Debt Rattle April 28 2024


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  • This topic has 56 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 2 weeks ago by wdt.
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  • #157984

    Pedo Joe’s “foreign policy” as executed by Tony ‘the Brick’ Blinken

    The ‘somethin’ for nothin’ approach

    Goin’ ta China move…..


    Formerly T-bear:

    A good one!


    Who is to blame.
    The gun mfg
    The gun
    The gun user
    The victim
    The logic


    Jew-diss Goat Johnson

    Hang him high



    Until you understand the jews want you just as dead as the people they are slaughtering, right now,as we speak,…cutting them up for body parts, what do you know? The shit they taught you in school? This money system, jew from the beginning is meant to enslave you. With tech, not many slaves are needed, so they’re killin you off with needles. overunning your countries with assholes, destroying your families, culture and religion. This is right the fuck in your face, so obvious, to not see it takes deliberation. Turning away from reality and consigning your children to Hell.


    Dr D said

    And why I say they both need a good dose of Christianity, for which they will BOTH murder me on sight, THEN carry on murdering each other. But I’m not wrong.

    Christianity has the worst record of killing and oppressing people. For a start, it was the Christians who gave Palestine to the Jews, but I will admit that Christian land grabs, similar to the Jew one, did work out better.

    In the USA the white Christians did not officially label the aboriginal Indians as second class citizens, even though they did use their might to steal all their land, similar to the west bank settlements. Many of the aboriginals died in warfare, which the USA citizens portray as brave white people defending their families, but was actually white people stealing land. At least the USA did not put the Indians in camps then genocide them, so that bit is better than the Jews, but the opportunity wasn’t really there as the whites had already overwhelmed the Indians, stolen their land and were firmly in control, using their blacks to do the work and leaving the aboriginals to starve. In the end the white Christians fought among themselves to decide who would run the new white North America.

    Something similar happened in Australia; white christians arrive, steal all their land, destroy life for the aboriginals, but at least allow them to live. Now they argue that they aboriginals never really had property records, so it was okay to steal their land …. just Christians justifying their theft.

    In New Zealand the white christians came to an agreement with the locals. The locals kept control over their lands and have a large role to play in government, even to this day. NZ shows us that the theft and extermination process so beloved by christians is not the only solution, other more peaceful solutions could have been encouraged.

    Now we have Dr D, a white USA Christian, judging the theft of land from the Palestinian aboriginals by the Jews. I can understand why so many Americans support Israel, after all, this is the way that the great USA was born. March in, steal the land, etc etc. The problem for Israel is that they cannot do it alone, as with the UK helping to build the USA, the Jews need a great power to help them steal the land. But instead of taking the land and treating all people equally – yes, the Christians didn’t do that either, but these days equality is a watchword of the liberal elite trust-fund retards – they decided to oppress both their own Palestinian people and to help their great power to use them as an outpost that controls the middle east with outrageous violence, painting Israel as an accessory.

    Now Israel has openly declared war on the Islamic population for whatever reason. They could have made peace with them, but it is difficult to make peace with people that you treat as second class citizens – the USA has discovered this with their black population. The Israeli theft of land was not enough, they have now convinced their people that they were somehow the victims during the earlier thefts and that they should thieve even more land and remove the aboriginal population.

    The holocaust lie is what gave the Jews the license to behave so badly. Their victim status has been accepted the world over, but it is basically PR. It is now dragging the west down to its own level of depravity. It was a great plan, it worked out very well initially, but spoilt children never can just accept what they have, they always want more until they destroy what they have.

    Why wasn’t the NZ model used in Israel? Why did the Jews have to make themselves enemies of the aboriginals? Why did the Jews refuse to accept that some of their religious sites were on someone else’s land and therefore had to be shared? Etc etc etc. There is no excuse, but saying the christians would have done it better is plain garbage, the USA are the christians doing it now, they are the ones paying for the Gaza genocide.


    WES said

    The 6 year old Israeli girl injuried in the car shooting, made the fatal mistake of believing in her country’s democracy.

    She also had not been educated of the fact that her own government and many of her fellow citizens were more than willing to kill her and were a danger to her life, not a guardian who would take care of her. Do not forget that these people are being murdered by their fellow citizens, this is not a foreign invasion any more, these IDF people were born in Palestine, same as the Palestinians, but they are racists and want to eliminate your Palestinian race. I am sure the remaining Palestinians – and the world – can see the true effect of real racism, the Jew racism that is murdering Children for being the wrong race. The Palestinian parents simply did not educate their children as thoroughly as the Jew parents educated their children to hate the Palestinians. Israel teaches us that violence and hatred wins in the end, the Palestinians did not have enough hate.


    You ever looked at something and wonder how it got there?







    Pronouns, ya gotta love em’



    TWAT Alert:



    It’s either Joe Stern or Howard Biden



    Conservatives vs Liberals

    Top 2 Liberal candidates both fully support Zionist Jew racists – Brandon and Jr

    Top 2 Conservative candidates both fully support Zionist Jew racists – Trump and Haley

    All 4 approve 95 Billion $$$ being given two Jew Zionist Leaders of Israel and Ukraine for War profit and death.

    Liberals and Conservatives are both retarded scum supporting Jew murdering scum.
    Americans are fucking retarded with their “choices”. Choose wisely- don’t support jews, liberals or conservatives for a start.

    If you are a Democrat, Republican or Zionist- look in the mirror, bash your face repeatedly into the glass to cure your blindness. Same color of blood for all three scum ?



    I read some engineering students, one dark night, put their University presendent’s car up on top of the university building’s roof and to this day nobody really knows how they did it!
    It took a large crane to lift the car back down!

    Love the pronouns!

    TAE Summary

    * Forget pronouns, these are my proverbs:

    – Honesty is the best policy
    – Beggars can’t be choosers
    – Actions speak louder than words

    – Not honoring my proverbs shows disrespect. It is hurtful and invalidating and creates a threatening and intolerant environment.


    It is pretty clear that the jews stole at least 1/2 of palestine, 70+ years ago
    The victims have been protesting this theft all this time
    (I guess they might have become somewhat “annoyed” at the response)
    If you support Isreal then you are saying you are OK with grand larceny

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