el gallinazo

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  • in reply to: Prediction is Very Hard, Especially About the Future #1724
    el gallinazo

    First, I am not on the staff of TAE and my opinions are strictly my own. I think I made it quite clear that I see different underlying causes for the current financial and geopolitical fiascos the world now sees itself in at the end of my piece. Once again, my opinions do not represent those of TAE, Ilargi, Nicole, or Ash.

    As to “antisemitism,” I only use the word semite, or it’s derivatives to refer to certain ethnic and religious groups which includes both the Jews and the Arabs, as well as others.

    For the record, I am not anti-Jewish. Actually, for what it is worth, I am more than half Jewish by genetic background (the remainder being Neanderthal). Herr Himmler would have toasted my buns in Dachau without a second thought to it. That, of course, doesn’t prove that I don’t have a prejudice against Jews. I could, in fact, be one of those self-hating Jews we hear so much about, which, in fact, I am not. I lived for most of 1968 and much of 1969 on a Kibbutz in Israel where I worked as a banana farmer. As I recall, there were a lot of people in the country who were not Jews, such as Arab Moslems, Christians and Druze, As a matter of fact, the primary reason that Israel has not officially annexed the West Bank is that the Jews would then have a minority status. And recent demographics see this as coming to a head soon in the traditional border of Israel.

    I do not use the word “Jew” in my commentary. I believe I referred to a nation state called Israel that has a certain, rather belligerent (IMO), foreign policy.

    I do have strong opinions. One opinion, held as an American citizen of primarily Jewish ethnic background, is that the nation of Israel through its AIPAC PAC has a stranglehold on US foreign policy, which is usually not in the best interests of US citizens. This group has foot soldiers throughout the country just waiting to pounce on anyone who may express an opinion which might disrupt this status quo. They are very well organized and funded. Anyone, including a person of Jewish or primarily Jewish origin, becomes a loathsome, self-hating Jew if he points this out.

    There are a lot of Jewish Israelis who don’t like the direction of their country either. As I recall, we also had an Israeli spring with over 400,000 protestors in the street. This was played down in the US MSM.

    I made one statement about the nation state of Israel in my piece. This was that Israel was coercing the US into a war with Iran ASAP, and there are factions in the US power establishment that are trying to resist this for a variety of reasons, some common sense and some involving political timing. This has been reported by the MSM and every talking head for weeks. Not exactly controversial.

    And yes, I believe that there are a very small group of people of enormous wealth and power who direct the central banks and governments of much of the world, and that they are attempting to transform the planet into what they wish it to be (which I would regard as a total hell hole). They reach a consensus through a variety of private organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and the CFR, the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, and others. Chief among them are the Rockefeller clan and the Rothschild clan. Some of them are from established Jewish banking families such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and Schiffs, and a lot of them are not, such as the Rockefellers, Morgans, Mellons, etc.. One thing that these clans all seem to hold in common is that they were raised to regard the other 99.9999% of us as agricultural animals.

    You might note that in my piece, I referred to Israel as “a primary base” of the NWO. I regard the other primary bases as New York, Washington, The City of London, and Frankfurt. So let’s not stop at painting me anti-Jewish, but anti-New Yorker (I was born there), anti-Washington, and anti-German.

    I regard the destruction of any remnant of the US Constitution, which has reached a fever pitch in the past year, by a multinational, multi-ethnic global banking elite to be the scariest thing going down in the USA today. It’s easy to lose a war if you just get picked off by snipers walking around like zombies. Time for people to wake up.

    el gallinazo

    Apology accepted.

    in reply to: The Official Thread for Open Comments #1699
    el gallinazo

    scandia post=1288 wrote: El G, Love your Goldman response letter to Smith’s resignation!!!One has to wonder if bird’s of a feather flock together in the sense that the client may prefer a sociopathic advisor, someone who understands their needs and goals:)

    Wish I could take credit for it, state of the art, but it was written by Andy Borowitz as mentioned in the last line of the posting.

    el gallinazo

    MR166 post=1275 wrote: I don’t vote—–yea, that is the answer! Do you pay taxes or just leach off the system?

    WTF! Can’t you read. I wrote that I hadn’t voted for a Democrat or Republican for President and you translate that to – I didn’t vote at all. Ever hear of Ralph Nader for example? Though for the most recent part of my life, I couldn’t vote for president if I chose to as the US VI doesn’t have an elector. As to paying taxes, where the hell did that come from? FYI, I have had my pound of flesh extracted annually from my hide. However, I certainly would not personally condemn people who choose not to vote, since the whole system is a ridiculous sham, nor, for that matter, people who don’t pay taxes, particularly if they give the money to stray cats and orphans instead. Truth be told, I have paid my taxes motivated, like most of us, solely by sheer cowardice, and no moral imperative whatsoever.

    For what it’s worth, I found your last comment personally offensive. We operate on different standards in the comments of TAE than ZH for example. You seem to be new to the site and may not know that.

    in reply to: Are You Going to Believe Your Masters or Your Lying Eyes? #1686
    el gallinazo

    Golden Oxen post=1274 wrote: We may think it is under way, but a greater number think it has passed. S&P over 2000 would sure be one hell of a final scene. Talk about the fat lady singing!

    What the greater number think is proven wrong over and over again. When you get a 95% optimism in the stock market, it’s time to head for the hills. There are very simple reasons for this dealing with short to long ratios, etc.

    Let me try to be more explicit. Barring a total thermonuclear war (which IMO has a significant probability), there is no “final scene.” What I meant by that was the next crash, which will be bigger than 2008, or to be even more explicit, when the S&P500 drops below the number of the beast. What I was trying to convey is that the stock markets are so rigged, rife with fraud, leveraged on nothing of value, and divorced from fundamentals, that it would not be very improbable that the S&P500 could be over 2000 a week before the big one starts rolling down the mountain. The other thing that I was trying to convey was that the real economy on Main Street is in a continuous and steady decline and no rigging of the equities markets is going to change that. However, when the next crash occurs, it will almost surely be simultaneous with a total freeze up of the credit markets which will throw a many millions more people under the bus in a matter of months.

    in reply to: Are You Going to Believe Your Masters or Your Lying Eyes? #1680
    el gallinazo


    Haven’t seen you here in a coons age. I am not going to argue with you on a “practical” level. I guess it depends on whether you would choose to die a freeman or live as a slave. Shouting “I am Sparticus” sure felt good until the nails went in your wrists. But I think it is easier to choose the former if you are approaching one’s natural span. Less downside risk; mainly the discomfort index. All the water you can breath in the FEMA camps.

    el gallinazo

    Nice story, Jal. Wish it had something to do with Europe. Mind if I use it but substitute a Gypsy, Jew, or Negro for the Greek?


    I haven’t voted or a Democrat or Republican for president in over 20 years. You want to blame yourself for electing puppet gangstas, that’s your business, but don’t include me.

    in reply to: Are You Going to Believe Your Masters or Your Lying Eyes? #1672
    el gallinazo

    The apocalypse is well under way right now on Main Street! The S&P500 may well be over 2000 up to the final scene. Guess I didn’t express it well enough. Back to remedial writing class for me 🙁

    in reply to: Juking the Stats: Our Culture of Manipulation #1665
    el gallinazo

    Golden Oxen

    Probably the Boyz behind the supercomputers at the NY Fed looking for new markets 🙂

    el gallinazo


    You mean all the loans that the Greeks received were interest free? Who knew?

    el gallinazo

    The floggings will continue until morale improves.

    The Troika

    in reply to: Juking the Stats: Our Culture of Manipulation #1656
    el gallinazo

    One thing that U-6 or even Shadowstats adjusted U-6 doesn’t include is the wages and salaries of new employment. According to the Bureau of Lying Statistics, losing a 50,000 a year UAW job and picking up a $15,000 Micky D job is a push (in Vegas jargon).

    in reply to: The Official Thread for Open Comments #1655
    el gallinazo

    Dear Goldman Client:

    By now, many of you have probably read the regrettable resignation letter published in today’s New York Times by former Goldman executive Greg Smith, explaining why he is leaving the firm after twelve years.

    In the letter, in which he excoriates Goldman and his practices, Mr. Smith comes across as a man of conscience, ideals, and high moral standards. And as you read his words, you no doubt asked yourself this troubling question: how could Goldman have hired such a person?

    At Goldman, we pride ourselves on our ability to scour the world’s universities and business schools for the finest sociopaths money will buy. Once in our internship program, these youths are subjected to rigorous evaluations to root out even the slightest evidence of a soul. But, as the case of Mr. Smith shows, even the most time-tested system for detecting shreds of humanity can blow a gasket now and then. For that, we can only offer you our deepest apology and the reassurance that one good apple won’t spoil the whole bunch.

    As to those of you who were serviced by Mr. Smith, it’s understandable that you would be concerned about who will be taking his place going forward. On that front, I have some exciting news: today, Goldman is pleased to announce that our new executive director and head of the United States equity derivatives business in Europe, the Middle East and Africa will be Mr. Joseph Kony. For those unfamiliar with Mr. Kony’s resume, let me assure you that he has the character and moral standards you have come to expect from Goldman, and like the rest of us here at the bank, he has dedicated his life to doing the Lord’s work.


    Lloyd Blankfein

    CEO, Goldman Sachs

    (Writing of this letter was assisted by Andy Borowitz)

    in reply to: The Global Liquidity Peak #1639
    el gallinazo

    The Troika policy could best be summed up by one of the favorite tee shirts on my former Caribbean island home.

    “The floggings will continue until morale improves.”

    As to:

    “But rather more to the point, if (in the act of trying to dilute debt) you let loose funny money to the value of ten times global GDP, who will benefit?”

    Well as I mentioned earlier, this would amount to a de facto global Jubilee. Money for nothing and your chicks for free. Well, maybe not that good, but Joe & Jane Bagodonuts could pay off their mortgage just by diverting a wheel barrow of fiat from their home heating system to the bank holding the title (assuming there is one and it could be found), and Joe Jr. can temporarily halt his earnest discussions on Facebook regarding the last Spiderman comic book episode and pay off his MBA with a second trip with the family wheel barrow.

    I doubt this is either Jamie or his shadowy bosses most pleasant dream. But to answer your question more directly – J6P more than any other foreseeable outcome, particularly a deflationary depression.

    in reply to: Greece is now on its way to a real disaster #1637
    el gallinazo

    Okies were more educated. They knew how to butcher a hog and coldcock a Pinkerton.

    in reply to: The Global Liquidity Peak #1632
    el gallinazo

    Well, in a couple of years when the 55+ cohort get their clocks thoroughly cleaned, the younguns will be better off. Geezers going to start to pick cotton? I can barely reach my laces 🙂

    in reply to: RE's Excellent Mexican Dental Adventure #1628
    el gallinazo

    I had some fairly minor dental work done in Costa Rica about two years ago. Excellent and very cheap. An exam, x-rays of all the teeth, thorough cleaning, and a couple of fillings cost me about $35.

    In Cusco, Peru about 6 years ago, I had about 6 fillings, an epoxy jaw balance, and my two top incisors capped (work was two hours a day for four days). Total cost about $280. Caps have been trouble free since and match the color of my other teeth perfectly.

    A molar pretty much fell apart where I am now living in Mexico. Went to the recommended town dentist who took an X-ray and said that the extraction was way above his pay grade because the tooth was too far gone to be just pulled. He referred me to a dental surgeon in the small city about 60 km to the west. I needed a second tooth pulled as well next to the offending culprit. The guy was great. Very good technician, pleasant and concerned, and didn’t skimp on the procaine. The work took well over an hour and I had to come back a week later to pull the sutures. Total cost – USD 85.

    in reply to: The Global Liquidity Peak #1627
    el gallinazo


    Agree. Spiritual evolution is a very individual thing. Trying to force feed others about this is like trying to teach a dog to eat with its hind end. The good news is that if one can improve oneself, it will effect others positively through “osmosis.” But it is hard to see people close to oneself drinking the economic Kool-Aide. The kids are trapped now. They are buying the BS about education as the road to the American Dream because they don’t want to compete with 30 others for a scholarship to Mickey D U. The current expansion of credit in the US is based entirely on student debt. And it is no accident that it was made a life long sentence 7 years ago, courtesy of the Cartel. It’s become the much touted Einstein definition of insanity. If that BA didn’t work, then I oughta double down for another $100k and get an MA or MBA.

    As to the quote by Lev Tolstoy:

    His literal interpretation of the ethical teachings of Jesus, centering on the Sermon on the Mount, caused him in later life to become a fervent Christian anarchist and anarcho-pacifist. His ideas on nonviolent resistance, expressed in such works as The Kingdom of God Is Within You, were to have a profound impact on such pivotal twentieth-century figures as Mohandas Gandhi[4] and Martin Luther King, Jr.[5]

    I have a bit of PTSD with Tolstoy. During the final exam of my final course in Russian in university, I had to translate a couple of pages of Anna Karenina (when she sneaks into her estranged husband’s house to visit her young son) into English. That was 45 years ago. I can’t remember 10 words in Russian, but that scene is embedded in my brain 🙂

    in reply to: Greece is now on its way to a real disaster #1618
    el gallinazo

    jal post=1213 wrote:

    Greece for one would have a hard time making it without most people living in real poverty.

    A small difference …

    I beg to differ. One area where Kunstler really shines.

    in reply to: The Global Liquidity Peak #1617
    el gallinazo

    Things haven’t changed much in the last couple of millennia.. Just look at what the average Roman was up to in Pompeii when he was caught by the pyroclastic cloud rolling down Vesuvius. Recent evidence indicates that most of them were watching Dancing with Dionysus. They didn’t have potatoes (they was invented in Peru) but they certainly had couches.

    in reply to: The Official Thread for Open Comments #1611
    el gallinazo


    This is far from an original thought, but the legal basis of corporations, as passed down from the time of the British East India Company is intrinsically psychopathic. For example, if a CEO earns the shareholder only $5 instead of $10 on the quarter, because he noticed that too many of his workers’ children were being born with two heads, so he invested in anti-pollution devices above the bogus, minimal standards required by the goobermint, then he could be “rightfully” sued by the stockholders for breaking his fiduciary responsibility. Maybe even criminal charges.

    Koutoulis is like most of the middle class managers. He is stuck in the middle as a non-psychopath working for psychopaths in a cultured brainwashed since the womb into buying into the bullshit and drinking the Kool Aide. A few break out of it cognitively, and only a very few of those break out of it spiritually. To put it succinctly, that Koutoulis admired Dimon so greatly before his last spectacular hoist just shows how fucked up his values are despite the fact that he regards himself as an honest and decent fellow.

    in reply to: Greece is now on its way to a real disaster #1610
    el gallinazo


    Because almost all the resources were put into useless malinvestments and populations expanded on the fossil fuel bubble, credit, and optimism. Even if the Banksters were not still extracting their pound and a half of flesh, and they certainly are, Greece for one would have a hard time making it without most people living in real poverty.

    in reply to: Greece is now on its way to a real disaster #1603
    el gallinazo

    I think what Trivium4TW really means is that they are going to cut off access to any credit. I&S maintain that this will occur whether the top Banksters plan it or not as a strategy.

    in reply to: The Official Thread for Open Comments #1602
    el gallinazo


    The prime directive of the ruling banking Cabal is that people outside of their very select group should be treated as animals, to be raised and slaughtered for their benefit. While any decent person would agree that whether one chooses to eat animals or not, or use them as beasts of burden, they should always be treated as “humanely” as possible. But most people would agree that to treat people as an agricultural crop is psychopathic. Dimon is a top global manager for the Cabal. They must also be psychopaths. It’s a primary requirement on the job application, as primary as an IQ over 85. Each of these guys has their individual quirks and repulsive style which one can focus on and use for a personal loathfest, but it’s a good idea to keep your eye on the whole field of play.

    in reply to: American Einsatzgruppen #1600
    el gallinazo

    Even if one is naive or deliberately ignorant (as the X files used to say, “The truth is out there), to believe the Official Conspiracy Theory, it still doesn’t add up to the war. When the US wanted OBL head (publicly anyway), the Taliban replied, well send us an official indictment with all the evidence for his involvement and a request for extradition. The US refused. Chose instead to start a proxy (insurgent) war and aerial bombardment (which has become the official MO since then) and then to invade. Once again the question of the decade is:

    Cui bono?

    in reply to: Carry-trade currencies — need the basics…again #1592
    el gallinazo

    What’s not right is the ZIRP policies of the Fed and the BoJ, and the near ZIRP of the ECB trying to keep their zombie, bloodsucking, Too Big To Jail banks alive. But higher interest rate countries can be smashed when things fall apart. Iceland is a perfect example. Huge carry trade before the implosion, which was built on a huge (if anything can be huge in a country of 300,000) corruption of its three major banks. BTW the Prime Minister at that time is at this moment on trial on criminal charges. The top Banksters are hiding out in London and the UK refuses to extradite them. The moral may be to take a hard look at the corruption of your local Banksters.

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1586
    el gallinazo


    I read with interest your post about the Illuminati yesterday and your opinions today of how the dynamics of the factions within it may play out over the collapse. I tend to avoid that particular term to label this group for obvious reasons, but you probably have historical reasons for using it.

    Which brings me to the point of this comment. As I am sure that you have gathered by now, it is an area of considerable interest to me, and I would be grateful if you could post several links you feel to be solid which describe both the history of the group(s) and about any factions that may have developed since its origins. The links would be sufficient and I do not need a long description or analysis covering each link.

    Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Greece is now on its way to a real disaster #1559
    el gallinazo

    As with all crime scenes you investigate, the first step toward understanding is to ask:

    Cui Bono?

    But that itself depends on whether you regard the scene as a homicide or a pile-up of a bunch of drunken idiots.

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1555
    el gallinazo

    Fat finger 🙂

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1553
    el gallinazo


    Well, I probably bought some phony statistics as real. I do admit that I was skeptical of them when I saw them. Both my parents were born in 1913 and lived in NYC during the depression, so I didn’t have to go to the library to learn about hard times. And they were psychologically scarred by it which got passed down to my sister and me.

    On a note closer to the content of Ash’s article, bomb throwing anarchist 🙂 Charles Biderman, ruminating on the roaring stock market and noting that everyone seems to be running away anyway, says it’s Da Fed. If you can print your own money, maybe you don’t need no steenkin’ meat and blood investors. It’s the new paranormal.

    “Everybody Knows”

    Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
    Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
    Everybody knows that the war is over
    Everybody knows the good guys lost
    Everybody knows the fight was fixed
    The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
    That’s how it goes
    Everybody knows

    Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
    Everybody knows that the captain lied
    Everybody got this broken feeling
    Like their father or their dog just died

    Everybody talking to their pockets
    Everybody wants a box of chocolates
    And a long stem rose
    Everybody knows


    in reply to: Carry-trade currencies — need the basics…again #1537
    el gallinazo

    Yeah, I wrote it. I have been saving some of my more (arguably) worthwhile comments since last August in a mailbox, but didn’t see it. Let’s use Yen at 1% and NZD at 5% just as an example. I think the most important point that I made was that unwinding a currency carry trade can become a positive feedback loop as in a death spiral. The reason for this is if the forex of the higher interest investment, NZD, drops hard against the lower interest investment loan, Yen, and these deals are always leveraged to the hilt, then these guys have to unwind muy pronto before they lose their shirt. But unwinding it requires that they sell NZD and buy Yen, which exacerbates the problem, so the first one to bail out gets hurt the least.

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1536
    el gallinazo


    “How recently have you read (or watched) The Grapes of Wrath?”

    Asume your question is rhetorical but read it about 50 years ago and last saw it about 4 years ago. Bruce Springsteen’s Ghost of Tom Joad inspired me to give it another watch. East of Eden was my favorite Steinbeck book, which fittingly centered around a psychopath, although a cute one.

    I guess it’s all about shades of black. However, one statistic which I read strangely enough stated that life expectancy actually increased in the USA in the 30’s over the previous several decades, as compared to 8 digit death tolls in Stalin’s Russia even before the war started with Germany in June,1941 when Hitler broke their non-agression pact.

    The US statistic is still a bit of a mystery. One explanation is less food (skinny animals live longer) and another is wearing out more shoe leather.

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1531
    el gallinazo


    You are right that they would probably use a microorganism disease vector – probably a virus. But this slime would be neither random nor fair. Neither is their style. They would then go with a very difficult to develop and replicate vaccine and inject their anointed including all their future lackeys. Probably surreptitiously not to panic the sheep. Surreptitiously just means they wouldn’t publish all the details in the Toilet Paper of Record, thus making any whistleblower a conspiracy theorist before he wound up in a FEMA camp or among Obama’s unbreathing.

    Lots of evidence coming in that Monsanto’s Frankencrops are playing havoc with farm animal fertility. I am sure it’s just a coincidence. Also, it appears now that the pathway that Monsanto is using for their terminator seeds is applicable to all life forms. Our Masters have so many choices to pick from as they proceed with God’s work. But not to worry, I am quite sure that they couldn’t be that evil.

    in reply to: Fermentastic ! #1529
    el gallinazo

    I used to make beer 45 years ago. Does that count as a fermenter?:-)

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1524
    el gallinazo


    ” no explicit top-down planning is necessary for a complex system to lose its healthy variability over time”

    I agree it’s not necessary but it certainly makes it a lot easier. We trying to fix a certain burden of proof unequally on one side of the question?

    These blood clan elites have all the power and all the money. They can hire the brightest geniuses and the biggest computers. The can land a robot where ever they want on Mars, but they couldn’t figure out what would happen to the Eurozone in 10-15 odd years when even a knuckle dragging Neanderthal like Yours Truly could?

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1523
    el gallinazo

    Why am I always the fat one?


    “The main problem now is one of the resource base measured against the population base. Gold can’t solve that problem.”

    Well if we could just get the population under say a billion in the next 15 years, I think we could solve that little problem. Only there is an appalling and disheartening shortage of volunteers. There might be a simple workaround. Kind of like the draft lottery in 1969, but with a diminishing list of deferments as time goes by. Only this is a big logistical problem. Might require German engineering.

    BTW, I am glad that we have a constitutional lawyer as POTUS. Hitler and Stalin never had the decency to pass laws that they could kill anyone they felt like. They just did it. Very primitive.

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1514
    el gallinazo


    Regarding “the rule of law,” during previous eras, I was hoping to express its relative nature in my comment. If, OTOH, you consider the situation in 1935 Ohio to have been identical to 1935 Russia under Stalin, then we might just have to disagree.

    in reply to: The Comment Forum #1512
    el gallinazo


    The main forum window has exactly what you want….I think. It is the recent topic tab, second from the left. And it is arranged in descending order of most recent posts and gives the id of last poster. Check it out

    Reverse Engineer

    Eliminating Open ID accessibility only went back to last September and was part of the attempt to reduce Butthead’s disruptive activities. Unfortunate that it kept you off.


    The Official Thread for Open Comments was an attempt to reinstitute the old Blogger family approach. But in the end, this herd of cats must vote with its feet. I have been remiss in using it myself for that purpose.

    For everyone,

    I find tabbing my browser is a great aid in navigating the new blog structure. This is done by right clicking on a link and choosing “open link in new tab.” You can read what you want, then close the tab, and you are back to the original link page in a fraction of a second. I assume almost every one knows this already, but…….
    I usually keep at least 5 tabs open on my TAE window at any time. Saves a lot of time. Same deal for my ZH window. It does require a bit of RAM though to work well. I have 4 GB which maxes out my 3 year old laptop.

    BTW, one of the founders of The Firesign Theater died this week, Peter Bergman. Sad. I must credit them with helping to maintain my insanity during my youth.


    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1509
    el gallinazo

    Reverse Engineer,

    We could become the Abbott and Costello of Ponzinomics. I see career opportunities here.


    What is your over all take on the film. Thrive?

    Golden Ox

    Regarding your “Why” rant, the answer is (drum roll)……… none of the above. I was just opening the door and dusting off the Welcome mat. RE saw that clearly, but glad that you decided to step inside anyway.

    “That yarn you spun about saving the industrial paradigm by saying good bye to gold has to be satire. You will notice that the gold got to 1900 anyway, and the wise and thrifty who are still on the gold standard are doing okay, it is the fiat fools that are in all the trouble.”

    Your faith in gold would have some validity in previous eras when there was some continuity in the rule of law, at least in the USA. Yes, the laws were made for the elite, and yes they were ignored on many occasions, but there was some continuity. That is about to come to an abrupt end. If you haven’t noticed, the Bill Of Rights has been rescinded in the last couple of months. Ignorant and vicious TSA thugs are now stopping and searching people on the interstates backed up by regular army and local and state police who are taking orders from them. They actually call this Operation VIPR – no more Mr. Nice Guy! The brownshirts have been replaced by the blueshirts. Our blueshirts are grabbing people’s children by the genitals, for now just at airports, and taking naked pictures of the adults, to humiliate and condition the parents into shame and helplessness. It is psyops. They organize false flags operations in order to give a rational to these actions. For example, regarding the underwear bomber, several eye witnesses, including at his recent trial, spoke out that the airline did not wish to permit him on the airplane in Europe because he was lacking documents, but they were overruled and he was forced onto the plane by “men in dark suits” who appeared to have official status.

    The object of the ruling clans is for total control over the planet’s resources and population. They do not really need money as they make it themselves from debt in whatever quantity they need and are the first to realize its intrinsic worthlessness other than as an illusory tool to manipulate people. Remember the infamous Meyer Rothschild quote from several centuries ago.

    Their strategy is now in its end game. A primary interim goal is to impoverish the middle class. As the late, great Joe Bageant pointed out with both anger and sympathy in his two books, Deer Hunting with Jesus and Rainbow Pie, the underclass in the USA has been manipulated into self loathing and acting against its own interests for decades. It is the total castration and impoverishment of the middle class which is now necessary to lower any effective resistance to their end game. This will be accomplished both through economic and electronic manipulation as well as brutal and coercive physical force.

    Which is the reason that the gold strategy will in the end prove ineffective to survival. You think it would have worked for a kulak (a middle class farmer) under Stalin?

    in reply to: Revisiting the Financial Fingerprint of Instability #1487
    el gallinazo

    Well, I will not argue with much of the observational data presented in this analysis, but as the official tin foil wrapped dissident here, I once more must ask the question……….WHY? Front running has been illegal for decades. HFT is just a form of front running. The Squid’s proprietary desk ran a full quarter about a year ago without ever showing a loss for a single day according to ZH. That’s like someone betting on red or black on a roulette wheel and winning 90 times in a row. The odds against that are one divided by 2 to the 90th power which is something like the number of atoms in the Milky Way galaxy. (OK – I forgot to subtract the weekends -same difference.) Maybe there is a plan behind it ……you think? These guys might as well stick a syphon into the anal orifice of the S&P500 and just have some fat guy suck on it 6.5 hours a day. Why has the SEC permitted this? Why have they permitted these HFT trading companies to rent office space within 200 meters of the NYSE primary computer battery because now the speed of light has become a hindrance to these electron hustlers? I am sure they are keeping an eye on the latest superluminal neutrino research out of CERN. Now if that neutrino stuff pans out and they can send their orders backwards in time, then it would be frontrunning only imagined in a wet dream.

    If everyone is leaving the stock market because they know the game is rigged, why has the market doubled since it bottomed out mid March 2009? Where is the money to keep Wile E. flying high coming from if everyone is fleeing like rats from a burning ship? Can pension funds survive on 2 or 3% long term fixed incomes when they need 6–7% to avoid a shrinking principal? Can your grandma? It’s a negative real yield even with the CoL numbers from the Bureau of Lying Statistics. Could the Fed possibly be trying to force these funds into high risk assets by their ZIRP policies? Who exactly owns the Fed, and which individuals own the banks that own the Fed?

    Obviously the current policies will kill the market, so why are they permitted? Note that Watson, the computer that recently became the champ of Jeopardy has been hired by the Citi group, How will that effect the market? Can Watson donate unlimited cash to the political campaigns of his choice? Can he run for president if he can present an electronic certificate, still replete with Photoshop layers, that indicates that Hawaii was the location where he first achieved sentience?

    It’s not enough for me to have this stuff related like listening to a baseball game over the radio, even when the announcer is top notch. I am a chem major and had thermodynamics pounded into my head, both macro and statistical, but I don’t buy that all this is some mindless unfolding of a human thermodynamic any more than if the first explorers where to arrive at the south pole to find a Model A Ford sitting there and concluding that was the outcome of polar geologic forces.


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