed.
    This agreement seems well designed to actively destroy the trust of the people and to produce a facsimile of “consent of the people.”


    Which is why USA Inc. is converting to a Stasi state ASAP. They know this. One interesting problem, other than the awakening process of the blogosphere itself, but connected, is that polls indicate that 70% of the US military favor Ron Paul. The rank and file military is a very major factor in financing his campaign. The top management is trying to sort them out through testing, and keep the 70% as overseas cannon fodder and bring the 30% thugs back into NORTHCOM.

    in reply to: The Torture of the European Periphery #876
    el gallinazo

    I think a key to the situation is in your first paragraph. Why would any sane person watch a movie like Saw, less pay money to watch it? Hundreds of millions, billions, of insane people?

    in reply to: Europe's Latest Swiss Cheese Bailout Package #875
    el gallinazo

    Thanks Ash. Good summary. Didn’t have the patience to study the current farce prior to your article.

    in reply to: Reply To: Gabor Mate Interviews #832
    el gallinazo

    I just re-watched this one hour interview comprised of several episodes with Canadian physician Gabor Mate on Democracy Now, compiled almost a year ago. I am a huge fan of Mate’s, coming across him less than a year ago. TAE regular, Scandia, attended a workshop with him a few months ago. I downloaded and read his latest book, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts which deals primarily with addiction, though not only drug addiction. Mate describes in detail his own addictive battle with compulsive purchases of classical music CD’s, most of which he actually has never had the time to listen to, as well as a detailed description of how the brain functions and neurochemicals transmit to initiate and maintain addiction. In the interview linked below, he deals with a comprehensive analysis of how childhood and even intrauterine stress leads to chronic diseases including rheumatoid arthritis (42:40), ALS, and cancer, as well as addiction and ADD. Mate is ruthlessly honest with his own history. A Jew born in Budapest just before the Nazi invasion, his father was in forced labor and his mother and he were barely able to survive. Mate explores well structured scientific studies indicating the strength of the mind / body connection and points out that the human immune system has very similar memory functions as the brain does. One study was made of unhappily married women. The study discovered that the women who were unable to express their emotional discontent were four times as likely to die during the duration of the study as the ones able to express it. This is an hour which anyone with half a brain or immune system will not regret spending. You will be amazed at the clarity of expression of his thoughts.


    in reply to: Reply To: Re: FBI Inspired Terraist Attack #822
    el gallinazo

    Nicole, the pop star. Next stop – Yankee Stadium 🙂

    in reply to: Reply To: Re: FBI Inspired Terraist Attack #802
    el gallinazo

    Test. Just want to see how replies are formatted.

    in reply to: Reply To: FBI Inspired Terraist Attack #801
    el gallinazo


    The FBI agents probably recruited him from the ICU of the local psychiatric hospital after intensive screening to make sure that he was in total la la land. Guess they had to deactivate some of that left over 9/11 shit to make it “safe for the public.”
    Or maybe he was the doorman for the pot smoking connection of the Mexican Zeta cartel out to blow up the Antarctican penguin ambassidor in DC. Since al Qaeda and Iran love each other so much /sarc, he must be an Iranian agent with 50 tons of Aunt Jemima yellowcake in the back of his minivan.


    in reply to: Political Theater Will Kill the Status Quo #767
    el gallinazo

    Alex Jones has a rather long and interesting interview with Nigel Farage, the iconoclastic, thorn-in-the side UK representative to the European Council. Farage’s take is quite interesting. Recommend you download the file as the interview is interrupted by commercials, which are more easily dealt with on a download than a stream. Can be found at:


    and the interview begins at 2:33.27 into the show.

    in reply to: All Your Savings Belong to Debt #720
    el gallinazo

    “As a whole, the post war baby boomers and their immediate forebears are relatively well placed, with gold plated pensions “

    I I owned one of those pensions, I would be busy scrapping off the gold plating and burying it in my back yard.

    in reply to: Die Wahrheit Macht Frei #715
    el gallinazo

    One of your best articles to date, Ash. Not a long road from Die Wahrheit Macht Frei to an Arbeit Macht Frei “community.” I am afraid that in a year’s time, NATO will have to pull some troops off the Iranian front to crush the the New Greek Republic. I understand that the Greek police had used up all their tear gas yesterday (for real), and Merkel was asked if she had any old Zyklon-B canisters lying about, and not to worry about the expiration dates.

    Since the Viscount brings up a question of determinism, I will throw in my two drachmas. Individuals have free will to make their own decisions, though overcoming old inertial habits (karma) requires much stamina. When groups of individuals approach the millions, the general outcome becomes increasingly deterministic for obvious reasons of statistical probability. However, there are instances where an individual’s free will can have a global effect. For me, the most obvious example in modern history would be JFK and the Cuban Missile Crisis. IMO, most presidents would not have bucked the pressure of the Security State, and we would have been plunged into an all out thermonuclear war. Of course he paid the ultimate, personal price for these decisions, which included firing Allen Dulles as CIA Director, a couple of years later. On a spiritual, not biological, level, evolution is a very individual affair. One has to do one’s best and let the cow chips fly where they may.

    And as a public service, let me remind any Americans reading this – if you see anything unusual, be sure to report it to the unit leader of the VIPR road block nearest you.

    in reply to: Paying for $Protection #701
    el gallinazo

    I think that too much is made of the election in terms of financial decisions by the powers that be. The elections are set up so that anyone who might be nominated by the red or blue team is a puppet. I think in the last election, the Owners favored Obama simply because he was a wolf in sheep’s clothes and thus could inflect a lot more damage to the common man with a lot less resistance. But to make my point: The collapse of Lehman which according to all the pundits brought the global Ponzi within hours of a total meltdown, the $80B bailout (for starters) of AIG (of course a pass through of public money to the TBTF banks), the shifting of Merrill Lynch to Bank of America to form Lynch America, and the Tarp Heist as well as the $14-24? trillion Fed alphabet soup all transpired within 60 days prior to the last presidential election. And the nationalization of Freddie and Fannae, the bazooka that was never to be fired, occurred only a few weeks earlier. So much for the positive calm pre-election theory.

    in reply to: Paying for $Protection #696
    el gallinazo

    I have heard that there was a time when the Swiss banks charged a negative interest for the privilege of stashing your loot there, though I do not know about Swiss sovereign debt. I agree with Ash that negative interest rates are a sure sign of deflationary collapse. There are some who claim that the Fed does not set interest rates but rather follows the market to give it the appearance of more clout than it actually has. OTOH, the MSM and some of the quasi alternative media (Jim Puplava) are insisting that the green shoots have arrived and that 2012 will be nominally quite bullish for stocks, if simply because of more QE. Motha Global has sent a warning sign to anyone with two synapses and two pennies to rub together that privately held bank accounts headed up by “private” bankstas such as Jaime are not a safe place to stash your cash. Glad the article referred to the 21 primary dealers. I remember when the number was 22 – about three months ago.

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