Forum Replies Created
Participant@D Benton Smith
I thought I could run with the big rhetorical dogs on AE but I can’t. My command of language and history is inadequate. To my detriment I have come to love my own *projection* of who I think the great minds are. I have once again started to drink beer after a long layoff. That has affected my performance on the bike, my waistline….and the clarity of my thought. I don’t like that.
I have spent a good portion of my past life with mechanically and technically inclined folks who like to burn nitromethane in various iterations of the Otto cycle spark ignition piston engine. I can tell you from experience they work very well together in the team environment. I can also tell you that as much as they like the smell of nitro in the afternoon they also like the ‘smell of napalm in the morning’. A surly and robust group. They do not like to be told what to do. At all.
Notice: As of Monday morning my shop rate is going up. Take it or leave. I’m sorry if the technical nature our modern lives has exceed your ability to *maintain* your fleet of devices. I will tell you that the four commonly used thread size groups for mains supply lamps do insert in the clockwise direction just so you know.
That was a joke…a trope of sorts? I don’t know? I try .
hahaha (sad face)
Adios M’fuckers
ParticipantA little tidbit on the other end from the ‘narrative’
Great film, cinematography and an outstanding soundtrack:
Participant@John Day
Not sure if you saw this or pointed it out back in September. Came across it surfing around.
ParticipantSo allegedly sometime a while back Chalmath bought $1,000,000 BTC at $60. So today at 10:15 that investment was worth…$666,666,666.66. Did I do that right?
I heard from my young BTC advocate that he wants to by the Hamptons and turn them into a park and low income housing.
Where’s that fishing line Dr. D??!!
Participant@ madamski
Participant@ madamski
Simple, you read his tongue in cheek prediction and spoke fear. Not I.
I read probably not as much as you with probably not as much comprehension. But I read. Lots of words. In the reality of my life I know things such as; the houses, cars and boats I have built. The feel and reaction of the materials I made them from in my hand and at my machines. If the math to predict the potential engineered consequence of a bad design was not within my capability I sought support from my guild or books. I personally am fascinated with speed…inertia..forces that I feel via the senses of my body. Racing down the mountain…riding the waves and wind far out to sea or just at the shore for that matter. Just walking with the pup. The FEEL of life.
I see what Raul is doing here as something much different from what Orlov does. I like the style in his words and the questions he asks. He lets us play here like the children we probably always have been but forget for the foreign installation of our cultures.
So yeah…words? Superficial. May personal battle with the waves of gravity?..very real.
Sorry if I offended. You can bang me up the side of the head with that beer mug but please not that other thing with the hand and the disembowelment deal! Yewwww!
ParticipantAnd Orlov ends with:
“Please support my work by subscribing to premium content on SubscribeStar or Patreon.”
Oh F’in please! I will debate him on building seven anytime. My conditions; the speakeasy of my choice and beer mugs at arms!
Stop given up your power to fear girl!
ParticipantAnd Orlov ends with:
“Please support my work by subscribing to premium content on SubscribeStar or Patreon.”
Oh F’in please! I will debate him on building seven anytime. My conditions; the speakeasy of my choice and beer mugs at arms!
Stop given up your power to fear girl!
Participant@madamski wrote:
“Just food for thought. I so weary of we little folk having to play doctor to try and understand WTF our health authorities are doing.”
I understand your frustration. You of all knows that if anyone of these dipshits worked in the REAL ( I.E: down here on the street level!) world their incompetent asses would be out the door in a hot second. At least in my business. Dr. D’s daily warnings and call to arms fall on my not deaf ears. What to do, what to do? First thing; not give our power over to the *process* class because we are AFRAID we may die from a tiny organism that is unseen and not even understood by *them*…as D Benton Smith points out in that post. The life we love is trying to kill as the same time we live it! It has never been any different. Paradox. An intelligence test from the gods perhaps?
Adapt, create….endure.
ParticipantVictory waits him who has everything in order — luck people call it. Defeat is certain for him who has neglected to take the necessary precautions in time; this is called bad luck.
— Roald AmundsenBTW a fantastic book if you have not read it. For me a study in methodologies. One ‘lindy’ and one not. Hint: seal meat and fur on the inside…….eskimo stuff yah know.
Participant@D Benton Smith
And yes, 10-4 on what you said above
Participantoops did not get the hot link:
ParticipantBack on the 4th @ D Benton Smith made a post that ran under the radar. I’ll quote a piece:
“So-called “messenger” RNA takes a bit of genetic code and places it in the cell’s DNA so that every time that cell replicates itself the “newly revised” DNA is replicated right along with it. Like, forever. Or at least until that line of cells dies out completely . As in “end of the line”. A typical vaccine delivers a few billion of those little makers in one go. Allowing an average of 7 days between human cell divisions, and just thumb-nail the arithmetic for how long it takes for the recipient to be a whole new and improved version of themselves, the version with permanently modified DNA throughout their organism..”
Nobody refuted or pushed back against this so I did a little google surf riff and ran across this from 2011:
“The dependence of viral RNA replication on co-opted host factors”
Now, one would have to have spent a good portion of one’s life to know all the acronyms used and their context in the grand scheme of all things that are biological. I do not pretend to understand but a tiny portion of this paper. But I did come away with a profound feeling (again and forever!) for how immense and complex this thing we call life is. And as I have oft said, we are just dancing around up here on the surface.
Raul used the word ” Externalities” this morning…..yeah no kidding!
Participant@ madamski
rub it
ParticipantImagine if Dr. D. and Madamski could somehow ally the power in those two brains. Sigh.
The larger question( for me anyway) looms; are we of free will or not? Is the DeBroglie-Bohm pilot wave …God? The urge to agency encoded way down that strand of DNA *placed* there? Or is the potential serendipity in the chaos just a lucky opportunity? So many questions……..
Shoes are piling up, gotta get some cobbling done today. Peeps are walking their little souls off around these parts apparently.
“The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us than ten thousand truths.” Pushkin.
ParticipantShe’s just using that big brain to tantalize you bro. The beautiful peak that is madamski can not be scaled by a mere mortal man. You can try and I will watch. And you already know how I feel about big brained women. hahahahaha!
Participant@ Susiemarie108
So sorry for your loss!
OM Shanti
ParticipantActually only that last quote was from Adams. The rest was from a random tweet I came across a while back. I never read the book but the whole thing made sense at the time and still does. I had it a s screen grab on my phone. Sorry.
ParticipantFrom The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy:
“Management is rewarded for process. Civilization is rewarded for product. Beginning with US president Johnson’s “Great Society,” America demanded social equity be awarded( management) not earned (that discriminates against the lame,halt,dim-witted,addicted,perverse,diverse,deserving,delusional and proven unable). The hallmark of managerial process is….process. Process always grows,invades and metastasizes.
People are drowning in process. They are besieged with false content and it flows like a cancerous erosion of 24 hours each day. If you do not like being alone, it is because you are in poor company. I lived in Brooklyn, New York. Some 10,000 people lived across the street in The Projects. Stacked high and dense, every flush of a toilet, every bag of garbage descending, every argument was heard everywhere. People deflated without hope or pressurized murderous.
Most people have nothing to say and volubly so. Their self-worth arises from how much they spew and accumulate_ process.” And so the problem remained; lots of people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches”
Forgive me for typos and punctuations..transcribed from a tiny picture on my phone.
Douglas Adams a long time ago in 1979.
ParticipantFrom @madamski last night
“One does not create durable lasting value via an enormous amorphous ephemeral structure.”
Ah! Therefore ……Legacy?
You may enjoy getting with your gal friend who has the TV and take a watch of this:
ParticipantAlso….I wouldn’t dare to predict the future, but, have learned to *ride* the waves. You can earn interest at Coinbase via DeFi. 6%
Again, just sayin’. Just make sure you are pointed in the right direction when you pee in the wind. Taleb’s picking up pennies in front of the steamroller scenario is a good one.
ParticipantWell, If you had bought BTC on Nov 3, 2016 @ $690 and had the resolve of a disciplined investor/trader you would probably have an opinion more in line with Dr. D. Just sayin’.
And speaking of resolve you may want to peruse this little diddy:
Participant@Dr. D. wrote:
““The virus is absolutely rampant now in the community. Everybody is at extreme risk of contracting the virus.”
…Of which almost everybody will survive. Why do I have to keep saying this? “Fear of contracting”…and I know it’s been oversaid, but it’s the old example, before everyone lost their minds, of the common cold. That’s what it’s going to be like for almost everyone. And 94% of people not over 80 or with several comorbidities. If you’re 80, were you planning 90? Of course you were, but that’s not statistics. You were already 10 years over and living on charity of God.”
You don’t have to keep saying it Doc. I can go back thru my archives and find your post from way back in Feb(?). The one I forwarded to Joe Norman and all my fraidy cat friends.
But yeah, this was a classic Dr. D post and I concur 100%.
Well I’m kinda sad that the new years eve orgy is over. Business as usual it’ll have to be. That *inertia* thing I suppose.
Participant“Why, Gepetto, you appear to be a lesbian!”
You know I have never thought of that until now! It took many years before I realized the big beautiful blond Amazon was never going to be able to be loved……by a man anyway. She skillfully used me as bait to get in the sack with many other beautiful humans of her own gender. Being as thick as I can be I went along for probably too many years. No regrets really, well,maybe the money I spent on drugs, she was a fiend for experience and we had many *adventures*. I remain fascinated by women to this day,large,small,thick, thin,of all hair and skin colors,all ethnicities, I especially like the ones with large……brains. Go figure? A glutton for punishment.
I thought about your post from last night more than a little. It’s funny the things we leave in the bus of our psyche, some we just move all the way to the back row. The Huckleberry Finn metaphor(?) was not lost to me. I was starting to wonder if perhaps you had been one of my Lit or Econ instructors. You would have to be 85 to a hundred years old though and some of those were men and some of those were women. Hmmmmmmmm. Hahaha!
But it seems you are all about ‘heat’ and I can get behind that. I can close my eyes and conjure images of men torn asunder by other men in all the myriad ways we machine people do…but I can also close my eyes and conjure images of warmth, softness, innocence and youth…and those are the ones I will hold.
Participant…..won’t even try to unpack that. All I can say is it took me out of the ballpark into the stratosphere over the moon and back. Pretty damn cool post. Thank you. When I got back from that trip I was mused by a delightful night so many years ago, snowed in, a tiny mountain cabin, warm fire, some fine weed and spirits, a beautiful blonde amazon of a woman, a beautiful svelte brunette of a woman…and my lucky lucky lucky self.
Enjoy your evening. 🙂
ParticipantYesterday Dr. D started a post with the word ‘anecdotal’. John Day also posted a link to the an article by Samo Burja.
Thanks for recalling an experience that obviously help shape who you are @straightwaker. I’ll take your word over the alleged ‘experts’ anytime!
Thanks again
Participant“If my wishes came true, then everyone would find happiness in 2021.”
I’m still riffing on that Oscar Wilde quote from a few days ago. I had a young man that worked for me a few years back. He was troubled and confused. He had a high expectation of ethics and morality from everyone around him and all he *felt* was passive nihilism from them. One day I brought my hair cutting kit in so as to do my homemade haircut that I have been doing to myself for years. I asked if he wanted me to cut his hair. He had fairly long hair that covered his neck. When I cut it off low and behold he had a small crucifix tattoo on the back of his neck. I thought about him the other day and his own cross to bear. I wished for him.
Participant“Too many people lack a toasty interior to return to.”
Native cultures invented numerous solutions to that….the fur on the inside thing. A Sprinter van couple told me camping is fun! ….in the toasty interior of their $150,000 rig that is.
My friend who volunteers for our homeless shelter has observed that the homeless that live on the street are not getting Covid. The ones in the shelters are. Robust immune system? In the long run that has the ‘really nasty bug’ in it, that toasty interior may not be all it’s cracked up to be.
ParticipantCheck the comments on the Dan Cohen article about the Jimmy Dore ‘cancel’ attack from Sean Ryan.
All the best in 2021 AEarthnauts!
ParticipantDavey still rippin! Good to see! Great surfer great artist…… understands risk vs reward like only a Pipe surfer can! Thanks!
ParticipantDr. Day:
I have forwarded that EVMS_Critical_Care_COVID-19_Protocol.pdf to numerous people. Good stuff. Thanks!
On this mornings dog walkie *we* decided to go up at the start, which is good cuz it means downhill on the way home. Wind was brisk and in my face on the climb out. I was practicing my nose breathing as I always do but the wind was cold enough to sting my nostrils. I had my cotton mask in my pocket and I thought ‘perfect, this will help warm the air a bit’. Perfect opportunity to conduct some amateur science. For the first 20-25 exhales the amount of air that was passing back thru the mask was substantial. I could feel breath on my hand held 2-3″ in front of my mask. This was surprising and made me think about the “the mask protects you from me” camp. The trail has some decent gradient so I was exhaling a good amount of moisture in my breath as we worked our way upwards. And then something more surprising happened, I could no longer feel any breath on my hand 2-3″ in front of my mask. The amount of moisture that had accumulated on the inside of the mask was starting to restrict the airflow thru it on the exhale. My masks are cotton ones I get from the screen printer next to the shop. Pretty standard stuff I think. This change in the *function* of the mask made me think about the ” masks increase the viral load inside the mask camp”. A shoddy uncontrolled experiment for sure but it might be fun to design an experiment that would take in as many variables one might encounter in REAL life. And there are very many I can think of but won’t even try to list here. So I guess my take away was that since no body has the time or energy to do a proper real world contextual mask study I have a good idea that a properly fit N-95 would do a very good job if you threw it away after every hours usage. I see very few using an N-95 in my day to day. I’m thinking this morning the virus( and all pathogenic little critters for that matter!) are in the wild and always have and will be. I suppose a little precautionary principle always helps but not to the extent that ones mental health is at risk…I.E: Dr. D’s hide in the basement for the rest of your life scenario. I have been following John Day’s sage and pragmatic advice long before he laid it out here. I suppose on some levels we are kindred…… probably mostly when we both realized that out little agricultural experiments look like an oasis to all the little critters! hahahaha!
Anyways just musing and rambling. Ran across this poignant little essay via a thread off of Normonics twitter. I liked the part about camping in the forest KNOWING that the bears were in it with them! hahaha! The inherent risk in life, always present!
ParticipantRoger on all that Raul. Trying to get the little lady to see that there will be no difference.
John Davis posts a good on on his URBAN WILDLAND blog. As a *successful* middle class white man it hurt a little but I listened:
ParticipantGeez bro!… I bet your fun at parties. Some of us are still capable of experiencing…. *delight*. For me making light of the cosmic part of this big joke is good clean fun. No matter cuz I could really care less about what you think ‘natural’ is. For me JMG is all about the metaphor.
And just to remind, the lunar AND planetary tidal forces do manage to raise the seas a couple times a day. Being that a good portion of my personal meat sack is H2O …..I find it fun to ‘wonder’.
hahahahahaha….. Whatever!
ParticipantAhhh!… that titter of delight when your intuition aligns with prediction. Smiles.
I find JMG delightful most often. Thanks for the tip! Can’t wait for the lengthening of the day to begin!
ParticipantFirestone Union Jack IPA is soooo good! ‘course you’d prob have to live in the @#$thole Congo of California to get it…but hey! Whatever. A little indifference goes a long way….a kind of transcendental meditation.
Hey!….. while you guys were trying to figure out how to make chicken salad from chicken@#$t (by the way, I consult on that for a reasonable fee) I was out surfing some dirt. Howling offshore winds..atmosphere moving ….very dynamic. Exhilarating. Came home got the pooch and went up to the point way up high to watch the sunset….love it when it lingers on the limb like it did tonight. Took what seemed like forever to sink into the great Pacific ocean. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll set the big telescope up and invite the kids up to see the *event*.
Do you think that the alignment of those two massive planets might affect the solar cycle? Large tidal forces?……might even affect the things we are thinking about? I was gonna say ‘I don’t know’…but just then a little voice waaaaaaaaay down in the base of my being said…” of course it does dumbass!”
Hahaha! Happy Sunday kids!
ParticipantA great essay and comments, perhaps pertinent to the discussion?
Vivek Iyer’s comment led me to this:
Which led me all the way back around to @Huskynut’ succinct comment from the other night.
Surfer always be surfin’ something.
Hope you find your peace
ParticipantThere are words and then there are feels: