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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle July 9 2020 #60963

    So hey! I’ve been resisting taking my morning cup over to the desk, staring into the ‘oracle’ and seeking an answer, some confirmation. It’s been nice, take my cup out, watch the sun rise and the dog play. I am fortunate and I know that…but other than that what do I really know? This morn I succumbed to the urge. Good to see a civil discourse, some smart guys and gals on AE for sure. Thanks Raul! Thanks for letting peeps like Dr.D and the others have a voice, even if in opposition. Refreshing.

    So I was thinking in, 1968 we had ‘counterculture’ but had no idea there would be a mechanism called ‘cancel culture’. In 1968 I was 18. Life was surfing,sex, drugs, rock and roll and yeah that college thing too. 1969 Woodstock. 400,000 kids and more of the above. So last month one of my fellow boomers reminded me that 1968-1970 were the H3N2 years. I had forgotten if I ever knew? I’m surprised that the social justice warrior history revisionists haven’t cancelled H3N2’s common name yet but I won’t even go there. My wife’s dad got the flu in 1968, he had a rough week at home in bed. My wife (a retired nurse) got the H3N2 in 1983, patient contact. A rough week in bed at home. I never got it even with close bedside care. Sorry, just freewheeling here cuz what do I really know, yah know?

    Hey! I saw over at black swan central one of the maestro’s groupies touting his ‘don’t cross the river if it’s 4 feet deep’ probability parable. Hah! Myself? With the wax on wax off I have in swift water, taking all variables into consideration…? Good chance I’d just swim across even if it was a 100 feet deep, of course if I even thought there was value on the ‘other side’ of the river. Now if LIFE was on the other side of the river….?

    Good to know how to swim? Yeah I would say but I only know what I know.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 29 2020 #59340

    I have to be honest, although I have been lurking AE for years I came for Dr. D. Something about his pattern recognition resonates with mine. So this morning I’m drinking my java and looking for affirmation and …wait. Did that just happen? Did Dr. D just…’harp’? WTF? Same as yesterday…day before…different details..? Hmmmmmm, So now I’m thinking what am I doing ‘here’? Confirming my bias? Succumbing to some ‘urge’ to try and define the undefinable? So, right out of the sack, first thing in the morning I feel my self going down the same old rabbit hole. Not liking it today. I want to post, I want to push back against..? something. I have view POINT. I gotta express man! So much to say! Blah,blah,blah….blah. I was able to get a handle on the impulse. Go into the shop and build some *shoes*. Touch base with my peeps in the hood. Feel some love and connection. Breath. Post after I eat my lunch.

    We are just dancing around on the surface of whats really going on. I’m not in Minneapolis, LA…DC..where ever, I’m here where I am. Werner Heisenberg decides to muse me from somewhere in the multiverse. He asks me, ” what is it that compels you to collapse your own personal wave function Geppetto? to believe that your observations are even valid an instant after they are made?” Naturally I like the question.

    So I ask you what are we really doing *here*. Trying to change the world into our expected outcome? Mentally masturbating? Whatever it is we are definitely not riding the wave! Can only say that there is definitely risk in jumping into the gravity well. But like Colonel Kilgore said , ” You can either surf or you can fight.”

    “How you feeling Jimmy? Like a mean Mother@#$%er, sir.”

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 28 2020 #59291

    “They are not a serious people. But all that is ending now.”

    Cartaneros! Always been a scavenger class right? Every country I have ever been to. But …Argentina now that is something to exam. 20 years ago when I first witnessed the villa miseria on the way into Buenos Aires from the Ezeira I was impressed to say the least and not in a good way. How many living under cardboard and tin? Hundreds of thousands? My hosts were abogados that lived in the heart of town in a huge flat. These people were served, literally, by an invisible staff that did things like magically change the linens(!) in the bathroom between every use. As I recall the business we tried to enter into encountered *technical( legal of course!)* difficulties that ultimately led to its failure. I got a nice vacation in Mar Del Plata but the disparity between wealth and poverty and the seeming confusion of the culture as to it’s identity stayed with me.

    Didn’t Argentina have that little thing called the ‘Dirty war’? Political, financial, ideological and socially driven mayhem?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2020 #59267

    Spoke to my mom friend in the hood in Aptos. The gals are getting restless..talking organizing and push back. Perfect beach weather…not a foot print in that sand. All in perfect health. Vitamin D the natural way. It’s just right over there…..over that imaginary line in that sand…right there.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 27 2020 #59256

    And so it starts! Mayhem! There are those that love the smell of napalm in the morning. You either surf or you fight ………or both.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59255

    I’m not sure. I do know plenty of peeps in liberal Cali that are suspicious and don’t believe nonsense. And they have plenty of guns. Very fatigued at being *told* right now. I dreamt of someone hanging from a light pole. Like a helicopter or a 747, thousands of single point failure modes. Have you seen the rain forest reabsorb a car, a plane, a washing machine or…… a body? Sure you have. Cycle.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59235

    My parents. If it’s about questions, ask some different ones. Relax. It’s not only the ‘elites’ world . It’s your too. Get out there and claim it. Breath it, live it, love it. Like one of those eastern sage guys said ” you cannot control, you can only catch”. Risk can bring reward. Program the left execute on the right. Wax on wax off. Practice makes perfect. Why would one think that as a species we have gotten anywhere along our path? Could be the end or might be the beginning. Hubris…… ego. Leave it, we’ve got real work to do.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle May 26 2020 #59231

    Dr. D you are too kind to the experts that claim to be the smarter and better. Taleb, Norman and the condescending one, Yaneer. It’s a contest. Motivate the little peeps to fall in line with a graph game!. Never seen so much vitriol and hate from they that claim so much virtue. And if they do not claim virtue then they are just mean and elite. Taleb the worst. Your zen inference will never resonate with the only left brained. The “Real World Risk Institute”? Is that what they call the club? Claiming grandpa’s sense as the new way forward? Taleb the lindy grandma plagiarist. .

    The Covid… like a cosmic joke … except the cosmos could give a rats you know what if our little species survives or not. So much hubris. It would be funny if not so sad.

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