madamski cafone

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle January 14 2021 #68335
    madamski cafone

    But it is true that we have cooties.


    Actually, we have cooters not cooties, but sometimes they have bugs. Part of life with a chronically reopoening wound.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 14 2021 #68333
    madamski cafone

    @ a kullervo

    “Why does the US have so many neocon women in high places?”

    Because when it comes to relentless, unmitigated venomous ill will, women clearly overcome men.

    “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.“

    Oh my. When we’re not pedestalized (isn’t that a nasty-sounding word?) we’re demonized. How men fear us!

    My experience is that hell hath no fury like a scorned or burned narcosociopath of either gender, period, but your choice in drag coloration may vary.

    @ Mr. House

    “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.“

    I concur. I’ve never witnessed anything quite like a table of females in the lunch room breaking down someone who broke “norms” into tears and all a public display. Mean girls the movie doesn’t even begin to show this behavior.

    Unlike men, who bond together in groups to napalm innocent children because some higher up told them to. And let’s not foget football thug hooligans, who combine both attributes, and then, again being men, must of courtse insitutionalize this into some kind of club gang rule book of inclusive behavior that must be followed to maintain any status and perhaps even rights of belonging.

    Beware Bitches Wearing Nuts… especially yours

    Don’t make me call you “cunt”, boyz. It would me seem unladylike.

    Who thinks the cinematographer in that Folds video isn’t male?

    Full oyrics from thr studio version:

    “Bitch Went Nuts”

    (The answer you seek my son only poses more questions.
    Ask many women why relationship has failed.
    Each woman offer unique reason for demise.
    One woman may say, “man could not commit.”
    Or, “man is douche, and is now free to make love to himself instead.”
    Another woman may say, “man had changed,”
    or even, “man no longer satisfactory lover.”
    But my son, ask many men same question all over the world, “why has relationship failed?”
    Each man, each time, will give same, simple answer)

    The bitch went nuts.
    She stabbed my basketball.
    And the speakers to my stereo.
    She called me ‘cunt’
    But nothing prepared me for
    what I found when I came home.
    Oh and I made my own bed. I lie in it.
    You lie in yours. You lie, you lie, in yours.
    But they want more, they’re at my door with torches.
    Please leave me alone, you know.
    Just shut it. Just shut it. Just shut it.

    The bitch went nuts.
    She photoshopped my face
    onto every boy who’d done her wrong.
    And as she burned I telepathically into the brains of all her embittered rooms.
    Oh, now, now they want more. They’re at my door with torches.
    Scores, and scores, and scores to settle with themselves.
    You would have thought I’d scorned them all.
    They’ve got a doll of me, they’re burnin’, they’re burnin’, they’re burnin’, they’re burnin’, they’re burnin’ their own memories.

    Why do they all go?
    Why do they all go?

    The bitch went nuts, y’all.
    But everyone said she might.
    Holy fucking shit.
    Seriously now.
    Now they want more. They’re at my door with torches.
    Scores and scores.
    You would have thought I’d scorned them all.
    They’ve got a doll of me, they’re burnin’.

    Why do they all go?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 14 2021 #68314
    madamski cafone

    @ Raul

    “A good thing if you’re a vaccine maker?!”

    Yes, but maybe also the first death knell for the vaccine industry since this isn’t a vaccine and it doesn’t work?

    “Why does the US have so many neocon women in high places?”

    Because, while men are crazy about going at each other in identity groups like armies and sports teams, women are inherently more ruthless at the core. In nature, perhaps the only species where a bull male will take on a female with cubs when she’s had enough, is the gorilla: the male grabs her youngest infant and smashes its head on a rock.

    Message: I can protect your kids or kill your kids. Which will it be?

    We have ample gorilla DNA in our immediate genetic inheritance backline. Men do this all the time. Women submit to this bullshit all the time. I blame neither of them: it’s in their genes.

    “Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” Pslam 137.9

    Some women long for a man with a big dick. Understandable. I longed ror a woman with a big baseball bat who knows how to use it. Fate gave me the ex Mrs. Sherburn.

    Honey Hush

    Poor Mr. Sherburn. He confused a big dick with a baseball bat:

    Well, come in this house, stop all that yakety-yak
    Come in this house, stop all that yakety-yak
    ‘Cause your sugar daddy don’t want no talkin’ back
    You keep on a-tellin’, talking ’bout this and that
    You keep on a-talkin’, talking ’bout this and that
    I got news for you, you ain’t nothing but an alleycatTurn off the waterworks baby, they don’t move me no-more
    Turn off the waterworks baby, they don’t move me no-more
    When I leave this time, I ain’t com’ back no-more
    Honey hush! Oow!I said come in this house, stop all that yakety-yak
    Come on in this house woman, stop all that yakety-yak
    Don’t make me nervous, I’m holdin’ a baseball bat
    Well it’s a hi-ho, hi-ho silver
    A hi-ho, a hi-ho silver, hi-ho, a hi-ho silver
    Hi-ho, hi-ho silver
    Hi-ho, hi-ho silver away

    Wasn’t he surprised?!

    Sometimes but not often, a cover is as good or better than the original:

    Hi Yo Silver

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2021 #68285
    madamski cafone

    @ Big Dick K

    “Now actually follow the pieces of the puzzle I’ve laid out.”

    I’ll pass, assuming you lack either the patience or ability to explain yourself.

    But do continue with the intriguing excerpts and anecdotes. You can stay right there if you want, but I’m Going On.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2021 #68266
    madamski cafone

    ” “You don’t ignore Covid. You don’t just brush it off.” ”

    Well, if you bought my new Wonder Nano Virus Broom, you could. WHile SUpplies Last!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2021 #68265
    madamski cafone

    You are way too much fun, Big Dick Kennedy, starting with your name.

    More, please! I like hoew you an take things objectively seriously while retaining subjective detachment that embraces wonder, mystery, marvel, humor as well as the standard old outrage and paranoia.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 13 2021 #68264
    madamski cafone

    It occurred to me yesterday that songs like ‘Holler Boys’ are a kind of shibboleth. Broadcast on an at least national scale through the radio and internet. Putting aside possible Hispanic equivalents, since I don’t know Spanish, I can’t think of any other demographic that has this outside of urban blacks.

    Interestingly, for all the association of holler boys with white separatism, that separatism doesn’t prevent them from working with and befriending blacks. They’re just defining their turf, much like rap music long ago established turf for disenfranchised urban blacks, who in turn have formed some alliances with (mostly liberal) urban whites).

    The holler boys have the overall advantage, imo, because they’re so square and behind the times, which is the best place to be as modernity plows into itself like a colossal hiway auto collision. And again, designations of white or black are not exclusive. You’ll find ample blacks working side-by-side with hollahboyz although they’ll be less inclined to flaunt Rebel flags on their trucks. White boys will work alongside urban blacks but won’t be as inclined to gold-cap their teeth or wear a do rag.

    But the urbans won’t know much about how to do things that don’t require plugging in to a power outlet, or looking things up online. Holler boys, for all their fetish with internal combustion engines, know a bit about hands-on physics and crudely applied engineering. Urban blacks, on the other hand, have as much military background in their demographic, and know less about shooting deer and gutting catfish but more about shooting cops and gang war dynamics.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2021 #68207
    madamski cafone

    @ Mr. House

    “Nope. Social media censorship is a commercial/political phenomena that can absolutely be controlled by legislation. ”

    Et vice-versa. In a free speech society, such networks are entitled to express opinions and shape opinions thereby. This can lead to them exerting enough influence to get legislators elected who will not regulate the media. If legislators try to control the media before this happens, free screech advocates, real or astroturfed, will throw up their hands and holler.

    Media has power. Power corrupts. The more power attained, especially by corrupt means, the more corrupt that power becomes and the more that power corrupts other entities of power.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2021 #68205
    madamski cafone

    Armed factions are a major defining aspect of the future immediately before us.

    We’ll be an open carry society before long. Guns, bats, knives, swords, a vast spectrum of old, new, known, unknown, manufactured, and improvised side arms will be a major part of a world where keeping the lights on at night wastes necessary energy needed more critically elsewhere.

    The political leaders of the next decade are already creating the basic power structures that will make them leaders: of a city block, a small township, a neighborhood, a city quadrant, country quadrant, a stretch of river…

    The mindset associated with conservatism has been forming alliances and survival bonds for some time while being demonized as lunatic militia et cetera. They have their share and then some of lunatics but the hierarchies they’re forming will not follow the lunatics. They’ll follow the persons tough, smart, wise, and strong enough to earn confidence and form a protective cadre around their leadership core.

    Plenty of liberals have guns, at least the older ones. But their mindset worships the legends of Gandhi and MLK, and their ideologies are inherently divisive while preaching greater inclusion. Diversity is not inclusive by definition, and whenever there’s fearful tension, people flock to form identity groups. Liberals will, in this decade, at first dissolve group loyalties before forming new ones.

    Ideologies. Yikes. “There is nothing the matter with Americans except their ideals. The real American is all right: It is the ideal American who is all wrong.” G.K. Chesterton

    Conservatives have fewer ideals but more traditions, more dogma. It makes it easier for them to band together. Conservatives are more traditionally religious. They gather in groups once a week to sing/listen to mostly lousy music and hear sermons that are well-meaning but usually sophomoric at best… although that doesn’t prevent a sincere Xtian preacher from saying profoundly helpful things. They feel morally superior to atheists and agnostics even as they say ‘hate the sin not the sinner’. Loking down on those poor unfortunate sinners is part of the nature of forming a positive identity group. (A negative identity group would be, for example, a child soldier army where the kids, even grown to be adults, feel they can have no other place to belong but with abused and abusive creatures like themselves.)

    If politics worked, we’d all be liberals: they have the greatest ideals. But politics don’t work and those ideals are always used as excuses to betray the basis of those ideals (a reasonably stable society that might achieve them through incremental change).

    Politics don’t work: they’re merely inevitable.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2021 #68198
    madamski cafone

    For those lucky enough to be more off-the-grid than not:

    Elastic Power Generator

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 12 2021 #68194
    madamski cafone

    “True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.”
    K. Vonnegutt

    Originally spoken, I believe shortly after 911.

    What’s logical to me is that the powers behind Jolted Joe aka Frankenstein on Ice will start sending serious stimulus checks to the people. Grudgingly, insufficiently, but enough to keep the pumps of popular hope running awhile yet, and keep some kind of money velocity in motion.

    Russia has made it very clear with this latest hack The Russians Did It! that we need to stop pretending to ourselves that we have any leverage on them but rather, entirely vice-versa, so American foreign policy will continue withering into hollow words. We can pretend to others all we want. They know we’re mentally destabilized. But we should stop kidding ourselves or else we’ll get hurt. I tend to think that they’re finally getting the message. Note the timing: Jan 5th, one day before the electoral college quibble was set to be determined. Message: whoever wins, but especially the DNC, Don’t Do Anything Stupid.

    Some virus will continue doing what viruses do. The War on Covid will likewise run amok through the governments and people of the world most of the year, spreading and attenuating like a fulfilled fad fading away. The covid hysteria-by-bureaucratic-dysfunction will become something like Prohibition was during the early worst days of the 1930s Great Depression: something to be repealed not medically dealt with. 2022 will not be another Year of Covid, although covid will almost certainly not be absent.

    The gun-wielding factions will grow, with those we call right-wing being much more dominant overall because it’s part of their culture and they have an actual sense of cultural identity involving place, tradition, group morals and ethics, while the gun-toting left will tend to shoot each other in the foot because they don’t have a culture of identity but one of opposition to specific norms.

    The concept of robocops will soon be entered into the mainstream narrative of What Is Acceptable and Mandatory, and if that trend is allowed to develp far enough (which I doubt, the technostructure needed to make it real being insufficient), the next anti-cop protest movement will hold signs saying HUMAN LIVES MATTER.

    2021 will have some semblance to business as usual, hopefully enough to maintain some orderly flow of social activity, but I think 2022 will look very different from the past continuum of TWAWKI.

    Meanwhile, this video has 9,627,994 views since premiering on Aug 21, 2020: Sex Education, Delaware is proud to announce its first transgender state senator, and I wonder how long it would have taken, if this cultural continuum were allowed by fate to continue, before people on hookups sites would be required to show verification of their Gender of Origin when a man presents himself as a hotly remodeled phony female?

    Tv announcement from 2024 on an alternate timeline where this nonsense got to continue:

    Woman of the Ersatz, a docu-expose, reveals when genetically female women confess to only pretending to be transgender in order to be mail-order brides and online sex workers for America’s growing transdrogynous fetishists.

    Remember: if it doesn’t smell like tuna fish, it’s probably inverted hot dog.

    People die of covid. Despite taking good care of myself and taking ample vitamin D along with taking in the sun, I could die of this trans-reality virus that strikes me as the first physical manifestation of this “terror” (“Look! Tiny bits of terror! Wear a mask so they won’t see us!”) that we fought so diligently and weirdly in the Oughts. The ex Mrs. Sherburn would be devastated and I would not entirely rejoice.

    But I try to offer a daily prayer to covid and Valdimir Putin, two entities that have been kind enough to put an end to this walking nightmare born of what’s left of the American Dream. It sucks to be awakened at midnight but that’s what happens when you sleep through the day.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68172
    madamski cafone

    Ah, both a good woman and a good man are hard to find, yes? This man, demons and all, was one solid good man. Men are good, when they’re free and full of themselves and not other men’s words and wishes, such fine brave protectors. Good preachers too.

    I don’t expect peace for anything as vague and wild as all mankind. Just peace where I can find or make it. Hard work:

    Work for Peace

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68171
    madamski cafone

    And I rest my case. Old broads rule

    Old Broads

    Like the woman said, “There ain’t nuthin like a dame. Nothin in the world.”

    We make babies. From ourselves and a bit of added male specs. Try getting that out of a cola nut!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68170
    madamski cafone

    I just made it up. I had no idea Thorazone was a brand name thing. Huh.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68169
    madamski cafone

    @ WES

    Ironically this is because the fuel tank is almost empty. Something about ballast issues but mostly because out of fuel, dead in the water, any major storm can do it in.There’s no engine to even try to ‘push the rope’.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68165
    madamski cafone

    It must be something in the genes?

    Next to the so ugly he’s cute troll bassist. Beauty and the Beast. Superb market imaging.

    Gone for Good

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68163
    madamski cafone

    Things women can do that men can’t:

    Higher Voices, Prettier Clothes, that je ne sais quoi

    Vive le similaire!

    Also: seriously tight vocal harmony. Close jazz intervals. Crosby Stills and Nash are jealous. But ladies’ voices are in that sweet spot. Lucky us!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68162
    madamski cafone

    2 wes

    ‘Isn’t that what makes women, women?”

    It’s certainly a major distinguisher. Hormone cycles are amng the things that truly test women’s souls. Along with men. Oh, they try! Oh, can they be trying! 😉

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68160
    madamski cafone

    @ WES

    You have seen some serious shit, then, sir. A unique culture, coal-mining.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68156
    madamski cafone

    @ TopCat

    “Is Arnold shilling for the Deep State? The Terminator shilling?”

    No more than before, and he always was a bit of a maverick (I know: that word. Hmm. Sarah Palin was hot. If you like sex with thorazine girls.) I think it’s more a senile ego trip. Arnold sure looks like a very high-functioning narcissist. He wants to be admired, loves being admired, and is really good at getting people to admire him.

    ‘Ho-nee, aye tink ah’m gonna make ah stettmint. Speek to deh peephole! Like Rooosifilt’s Firesign Speeches?”

    The kinder gentler wiser avuncular Terminator.

    OK, so it’s TEOTWAWKI. Still, this recipe writes itself like a funny cake.

    Ah, Arnold, we hardly knew ye. You were always wrapping yourself up in CGI:

    Free money with your drink!

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68154
    madamski cafone

    @ WES

    “Having now silenced conservative voices, how long will it be before complaining progressive liberals are then silenced in the same manner?”

    About the time they’re no longer able to maintain the values charade, whose deception they protest about, can no longer be maintained, providing the necessary good cop/bad cop false dichotomy. But I suspect they won’t be silencing much. This is not a 20th century ideologically driven revolution. This is a huge vessel sinking s-o-o slowly but now gaining downward momentum ever rapidly at an algorithmic rate going exponential.

    They will be scuttling into liofeboats leaving us to sink or swim. So, as an old libertarian icon liked to have his alter ego, Lazarus Long, either the Phallic Symbol or Dick Joke of Heinlein, say: fish or cut bait.

    Look instead for major Balkanizing violence and try not to get press-ganged into working the coal mines. And god forbid not the thorium mines:


    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 11 2021 #68153
    madamski cafone

    I’m sure someone’s posted this here in the last year, but I do like throwing red meat to hungry dogs (and spot-aged crazy bitches like moi), so I’ll just leave this here.


    Even I might consider doing George Carlin. That is one sexy brain. And a mug like a retired elf drinking his retirement away at the bar. You know why old women like drunks: they’re so hung over…

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68104
    madamski cafone

    @ Raul

    I think it’s obvious at this point that nothing will stop this pandemic. Nothing that our authorities can or will do, that is.

    @ Maxwell Quest

    “I disagree with Glenn on this, and think he is barking up the wrong tree. Although we can easily point the finger at these latest “bad boys”, the centralized power of the tech giants in not that different than the consolidation which occurred years ago with the legacy media, putting more power into fewer and fewer hands, and all blessed by the state. This was done, I believe, by design. I’m not sure who sits at the top of the power pyramid and makes these decisions, whether it is the deep state, international finance, or even ET’s, but I’m certain it is neither of the US political parties, both of which strike me as stooges, just like Zuckerberg or Dorsey. Either of which could be dragged out of his plush office at a moment’s notice by men with guns and body armor, or whose Tesla could tragically accelerate into a tree on the way home from the office.”

    I thinking you’re running around the tree barking in circles. This does not in any way negate the statement you rebut:

    “A tiny handful of tech oligarchs are more powerful than any nation-state.” – Greenwald

    That the media monoliths are more powerful than nation-sates does not mean they are the most powerful entity in the room. But there is no doubt that the hypnosis of the masses is achieved by the near-monopoly conferred by the people onto various social media.

    Who runs the show?

    This Clown?

    Or This Bitch?

    Only Dorothy has the red shoes, fwiw. At least she can go home. Neither The Wiz or The Witch can.

    @ DBentonSmith

    “Money for nothing and chumps for free.”

    I like that. I abandoned FB in ’18 when their bots put me on temporary suspension for using a politically incorrect word. I was an avid and interesting poster, and once had a considerable following. They don’t need the ad revenue they lost from my traffic.

    I can’t blame Zuck et al for the media monopoly they own. Creeps will be creeps, but it takes a pre-confitioned herd mentality to become so addicted to a few media platforms that it can run them around by the nose.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68085
    madamski cafone

    @ zerosum

    Follow-up: once things have descended into major chaos, I suspect what’s left of the military might then make a power play. They won’t want to give up those lovely weapons of which they feel ownershipto some unruly mob.

    But if they try to sit on the throne proper, it will most likely be because of someone like Napoleon, some Elon Musk dicator wannabe, a General Fathead with the charisma and guts to do such a thing. This will be after our money has disintegrated, not before. Paychecks rule; unemployment drools.
    Hitler is a good example: he had real military cred, was wounded at the Battle of Somme. He begged not to be evacuated because of his wound. Hitler was anything but a coward, whereas Donald runs from his own shadow although he has enough chutzpah to almost compensate. Still, no military bass was going to follow him against Beltway rules.

    Without such a person, the military will tend to stay in their roost and cluck about the absence of orders that they’re institutionally used to running their lives for them. I trust that historical fate will provide smoe kind of Napoleon or Hitler

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68082
    madamski cafone

    “The military also has experienced what war is actually like: it destroys the nation they live in”

    Oops. I meant ‘nation they invade’.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68076
    madamski cafone

    Why Can’ We Live Together?

    It’s not like we can just move to Mars.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68075
    madamski cafone

    @ zwerosum

    The military also has experienced what war is actually like: it destroys the nation they live in. Not everyone wants to move to a foregin paradise and golf between sex bouts with underage Thai prostitues. Many of them, including those who’ve personally orchestrated the destruction of entire nations, want to live here, in an undestroyed nation.

    I don’t expect the military to save us nor do I expect it to invade us. That would be the job of mercenaries, and mercenaries get out of control real fast as, again, military folk, top to bottom, know better than anyone.

    Along with processesprocessesprocesses, is motivationmotivationmotivation.

    We once had a fairly egalitarian military. It was nonetheless willing to fire on Bonus marchers in the 1930s Depression. Hi IKe! Hello MacArthur! But they hadn’t yet been overseas and seen what invading a nation to save it does to the nation and its people. The same Ike who once fired on Bonus protestors later became president and used National Guard to enforce a new law attempting to enforce equal education opportunities for all. Federal mandates want federal protection when violent mobs would otherwise tear alittle girl to pieces if she walked up those steps to that formerly whites-only school. (MacArthur never learned anything but to make sure the paprazzi photoed him on his good side.)

    There are no federal mandates to protect us from ourselves, and I highly doubt that they want to do to their native country what they did to Iraq or Libya or Afghanistan or Viet Nam or North Korea. They know that they know how to destroy. They also know that their leaders don’t know how to rebuild or restore, and they have good reason to believe they lack that skill either.

    The ultimate power is ALWAYS in the money, cuz no one does anything, included drafted soldiers who’ll be sent to the brig if they don’t do their duty, unless someone gives them the magic uber-drug: money.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68073
    madamski cafone

    @ Mr. Roboto

    “Racist-Ass Terrorists” is quite the red meat bear-bait to the left wing.

    Proud Boys has become a tar-brush designation for the prevailing demographic behind that movement, what the song calls Holler Boys. I know Holler Boys. I like them and trust them, warts and all. They aren’t perfect but who is?

    Militarily trained? You bet. To go overseas and kill mostly innocent women, children, and men (in hierarchical value.) They know the swamp personally: they were its minions.

    Proud Boys are an extreme fringe element based on Mommy issues. They do not represent the main movement that we loosely call alt-right. But our media/manipulators throw the extremists at us to taint the whole bunch. When it becomes convenient or necessary, it will be chartreuse-haired justice warriors brandishing whatever, and the designation will be “these are terrorist-trained XYZs”.

    As for the White Supremacist label: most of that bunch who have racial issues are white SEPERATISTS not supremacists. This is true even with those who are racially bigoted, especially those who served in the armed forces: poor boys, black boys, hispanic boys, and the new flavor: poor girls of any ethnicity. Who get raped a lot while in the service.

    At least these so-called racist asshole clown know what the target is: Congress. Fuck the cops who defend congress. Fuck them black, fuck them white.

    It’s so much fun to denounce people for a certain set of sins while ignoring or rationalizing the sins of one’s own preferred set of sins.

    The big issue of that article is missing management, not racist ass terrorists. Let’s all be prejudiced against prejudiced people. After all, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, right? I do not target Mr. Roboto in these remarks, just the article he shared.

    Holler Boys

    P.S. Please. The Rebel flag is not primarily a symbol of white supremacy. It is primarily a symbol of poor white folk, who never owned slaves, who often respected blacks as individuals while living in a mutual apartheid only made corrupt by the usual power-players, not the poor sod breaking his back picking cotton side-by-side with poor black folk. Racial Southern bigots have a flag of their own. THere is always some overlap. Someone give me a Venn diagram! I’m running out of words! (TAE breathes a sigh of relief).

    Someone mentioned how everyone thinks they have God on their side, or at least the seal of official secular humanist approval. Everyone, you, me, that clown over there wearing Viking horns and that clown over there wearing a pink t-shirt and what looks like a purple fright wig but is actually his hair, is full of shit.

    But we must live together somehow or else we’ll kill each nother or, at “best”, enslave each other.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68071
    madamski cafone

    “The real reason is to a) sell tests b) sell fear c) get everyone under house arrest during a violent and inevitable economic reset / debt / oil collapse.”

    a) seems true enough to be called fact

    b) strikes me as putting the cart before the horse: fear sells kits. This could just be a semantic quibble on my part, for Dr. D may just be using the word “sell” figuratively, but I think it’s more than that. Fear is a market device not a product. That still resembles a semantic quibble but look at the third item, and look how fear defies logic:

    c) life under house arrest will of itself produce the civil unrest it is allegedly supposed to prevent. Let’s factor in the oft-touted notion that the powers that be WANT to promote civil unrest.

    I think that a) is the only iron-clad assertion, and is sufficient itself to explain itself. b) is a non sequitur; they give away fear freely to sell a rotten carrot with a snake stick. C) is hard to distinguish from emotional hysteria. We all have our emotional hysterias. I struggle with mine all the time. But we can still remain logical. Fear is NOT the mind-killer. Quitting/submission are.

    “The vision of the US as a shining city on a hill …. was “always an illusion”

    I agree. At first, the illusion was a grand aspiration, and therefore valid. It required us to remove the local inhabitants, and was based on (mostly) imported slaves and the existence of relatively unpopulated land, the aborigines having been previously decimated by disease and major ecological upset ( 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus ) , but it had high hopes and was in some ways morally elevated for the times. That is to say, morally elevated relative to the increasingly crowded lands, over-used resources, and reliably oppressive governments of Europe.

    But it didn’t take 300 years to remove that beacon. It was taken down as early as 1791’s*1 Whiskey Rebellion. Dear old Hamilton. Man should’ve made himself useful instead of elevating himself into a destructive self-indulgent idiot. Maybe pick cotton or make candles.

    It was based on Europe not fixing its problems but instead importing them here. It looked promising despite already being terminally toxic, but by the time the Reconstruction was over in 1877*, the potential for evil empire per usual was established ineradicably short of yet another revolutionary war, something Americans were understandably tired of by then.

    *1 Also in 1791: “During the colonial era, British corporations were chartered by the crown to do business in North America. This practice continued in the early United States. They were often granted monopolies as part of the chartering process. For example, the controversial Bank Bill of 1791 chartered a 20-year corporate monopoly for the First Bank of the United States. Although the Federal government has from time to time chartered corporations, the general chartering of corporations has been left to the states. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, corporations began to be chartered in greater numbers by the states, under general laws allowing for incorporation at the initiative of citizens, rather than through specific acts of the legislature.”

    *2 not to forget the 1886 case Santa Clara v. Southern Pacific – 118 U.S. 394 (1886). Forgive me for quoting the History (HitlerHitlerHitler) Channel’s online article on the subject:

    “But it wasn’t until the 1886 case Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Rail Road that the Court appeared to grant a corporation the same rights as an individual under the 14th Amendment. The case is remembered less for the decision itself—the state had improperly assessed taxes to the railroad company—than for a headnote added to it by the court reporter at the time, which quoted Chief Justice Morrison Waite as saying: “The Court does not wish to hear argument on the question whether the provision in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution which forbids a state to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws applies to these corporations. We are all of opinion that it does.”

    Then came monolithic mass media (Hearst newspapers and the Spanish-American War), then the mutant financial cephalopod known as the Federal Reserve or, as some say, Cthulhu (1913), and finally, mandatory public education, marketed by racially bigoted fear (In the 1920s the idea of compulsory public education gained traction in various states, largely as a reaction against parochial schools. The Ku Klux Klan supported the movement.[2] In Michigan the movement achieved a referendum on the subject in 1920, but won less than 40 percent of the vote.[3] In Oregon a similar measure passed in 1922. Campaigning for it, the Ku Klux Klan “circulated a tract that pictured a grinning, torch-wielding Catholic bishop triumphantly departing from a burning public school house whose teacher rang the school bell one last time as he lay dying in the vestibule, mourned by crying children.”[7]).

    We might add Prohibition and the FDA, both for ostensibly good reasons but both used, of course, to gain more control, somehow resulting in one drug epidemic after another and modern pharma ads on TV for mystery ailments not safe for disclosure except in the priestly confessional confines of your doctor’s office.

    Shining beacons on shining hills are almost always based on Lesser Evil thinking and escape. We think we’re so much better than Them, and want Them to come over here and work our mines and factories and build our railroads for us. Romans thought they were pretty swell people too. They became addicted to violent spectacles and government welfare as citizens, and to slaves-as-soldiers on the ruling level.

    To see the shining beacon on its hill at the end of that tunnel, we need only bend over and peer up our respective rectae.


    Not to be confused with this:


    Happy New Year, y’all. Don’t smile because I told you to, but smile anyway. Why not?

    @ sumac.carol

    “Another covid close up: I celebrated with my demented mother her 90th birthday on Tuesday at her retirement home which had a covid outbreak. She tested positive on Thursday (after testing negative on Monday) and she became palliative as of Friday. She’s on her own ice flow now.”

    Here’s the thing: nursing homes themselves are ice floes. Trust your elders to a corporate industry (even if often manifested as mom’n’pop operations), expect no better than any other corporate industry. But our economy makes it very difficult, nigh or genuinely impossible for many people to tend our elders at home, and there’s always Medicare/Medicaid to fund the costs with funny money and “government oversight”.

    Why yes, people tell me I’m very blunt. Why do you ask?

    What to do? We’re stuck in the circumstances at hand.

    If she’s still able to hear, call her and sing her favorite songs from her day. Music is the great mnemonic enhanced and emotional comfort. I feel for your loss. I find myself spontaneously saying a prayer to a woman floating into the foggy cold void but warmed by a tiny seal oil lamp her daughter kindly gave her. I see it in my mind, and I have tears right now. Think of it as my prayer for your mother.

    Feather in the Wind

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68064
    madamski cafone

    Not that covid/healthcare aren’t still pressing concerns. Setting aside sometimes hysterical but not unjustified paranoia about covid as an excuse to take things away from us, I’ll offer these two graphs courtesy Charles Hugh Smith to show why I say processes processes processes rule the game:

    Docors/Admin 1

    Doctors/Admin 2

    With bloated bureaucracies like that, who needs vast conspiracies?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68063
    madamski cafone

    China rations electricity for millions – “The whole city was dark”

    “By Vivian Wang
    21 December 2020

    (The New York Times) – In the city of Yiwu in eastern China, the authorities turned off streetlights for several days and ordered factories to open only part-time. In coastal Wenzhou, the government ordered some companies not to heat their offices unless temperatures are close to freezing. In southern Hunan Province, workers have reported climbing dozens of flights of stairs after elevators were shut down.

    “Large swaths of China are scrambling to restrict electricity use this winter, as the country’s rapid economic recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and unexpectedly frigid temperatures have sent demand for power surging. Officials in at least three provinces — where a total of more than 150 million people live — have issued orders limiting energy use, warning of potential coal shortages.”

    Maybe our grandchildren will enjoy the excitement of climbing the Empire State Building. The bolder from the outside, most via a tangle of stairs probably requiring a map or at least tourist signs

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 10 2021 #68061
    madamski cafone

    Elon Musk must be feeling the heat, waxing sanctimonious like that.


    Some hope has been expressed here and there, going back to at least the 2003 invasion of Iraq, that our hired killer minions — the military — will step in at the last hour and preserve the Republic. Something to do with them swearing an oath to defend the Constitution.

    I flirted with these notions a time or two at first. But it’s illogical to expect persons willing to destroy the constitution of foreign nations, for specious reasons, to defend ours.


    Now that we know the Republic is officially over, maybe we can talk about stuff like energy and climate.

    Towering pyrocumulonimbus clouds can spew as much aerosol as volcanic eruptions

    in reply to: The Swamp Swallowed Trump #68032
    madamski cafone

    The ex Mrs. Sherburn and I took down the small stained glass nativity today.

    Wrapping up Baby Jesus (born miraculously circumcised!), I gave Him a snuggle and said, “Good-bye Baby Jesus. Maybe we’ll see you next year.”

    in reply to: The Swamp Swallowed Trump #68031
    madamski cafone

    I don’t foresee a forced vaccination program. So long as big pharma gets it’s $$, I doubt they care whether it gets used or not. Jolted Joe will continue his lousy-at-best imitation of a neo-New Deal (or new Neo-Deal?) panderer, throw some money out there, try not to giggle on camera as the electrode up his ass triggers his pre-recorded speech function.

    They’ll probably round up the most serious genuine “domestic terrorist” threats (there are some, mostly right-wing but some left-wing, but not many). This will “confirm” that those Proud Boys really were about to take over the country by a violent coup involving horrifying weapons like country rap music and low-rider semis burning big-ass coal, and reduce the chances of short-term embarrassments like someone, presumably a soldier in the armed forces, torching a munitions dump.

    Long-term, they’re kind of screwed. It would be nice if the Dominionists still in the Air Force (I understand that element has been somewhat reduced in the past few years) don’t try to trigger Armageddon with military nonsense like torching a nuke, maybe in a remote area or maybe in downtown D.C.

    I don’t see China or France or NK nuking anyone because they chose freedom, but I do see them pulling the plug on the American dollar when it becomes obvious it’s on its last legs. If we act like we’re leaning too close to going postal, I suspect Russia will do some pre-emptive schock’n’awe-ing that will indeed shock’n’awe.

    But I’m probably wrong. Prediction is difficult, especially the future.

    Don’t It Make You Want To Go Home

    in reply to: The Swamp Swallowed Trump #68029
    madamski cafone

    As for the Gaugin: I’m not sure I’ve seen paisley ground before.

    in reply to: The Swamp Swallowed Trump #68028
    madamski cafone

    @ DBenton Smith

    “There are now no rules other than the rules of raw power. Civilization has taken a backward stumble of a thousand years.”

    At a minimum. It could easily be more like 10k years regression.

    But I expect it won’t be a sudden draconian imposition of power. I think we’ll have a period of stability, a year or so, before the cracks yawn that wide. People will be so relieved to have a prez who is only senile instead of a flaming lunatic.

    But oil prices WILL rise, like a whole bunch, and with zero financial reserves left, it all having been blown already, and weather crises happening ever more frequently, and no basis for returning to work at what we would call jobs (ther being no basis for such), an infrastructure flabby and worn out, and most new construction made with shoddy materials and techniques, and… and… and… we’ll see enough trouble to keep us occupied, for sure.

    Maybe by then the insanity will agitate the administration to pick a fight it’s too foolish to know it can’t win, and then, I think, we’ll see some majorly hard times.

    Processes, processes, processes, dearies. I’ve heard that Rome didn’t fall in a day. Social inertia is amazingly powerful.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 9 2021 #68019
    madamski cafone


    The river rolls relentlessly.

    in reply to: The Swamp Swallowed Trump #68013
    madamski cafone

    Watching social media wither and die will be gratifying.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 9 2021 #68000
    madamski cafone

    @ anticlimactic

    “BLM and Antifa are now no longer useful and will most likely be de-platformed.”

    I suspect they won’t be deplatformed but instead re-directed toward an electoral populist movement that will produce the (ahem) New Hitler. Kamala Harris would like to be that public figure with Biden giving her his senile blessing like how Otto Bismark, well into dementia, gave his to Hitler before croaking.

    I’m just speculating via intuition more than anything with this logic: Why alienate your voting bloc? Why overplay your hand? It is always best, per their interests, to keep the Iron Claw hidden by the Velvet Glove.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle January 9 2021 #67999
    madamski cafone

    “70-year is often called Kondrietieff, they are all the same cycles”

    I think perhaps you trust your memory too much, DD. They’re more like 40-60 years, Kondratieff waves.


    “In direct contradiction to the official forecast, a team of scientists led by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is predicting that the Sunspot Cycle that started this fall could be one of the strongest since record-keeping began.

    “In a new article published in Solar Physics, the research team predicts that Sunspot Cycle 25 will peak with a maximum sunspot number somewhere between approximately 210 and 260, which would put the new cycle in the company of the top few ever observed.”

    NEW SUNSPOT CYCLE COULD BE ONE OF THE STRONGEST ON RECORD Scientists use an extended, 22-year solar cycle to make the forecast

    The more traditional view:

    What Is the Sun’s Role in Climate Change?

    If the heretical view is right, things will heat up that much faster. If the traditional view prevails, the tendency will be to slow down this thing loosely called global warming. But “heating up” could actually mean worse winters and summers with freakish cold events, because the core aspect of global climate disruption, in the short run, is not warming but exacerbating. The variables of oceanic heat transfer and many many other aspects make it difficult to say if the result will trend toward a new Carboniferous (ha!) Era or new Ice Age.

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