Oct 102022

Paul Gauguin Clovis Gauguin asleep 1884


Massive Wave Of Missile Attacks Reported Across Ukraine (RT)
Europe To Feel Impact Of Energy Crisis For Decades – Kremlin (RT)
Trump Calls For ‘Immediate’ Ukraine Peace Talks (RT)
Global Margin Call Hits European Debt Markets (AT)
Nord Stream 2 Offers Germany a Date with Destiny (Escobar)
‘Unthinkable’ Number Of Mercenaries Gathered In Zaporozhye (RT)
German Army Has Ammo For Only Two Days Of War – Media (RT)
The Last Vestiges Of Press Freedom Disappear In Kiev (Sukharevskaya)
OPEC Move Balances ‘Chaos That The Americans Create’ – Kremlin (RT)
UK National Grid Warns Of 3-Hour Rolling Blackouts This Winter (ZH)
The EU is Forcing Twitter to Censor -and Musk Can’t Stop It- (Kogon)
White House Spending $265k On Staff To Deflect Hunter Biden Probe (NYP)
The Chilling Numbers That Reveal The Scale Of Joe Biden’s Border Disaster (NYP)
Is the US Blood Supply Tainted? (CHD)
Ex-Partner Of Ukrainian ‘Heiress’ Who Infiltrated Mar-a-Lago Shot In Canada (G.)





Tik Tok Kerch





Soros Ukraine



Are the kids OK? (Got McCullough banned from Twitter).





Peace talks. Now!

Massive Wave Of Missile Attacks Reported Across Ukraine (RT)

Multiple missile strikes targeted Ukrainian cities all across the country on Monday morning, according to local officials and media, which attributed the attacks to Russia. This comes two days after a bomb damaged the strategic Crimean Bridge – which Moscow called a Ukrainian terrorist attack. President Vladimir Zelensky highlighted the attacks on the capital, Kiev and the cities of Dnepr and Zaporozhye, before urging people to take shelter. Local officials in Lviv, Kharkov, and Odessa also reported that their cities came under fire. The office of Valery Zaluzhny, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, reported they had detected at least 75 missiles and claimed they had intercepted 41.


In Kiev, damage from the strikes was reported near the headquarters of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), which is located in the government area of the capital. City officials halted operations of the metro system, and the stations are now being used as shelters for civilians. The head of Lviv Region, Maksim Kozitsky, reported that elements of the western province’s energy infrastructure came under attack. Boris Filatov, the mayor of Dnepr, a major city in central Ukraine, confirmed the strikes and said he could only feel “hatred and the wish to fight,” while urging residents to take shelter.

Vitaly Kim, who heads the southern Nikolaev Region which borders Russia’s Kherson Region, reported dozens of projectiles and a number of kamikaze drones coming from Russian troops. He claimed that Moscow was targeting “critical infrastructure” throughout the country. With similar accounts coming in from many parts of the country, senior Ukrainian officials have expressed determination to fight Russia. “Our courage will never be destroyed by terrorists’ missiles, even when they hit the heart of our capital,” Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov tweeted, also claiming that Russia’s future is that of “a globally despised rogue terrorist state.”

Gerashchenko later said that five civilians were killed and 12 injured in the capital. Strikes were also reported in the eastern city of Dnepr, and explosions in Lviv, western Ukraine. In a post on his Telegram channel, President Vladimir Zelensky confirmed that there had been missile strikes across Ukraine. “Unfortunately, there are dead and wounded,” he wrote.

Kiev explosions 10-10-22

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It’s not easy to rebuild what you lose.

Europe To Feel Impact Of Energy Crisis For Decades – Kremlin (RT)

Turning away from Russian energy will lead to “very deplorable consequences” for Europe, with up to 20 years of deindustrialization ahead, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has claimed. In an interview with the TV channel Rossiya, fragments of which were released on Sunday, Peskov claimed that the Americans are now making “crazy money” by selling gas to Europe at exorbitant prices. “And Europeans pay them, thereby depriving their economy of competitiveness. Production is collapsing. Deindustrialization is coming. All this will have very, very deplorable consequences for the European continent over probably, at least, the next 10-20 years,” Peskov said.

He emphasized that in the past, there was “a mutual balance,” as Russia was interested in buyers of its energy resources as much as they were interested in Russia. However, Peskov argued, Europe started to repeat “like a mantra” that it had to rid itself of its dependency on Russian energy, and this eventually resulted in the current situation. The Americans are selling gas at prices that are “three or even four” times higher than Russian gas, Peskov said, adding that “the Europeans are making their economy less competitive as they pay” such money to US suppliers. Gas prices in Europe surged earlier this year in the wake of Russia launching its military operation in Ukraine in late February.

After the EU and other Western countries imposed sweeping sanctions on Moscow and began a campaign of cutting themselves off from Russian energy supplies, gas prices hit record highs, leading to a rise in overall inflation on the continent. Earlier this week, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo warned that the continent might soon face a significant reduction in industrial activity and social unrest if nothing is done to lower energy prices. Reuters, meanwhile, reported that the US is now delivering more natural gas to the EU than Russia for the first time in history, but that American gas was some ten times more expensive than Russian supplies.

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“We must demand the immediate negotiation of a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, or we will end up in World War III and there will be nothing left of our planet..”

Trump Calls For ‘Immediate’ Ukraine Peace Talks (RT)

Former US President Donald Trump has warned that World War III could break out unless the conflict between Russia and Ukraine quickly ends with a peace settlement. He made the remarks while criticizing President Joe Biden’s foreign policy during a ‘Save America’ rally in Minden, Nevada on Saturday. “And now we have a war between Russia and Ukraine with potentially hundreds of thousands of people dying,” Trump said. “We must demand the immediate negotiation of a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine, or we will end up in World War III and there will be nothing left of our planet,” he stated, blasting the “stupid people” in Biden administration.

Trump has said on several occasions that the Ukraine conflict would not have happened had he been re-elected in 2020. Declaring a partial mobilization of reservists last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the West of risking a nuclear disaster by “encouraging” Ukrainian troops to shell the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. He also accused Kiev’s backers of “nuclear blackmail” by making statements about “the possibility and admissibility” of using weapons of mass destruction against Russia. The country will defend itself by all means at its disposal, Putin added.

Some Western officials have interpreted Putin’s speech as a threat to use tactical nuclear weapons. CIA chief William Burns said on Sunday, however, that there is “no practical evidence” that Russia is planning to conduct nuclear strikes. Biden, nevertheless, told a crowd of supporters on Thursday that the US has not faced “the prospect of Armageddon” since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Also on Thursday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who has ruled out negotiating with Putin, called for “preemptive strikes” to deter Russia from using nuclear weapons. His office later said the president’s comments were misrepresented.


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“It’s a global margin call. I hope we survive.”

Global Margin Call Hits European Debt Markets (AT)

Risk gauges in Germany’s government debt market rose last week to levels higher than recorded in the 2008 world financial crash, as margin calls forced the liquidation of derivatives positions held by banks, insurers and pension funds. Big institutional investors that spent the past ten years insuring their portfolios against falling interest rates now face massive losses as hedges blow up. A key measure of market risk, the spread between German government bonds (Bunds) and interest rate swap agreements jumped above the previous record set in 2008. The cost of hedging German government debt with interest-rate options, or option-implied volatility, meanwhile rose to the highest level on record. The blowout in the euro derivatives market follows a near-collapse of the British government debt, or gilts, market, averted at the last minute by a 50 billion pound bond-buying spree by the Bank of England.

The world’s central banks responded to the 2008 world financial crash and the European financial crisis of 2011 by pushing bond yields down.

“Real” yields, namely the yield on inflation-indexed government bonds, went deeply into negative numbers in Germany and the UK, followed by the US market. That pulled the rug from under insurance companies and pension funds, which invest pension payments and insurance premiums to provide for future income. To compensate, European and UK institutions locked in long interest rates with derivative contracts, or interest-rate swaps, that receive a long-term interest rate while paying a short-term interest rate. Swaps are a leveraged position that requires collateral worth a fraction of the notional amount of the contract. When the Fed jacked up interest rates in late 2021, the value of interest rate swaps that pay fixed and receive floating imploded.

Pension funds and insurers were stuck with the equivalent of a ten-to-one margin position in long government bonds. The price of long government bonds fell by nearly 20% across the Group of Seven countries, and the value of derivatives contracts evaporated. That left the institutions with margin calls that they could meet only by liquidating assets. That in turn led to a run on the UK government bond market, followed closely by the rest of European bond markets. The Bank of England’s emergency bond-buying delayed a market crash, but the UK gilts market remains on a knife edge, with option hedging costs at an all-time high.

A portfolio manager at one of Germany’s largest insurance companies said, “It’s a global margin call. I hope we survive.” Weaker European banks may have trouble finding short-term funding. The cost of credit default swaps that insure 5-year bonds of Credit Suisse is now higher than it was in 2008, at nearly 400 basis points (4 percentage points) above the cost of interbank funding. The venerable Swiss institution is a special case, with a series of losses due to poor risk controls. Credit Suisse probably will survive – bank regulators will force it to sell assets and shrink – but it will also call in collateral from customers.

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Step 1: cripple the largest nation of the group.

Nord Stream 2 Offers Germany a Date with Destiny (Escobar)

It started with Gazprom revealing that the Line B string of NS2 is intact; not only it escaped Pipeline Terror but may “potentially” be used to pump gas to Germany. That confirms once again that NS2 is an engineering marvel. In fact the whole system: the pipes are so strong they were not broken, but merely punctured. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandr Novak followed up, with a caveat: restoration of the whole system, including NS, is possible, and “requires time and appropriate funds”. But first, in Russia’s order of priorities, the perpetrators must be conclusively identified. Sources in Moscow confirmed Gazprom’s assessment of NS2. Even Bloomberg had to report it.

Subsequently in Vienna, attending the Opec+ meeting, Novak remarked the Russian Federation is “ready to supply gas through the second line of Nord Stream 2. This is possible if necessary”. So we know it’s possible. “Necessary” will depend on a political decision by Germany. Novak also sharply noted that neither Russia nor the Nord Stream operators are allowed to investigate Pipeline Terror. Russia insists that without its participation the investigation is flawed. Whatever the modus operandi of Pipeline Terror, incompetence was part of the package. No explosive charges were placed or detonated on Line B of NS2. That means, as Novak said, it’s virtually ready for business. Line B is capable of pumping 27.5 billion cubic meters of gas a year, which happens to be half of the total capacity of NS.

NS’s capacity had been reduced to 20%, due to the interminable turbine saga, before it was completely shut down. Crucially, Line B of NS2 would still pump 2.75 times the capacity of the recently inaugurated Baltic Pipe from Norway to Poland via Denmark. Which basically profits Poland, unlike NS2 servicing several EU customers. In a rational world, Berlin would scrap the Russian sanctions pile up and immediately order the start of forever-delayed NS2, guaranteed to at least attenuate the ongoing process of de-energization, de-industrialization and deep socio-economic crisis imposed by the usual suspects on Germany. But the collective West remains enslaved by geopolitical psychopaths guided by irrationality. So that’s not likely to happen.

The operators of NS and NS2 – Nord Stream AG and Swiss-based Nord Stream 2 AG – cannot reach the scene of the crime because of absurd restrictions imposed by the Danes and the Swedes. The operators need no less than 20 working days to obtain the “permits” to carry out their own inspections. Copenhagen police is handling the crime scene near the Danish exclusive economic zone (EEZ), in parallel to the Swedish Coast Guard around the Swedish EEZ. If this looks like one of those Scandinavian noir series popular on Netflix, that’s because it is. With a crucial twist: it’s NATO investigating itself – Sweden is about to enter NATO – with no Russians allowed. All top working hypotheses on Pipeline Terror point to an intra-NATO dirty op against NATO member Germany.

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“..We know about representatives from more than 30 different countries..”

‘Unthinkable’ Number Of Mercenaries Gathered In Zaporozhye (RT)

Ukraine has amassed a sizeable number of foreign fighters on the frontline in Zaporozhye Region, which recently voted to join Russia, Vladimir Rogov, a member of the local administration’s chief council, told RIA Novosti on Sunday. “The Kiev regime has accumulated an unthinkable number of mercenaries on the line of contact. We know about representatives from more than 30 different countries,” Rogov said. He went on to say that Ukraine has been deploying to the area both mercenaries and troops from the western part of the country in order to instill terror in local residents who voted in the recent referendums. In late September, Zaporozhye, along with Kherson Region and the two Donbass republics, voted overwhelmingly in referendums to join Russia.

On Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin signed into law unification treaties with the former Ukrainian territories, officially making them part of Russia. Zaporozhye Region is also home to a nuclear power plant, which has been under Russian control since March. It has been repeatedly shelled throughout the conflict. Moscow has accused Ukraine of attacking the facility, while Kiev blames the Russian forces. Russia has on numerous occasions conducted strikes on foreign fighters in Ukraine, including with high-precision weapons. Moscow has also warned that the best thing mercenaries from other countries can expect in Ukraine is a “long term in prison.” On September 21, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu claimed that Russian forces and the militias of the Donbass republics had eliminated more than 2,000 mercenaries, with 1,000 foreign fighters remaining in the ranks of the Ukrainian military.

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“.. It was said that the problem “has been known for years..”

German Army Has Ammo For Only Two Days Of War – Media (RT)

The German Army (Bundeswehr) has enough ammunition for only one or two days of warfare, the German edition of news website Business Insider (BI) reported on Saturday, citing defense industry and parliamentary sources. According to BI, Berlin is significantly lagging behind the NATO requirement of maintaining stocks for at least 30 days of fighting. It was said that the problem “has been known for years,” as military drills have suffered from insufficient stores. Stockpiles were further depleted after Germany, together with many other Western countries, began sending weapons and ammunition to Ukraine after Russia launched its military operation in the neighboring state in February.

The deliveries included 53,000 rounds for self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, 21.8 million rounds for firearms, and 50 bunker-buster missiles, according to the German government. The situation with the shortage “will not improve if ammunition is removed from the Bundeswehr stocks, while corresponding orders are not placed on the defense industry at the same time,”Hans Christoph Atzpodien, CEO of the German Security and Defense Industry Association (BDSV), told BI. The outlet’s sources, meanwhile, were quoted as saying that there have been “no significant orders” for defense companies to produce more armaments.

Eva Hoegl, the German parliament’s defense commissioner, told BI that an additional €20 billion ($19.5bn) is needed to replenish the stocks. Germany announced the establishment of a €100 billion ($97.4 billion) fund in February to strengthen the Bundeswehr in light of the Ukraine conflict. Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht traveled to Ukraine’s southern port city of Odessa earlier this month. After the trip, she announced that Berlin would continue to support Kiev for as long as necessary.

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Olga Sukharevskaya, ex-Ukrainian diplomat.

The Last Vestiges Of Press Freedom Disappear In Kiev (Sukharevskaya)

On August 30, Ukraine’s rubber-stamp parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, passed a bill on the media at the first reading. Despite the numerous changes that the 300-page document has undergone since President Vladimir Zelensky’s team developed and submitted it a few years ago, its essence remains unchanged. If it becomes law, the authorities’ power over virtually all outlets will be essentially limitless. The main danger this bill presents is that it grants government agencies the authority to block internet resources without any court proceedings, and revoke licenses from broadcast and print media solely on the basis of complaints. This huge power would be vested in the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting.

Ukrainian journalists have been criticizing this bill since the first version appeared in 2018, asserting that it abolishes both freedom of speech and freedom of the press. OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Harlem Desir called that version of the law “a blatant violation of freedom of speech,” stating that its adoption “could jeopardize pluralism in the media market, impose additional costs on the media, and negatively affect the reflection of a diversity of ideas and opinions.” Criticism of the bill from both the OSCE and Ukrainian journalists had an effect. In 2020, it was sent for revision, but the changes only include some clarifications concerning gender equality and coverage of sexual orientations.

At the same time, it still contains a ban on publishing any messages contradicting the official government line on military issues. It is likewise forbidden to cover speeches made by officials of the ‘aggressor country’ [meaning Russia] or cast former USSR party functionaries in a positive light. For example, including Ukraine’s own Leonid Brezhnev. The law would also hold foreign media responsible for any of its audiovisual content available in Ukraine. Moreover, social networks, including foreign ones, will be obliged to remove any material the National Council deems undesirable. The deadlines for removing ‘incorrect’ content or replacing it with ‘correct’ material have also been tightened. Among the ‘offenses’ that can get a media outlet banned is distributing programs in which any participant is on the ‘list of persons who pose a threat to the national media space of Ukraine.’

This is compiled by the National Council itself and does not require anyone’s consent. Otherwise, the essence and spirit of the bill is preserved, including severe censorship of “objectionable” media. The American Committee for the Protection of Journalists (CPJ) didn’t call on the Verkhovna Rada to reject Bill No. 2693-D ‘On Media’ for nothing. Maya Sever, president of the European Federation of Journalists, has bluntly stated that it means compulsory media regulation “fully controlled by the government worthy of the worst authoritarian regimes.” She is convinced that “a state that would apply such provisions simply has no place in the European Union.”

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“..a “victory for common sense..”

OPEC Move Balances ‘Chaos That The Americans Create’ – Kremlin (RT)

The decision to cut oil production made earlier this week by OPEC and allies is a “victory for common sense,” said Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary for Russian President Vladimir Putin. “I’m not inclined to say that this is some kind of a victory for us. No. This is a victory for common sense,” he said on the TV channel Russia-1 on Sunday. Peskov noted that Washington seeks to push through its decisions about the oil market and manipulate prices, even at the cost of destabilizing the global energy market. It has already partially succeeded, he added, having tapped its own reserves and influenced the EU to introduce an oil price cap in its latest package of sanctions. However, according to the spokesman, OPEC+ can counterbalance such measures.

“And the fact that [these actions] are countered by the balanced, thoughtful and planned work of the countries that take a responsible position within OPEC+, including our country, is very good. This at least somewhat balances the chaos that the Americans are creating,” Peskov stressed. OPEC+ announced earlier this week that the countries comprising the group will cut oil production by 2 million barrels per day starting in November. The cuts will be distributed based on the quotas under the OPEC+ deal as of August 2022. The curtailing of output was aimed at stabilizing the global oil market ahead of a seasonal drop in demand and amid fears of a global recession. Meanwhile, according to reports, Russia may cut its production by more than the amount prescribed by OPEC+ due to the new sanctions. US President Joe Biden expressed disappointment with the OPEC+ decision, while the head of the US Treasury, Janet Yellen, called the move “unhelpful and unwise.”

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The government denies it.

UK National Grid Warns Of 3-Hour Rolling Blackouts This Winter (ZH)

People in England, Scotland and Wales could be in for three hour power cuts this winter if it can’t import enough gas and electric imports from other parts of Europe, the British National Grid has warned. The utility said that the scenario was “unlikely,” but that a perfect storm of Russian gas cuts and a cold snap akin to 2018’s “beast from the east” could result in the rolling blackouts – reminiscent of power outages experienced in the 1970s. According to The Guardian, the pre-planned outages would be announced one day in advance, and would aim to reduce total power consumption by 5%. It would require the approval of King Charles on the recommendation of the business secretary.

The National Grid included the scenario as one of several that could occur this winter, as it prepares for a highly uncertain period for power supplies due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “We’re heading into winter in an unprecedented situation. Even during the cold war, the Soviet Union kept the gas flowing so it’s very unpredictable,” said one senior industry source. National Grid has worked on a series of initiatives to attempt to manage supply and demand this winter. It is ready to call into action five coal-fired power plants, which can generate up to 2 gigawatts of power – after signing deals with Drax, EDF and Uniper at a cost of £340m to £395m. It will also launch a “demand flexibility service” on 1 November that will encourage businesses and consumers to use power outside peak demand periods, including early evenings on weekdays.

Consumers with smart meters will be notified the day before and will be paid for using power outside these time periods. The initiative was trialled by Octopus Energy earlier this year. -The Guardian If enough households participate in the load-shifting scheme, it could free up an extra 2GW – enough to power approximately 600,000 homes. The utility says it’s “cautiously confident” that there will be enough juice to get through the winter. The Grid’s “base case” scenario is that there will be a surplus of around 3.7GW energy, and forecast a “sufficient operational surplus throughout winter,” notwithstanding tight margins from early December to mid-January.

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One more reason to abolish the EU.

The EU is Forcing Twitter to Censor -and Musk Can’t Stop It- (Kogon)

There has been much talk recently of the Biden administration exerting informal pressure on Twitter and other social media to censor unwelcome content and voices, and lawsuits have even been launched against the government for infringing the alleged victims’ 1st Amendment rights. But all that such pressure appears thus far to have consisted of are some chummy nudges in emails. There has surely not been any threat of fines. How could there be without a law authorizing the executive branch to impose them? And such a law would be blatantly unconstitutional, since precisely what the 1st Amendment states concerning freedom of speech is that “Congress shall make no law…abridging” it.

But there’s the rub. Congress, needless to say, has not made any such law. But what if a foreign power made such a law and it de facto abridged the freedom of speech also of Americans? Unbeknownst to most Americans, this has in fact occurred and their 1st Amendment rights are being vitiated, namely, by the European Union. There is a financial gun pointed at Twitter. But it is not the Biden administration, but rather the European Commission, under the leadership of Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, that has its finger on the trigger. The law in question is the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA), which was passed by the European Parliament last July 5 amidst almost total indifference – in Europe as much as in the United States – despite its momentous and disastrous implications for freedom of speech worldwide.

The DSA gives the European Commission the power to impose fines of up to 6% of global turnover on “very large online platforms or very large online search engines” that it finds to be non-compliant with its censorship requirements. “Very large” is defined as any platform or search engine that has over 45 million users in the EU. Note that while the size criterion is limited to users in the EU, the sanction is based precisely on the company’s global turnover. The DSA has been designed to function in combination with the EU’s so-called Code of Practice on Disinformation: an ostensibly voluntary code for “combatting disinformation” – aka censoring – that was originally launched in 2018 and of which Twitter, Facebook/Meta and Google/YouTube are all signatories.

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To be fair, it’s not all Hunter. A lot more needs to fit under that carpet.

White House Spending $265k On Staff To Deflect Hunter Biden Probe (NYP)

The White House is gearing up for a growing army of staff to fend off potential Republican-led probes on everything from Hunter Biden to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan — and taxpayers are footing the bill. Battening down the hatches should the GOP regain control of the House of Representatives in the midterm elections, the White House is shelling out $265,000 a year in salary for staff whose primary portfolio will be to run comms and defense for the administration from an approaching blizzard of subpoenas. In May, the White House poached Richard A. Sauber, the top attorney for the Department of Veterans Affairs, to serve as a “deputy counsel to the president” tasked with handling House oversight probes.

Ian Sams, a veteran of Vice President Harris’ failed 2020 presidential campaign, was hired to run official comms for the team. White House records show the two men will take home $155,000 and $110,000 respectively. And the team is only expected to grow, the Washington Post reported — indicating that its staffing and operational expenditures will balloon further. “Americans deserve transparency from President Biden about his family’s suspicious business dealings. But instead of providing transparency, the White House is hiring staff at the American taxpayers’ expense to stonewall congressional oversight and accountability.” said Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), who is on track to chair the House Oversight Committee next year if Republicans retake the House.

“Let’s be clear: no amount of Biden White House staff or stonewalling will stop Republicans’ quest for transparency and accountability on behalf of the American people,” he added. House Republicans have vowed to investigate everything from the origins of coronavirus, to the botched withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. The party’s marquee probe will focus on Hunter Biden and what connections his father, President Biden, had to his shady overseas business dealings.

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“In FY 2022 (all Biden’s watch), gotaways hit 599,000 — up 54% versus FY 2021 and 768% compared to FY 2020.”

The Chilling Numbers That Reveal The Scale Of Joe Biden’s Border Disaster (NYP)

Democrats are napping peacefully through the US-Mexico “border” crisis they engineered. Perhaps these data will snap them from their slumber: US Department of Homeland Security reports that the Mexican cartels’ income from smuggling illegal migrants into America has soared from $500 million in 2018 to $13 billion this year — up 2,500%. If these criminals merged into a corporation, their 2022 gross revenues would rival that of — are you sitting down? — Fox Corporation. Fox News Channel’s parent company earned $12.91 billion in the year ended June 30, 2021, and $13.97 billion 12 months later. This fact might awaken Sleepy Joe Biden and the lazy Left: Mexico’s human-trafficking cartels are now as big as Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham.

If Democrats still are dozing through the havoc of their no-border strategy, these figures might rouse them: Border Patrol agents apprehended 951,568 illegal immigrants during President Donald Trump’s final 19 months in office. In President Biden’s first 19 months, Border Patrol encountered a staggering 3,588,877 illegals — up a sickening 377%. In Fiscal Year 2020, the last fully under Trump’s control, 69,000 illegal migrants were detected on the “border” but got away into America’s interior. FY 2021 (four months of Trump, eight of Biden) witnessed 389,155 gotaways — up 464%. In FY 2022 (all Biden’s watch), gotaways hit 599,000 — up 54% versus FY 2021 and 768% compared to FY 2020.

At least 266,000 unaccompanied migrant children/minors have been encountered at the southern border since President Biden took office, per CBP data,” Fox News Channel’s priceless southern-frontier correspondent Bill Melugin explained via Twitter on September 26. “That’s enough to fill up approximately three Rose Bowls.” Fourteen House Republicans wrote Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Sept. 23 to complain that “between October 2021 and July 2022, more than 130,000 Venezuelan nationals were encountered after entering the United States illegally.” The Marxist Nicolás Maduro regime, they added, “is deliberately releasing violent prisoners early, including inmates convicted of ‘murder, rape and extortion,’ and pushing them to join caravans heading to the United States.”

Twelve US senators contacted the US Marshals Service about crooks cascading across the “border.” According to their August 30 letter, “So far in FY22, CBP has apprehended over 9,000 criminal immigrants, including 53 for homicide or manslaughter, 283 for sex crimes and almost 900 for assault, battery and domestic violence.” During Trump’s FYs 2017 through 2020, 11 terrorists on the watch list were captured at the border — two, six, zero and three, in those respective years.

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“The sudden transition … from a state of perfect normalcy to a pathological one … is unprecedented. … “

Is the US Blood Supply Tainted? (CHD)

Funeral directors and embalmers in the U.S. and U.K. have gone public with shocking descriptions of highly unusual blood clots in up to 85% of the bodies coming under their care — a “massive increase” compared to pre-COVID-19 vaccine times when ordinary-looking clots might be found in 5% to 10% of the deceased. “In all my years of embalming, we would run across clots from time to time,” said Richard Hirschman, an experienced funeral director in Alabama, “but since May last year [2021], something about the blood has changed. It’s not normal. It’s drastic.” The rampant clotting and the clots’ disturbing sci-fi appearance — “long fibrous entities that can completely block a vein or artery,” which Hirschman likens to calamari, rubber bands, spaghetti, worms or parasites — are just some of the concerns prompting questions about blood supply safety.

About 55% of blood is plasma — which, among other functions, supplies proteins “for blood clotting and immunity” — with the remaining 45% consisting of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets suspended in the plasma. Depending on their blood type, individuals who give blood can choose to donate whole blood, plasma or platelets, or they can make a “Power Red” donation (a “concentrated dose” of red blood cells). The American Red Cross says it will not accept blood from someone whose blood “does not clot normally,” but — following guidance from the same branch of the FDA that oversees vaccines — welcomes immediate donations from anyone who received one of the mRNA or other COVID-19 vaccines available in the U.S., as long as the person says he is “symptom-free and feeling well.”

[..] In one of the most alarming studies, published in August in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, Italian surgeons described atypical clumping of red blood cells and the presence of “extraordinarily anomalous structures and substances” of “various shapes and sizes of unclear origin” in over 94% of symptomatic, COVID-19-vaccinated individuals whose blood they examined. The 1,006 study participants, ranging in age from 15 to 85, received a first (14%), second (45%) or third (41%) dose of a Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccine about a month before the analysis of their blood. Pointing to other studies that found foreign materials in the blood of COVID-19 vaccine recipients and in COVID-19 vaccine vials — materials “that the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and the many promoters of the experimental injections claimed were not in them at all” — the Italian authors concluded the vaccine-induced blood alterations were “likely … to be involved in producing the coagulation disorders commonly reported after anti-COVID injections.”

Putting the matter even more plainly, they stated: “[S]uch abrupt changes as we have documented in the peripheral blood profile of 948 patients have never been observed after inoculation by any vaccines in the past according to our clinical experience. The sudden transition … from a state of perfect normalcy to a pathological one … is unprecedented. … “In our collective experience, and in our shared professional opinion, the large quantity of particles in the blood of mRNA injection recipients is incompatible with normal blood flow especially at the level of the capillaries.”

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I dare you to find a crazier story than this today.

Ex-Partner Of Ukrainian ‘Heiress’ Who Infiltrated Mar-a-Lago Shot In Canada (G.)

An associate of the Ukrainian woman who posed as a member of the Rothschild banking family at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club was reportedly shot outside a lakeside resort north-west of Montreal, Canadian newspaper LaPresse has reported. The shooting left Valeriy Tarasenko, 44, with “significant injuries”, but he was expected to survive, said the Sûreté du Québec, the Quebec provincial police. The police said it had launched a search for the shooter and any accomplices behind the attack. Tarasenko is known as a former business partner of Inna Yashchyshyn, a Russian-speaking Ukrainian immigrant who was identified by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project over the summer for posing as “Anna de Rothschild” at Mar-a-Lago.

Quebec police told LaPresse that they were trying to “shed some light on the circumstances that led to the injuries of the victim”. But for now, “to protect the investigation, no other detail can be shared”, the police added. Tarasenko, who was born in Ukraine and raised in Moscow, told the Post-Gazette and OCCRP that he had hired Yashchyshyn in 2014 to live in his Miami condo and watch his two daughters while he traveled on business. The FBI, according to the report, has been looking into a Miami charity, United Hearts of Mercy, Yashchyshyn launched in 2015 and carries the same name as a nonprofit founded by Tarasenko in Canada in 2010. According to a statement by the charity’s accountant that was turned over to the FBI, the charity, established to collect money for impoverished children, was in fact a front for organized crime.

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Home Forums Debt Rattle October 10 2022

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  • #118121

    Paul Gauguin Clovis Gauguin asleep 1884   • Massive Wave Of Missile Attacks Reported Across Ukraine (RT) • Europe To Feel Impact Of Energy Crisis
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 10 2022]

    V. Arnold

    Paul Gauguin Clovis Gauguin asleep 1884

    So lovely…

    Welcome to upside-down land…not so lovely…


    Now that their global Ponzi scheme is collapsing, it seems that the City of London money-lenders and their various minions have to go to war. And it has to be a big war that will negate any requirement for any kind of accountability anywhere in NATOstan nations.

    Also, with housing in the early stages of meltdown, pension schemes at risk, food shortages, raging devaluation of fiat currencies, and resistance to government oppression building, the fake governments of NATOstan nations will presumably attempt to impose martial law on the populaces of those nations….’for national security’, of course, as they increase the insecurity of everyone by the minute.

    ‘Interesting times’ get more ‘interesting’ by the day, unfortunately. But is has to be that way, since the money-lenders blocked all the exit ramps from this mad ‘motorway to hell’. .

    Infinite growth on a finite planet seemed like a good idea for a while. And the bought-and-paid-for politicians and the fake mainstream media sure fooled a lot of people for a very long time.

    We in the Southern Hemisphere are fortunate in the short term insofar as the days are getting longer and warmer.

    Pity most people living in the Northern Hemisphere, though the Russians will obviously fare the next few months better than most.


    The decision is yet another Western own goal in an economic war that the west is clearly losing. It was the Biden administration’s decision to refuse new licenses for US domestic production which, despite depletion, could still fill the gap left by OPEC+ cuts (although the USA – like the UK – still needs to import heavy oil). It was also their decision to empty the strategic reserve, which is meant for dire emergencies, solely to keep pump prices down ahead of next month’s mid-term elections. Elections that Biden’s team may well lose, as Michael Shellenberger reminded Americans this week, the situation:

    “… poses political risks for Democrats who, in the spring of 2020, killed a proposal by President Donald Trump to replenish the SPR with oil from American producers, not OPEC+ ones, and at a price of $24 a barrel, not the $80 a barrel that the Biden White House promised to OPEC+. At the time, Trump was seeking to stabilize the American oil industry after the Covid-19 pandemic massively reduced oil demand. Trump and Congressional Republicans proposed spending $3 billion to fill the SPR. Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer successfully defeated the proposal, and later bragged that his party had blocked a ‘bailout for big oil.’”

    The Biden administration’s response is likely to be an attempt to implement the No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels – NOPEC, geddit? – Act, which passed through the Senate in May, to bring anti-trust suits against OPEC+ states and to impound their US-held property. Although, as Alex Kimani at OilPrice notes:

    In Brief: OPEC and out, Prices up – inflation down, Constructive ambiguity, The essential difference, Pet cemetery, Another fuel shortage, Spam fritter

    Dr. D

    Is she asleep next to the cookie jar? Because that is one big stein.

    Nah, I’m still around, I just stopped because: what’s the point? Nothing’s changed, nothing changes. Wake me when an event happens. I’m trying to provide value, as content creators say. But what was that this week? Russia was attacked for once in the middle of a war? Stocks fell a little but are still in outer space? People should prepare but can’t?

    This train is going where it’s going.

    The bridge, new thoughts U.S. literally missile-strikes Russia. Even if Russia wasn’t Crimea, you’d be attacking the Russian-Ukrainin joint bridge. Russia knows if they respond it’s all NATO WWIII. Like the Moskva. And that is the goal of the West. And who would they tell? They have. The West just makes s—t up, says they bombed their own bridge (literally). “Why are you punching yourself?” It doesn’t change the balance of the people-government of their enemies.

    This while Ukraine demands we pre-nuke Russia in order to prevent nuking anyone by showing them what nuking them would be like to dissuade the nuking. (literally. This passes for logic now.) Like Bolton and Petraeus, Russia won’t do anything but just take it kindly. Because: We’re the United States! Losing is not what happened in the movies I watched and the comics I read at Harvard. Jack Ryan wins there. Along with Bullwinkle the Moose.

    Cheeto, like Musk is just gauging whether the people have had it and are for peace yet, so he can act. They aren’t, so probably we should like up a few cities of 500,000 to get them in the mood. I’ll volunteer D.C. and S.F. They will act at the minimum trouble but the people are so stupid, immoral, and stiff-necked it may take 10-20 cities, and still won’t care, just that it affected ME. Netflix is off. Example:

    I am annoyed and troubled we have astronomic death rates (it seems) above Vietnam in just 2 years, and no one notices, no one cares. I don’t see it on the ground in my area either, all seeming normal when people die, for whatever reason aren’t, or not running across, super-strange diseases, events, or young people. Statistically it exists, but faict, they could 4x or 10x this rate before any alarms went up.

    Is that good? When there are so many people cutting forests and paving farmland for new McMansions while complaining to Brazil not to cut a tree? I mean, if they don’t notice or care, should I? They’re my neighbors and countrymen, I don’t picket or stop them if they want to have a burger and a shot either.

    Credit Suisse is ONLY 10x default? How can anything in Europe not be a 100:1 for collapse, non-payment, and default? Here’s a new question: is it because they know something?

    Nord Stream 2 Offers Germany a Date with Destiny (Escobar)”

    Escobar and others have gone ‘round the bend with pro-Russia. You can report your think their position is better without boostering them. If you haven’t been to America, or wherever, you cannot fathom how powerful it is, how deep, how many resources are above the earth that can be applied. Russia can be superior in both position and military and still not have enough GDP or slavs to prevail, hard as that is to believe with the utterly moronic positioning here.

    Anyway, from this article now we know why they chose that geographical location, And also bent over Sweden: Sweden makes it illegal to fix it. As impossible as that is to believe. And it’s Putin’s fault.

    “ ‘Unthinkable’ Number of Mercenaries Gathered in Zaporozhye (RT)”

    It is surprising because they blew up the other half of all world mercenaries in ISIS. Public service.

    The German Army (Bundeswehr) has enough ammunition for only one or two days of warfare,”

    They may be kidding, and they may make orders for more, but with industry shut down, how would they fill the orders? If they bought from elsewhere, how would they pay? Pay Italy to make them with Russian gas and reverse the North-South debt pile? (I forget the name: Tier II?)

    “The Last Vestiges of Press Freedom Disappear in Kiev (Sukharevskaya)”

    Kiev is the 51st State, the Capital, and the goal for all the West. Complete corruption, complete income disparity, complete economic collapse, and complete human trafficking. Indeed, they JUST DID pass this for all social media, and enforce it daily, including PayPal taking your money and banning Health ministers, secretaries of states, Presidents, and dynasties like the Kennedys. They do it during WWIII in order to insure more war and prevent less war.

    If enough households participate in the load-shifting scheme, it could free up an extra 2GW”

    Remember the idiotic and non-working Smart Meter initiative back when? This is the only possible reason for it to exist. That is: because you were planning a world war, and that war was with Energy, which means it was against Russia. So clock when they started this expensive, idiotic plan, and you’ll know when they –we– planned to invade and nuke Russia. Guessing 20 years.

    Hey idiots: if you shut off my meter, I’ll turn on the generator and burn 5x as much carbon, but really inefficiently. Welcome to hell.

    “The EU is Forcing Twitter to Censor -and Musk Can’t Stop It- (Kogon)”

    They would station legal HQ in Libya or Dubai, (or Russia) then good luck collecting settlements.

    Bitcoin is interesting, but not if people don’t use it, or never use it on the blockchain.

    Ukraine peace prize. And here I thought they’d never outdo Obama.

    Since we’re already in WWIII, I have to go get real work done and see if I can find some useful, actionable facts.


    Assange, chronic lung condition, poor overall health, tests positive for Civid. That’s one way to get rid of hiim. Just add some remdesivir.


    And Bernanke getting a Fauxbel for economics is also wonderful.


    Erik Ollsen is dead.
    Who is Erik Ollsen?
    Tweet reads: Olsen, found at home. Bee sting cause of death, cremated within hours. In charge of investigating Nordstream sabotage.
    “Let me repeat that: The LEAD INVESTIGATOR of NS just died of a BEE STING and was CREMATED WITHIN HOURS.”

    V. Arnold

    “Let me repeat that: The LEAD INVESTIGATOR of NS just died of a BEE STING and was CREMATED WITHIN HOURS.”

    Stinks to the high heavens…

    Dr D Rich

    From the Nobel Committee’s citation of Bernanke’s co-awardees:

    “…Diamond and Dybvig’s work, meanwhile, looked at the socially important role banks play in smoothing the potential conflict between savers wanting access to their money and the economy needing savings to be put into investments…”

    “The economy” as nebulous a delusional system interchangeable with the “free market” makes a claim according to Bernanke, the Nobel committee et al on your savings account because the “economy” holds priority interest on the physical deposits in a living being’s savings account.

    I think the solution is less Haldol and more Quantitative Easing for a concept that wants your money

    Dr D Rich

    25 years or more for Robbing a Bank under the following statute:

    10 U.S.C. £ 2113

    And under the same statute, the perpetrator doesn’t even have to enter the bank to have violated 2113. So, some folk go to jail while other folk receive Prizes (Nobel) for robbing others which certainly parallels Obama’s pre-Nobel prize for planning to bomb lesser countries to smithereens.


    Report from the war zone:
    Escalation, Indiscriminate multiple/waves of missile strikes on non military/civil/non critical infrastructures across Ukraine

    Yesterday, I asked, two different young man, ” Among your friends, who is the bad guy, Russia or Ukraine?”
    Their answer, Russia.
    Yet when questioned, their knowledge is superficial and in line with the propaganda and not informed/ not interested.
    Obviously, Russia will lose.
    Using expensive, missiles against civil/non military targets will bankrupt Russia.


    From Russia: A different point of view.
    Russian MOD comments on results of strikes in Ukraine
    The attack was a complete success and all targets were destroyed, the ministry has claimed
    Apart from Kiev, several other Ukrainian cities were targeted, including Dnepr in east of the country, and Lviv in the west. Following the strikes, Ukrainian authorities reported blackouts in Lviv, Poltava, Sumy, Kharkov and Ternopol Regions, adding that in other parts of the country power supply had been partially disrupted.

    On Monday, President Vladimir Putin warned Ukraine that if it orchestrates any new terrorist attacks on Russia, it “will respond firmly and on a scale corresponding to the threats created against” it.


    r 10, 2022
    Russia, Having ‘Run Out Of Missiles’, Launches Barrage On Ukraine
    Back in March I had warned that Lies Do Not Win Wars. Here is another practical example.

    After allegedly having ‘run out of missiles’ and, more importantly, patience, the leadership of the Russian Federation decided to de-electrify Ukrainian cities with a ‘barrage of missile strikes’.

    But first came the propaganda blubber:



    An overhead view showing two leaks must be out there, but I can’t find it.
    Is it possible that some factions in Europe don’t like the way things are going? Maybe Erik Ollsen found out that the damage was actually much less than thought (only one pipeline hit). That news had to be suppressed. All it takes for such a plot is sanity, and a way to hide it from the US.
    The bee must be symbolic.


    I found one that shows two at once. Sorry.




    Slowly but surely, but also secretly, the war is destroying the electric generation on which the Ukraine depends for everything – trains, water pumps, sewage treatment, light, heat, mobile telephones, refrigerators, radio and television, not to mention production lines in factories, in abattoirs, sausage making and other farm and food processing.

    However, there remains electricity for the Ukrainian military operations to continue on the eastern front, and for cross-border trains to run into Lvov from Poland with fresh arms, ammunition, and rotating allied military staff advisers, together with NATO politicians and journalists keen to advertise their support.

    In the wake of the attack on the Crimean Bridge, the electric war can now be expected to escalate.
    read more …..


    Here it is.

    I’m trying my best to make some sense of things.
    I dearly hope that things can be defused.
    But as for now and what the future brings:
    Well- I reserve the right to be confused.

    Yesterday’s limerick from TAE Summary was great.


    @ Dr. D

    “Nah, I’m still around, I just stopped because: what’s the point? ”

    Politicians don’t care what their voters think, that’s for sure. It’s not about changing politicians’ minds (if any of them have one). The gaslighting from “official sources” is heavy handed and everywhere. Reading comments here is a like finding a stable pole star in the words of other people who aren’t falling for the MSM narratives.


    Over at the Slog, a commenter called RAF writes a wonderful portmanteau:
    “Opinium” [poll]. I would comment over there but the comment bar is broken.

    RIM: Or midazolam. He’s over 50 now.

    Dr. D- the world isn’t serving up enough nonsense for you to unwind?
    Welcome back!


    Yes,again,welcome back to the TAE oasis Dr. D.🙂




    Total panic in Kiev

    Nazilensky soils himself, hides in Poland behind a green screen.

    Hundreds of missiles hitting Ukronazi infrastructure.

    The Main headquarters of Nazilensky’s Gestopo leveled, killing many NATOtard ‘advisors’.

    And this is ‘only’ an initial ‘warning’ by Putin.

    Gen. Alexander Dvornikov


    Doesn’t look like ‘bluffer’.



    Michael Reid

    Dr. D:

    Credit Suisse is ONLY 10x default?
    How can anything in Europe not be a 100:1 for collapse, non-payment, and default?
    Here’s a new question: is it because they know something?

    My question to you may provide the answer.

    If the central bankers have given up on the west, moving the money out of the west, imploding the west, poisoning the people in the west, preparing to starve and freeze the population of the west would that qualify as they know something?

    I am spectulating after watching this interview with Catherine Austin Fitts

    We are experiencing a financial coup d’etat.

    The central bankers have given up on the west; they are moving the money out and they are trying to eliminate us.



    Correction, that General Sergei Surovikin.


    In Russian, the root of Surovikin means: raw

    A good name for your head commander


    A nice bridge you got there…

    y Dmitri Orlov for the Saker blog

    A nice bridge you got there…

    “…In all, I just don’t see too much for the Russians to worry about at this point.

    As for the Americans, I really don’t see any face-saving way for them out of this.

    They should just do what they always do under such circumstances: declare victory and go home. To keep their minds off the Ukraine fiasco, maybe they could start a civil war.

    If they do, I’d be willing to go to Alaska, to help organize a referendum on it rejoining Russia.

    The US lease on it ran out back in 1966, you know….


    1. Overwhelm the air defence system. “202 missiles/drones fired, 47 intercepted” then the air defence system reduced to zero effectiveness.

    2. Knock out Ukrainian electricity system

    3. Reduce Ukrainian fascist bases.

    4. Reduce capacity to repair or manufacture military hardware.

    5. Reduce ability of Ukrainian fascists to move military personnel and equipment.

    That’s one way to end a war.


    A good indication on how well the spat in Ukraine is progressing will be when the Offshore Sportsbooks add Putin to the 2024 Presidential betting market. Even with or slightly ahead of Trump.



    In Russian, the root of Surovikin means: raw

    A good name for your head commander

    Yes, but more importantly, what are his pronouns?



    First, thanks for the links, and digesting a snippet of my personal cosmology. 🙂 ‘God’ is the sum of all as-yet/maybe-always unexplained forces and tides in the universe. There’s a lot of time we can’t examine directly. Also, many forces we take for granted. I once argued with someone that it might be possible for the rules of physics to be slightly different in another part of the universe. Or different energy states leading to elemental misbehavior: carbon only has 3 slots, not 4, or more likely a generally unrecognizable periodic table. Wouldn’t that be fun?

    RE: paradox

    As an apprentice programmer, I learned that many proper solutions to problems are obviously, glaringly, tauntingly elegant. The math is clean; fewer lines of code, with no ‘gee-whiz’ optimization to cause brittleness; grokkable by successors. But to seek the elegant solution is a siren song. Most of us ‘averages’ will only stumble upon the elegant fix.


    A good indication on how well the spat in Ukraine is progressing will be when the Offshore Sportsbooks add Putin to the 2024 Presidential betting market. Even with or slightly ahead of Trump.

    Good comment. Got odds?


    So as soon as some nation threatens us with a nuke we are supposed to kneel?
    Looks like Putin’s testosterone shots are starting to kick in.


    Trump the peacemaker? Did he not send a shitload of weapons to Ukraine? Even Obummer balked at that.


    Power plant in Lyvov getting torched by Russian cruise missile.

    Winter is Coming


    Let’s have another just like the other one


    Since the Russian ‘ran out of missiles’ back in March according to Western Media Whores, I guess Ukraine bombed itself today, like a couple hundred times.




    Veracious Poet

    We are experiencing a financial coup d’etat.

    Au contraire mon petit mouton, the “West” has been “experiencing a coup d’etat” en total since War Emergency Powers were established in perpetuity by FDR March 1933, creating a defacto Bankster/Military Empire ever expanding like a Vampire Squid (now including Tech, Infotainment, Medicine) , with a long, LONG documented history of raping, pillaging, plundering & murdering anyone/everyone in it’s path.

    Indeed, The Empire is now the preeminent real reality that everyone on the planet grasps, yet few identify/question the reign of it’s autocratic authority, nay the electorate majority the “West” worships The Empire like sycophants that dread the bully cutting off “their” protections…

    The ultimate illusion, cross-generational in it’s scope, with many progenitors incognizant of the absolute casualty of Natural Rights previously afforded to each & every individual.

    Collective EG0ic Madness always leads to death, destruction & decay…

    Too bad, sooo sad, Amerikana imbecilous scoffed @ those that were aware & aghast by ascension of The Beast 😐

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