Feb 102024
 February 10, 2024  Posted by at 9:45 am Finance Tagged with: , , , , , , ,

Edward Hopper Christmas card 1928


Eventful Events (James Howard Kunstler)
Biden’s Angry Press Conference Made Hur’s Memory Report Infinitely Worse (Sp.)
Putin Interview May Help Stop West From Committing Suicide – Scott Ritter (Sp.)
Tucker-Putin Interview to Erode Funding Crusade for US in Ukraine (Sp.)
Putin Interview Helps Americans Understand Ukraine Conflict – Kwiatkowski (Sp.)
The Biden-Schumer Plan to Kill More Ukrainians (Jeffrey Sachs)
Ukraine’s Top General Fired For Disobeying US – Politico (RT)
Nuland Told Zelensky Not To Fire Top General – The Times (RT)
Ukraine’s New Commander-in-chief Is An Unpopular ‘Butcher’ – Politico (RT)
General Syrsky, Hero of Kiev or Butcher of Bakhmut? (Sp.)
Houthis Say All Warships Must Leave Red Sea (Sp.)
Any Gaza Deal Could Break Netanyahu’s Coalition (Harb)
German Foreign Minister’s Grandfather Was ‘Ardent Nazi’ – Bild (RT)
The “Unassailable” Theory Faces a Potential Unanimous Rejection (Turley)
Biden’s Eulogy Will Be ‘Journalism RIP’. How He Destroyed the 4th Estate (Jay)



















RFK Biden








“Mr. Biden’s charade of running for reelection must come to an end. What will the Democratic party do about that?”

Eventful Events (James Howard Kunstler)

This Friday morning, the USA is fraught with events unspooling. As I write, with dawn just breaking, there is almost zero opinion yet formed about these troubling matters on the vast Internet — but it will probably come in hot-and-heavy as the day ticks on. If Mr. Biden is truly mentally incompetent, as established more-or-less legally by Special Counsel Hur, then there is the obvious remedy of the 25th amendment — removal of a president for reason of disability. A debate over this would seem unavoidable now. The question also implies that Mr. Biden’s charade of running for reelection must come to an end. What will the Democratic party do about that?

A not inconsiderable part of our Ukraine problem has been that our chief executive was for years engaged in bribery and money-laundering misadventures there, for which there is abundant and powerful evidence, meaning he may have had very personal interests in keeping that country disordered — and sending billions of dollars there, some of it surely embezzled among the Zelensky government. You’d have to also be aware that the bag-man in those operations, the President’s son, Hunter, might well have misbehaved with drugs and prostitutes on his many trips to Ukraine as a board member of Burisma. Hunter’s self-compiled archive of round-the-world drug-fueled porn recordings on the laptop that (the FBI confirmed recently) was unquestionably his own, suggests that the Ukraine authorities may have their own recordings of him behaving similarly, or worse, and are using them to blackmail “President Joe Biden.”

We will also learn the judgment, probably with remarkable dispatch, of the Supreme Court in the matter of Colorado kicking Donald Trump off the election ballot. Meanwhile, the case against Mr. Trump in Fulton County, Georgia, is falling apart in DA Fani Willis’s pathetically comical scandal, now with a new “love nest” twist (paid for with public money). And Judge Engoron and AG Letitia James might be weighing the fates of their reputations in the shabbily-conducted and bogus real estate valuation fraud case against Mr. Trump, which will eventually be vivisected at some level of appeal. The old saying remains powerful: There are decades when nothing happens, and weeks when decades happen.

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“If Obama came out and said, ‘I’ve had enough. I’ve seen enough. This has to stop,’ then maybe.”

Biden’s Angry Press Conference Made Hur’s Memory Report Infinitely Worse (Sp.)

Biden’s press conference was held in response to the report issued by special counsel Robert Hur concluding that the President should not be charged for his handling of classified documents during and after his time as Vice President. Among the reasons Hur decided against prosecution was that he felt Biden’s defense would present him as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” noting that during their interview the President’s memory was “significantly limited” and that “He did not remember when he was vice president.” The report quoted the President in a conversation that was recorded asking “If it was 2013 – when did I stop being Vice President?” and “In 2009, am I still Vice President?.It also notes that he couldn’t remember “even within several years” when his son Beau Biden died. During the press conference, Biden slammed the report for containing “extraneous commentary” that has “no place in this report.”


However, moments earlier he stopped midway through a sentence explaining where his deceased son got a rosary for him. “I wear, since the day he died, every single day, the rosary he got from our Lady of–” he said before abruptly pausing for a few seconds and then changing the subject to an annual Memorial Day service he and his family holds for Beau Biden. Biden also snapped at reporters, when one asked him how bad his memory was, Biden shot back “My memory is so bad, I let you speak.” The decision to hold a press conference was motivated by anger, Martin argued, “He couldn’t control it because he was so angry […] he made it infinitely worse.” While Martin disagreed with co-hosts Ted Rall and Angie Wong that Biden may step down or be removed from office due to the report and subsequent press conference, he agreed that it may cause him to drop his bid for reelection. “I don’t see how he runs for reelection. He may stay in office to the end, but now there’s a real specific case to try to say, ‘It’s over, Joe.’ But I don’t think he thinks it is. I don’t think his wife [thinks it is.]”

Wong asked if the 25th Amendment, which allows a President’s cabinet to remove the President from power if he or she is incapacitated, could be invoked in Biden’s case. Martin said he does not believe it will happen but that Democrats know how bad it looks “I do think Democrats believe that they’re in big trouble because of this, but I don’t know the path [to removal,]” he speculated. “Both parties[…] set up a system where the President is so darn powerful […] if he doesn’t step away, and I don’t think he will, I think he is going to stay there.” Martin later added that it is a “tragedy” that his family is allowing him to continue on in his current state. When pressed, Martin did come up with one scenario that Democrats could use to convince Biden to drop out of the race: his former boss.

“If Obama came out and said, ‘I’ve had enough. I’ve seen enough. This has to stop,’ then maybe. But I can’t imagine Obama doing that. [Or] maybe I can, I don’t know. That might be the Hail Mary.”Martin also speculated that the Democratic convention could be a place to make the change. “The Democrats [could] go in and say ‘You know what? We don’t have a path forward here.’ But they’re out of time.” Martin argued. “Any move they make will look desperate, and part of the problem will be, [Biden] didn’t get this way yesterday, he’s been this way for […] two years or three years. How could you do this to this country? And I think that’s how voters will feel.”


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“Tucker Carlson opened a door into modern day Russia, opened a door into the personality of Vladimir Putin, opened a door into the history of Russia, opened a door into the Russian soul..”

Putin Interview May Help Stop West From Committing Suicide – Scott Ritter (Sp.)

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin has gone viral almost immediately after being posted online on February 8, having been viewed over 50 million times on social media platform X alone mere hours after the upload. The interview in question turned out to be a “very much a tour de force” where Putin introduced American audience “to the nuances of Russian history” and “into the complexities of the Russian soul,” said former US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter. “This really isn’t about the content, although there is some interesting information that came out. This is about the process. Tucker Carlson opened a door into modern day Russia, opened a door into the personality of Vladimir Putin, opened a door into the history of Russia, opened a door into the Russian soul,” he said. According to Ritter, during the course of the interview Putin, metaphorically speaking, “helped create a map” that can guide viewers “through the complexities of what makes Russia tick”

While it remains to be seen “how many millions of people” will watch Putin’s interview, Ritter argued that it is “one of the most important interviews of the modern era” because it “has the ability to stop the West and Russia from going to war, to stop the West from committing suicide. “All of the answers to all of the problems that face Russia and the West today were laid out by the Russian president. There’s no hidden agenda. There’s no, you know, secret code that has to be known,” he explained. “You just have to know Russia. You have to understand what makes Russia tick. You have to understand the thinking behind the Russian president’s decisions, the motives behind Russia. You have to understand Russia.” Though it appears unlikely that Carlson “understood Russia” when he set off to take this interview, he “knows that he was given a toolbox complete with tools, and now he has to go out and finish the job,” Ritter added.

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“..they really bring a different historical perspective to life that is very different from what Americans do. Americans don’t remember much.”

Tucker-Putin Interview to Erode Funding Crusade for US in Ukraine (Sp.)

American journalist Tucker Carlson has come under a barrage of verbal attacks and denunciation from the Washington elite for interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin. Among those going into meltdown mode and vilifying the renowned ex-Fox News host, were the US mainstream media, Team Biden officials and disgruntled, two-time failed presidential contender Hillary Clinton who branded him as a “useful idiot”, claiming that everything that Putin would say would be a “pack of lies”. Meanwhile, millions took to Twitter and Carlson’s website to watch the history-making interview. “The media freak out,” Larry Johnson, a retired CIA intelligence officer, told Sputnik. “The media has been losing credibility with each passing week. They are seen as dishonest and propagandists. So, what they think is really of little importance, I don’t see a groundswell developing to try to attack Tucker. The irony is, if you take the Fox News Network and MSNBC and CNN combined, Tucker has more viewers, more people following him, than those networks do. They’re just jealous.”

“Tonight, Fox News Network and CNN and MSNBC combined may have had a total of 8 million viewers. Tucker is already three times the size of whatever they saw. Now he also has a global audience, but, you know, this thing is going to spread. I would anticipate that before this is done, well over 100 million people, maybe 200 million, will have watched it worldwide,” he predicted. The now-retired CIA official believes that Putin’s interview could end up eroding support for the Kiev regime among American conservatives and make it even more difficult for US lawmakers to funnel billions into Washington’s Ukraine proxy conflict. While speaking to Carlson, Putin briefly recounted Russia’s history to illustrate the strong cultural, religious, and ethnic bonds shared between Russians and Ukrainians.

The Russian president shed light on the post-Cold War period and US schemes to pull Ukraine away from Russia’s fold by promising to admit it into NATO and later fomenting a coup in 2014 with the active participation of neo-Nazi paramilitary groups which soon morphed into an eight-year war by the Kiev regime against Donbass. Putin underscored that Russia did not start the Ukraine conflict in 2022 but moved to end the Kiev regime’s war against its own people. “Putin believes, as I do, that history helps shape the present,” Johnson explained. “And if you don’t understand where you’ve been, you’ll have a tough time to understand where you’re going. And so understanding the history that’s inherent in all of this and particularly people in Russia, in the Caucasus, down into the Middle East, they really bring a different historical perspective to life that is very different from what Americans do. Americans don’t remember much.”

If Americans want to comprehend why Russia rushed to the rescue of Donbass in 2022 and declared the denazification of Ukraine to be one of its key goals, they must remember that the wounds of WW2 that are still fresh in Russia, the ex-CIA official stressed. “Whereas, as you see today, with respect to the Russian people remembering the Great Patriotic War [WW2], they remember,” Johnson noted. “They carry pictures. So it’s still fresh. And the damage inflicted upon the Russian people by the Germans, the Nazis, is something they have not forgotten and won’t easily forget. So I think that’s part of why Putin goes back to history, to drive home the point that Russians have a different timeline, different perspective from Americans. And it’s important for Americans to understand that.”

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“Because it is an election year, and Biden is standing for re-election, his backers in the administrative state are very afraid of any presentation of ‘a loss’ in Ukraine..”

Putin Interview Helps Americans Understand Ukraine Conflict – Kwiatkowski (Sp.)

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin has shed light on the causes of the Ukrainian conflict which is “in many ways not normal” given Ukraine’s deep historic, cultural and ethnic ties to Russia, as per retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, a former analyst for the US Department of Defense. Putin’s historic remarks have clearly shown to what extent the West meddled in Ukrainian affairs after the collapse of the USSR, fanned nationalist sentiment in the Eastern European state and eventually fomented a coup d’etat in 2014 which was completely unnecessary given that the legitimate Ukrainian leadership at the time sat down with the opposition and was ready to hold snap elections.Per Kwiatkowski, this interview actually helps drive home the message that the US arming of the Kiev regime and prolonging of the Ukraine conflict must be stopped, because it is unpopular, unaffordable and destroys the Eastern European country.

“Most public opinion here opposes sending money to Kiev,” the former Pentagon analyst pointed out. “Because it is an election year, and Biden is standing for re-election, his backers in the administrative state are very afraid of any presentation of ‘a loss’ in Ukraine. Hearing directly from President Putin and via his many incisive soundbites that will be replayed and discussed later for wider audiences will help Americans, although not the Biden administration. It will help the discussion that goes on in the US, and also Europe.”She noted that “members of Congress, especially Republicans, will be watching this in order to see how it may inform them as to how this conflict is going, and what it is about.” Most recently, the Senate voted to begin debate on a $95 billion aid package to fund Ukraine, Israel and other US allies.

However, the US mainstream press admitted that the bill faces an “uphill battle” given that the debate will begin just days before the Senate’s two-week recess and just a few weeks before government shutdown deadlines in March. The legislation is a variant of the $118 billion bill earlier blocked by Republican senators and stripped of its border provisions. Previously, House Speaker Mike Johnson made it clear that the “compromise” bipartisan bill will be dead on arrival in the lower chamber. He and other conservative Republicans also signaled that the foreign aid package should not be rammed through the US Congress until measures to tackle the US border crisis are adopted.

Putin touched on US domestic issues during his interview with Carlson, explaining “what many people here also know, and that is the damage we are doing to our US dollar, and our own ability to be a strong, healthy, economically productive economy,” said Kwiatkowski. The US’ deeper engagement in its proxy war in Ukraine is fraught with a risk of a direct conflict with Russia. When asked about the prospect of NATO-Russia war, Putin said: “If someone has the desire to send in American troops that would certainly bring humanity to the brink of a very serious global conflict… This conflict is taking place thousands of kilometers away from your national territory! Don’t you have anything better to do?” Kwiatkowski believes this message will resonate in the United States.

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“The 2014 Ukraine team, including Biden, Nuland, Jake Sullivan (then and now Biden’s national security advisor), Geoffrey Pyatt, and Antony Blinken (then the deputy national security advisor), remains the Ukraine team today. It is a team of bunglers..”

The Biden-Schumer Plan to Kill More Ukrainians (Jeffrey Sachs)

President Joe Biden is refusing to fold a losing hand as he bets with Ukrainian lives and U.S. taxpayer money. Biden and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer propose to squander the lives of tens of thousands more Ukrainians and $61 billions of federal funds to keep Biden’s disastrous foreign policy failure hidden from view until after the November election. The $61 billion will make no difference on the battlefield except to prolong the war, the tens of thousands of deaths, and the physical destruction of Ukraine. It will not “save” Ukraine. Ukraine’s security can only be achieved at the negotiating table, not by some fantasized military triumph over Russia. $61 billion is not nothing. This worse-than-useless outlay would exceed the combined budgets of the U.S. Department of Labor, Environmental Protection Agency, National Science Foundation, and the Women, Infant, and Children nutrition program.

Almost exactly 10 years ago this month, Biden did much to put Ukraine on the path to disaster. This is well known to those who have looked carefully at the facts but is kept hidden from view by the White House, the Senate Democrats, and the mainstream media that back Biden. I have previously provided a detailed chronology, with hyperlinks, here. Ukraine’s security can only be achieved at the negotiating table, not by some fantasized military triumph over Russia.In 1990, President George H. W. Bush, Sr. and his German counterpart Chancellor Helmut Kohl promised Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not expand eastward if the Soviet Union accepted German reunification. When the Soviet Union disbanded in December 1991, with Russia as the successor state, American leaders decided to renege.

President Bill Clinton began NATO expansion over the vociferous opposition of top diplomats like George Kennan and the opposition of his own Secretary of Defense, William Perry. In 1997 Zbigniew Brzezinski upped the ante, with a plan for NATO to expand all the way to Ukraine. He famously wrote that without Ukraine, Russia would cease to be a great power. Russian leaders have repeatedly made clear that NATO expansion to Ukraine is understandably the reddest of Russian redlines. In 2007, President Vladmir Putin stated that NATO enlargement to that date was a cheat on the 1990 promise, and that it must go no further. Despite these clear warnings, including by his own diplomats, George W. Bush Jr. committed in 2008 to expand NATO to Ukraine and Georgia in order to surround Russia in the Black Sea.William Burns, now CIA director, and then the U.S. Ambassador to Russia, wrote a famous memo entitled “Nyet means Nyet,” explaining that Russia’s opposition to NATO enlargement was across Russia’s political spectrum.

Most Ukrainians themselves were also firmly against the plan, favoring neutrality over NATO membership. The Ukrainian Rada declared Ukraine’s state sovereignty in 1990 on the basis of becoming “a permanently neutral state.” In 2009, the people of Ukraine elected Viktor Yanukovych, who ran on a platform of neutrality.In early 2014, the U.S. decided to help bring down Yanukovych in a coup. This was standard U.S. deep-state operating procedure, one used on dozens of occasions around the world. The CIA, National Endowment for Democracy, USAID, and NGOs like the Open Society Foundation went to work in Ukraine. The point person was Victoria Nuland, who was first Richard Cheney’s principal deputy foreign policy advisor, then George Bush Jr.’s ambassador to NATO, then Hillary Clinton’s spokesperson, and by 2014 Assistant Secretary of State.

This time, the Russians caught the conspiracy on tape, in an intercepted call between Nuland and U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt (now Assistant Secretary of State). Nuland explains to Pyatt that Vice President Joe Biden will help choose and cement the post-coup government. The 2014 Ukraine team, including Biden, Nuland, Jake Sullivan (then and now Biden’s national security advisor), Geoffrey Pyatt, and Antony Blinken (then the deputy national security advisor), remains the Ukraine team today. It is a team of bunglers. They thought that Yanukovych’s overthrow would quickly usher in NATO expansion. Instead, ethnic Russians in Ukraine virulently rejected the Russophobic post-coup government that was installed by Nuland, and called for autonomy of the ethnically Russian regions. In a referendum, Crimea voted overwhelmingly to join Russia.

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“..Syrsky, who is widely unpopular in the military, is reportedly seen as politically safe as he is an ethnic Russian with no political ambitions..”

Ukraine’s Top General Fired For Disobeying US – Politico (RT)

General Valery Zaluzhny was dismissed as the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces partly because he had clashed with the Pentagon about how to conduct the counteroffensive against Russia last summer, Politico EU reported on Friday. President Vladimir Zelensky sacked Zaluzhny on Thursday, even as the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) warned this might trigger riots or a mutiny. General Aleksandr Syrsky has since been announced as Zaluzhny’s replacement. Officially, the US has neither supported nor opposed Zaluzhny’s firing, with National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan telling the media last weekend that “we’re just not going to get embroiled in that particular decision.” Unofficially, Zaluzhny was blamed for the Ukrainian disagreements with the Pentagon during the 2023 counteroffensive, a source who has “advised the White House on military matters” told Politico.

British and American generals helped plan and wargame Ukraine’s big offensive push to the Azov Sea, but Zaluzhny “tossed aside” the plan after just four days of brutal fighting and opted for tactics the Ukrainians were more familiar with, according to a Washington Post postmortem published in December. The anonymous adviser told Politico that the Ukrainians “just weren’t interested in US advice, and they generally concluded that we have nothing to offer them advice-wise,” noting that many of the Pentagon’s suggestions ended up “tone-deaf” as the Americans had no experience in this kind of warfare.

While Zaluzhny bore the brunt of the blame for this, the US “kept yelling at the wrong person,” Politico’s source claimed, because he was “hamstrung by Zelensky” and the president had the final say on military matters. The much-heralded offensive resulted in “staggering manpower losses,” according to Politico, while failing to achieve any of its objectives. Since then, disagreements between Zelensky and Zaluzhny have gone public. The leader also suspected the general of wanting to run for president, to the point where his sacking was seen as a political necessity, one Ukrainian analyst told the outlet. Syrsky, who is widely unpopular in the military, is reportedly seen as politically safe as he is an ethnic Russian with no political ambitions.

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“Nuland flew there for a good reason, apparently to sort things out and clear up this conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny and to find out what is really happening and how it might all end..”

Nuland Told Zelensky Not To Fire Top General – The Times (RT)

US Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland was unhappy with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s plan to fire General Valery Zaluzhny and offered to “smooth over” the differences between the two, The Times reported on Friday. Zelensky fired Zaluzhny as commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces on Thursday. Nuland was in Kiev at the end of January, as rumors of Zaluzhny’s impending dismissal began to gain traction. In a meeting with the US ambassador to Kiev, Bridget Brink, and Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov, she supposedly offered to help bridge the gap between the president and his top military leader. Citing a source privy to the meeting, The Times reported that Nuland was “unhappy to see Zaluzhny go” and offered to “smooth over misunderstandings.”

Umerov reportedly told Nuland that Zaluzhny had “reacted with skepticism” to Zelensky’s public statements and direct orders, going so far as to negotiate directly with Western countries about weapons deliveries behind the Defense Ministry’s back. Zelensky was unhappy that the general would not provide any plans for his 2024 military campaigns, Umerov is said to have told Nuland. Russia’s chief delegate to the military security and arms control talks in Vienna, Konstantin Gavrilov, had identified the Zaluzhny affair as the reason for Nuland’s visit long before the Times. “Nuland flew there for a good reason, apparently to sort things out and clear up this conflict between Zelensky and Zaluzhny and to find out what is really happening and how it might all end,” Gavrilov told the Rossiya-24 TV channel on February 1. He also predicted that a reconciliation is “unlikely” because things between the two have “gone too far.”

Officially, the US has neither supported nor opposed Zaluzhny’s replacement. Within days of Nuland’s visit, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told American media that “we’re just not going to get embroiled in that particular decision.” Currently the acting deputy to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Nuland was previously in charge of European and Eurasian affairs at the State Department. In December 2013, she visited Ukraine to hand out pastries to the armed protesters in Kiev’s central square. She was then taped discussing how to “midwife this thing” just days before the February 2014 coup that overthrew the elected Ukrainian government and triggered a conflict with Russia over Crimea and Donbass.

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“In a group chat of Bakhmut/Artyomovsk veterans, one soldier wrote “we’re all f**ked” upon learning of Syrsky’s appointment..”

Ukraine’s New Commander-in-chief Is An Unpopular ‘Butcher’ – Politico (RT)

Ukraine’s new armed forces chief, General Aleksandr Syrsky, is deeply unpopular among the rank and file of the Ukrainian military, who view him as a “butcher” willing to sacrifice waves of troops, Politico reported on Thursday. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky named Syrsky as the new head of the armed forces on Thursday, after firing General Valery Zaluzhny from the post. The switch had been the subject of media rumors for several weeks, and Zelensky hinted in an interview last week that it would form part of a wider “reset” of the country’s military and civilian leadership. Syrsky is a controversial choice, best known for “leading forces into a meat grinder in Bakhmut [called Artyomovsk in Russia], sending wave after wave of troops to face opposition fire,” Politico said.

The unsuccessful defense of Artyomovsk/Bakhmut last year cost Ukraine dearly, and earned Syrsky the nickname ‘butcher’, an anonymous source within the Ukrainian military told the news site. A captain told the outlet that Syrsky’s appointment is a “very bad decision,” adding that soldiers refer to him as ‘General200’, a nickname that Politico said refers to 200 of his men dying, but could also refer to ‘Cargo 200’, a Soviet and Russian military code used to describe corpses being removed from the battlefield. “General Syrsky’s leadership is bankrupt, his presence or orders coming from his name are demoralizing, and he undermines trust in the command in general,” an anonymous Ukrainian military officer and frontline intelligence analyst posted on X. “His relentless pursuit of tactical gains constantly depletes our valuable human resources, resulting in tactical advances such as capturing tree lines or small villages, with no operational goals in mind.”

“This approach creates a never-ending cycle of fruitless assaults that drain personnel,” the officer said. In a group chat of Bakhmut/Artyomovsk veterans, one soldier wrote “we’re all f**ked” upon learning of Syrsky’s appointment, Politico stated. Syrsky takes over command of a depleted military, with Kiev having lost more than 383,000 men since the hostilities started in February 2022, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Prior to his dismissal, Zaluzhny warned Zelensky that a rapid improvement in Ukraine’s position on the battlefield was unlikely, regardless of who took his place, the Washington Post reported last week. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Friday that Russia’s campaign against Ukraine will not be affected by Syrsky’s appointment, and that Moscow will continue until its objectives are achieved.

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“After we withdrew the troops from Kiev, as we promised to do, the Kiev authorities, as their masters usually do, threw [the peace deal] in the dustbin of history..”

General Syrsky, Hero of Kiev or Butcher of Bakhmut? (Sp.)

The mainstream media have spent the better part of a day pumping up newly appointed Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrsky as a modern-day von Clausewitz, hailing him as the commander almost singlehandedly responsible for the defense of Kiev during the first weeks of the conflict with Russia. Here’s what such reports are hiding. The recent decision by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to oust his top general and to replace him with Ground Forces commander Oleksandr Syrsky sent shockwaves throughout the media establishments of Kiev’s NATO patrons. Legacy outlets’ reactions included fears that the political leadership in Kiev may have undermined confidence among the military by swapping General Valery Zaluzhny with Syrsky, and concerns that President Zelensky’s new pet general may not be able to “resist political interference in operational matters.”

Other outlets attempted a positive spin on things, pumping up Syrsky’s ego as a brilliant strategist, with Bloomberg pointing to his supposed key role in the defense of Kiev “against all odds” at the start of Russia’s military operation in 2022, and Business Insider hailing his command as a “shocking upset that surprised many who assumed the capital would fall quickly.” AFP went so far as to suggest that it was Syrsky who scuppered “the Kremlin’s” purported “plans to bring the country to its knees within days.” President Zelensky awarded Syrsky the “Hero of Ukraine” title for the operation. In reality, as many of these same outlets have previously admitted, Russia’s withdrawal of troops from areas around the Ukrainian capital at the start of the conflict was politically motivated.

Specifically, it was based on the expectation that the “gesture of goodwill,” as Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called it, would help end the crisis before it escalated into a bloody, full-scale proxy war in the heart of Europe. Syrsky had nothing to do with it. Russia began withdrawing troops from Kiev region on March 29, 2022. The same day, peace talks resumed in Istanbul, Turkiye. Ahead of the negotiations, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkiye confirmed that Russian and Ukrainian negotiators were close to reaching a deal, with Kiev accepting neutrality and non-bloc status. But after Russian troops were gone and Syrsky’s forces came in to replace them without a shot being fired, Zelensky immediately went back on his word and scuppered talks.

“After we withdrew the troops from Kiev, as we promised to do, the Kiev authorities, as their masters usually do, threw [the peace deal] in the dustbin of history,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with African leaders last June, holding up the text of an agreement with Kiev which included “permanent neutrality” enshrined in Ukraine’s constitution, security guarantees, and even details on the size of its standing army in peacetime. In his bombshell interview with Tucker Carlson on Thursday, President Putin reiterated that Russia made the decision to bull back from the Ukrainian capital in the expectation that it would result in a peace deal. “My counterparts in France, in Germany, said ‘how can you imagine them signing a treaty with a gun to their heads? The troops should be pulled back from Kiev.’ I said, ‘alright.’ We withdrew the troops from Kiev.

As soon as we did so, our Ukrainian negotiators almost immediately threw all our agreements reached in Istanbul into the bin and prepared for a long-running armed confrontation with the help of the United States and its satellites in Europe,” Putin recalled. In other words, far from saving Kiev “against all odds” during the chaotic first week’s of Russia’s special military operation, Syrsky “won” his first major battle in NATO’s proxy conflict against Russia exclusively due to geopolitical considerations, and specifically to Moscow’s peacemaking efforts. Syrsky’s fortunes would continue along the same vein through the autumn of 2022, when, during an operational regrouping of Russian forces to concentrate troops along a smaller front as additional troops were called up during Russia’s partial mobilization, the commander was hailed, again without any particular skilled maneuvers on his part, for the so-called “Kharkov counteroffensive,” which saw Ukrainian forces reoccupying much of the region with almost no resistance as Russian forces pulled back.

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“..the goal being to force all foreigners out of the region ..”

A major change. So far they have only targeted ships linked to Israel.

Houthis Say All Warships Must Leave Red Sea (Sp.)

The Houthis will continue to fire on Western warships operating in the Red Sea, with the goal being to force all foreigners out of the region, Yemeni Supreme Political Council member Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has announced. “Our message is that just as the British warship has left the region for overhaul, the other warships will likewise leave the region…All [foreign] warships must leave the Red Sea, stop their attacks on Yemen, and end their blockade of the country,” al-Houthi said Thursday, in the wake of reports that the HMS Diamond guided missile destroyer would be “temporarily” pulled out of the Red Sea for refit following repeated attacks by the militia. Houthi-affiliated media released footage earlier in the week showing what appeared to be a cruise missile appearing to strike a warship, later said to be the HMS Diamond, and setting it ablaze.

Britain’s Ministry of Defense did not comment on the footage, but did confirm Tuesday that the Royal Navy’s HMS Richmond frigate would be taking the HMS Diamond’s place to continue “to ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea” as the latter is taken out of service for refit. “HMS Diamond joined Operation Prosperity Guardian…in December and has maintained a near constant presence in a ‘high threat area’ of the Red Sea,” the MoD said in a statement. “The destroyer came under fire in three separate attacks by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, successfully destroying nine drones using her world-class Sea Viper missile system and guns,” the ministry added. The warship is now expected to “undergo a period of maintenance and resupply as HMS Richmond takes over her important mission,” the MoD said. “The situation in the region is fraught, and ships in the force are firing on a daily basis – we hand over the baton with our best wishes to the fantastic team in Richmond who we know will do a great job,” HMS Diamond Commander Peter Evans said of the rotation, offering no further details about its nature.

Coalition forces have been extremely sensitive in discussing Houthi attacks, possible casualties or injuries in the Red Sea mission. Last week, US authorities revised their story about the deaths of two Navy SEALs, who were lost at sea in the Red Sea, indicating that the troops perished while trying to board a ship suspected of trying to smuggle weapons to Yemen. Separately this week, the Houthis reported an attack on the Morning Tide, a Barbados-flagged, British-owned cargo ship, and the Star Nasia, a Marshall Islands-flagged American ship. The company operating the Morning Tide confirmed that its vessel had been struck in a drone attack on February 6, causing minor damage to the port side of the vessel. No injuries were reported.

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“..Joe Biden, the official sponsor of Israel’s four-month-long massacre..”

Any Gaza Deal Could Break Netanyahu’s Coalition (Harb)

There are two words that sum up all the noise around the Paris negotiations over a Gaza war settlement today: “temporary” and “sustainable.” The truce envisaged by the parties present in Paris – Qatar, Egypt, Israel, the US, and France – is a “framework agreement.” The Israeli occupation authorities want any deal to deliver only a “temporary cessation of military operations,” which augurs an eventual resumption of its massacre in Gaza. Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions, meanwhile, are proposing, through various amendments, a complete cessation of military operations as a prelude to a “sustainable calm.” It is not yet clear why the US administration of Joe Biden, the official sponsor of Israel’s four-month-long massacre, insists on dealing with the “Gaza war” file as if its core issue is the release of Israeli prisoners held in Gaza – rather than the resolution of a decades-long occupation of Palestinian lands and people that led to the state of affairs today.

Any treatment or settlement of this war must start with the occupation and its vast repercussions – the very essence of the conflict. Instead, the White House’s stance reflects an American view that Washington does not bear sole responsibility for now, and raises questions about the nature and effectiveness of the role of the Qatari and Egyptian “mediators.” The latter two Arab states were part of the Paris discussions to draft the agreement over a week ago, with US–Israeli intelligence agencies represented by CIA Chief William Burns, Mossad Chief David Barnea, and the head of the Israeli Shin Bet Ronen Barr. Hours after Hamas announced the submission of its “framework agreement” response to the Qatari and Egyptian mediators, statements issued by the Israelis and Americans revealed their intent to sabotage a genuine peace or a halt to military conflict.

US President Biden commented prematurely by saying that Hamas’ remarks were “exaggerated,” while Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant – fresh out of talks with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken – said the response presented by Hamas was “negative,” and was intentionally drafted to be rejected by Israel. From his perspective, Gallant isn’t exactly wrong. What Israel seeks from the agreement is a US–Arab mandate to restart its war once Israeli prisoners have been released by Gaza’s resistance. The bottom line is fairly unambiguous: Israel wants a continuous war. Gallant concedes publicly that “the war is far from over.” Netanyahu, after meeting Blinken, said, “We have to end the war with a landslide victory, and it is a matter of time. Our army is advancing systematically, and we have ordered the army to work in Rafah,” where the occupation army has for days been threatening a major offensive along the border with Egypt. This will mean the re-displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians already displaced to the border area over the past weeks.

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Russia pays attention.

German Foreign Minister’s Grandfather Was ‘Ardent Nazi’ – Bild (RT)

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s grandfather was “an unconditional National Socialist” who had read ‘Mein Kampf’ and fully stood with the Nazi regime, according to documents seen by the tabloid Bild. Baerbock has spoken publicly about her grandfather’s wartime experiences, telling an audience in 2022 that Waldemar Baerbock returned to Germany from the east in early 1945 “as a defeated soldier.” What Baerbock did not mention was that her grandfather was an officer in the Wehrmacht, and had been awarded one of the Third Reich’s highest military honors, the War Merit Cross with Swords in 1944, Bild reported on Thursday. The cross was bestowed on soldiers for “special services when deployed under enemy weapons or for special services in military warfare.”

According to the newspaper, Waldemar Baerbock’s military records describe him as “an unconditional National Socialist,” who had read Adolf Hitler’s book ‘Mein Kampf’ and whose character was “completely rooted in National Socialism.” Asked for comment, Baerbock’s office said that “the foreign minister was not aware of the documents.” Germany’s Federal Archives note that military records from the time “almost always” describe officers with phrases like “stands firmly on the basis of the National Socialist worldview,” and praise their “impeccable National Socialist attitude.” According to Bild, Waldemar Baerbock told his family in the late 1990s that he had served in the Wehrmacht. Before he died in 2016, he wrote down his war memoirs in a notebook, which he passed to his family. Baerbock mentioned her grandfather in her 2021 autobiography, but did not state whether his notebook contained any references to his supposed Nazi ideology.

During a 2022 speech marking the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, where Nazi officials formulated and planned the so-called ‘final solution’ for Europe’s jews, Baerbock declared that even low-level government functionaries of the Third Reich were responsible for “the crimes and genocide of the Nazi regime.” Annalena Baerbock was a co-leader of Alliance90/The Greens in Germany before becoming foreign minister in late 2021. An ardent interventionist, Baerbock has steered the party away from its long-standing policy of pacifism, and reportedly pushed Chancellor Olaf Scholz to approve shipments of heavy weapons to Ukraine. While her party’s 2021 manifesto explicitly stated that it wanted to “end European arms exports to war and crisis zones,” Germany has become the second-largest supplier of arms to Kiev after the US.

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SCOTUS to the rescue.

The “Unassailable” Theory Faces a Potential Unanimous Rejection (Turley)

This week, the argument before the Supreme Court in Trump v. Anderson captivated the nation as the justices considered the disqualification of former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot. For some of us, the argument brought back vivid memories of covering Bush v. Gore almost 25 years ago. While one justice (Clarence Thomas) remains on the Court, the last major intervention of the Court into a close presidential election is a matter of distant history. As someone who covered both cases, much is regrettably familiar: the deep division in the country and rage of many advocates. However, unlike 2000, the Court itself appears virtually unanimous in this case. The biggest difference is not the Court but the coverage. The Trump case exposed the erosion of legal coverage in the media. For millions of Americans, the cold reception of all of the justices to the novel theory under the 14th Amendment came as a surprise.

Networks and newspapers have been featuring experts who assured the public that this theory was well-based and disqualification well-established. The only barrier, they insisted, was the blind partisanship of the six conservative justices on the Court. Twenty-four years ago, I was covering the Bush v. Gore case for CBS. I had just left NBC as an analyst when the election controversy exploded. While there were the usual partisans and some outlets slanted the merits, the coverage was overall balanced and informative. This is not a case of the Court changing. We have changed as legal analysts. The Court itself is deeply divided on some issues. However, the justices gave a fair hearing to both sides. That is not the case with the coverage. Looking back at the coverage, most legacy media called upon the same legal experts who have previously endorsed virtually every claim made against Trump. They predictably declared Trump as clearly disqualified despite the fact that this theory has never been embraced by the federal courts.

Figures like federal court Judge J. Michael Luttig who called these arguments against disqualification as “revealing, fatuous, and politically and constitutionally cynical.” Others insisted that the argument that the provision might not apply to presidents as “absurd.” That was the argument pushed by Justice Ketanji Onyika Brown Jackson. Many of the media turned to Professor Laurence Tribe despite a long record of constitutional claims rejected by the Court, in some cases unanimously. Tribe assured the public that the theory was “unassailable” and also insisted that the theory (later voiced by Jackson) is “an absurd interpretation.” It is important that such views are heard in the coverage. The problem is that the media has, once again, pushed this novel (and in my view unfounded) theory to the point that many assumed that it was indeed unassailable.

What was most troubling is the repeated attacks on the Court by legal experts who suggested that the only thing keeping Trump on the ballot was the bias of conservative justices. Rep. Jamie Raskin (D. Md.) declared “This is their opportunity to behave like real Supreme Court justices.” It appears that both Justices Kagan and Jackson did not behave like “real Supreme Court justices” in oral argument by objecting to core aspects of this theory. We will have to wait for the final opinion but most of us are predicting a reversal of Colorado and the possibility of a unanimous or near unanimous decision. The question is whether such a result will change how media outlets frame these disputes in the future. After weeks of portraying the opposition as only resting with the right of the Court, the coverage had a weird disjointed feel as some of the same commentators reported that the justices appeared uniformly unconvinced by this “unassailable” theory.

Turley Kagan

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“The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives..”

Biden’s Eulogy Will Be ‘Journalism RIP’. How He Destroyed the 4th Estate (Jay)

The Biden administration is inventing a phoney war and journalists are supporting the narrative without even missing a heartbeat. The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives. In the UK, the odious Douglas Murray who has shown Britain from day one of the recent conflict in Gaza that he is more than happy to replicate every item of fake news that Israel’s IDF is happy to hand him – without even acknowledging the bigger picture of a brutal occupation. He is, essentially, a pro-Zionist fanatic and it beggars belief that he is even allowed to go on air and report, when he has shown his almost cult-like following of the Netanyahu government and its objectives to wipe out the civilian population of Gaza. He is a genocide denier and yet he is allowed to continue his work as a journalist. Should we be shocked though to learn that just recently his diatribe of on air lies about the Gaza genocide, which always paints the Israelis as the victims and the Palestinians as savages, has been taken to the next level?

Murray now is in London trying to help Israel with its fundraising. Thirty years ago, this would have been unthinkable. A wall of resistance from professionals which would have blocked him in the media industry would have prevailed. “Unethical” would be the key word which would have put this vile Israeli apologist back in his box. But in modern Britain, media has become so corrupt, that few, if any are shocked that a journalist can work openly as an activist as well. One could argue that one role is merely an extension of the other, both of them dripping with the blood of Palestinian children. Real journalism is being shut down at an alarming rate. Partisan journalism, which even allows hacks to be activists at the same time, is the new norm. To give you an idea just how far this has advanced, any kind of criticism of how the state handles or reports on the Gaza genocide is met with a steel hand in a steel glove in both the UK and U.S. Pity the young students at Northwestern University who have obscure anti Klu Klux Klan federal laws levelled against them by the FBI for producing a parody newspaper which mocked U.S. policy of Israel and Gaza. You couldn’t make it up.

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Home Forums Debt Rattle February 10 2024

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  • #152320

    Edward Hopper Christmas card 1928   • Eventful Events (James Howard Kunstler) • Biden’s Angry Press Conference Made Hur’s Memory Report Infinitel
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 10 2024]


    A Christmas card for Lunar New Year! What’s going on?


    German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock’s grandfather was “an unconditional National Socialist” who had read ‘Mein Kampf’ and fully stood with the Nazi regime, according to documents seen by the tabloid Bild.

    Like grandfather, like grand daughter. She must be making her grandfather proud supporting Bandera’s mob of neo Nazis. Germany has never paid so much money to keep the Nazi ideology going, she is one of the rats that Putin is trying to eradicate, a trouble maker driven to sacrifice her fellow human beings to achieve her racist, fascist goals.

    Looks like the west is heaving with Nazis and the brats of Nazis. No wonder Putin is pissed.


    You have to wonder what the German security services were thinking when they vetted Baerbock as a suitable person to hold political office with access to national secrets. Is the german security service just an extension of the old Nazi organisations? Is Hitler’s regime still alive and well, driven by the children of his most extreme officers? Wow, makes you look at Germany in a different light. No wonder they are supporting the Gaza genocide, they are probably itching to get involved and play a role.

    Veracious Poet

    I find it interesting how the “well intentioned” commentariat, know-it-alls, armchair generals & other assorted keyboard warriors think/pretend that somehow, someway, someday the lyin’, cheatin’, stealin’ malignant narcissistic butchers will suddenly just relinquish *power*, via “elections” or legal pronouncement(s), abandoning their campaigns of spewing some of the most craven propagandist mindfuckery in the history of humanity 😐

    The UniParty hasn’t yet even been called to account for clownish fakery & bull$hit that *everyone* who is not completely *insane* identified almost immediately as fraudulently ludicris, yet here we are in 2024 STILL covered in their mental feculence…

    Does anyone actually think that Spiritually Sane *MEN* actually prevailed in WWII by negotiating *peace* with Tojo & Hitler?

    • Sic semper tyrannis •


    Fascinating research from Chernobyl … https://www.rt.com/russia/592218-chernobyl-wolves-have-anti-cancer-genome/. Medicine should be advancing in this manner rather than injecting millions with the 75 experimental vaccines, causing a tsunami of ADHD, autism etc.


    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of grossly misrepresenting the situation in Ukraine, claiming he told an “absurd story” about the origin of the conflict during his sit-down with Tucker Carlson.

    Oaf Scholz has his own version of what is happening in Ukraine; bear in mind that the oaf is not in the Ukraine war, he is not even in Ukraine, he has no people in Ukraine other than “advisors”, yet he is telling us that he knows best, that Putin is lying, that the German way (revealed as his own Nazi government) have the answer. Fuck you oaf, you are killing Germany, you and your Nazi pals.


    A Christmas card for Lunar New Year! What’s going on?

    Is it the climate change we hear so much about?


    aspnaxz et al

    Linking to rt.com is no use, it’s banned in much of the west. I use mirror site swentr.com these days (rt news spelled backwards), that seems to work.


    Thanks RIM, I found the site, it is https://swentr.site/russia/.


    Trying to breach the hypocrisy firewall to get news to Europe and the USA.

    Dr D Rich

    Where the author positions himself, right aspnaz?

    Does anyone remember 2022 Mariupol, the Azovstal steelworks and the Azov brigade? Me neither or is it me either. (a Dr D, exclaim ignorance then undermine that premise in the several thousand sentences)

    The point is that nonsense carried the day in the news and blogs as THE decisive, pivotal point in the Ukr-Russia War. The Azovstal battle was Neither decisive nor pivotal, except for 200 civilians buried alive in their apartment building by Azov commanders. The Azov commanders who surrendered were returned to the The Ukraine by Turkey. Russia complained feebly that Turkey reneged on the deal.
    Along those same lines of being played, Putin’s words stand alone, well, maybe alongside his megabrains, Lavrov and Zhakarova.
    No one needs Karen Kwiatkowski, Tucker Carlson or Marine Intel One to explain it to the masses.

    not so Fate of the Azov Commanders, War Criminals Extraordinaire

    Five Ukrainian commanders of the Azov Regiment, extolled in Ukraine for defending the port city of Mariupol last year during an 80-day Russian siege before they surrendered as prisoners of war, have been given a heroes’ welcome after returning home.

    The men appeared with President Volodymyr Zelensky before crowds late Saturday in the western city of Lviv after returning to Ukraine from Turkey, where they had been held since September under the terms of a prisoner exchange with Russia. Denys Prokopenko, one of the commanders who was returned, said that the freed fighters would rejoin the front lines, according to a video posted on Twitter by local news media.

    “We will definitely have our say in battle,” Mr. Prokopenko told reporters in Lviv. Asked whether he would fight on the front lines, he replied, “That is why we returned to Ukraine.”

    Moscow reacted angrily to the news that the Azov fighters had returned to Ukraine. The Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitri S. Peskov, accused Turkey of breaking an agreement to keep the men on its territory until the end of the wa



    Now lets not be hasty.

    But I don’t want to talk about Putin. Because everyone is talking about Putin.
    I want to talk about Carlson.
    The Tucker Carlson who has been suddenly positioned as a supposed anti-establishment JFK-doubting, 9/11 truthing threat to the system.
    The same Tucker Carlson whose father was director of the Voice of America. The same Tucker Carlson who censored and insulted 9/11 skeptics on his show.
    The same Tucker Carlson who applied to (but was allegedly turned down by) the CIA.
    How did this re-invention happen?
    When did it happen?
    Why did it happen?
    And no, I’m not claiming everything he says is de facto wrong, a lot of it is in fact very right. His monologues on the state of the economy, the 2020 election, JFK and 9/11 have all been at least partially accurate.
    …but that should make us ask more questions, shouldn’t it?
    Did he have some great awakening?
    Even if you believe he did, do you believe that his bosses at Fox did as well? Or that Elon Musk did? Or that either of these entities would be powerless to stop him dropping supposed truth bombs on their dime if they didn’t want him to?

    What NO ONE is saying about Tucker Carlson’s Putin Interview


    Russia Has Putin

    The Empire of Lies has Dark Brandon

    It’s a coin toss who comes up heads….


    I’ve got a big one, do ya wanna see it?




    Tongue Kiss, Always Awkward!

    Dr. D

    “Leftist San Francisco Mayor Scrambles For Survival By Backing GOP Effort To Restore Law & Order

    As I’ve said, it seems they have to come to this on their own. How do you get them to do that? They’re the world’s biggest knuckleheads and put us all at risk, but this is the only thing that works. They are our kinsmen, what would you do, shoot them?

    “7 Indicted For Attacking NYPD Officers At Times Square”

    Some NYC commenter was following this down. Note: the Police HAD guns. They COULD have shot every one of them dead and didn’t. Restrained. Would rather be beaten. Let that sink in. NYC is split into a crap shoot: ONE says to arrest everybody and put them through like the law says. The OTHER is the sort that says that doesn’t seem to be helping and the jails are full. (This is not an exaggeration, a lot of things like kids buying a “40” are “legal” because the popo ain’t got time. They will harass you, steal it, run you down the station all day but it would take a miracle to be arrested. The guys rumored to live basically WITH the UN NGOs. …Funded by us after a few layers. They are their station and source. Rumored to have left by bus ALSO paid by the NGOs because unlike Greyhound they don’t ask questions. Rumored to have been arrested in AZ, headed “home”? If that’s all it took for them to go back to Mexico, we can do it a lot easier. Last, ONE of the guys, not finger-boy, was already picked up for 4 felonies. Robbery, burglary, etc. That is, the only reason they’re even looking for him is this FIFTH felony, violent assault of an officer. Indicating he could have kept robbing all day, week, and year without restraint. Eric’s answer? Give them a few million for the privilege, don’t arrest.

    “US Army Ditches Next-Gen Helicopter Program In Major Aviation Shakeup” 

    In not great news, the US looked at the battlefield in Ukraine and chose to do a major shakeup…and replaced it with something just as stupid. Baby steps. Remember, Milley, Austin, and Nikki are still around.

    “EU Bends The Knee To Farmers: Drops Key Provisions In 2040 Climate Proposal

    They have not, they haven’t even stopped shooting at farmers yet.

    “Harvard Renews COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Joining 69 Other Schools

    Quiz on following facts and evidence and thinking for yourself.

    Tucker on Putin “Fillibustering” that is, the infantile Step 1, 2 and 3 narcissistic monsters use here to baffle you and run out the clock. Difference is, it wasn’t. He had a “point” in applying information that was relevant.

    “Do the United States need this? What for? Thousands of miles away from your national territory. Don’t you have anything better to do? “

    This is why Putin would be a more popular President here than any of our recent Presidents. Which with this slander campaign, is amazing.

    “If you think Russia is going to give up Crimea as a condition of peace…you’re a lunatic.” –Tucker.

    Yes, but they are. That is “The Plan”. Didn’t you get “The Memo”? And yes, they DO want nuclear WWIII and the death of 6 billion people. They’ve said so many times. It’s just that the rest of us don’t believe them.

    “Russia is not an expansionist power” – Tucker.

    Somebody really needs to get into the specifics of why, as I have. One: they have too much land for the population they have already. ANY pull into Europe would leave Moscow vacant, incapable of manufacturing, and ripe for conquest. This comes from us saying – because words have no meanings – “Russia OCCUPIED Hungary, etc.” No, Russia set up an administrative client state. Yes, they could send tanks in, that’s how it works, but on a daily basis, Poland was run by Poles, Hungary by Hungarians, but by SOVIET – BELIEVING Poles. Etc. So there was no sense of “Hey, let’s erase all 12 peoples and cultures” more than the usual, it was “They are proof of the success of out worldwide revolution of brotherhood, against those dirty double-crossing West.” And that’s WHYYYY, those countries exist today and was so easy to say, “Drop the over-admin, you’re being spun off as a child corporation” and Poland exists, because Poland EXISTED ALL ALONG. They just changed the character of their political parties. That’s not an “Occupation”. …But it also is, so that’s how retards like us get confused and start, you know, planet-ending world wars because We Who Can’t Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too.

    So, NO manpower. Also no ability to move forces. At all. Even when I say this, I’m not sure the magnitude of it gets through. All Russian equipment is made to move on railroad. Which is Russian-gauge and stops at the Ukr border. Sure, they have a lot of trucks and can make them, but that’s a deep level logistics, and a lot in the SIZE of the equipment, guns, that can’t be made to FIT on a truck, cross existing bridges, etc. That’s because THEY HAVE NO INTENTION OF ATTACKING ANYONE, that fact doesn’t matter in the slightest to them. If NATO levels their internal railways, the only kind there is, they will nuke London. Problem solved. If not, they have no need for any other method. That means it’s IMPOSSIBLE to attack Europe, by which I’m sure they keep it this way on purpose FOR that proof of life. Europe just doesn’t CARE, because they are allied with he-who-is-the-opposite-of-truth, the Father of Lies.

    Third, Same facts are true of every other system. It’s not apparent, but where are their amphibious landing ships to occupy Taiwan? Where are their heavy-life air fleet to take Russians from Iraq to Ft Bragg? There are none. Or none to matter. To scale up and adjust these lower, less obvious parameters would take +10 years and all Europe would watch and know. But they AREN’T, which means they DO know, and France is LYING, every minute, every day, they pretend otherwise in a clear attempt to START a nuclear war (and lose). Russia has no force projection, built-in.

    There are more, but this is IMPOSSIBLE. I think if the common man knew this more, it would help allay the background anxiety that – no matter who started it or why – If Russia wins here and are mobilized and pissed, why NOT take Germany? A: Because that’s impossible at this point in 2024.

    “Effectively circumventing a Primary for the DNC.”

    Yes, as they’ve said 6 months, and they will. However, Obama is NOT running things. He’s a collective with the CIA he was born into as a child and never did, but Joe is NOT reading his lines. Obama sounds great, Presidential, all that. If you put Obama’s speeches on Joe’s teleprompter he would too. Clearly that is not happening, ‘cause Joe could still be a clueless moron but we would HEAR that teleprompter, misspoken, but, quoted. WE ARE NOT.

    ..And why I don’t know. It’s people’s first impulse, like Kunstler’s, and even though Obama wasn’t “running things” he’s the front man for a CIA collective, yet he’s not a puppet but an involved member of that collective. Yet there has been no indication that’s true. Where’s he been if not running Joe? Sure has been quiet. If so, then WHO IS running Joe? If not the Black Hats, then….by default…???

    OMG is that the completely-discredited Cuomo with RFK, broadcasting live from the moon? Doesn’t he have a brother to go do sexual assaults with or something?

    Mamet: Well, I guess he’s right, Trump did something. But so, so little, barely anything. So I guess what would happen if he DID do something? Unfortunately NOTHING can stop the programming that anyone has found. NOTHING. Except learning for themselves. Like every woken cult member, you hear or see something, same as always before, but then for some reason nobody understands, they ASK about it, follow the logic trail out of the woods and ask more instead of less this time. If anyone knew, they’d be doing it.

    So even if Mamet was like Michael Moore, Rachael Maddow, they would simply dismiss him as “The Enemy” the minute he got off “The Memo”. How? Because that’s who JOE ROGAN is, a Bernie Bro. That’s who Elon Musk is, St. Green of the Left. And every other guy who wasn’t completely intolerant, close-minded, and shifted. Not to Trump, but just AWAY from the cult. About half of the “Far Right” is made up of the totally Progressive, communist, “Far-Left” now. Like Jimmy Dore. Glen Greenwald is less far left, but I think he’s way Left into Democratic Socialist. There is only “Cult,” and “Non-Cult” now.

    “The contrast between the two [Presidents] might even alert the mandarins of our Ivy League that something has gone very wrong” – Kunstler

    Nope. It won’t. Harvard is incapable of human thought.

    “then wouldn’t the same picture present itself to the scores of assistants and subalterns busy toiling with the president around the clock for three years?”

    Nope. Because they’re in the Cult. Of Great Leader. As that O’Keefe interview showed. They ALL know. …They just think absolutely NOTHING of lying to you, sub-human filth who are too stupid to make your own decisions. — I – just decided, peasant, now Do What You’re Told. WE are the Mommies. WE decide.

    “which also suggests that Mr. Biden’s mental deficiencies have somehow infected the entire body politic of the USA.”

    Yes. Because it’s not “Dementia”, it’s “Mass Formation Psychosis” aka, “A Cult.” If you think bad guys can’t be bothered to read up on how to invent a body and structure of blind zealots, willing to die for their every whim, you’ve got another think coming. They study nothing BUT this for a thousand years. Why wouldn’t you?

    “the obvious remedy of the 25th amendment” – Kunstler

    Which can only happen AFTER the primary, one which the DEMOCRATS removed every option by RAW FORCE, and indeed today are removing RFK from the Independent ballot as well. Biden has to win so they can swap him. –Same plan (sort of, one layer down) for Nikki Hillary. “The Memo” gets into these fits of corporate fashion like that. Suddenly everything is “birth certificates” or something. Why? They are mindless midget minions of the Hive Mind, the Insect Overlords. Prove me wrong.

    “• Biden’s Angry Press Conference Made Hur’s Memory Report Infinitely Worse (Sp.)

    Yes. What a coincidence. Not an Obama-like teleprompter moment at all. So who’s running him again? He sure isn’t running himself.

    “but I don’t know the path [to removal,]” he speculated.” We know the exact path. It’s after the Primary where they can pick someone who isn’t running. Newsom. Michelle. Btw, Trump said Joe would go by the 25thA. Right again.

    ““Both parties[…] set up a system where the President is so darn powerful […] if he doesn’t step away”

    No. They didn’t. That’s totally illegal, outside of every existing law. Biden can be impeached in about 48 hours. For real crimes he actually committed, as can every other president with increasing ease for 100 years. CONGRESS holds all power, basically. Nothing written has changed that. But like the Roman Senate it was based on, Congress CEDED all power ‘cause they’re stupid, lazy, and corrupt. That’s not law in the slightest: it’s custom. The President has NO power, but that which Congress tells him to EXECUTE for them, so get me a Margarita, cabana-boy, this one doesn’t have enough salt on it. That they WON’T is a different issue.

    Need more? Congress own the Power of the Purse. The End. No money, no Executive, no Biden. He’s a zero. That means not JUST Congress, but the People’s House of Representatives, which they own, owns the purse. …Except they discovered two more traitors this week in the Mayorkas impeachment? That is, still 1/3 to 2/3rds of the Republicans are against the people and only claiming to be Republicans? Oh yes. It’s a big ol’ mess. The enemy Bezmenov warned us about is everywhere.

    NBC: yes, but they’re channeling the spin that was released. The DoJ released this ON PURPOSE. They are doing it TO remove Biden. NBC will shortly be reporting this, but they need to tell STUDENTS (the diploma example) that they’re not wrong. The Cult is always right.(TM)

    And they didn’t say Biden was CLEARED. Quite the opposite, they said they weren’t CHARGING him for the very real crime they saw because they thought he’d get off on sympathy.

    “President showed absolute rage” at that. Gosh, I hope not. That was incredibly wimply, febrile, feckless rage. Even if you want stupid rage, but a real one, look at Nixon.

    “• Putin Interview May Help Stop West From Committing Suicide – Scott Ritter (Sp.)

    “”There was never much Hope . . . Just a fool’s hope,” Gandalf says. But the true change will come, maybe not now, but it will come. We will go back to being Americans because that’s how things work. You can distort markets, peoples, but they snap back after your distortions and lies run out of energy. That is, power. Because, why have power at all if you aren’t using it to distort, that is, change, go opposite to, Reality? Might as well sit in a hut like a hermit. Fool on the Hill, as wise men do.

    “• The Biden-Schumer Plan to Kill More Ukrainians (Jeffrey Sachs)

    Hate to say this ‘cause we’ve got enough trouble, but yes, that’s exactly the plan. Obviously no one in Ukraine has existed since 2014 when we paid for their coup and illegally installed their government, and now pay everything including free health care and pensions, which we don’t here. So when they put in Syrsky, WE put in Syrsky. Vikki Nuland said, “Fuck Ukraine! Fuck what the Ukrainian soldiers want. I’m putting in Syrsky.” Why? They’re about to cauldron everywhere, as Russia takes Avdiivka, and breaks a few other lines. Syrsky’s specialty is LOSING Bakhmut, etc, IN the caudrons, but idiotically throwing men into them for no strategy or military purpose at all but block headed, neanderthal political EGO. THAT is what Vikki Nuland, BoJo the Clown, etc, all want.

    ALL SLAVS DEAD. Why? Leibensraum. They are going to expand into a now-empty Ukraine, funded by BlackRock, and make it the “Israel of Europe” as Disneyland of sex, drugs, war, and trafficking. They’ve said so in public, as a specific funded goal.

    “British and American generals helped plan and wargame Ukraine’s big offensive push to the Azov Sea,”

    I mean, yeah, but. Here’s the deal: yes, LONDON wants Crimea, that’s up above in Tucker’s comments. LONDON is fighting the 4th Crimean War (and losing again, like the losers they are.). So LONDON DGAF WHAT happens to Ukraine, Kiev, anyone. That’s not MacKinder. If they break Crimea, and Russia attacks and takes Kiev from Belarus: don’t care. Two problems: one, is that one. Zu can’t lose all of Ukraine to get Crimea, WHICH IS RUSSIAN. They can’t hold it. BECAUSE IT’S RUSSIAN and they hate Ukraine. Or at least the non-stop racism and corruption of modern Ukraine.

    TWO is that — Duuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh – Russia knows they want this and put in 5 layers of anti-tank minefields 50 miles deep there. BECAUSE NULAND and London, Pentagon, everyone got on TV and TOLD them the plan. — As if they couldn’t guess. But thanks? You do know we have the Internet now, right? We’re not riding Cossack horses on the Steppes dreaming someday of owning a 1954 Lada? Jesus. H. And Christ. I can’t believe I am related to these people.

    IF Ukraine were IDIOTIC and RETARDED enough to try, and send all 500,000 troops in there in one mass wave…Yeah Russia would have nuked them. So… count your blessings? And no air support, zero, against all NATO rules?

    Gee I wonder why this Zuluzhny guy didn’t follow “The Plan” and send every man in Ukraine into a place where they couldn’t win and every man would die for no reason, HELPING Russia as there would have been far less casualties and lose far faster? How naughty of him.

    Anyway, thanks to Syrsky, we end all that. He will tell them to walk through 50 miles of minefields, and the Ukrainians will say “No.”

    “German Foreign Minister’s Grandfather Was ‘Ardent Nazi’ – Bild (RT)

    Well Yuh. If you go back far enough they all would be or be dead.

    “For millions of Americans, the cold reception of all of the justices to the novel theory under the 14th Amendment came as a surprise.

    That’s actually a really good point: I wasn’t going to comment on this hash again. But the Media constantly saying a thing, then that thing being totally stupid, is a way to get the Cult to “Ask”. Apparently they’re really, really, really, REALLY slow on the uptake though. …The “Schmartz” Peoples, I mean.

    ““The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives..”

    Yeah, that’s also what’s weird. First they were supposed to be advocates for the little guy. Showing Slaughterhouse Five. Then they were supposed to be prejudiced, advocates for their politics, but of course, for the little guy because they’re too stupid to know what’s good for them, and get it good-n-hard. Communism was Good for them, just ask History! But that’s the “Fifth Estate.” They are all #Resist. All Socialists (again, I’m not saying that, and their actions belie it, but that’s what THEY say they are). They are all #Revolutionaries, out of NYU, creaming over “Rent” and “Les Mis”.

    But now? They’re #Revolutionaries, looking out for the working man by stamping CIA pro-war press releases that round up factory workers and put them in jail for two years like Jean-val-Jean? WTF? I don’t think anyone knows wtf. We’re all still asking, asking them TO THEIR FACES, and not getting any coherent answers. W.T.F.

    But good, I guess? They were way more dangerous when they had credibility, and reasoned arguments that worked for everyone, like BBC and NPR. I’m sure Mr. Nobody and JB can attest. Like, they HAD good responses. I used to listen to NPR all the time. Why doubt? And now? They’re g-dd—ed unhinged. NPR sounds like George W. Bush and Dick “Shoot ’em in the face” Cheney had a thalidomide baby.

    Aspertime: yes, and it’s a lot of other places too where they know what it does. Every new house, every sheet of plywood outgasses this stuff for years in a legally-mandated, airtight box your infant is imprisoned in. Low formaldehyde causes Asthma. Fact. No one cares, not even a little. If they were in a drafty sod house with a wood stove, the State would take your kids TO a house like that, for their own safety. Wouldn’t want them to grow up as sickly as Jackson and Lincoln.

    “Is the German security service just an extension of the old Nazi organisations?”

    Yes, but so is US, Canada, etc. as the Nazis were all planned, set up, funded, and escaped with LONDON. London armed and PAID their two enemies to go to war with each other, and yeah, maybe it didn’t all go according to plan, but well enough.

    So you’re asking if the people who won the war by helping Nazis are helping Nazis? Yes. If you’re not like this, you can’t get anywhere in the CIA, MI6, Canada….

    However, since that time (1947) there have been people who realized that, didn’t like it, tried to tell us, and do something about it. Unf they are not the majority, as they all took the Nazi gold, funded Vanguard and BlackRock, then like minions inter-promoted all only themselves with interlocking Boards of Directors buying Congress.

    Yesterday: wonder about the Generals? Because every White guy is too busy backstabbing all each other instead of helping. Black folks? Everywhere I look they are soft to help and promote each other. Jewish folks? Everywhere I look they are soft to help and promote each other. Try to live up to their promotions. White folks? Americans? Wtf is that? It’s just some guy I have to compete with and undermine, ruin, claw over. No help at all.

    Like Dr. Day’s Chinese thinker yesterday, the Nihilism of NeoLiberal success is what destroys them from within and the parasite gets hold. It’s RELIGION that stops it and gives you values. What USED to work for “White folks” wasn’t “white power” solidarity like these illiterate retards claim, but that Christian men don’t act like that and have “Sportsmanship”. Let the best man win.

    Baseline religion is what gave them VALUES, whether some rich tosser in Ivy League, or some white trash in Mississippi. That’s what gives them “Class”. The Plan™ can’t run without it, without buying out and destroying Religion (in this case, Christianity) first. The nation cannot fall so long as it has Values, be it rich or poor, war or peace. That’s what that Chinese thinker is inoculating China against. Their real, unspoken weapon that always works. What is Ulysses doing, with a swineherd, in his stone house with a fire on the floor, but “Civilization”? Having “Rules” of guest and host, fealty, honor, is “Civilization” whether you’re in the Elon penthouse or in a tipi. Values.

    JB– there is a very different Robin Hood, but very good one in the 1980s BBC. It has both Robin and Huntington but as a “real” way it could happen, and it’s based on a Shamanic, old-style religious protection and purpose. I fear it may be very dated, but to me it was very good, quiet, heartfelt, original. BBC had it locked up worldwide like a lot of their stuff, but we all know ways around…


    You, Trudeau, cannot be a Nazi, or a supporter, or a sympathizer, with impunity


    Just when embarrassed Canadians were starting to forget a former Nazi unit soldier getting a standing ovation in the House of Commons, along comes Vladimir Putin telling Tucker Carlson it’s one of the reasons Russia remains at war in Ukraine, (to De-Nazify).

    This was big news last September in Canada but what no one saw coming was that the Jaroslav Hunka affair would end up highlighted to the whole world in what is being called the most-watched interview of all time.

    Putin made the point that Hitler’s “SS troops consisted of Ukrainian nationalists who did this dirty work” and “the President of Ukraine stood up with the entire Parliament of Canada and applauded this man. How can this be imagined?”

    Millions took to Twitter and Carlson’s website to watch the history-making interview.
    “The media freak out,” Larry Johnson, a retired CIA intelligence officer, told Sputnik. “The media has been losing credibility with each passing week.
    They are seen as dishonest and propagandists. So, what they think is really of little importance, I don’t see a groundswell developing to try to attack Tucker.
    The irony is, if you take the Fox News Network and MSNBC and CNN combined, Tucker has more viewers, more people following him, than those networks do. They’re just jealous.”

    The now-retired CIA official believes that Putin’s interview could end up eroding support for the Kiev regime among American conservatives and make it even more difficult for US lawmakers to funnel billions into Washington’s Ukraine proxy conflict.
    While speaking to Carlson, Putin briefly recounted Russia’s history to illustrate the strong cultural, religious, and ethnic bonds shared between Russians and Ukrainians.
    • Tucker-Putin Interview to Erode Funding Crusade for US in Ukraine (Sp.)


    “US Army Ditches Next-Gen Helicopter Program In Major Aviation Shakeup”

    Ritter and Larry Johnson and others have addressed the issue with helicopters on Real Battlefields

    Combat helicopters in the Present are very venerable to shoulder launched manpads stuff and various AD.

    It’s about the Money Stupid.

    2K manpad blasts $2 million helicopter, rinse and repeat….and your broke

    Especially if you no longer have an actually functioning mass production industrial base like the Collective West.

    Russia is racking up millions of hours of actually live real battlefield combat hours in Ukronaziland.

    Putting on my old engineering hat, this is priceless data.

    The Russians have stand-off rockets on their combat helicopter fleet that can fire outside the range of current manpads.

    The Empire of Lies only has an utterly corrupt Military Mafia Complex that can only produce delicate snowflake overpriced ass-wipe garbage ‘weapons’ like the F-35 LArdbucket, built for profit not performance.

    Whose gonna win that horse race.

    Like Duh

    Duh’merica Begging on the Pity Potty and losing to the Bronze Guy



    Tucker Interviews Pedo Jo-Joe on a Slightly Windy Day








    German foreign minister’s grandfather was ‘ardent Nazi’ – Bild

    Annalena Baerbock’s office said she had no idea that her ancestor was a committed follower of Hitler

    her grandfather was an officer in the Wehrmacht, and had been awarded one of the Third Reich’s highest military honors, the War Merit Cross with Swords in 1944

    The cross was bestowed on soldiers for “special services when deployed under enemy weapons or for special services in military warfare.”

    During a 2022 speech marking the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, where Nazi officials formulated and planned the so-called ‘final solution’ for Europe’s jews, Baerbock declared that even low-level government functionaries of the Third Reich were responsible for “the crimes and genocide of the Nazi regime.”

    But not Grandpa!




    I’m “Special”



    “The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives..”


    4th estate has produced……



    Annalena Baerbock in 2012


    Annalena Baerbock today – uh…. what?!?!?


    Figmund Sreud

    Making an alternate type of minced meat* out of Tucker Carlson – Ben Norton


    *) Tucker’s warmongering against China

    Figmund Sreud

    Neutrality Studies reads The New York Times, … so you don’t have to!


    D Benton Smith

    Are you all aware that the Carlson-Putin Interview is itself an UNPRECEDENTED inside view of REAL and ACTUAL (not fake) world shaping diplomacy, playing out in real time right there in front of our eyes and ears?

    Well, it is. Tucker Carlson as ENVOY and diplomatic representative of a powerful faction of the “Western” intelligence community (in this case specifically the CIA) asked Vladimir Putin to tell them why he went to war in Ukraine instead of responding to the situation in some other way. Putin then proceeded to answer the question truthfully and in great detail. Tucker’s bafflement and shock was genuine. It had never occurred either to him or his masters that The Russian people (of whom Putin is merely a representative (albeit a GREAT one) would be operating on the basis of well documented historical facts and other truths. What a concept! No wonder the West feared and could never understand what Russian’s were thinking! The Russians were thinking SANELY.

    Some, but definitely not all, of these things were known prior to the interview (else it would never been set up or allowed to happen in the first place. Also notably (and I mean VERY notably) the fact that the “PURE BLACK Hat” faction of CIA-Western Cabal WAS NOT ABLE TO STOP the “SLIGHTLY LIGHTER GRAY Hat faction” from carrying out the operation, is proof that the Blackest of Hats have lost their dominating control over the United States’ overall “national management machinery.”

    That they would (and did!) choose such an internationally exposed and public forum like the Internet is PROOF that they have chosen to reengage the PEOPLE (yeah, people like all of us pipsqueaks) with the process of negotiating a peace agreement with all parties who wish to engage in it.

    Have you ever seen anything like it? I have never seen anything like it.

    Consider for a moment how huge and protracted this process is going to be. Nevertheless, the Peace Treaty Talks have already begun, and the obviously apparent basis of the talks is going to be the exchange of truths rather than lies (as best they can within the constraints of caring for the security of their respective national populations.)

    And as far as the question of whether the process is real or to be trusted I can only say this: so long as the exchange continues at a good or better pace, remains as publicly public and unredacted as reasonable, and isn’t packed with lies and blatant censorship, then I believe that we can trust that it is both real and trustworthy.

    Dr D Rich

    A not so fine point.

    Neither MacGregor nor Ritter know anything about helicopters.

    Neither “expert” ever finished basic helicopter flight training.
    Neither “expert” qualified as an Naval aviator or the Army’s equivalent.
    Neither “expert” ever flew, commanded or piloted a helicopter in combat.
    Neither “expert” ever evaluated the physical qualifications, PQ, or psychological fitness, Aeronautical Adaptability, AA, of any military aviator in garrison or combat.
    Neither “expert” ever investigated the human factors and engineering factors for any aviation mishap, Class A or otherwise.
    Neither “expert” ever stabilized a pelvic gunshot wound or flew the subsequent helo medevac in combat.
    Neither “expert” ever personally recovered the remains of 4 Marines killed in a CH-53E crash that resulted from a catastrophic engine failure.


    One look at Canada’s/US’s msm presentation of Tucker Carlson tells you all you need to know.
    Nothing has changed.
    It is still Putin bad, Trump bad.
    Russia, Russia, Russia.
    The “woke” remain as before, unwoken.
    Biden’s memory is just fine!
    The “woke’s” memory is just fine too.
    It is your memory that is the problem!
    Fix it!

    The CIA’s “woke” department in Canada is called CIS.

    The 4th branch of the US government is the CIA.
    The msm is just the CIA’s “woke” propaganda department.

    The CIA’s new motto in it’s Ukraine proy war is now to “fight to the last European”.
    That means peace will soon break out killing ever more people.

    The Israelis have dropped over 10,000 big bombs on Gaza, but have only managed to kill less than 30,000 Palestinians.
    This means less than 3 dead Palestinians per bomb.
    Thank goodness the Israelis Zionists are so incompetent at genocide!/s

    Nahoo it is the Israeli economy, stupid!

    The NAZIs totally destroyed Germany.
    They are totally destroying the Ukraine.
    Now they are destroying Western Democracy.
    Destroy R Us.

    The maple sap has stopped flowing,
    So, I am not fine, until the sap starts flowing again!
    Born a sap.
    Die a Sap.


    Mass audience=Propaganda, all others are cut off at the knees. 1 message for the simpletons, 1 alternative message for the other simpletons. Sad but true, a fucked up world run by psychopaths with enough $ to see themselves as Gods.


    People had a 50:50 chance of getting electricity right.
    But they got it 100% wrong!
    Positive is negative, and negative is positive!

    People writing the Bible maybe had a 50:50 chance of getting who lives in heaven and hell right.
    Maybe the pearly stairs to St. Peters were paved with good intentions?
    Maybe the devil lives in heaven and god lives in hell?

    D Benton Smith


    a fucked up world run by psychopaths with enough $ to see themselves as Gods

    Don’t paint such a gloomy picture Mr Angry Head. Look at the bright side. In a fucked up world run by psychopaths with enough money to see themselves as Gods, YOU DON’T get to be the condemned-to-suicide psychopathic moron with enough money to see yourself as a God.

    That should make you happy.


    Red said

    Now lets not be hasty.


    Thanks for the link. Kit makes some very good points, the MSM owners are not going to let the alternatives run free without taking control as best they can. When you look at where the money is going, you can bet your ass that the Rogan and Carlson outlets are too good to be true. Putin did not say anything in this interview that he has not said in previous interviews shown on RT. Why is the western MSM not ignoring this story in the same way as they blanked out the Hunter Biden stories etc? Why are they helping to promote it? Why are they also promoting the Biden is senile story? Very good questions. You could ask the same about the likes of Ritter who seems to have a license to talk to the alternative media without consequence. The whole thing is a show and Kit is very good at seeing through it all.

    The plan is obviously taking a step forward and the MSM owners are using the alternative media to push it forward, aiming to give the alternative media some additional credibility. Notice how the real alternative media – led by Alex Jones etc – are not getting the same hype. It makes you wonder whether they have plans to move Trump into power and will further their objectives despite him; the powerless POTUS.

    D Benton Smith


    Yes, it is probable to the point of certainty that the herd is being driven into a frenzy of strident insistence that Trump be made President. That ostensible victory for the MAGA’s is actually just a coral intended to make the herd also insist on acceptance of the “Deals” that Trump will cleverly wangle from America’s competitors and adversaries.

    The good news is that Trump will cut some pretty good deals (under the circumstances) but the bad news is that the circumstances are already so bad, and so overwhelmingly disadvantageous to America’s bargaining position, that Trump is not going to have much leverage or wiggle room. His self-proclaimed genius for in the Art Of The Deal is really going to be put to the test. With luck and skill the US may come out of the fight with its shirt on it’s back and still wearing shoes.

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