Jun 112021
 June 11, 2021  Posted by at 8:47 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , ,

Wassily Kandinsky Free Curve to the Point – Accompanying Sound of Geometric Curves 1925


Stalin’s Covid Mismanagement Gets International Attention (CM)
100s Suffer Heart Inflammation Following COVID Vaccines (ZH)
Highly Contagious Delta Variant Now Makes Up 91% Of UK’s New Covid Cases (F.)
As Trump Banned China Travel, Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Studies (NP)
There Are No Solutions -Part Two (Jim Quinn)
Goldman Requires Workers To Report If They Are Vaccinated (ZH)
Celebrity Cruises Has A Workaround For DeSantis’ Vaccine Passport Ban (F.)
The Global Pandemic Requires A Global Vaccination Plan (F.)
China Passes Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law (Y!)
Cash Gone Nuts: Treasury General Account Drops to $674 Billion (WS)
Trump Tells Biden To Give Putin His ‘Warmest Regards’ (F.)
Convert New York’s Entire Grid to Renewables With This One Trick (Vice)





Bhakdi: the authorities who Ok’d this; the EU; all the governments who approved these vaccines.. I think they should all be taken to court.”



Come for the headline, stay for the ivermectin.

Stalin’s Covid Mismanagement Gets International Attention (CM)

In a special live broadcast on June 1 of the DarkHorse podcast, Dr. Bret Weinstein (Ph.D.) and Dr. Pierre Kory (M.D.) discussed the incredible story of the Ivermectin drug in controlling COVID, in which they criticized Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin for his irresponsible behavior during the pandemic. In the recent broadcast, Dr.Pierre Kory praised the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for including Ivermectin in their treatment guidelines. He added,” Some of the states in India went even further and they went much more aggressive. One of the boldest and uplifting moves was that of the Chief Minister of Goa, who recommended the use of Ivermectin for every adult over the age of 18 who was infected with corona. This is what I would have done if I were the Chief Minister of state.”

He went on to say that states like Goa and Uttar Pradesh took bold steps to help India reduce the number of COVID cases in the country. Later, he slammed Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin for effectively outlawing Ivermectin and going all-in on Remdesivir, which he claims is the cause of the state’s increasing cases. He also took a dig at MK Stalin’s name recalling the Russian Communist dictator Joseph Stalin who killed thousands of people. “I don’t know why but his name is MK Stalin. I just have to mention that. So, Stalin in India outlawed Ivermectin and it is not going well for the citizens”, he said. In another interview with Sky News Australia, Craig Kelly, Independent Federal Member for Hughes, Australia, also criticized MK Stalin for blocking Ivermectin drug in the state, claiming that it resulted in a rise in mortality and infection rates while every other state that used it experienced a decrease in COVID cases.

“There is one exception in India. It is the state of Tamil Nadu down the south where they have elected a new leader who goes by the name Stalin. People actually went to the ballot boxes and voted for a bloke called Stalin. He decided that Ivermectin wasn’t effective and basically blocked from the state. The death rate and infection rate have gone through the roof while every other state that is using it is seeing massive declines.” he said.

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Perfectly safe.

100s Suffer Heart Inflammation Following COVID Vaccines (ZH)

Federal authorities have received over 800 reports of heart inflammation in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine, a health official said Thursday. The reports of myocarditis or pericarditis were submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a passive reporting system run jointly by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration, through May 31. The bulk of the reports described heart inflammation appearing after the second of two doses of either the Pfizer of Moderna vaccines, both of which utilize messenger RNA technology.

Authorities stress that anybody can submit reports through the reporting system but authorities have already verified that 226 of the reports meet the CDC’s working case definition, Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, a deputy director at the agency, said during a presentation of the data. Followup and review are in progress for the rest. Of the 285 case reports for which the disposition was known at the time of the review, 270 patients had been discharged and 15 were still hospitalized, officials said. Myocarditis typically requires hospital care. No deaths were reported.

Update (2000ET): The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Thursday that it will convene an “emergency meeting” of its advisers on June 18th to discuss rare but higher-than-expected reports of heart inflammation following doses of the mRNA-based Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. The new details about myocarditis and pericarditis emerged first in presentations to a panel of independent advisers for the Food and Drug Administration, who are meeting Thursday to discuss how the regulator should approach emergency use authorization for using COVID-19 vaccines in younger children.

As CBS reports, the CDC previously disclosed that reports of heart inflammation were detected mostly in younger men and teenage boys following their second dose, and that there was a “higher number of observed than expected” cases in 16- to 24-year-olds. Last month, the CDC urged providers to “ask about prior COVID-19 vaccination” in patients with symptoms of heart inflammation.

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If they don’t open on June 21, watch the spectacle.

Highly Contagious Delta Variant Now Makes Up 91% Of UK’s New Covid Cases (F.)

The highly contagious “delta” variant of the coronavirus originating from India now makes up nearly all of the U.K.’s new coronavirus cases, Health Minister Matt Hancock revealed Thursday, as the rapid spread of the mutant strain adds a new threat to Europe’s reopening. Hancock told lawmakers while under questioning about the government’s handling of the pandemic that intelligence he saw Wednesday night showed 91% of the U.K.’s new cases are made up by the delta variant. While research is still ongoing about its transmission rate, Hancock told Parliament earlier this week that the British government believes the delta variant is 40% more transmissible than the alpha variant (B.1.1.7) first detected in Britain.

Notably, as of Thursday, just three fully vaccinated people in the U.K. infected with the new variant have been hospitalized, according to data cited by Hancock, who emphasized “the jabs are working.” However, government data shows cases have been sharply rising in the U.K.: more than 41,000 new infections were reported in England in the week through June 9, a two-thirds increase from the previous seven-day period. The revelation about the virus’s prevalence in the U.K. came as the World Health Organization on Thursday morning warned the delta variant is “poised to take hold” across Europe. Hans Kluge, WHO’s regional director for Europe, encouraged countries to “act fast on signals of increasing cases” and urged caution as some move to reopen.

Hancock stressed that vaccines appear to be effective against this version of the virus. So far, the U.K. has partially vaccinated over 60% of its population and fully vaccinated nearly 43%, boasting one of the most successful vaccine rollouts in the world. The broader European Union has moved more slowly, with just 42% partially vaccinated and 22% fully vaccinated against the virus. Nonetheless, the spread of the variant is threatening to prolong lockdowns in the U.K. as the government is currently weighing whether it should delay the lifting of restrictions in England scheduled for June 21.

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Fauci and Daszak above the law.

As Trump Banned China Travel, Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Studies (NP)

Published on February 3rd 2020, the paper entitled Synergistic China–US Ecological Research is Essential for Global Emerging Infectious Disease Preparedness was authored by researchers from the notorious EcoHealth Alliance and several Chinese Communist Party-run scientific institutions, including the Wuhan lab. EcoHealth Alliance – run by self-declared “killer” virus creator Peter Daszak – and the Wuhan lab have both come under increased scrutiny for their potential role in the creation of COVID-19 as well as the cover-up of its true origins. The 14-page paper was the culmination of two-year collaborative project between Chinese and U.S. researchers involving two workshops on “Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases” in Shenzhen, China and the University of California Berkeley in 2018.

“The workshop has two objectives,” a summary notes before explaining: The first objective is to review recent progress in ecology and infectious disease research and identify key gaps in data, information, and knowledge. The second objective is to identify research priority areas and discuss possible mechanisms for joint, international cooperation on research and education activities in ecology and infectious disease research. The paper – which was published in EcoHealth Alliance’s official journal “EcoHealth” – asserts that collaboration between the U.S. and China is key to stopping future pandemics. “International cooperation, particularly between China and the USA, is essential to fully engage the resources and scientific strengths necessary to add this ecological emphasis to the pandemic preparedness strategy,” it posits.

“The global nature of emerging and re-emerging infectious disease threats indicates the critical role of international cooperation, particularly spearheaded by China and the USA, in emerging infectious disease (EID) preparedness,” the paper adds before calling for the two countries to form a “united front for research”: “The world would be much better equipped for curbing the next pandemic, if China and the USA provided a united front for research and progress toward EID preparedness.”

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“No scientist ever believes that he has the final answer or the ultimate truth on anything.”
– Carroll Quigley

There Are No Solutions -Part Two (Jim Quinn)

The boldness and extremeness of their actions since the Fall of 2019 seem out of character with their usual shrouded machinations behind the scenes, where the public is ignorant of their actions. Something broke within the debt saturated financial system and Powell was ordered to restart QE and start reducing interest rates to fend off disaster. In a fascinating coincidence, Event 201, a pandemic simulation, was conducted on October 18 in New York City, jointly run by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The four-year coup attempt by the Deep State against Trump was floundering, with their pathetic last gasp impeachment farce in January 2020.

The weaponization of the Chinese bio-weapon lab virus into a global pandemic narrative accomplished numerous objectives for the Deep State. It provided cover for the Federal Reserve to funnel trillions into the pockets of the criminal Wall Street cabal and their billionaire clientele. It provided the means for Democrat governors and mayors to use it as an excuse to allow mass mail-in voting in order to fraudulently steal the election. Destroying the economy through unnecessary worthless lockdowns and blaming it on Trump gave the Democrats a further impetus to steal the election. Convincing the entire nation masking and lockdowns stopped the spread (they did not) allowed the ruling class to exercise tyrannical authoritarian un-Constitutional mandates with little to no push back from the masses – giving them the confidence to push further.

Cases and deaths were plummeting before vaccines were rolled out in any quantity, but the media mouthpieces and lying politicians will credit the jab for decline. Using propaganda fear, convincing the masses cowering in your basement was brave, using their captured media to lie about “being in this together” as our rulers flaunted their own lockdown dictates, creating social unrest based on the false narrative of systematic racism, forcing people to be scared and suspicious of each other, and pitting families and friends against each other based on falsehoods, has accomplished the mission of tearing the fabric of our society. And now for the coup de grace – forced vaccinations with an experimental untested DNA altering concoction for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate.

The immune systems of all but the sickliest are sufficient to fight off this virus and cheap, effective, and safe treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been scientifically proven to successfully defeat this virus. Watching scientists and doctors declare these treatments dangerous and ineffective, with Big Tech censoring anyone dissenting from this narrative, tells you how corrupted the medical and media industries have become. Science is never settled. “No scientist ever believes that he has the final answer or the ultimate truth on anything.” – Carroll Quigley

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“..the bank had sent a memo this week informing employees in the US that they had until noon on Thursday to report their vaccination status.”

Goldman Requires Workers To Report If They Are Vaccinated (ZH)

Goldman Sachs’ bankers dragged themselves back to the office last month, shortly before American workplace safety regulators weighed in on what employers are legally allowed to ask (and not ask) about their vaccination status. As it turns out, vague federal standards will allow Goldman to allow workers to go bare-faced in the office so long as they provided their managers with information confirming they had been vaccinated. Previously, disclosing vaccination status had been “optional” for employees. That has apparently changed, as Andrew Ross Sorkin’s “DealBook” reported Thursday that the bank had sent a memo this week informing employees in the US that they had until noon on Thursday to report their vaccination status.

Bankers can log their vaccination status with the bank’s internal app for employees. Since employers can’t directly ask for this information, the bank will instead ask workers to fill in the date where they received their shots, along with the maker of their vaccine. Goldman has also informed employees through the app that their vaccination status may be shared with managers and used for planning purposes. “Registering your vaccination status allows us to plan for a safer return to the office for all of our people as we continue to abide by local public health measures,” said a section of the memo, which was sent to employees who hadn’t already reported their vaccination status. A copy of the letter was obtained by the NYT.

One of the NYT’s “expert” sources explained that Goldman can share vaccination status “with certain individuals if it’s relevant to the individual’s responsibilities, but they can’t share for no reason,,” according to Jessica Kuester, who specializes in benefits at the law firm Ogletree Deakins. [..] Companies across the US are trying to find out how many workers are vaccinated ahead of full office reopenings. They have conducted surveys and given out cash rewards, mimicking strategies embraced by state governments, as the Biden Administration scrambles to meet its goal of having 70% of American adults at least partially vaccinated by July 4. Though as things stand, it looks like the US is going to miss that target.

No word yet on whether Goldman workers will receive any kind of compensation for getting vaccinated. But seeing as the bank largely skipped bonus compensation offered to junior employees by other banks, we suspect junior bankers who comply will be doing so mostly out of the goodness of their hearts – and their unwillingness to lose their jobs.

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“We’re going to manage that. We’ve got codes, we’ve got, you know, if we have to shut down cabin categories or open cabin categories, we are going to make sure that’s on us, not you.”

Celebrity Cruises Has A Workaround For DeSantis’ Vaccine Passport Ban (F.)

For cruise operators, their mission impossible is to figure out how to follow both the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Protection (CDC) — which recommends that 98% of crew and 95% of passengers on a ship be vaccinated before setting sail — and avoid violating a much-hyped law from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis that prohibits businesses in his state from verifying the vaccination status of individuals. The first ship slated to sail out of Florida in 15 months is Celebrity Edge, which will depart Fort Lauderdale on June 26 on a seven-night cruise to the Western Caribbean. That’s just the beginning. By mid-summer, nine of the cruise line’s 15 ships will be operating out of Florida and other ports.

On a call with travel agents on Tuesday, Dondra Ritzenthaler, senior VP of sales, trade support and service at Celebrity Cruises, outlined how Celebrity plans to thread the needle to stay on the right side of both the CDC guidance and the Florida law, according a scoop in the unofficial Royal Caribbean Blog, which is not affiliated with the cruise line. Forbes has also obtained a recording of the June 8 call. For context, this is the second such call within two weeks where Ritzenthaler has outlined a possible workaround to travel advisors. Forbes previously obtained a recording of a May 27 call where Ritzenthaler told agents that the DeSantis administration and major cruise lines had discussed a possible exemption to the Florida law for cruise lines. A DeSantis spokesperson denied that the governor had ever considered such an exemption and told reporters that Forbes had “misinterpreted” Ritzenthaler’s comments from that call.

Throughout Tuesday’s 46-minute call, Ritzenthaler outlined the CDC guidance and reiterated multiple times that 95% of passengers on all Celebrity ships would be fully vaccinated. “We will require documentation of full vaccination from all guests who are eligible,” she said. “This is for everybody, but Florida is a little bit different, okay?” “Florida — because we honor the government, we honor DeSantis — we will still go out with 100% of our crew and 95% of our guests vaccinated. But in Florida, we will not require you to have to show proof of vaccination, because we are doing this exactly the right way,” said Ritzenthaler.

“Our President and CEO, Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, right before this call, said, ‘Dondra, you reassure every travel adviser on this call that we will sail with 95% of our guests vaccinated,’” said Ritzenthaler, who did not explain in detail how Celebrity would accomplish this feat except to suggest that, instead of verifying passengers’ vaccination records at the port on embarkation day, Celebrity would manage the ratio of vaccinated-to-unvaccinated guests during the booking process. “Guys, the way we’re going to do that is we’re going to manage the sailing, right?” she told the hundreds of agents on the call. “We’re going to make sure that we open some cabin categories. We close some cabin categories. We are going to make sure that 95% of our guests are vaccinated.”

That would mean that only five percent of any ship’s inventory for any sailing would be made available to unvaccinated passengers. At the end of the call, Ritzenthaler fielded a question from a travel advisor asking for additional clarity on how the cruise line would achieve the 95% vaccination threshold. “That’s not anything you have to worry about,” Ritzenthaler reiterated. “We’re going to manage that. We’ve got codes, we’ve got, you know, if we have to shut down cabin categories or open cabin categories, we are going to make sure that’s on us, not you.”

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Don’t laugh, they’re serious.

The Global Pandemic Requires A Global Vaccination Plan (F.)

As world leaders gather for the annual G7 Leadership Summit, they have one job: end the pandemic by delivering a global roadmap to vaccinate the world. This must be a comprehensive, coordinated strategy that accelerates global Covid-19 vaccine access and delivery in order to achieve at least 70% coverage in all countries. Eighteen months into the Covid-19 pandemic, we find ourselves navigating a schism between the haves and the have-nots where those in high-income countries can see a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel while many in poorer countries are experiencing the persistence of this devastating crisis. More than 85% of vaccine doses administered to date have gone to people in high- and upper-middle-income countries. And low-income countries? Just 0.3%.

What was once the bright spot in the pandemic — the rapid development and manufacture of life-saving vaccines — now points to a vast moral failing. There are many reasons that this has happened, but it boils down to a difficult truth: there is still no end-to-end plan to vaccinate the world to at least 70% coverage and provide the support needed for every country to get vaccines delivered and administered safely. The system that allowed just a few countries to buy nearly all the world’s vaccine supply needs root and branch reform. But right now, we must collectively do more. We are calling for an end-to-end plan that addresses urgent gaps in vaccine supply and delivery. After all, vaccines alone don’t save lives — vaccinations do.

Though the commitment of COVAX — the mechanism to accelerate the development and manufacture of Covid-19 vaccines and guarantee fair and equitable vaccine access — is laudable, to date it is not enough. As WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said to the World Health Assembly, while COVAX has delivered 72 million doses to 125 countries, “those doses are sufficient for barely 1 percent of the combined population of those countries.” President Joe Biden’s announcement last week that shipments of surplus doses have begun is also promising, but global leaders must do more. According to the Launch & Scale Speedometer, the G7 countries (including the whole of the EU) have an excess of 3 billion doses, even after vaccinating their entire population. G7 countries have the opportunity to do the right thing. We urge leadership to share one billion doses by the end of August, and another billion by the end of the year to support the global vaccination effort.

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“The law aims to firmly safeguard the sovereign dignity and core interests of the country and oppose Western hegemony and power politics..”

China Passes Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law (Y!)

China on Thursday passed a new law to counter foreign sanctions, as it looks to build its defences against rising US and EU pressure over trade and human rights. Beijing has accused the United States of “suppressing” Chinese firms and issued veiled threats of retaliation after President Joe Biden last week expanded a blacklist of companies in which Americans are not allowed to invest. Countermeasures in the Chinese law include “refusal to issue visas, denial of entry, deportation… and sealing, seizing, and freezing property of individuals or businesses that adhere to foreign sanctions against Chinese businesses or officials,” according to the text published by the standing committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature. The restrictions can apply to family members of individuals who fall foul of Beijing.

The law also allows the country’s courts to punish companies that comply with foreign laws, and says that businesses or people in China do not need to comply with foreign restrictions. “The law aims to firmly safeguard the sovereign dignity and core interests of the country and oppose Western hegemony and power politics,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbing told a briefing. China has long complained about US sanctions and trade restrictions affecting Chinese companies, calling it an extraterritorial application of US law. Biden has stepped up US criticism of Beijing in recent months over the theft of intellectual property, and alleged human rights abuses in Hong Kong and the restive Xinjiang region. Last week, the White House expanded the blacklist of companies Americans are barred from investing in due to the firms’ links to Beijing’s military.

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“..in part responsible for the flood of cash that suddenly started to show up in the banking system that was already up to the gills in cash, and poured out from there.”

Cash Gone Nuts: Treasury General Account Drops to $674 Billion (WS)

The excess balances in the federal government’s checking account – the “Treasury General Account” (TGA) at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York – that had ballooned to $1.8 trillion by July 2020 plunged to $674 billion as of Wednesday, according to the Fed’s balance sheet, released today, the lowest since April 2, 2020, having now unwound most of the monetized-but-unspent debt-binge spike from spring last year. The Mnuchin Treasury started reducing the balance in the TGA in baby steps by borrowing less than they were spending. The Yellen Treasury announced in February that it would draw down the account to $500 billion by the end of June. $174 billion more to go:

Last spring, the government sold a gigantic amount of debt, piling an additional $3 trillion on top of its mountain of debt in just a few months. At the same time, the Fed bought $3 trillion in securities as part of its QE and wealth effect program, thereby monetizing nearly all of the $3 trillion in new debt that the government issued during that time. But the government didn’t spend all of the $3 trillion in proceeds from the new debt, and the TGA – a liability on the Fed’s balance sheet – soared from around $400 billion in February 2020 to $1.8 trillion in July. This $1.4 trillion addition that the government had borrowed and that the Fed had then monetized didn’t go into the economy and the markets but sat in the government’s checking account.

But now, during the drawdown of the TGA, that money has been going into the economy and the markets. The drawdown so far is money that the government has spent since February but didn’t have to collect in taxes or borrow from investors since it already borrowed it over a year ago, with the Fed having monetized the new debt. Since February, this money has started circulating in the economy, markets, and banking system, as the government spent it, and is in part responsible for the flood of cash that suddenly started to show up in the banking system that was already up to the gills in cash, and poured out from there.

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“..don’t fall asleep during the meeting.”

Trump Tells Biden To Give Putin His ‘Warmest Regards’ (F.)

Less than a week before President Joe Biden’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva, Switzerland, former President Donald Trump put out a statement insisting his widely criticized 2018 Helsinki summit with Putin went “great” and telling Biden not to “fall asleep” when meeting with the strongman. Trump said in a statement he had a “great and productive” summit with Putin, at which he contradicted U.S. intelligence on alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election, stating, “Putin says it’s not Russia. I don’t see any reason why it would be.” Trump said the negative image of that meeting is the result of a “belated Fake News portrayal,” claiming he “won much” from it, including the “respect of President Putin and Russia,” though what they actually discussed in their closed-door meeting remains a mystery.

Trump said it was the “obvious” choice for him to believe Russia over former U.S. intelligence officials with whom he has feuded, including former FBI directors James Comey and Andy McCabe. Trump wished Biden “good luck” in “dealing with President Putin,” and, in a continuation of attacks he made on Biden’s physical and mental capacity during the election, added “don’t fall asleep during the meeting.” “Because of the phony Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, made-up and paid for by the Democrats and Crooked Hillary Clinton, the United States was put at a disadvantage—a disadvantage that was nevertheless overcome by me,” Trump said, reflecting how he feels his presidency was kneecapped by the Russia probe.

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The “trick” is more legislation?!

Convert New York’s Entire Grid to Renewables With This One Trick (Vice)

New York lawmakers are considering legislation that would drastically build out the state’s renewable energy offerings, a step toward a future in which some activists believe energy utilities could be fully renewable and municipally owned. The New York Build Public Renewables Act (Assembly Bill A1466A) would enable the New York Power Authority (NYPA)—the largest state public utility in the country—to develop and operate utility-scale renewable energy projects while requiring it to phase out fossil fuel infrastructure by 2025. The bill was introduced in January by State Senator Kevin Parker and Assemblymember Robert Carroll, and is championed by the Public Power NY Coalition—a statewide collective of environmental justice organizations that includes several Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) chapters and the NY Energy Democracy Alliance.

It is less radical than a previously considered piece of legislation that would have transitioned control over utilities to the state while banning for-profit energy service companies like National Grid and Con Edison. Advocates believe the passage of the Build Public Renewables Act would represent a first meaningful step toward climate action more than two years after the passage of New York’s landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). Passed in 2019, the CLCPA established a set of legally-binding environmental targets requiring 70 percent of New York’s energy to come from renewable sources by 2030 in order to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 85 percent by 2050.

The CLCPA was once lauded as the the most ambitious piece of state climate legislation in the country, but activists like Charlie Heller, organizer with the Public Power Coalition, say the state hasn’t upheld its promises. (Just five percent of New York’s energy production is currently generated by wind and solar power, for example.) “If you really think it’s a climate emergency, you wouldn’t just sit there and not pass any major climate bills,” Heller said.

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Home Forums Debt Rattle June 11 2021

  • This topic has 60 replies, 24 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by Raúl Ilargi Meijer.
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  • #77107

    Wassily Kandinsky Free Curve to the Point – Accompanying Sound of Geometric Curves 1925   • Stalin’s Covid Mismanagement Gets International Atten
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 11 2021]

    V. Arnold

    Wassily Kandinsky Free Curve to the Point – Accompanying Sound of Geometric Curves 1925

    Wow, that’s a really interesting painting; I like it and the free curve is masterful, IMHO.
    …but, a question lingers…which came first; the point, or the free curve… 😉

    V. Arnold

    Wassily Kandinsky Free Curve to the Point…

    There it is…

    Polder Dweller

    The Vaccine Blinded My Cat

    That’s not an actual headline, I just made it up, but I think it may well be true as the cat went blind right after my wife got her second shot of Pfizer and the vet said the blindness was most likely caused by a TIA. Correlation but not proof of causation.

    Why is there such a push to vaccinate everyone if there is no faith that it will keep you safe? I’ve seen several articles about the vaccinated not wanting to give up their masks and in this article: No Jab, No Phone (RT) it says “We are doing all we can to compel people to get vaccinated… The government cannot allow individuals, who do not want to get vaccinated, to risk lives of those who are already vaccinated,” the health minister told Pakistan’s Express Tribune.”

    Meanwhile, pretty much everyone I know has either been vaccinated or will be soon and they are all convinced that we’ll be back to normal in the autumn. I hope I’m wrong but I think they’re going to be in for a rude awakening, maybe even before the end of the summer.



    Pakistan province to block phones of the unvaccinated

    A Pakistan province said Friday it will block the mobile phones of people refusing to get Covid-19 jabs, in the latest move to penalise the unvaccinated in a country where only a fraction of the population have been inoculated.

    It comes after Sindh province said civil servants who refuse to be vaccinated will not be paid from July.

    A third wave of infections has begun to stabilise in Pakistan after weeks of tough restrictions, and in Punjab — the country’s most populous province which includes the megacity of Lahore — demand for jabs has slowed.

    “At first this was only a proposal, but people have been very hesitant in getting vaccinated so the decision was made,” said Hammad Raza, spokesman for the Punjab Primary Health department.

    He said the state telecoms agency will decide how to implement the measure.

    Pakistan’s nationwide vaccination rollout has ramped up in recent weeks with more than 200,000 doses administered most days, but it adds up to only a fraction of the 220 million population.


    Terrific discussion.
    You’ve got to get past the occasional petty squabble.

    Long but good.

    Dr. D

    Is Swalwell still sleeping with Fang Fang? On a bed of Congressional dossiers? I didn’t forget.

    “Germany Rolls out First Vaccine Passport.” I guess Germany is an unhinged conspiracy theorist. They didn’t get the memo that those aren’t planned and aren’t real. They’re cray-cray, obviously against common decency and human rights. Oh wait, it’s the 2020’s.

    Inflation watch, as the planet comes unhinged: “Container Ship Orders Surge as Firms Race to Add Capacity”

    Okay, so first they had globalization and built ships. …While shutting down every western ship yard, notably in England. THEN there was a ‘recession’ (GFC) so rates plummeted, then went to the basement, and all really pretty good, but older, smaller won’t-get-wedged-in-the-Suez ships were scrapped at a company-breaking loss. THEN there was a money-printer-go-brrrr “boom” that rocketed rates and caused shortages. NOW we’re building new ships again, having only just scrapped the old ships yesterday. They’re probably floating in the yards still, waiting the torch. Same thing with trucks.

    You want to know why money-printing, inflation, central planning, are a complete, abysmal, dangerous, life-ending failure? This is why. Nitrous! Brakes! Nitrous! Brakes! Handbrake turn! Left guardrail! Right Guardrail! Oncoming headlights! Gaaaaaahhhh! Cash-basis, not-handing-free-money-to-my-fraudulent-serial-failure-schoolyard-chums leads to SMOOTH, even economic decisions and responses. Matching supply and demand delicately, precisely. Not wasting an entire planet’s resources. Using up all these valuable objects, tools, energy, down to the last drop with maximum efficiency and intelligence.

    OR: Stalin could say make 10,000 more tractors than we need, knowing nothing. The tractor plant can only make 8,000, half-bakes the other 2k not to get shot, none of them work, they randomly end up on critical farms while randomly half the fully-working ones end up as lawn ornaments. Fields fail, so farmers are shot (by Stalin). Then the war happens, so 2,000 tractors are scrapped to make the tanks and the shovels we actually DID need. Again, after wasting time and money randomly junking, shipping, and reassembling the parts to make a few working ones, while paying to both scrap, ship with critical oil, critical trucking, and re-smelting them back into ore.

    Nice going Powell! Genius move Pelosi! Gordon Gekko will be very pleased as “I [we] make nothing.” We DO, nothing. We OWN. …And shortly, “we starve.” While all this money – money is irrelevant, excuse me – all this OIL, STEEL, RUBBER, CHIPS, TIME are spent creating things we don’t need so we can realize our stupid decisions 6 months from now and shut them down, destroy them. Like fracking wells. Or shopping malls.

    All with your tax dollars while you can’t pay the rent. Welcome to America.

    Hey, could we get a mask factory and a pharmaceutical plant that makes basic things like vitamins instead? Money-printer-say-no. Tax law say no. NAFTA say no. We’ll wait for a worldwide pandemic, THEN…not do it then either.

    Up to you guys. Relocalize: you know you’re going to anyway. Might as well do it now, before the crash.

    Today’s edition of complete media lies: 1,200 year drought in the west!!! We’re all gonna die! (again) Um, people? It was only 2017 that floods were so high the Oroville Dam nearly collapsed – the state’s largest. While the drought is bad, I’m thinking you don’t call a thousand-year drought three years after a 100-year rain. Might be early. See their own argument on “Weather vs Climate”, you hat-wearing science illiterates.

    Yes, the drought is bad. And the overly-volatile weather is concerning. So you put in all those permaculture techniques and closed the golf courses, right? What, no? You have no food but are still growing hay, rice, and lawns? Okay, I’m leaving this meeting now. Call me when you’re serious and not insaney-clowny-posse-peoples. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_nut Did they change land-use laws to not even promote, but allow food production chickens and gardens in the temperate, rainy suburbs of 25 states, tens of hundreds of thousands of acres? No? Call me when you’re hungry, bub. Call me when there’s no chicken at “Wild Wings” prices double and the supply chains fail. Oh wait…

    “Highly Contagious Delta Variant Now Makes Up 91% of UK’s New Covid Cases (F.)”

    “Highly contagious” as in exactly as contagious as before? 91% of new cases when there are almost no cases? When there are ZERO deaths in England off and on, and the 5-year death rate is BELOW average?


    “Statement by Donald J. Trump on Covid discoveries”: Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. Nevermind, they’ll just get up and ignore it.

    Quinn’s article shows “Science-as-Religion” and article of faith, with Judas Priests. Now would that be “Breakin’ the Law”, “Victim of Changes”, or “You’ve Got Another Thing Comin'” “Beyond Death”?

    “Goldman Requires Workers to Report If They Are Vaccinated (ZH)”

    Moving forward with the total false, must be conspiracy theory, a two-tier society! as written and published for years. However, because they’re such failed idiot sons of idiot sons, seven generations deep, it’s coming out the OPPOSITE. So if I DON’T get the vaccine I can still work from home??? I am on this. Spain is now suggesting if you’ve been vaccinated, you CAN’T fly due to increased blood clots. …That will kill you. On their time, in their plane. (Of course other airlines are suggesting the opposite). If you’re vaccinated you can go to NYC concerts, but if you’re NOT vaccinated, you get wide-open, empty bleacher seats at the Yankees all to yourself? Unvaxxed restaurant sections that are empty and clean?

    …What, pray tell, must I pay for this incredible advantage in my life? Wait — it’s FREE??? All I have to do to work at home and get no-reservation seating is to say I’m unvaccinated? …See the problem? I mean, they’re trying: gotta hand it to them. But even with conflict between states where you CAN’T be masked/vaccinated and others where you MUST be, even within the Fauccist states there are mixed messages. And for fun, they have nothing – no answer – for those who WANT to get vaccinated but medically can’t. Separate drinking fountains for you!!! Guess you’re a non-person and non-citizen! Down with Lupus patients! Down with Chemo patients! Chuck ’em in the bin! Want to explain how you’re going to do that? No. Because it’s not logical and it’s not medical. It’s “DO WHAT YOU’RE TOLD.” The Ego of Power-over, the joy and power of grinding to dust.

    “Celebrity Cruises Has a Workaround for DeSantis’ Vaccine Passport Ban (F.)”

    One of these is a law and one is a suggestion. Guess which one they follow? Hint: we haven’t followed the law in 100 years and will do anything, ANYTHING not to follow it. It is our #AntiLogos is our #Religion.

    “Convert New York’s Entire Grid to Renewables with this One [Weird] Trick [of NY Housewives] (Vice)”

    Since a million people left New York, this lack of having a viable grid will actually work fine. Grid falls another 20%, but 20% more New Yorkers flee high taxes, blizzard snows, and 3rd world infrastructure for Miami. It’s a win-win. …Except that New York will have no GDP, no taxes, no people, no votes and cease to exist as a viable entity, returning to a brushy forest where hut-dwelling people grow rabbits as Ayn Rand said. …And actually happened in Flint and Detroit already. …When you’ve proven Ayn Rand right, you are clearly doing something very, very wrong.

    Behold! A Pale Horse! Green Initiatives at their finest, taken to their inevitable end: NeoFueadalism. Everyone living in caves. Except for Cuomo and AOC who live in palatial Hudson estates…while her dearest abula lives in a 3rd world hovel and she actively stops her grandma from getting the money to fix it. https://nypost.com/2021/06/05/gofundme-halts-fundraiser-for-aocs-grandma-despite-104k-haul/
    I thought such a house was ecological, AOC. Clearly more ecological than your $70k Tesla.

    “The government cannot allow individuals, who do not want to get vaccinated, to risk lives of those who are already vaccinated,” the health minister [said]

    It just doesn’t end, does it?


    If you allow children to be experimented on with mRNA therapy that not only was never properly tested on humans before the ‘rollout’, but was never even tested on animals, you might as well sell them into the sex trafficking biz.

    Same difference, pimping your kids out for someones profit.

    Mission Accomplished



    I’ve followed Brett Weinstein for a long time. A voice of sanity in a Wilderness of Mirrors.


    His interview with Geert Vanden Bossche and Dr Pierre Kory were excellent.

    This is the coverage that should have been done by the MSMedia-whores but alas couldn’t be done because, well, they’re whores.


    RE: Trump’s statement on origins of Covid (“…I have been proven right (once again) ….Chinese Communist Party should pay $10 trillion in global reparations….”): Seems to me everyone is blithely ignoring how this theory that the virus was released – intentionally or accidentally – because the lab in Wuhan was doing bat virus research also points a finger at the Trump administration’s participation in said research.

    Let’s for the moment say that it turns out that human Covid was in fact man-made in a lab and did not come from animals in an organic transmission. Let’s further say that it specifically came from gain-of-function research being done in the Wuhan lab and through carelessness, they released the bugger into the population causing the pandemic.

    Now let’s look at some timelines and the US involvement with this particular laboratory and with gain-of-function (GoF) research in general.

    In 2014, the U.S. government put a pause on new funding of gain-of-function research world-wide. It had already halted all domestic GoF research in 2011. (This was under Obama.)
    The pause — intended to provide time to address concerns about the risks and benefits of these studies — applied to certain research on influenza, MERS and SARS. Covid is, as we know, a SARS virus and was included in the moratorium of funding.

    On Dec. 19, 2017, the U.S. government’s pause, or moratorium, was lifted. It was the Trump administration, in other words, that resumed new federal funding of GoF research in virology labs.

    In 2014 (Obama), the NIH had already awarded a 5-year grant to the U.S.-based “EcoHealth Alliance” group to study the risk of the future emergence of coronaviruses from bats. This study was allowed to continue as the funding was granted before the moratorium. The study was conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and involved teams of scientists from various countries, including US scientists. (This is how the government retroactively explains all kinds of shit it does – “we had to let them keep the money because it wasn’t illegal when we first gave it to them, blah, blah, blah.” I think this is how they explain staying in Afghanistan. “We already allocated the money, might as well blow someone up.”) By 2018, EcoHealth was getting about 15 million/year from government agencies under Trump, who had lifted the moratorium on new funding of such research several years previously. In 2019, Trump renewed the grant for another 5 years.

    In one instance, EcoHealth Alliance helped fund research that created a new infectious pathogen using the molecular structure of the SARS virus. The aim of the study, according to the researchers, was to warn of the potential risk of a SARS-related virus re-emerging from bats.

    One of the paper’s authors was a prominent Wuhan virologist, Shi Zhengli. NIAID (under Fauci) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are cited as financial supporters of the research.

    The Trump administration finally canceled EcoHealth’s grant in April 2020. (Uh, too late. This was 3 months after Covid had already entered the US.) Then for some reason the NIH reinstated the grant in July 2020, but claimed they had temporarily suspended EcoHealth’s “research activities”. Maybe it’s just me, but I find it dubious that someone would give a research grant to a research company to do research at a research facility with the addendum demand that they not use it for, um, research. Apparently, Fauci, who was by then working directly under Trump, had something to do with the funding going to EcoHealth and GoF research but Trump clearly knew about it.

    In an April 17, 2020 White House coronavirus briefing, a reporter stated that “US intelligence is saying this week that the coronavirus likely came from a level 4 lab in Wuhan,” and that the NIH had awarded a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan lab. “Why would the US give a grant like that to China?” she asked. “We will end that grant very quickly,” Trump said. This exchange shows Trump knew about the grant money going to Wuhan. He did in fact cancel the funding right quick after that reporter’s question, which hit too close to home, and I can’t remember anyone bringing the subject up again.

    Maybe someone ought to. If (and this is seriously an “if”, since we don’t know anything for sure yet) Covid in humans was caused by a gain-of-function experiment released from the Wuhan lab, the US is partly to blame because Trump allowed and funded that research after Obama had ended it. You’d think Trump wouldn’t be yapping so much about how “right” he was under the circumstances. On the other hand, the press seems to have completely rehabilitated Bush and Obama, so maybe Trump will never be held responsible for his malfeasance either.

    Mr. House


    Read the last ten of your comments on this website and tell me what the common thread is, no disrespect intended but what is the point?


    In the U.K.
    The highly contagious “delta” variant of the coronavirus originating from India now makes up nearly all of the U.K.’s new coronavirus cases,
    40% more transmissible than the alpha variant (B.1.1.7)
    three fully vaccinated people in the U.K. infected with the new variant have been hospitalized,
    U.K. has partially vaccinated over 60% of its population and fully vaccinated nearly 43%

    In the USA
    Federal authorities have received over 800 reports of heart inflammation in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine, a health official said Thursday.

    In India
    the incredible story of the Ivermectin drug in controlling COVID,
    MK Stalin, irresponsible behavior during the pandemic. He decided that Ivermectin wasn’t effective and basically blocked from the state. The death rate and infection rate have gone through the roof while every other state that is using it is seeing massive declines.”

    In China
    a gain-of-function experiment funded by the USA

    At TAE
    The immune systems of all but the sickliest are sufficient to fight off this virus and cheap, effective, and safe treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been scientifically proven to successfully defeat this virus. Watching scientists and doctors declare these treatments dangerous and ineffective, with Big Tech censoring anyone dissenting from this narrative, tells you how corrupted the medical and media industries have become. Science is never settled.

    On the web
    In Part One of this article I described the circumstances which make it impossible to change the system from within.
    Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

    Now they have turned their attention to children, who have a .003% chance of dying from Covid. Is this asinine idea only to generate profits for the ruling class or is there a darker motive for injecting a substance that has already killed thousands, creates blood clots, and is now causing heart problems in teenagers.

    How naïve, uninformed, and foolish I was back then to think any of my proposals had a realistic chance of being adopted, when the ruling class had created the system and reaped the benefits from maintaining it just as it is.

    The system is rigged, and they do not care what you think.

    it appears only a small fraction of the population seem capable of independent thought and a willingness to resist entering the technological gulag orchestrated by our gatekeepers.

    Mr. House

    evolve or die


    2 passengers on Celebrity Millennium cruise test positive for Covid-19
    Jamiel Lynch, CNN • Updated 11th June 2021

    The ship set sail Saturday “with fully vaccinated crew and guests and following comprehensive protocols that align with our destination partners and exceed CDC guidelines to protect the health and safety of our guests,” the release said.
    So-called “breakthrough” coronavirus cases, in which people get infected after vaccination, are expected. Such cases result in milder Covid-19 illness than in unvaccinated people, a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study published this week shows.
    Fully vaccinated people are more than 90% protected against infection, with partially vaccinated people 81% less likely to become infected than those who haven’t had been inoculated, according to the ongoing study of essential workers who got Pfizer/BioNTech’s or Moderna’s vaccine.
    Those in the study who got breakthrough infections after one or two doses had 40% less virus in their bodies and were 58% less likely to have fever. They spent two fewer days in bed than unvaccinated Covid-19 patients.
    Guests had to show negative Covid-19 tests
    All guests aboard the Celebrity Millennium cruise — with port stops in Barbados, Aruba and Curacao — were required to show vaccination proof and a negative Covid-19 test within 72 hours of departing St. Maarten on Saturday, the release said.
    About 500 passengers were on board, with over 95% fully vaccinated. Children who could not yet receive vaccinations were required to show negative Covid-19 tests.

    Mr. House

    If it doesn’t stop transmission or infection, but only the severity of symptoms (how does one even prove this when most didn’t have severe infections to begin with?) what is the point of the vaccine? Why do the TPTB remind me of the Master from fallout?

    Doc Robinson

    The Covid narrative is being presented, and adhered to, as if it’s the consensus of esteemed experts, but it’s clearly not. One example from the FDA advisory committee meeting yesterday (discussing the vaccination of children):

    Cody Meissner, professor of pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine, said kids need a safe and effective Covid shot — but argued against authorizing one for emergency use in anyone under 18, saying the safety data currently available is insufficient. “The burden of disease is so small and the risks are just not clear,” he said. And while clinical trials are designed to sniff out common side effects, some rarer conditions linked to vaccination may only appear once a shot is in wide use.


    The meeting materials are available online, at the link below, and they might provide some insights, but I haven’t read any of these documents.


    Mr. House

    If you can’t trust those who set the criteria for how society is run, what is the point? People got on a cruiseship, all were covid negative at least 72 hours before the trip and vaccinated. Two people test positive for covid once the cruise starts. What is the point? Jesus we need to move on, jettison the elites overboard, they’re done. Evolve or die. (telling the truth=evolving)

    Mr. House


    Does this sound like a truthful poll to you? I traveled to Lithuania in college to visit a girlfriend studying abroad. Speaking with people at train stations, airports and bus stops was an eye opener for me. Hardly anyone liked the United States and this was back in 2005. But since Joe Biden is Prez now everyone loves us again? Doubt it. The media has lost all credibility and i have no faith that what they’re reporting is reality. So how do i trust the numbers they present for vaccination, let alone america’s image abroad?

    Mr. House

    ‘New’ Ivermectin:

    Merck Announces Supply Agreement with U.S. Government for Molnupiravir, an Investigational Oral Antiviral Candidate for Treatment of Mild to Moderate COVID-19


    Pure Evil!



    Please read Jim Kunstler’s chronology of events posted today. That’s the real story!


    If a vaccinated 70 year old complained of chest pains on a strenuous hiking trip in an extremely isolated place, would CPR be a good idea? I’m thinking chest pumping for myo- or peri-carditis doesn’t seem like a good idea…

    Mr. House

    TDS and CDS explained in one movie clip:


    “They don’t give a F**K about you. They don’t care about you. They don’t care At all. At all. At all”
    — George Carlin, 2006


    Hypothetically, would ivermectin- if available- have a place here, as it binds to the spikeP which is causing the inflammation?

    Mr. House

    A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half insane and half not insane. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Either the opponents of insanity, will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become alike lawful in all the states

    Dr. D

    I’ll pick it up, Teri. Obama stopped the research Fauci said that would be worth it even if it caused a worldwide pandemic. By advancing live bioweapons. Now that was after STARTING it at some point. They (Congress) pursued Obama for funding it domestically, so they (military and CDC) shifted to outsourcing it entirely. To the CCP. When that was exposed, they adjusted again. But Obama stopped it. Great, credit due.

    Then who re-authorized it again? Well in Dec 19, 2019, that would be Obama. Not Trump. Trump arrives Jan 20th. This was what Obama really, really wanted and needed to do in that terrible time-crunch as he makes last-minute measures before the ensuing Trump administration. This reversal was a priority and got done. Seems strange and we don’t know why, but ok, fine.

    Knowing all this, the CDC did NOT fund domestic bioweapons research…mostly. It was still accessorized in Chapel Hill and probably other places like Deitrick. Instead, going around the Congressional displeasure with domestic bioweapons, then the people disliking ANY bioweapons, the CDC outsourced not just the research but the FUNDING for the research to NAIAD for plausible deniability. This is how Fauci declared neither HE, nor the CDC, funded Wuhan, the CCP, to make world-wide pandemic weapons of mass destruction and openly share them with our rivals. True. However, HE, and the CDC, funded someone ELSE to get ‘r done, with full knowing complicity and evasion. He and the CDC were well aware of Congress’ position on this. That’s why they went third party.

    Knowingly? Yes. Bat Lady wrote in her paper a SPECIFIC THANKS to Dr. Fauci, which included the RESEARCH GRANT NUMBER. That is, the check stub. Your tax money FROM the CDC TO NAIAD, TO Wuhan TO the pandemic. That killed you.

    Did this happen under the Trump administration? Yes it did. So considering A) Obama re-authorized it a day before Trump took office, and B) the CDC were using specific, deceptive means to continue what was clearly illegal, that from their actions they clearly KNEW was illegal, do you have specific evidence Trump and Fauci are best friends, and Trump specifically commanded him to do so? Or does it make more sense to suppose that – like 90% of the federal government under his tenure – all activities were hidden and opposed just by fact of them being Trump-issued and given? If Fauci was obeying Trump, he was the only one. If so, Fauci is a Trump-puppet, and they’ve been best friends all along, and the media has been lying about the friction between them. Does that seem more plausible, or less? If they were friends, Fauci sure put on a heck of a show, opposing him at every turn, with HCQ, masks, lockdowns, losing the election. You know…ha ha, ol’ pal joke stuff.

    When Covid happened, Fauci knew about it immediately. We have his emails. Although during the sudden, unsupported impeachment, Trump shut down air traffic. Fauci protested. With a white-hot spotlight now on this, I propose that they DID trace Obama/Fauci funding before long and shut it off as you say in April 2020. The quote – although I don’t believe the context, because what is known publicly is not what is known privately – in theory a reporter brought it to Trump’s attention — let’s pretend it’s for the first time — and he answers what? “We will end that grant very quickly,” The grant is ended. This quote does NOT show he knew about it, although I’m most certain that he did by the time of that question. The context is that the REPORTER knew, the Intel agencies knew if sources were correct, the president was merely responding to presented allegations.

    Would Trump be responsible? Yes, he is the captain and is responsible for what goes on under his watch. However, we understand that for all 1,460 days every intel agency and every employee was refusing to report, refusing to obey, disobeying direct orders as with the troop withdrawals, hiding their actions in 20 layers of subterfuge and deniability as the FBI/DoJ showed, and the CDC’s otherwise-inexplicable funding loop clearly demonstrated.

    So if a rogue Federal Employee defies Congress – twice – then takes it upon themselves to not only defy them, and therefore the executive branch, but also to commit accounting fraud, hide the money, hide its purpose, deny their involvement even years later, EVEN when under oath before the same Congress, lie on camera, lie in person, come out and lie on CNN even AFTER it’s commonly revealed…then am I to hold Trump responsible for every employee’s action?

    I mean, unless, as you say, Fauci and Trump were best friends, and working closely and secretly together, and you have admissible evidence of this.

    What should we do in such a case? Well, investigate, obviously. And someone as innocent as Fauci should have no problem in the case that neither he, nor his friends, nor China, nor the WHO (funded by China) are not in change of that investigation. Instead China has said they’ll nuke us if we so much as LOOK, which is clearly the action of an innocent party with no involvement and nothing to hide.

    Personally, I agree with you: Fauci DID do this, under no less than TWO administrations, and probably many more, like ALL of them. He hid this, and had widespread help and support for illegal actions within the CDC and widespread accounting fraud. So I would erase the CDC from the face of the earth, sell their Atlanta office to the Chiropractic and Homeopathic Institute, then plow it under and grow corn after arresting every employee, putting them on trial, and removing their medical licenses and/or their freedom in groups of 5, on national T.V., 24 hours a day for the next twenty years.

    …But I suspect even though according to you the CDC did this in collusion with the President, you would not be in favor of that.

    They either did it or they didn’t. If they did, it’s easy to prove and admissible in court. If not, it’s crackpot theory with no visible support. Let me know.

    Mister Roboto

    This is the coverage that should have been done by the MSMedia-whores but alas couldn’t be done because, well, they’re whores.

    Actually, I think that even sex-workers who are in “the oldest profession” to feed a drug-addiction probably have more integrity.

    Mister Roboto

    @Mr. House: Back in 2017, I actually told my old friend from the high-school daze that the zealot-followers of both the Trump and Clinton camps were starting to remind me of the cult members from Lord of Illusions!


    Just reading the comments of the Guardianistas about lifting lockdown. Many are against the idea. Many reveal an unpleasant cowardice. Many are hypochondriacs. All seem quite at home with their astras r’s and deltas. What a shower.

    Mr. House

    Worth a watch, only about 30 mins in but the guy to Bretts right is an apologist. All he overs is excuses, which seems to be all the top of society has the last 20 years. Excuses, fire them all now.


    “As scientists, we have been stunned and disheartened to witness many strange scientific claims made during this pandemic, often by scientists. None is more surprising than the false assertion made in the John Snow Memorandum – and signed by current CDC Director, Rochelle Wolensky – that “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection.”

    Jay Bhattacharya, Sunetra Gupta, and Martin Kulldorff



    I pledge allegiance to the trademark
    Of the United States of Corporations
    And to the oligarchy
    For which it stands
    One empire
    Under capitalism
    Deeply divided
    With neoliberalism and injustice for all.


    CDC: “there is no evidence for lasting protective immunity to SARS-CoV-2 following natural infection.”

    Well sure, if you close your eyes and your mind to the possibility that there could be lasting protective immunity for Covid survivors, then you can say there is no evidence and pass a lie detector test — because you never looked for or at the evidence.

    Just like the words plastered all over the CDC’s website about the Covid vaccines with EUA: “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.”

    A little further down:
    “Serious safety problems are rare
    “To date, the systems in place to monitor the safety of these vaccines have found only two serious types of health problems after vaccination, both of which are rare. These are anaphylaxis and thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) after vaccination with J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine.”

    If you refuse to look in the VAERS for more than two “rare” symptoms…then you won’t find them. And you can continue to state that the vaccines are SAFE.


    Phoenix, good one. Very good.


    I am almost through the “How to save the world…” and the more I listen to this sort of discussion, the queasier I get. The US has an incredibly sick pharmacological medical system. The Alzheimer’s drug approval is a recent example.
    These guys keep dancing around the bigger agenda.
    One thing I learned for Germ, if taking fluvoxamine- don’t drink coffee. I am still suspicious of why an SSRI would be useful.

    Mr. House


    Dancing around the agenda, exactly. I was very frustrated with that, they’re scared to take the next logical step. We won’t get anywhere by being cowards, in fact we’ll just endup in more situations like the one we find ourselves in. In fact i’d argue we’ve been cowards the last 20 years. They keep telling us fantastical stories and making excuses for why our lives keep getting worse and we do nothing. Remember that guy who masterminded bringing down the twin towers? I remember hearing rumors he’d actually been dead for some time and was just a boogyman. Then remember when we claimed to have killed him in pakistan but dumped his body at sea? Try and think of the last time .gov actually told the truth about a major event.

    Mr. House


    Yeah they buried him at sea to honor muslim traditions, uh huh ok that was totally the reason.

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