Debt Rattle August 25 2023
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- This topic has 45 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by
V. Arnold.
August 25, 2023 at 8:37 am #141911
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterIvan Aivazovsky Sea channel with lighthouse 1873 • Double Jeopardy (Ingrassia) • Ukraine Will ‘Capitulate Unconditionally’ (Scott Ritter) • Kie
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 25 2023]August 25, 2023 at 10:28 am #141912V. Arnold
ParticipantIvan Aivazovsky Sea channel with lighthouse 1873
Another awesome work of wonder; mercy, Aivazovsky is…words fail…
Thanks Ilargi…August 25, 2023 at 11:02 am #141913Dr. D
ParticipantMug Shot:
As they say, staying up nights, have and entire crew chomping on the bit and staying up nights waiting to merch all the mug shots for the election. And you can see from this one he was ready. Top notch! Thanks!
Anyway, FINALLY get this show on the road, 5 or 20 years too late. With Trump in jail you could arrest people, get the USSC involved, AND use Brunson if you want to. Before that escalation it looks like coup and interference. THEY have to do it.
“Jack Smith’s indictments of Donald Trump are unconstitutional because he was already tried in the Senate.”
It depends, his indictments are so broad and lavish it may include new events. Being acquitted doesn’t mean you’re free pass for all FUTURE bank robberies, or that if you’re acquitted for robbery and they find out you were also doing fraud. AND, whether certain acts are part of a crime aren’t as simple as you think. If you got a car for the bank robbery but later use it for something else, another crime, it it part of the first crime or the second? Etc. In concept they are fully correct, it should be remedied, stay very far from the red lines, both for legal reasons and for optics and legitimacy. In which case, the USSC or appeals should swat him but hard, but they won’t and already have many times, remember Flynn where the Judge was met over the Judicial Board who told him direction to stop immediately and he didn’t care? And nothing happened? That happens every day except for the part where the board meets and cares at all. Ask Armstrong. They swapped judges during the trial and just went in and edited his testimony during the trial. No one cares, it was only his getting to the USSC 5 years later, a miracle on par with the Red Sea parting, that they dropped it, and therefore, no remedy, no punishment! They sat on the bench doing that until they retired on a lavish federal pension.
“Ukraine Will ‘Capitulate Unconditionally’ (Scott Ritter)a
This wasn’t necessary initially, although NATO would have had to back off and undo decades of illegal NATO. But it is now, and Russia will have little trouble accomplishing it.
For Progozhin, I can’t say. So this was on a plane with a number of other valuable people, including the pilot, are they so sloppy as to do that? Isn’t it easier to put him on trial? Or do you think Putin is incapable, this was his only removal option? And during the BRICS summit, which is a time not to do these things for optics. And in Russia. Wouldn’t you just pick an accident in Africa? Ow about that he was whacked by Kiev or London? Wouldn’t that look better and be more useful? CNN picked it immediately and immediately it looks like they had a second Wagner Coup cooked up using this as the wedge and premise.
Pro: he can’t have a trial, he’d start talking and also own the prisons. It WAS in Russia, who else could do that there? It’s certainly possible that he didn’t want a trial, didn’t care about the other passengers who were involved, and needed to send THIS message, or at least muddy the waters for deniability. But overall, I’d pick France. It doesn’t seem Putinesque, although it’s not outside possibility and in contrast to Western cartoons, we don’t have a very large body of “removals” as a data set to estimate from.
Don’t care. As Benton says, things are happening so fast, all I want to calculate now is what happens next. The only reason I bring it up is to stop weak, sloppy thinking that it had to be, X.
“The Ukrainian counteroffensive launched more than two months ago “has not gained any ground yet,” Brieger said”
That. Is a CATASTROPHE. If in two months an offensive you planned for a year is a total zero, you’re dead. Everybody knows that unless you’re sniffing glue, which is why Brieger said it.
Remember: they ordered Russia to Shock and Awe and occupy the whole country. It’s right there on page 55 of the script where Darth Vader meets Gru. It never occurred to them that anyone has any brains, since they themselves don’t.
Brieger then looks up from the glue bottle and talks about supporting Ukraine when Germany YESTERDAY, refused AGAIN to keep even their EXISTING Nato defense spending agreements. But later, they will, of course. After they wash their cat. Or as they say in Russia, “when a crayfish climbs up the mountain and whistles.”
“The Search for Robert L. Peters: He Goes By Various Names. But Why? (Turley)
What if the “Big Guy” is really Obama? Or since Obama is himself just a puppet, channeled through “him” to the Derp State he’s the front for? We do all ask who is running the White House since it’s clearly not Joe.
“we are finally learning that Joe Biden really did fire Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin for looking into state corruption involving the oil company Burisma and Hunter Biden—and ultimately Joe Biden himself.”
We knew that the minute he said it on camera for what was it, the WEF? That was 4 years ago? We were all called what is that, theorists? Or translated, people-who-could-click-play-and-aren’t-morons?
WHY are they saying “WE…only just know now”? Who’s this “We” stuff you always have in media? “5 Weird 90s shows we all fell in love with” We??? What you’re doing is EXCUSING YOURSELF for being a SPINELESS, MORONIC, CREDIBLE, IDIOT. Nobody Knewd, except for everybody who said it for years in public by the hundred-thousands. Just like us over Tech, then oil, then subprime, then Russia, then…
How this s—t works is beyond me. When I hear that my impulse is, “You’re fired. You’re either a moron not to know, or a coward not to say it.” I’m not a “We” in either category.
Thanks to your “We”, we now had to suffer another 3 years of this, 100,000 more Americans have died, and we have 5 million desperate fighting-age men roaming around your neighborhood. But maybe in your gated community you’re not sharing the “We” the rest of us get, where they run drugs and chuck women off piers in San Francisco.
“Hunter Biden used Air Force 2 to get to at least 15 different countries.”
Same as above. We always knew. THEY always knew. Biden was just doing what he always did, what was done increasingly the whole 50 years of his career. It’s impossible NOT to know. And all this to defend a guy who is against bussing to “The Jungle”, attacks “Superpredators” and jailed more Black People than anyone ever. …I guess Democrats like that sort of thing, going right back to Jackson and Wallace, and their dearest favorite of his and Hillary’s, Grand Wizard Byrd. Disgusting. This is what they’re defending with their un-credible “Nobody Knewd”.
Oh and showering, Hunter’s crack, and marrying his brother’s wife. Family Values!
“Pentagon budget – over $750 billion, more than triple that of China – the US Navy’s carrier fleet, and the size of the US Air Force.”
Speaking of un-credible that everybody knows, always knew, and had to know. $750B that buys nothing, a U.S. Navy that’s a floating target, a tin can that every one would be sunk in 30 minutes if they used them against anything but goats, and an Air Force made of planes that can’t fly. #Winning. …Note this still COULD be P.R. to try to sucker the Russians to fight and we have fixes for all this plus weapons like Maui. But my guess is no. Or as we see in Russia, having ONE missile as a demo isn’t the same as having them rolling off the assembly line, and we only have untested demos.
For example: they were readying the jets for U.S. Hypersonic missiles. You mean all the missiles we don’t have and never developed? Is that like the Space plane we have or don’t have on alternate days? The one that doesn’t exist but was in the news for orbiting for 400 days?
“We import electricity from neighbors, from nuclear power plants that are located in France or Belgium”
Not for long! And the whole West is shrinking at 3% minimum for 20 years. Like the 30’s there are non stop headlines of how it’s “Not a Depression”, “Green Shoots” “The Sun’ll come out…tomorrow” and “Fear itself.” It’s quite astonishing to look at them, like, can they – the NY Times – really deny the Great Depression for all 13 years? Yes. Yes they can, did, are proud to, and never took a credibility hit for it. Nor FDR for getting us out of the Depression with the WPA that we never got out of ‘til the war. …After the war, technically. Like 1954. There was an official post-war recession. Both, neither. Written right in the textbooks with a straight face.
Maui/FEMA: this is why all arrests and trials have to be public. Although removing them all would keep THESE guys from mischief, going dark does nothing for the rest of us, nor as a signal to other purveyors of mischief. They could have already arrested everyone in Congress, everyone in the CDC, etc replaced them all with un-aging clones, as was rumored for YEARS, and what difference would it make? None because we don’t get to know and adjust, and the behavior doesn’t stop.
This is above the other part, which is that IF we think there’s nobody out there arresting people who deserve it, the people may at some point start firing away without evidence or process. The process helps THE CRIMINALS, and keeps THEM safe. Safe from ME. So kiss that policeman who will guard you from US. You know, Sikhs with bats in Bakersfield. So skeptical? I haven’t even got that far, only that it’s useless either way.
August 25, 2023 at 11:15 am #141914Dr. D
ParticipantI realized yesterday another key corner of Marxism: it’s Progressivism. I mean duh, but the root is the same: Marx says the tide of history is inevitable, a straight economic line from the caves to the stars. Since the Glorious Revolution was inevitable they were only helping it along, to move faster. Progressives the same thing, the “Right side of history” where everyone before me was a moron and we are the sum total of evolution, better, smarter, more moral than anyone in history ever. Thus we discard our fathers, all their books and statues and “Listen to the children” like Greta (Now long an adult).
But look what this premises: it’s a clockwork, Newtonian world, devoid of all Free Will, all human action, where all humans are a tabula rasa, mere victims of their environments. You’re not supposed to DO anything. You have no responsibilities, only blame. And it appears that foundation does not produce the best results. The social engineers, the Philosopher Kings like that best since they think THEY are the only non-NPCs, the 5 or 10 of them are the only actors and can direct the alien ant farm as an inert object, a machine devoid of life or any will of their own. …Or so they treat Black People, it seems. In contrast environmentalists seem to prove their argument, marching to every order, incapable of thought for 40 years now, and no surprise therefore the environment is worse than ever, faster than ever as they’ve all checked out on vacation, uncaring of clean air, water, anything but their one-true god. Carbon. Which = both money and worldwide mass death.
Anyway, ARE we in a world with no free will, where every event is inevitable and leads only in one straight line to the UniFuture, or do we have responsibilities and choices?
The purging of love inevitably yields a hatred of truth. Satan is a liar and the father of lies because God is Himself Truth, and thus satan, in his warped desire to be God, and resulting hatred of God, can only ever pervert truth in an effort to lead others away from God, and into eternal hell with satan himself.
If you have ever been the object of a Diabolical Narcissist’s rage, you will recognize this dynamic almost immediately. DNs cannot stand any confrontation, criticism, or correction when they are demonstrated to be in error. They will rage at anyone they perceive to be a threat, with the level of rage escalating in proportion to the logic of the argument that they are confronted with. You know you have a DN intellectually pinned when all they can do is scream obscenities and schoolyard insults at you.
This is also why DNs generally surround themselves with people that either are genuinely dumb, or people the DN perceives to be dumb. Have you ever known someone that would openly lecture or berate their “friends”, family or employees for being “f***ing stupid”? Have you ever been mystified by a person who seemed to be extremely intelligent, but would only surround himself with people who were beneath his intellectual level, thus ensuring his dominance, and would actively drive out anyone of any intellectual gravitas, with the only possible exception being a specific Alpha Psychopath above him to which the DN was politically, commercially or socially attached?
Narcissistic raging in the face of logical argument and confrontation.
…The Social Justice Warrior raging is GHIRA. The more you confront SJWs with the illogic and irrationality of their arguments and positions, the more they rage – and make no mistake, that rage WILL TURN VIOLENT, as in the French Revolution.
August 25, 2023 at 11:35 am #141915Dr. D
ParticipantWill? Like in the future?
August 25, 2023 at 12:27 pm #141916Celticbiker
ParticipantThe daily theatrical illusions are there to assure you that you live in a multi polar world. Not true. 1 crew has all the money, pulling the strings of the puppets, providing the spectacle. Trump mug shot, really? Are you not entertained? They want you focusing on a 100 different directions. Everwhere but up at the boot about to stomp your fucking head. Bread and Circus while they inject you, lock you down and rob you, or microwave you into dust.
August 25, 2023 at 12:46 pm #141917V. Arnold
Participant@ Celticbiker
Yep, that about sums it up…
August 25, 2023 at 1:28 pm #141918John Day
ParticipantEnemies And Enemies Of Enemies
Prigozhin had enemies in the CIA, MI-6, Ukraine, Poland, and the Russian military, at all levels. He has clearly been assassinated and everybody is publicly supposing that somebody else did the deed. Wagner has had its top brass taken out. This is delicate.
Special Report: The Curtain Closes On Yevgeny Prigozhin , Simplicius The one puzzling thing it does bring up however is that if the act was carried out by way of explosive planted on the plane, how would the perpetrators know which plane to “mine” if he infact kept it hidden up until the last moment? There was a report stating that Russian authorities now recovered footage, presumably from the airport, showing exactly which plane he boarded in an effort to confirm his death. So if it was a governmental hit job, they would have known at the last minute which plane he boarded, but this would not have given enough time to plant an explosive on it.
Of course, both planes could conceivably have been mined with an explosive. Or Prigozhin himself could have somehow accepted an explosive device, unbeknownst, in the same way that Vladlen did when he accepted the statue/bust of his likeness.
So now let’s use that to segue into theories of who or how it could have been done. Cui bono and who stands to gain or lose from this?
Firstly, let’s state the obvious: if Putin or the FSB wanted to “off” Prigozhin, they likely would not have done so in such an obvious way, over Russian territory, near Moscow, etc…
..So the Prigozhin hit has indications of being an outside force trying to frame Russia with the presumable intention of starting, or continuing, the internecine war between the Wagner-loyal faction and the Kremlin/MOD. Of course, it’s possible that a rogue S-300/400 commander used the opportunity to get one back “for the boys” killed by Prigozhin’s people on June 23. [ut which plane, and the radar would see the missile, as would videos.] …..We could perhaps argue that the “rogue commander” was being fed precise info by a military faction in the form of some general who wanted revenge, and they had more accurate information on exactly which plane to shoot down. That is possible. However the debris photos seen above don’t appear to indicate an AD missile in my view. The 2 or 3 explosions heard by eyewitnesses is also an intriguing and peculiar clue, particularly given that if an onboard explosive device was used, it would likely not lead to several explosions of that sort…
Take it with a grain of salt but we have the following rumors:
1. “Relatives of flight attendant of Prigozhin Kristina Raspopova, with reference to the words of the girl, was told about strange manipulations with the plane before the last flight. It was taken away for some short-term and incomprehensible repairs.”2. [A case of expensive wine was presented to Prigozhin after he boarded the plane, after all inspections had been done.] …
..They’re both from the VChK-OGPU propaganda outlet, but it’s something to chew on.
As I said, the June 23 to August 23 symbolism would appear to point to “pay back”, however this can also be taken advantage of and utilized by a 3rd party in order to frame Russia.But could Ukraine/CIA or some such 3rd party have carried this out? It’s difficult to believe them gaining access to Moscow airport in a way that would allow them to plant a bomb there, though the above claims he was lured with an expensive wine gift, perhaps playing to his vanities in the same way that Vladlen’s statue/bust played to his. But it’s still hard to believe the SBU could have somehow fooled the notoriously cunning and suspicious Prigozhin with an explosive package of some sort—though we can’t discount anything.
Could they have shot the plane down in the sparsely populated region with some type of anti-air capability smuggled from Ukraine? Well, the plane’s altitude appeared to be nearly 30k feet at the time of the catastrophic “event”. There is almost nothing in existence that you could smuggle over a border that can shoot an object down at that height…
..In general an air defense missile shot at the craft would be difficult to hide as there would be a contrail at least part of the flight (for the early booster stage) visible by many people, so the likelihood of an AD missile shoot down is low…
..Thus my conclusion is the plane likely exploded from within, and if that’s the case, it would point more strongly to the FSB as I would find it difficult to believe that Prigozhin would have fallen for accepting some kind of disguised explosive device from someone like an SBU member on the ground, nor would such a device be easily triggered at 30k feet as it would be nearly impossible to use any of the most common methods like a cellphone trigger, etc.
The mystery remains. The only other conceivable option is an inside job of some sort. Someone on Prigozhin’s own team who knew he had to go, for whatever reason. A close trusted associate who knew all his boss’s ins and outs would be a candidate for being able to effectively plant an explosive of some kind. A piece of luggage from a person like this would not trigger Prigozhin’s suspicion, for instance.
The sound of multiple explosions is still problematic but there could have been some kind of secondary blasts from the engines or something else perhaps.
Lastly, I want to mention the possibility—remote as it is—that Prigozhin and Utkin are not even dead… Most likely him and Utkin are dead, but I’m simply putting it out there to cover all bases…..There was also rumor yesterday that Surovikin too joined Wagner, while other rumors said he was merely shifted to other duties in the ministry of defense. There is no confirmation as of yet where he actually ended up, and some believe he’s been detained or could face prison.
The point of that is the fact that these two events clearly appear related. You’ll be hard-pressed to convince me that the chief and highest ranked member of the Russian military to be potentially accused of treason or aiding and abetting the Wagner coup was officially removed literally hours before the head of the coup himself is assassinated—and that it’s all just a coincidence...
..Also, assuming Putin/FSB/MOD was responsible, the reason for waiting til now rather than getting Prigozhin right away is obvious, to me at least. If you neutralize him immediately, you risk doing so while the Wagner association was still assembled and frothing with amped up adrenaline and fervor, and could risk unleashing the beast. But if you wait a few months for things to die down, people to disperse, fires and passions to cool, you can do it without rousing too much blowback. Not to mention there could have been a number of administrative things they still needed Prigozhin to finalize in the organization, move pieces into the right place, etc., before it was convenient to decapitate the PMC.
The other thing is that Wagner was rumored to be returning to some kind of conflict zone in the “end of August”, which is when their leave was to expire, but the soldiers had no idea where they would be committed yet—i.e. Africa, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.....And the gist of it was that the MOD was trying to replace Wagner in Africa, slowly but surely, with a series of their own PMCs. Despite the source, this is believable for logical reasons: of course Russia could have been slowly decommissioning Wagner all over the globe. Wagner had been allowed to grow out of control, beyond its master’s restraints and this proved nearly costly for Russia.
However, it takes time to replace all the inroads Wagner built so they’ve likely been doing this slowly. This for obvious reasons didn’t sit well with Prigozhin and he likely was making further moves behind the scenes to block the MOD from incurring on what he considered “his territory.” …
..This is merely to give context to the speculation that the events of today could have been precipitated by the ongoing tussle and scramble for Africa. As I said, Wagnerites were supposed to have been returning in late August—to somewhere. Perhaps seeing the deadline coming up, some people in power decided to pull the plug entirely and effect a “hostile takeover” of the Wagner organization. I even half-joked that Surovikin may end up as the new Wagner boss, given that Mizintsev followed a similar path and Wagner may need a new ‘face’ of the organization.....It doesn’t matter what your sentiments or dispositions towards Prigozhin are, you have to acknowledge the danger of such a situation, where one man and his private company are gatekeeper and monopoly in one on Russia’s access to a strategically essential continent.
This is unacceptable for any democratic society for the same reason that the CIA and its minions, the federal reserve, or any such institutions are execrable and anti-democratic parasites…
..So, what happens now? Wagner is decapitated, both Prigozhin and Utkin are said to be dead, as well as Prigozhin’s 3rd shadow figure Chekalov. For those that don’t know, Utkin was the “shadow commander” of Wagner. His callsign is Wagner and the entire group is named after him. In some ways he was the true ideological leader while Prigozhin was merely the public spokesman…
..Prigozhin represented a virulent threat to the Russian state no matter his apparent intentions. The fact is, the people didn’t support what he did, or attempted to do on June 23rd. That’s objectively proven via polling. If polled, I suspect the people wouldn’t approve of him trying to muscle out the official state/public representation in Africa either—if that was even the case. Sure you might argue that the MOD is simply attempting to replace him with another private PMC anyway, so what’s the difference? But at least it’s a PMC under state control, which makes it an extension of it.
What I see is the slow, gradual, and inevitable reformation and clean up job that the MOD is doing on the entire systemic framework and infrastructure of the Russian armed forces and its various attendant apparatuses. It’s a colossal scale re-organization, a purification, ablution. This has been an ongoing process since the start of the SMO...
..That’s why we can’t get sentimental about one piece or another being ‘discarded’ if it has outlived its usefulness. As Putin once said to a reporter, “I’m not your friend, I’m the president of Russia.” …
..That being said, even given those conflicts of interest, we still can’t be certain that Russia would have resorted to offing him in such an ostentatious way, on the outskirts of Moscow no less. It could still very well have been a malicious third party actor with the intent to frame Russia and foment division and a new rebellion. After all, the timing is peculiar given Russia’s own actions vis a vis the Surovikin dismissal, but conversely, the timing is likewise “interesting” given Ukraine’s own—and by extension that of NATO and attendant intel services—desperate promises of escalations, and an urgent need for something new to destabilize Russia in order to save its own disastrous “counter-offensive”. Budanov himself promised some more “surprises” for the end of August… On Thursday President Putin belatedly addressed the reported death of Prigozhin for the first time, vowing to see a criminal investigation through to completion, and hailing him as a “talented businessman” who made “mistakes”.
According to a state media translation of the fresh Putin remarks:
Yevgeny Prigozhin was a man of many talents who made a “significant contribution” to the struggle against neo-Nazis in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday, commenting on the plane crash that reportedly killed the Wagner Group head.
Speaking with journalists at the Kremlin, Putin said that he had known Prigozhin since the early 1990s, and described him as “a man of complicated destiny.”
“He’d made serious mistakes in his life, but also got results. For himself as well as our common cause, when I asked it of him in these last months,” Putin added.....Meanwhile the US has said it believes the Wagner private jet was shot down with a surface-to-air missile that originated from within Russia. If true, this would point to Putin or the military chain of command having made the decision to take the plane out. [This should be easy to prove or disprove.] Russia’s goal is to end war that West unleashed in Ukraine — Putin
Russia’s special military operation pursues the goal of ending the war in Ukraine unleashed by a number of Western countries and their satellites, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of BRICS leaders.
“Russia has decided to support the people who are fighting for their culture, for their traditions, for their language and for their future. Our actions in Ukraine have only one reason – to put an end to the war that was unleashed by the West and their satellites in Ukraine against the people living in Donbass,” Putin said. Ending Ukraine conflict now is ‘smartest thing we can do’ – retired US Army colonel
The former Pentagon adviser predicted that any attempt to save Kiev from defeat might require direct Western intervention, which would have catastrophic consequences.
“If we intervene…. the Russians will be ready for that. And the consequences for us and for NATO will be devastating, because we are not ready,” Mcgregor said. The US and its allies might eventually “fall back on the nuclear deterrent,” putting the world on the brink of all-out conflict. 25, 2023 at 1:29 pm #141919John Day
Participant Ukraine must seek ceasefire with Russia now – ex-presidential aide
Gridlock in the US Congress may spell doom for Western campaign to support Kiev, Oleg Soskin has warned
Ukraine should hasten to end hostilities with Russia before the flow of American military and financial aid to the country dries up, a former aide to two Ukrainian presidents has said. Xi, Putin Hail First BRICS Expansion In Over A Decade As Gulf Oil Powers Join (So BRIICSSUAEE?)
At a moment China and Russia have envisioned the future of BRICS as fundamentally an anti-Western bloc of developing nations, the Gulf oil powers Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been formally invited to become members, which marks the bloc’s first expansion in over a decade.
“The membership will take effect from the first of January, 2024,” South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said, adding that additionally Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia and Iran will be added to the fold next year. Doctoroow , What did the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg accomplish?
Professor Mishel Chossudovsky makes a circumstantial case, which should be kept in mind going forward.
Niger’s Military Junta Is Supported by the Pentagon. Washington’s Unspoken Objective: “Remove France from Africa”August 25, 2023 at 1:32 pm #141920John Day
Participant John Leake has flown to Maui to carry out traditional journalism.
Yesterday I arrived on Maui to research the Lahaina Fire, and I spent the afternoon and evening talking with witnesses. The picture that is rapidly emerging confirms my early intuition —namely, if there was one thing the STATE should have identified as an existential threat to Lahaina, it was FIRE.
Last night I had dinner with a man who has lived in Lahaina for 23 years and lost all of his property, but was thankfully able to escape with his two kids. He repeatedly emphasized that for the last five years, he has been very uneasy because the fire hazard revealed by Hurricane Lane in 2018 wasn’t addressed...
..Failure to respond post-disaster with much needed water, food, medicine, and other critical supplies. My brother and his friends delivered some supplies by road and by boat, but these were ad hoc shipments. My brother marveled that while one friend made multiple trips to deliver supplies in his small fishing boat, the fleet of naval vessels and Chinook helicopters stationed at Pearl Harbor, just 150 miles away, remained in port.
When federal authorities (FEMA) finally arrived, they PROHIBITED supplies from being delivered, claiming that only FEMA was authorized to deliver much-needed goods to the displaced and stricken townspeople. At one point an entire convoy of full-sized containers, organized and loaded in the port city of Kahului, was turned back.
The apotheosis of the state’s insulting incompetence occurred on Monday, when President Biden and his vast entourage of black suburbans, flown in by military cargo transport, visited the island. At the solemnest of occasions, with hundreds of people (including many children) still missing and almost certainly dead, the President doddered around talking nonsense, appeared to fall asleep during a ceremony, and then told an incoherent story about his own close shave with fire. Scanning through the many comments on the above story, I saw this link posted by 4 commenters. It needs corroboration or refutation.
Real Raw News , Marines Arrest 67 Maui Perpetrators United States Marines under Gen. Smith’s command arrested Andaya Tuesday on treason charges, days after he resigned amid public criticism for not sounding the alarm. Andaya defended his decision by saying he feared the public would mistake the siren for a tsunami warning.
Andaya was apprehended at Dillinger Airfield on the northwest tip of Oahu while awaiting the arrival of a Cessna 310 to ferry him to Kaui for unknown reasons. He reportedly tried to abscond on foot but was quickly subdued and arrested.
According to our source, White Hats have videos showing Andya and Lecky meeting in Lahaina on August 6, two days before the blaze. Real Raw News reported previously that hundreds of FEMA personnel began arriving in Honolulu on that date, suggesting the diabolical agency knew that parts of Maui would soon be set ablaze.
“The footage is definitive. It shows Andaya giving Eric Lecky a tour of Lahaina and advising him where to set up barricades to keep citizens trapped in what would become the disaster zone. Most of what we have comes from citizens who escaped FEMA’s blockade,” our source said.
Lecky, he added, was apprehended Tuesday night outside the Grand Wailea Astoria Hotel, where he and 65 subordinates were enjoying a taxpayer-funded vacation in $1000/night hotel suites and boozing it up at expensive bars far from the charred remnants of their hellish handiwork. FEMA, our source said, had commandeered several luxury hotels and evicted legitimate guests to make room for what seemed like a never-ending stream of armed agents, many of whom shed their uniforms, disguising themselves as beach-going tourists, once word spread that United States Marines captured Lecky in the parking garage.
The Marines, though, had photographs of each FEMA employee to have arrived in Maui since August 6 and were able to identify and catch 65 federal goons trying to flee the hotel by every available exit and crevice. Marines suffered no casualties, though several FEMA sustained superficial injuries resisting arrest.
Marines, our source said, are determined to incarcerate or otherwise deal with all agents still on the Hawaiian Islands.
“We know at one time FEMA had 2,500 in Maui. Some we got, a lot were killed in action as enemy combatants, and a bunch escaped on airplanes back to the continental U.S. There’s still plenty more there, and they know they’re being hunted,” our source said.
In closing, our source confirmed that Armed Forces loyal to the criminal Biden regime have arrived in Maui to support FEMA.
“This is a bad development, and it seems inevitable that more bloodshed will follow.” The above story, held in abeyance, seems to refer to this context of an annual FEMA meeting on Oahu.
Maui fire investigation: Maui’s top emergency officials were on a different island for a disaster training as flames flared and did not join response call until five hours after the deadly wildfires begun
The annual FEMA disaster meeting was held on August 8 in Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, on the island of Oahu – a 30 minute flight from Maui
While Hawaii’s top emergency coordinators were meeting, wildfires were breaking out in Maui, with the Upcountry Fire reported around midnight
Lahaina’s fire flared up later in the morning: a school was evacuated at 6:40am and it was declared contained by 9am – only for evacuations to begin at 3:30pm
..’There were consultations about the fires among local, state and FEMA participants,’ said FEMA spokesperson John Mills.
It was unclear when the Maui officials made the decision to return home and deal with the disaster, or who was in charge when the fires broke out.
Those attending the conference included Herman Andaya, the then-director of Maui County Emergency Management Agency, who defended the decision not to activate emergency warnings.
Andaya resigned on August 17, nine days after the wildfires, citing his health.
It had emerged he had no background in disaster response: Local news site Maui Now reported in 2017 that he was hired over 40 other qualified applicants.
Also at the conference was Major General Kenneth Hara, director of the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HIEMA); James Barros, administrator for HIEMA; and Don Aweau, executive officer for HIEMA. is the unconfirmed back-story, about US Marines finding FEMA burying bodies in mass trench graves on Maui. Riveting tale of an alternate world…
..A dozen FEMA—and FBI embedded among them—survived the initial onslaught and fled the gunfight in two SUVs and the MBC. Sixteen Marines in four Hummers gave chase, while the remaining Marines remained behind to mop up stragglers and recover the dead civilians at the mass gravesite.
The Marines pursued FEMA northeast along Route 36 to the Route 37 intersection in Kahuli, then southeast along Route 37 toward Pukalani, and, further on, the precarious, swerving road ending at the Haleakalā National Park entrance—a several hours’ drive.
Our source said the Marines did not engage en route due to the risk of endangering civilians.
FEMA dismounted at Kalahaku Overlook, a cliff overlooking the expansive Haleakalā crater, and formed a defensive perimeter around their vehicles as a UH-60 chopper in the distance drew nearer to the bluff…August 25, 2023 at 1:35 pm #141921John Day
ParticipantRepublican debates vs. TuckerCarlson interview national poll follow-up.
200 Million & Counting… Trump Triumphant, Ramaswamy Runner-Up, DeSantis Dud“It’s Election Interference”: Trump Surrenders In Georgia For Booking As Scores Of Supporters Show Up Biden’s Ukraine Defense Falls Apart , Jonathan Turley is an attorney and professor at George Washington University Law School.
Biden has always had a certain penchant for bragging, whether it’s claiming a dead man told him he reached a million miles on Amtrak, being a cross-country trucker or fighting off some “bad dude” named Corn Pop.
But one of those bravado moments may have revealed more than vanity.
Ironically, it’s the one controversial story that appears entirely true.
In a 2018 interview at the Council on Foreign Relations, Biden bragged that he unilaterally withheld a billion dollars in US aid from the Ukrainians to force them to fire prosecutor general Viktor Shokin.
The Ukrainians balked, but Biden gave them an ultimatum: “I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.” …
..Recent testimony from Devon Archer, a business associate of Hunter Biden, revealed that Burisma executives made the removal of Shokin a top priority and raised it with Hunter.
He described how the need to neutralize Shokin was raised with Hunter and how “a call to Washington” was made in response. While Archer also said that “the narrative spun to me was that Shokin was under control,” he and others also heard concerns over Shokin and the risks of the investigation.
President Biden has insisted, “I did nothing wrong. I carried out the policy of the United States government in rooting out corruption in Ukraine. And that’s what we should be focusing on.” …
..As part of the first impeachment of Donald Trump, Democrats largely dismissed earlier accounts of these misgivings and portrayed Shokin as a thoroughly corrupt prosecutor perpetuating corruption.
Biden’s Ukrainian Corn Pop story was celebrated as a gutsy moment of leadership.
During the impeachment, Kent said Biden’s demand was consistent with US policy.
Yet we now know the State Department had found progress was being made on corruption and Shokin was praised in private correspondence.
The demand for the replacement of the equivalent of the attorney general in another country is an extraordinary move.
We give massive amounts of money to countries with rampant corruption and authoritarian records.
But Biden decided Shokin had to go and used public money to make that happen. United Nations Countering ‘Deadly Disinformation’ Through Creation Of ‘Digital Army’ [Not global censorship if explained politely.]
In an Aug. 19 press release, U.N. officials said peacekeepers throughout the world are building the “digital army” through smartphones, editing apps, and “innovative approaches” as part of efforts to “fight back against falsehoods that can trigger tensions, violence, or even death.”
The intergovernmental organization has also been monitoring how mis- and disinformation and hate speech can “attack health, security, stability” as well as progress towards its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), officials said.
“Digital platforms are crucial tools that have transformed social, cultural, and political interactions everywhere. Across the world, they connect concerned global citizens on issues that matter,” U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said in a policy brief (pdf) published in June on information integrity on digital platforms.
Such platforms have “given people hope in times of crisis and struggle, amplified voices that were previously unheard, and breathed life into global movements,” Mr. Guterres wrote.
However, they have also “exposed a darker side of the digital ecosystem,” the U.N. secretary-general noted.
“They have enabled the rapid spread of lies and hate, causing real harm on a global scale,” he wrote in the brief. “Optimism over the potential of social media to connect and engage people has been dampened as mis- and disinformation and hate speech have surged from the margins of digital space into the mainstream. The danger cannot be overstated.” [Remember, Ivermectin kills horses and it will kill you, too!]
Disinformation is described by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as “false or misleading content that can cause specific harm, irrespective of motivations, awareness or behaviors.”
The term “misinformation” is described in the U.N. policy brief as “the unintentional spread of inaccurate information shared in good faith by those unaware that they are passing on falsehoods.” 25, 2023 at 1:36 pm #141922John Day
Participant Military Members Kicked Out For Refusing COVID Vaccine Seek To Have Their Discharges Upgraded
Service members who received general discharges when separated from the military for their refusal to obey the vaccine mandate say their transition to civilian life has been hampered because they were not given honorable discharges.
The majority of service members kicked out over their refusal to get vaccinated received general discharges. With a general discharge, service members lose all educational benefits, reemployment rights, and civil service retirement credit. Nass MD , New book out by my colleagues at Doctors for COVID Ethics. Info you can trust. Free download!
Read. Share. Create the future you want. Dr. Nass , A tragedy begets more tragedy. Wisdom is needed.
Dr. Goff made a terrible mistake. It was a lot more horrible than producing this silly article. She made an understandable error of judgement two years ago, and it had the most awful result possible. It killed her only child.
I have written about this story previously, but from a different perspective. Dr. Sarah L. Goff vaccinated her only child for COVID, a beautiful daughter attending Amherst High School, and that child suffered a sudden death at a high school track meet last year.
Not only that, but her daughter had an autopsy, and the cause of death was lymphohistiocytic myocarditis. Certainly the preponderance of evidence—a 99% probability, is that this was a vaccine death due to a COVID vaccine. Everyone must know this, yet Dr. Goff pretends otherwise.
And so instead of warning other parents about the dangers of COVID vaccines, Dr. Goff has funded a “study” to encourage the authorities to hunt down doctors like me for warning other parents not to do what she did. 2030 is a new movie. Here is the 3 minute trailer. It’s about the next 7 years being an acceleration of the control mechanisms we have been seeing since 2020. Dr. McCullough’s blog. 25, 2023 at 1:50 pm #141923Figmund Sreud
ParticipantAlistair Crooke interview – minutes old:
August 25, 2023 at 1:52 pm #141924anticlimactic
ParticipantFor some reason the situation in Ukraine reminds of the fairytale where Russia is the three little pigs in their brick house and Kiev is the wolf huffing and puffing and failing to blow their house down!
At some point Ukraine will have no effective military. They will not be able to stop any Russian advance. I think Russia must take Odessa. It would connect them to Transnistra and Moldova, plus it makes Ukraine land-locked and easier to control.
Being taken over by Russia is probably a benefit. I read that Ukraine’s resources means that it should be a fairly wealthy country, but the oligarchs have drained away all the wealth leaving poverty. It will also mean they will not have to repay all the debts that Ukraine has racked up.
August 25, 2023 at 2:09 pm #141925Oroboros
ParticipantThe Answer to Joe Rogan’s homelessness piece in Californicate
If every privileged white family took in a homeless person, we could end homelessness tomorrow.×900
August 25, 2023 at 2:10 pm #141926Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 25, 2023 at 2:11 pm #141927my parents said know
ParticipantI think we’re still on track for the dems to finally admit that Trump won the 2020 election and can’t serve a third term. It would be crazy-making, and history will state that everything Biden has f’ed-up will have taken place in Trump’s second term.
Tritium ought to cover a multitude of modRNA sins.
August 25, 2023 at 2:26 pm #141930zerosum
ParticipantTry #3.
Since biblical times
Two ways to depopulate.
1.Make Killing Machines from 2. Food Producing Machines“They will beat their swords into plows and their spears into pruning knives.”
• US Barely Ahead Of Russia In Military Strength – Report (RT)The Global Firepower Index for 2023
the Global Firepower (GFP) website said in its 2023 rankings report, released this week.https: //www.globalfirepower. com/
GFP has been producing the annual report since 2006, ranking 145 countries around the world by “potential war-making capability across land, sea, and air fought by conventional means.” The in-house formula considers “manpower, equipment, natural resources, finances, and geography represented by 60+ individual factors” to arrive at an index, with zero being the theoretical perfect score.https: //www.globalfirepower. com/countries-listing.php
#1. https: //www.globalfirepower. com/country-military-strength-detail.php?country_id=united-states-of-america
#2. https: //www.globalfirepower. com/country-military-strength-detail.php?country_id=russia
Read … If its from “Sputnix”, it must be lies. /sac
Dummie’s Guide – “How to Implement Depopulation”
https: //
How Ukraine Lost Its Independence and Became West’s Hostage
“… Ukraine now one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in Europe (even before 2022), its economy almost entirely dependent on Western economic aid, and the nation facing an unprecedented demographic crisis ….”
Info distribution restricted by USA
If its from “TASS”, it must be lies. .
https ://
Putin recalled that “first, with the help of the Western countries, an unconstitutional coup d’etat was carried out in that country, and then a war was unleashed against those people who did not agree with that coup.”“This brutal war, a war of extermination, had lasted for eight years,” Putin emphasized.
the dems to finally admit that Trump won the 2020 election and can’t serve a third term.Heheheheh
———-August 25, 2023 at 2:28 pm #141931Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 25, 2023 at 2:46 pm #141932my parents said know
ParticipantAugust 25, 2023 at 2:54 pm #141933Noirette
ParticipantThe Duran, Alexander Mercouris, speculates about the reasons for the downing of the Prigogine plane. 45 mins (a bit wordy..)
My comments. It was certainly a bomb, I should be more precise, some element or event inside the plane. I watched those witness videos and images of the debris. It was not brought down by any kind of projectile(s) from the outside. (Like MH17.) I’m not a military person or a plane accident investigator but this seems really obvious.
Prigo. was the famous man on the plane, and one should always recall that victim 1 may not have been the one targetted. (Skripals might be an example, that is a looong story.)
In this case, imho the target was Prigo himself / the right-hand man with him / WAGNER as a whole. I agree w. AM that Putin-the R. Gvmt. are most certainly not responsible (timing, other possible actions, etc. See also Dr. D. above.)
AM throws the whole affair into Int’l politics, and mentions France as a possible actor. This is absolutely ludicrous, F have no real reason and in any case couldn’t accomplish it imho, and the CIA is roughly in the same position. From a US pov Wagner made trouble for Putin, became an opponent, shamed him in public, even tried ‘to overthrow him’ with a ‘mutiny / insurrection’, drove him to make public accusations of treason, showed that Putin did not control his military forces, etc. – one might even argue that CIA funding went *TO* Prigo…
Imho this was an internal R affair. It smelled to me of implacable hatred, and coldly calculated revenge implemented on Wagner. By on the ground ppl -> need the intelligence, be familiar, ordinary figures, exploit the gaps in security, etc.
Revenge for the death of some number of Russian Pilots and support staff, quote (wiki):
At least thirteen Russian military personnel were killed. (…) inferred the number to potentially be as high as 29, based on an estimation of the number of personnel needed to operate all of the reportedly destroyed equipment.> Russian milit. perso. that attacked Wagner, were killed in riposte. A case of Russians attacking Russians…Can’t be forgiven…
Just one story-line, my take… Imho it is a better fit as compared to blaming Putin or the CIA.
August 25, 2023 at 3:15 pm #141934Oroboros
ParticipantSo here is just a regular Ukrainian guy who got caught up in something much bigger than himself
He is now saved from the horrors because he is a Russian POW.
Pause a moment to listen to his short story
Doug MacGregor is now saying Ukro KIA is 400k and possibly 500k
The Empire of Lies lost 472k from all services all theaters in WWII
The Ukros are approaching that level of loss in one half of one country in half the time frame with a starting population of probably 32 million. The US had 140 million going into WWII
A simply man reports from the front
It’s worth a listen to get a feel for things on the ground, not the MediaWhore version.
August 25, 2023 at 3:18 pm #141935phoenixvoice
ParticipantDr D
Thus we discard our fathers, all their books and statues and “Listen to the children” like Greta (Now long an adult).I do not believe that Marx was “evil.” I do believe that he was flawed — that he was human. And, I do believe that his writings have been used to further tyrannical, evil causes. However, the ideas of many have been used to further tyrannical causes — including the contents of the Old and New Testaments. (Otherwise, the book Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend would never have been specifically directed towards Christians.).
In fact, it is in the New Testament that we are told “…and a little child shall lead them.” In the Old Testament: “Walk as children of light.” Joan of Arc was little more than a child, led armies, was killed for her convictions…and later made a Catholic saint.
Greta was a child. She feels deeply, and was raised to give honest voice to her convictions. Had she been raised in a different family, she might have been fighting against abortion every Friday. She has been used by the establishment to further their own goals. I pity her. I would not have permitted my child to be used thusly, but then, if Greta’s beliefs mirror those of her parents (which is likely,) then I can see how easily her parents could have been hoodwinked.
One of my sons is likely slightly autistic (never formally assessed.). His thinking is very black and white, and he looks to me and other trusted adults for confirmation and guidance. He is 17, so I find myself frequently endeavoring to chip away at the harsh divide in his mind between polar opposites, as I try to help him see the grays and “in betweens.”
Greta appears to be bright enough. Someday, when life throws her enough curveballs that don’t fit into her worldview, she will either learn to see the grays, or she will go somewhat mad. If she learns to see more broadly, it will be interesting to see how she acts at that point, whether fighting against those who formally upheld her, or compromising her core self, or something else.
August 25, 2023 at 5:00 pm #141936Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterI think people don’t get what is happening: if, as the opening article today, Double Jeopardy, says, you can’t sue a sitting president for acts perpetrated in office (only the Senate can) , it’s very doubtful that you could sue him for the same acts after he left that office. This is totally apart from guilt or any issue like that, it’s about the “word of the law”.
But people share Trump being indicted, and his mugshot being shared, as if that’s entirely normal. Really, it is not. There’s a reason Trump is the 1st president ever “mugshot”. “That’s the law doing its work”. Yes, but “the law” is no longer independent. It’s a political force.
A few weeks ago I asked if the US could have an election in 2024, in connection with these issues. Now, I wonder if it can have a country. Seriously. You can’t have one party locking up the no.1 candidate from the other party. You just can’t. It all stops there. It’s no longer about counting votes, we passed that point years ago.
August 25, 2023 at 5:35 pm #141937WES
ParticipantThe law is about lawfare.
The DoJ and FBI exist to enforce lawfare.August 25, 2023 at 6:00 pm #141938Dora
ParticipantAugust 25, 2023 at 6:11 pm #141939Dora
“Now, I wonder if it can have a country. Seriously. You can’t have one party locking up the no.1 candidate from the other party. You just can’t. It all stops there. ”You can if the country doing the locking up is a client state of a larger, more powerful country or entity, as we’ve seen in Africa and Latin America for years. But as you suggest, none of those countries are independent countries.
August 25, 2023 at 6:19 pm #141940Dr D Rich
ParticipantOh we get it RIM with regard to double jeopardy applied to President Trump. Most folk to their core are enamored by authority. Even on this website Celticbiker bent to your administration.
Other posters are okay with Marine driven posse comitatus on Maui.OTOH We got a journalism major installed as acting CNO….that is over the Navy. Lisa Franchetti, 59 years old and height impaired. I’m 61 years old, clearly her contemporary, and better at her than everything. Apparently one can aim low, strive not and win big prizes. Her Betters insist image matters but her’s doesn’t. Franchetti’s installment just about invalidates everything about the Naval Academy’s mission as there are no journalism or nursing majors in Annapolis. The latter, most might agree, IS one of many glaring deficiencies.
Apparently today the ONLY qualification for boss, commanding officer or CEO is “I want to control others”, the very definition of megalomania.
Perhaps that’s the intent.
August 25, 2023 at 6:25 pm #141941Dora
ParticipantIgor Chudov.
Elections Are Bad for Our Democracy, WEF and Bill Gates’ Senior Adviser Say‘The World Economic Forum has been on a tear lately! A recent article in the New York Times (paywall-free link) by a senior WEF agenda contributor, Adam Grant, a Wharton management expert and an adviser to Bill Gates, says, “Elections are Bad for Democracy.” ‘
Up is down. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. – George Orwell, “1984”
August 25, 2023 at 6:39 pm #141942my parents said know
ParticipantI love that picture of Trump, and I’m sure I am not alone.
When you think you have a tiger by the tail,
Be sure to have a plan when he turns ‘round.
Your tactic, otherwise, is sure to fail
And you’ll end up a chunky, bloody mound.August 25, 2023 at 6:52 pm #141943zerosum
ParticipantWhat is enough proof. Pure as the driven snow.
By Arthur Nkono
Luxurious Villa owned by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Family Discovered On Egyptian Coast
22nd August 2023Egyptian investigative journalist Mohammed Al-Alawi provided exclusive materials concerning the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. According to the documents, Zelenskyy’s family has acquired a luxury villa in “the city of millioners” El Gouna. According to investigation, Olga Kiyashko, whose name matches the name of Zelenskyy’s mother-in-law, owns a VIP estate worth $5 million. Political scientist Abdulrahman Alabbassy draws a conclusion that the president’s relative purchased the estate with the humanitarian aid funds allocated to Ukraine by the West to repel Russian military aggression.
August 25, 2023 at 6:54 pm #141944chooch
ParticipantThe official confirmation of Surovikin’s dismissal in Russian state media on the same day as Prigozhin’s death is curious as is the leadership of Wagner traveling together.
The Russian MoD, the Kremlin and Lukashenko (refused to finance Wagner when he discovered that Russia would not pay Wagner’s costs) had effectively created conditions in which Prigozhin could no longer adequately support the Wagner contingent unless he was able to secure new funding and missions for Wagner personnel in the immediate term.
Per Putin’s remarks, “He described Prigozhin as “a talented businessman” who worked in Russia as well as in Africa dealing with oil, gas, precious metals and gems.”
First statement from Russian President Vladimir Putin on the death of Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin.
"I knew Prigozhin for a long time…He had a difficult path and made serious mistakes in his life. But he got results for himself, and when I asked him."
Translation via…
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) August 24, 2023
What’s a banished warlord to do?
After the recent Russia-Africa summit held in St. Petersburg, Prigozhin’s comments were aired on the evening air of the Afrique Media TV channel:
“I believe that the forum was not only effective, but also extremely timely. Africa is a quarter of the planet. And this quarter of the planet knows that Russia is nearby, which effectively interacts with African countries, which is actually the opposite pole for those colonialists who for a long time kept Africa in complex economic and security relations.Russia today offers both economic relations and security exports, without which today Africa cannot exist, and African countries cannot develop.
What our president did, he did a very important thing, this is the second forum, and during this forum and, of course, at other meetings with most African leaders, personal trusting relationships have been built, for Africans this is extremely important – trust in one word.
Because, in my opinion, this forum, which, by the way, was attended by the leaders of a large number of countries, albeit not all, but almost all African countries, sent their representatives at this difficult time, a difficult time not for Russia, just, but for everything world, including for African countries, because many processes are changing rapidly. We see this in Mali, Niger, the Central African Republic and other countries that are becoming more and more independent today. Therefore, I believe that the forum went well and we should see the results from it in the near future.”
An article in the American National Interest by Wesley Alexander Hill, who is the lead analyst and director of the international program on energy, economic growth and security at the International Center for Taxation and Investment.
“Last week’s coup in Niger gives Russia a chance to increase its presence in the Sahel region.
Yevgeny Prigozhin seems to be preparing trouble in Africa. The leader of the Wagner group announced on 19 July that Wagner’s troops should prepare for combat operations in Africa. This is consistent with the earlier activities of the Wagner group…
Whether the recent upheaval in Niger presents new opportunities for Wagnerian infiltration or not, the event will have significant geo-economic and geo-strategic implications. Niger accounts for 5 percent of the world’s uranium production. Energy production in Europe also depends on Nigerian uranium. According to Oxfam, “In France, one in three light bulbs is powered by Nigerian uranium,” which is vital to Europe’s wider energy production. With the new government in Niamey announcing a complete closure of its borders for a while, European energy markets will feel pressure if regular exports do not resume within a few weeks.
If Russia continues to expand its influence in the Sahel, it will disrupt Western energy supplies, including uranium. The disruption of alternative energy supply chains is critical for Russia as it increases Europe’s dependence on Russian natural gas and oil.
The Wagner Group may have lost some of its presence on the Ukrainian battlefields, but that doesn’t mean they no longer contribute to the Russian war effort. As alienated as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prigozhin may be, the latter is still pushing the Kremlin’s grand strategy. Prigozhin called the conflict with the West “global”. For Wagner, this is undoubtedly so … ”
Per his telegram channel, he was focused on recruiting fighters to work in Africa and also inviting investors from Russia to put money into the CAR through Russian House, a cultural center in the African nation’s capital.
In the Central African Republic, the counting of votes following the results of the fateful Constitutional Referendum held on Sunday is coming to an end. According to the intermediate results, the vast majority of the country’s inhabitants confirmed their support for the policy of the incumbent President Faustin-Archange Touadéra and voted “for” the Constitution. The conditions for the referendum were prepared by PMC Wagner and the Russian humanitarian mission, a key element of which is the Russian House in Bangui.
Since 2017, fighters from PMC Wagner have been ensuring the security of the Central African Republic, and thanks to their presence, it was possible to turn the country destroyed by the ongoing civil war into a stable and secure Republic, aimed at building its own peaceful life and developing. Support for the policy of the president, the main decision of which is to invite PMC Wagner to help, the inhabitants of the country showed by voting in a referendum.
Guys, thank you very much. This is not the end, this is just the beginning of the biggest job in the world, which will be carried out very soon. And, well… [in English] “Welcome to hell!” Thank you, guys! That’s it, guys, good luck! Thank you! (D. Utkin)
Anyway, Putin wasn’t behind the hit.
August 25, 2023 at 7:33 pm #141945my parents said know
ParticipantOrange man mad.
August 25, 2023 at 9:11 pm #141946Oroboros
ParticipantThe Duran
Jeffery Sachs just said that the dollar will dramatically diminish in the next couple years.
He said the people who are saying it will take a decade or so are flat out wrong.
The BRICS are rapidly devising payment mechanisms that will cut the dollar out of a massive amount of world trade in a couple of years.
The BRICS mechanism is NOT a currency, it’s simply a way to trade/swapping host nation currency against another host nation currency.
He said it’s not rocket science, and it is happening now and will dramatically accelerate this year into next
He’s quite emphatic about it, the dollar trade business using US banks is over
And the Empire of Lies shot themselves in the foot by weaponizing the dollar until most nations don’t want them to freeze or confiscate reserves based on political factors.
August 25, 2023 at 9:40 pm #141947Oroboros
ParticipantWhat says the smell of Victory better than a Burning Bradley?
A Burning Stryker
Russia destroys an American Armored Personnel Carrier “Stryker” in the Raboteno Front Line Area
Crap equipment made by Empire of Lies Military Industrial Mafia Thugs
Profit before performance is a way of life at Raytheon/Lockheed
August 25, 2023 at 10:13 pm #141948Oroboros
ParticipantJeffery Sachs said another interesting observation
He said GDP is a crap measurement for the health of a country.
The real measurement of the health of a country is LIFE EXPECTANCY
And that life expectancy in the Empire of Lies has been DROPPING for the last 10 years.
That he said is a real indicator of an economy’s direction
Duh’merican’s life expectancy is dropping
We’re the Greatest at Everything, especially plummeting life expectancy.
this chart doesn’t even include the latest kill rate from the Vax which they are desperately trying to suppress from the stats
August 25, 2023 at 10:54 pm #141949Oroboros
ParticipantLife Expectancy in Japan is 84.95 an going up
Switzerland is 84.38
Lebanon is 76
August 25, 2023 at 11:05 pm #141950Oroboros
ParticipantDuh’merica has a clusterfuck ‘healthcare’ system
Duh’merica has a clusterfuck general diet and ‘food’ system
Duh’merica has a clusterfuck mental health environment, highest consumption of anti-depression drugs
Duh’merica has a clusterfuck ‘entertainment culture’ system
Duh’merica has a dropping life expectancy.
Not rocket surgery to figure out
August 25, 2023 at 11:07 pm #141951Oroboros
ParticipantAugust 25, 2023 at 11:12 pm #141952Oroboros
ParticipantBasic survival skills
Jump start a friends car
Not rocket surgery
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