madamski cafone

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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2021 #84704
    madamski cafone

    Incidentally, this


    is the lunatic who posts as madamski. His legal name is Robert “Robin” Morrison but was born Robert West. He has an active account on FB as Robert West where he avoids politics like, uh, the plague. He has an inactive FB account under Robin Morrison where he was like a plague of political discussion.

    He lives at 8585 SW Canyon Lane #71, Portland, OR 97225. When the internet goes wonky (I feel it’s pointless to add ‘if or’ to that), he may still be there. He lives without a phone. And, one last time, his email is

    Y’all be excellent to one another, pls?

    He has a theme song: Kiss my Ass Goodbye

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2021 #84703
    madamski cafone

    “despite the angels of my better intellect”

    The writer in me snorted that phrase like it was crystal joy. You have “angels” (spiritual) opposite “intellect” (uh, intellectual?;) ) bound by “my” (personal ownership/responsibility) and “better” contrasting with “despite”. I’m giddy when I read such immaculately poetic yet logical prose.

    “Of course, the big hole in that plan is that if you can’t compel the entire population to take the vaccine, the parents of tomorrow will be assorted “deplorables” and non-conformist wierdos.”

    The hole in the above’s logic is “Ivermection or (long list of useful preventative and therapies).”

    “…this Marvel Comics idea…”

    Watch out, ag. Some people get belligerent if you mock their religion, be it the Marvel/DC/Star-Wars/Trek cosmic wonder mythology or the fervent faith some have that TPTB will reliably and predictably fulfill their evil plans to subjugate us all.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2021 #84699
    madamski cafone

    “Madam, thank you for the support and offerings- I’ll buy the coffee if I pass through P-town.”

    What? No breakfast? Cheapskate.;)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 20 2021 #84682
    madamski cafone

    If I were a global overlord looking to depop the planet per a plague, I would not pick one so easily fixed by something like Ivermection or (long list of useful preventative and therapies).

    I would use it, perhaps, to puncture the economic bubble in a semi-predictable manner.

    John Day: what legal leverage, if any, does a doctor have vis a vis the Hippocratic Oath/malpractice concepts?

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84654
    madamski cafone
    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84644
    madamski cafone
    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84643
    madamski cafone

    Every time we tell ourselves how powerful and evil are TPTB, the more we aggrandize them in our minds into something inevitable and invincible.

    “We will not mourn……what we haven’t yet lost, we will learn to row with the oars we’ve got.” (Stuart Adamson)

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84610
    madamski cafone

    “I understand that you can’t accept what i’ve said here because it implies a level of Evil that’s monstrous in scope. “

    Raul’s a big boy who can defend himself blah blah but I have to say: the above is laughable. A man who posts images of infants drowned by bureaucratic decree surely has some idea of evil.

    The Shadow Knows

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84608
    madamski cafone

    Incidentally, Yogi brand herbal tea’s Breathe Deep blend really works. Powerful stuff. Tastes good too.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 19 2021 #84606
    madamski cafone

    “It is this slow form of dying that I have been “practicing” for months without end. The May/June heat dome and numerous 100 degree days really got things rolling. Living in it/living with it – is like being in a LIVING MEDITATION. No need to sit on a cushion for this! One can practice BEing positive and Peaceful in the Present by being present. It is a battle.”

    The hardest battle to win, it seems, is the battle to surrender to the reality before one. YOu always liuft me up, Susmarie.

    in reply to: Stop Mass Vaccination Now! #84526
    madamski cafone


    I’ve shared it with most everyone I care about.

    in reply to: Stop Mass Vaccination Now! #84523
    madamski cafone

    Boogaloo’s description of ADE is jaw-droppingly perfect. Clear as a Richard Feynman lecture.

    You win a prize. Is it going to be door number one?

    Or door number two?

    NIcole Foss, the Great Explainer, would be impressed, I think.

    in reply to: Stop Mass Vaccination Now! #84515
    madamski cafone

    tdk: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: Stop Mass Vaccination Now! #84511
    madamski cafone

    I think that posting difficulties & site access issues have three primary sources: ye olde Big Brotherism trying to slow-frog-boil us into perfect propagandaic submission, hostile entities both criminal and national exploiting a now ridiculously vulnerable internet, and the always reliable principle called Everything in Euromerica Is Turning to Shit. All 3 with, of course, the inescapable covid overlay:

    IT Staffing Shortages

    The article doesn’t mention covid, but covid obviously hammered code-hamster cubicle farms, and for many of them geeks, life without the office society is mighty bleak. Stuck between work from home office hours and Netflix binges is not healthy for young persons or anyone.

    in reply to: Stop Mass Vaccination Now! #84508
    madamski cafone

    Times like this, when it appears to be time to take a stand, it helps to cut loose:

    Happy Feet

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84506
    madamski cafone

    “This is what people are getting wrong about the nazis I think. Nazism was the reaction against the bullshit we are seeing now. It arose in rural southern Germany in opposition to the northern urban parts of the country. We must be just as careful with the coming reaction as to the current atrocity.”

    Let’s Get Wiggy With It.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84505
    madamski cafone


    if it comes to homelessness, call on us. Some of us here may have a space for you. My wife and I have a spare bedroom. I’m a benevolent dictator. There is no such thing as virtual reality. So if your situation gets real, call on us/call on me, ask us to get real and keep you above water.

    Word, even.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84492
    madamski cafone

    “You haven’t been to a playground madamski. In the playground, the cool kids (vax, or PMC if you will, as analogy) did vent frustration on the retarded kid BECAUSE said kid was weak and unable to defend themselves while the onlookers LAUGHED on account they wanted to be part of the “cool group”.”

    You say here is exactly what I meant about the group picking on the few. I said that, and then said that it only takes on person standing up to alter that dynamic.

    I know: I was p[icked on as a kid. I know: someone stood up, not a particularly large person, and shut them down.

    I have no idea why youi’re disagreeing with me. Here’s what I wrote:

    “Cool kids wanting to vent some angry frustration on the retarded kid on the schooolground is motivation much too weak to stand up to a determined lunatic willing to demonstrate that s/he is seriously determined to FUCK UP anyone who messes with hir.”

    But recommending goiurage with no guarantee of safety seems to be anathema to most modern Euromericans. Courage is a real thing, just like cowardice. Both are equally accessible to the human psyche. Really. Not kidding. I’ve seen it; I’ve done it: it is a valid tool.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84445
    madamski cafone

    Methinks Noirette is well aware of the CIA angle in Afghan heroin. I cannot imagine her regularly displayed breadth of geopolitical knowledge and analytic shrewdness could possibly escape that. Me also thinks that said CIA influence is rapidly if not already caput. Like the CIA which just doesn’t know it yet.

    I am thoroughly convinced that Kabul marked the definitive end of an era. A little inertia will follow, but USA is now a domestic affair, not a global power. Even its power as the world’s biggest market is vulnerable to its currency about to go kablooey.

    in reply to: Stop Mass Vaccination Now! #84433
    madamski cafone

    ‘And whatever you do, don’t eat the Wuhan bat stew. Ver-r-ry bad! Make you sick in the New World of America! Why? Because… bats can FLY!!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!’

    Sorry. It won’t let me remove that .gif that makes one seasick. My bad.

    in reply to: Stop Mass Vaccination Now! #84432
    madamski cafone

    “Bullshit. This Delta mutation was detected for the first time in October 2020 in the Indian state of Maharashtra.”

    There’s this crazy little thing called global air travel, and from there, people ride these things called trains, cars, buses, trucks, bicycles, and get around really fast breathing lots of bugs everywhere. Not only is correlation not necessarily causation, but also, location is not causation.

    Whether Raul is right or wrong in making such an absolute statement is unknown to me; Raul studies way more covid info than I do. Whether your absolute statement is right or wrong is also unkwon, but what can be accurately said is that your methodology is flawed.

    What IS known is that standard vaccinology repeatedly shows that ADE happens when a non-sterilzing vaccine is administered at large like has been done. That’s before we even factor in the directly harmful secondary reactions caused by inducing the body to make a zillion spike proteins.

    So Raul’s absolute claim at least has prevailing non-politicized science giving it a foundational truth on which to build a further hypothesis. Your assertion that a plague discovered in India must have derived in India assumes medeival travel circumstances. Even so, the plague that manifested in Venice during the Black Plague did not originate in Venice, and they had ships at least as good as ancient Phoenecian triremes. (Love saying that word.;) )

    “You have ground your axe very dull, Grasshopper. Try the Swiss Army knife.”


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84426
    madamski cafone

    “Thus, the ostracism will turn to violence. That violence won’t be aimed at those who pushed the vax on them.”

    Mostly wussy violence except when they are in large numbers. 10 or less, hell, 20 or less, and a seriously determined lunatic can run them off with one finger twisted backwards. People who submit so blindly to the prevailing clique culture ain’t, to put it frankly, for shit.

    Cool kids wanting to vent some angry frustration on the retarded kid on the schooolground is motivation much too weak to stand up to a determined lunatic willing to demonstrate that s/he is seriously determined to FUCK UP anyone who messes with hir.

    Once the ADE stats become unambiguously vile, the ones who are far more likely to get ugly are the vakzine resistent. Whether that ugliness goes mob-nutso or simply enforces a new authority in its domain, comes dopwn to the caliber of lunatic* leading their charge.
    *cuz there’s one in every crowd

    As tdk pointed out, there will be a major mediation between all parties created by people getting very sick/dying.


    thomasjkenney: neato list, monsieur.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84400
    madamski cafone

    D Benton Smith:

    I love how you translate via stern empirical logic concepts that are usually only apprehensible via spiritual/mystical concepts. It’s like secularism that actually pays attention to the secular.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84397
    madamski cafone

    “I have to agree. I forget if NZ is pushing shitty vakzines or not, but the way to get results from a lockdown is to lock down hard and FAST.”

    “Really, you just read it above and still already forgot again? Jeez. The NZ lockdown is idiotic because there is no long term plan.”

    I agree Raul, and I restate that “the way to get results from a lockdown is to lock down hard and FAST”… regardless of the followup plan to the initial lockup. A follows B follows C even if B fails to consider B+ or B- or C fails to consider C_+ or C+_ etc. etc. into the Land of a 1,000 Computer Models aka Hall of Mirrors (apparently I like special FX).

    That said, this was also said in that post from yesterday: Whatever the long term strategy should be, New Zealand has done pretty well with the pandemic so far. No-one has the answer but NZ has gotten this much more correct than most/all other countries.”

    I’ll add that the thing about long-term strategies is that they can take a long-time to manifest, especially if there is none today but one needs to be in place. Or, in the vernacular: vfee szhall szee

    Meanwhile, in other news, I agree with this: “The one and only reason the pressure increases is that there’s so much resistance against it. You’re not losing, they are.” Not that we won’t “lose” too insomuch as we’re liable to pay a heavy price for so long tolerating dismal governance. Yes, we meek sha;; inherit the earth, not the high and frighty.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84375
    madamski cafone

    I am knuckling down to the final stretch of jigsaw puzzling a novel into coherent linear narrative. If anyone is interested in reading those parts of narrative assembled in what I hope is effective reading order, please contact me at When oneself is the center of creative gravity, it’s a major brain-strain to see it from a reader’s point of view.

    I offer my Grandmother “Nanny” Ruth’s lemon pound cake recipe as attempted compensation. The other bonus is that this will lead me to post less, and some here might appreciate that.


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84374
    madamski cafone

    Why Losing Aged Parents to Covid Is Not All Bad: Nursing Homes Suck

    from either the Babylon Times or the New York Bee

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84371
    madamski cafone

    “So…China port closed as embargo to attack the U.S. However, Long Beach claims they are backlogged and can’t unload. So China isn’t shipping anything but still Long Beach can’t keep up? Explain? Then last week, rails said they were also backlogged, so as a solution they would run fewer trains. Explain?”

    Lack of qualified personnel, just like the shortage of qualified lorry drivers.

    3 months ago

    Last week

    I can’t wait for Dr. D to either tell me how wrong I am for being right or right for being wrong.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84370
    madamski cafone


    I suggest an application of Simpson’s paradox to the above alleged fact.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84369
    madamski cafone

    from yesterday:

    “It may have seemed ridiculous to those whose countries have a more lax approach, with perhaps predictable results. NZ has been lucky but it most certainly is a success story because of its approach. Going hard and early is in sharp contrast to New South Wales in Australia, which dithered and dallied and which now has daily cases up to nearly 700. The lockdown in NZ may have seemed over-reaction but the single case has already grown to about 10, with perhaps another 50-100 expected. The rapid lockdown may not seem so stupid in hindsight. NZ’s strategy has seen most residents able to live their lives normally and has seen the economy rebound strongly with an effective full employment situation (4% unemployment is often considered the minimum level, given the usual churn).”

    I have to agree. I forget if NZ is pushing shitty vakzines or not, but the way to get results from a lockdown is to lock down hard and FAST. Other factors (like the vakzines) alter the results for sure, but the basic strategy is historically proven effective, if done fast, throughly, and only for awhile. Especially if you’re a small island nation and can shut down without excessive disruption.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84366
    madamski cafone


    It’s spelled Camela Kandahar.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84364
    madamski cafone

    “But you see, that never happened now. Only Europeans do bad things. You know, the ones that outlawed slavery and turned a page in the inalienable Rights of Man, then died by hundred thousands to make sure those ideas won as they finally attempted to live up to their own beliefs, or rather, aspirations.”

    I too read big books, including tomes on history. True facts can be used to form fairy tales. All it takes is a few logical fallacies, deftly placed or not. (That was in my passive-aggressive voice.) All that happened solely because science/wood/fossil fuels (and major windpower in The Netherlands) rendered human/animal slaves inefficient for a few centuries. That’s it.

    Onward Xtian soldier and all that. Go rescue the poor spiritually ignorant bastards. Take up that white man’s burden. Me, I have to laugh. And then go into my closet and pray, in secret, to God as I understand It. For me, that sock puppet wears a Jesus face cuz i was raised on it and I just like that phony Hollywood Caucasian iconography:


    The Hip Nazz

    “Here’s the problem: it’s not going to work out the way they planned. US$ going down, NO baton, they do not get a free pass on the new pirate ship “SS China” US$ go poof, D.C. can’t pay anyone and is vacant, nation devolves to local level along with the world.”

    That’s exactly what Raul is saying.

    I too talk to myself. A lot. An awful lot. Too much. Sometimes I have to remind myself that others are listening too.

    I too could waste a vast fortune (had I inherited one like 20th century Uncle Sam did) to blow up said estate in some clusterfucked fever dream. I’m human, which makes it easy to be dangerously foolish.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84359
    madamski cafone

    Everyone’s a plague rat. That’s why plagues spread.


    I thank deflationista for bringing Simpson’s paradox to my attention. Nifty datum.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 18 2021 #84358
    madamski cafone

    Here in Portland’s West Slope apartmant complex rent plantations, the developers took down the wild 1/4 acre next to our complex.

    In a few hours, two dozen large timbers were felled, the brush whacked and razed… and god only knows how many birds and rodents and snakes and insects cast out of their homes or buried alive or…

    They left a yard-wide row of blackberry brambles between us and the devastation. The little brown-grey bunnies, who frolicked by the parking lot as my wife drove to work in the mornings, are now competing with other critters for a place to stay and something to eat. We’ll buy a sack of critter feed and spread it along the stretch I call Rodent Row. The birds will fare better, I suppose, being so mobile.

    I think it’s fine to be vegan for reasons of one’s personal spiritual growth or at least retention of sanity. EVen so, it’s easy to forget that everything we do for us comes at the expense of others. PIty the poor rodent who wants to eat some industrially grown corn: insecticide kills more than bugs. Not to mention that bugs are some kind of alive too.

    No Man’s Land


    Call me sick but a part of me roots for covid to win… which it probably will. JUst be grateful no one satrafed your home with bullets or pesticides, or bulldozed it while you were sleeping or out browsing for food at Safeway or your local garden patch.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2021 #84307
    madamski cafone
    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2021 #84306
    madamski cafone


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2021 #84305
    madamski cafone

    On The Song of the Lark:

    They’re especially active in the morning but they sing all day until dusk. The sun looks heavy with dusty fog suggesting end of day. There’s a hint of seagreen in the twilight that I rarely see in the morning. Her face and hands look dusty and dirty like after a day’s sweaty work cutting dry stalks in the dirt. But what most sells me on evening is her expression: exhausted but uplifted.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2021 #84303
    madamski cafone

    Mr. Curtin writes a finely balanced blend of conciseness and illustrative detail.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2021 #84296
    madamski cafone

    “WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness–“

    My only problem with this otherwise fine declaration of independence is the second clause of that sentence. Creation connotes corporeal beings and their respective functionalities, and some people are born significantly impaired, and there’s a big diff between a 100 IQ and a 150 IQ, etc, etc. But that’s a politician for you: has to shovel in some lofty bloviation lest his head asplode like some nattering nabob of negativity.

    To quote that scrofulous old rascal, John C. Calhoun, “The proposition to which I allude, has become an axiom in the minds of a vast majority on both sides of the Atlantic, and is repeated daily from tongue to tongue, as an established and incontrovertible truth; it is, that “all men are born free and equal.” I am not afraid to attack error, however deeply it may be intrenched, or however widely extended, whenever it becomes my duty to do so, as I believe it to be on this subject and occasion. Taking the proposition literally (it is in that sense it is understood), there is not a word of truth in it.”

    Despite Calhoun’s embodiment of the self-indulgent entitlement that aristocrats felt at that time, especially Southern slave-owning USA citizens, I have to love the crusty old gargoyle —

    (“Friends call me Yessiree Bob.”)

    — not just for doing the best ever impersonation of a genuine Frankenstein just after being jolted alive, but for excelling at pointing out the looming pitfalls of what probably wasn’t even yet called “liberalism” except by early Ivy League poli-sci hipsters. He magnificently failed at pointing out the pitfalls of the regional politics he respresented in Congress and beyond, but with a jaw like that, how can a person not succumb to confirmation bias?

    The fact that his colleague and somewhat mentor/loyal opposition (iirc), John Randolph of Roanoke —

    (“But friends call me Johnboy.”)

    — was a laudanum addict who resorted to physical violence in the Senate, earns him futher prestige from me. Randolph was a crazy elitist arrogant genius who was probably hormonally challenged. I think of both of ’em as “high-functioning cranks” and “enlightening dickwads”, with Calhoun deserving to have his face smashed in daily with a heavy lead-framed glass mirror leering back at him while Randolph, poor sot, probably just needed to (literally) grow a pair and thereby grow up and get laid. They nonetheless made profound observations on what would become the phenomenon called socialism, especially the sins thereof that Dr. D likes to point out.

    Socialism being one of many utopiate paths toward slavery, and both men knowing slavery very well, they naturally saw where such -isms would lead. Ironically, such personalities would just as easily been brilliant but misguided communists like Trotsky and such, or brilliant but misguided New Deal socialists like Huey Long or LBJohnson.

    It’s as if, in order to really know on which side your bread is buttered, you study the other side mercilessly to revel in the difference or at least tell them apart.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2021 #84290
    madamski cafone

    Report: Los Angeles to require vaccinations to buy groceries Plan introduced by Council President Nury Martinez

    “Enough is enough already,” said Martinez”(city council member)”in a statement to local news outlets. “Hospital workers are exhausted, moms who have put aside their careers are tired, and our kids cannot afford the loss of another school year. We have three vaccines that work and are readily available, so what’s it going to take?”

    Someone peeing in the vakzine reservoir? So they have to flush it all? Some wag here cracked wise awhile back about being willing to volunteer for the placebo group: make mine saline, pls.

    It’s in Forbes too. What I see are the smallest levels of what Raul calls “the little managers” doing what little managers do, which is the same thing as the inspiration for this ditty by one of my favorite Russians:

    Circus Polka


    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 17 2021 #84286
    madamski cafone

    ” My question was- how the fuck is Nazi regalia even tolerated at Sturgis- or Trump rallies?”

    Violent assault is as illegal and violaent at a political rally as anywhere. I’m not sure you understand this freedom concept.

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