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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle December 16 2020 #66980


    Outstanding comment and insight!

    thank you!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 16 2020 #66957

    All that just makes me love you more than I already do so I’ll just go ahead and eat those words . I pretty much agree with you 99% of the time. The one percent in this particular case is that I think it might be a little early in the unfolding to say that what we (and to add, I don’t think I personally have had much input into any of this other than wearing my mask and practicing social d so the ‘we’ thing doesn’t sit well) have actually NOT done what needs to be done. I try to make it clear that ‘the’ conditional is MY condition and not yours. I just found the juxtaposition of those two ‘methods’…interesting….. and used it to make my typical segue to the meta side. No more no less. I got the intent in both.

    The importance of scale can not be understated. In 1970 when @vietnamvet was in southeast asia the world population was 3.68 billion…… in the US 205 million. Check the world pop for the Spanish flu years. My dad bought his first house in 1950 for $4500. His house payment was $45 a month! His total income was $400 per month. Six mouths to feed and all. What does that equate to now?

    It is not the same world and to think that 300,000 humans or that $1,000,000 are large numbers might be naive..? I am not talking about the value that might be reflected in those numbers just the relative size. So also.. the scaling of the time to effect of any action…such a the *right* decisions on public health policy. The future will manifest as and in the present so I personally will try and hold the mind of absolute trust. Wait and see.

    Come on gal! Don’t go now! I enjoy your take on all this stuff! …even if we are just dancing on the surface of all that is.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 16 2020 #66954

    @Madamski wrote:

    “Recap: there IS an authentic health crisis. It’s proper defanging would have required measures totalitarian in nature (like we saw China do when this thing started). What has been done instead is awful at best and is moving rapidly toward worst.

    The more profound martial arts understand that your force against the foe works best when it doesn’t directly counter the foe’s force but, instead, deceptively accepts then diverts. This is better not necessarily because a direct punch in the nose is ineffective. It is better because it prevents you from becoming a mirror image of your foe, which is both morally and strategically asinine. Morally because an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind including thyself, and strategically because the foe knows itself better than it does you, and becoming like your foe makes you an open book to it and a mystery to yourself.”

    Not sure if these two paragraphs belong in the same essay?

    I would think that the ‘proper defanging’ of SARS-CoV-2 is not ‘deceptively accepting’. In fact the more I read the second paragraph( which is a philosophy I tend to ascribe to) the more it reminds of Walt Perry’s parody quote from Pogo; “We have met the enemy and he is us”.

    I would posit that the *idea* that we humans are some how capable of controlling and modifying nature to our own ends is hubris. I believe that security and control are illusory…….. especially at scale. SARS-CoV-2 is nature…at scale. I also believe that human nature is robust, thousands and thousands of years of robustness. Having said that I might take the vaccine if given sufficient proof of a proper trial and efficacy. I have been vaccinated against smallpox, measles and polio. I have never gotten a seasonal flu vaccine and have only endured mild flu a couple times in my 70 years. These days I’m thinking I probably have a greater *probability* of dying from skin cancer or a bad crash going fast with the kids on the mountain bike.

    Then again…… from Ani Difranco’s 32 flavors:

    ‘Cause someday you might find you’re starving
    And eating all of the words you said’

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 15 2020 #66890



    “We don’t think alike
    My comments, observations and conclusions are irrelevant”

    In other words, THINK for yourself.

    Thanks Zero. Reading “Breath” by James Nestor. Breathing is something that everyone can do for *themselves*. Somehow relevant to myself….hmmmmmm. Probably a simple additional defense against the ‘rona’ as well. Just sayin’.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 11 2020 #66728

    I’m not sure how this relates ‘cuz I’m drinkin’ some fine IPA……but TAE muse’s me in many ways.

    Taking into consideration the precautionary principle…what were all those people on the Mayflower thinking? …and everyone that ever came before them that moved forward towards an unknown future??

    I mean WTF? Would YOU even be where you are right now? Would you even BE?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 7 2020 #66553

    @madamski wrote:

    “I learned yesterday there is such a thing as a Zoom office Xmas party. In a business run by two credentialed psychiatrists.

    Everybody under 40 found an excuse not to be there. Over 40’s knew too well where their bread is buttered and endured the nightmare folly.”

    Jesus wept.”

    Ah! The bread!……at my old age I have only begun to understand ..*status quo*. If the kids succeed in burning this bitch/bastard down…I have informed them that I may not have enough energy to help them build the NEW WORLD…… take it easy ok?


    Oh yeah…and about those clitoris enlargement pills….do they work for ….well…you know..


    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 3 2020 #66367

    Yo @ Mr Moto

    Appreciate it if you didn’t use the word ‘we’ when admitting your shortcomings in understanding the nature of reality. You think for yourself and I’ll do the same. Thanks.

    On that PCR thing . There is a #$%t ton of information out there about what the inventor and Nobel prize winner for the invention of the PCR test Kary Mullis has said about what it is *for*. Here’s a short little diddy, one of many:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle December 3 2020 #66360

    @ madamski

    Epic post! You go girl!


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 30 2020 #66202

    @ John Day

    hahahahahaha! you a funny man!

    @ D Benton Smith

    Check this:

    in reply to: Vaccines for Guinea Pigs #66080

    @madamski wrote:

    “As for wishing we still had cpitalism: we do. And capitalism, like some famous blokes said, always leads to slavery, as does socialism, monarchy, communism, any -ism.

    All -isms are something one works for and, about the time think you have it, vanishes into yet another form of more or less totalitarianism before resuming our favorite reformative matrix: chaos.”

    Oh woman! that just speaks to me! So much free energy available in chaos. Design from resource opportunity knocks!. Got mused once out of the blue…I wrote it on the big squeaky pen board in the shop…..”The door from darkness open onto chaos”. It just made sense now.

    ………for all the doom and gloom on TAE I will not be beat down!


    in reply to: Vaccines for Guinea Pigs #66050

    And just to be clear..I have traveled the world and no country I have been to has better craft beer than the USA.

    Just sayin’


    in reply to: Vaccines for Guinea Pigs #66048

    @a kullervo

    No…what I’m going to do is what I said: adapt..create and endure. Trust me they do not want to fight with little peeps that can make actually make something (weapons?) and they know it. Think about it…they have to call somebody to screw the lightbulb in. Who has the power?

    ‘Course I’m 2 IPA’s down so my thinking may be chemically biased. Happy thanksgiving even if you think the founders were scoundrels. Enjoy your family and friends ..forget the history for a day. Quit killing the messengers.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 25 2020 #66028


    thanks Zero. Been waiting for someone to point this out:

    “8. Keep doing virtual meetings and avoid creating demonstrations by any opponents ( Four geoeconomic summits compressed in one week tell the story of where we stand in these supremely dystopian times… The (virtual) signing of RCEP in Vietnam was followed by the equally virtual BRICS meeting hosted by Moscow, the APEC meeting hosted by Malaysia, and the G20 this past weekend hosted by Saudi Arabia.)”

    @D Benton Smith

    I wonder *which* policy will be better for Taiwan?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 23 2020 #65966

    I’ve been watching this one since Raul started posting the Worldometer Covid stats every morning. On the average about 350,000 babies are born and a 150,000 people die…..every day.


    Lead from the front big brother.

    @ Zerosum

    I think that Freud and Jung were only partially correct about their dream theories. I think some dream information is encoded in DNA as well.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 22 2020 #65947
    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 22 2020 #65946
    in reply to: Automatic Earth in Athens November 2020 #65932


    At the risk of being accused of victim shaming(again) you brief synopsis of what is really going on is right and it is wrong at the same time. How can that be? Well in my view because; it too simple, too black and white and it makes somebody else’s *circumstance* mine. Lacks nuance. I can confirm and refute every point you made, because I have been on one side or the other of every point you made…….in some cases both sides at different times. I hear you. I could tell you a hundred stories but I won’t bore you.

    I wish you the best of luck Carol. Truly. I know I’m going to need it too. I hold hope that I will recognize it when it presents….and you will too. Open heart sorta stuff know? Peace.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2020 #65910

    And a little fun on Saturday night. TAE has got me drinking beer and typing again! Old G.K.Chesterton mused me to not take myself so seriously:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 21 2020 #65909
    in reply to: Automatic Earth in Athens November 2020 #65901

    @Dr. D

    “Ready to stop playing along with these rapacious vikings and go work and eat again? I have been for 30 years but I could use a little help.”

    I’ve been working since a child. Chores were a required contribution to the household. First real job at 14 as soon as I could get a work permit. Picking corporate farmed strawberries. Thankless work. I had(and have!) much respect for my fellow farmworkers. They did what they had to do … eat. I learned early on that if my work actually added value then I did not contribute as much to the entropic process. At least the entropy that tended to increase at my immediate ‘locale’. Same as you, I’m having trouble getting the work that is available to my little band of laborers done. Saying no to work is hard for me and something I do not do lightly. But we can only do what we can do, so filtering has become almost a luxury. Best year in 15 years…so far.

    I’ve been rattling the rapacious vikings for 50 years. @D Benton Smith could probably point me to the many *lists* I….and prob many of the peeps on AE as well are already on.

    So….. I’m down big bro Dr. D.! I have always been on your team.

    in reply to: Automatic Earth in Athens November 2020 #65879


    As @Madamski noted we have a severe homeless problem stateside. It’s spreading from the metro areas at a good clip. I had to deal with the results of a homeless gathering behind the shop this morn. They made a big mess and walked away. I was mad but more concerned about the cause. It’s a symptom let’s be honest.

    You allude to most of the ones there being victims of circumstance. Problem that I see is that if they can not get back on their feet quickly then it becomes a slow slide into disrespect for organized society, laziness and ultimately schizophrenia. I could be wrong but I have tried to help what I call the “campers” for years now and they just keep sliding.

    There is something in human nature that is robust and durable. I’m concerned that because we feel empathy and love we nurture weakness instead of nurturing to strength. I don’t know?

    Filothei is beautiful. I feel in love almost immediately. Make sure the kitchen gets my donation.

    Hahaha! 😊


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2020 #65796

    @D Benton Smith

    ” If America can be said to have any kind of culture at all, then the chaos I just described is what it is. And we fucking love it.”

    Hear fucking Hear! That wins it today for me!


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 19 2020 #65784

    @John Day

    Doc you are kindhearted man. I’m sure you’ve read Farley Mowat’s Never Cry Wolf, the movie was good although as one could expect not so true to the book, many of the scenes in the movie resonated with me none the less. The scene where Mike tells Tyler to quit worrying about the wolves and worry about himself because ..” winter is coming” was a good one. Philosophically my brain has been stuck on the agency/freewill dilemma. I think it relates to some of the discord in our world now. Did you or @Straightwalker read ‘A Yaqui Way of Knowledge’? I know that like Ayn Rand he was discredited in the end but that does not diminish the value in his metaphors. I remember a meeting with Don Juan in the square in the city and a lesson about the red bug and personal power…?? Is that right?

    I took the test. Was happy to see that I was slightly to the right of Ghandi! hahahahah!

    Sorry. Something more pertinent to the discussion at hand. A good one from Doug Casey yesterday:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2020 #65755

    @ Susiemarie

    North Jetty, Moss Landing Cali


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 18 2020 #65745

    Dr.Day ( I call you that ‘cuz I know you are prob switching your ‘modes’ and peddling your way to *work*! Ha!) Man o man I wish I could tap my stream of consciousness as eloquently as you do!. Beautiful word flow.

    4 election cycles ago my friend Stan was telling me that Obama *gets* us. He’s our man!
    Then he let all the wall street snakes slither away and I was sad. I wonder this morn when ANTIFA will turn on Biden and how the media won’t cover it?

    You wrote,” We have no backup plan for economic collapse”. Why did you say we? Based on what I see in your thought *you* do have a backup plan…correct me if I’m wrong?

    @Susiemarie108 said in the end of her post, ” ….as all of the power to make change STARTS WITH ME and is in my hands/Heart.” That wins the AE so far this morn for me. I know she resonates with CHS but is she sure of what came first, chicken or the egg sort of deal, he’s he just confirming her subjective solution to the dilemma of reality or has her thought evolved and emerged into what it is at this moment? She’s a smart woman, she seems forthright and honest and I like her alot. Complexity and emergence theory is fun. Stuart Kauffman will challenge what you think is your intellect!

    Quick story then off to work, something that came to mind on this morns dog walkie:

    About 50 years ago one of the fellows at our local surf spot had relatives on the border of New Mexico. He would make an annual trek to visit them and would bring back a couple burlap sacks of peyote, For sure it was a black economy deal for him but all the in group could, if the wished, partake in some mind expanding fun, Eating raw peyote is not a pleasant thing, the degree of the depth of the dive is pretty much limited by how much you can stand to eat. I don’t remember any of us ever really going around the bend. Just open hearted loving fun. One particularly beautiful winter morning we arrived at the beach, I had a few hours before my first class at the local JC. Peyote Bob coerced me into joining the fun( never made to school that day!). Through out the day the swell built and wind conditions improved, by late afternoon the waves were what we call ‘perfect’. Nature manifesting in all it’s glory. Of course riding large powerful waves has some consequence, but that afternoon, together, our small band shared in the risk and the reward. I will never forget. So, as the sun was setting there were four diehards, myself include, that were taking this day to its end. We were huddling around our small beach fire, not saying much. I had an orange in my jacket, I peeled it and divided it into four section and passed one to each. No words. The sun was reaching zenith as we huddled close, my gaze dropped for a moment and I noticed a daddy longlegs spider climbing up the leg of my friend Richards sweat pants. I said, ” Richard, there is a spider crawling up your leg”. He looked at it, did nothing and turned his gaze back to the sun. I wish I could take those words back now so many years latter.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2020 #65714

    @ D Benton Smith

    Your prudence is kindly appreciated. Thank you

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 17 2020 #65710

    Tuesday morning beatdown on TAE. I’m depressed. Not really! hahahahah!

    Once again reading Dr. D I find I agree with much of his insight(?) Many of his conclusions I have come to on my own via my own evidence discovery. Yet I have to be careful I am not just reinforcing a bias, Which is most likely just my ego tripping.

    Hey Zero! I look at the Highway rest stop as representation of my taxation. Nice highways, public libraries, protected wilderness as well as county, state and federal parks amongst other things. As part of my productive social contract I gladly pay to enjoy those resources. Sure there has been much subversion and corruption of those institutions but hey it has and does work pretty good for me….so far. Also I’m working on what I am calling Zerosum’s third thought hypothesis. More later.


    I have been a CHS reader( not follower!) for many years. I like his take. He is prone to blame everything on the Fed. I get it. His solution is only common sense. so…. Meh. We dance on the surface of things here. Is DBS’s obvious knowledge of things you and I have not been privy to knowledge of the root or a result of the real root? I think it’s way deeper. And… somehow related to the Zerosum third thought hypothesis. David Bohm, Karl Friston and Ian McGilchrist may have some clues ..maybe not.


    Did you receive treatment of any kind? Would the outcome have been different if you did not know what you were sick from? Kary Mullis warned of the misuse of the PCR test as a diagnostic tool. Looking back at the history of HIV/AIDS in social context I would agree.

    Do you ever get the feeling that somebody on TAE might be a time traveling space man/woman that knows how to cheat the second law…that is just pushing our buttons? Maybe its all of us, expressing our mitochondrial genetic heritage across time. Maybe…my body is just a passenger, riding a double helix train to somewhere?

    Taleb likes to tell his don’t cross the river if it’s 4′ deep story. Probability and all. I say… ‘learn to swim’…. IF you want to know what is on the other side of that river…


    P.S: I ‘m sure you noticed that a bunch of kids mentored by some old NASA engineers and funded by a billionaire in co-operation with a federal agency just sent an explosively propelled machine into low earth orbit and rendezvous with the ISS? I found it funny in contrast to the other group of kids that are mentored by marxist/anarchist college professors and use handheld explosive devices to burn innocent peoples private property. Funny ..NOT funny.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2020 #65677


    I thought we were gonna work on “letting go”? Lots of questions that have too many answers. I liked you first idea , “….to go beyond the moment and reflect on root causes”. Good idea…I like.



    This might speak to some of your 3rd *thought*


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 16 2020 #65668

    “300,000 New Yorkers Have Fled the Big Apple Amid Coronavirus, Crime (NYP)”

    Perhaps the SARS-CoV-2 is somehow connected to the city itself. What a city has become? We don’t talk about population growth much, the overcrowding, congestion, sanitary issues and that dirty little secret …homelessness evolving and descending into schizophrenia. So yeah, I agree with Dr. D quite a clickbait. Probably not leaving New York state…but the city.

    ….Whatcha got? Re posts are cool but what do you *think*? I’m all ears.

    Peace Kiddies! Got some shoes to cobble

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2020 #65636


    Love the thought *process*. Keep on. David Bohm is smiling from somewhere in the continuum.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2020 #65632

    I still want to know what @Arttua was alluding to? I went back thru the comment thread and did not find anyone saying anything. May have missed. Dr.D. had an insight that actually supported much of what Arttua said in between the beginning and ending sentence. But to be fair the last sentence seemed like a veiled insult to Raul, somebody on the site or all of us? I can’t tell? And I agree with much of @DBS ‘s take as I do Dr. D’s and John Day’s and many others on here

    ……whereabouts unknown. No kidding. Popeye moment!! So funny… I had one this week! Good point on the dead versus deprived! I agree.

    Reid..Drinking and typing can definitely get you in trouble! I often wonder!

    Way to much left brain on here sometimes. What do you guys and gals do for fun? Seriously. What’s your mojo?


    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 15 2020 #65624


    WTF? What or who are you talking about? Damn dude! The hatred!..always trying to get me to hate myself. I’m so over it. So much of it coming from the left.

    @D Benton Smith. I have to agree and you won AE today for me with your first post :

    “Some folks are going to get wiped out. Others will be rubbed out. And a precious few will bask in the drug-rush of temporary ( very temporary) and reduced power as the combined strength of failing shrinking illogical systems gets smaller and weaker and dumber.
    Most of us , however, ( and here is the good news) are simply going to continue doing what we have always done, which is also the only thing we are able to do. And that is to go on living until further notice”.

    Adapt, create and endure, the people perennial as grass………..

    in reply to: Debt Rattle November 10 2020 #65382

    Just to inject a little levity into the convo:

    in reply to: Biden IS the Swamp #65297

    BOOM! Thanks you Raul. Could not agree more.

    Caitlin had a two good ones in a row as well.

    Keep the faith bro. We’ll be fine. Like Dr. D says, ” the people…perennial as grass..” sumthin like that. 🙂

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 30 2020 #65042

    Careful what you wish for. The Sumatran tidal wave in 2004 killed over 170,000 peeps. Considering the precautionary principle perhaps all those blue coastal counties should consider moving to higher ground? Especially since the boundary plate dynamics of say…Cascadia will prob never stop. And that’s just one. Not even a black swan.

    Natality……mortality. Collapse your personal wave function on which ever one suits your fancy, I’ll take the first.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 27 2020 #64893


    I don’t see Raul ‘eager’ for Biden to lose. Seems more like :

    “The wicked are wicked, no doubt, and they go astray and they fall, and they come by their deserts; but who can tell the mischief which the very virtuous do?”
    ― William Makepeace Thackeray, Vanity Fair

    @ Dr. D!

    Very poignant (but ultimately depressing when I accepted that I agree with everything you said) post this morn. Check this guy out seems to *know* what he is talking about. Wonder if it’s because it’s what he does? Scroll up, some good fluid dynamics insight . His take on the PCR test is really good to…’cuz that’s what he does!! hahahaha!: Thanks goodness I got my trees!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2020 #64864

    @straightwalker wrote:

    “The willfulness, that enables us to get things done, can also interfere with accepting our unknowable place in the unknowable. I have lots of trouble with that.”

    Include me in that buddy!

    Fristen’s Free Energy principle:

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2020 #64856

    John Day.

    Really good stuff! Those are all the right questions because they are the questions about what to DO. For me I suppose simply; do I *feel* like I am a part of everything or separate from everything? I know I feel better when I feel I’m part( of the wonder filled world not that other one we beat on here) …but yeah… the urge to agency thing tends to get away.

    Thanks you! Appreciate the thought and *work* on that too!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2020 #64853

    John Day,

    You probably read this but just in case:

    Masanobu Fukuoka ” The One Straw Revolution”. 1975

    in reply to: Debt Rattle October 26 2020 #64851

    “Soil fungi act like a support network for trees, study shows
    U of A research is first to show that growth rate of adult trees is linked to fungal networks colonizing their roots.”

    It’s hard to believe that these guys have the balls to say they are first? WTF? The guy that told this to me 50 years ago and learned it from the women that told him 50 years before that are turning over in their graves…we’ll maybe not ….because if in fact they were buried in the ground without being embalmed or cremated their little constituent components are probably already part of a tree!

    Duh! Did they not watch Avatar?…..or ever hear, “pushing up daisies”…? But yea they are doing a *study*……

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