Debt Rattle August 3 2019


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    Dorothea Lange Migrant Father June 1938   • Russian Assets In America: A Field Guide (RT) • Majority of House Democrats Favor Starting Impeachmen
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle August 3 2019]

    V. Arnold

    Dorothea Lange Migrant Father June 1938

    One I haven’t seen before; like most (if not all) that make a specific statement; those children; what choices did they have?
    What was life for them? Their father; what was/were his choices? Did he have any?
    I think yes; even if not obvious..
    I think that was an America that could; find ways; find the smallest possibilities and act.
    An America that no longer exists; because it’s people of the depression no longer exist………….

    V. Arnold

    But of course Huxley was correct; we’re there…
    What more needs to be said?
    It’s all there for those who care…
    But, we don’t…care…
    We just want to cocoon………………


    Before the web, I though that I was unique.
    Now, with the web, I discover that there are other people who think like me.
    Now, I realize that others have thought of the same thing as me and before me.

    I’m not that smart.

    I’m not that informed.

    Dr. D

    “A majority of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives now favor launching impeachment”

    That’s odd, since they just voted last week and Impeachment was routed 3:1 against. Probably the same sort of reporting as the Leningrad Lindsey, i.e., completely made up, opposite, and false.

    How about: just like the GOP and Obamacare repeal before them, now that they’re all quite sure they will never have to stand up for it, they all can be quietly for impeachment optics back home, while never facing the real consequences, like a business and currency crash, or, say, evidence. Personally, I think Trump dreams of being impeached and wishes it most devoutly. He would them turn off the NYSE-rigging machines, drop the currency, reset the economy, roll up the Fed back into the Treasury, and blame the Democrats for all the inevitable problems 100 years of mismanagement have left him.

    “Democrats opposing impeachment say the best way to remove Trump is by defeating him in 2020,”

    Pelosi is exactly right in this, first because of the time, second because of the risk. If the American people don’t want him removed, — and despite the press, very few care — then would your impeaching him – even for a real crime, one you can’t yet name – help your cause/party? No, you’d be the party that removed him to SPITE the American voters. So get a platform and vote him out! If he’s so awful, should be easy.

    “Mueller described in detail the extensive contact Trump’s team had with Russia”

    I must have missed this part. I saw his contact with Mifsud, a CIA/FBI agent, with a couple sting operations, and with agents of DNC-hired GPS fusion. The one thing I did NOT see in the report was contact with Russia. So much so, when he was unexpectedly elected, the Russians didn’t know how to contact him. Well, at least Taibbi knows how to read.

    “Unless you’re a hedge fund manager or a holiday lettings firm in Cornwall, a weak pound is a disaster.”

    That’s the opposite of what I’ve always been told, that’s why there’s a determined +2% inflation rate that will erase half my savings in 50 years. And somehow it’s bad for BOTH importers AND exporters? Okay, well, gold standard for you, I guess, only then will the Pound not go up OR down, and be properly strong.

    Look, make you case, tell lies, I don’t care, just please have your lies make sense, will you?

    “ Pentagon Testing Mass Surveillance Balloons Across The US (G.)”

    What was that about Posse comitatus at the border, against non-citizens, virtually the ONLY legal use of the military? (no one has seen self-“Defense” of the nation in so long they’ve entirely forgotten what a military does. The think it’s the OPPOSITE.) And yet when it is used against the citizens, in violation of BOTH posse, AND the 4A, silence. This after 100 continuous years of doing the same thing, just a little further each day? Well how surprised. Never saw that coming. And from Trump & co? No comment. Probably applause.

    Ah, Huxley v Orwell, and we got the best of both worlds.


    “I can’t seem to figure out on what specific grounds though.”
    “The Court held that government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is “directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.””


    It hasn’t worked… so, do more of it!

    This seems to be THE oxymoronic Zioglobalist m.o. But only if you assume good will on the part of those currently empowered. The reality is, as usual these days, 180 degrees from the apparent. Antiempiricism is a good thing when your goal is accelerated misery and chaos for those who lack the will and power to anoint themselves as supermensch to bask in wealth and power without sweat. Time to raze the Temple (again).


    Now, I realize that others have thought of the same thing as me and before me.

    I used to think when I was younger that coming up with a significant TRUE idea that was NEW would the the single most important thing that would give my life meaning. Now in my mid-70s, I have given up hope that this will ever happen.

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