Debt Rattle February 16 2024
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- This topic has 70 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 11 months, 4 weeks ago by
February 16, 2024 at 9:24 am #152858
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJ.J. Grandville ‘A Comet’s Journey’, Illustration from ‘Un Autre Monde’ 1844 • Prosecutors Reportedly Met with Biden Admin Before 3 Trump Indic
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 16 2024]February 16, 2024 at 11:06 am #152859tboc
Participantafter reading this morning’s headlines came the realization a single outspoken Irish woman has more brass than the entire population of the United States.
if you don’t C# you migh Bb – Irma Thomas
February 16, 2024 at 11:29 am #152860Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterNavalny dead. Yeah, that should help..
February 16, 2024 at 11:48 am #152861aspnaz
ParticipantThat is the National Bar Association’s leadership; a view into the jungle of diversity hire racism.
February 16, 2024 at 11:50 am #152862aspnaz
February 16, 2024 at 11:59 am #152863aspnaz
ParticipantNavalny dead. Looks like the Russians are having a spring cleaning, throwing out the western shite that they now know they will never need. Part of the pivot to Asia will be a total intolerance of any shite from the western countries, I suspect they will receive quite a few assets back in boxes. I am sure the Russians are perfectly capable of ensuring the security of their state.
Still reading Solzhenitsyn’s Rebuilding Russia, well worth the read.
February 16, 2024 at 12:40 pm #152864Celticbiker
ParticipantIts not murder, torture and starvation…its just a transfer, goyim. The true face of the demonicjew, the spawn of Satan, is right there, front and center…for the whole world to see. The fact that no one, except tiny Yemen does a damn thing about it is proof who really runs the show. Evil, unconfronted, grows exponentially. Hope you like Hell on earth, thats the talmudic blueprint in store for you.
February 16, 2024 at 12:49 pm #152865Dr. D
Participant“”Lunar Lander Deployed”: SpaceX Rocket Launches US Spacecraft Towards Moon
Headline: SpaceX rocket doesn’t blow up.
“Migrant Gang Rape Of Child In Italy Prompts CNN To Worry About “Far-Right”
Yes, but CNN’s question is, “Did they rape this child ENOUGH?” Too soon? You can be offended by me but not the rape or CNN helping?
Here’s an example of “The Memo” I repeat every day:
“They’re not mad at the crew that brought us Biden and propped up this mummy, they’re mad at the people who TELL you Biden is a demented mummy.” You take the hate, that is real, and you redirect it toward the people, say the poor, powerless, your neighbors, ethnic groups, people who are being screwed and tell the truth. Sic ‘em, Sic!
“UK Met Office Says It Can’t Back Up Senior Meteorologist’s Claim That Storms Are “More Intense” Due To Climate-Change
Good example of the total lack of words, meaning, and language leading to a complete collapse of logic. What does this simple sentence even mean? The storms ARE more intense…sort of. There has been a sharp DROP in hurricanes in the U.S., and since the claimed start of AGW. However, the storms we have had appear stronger. Same with tornadoes expanding location and season. True in UK where this is, fierce storms, blizzards, flooding. Here’s the catch: IF that has “Changed”, THEN the “Climate has Changed” that is, = “Climate Change”. But that’s not what the word “Climate Change” means. It does NOT mean the “Climate has changed” as it’s always changing, or even as it’s SUDDENLY changing; it means an unproven THEORY, that the Climate is Changing for one and only one reason: anthropological CO2.
Change the words, destroy all human life on earth. Words have meanings. Use them. Stop lying. Psychos know this and lying is easy: that’s why they lie. And why birds chirp and beavers build.
This sentence also tells us nothing except “Major science outlet says they can’t back up their claims, and doesn’t see why they should: Do What You’re Told” We ain’t doing the Science for you; that’s what makes us Scientists.
“EU Demands Hungary, Poland, & Slovakia Open Their Borders To Cheap, Poor-Quality Ukrainian Grain
If I’m not mistaken this is also poisonous, GMO wheat etc, in anticipation of BlackRock, and in service of Monsanto. They want to end-run around all Euro food-quality laws.
Btw, this was part of Putin’s trouble with the Ukrainian flip to Europe. Not that it happened, although it was illegal since it was a paid for Western invasion and Coup, but because they had open borders. If Ukraine opens borders to Europe, then Europe de facto open borders with Russia via Ukraine. EU would overrun all Russia instantly. Putin would have to shut the borders, and he did. This is what started the Berlin Wall, an economic attack on Stalin at point of contact with the West, where they would sap all work, industry, money from the entire Soviet Union, same way as loss-leader WalMart drives everyone out of business with taxpayer-subsidized 1% Free Fed loans. Russian market also shrinks by what? 14M people? Their largest partner? Now because they were familiar that didn’t happen, but it IS an attack. Constant, relentless, violent, illegal attacks.
“WSJ Tells Readers: “To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast”
Bill Maher said the same thing: “We whipped Covid. We kicked its butt. And the economy is fantastic!! We did it with no inflation. (Cites Biden administration and NYT)” Even on his own show the other presenter had a meltdown. “Have you SEEN the price of houses????????” “Yes, but “numbers’; the government would never, ever lie,” he said.
“The Reagan Miracle, 40 Years Later
We must relearn what made Reagan successful – and what made America the “shining city on a hill.”He came in at the end of a cycle and then doubled that national debt? Gee, whatever could have caused the boom?
“District Attorney Fani Willis’ testimony today the worst he has ever seen from anyone”
Yes, but no one cares. To care, you’d have to have reason, logic, order. There is only one basis for logic in America: Orange Man Bad. Blue No Matter Who. “• Prosecutors Reportedly Met with Biden Admin Before 3 Trump Indictments (BB)
“Bragg has been very discredited by the indictment …this is unconstitutional because there’s no crime”
Bank loans who do their own due diligence, never trust the clients, and were repaid at fabulous profit. “this is unconstitutional because there’s no crime” The Crime is “I don’t like you.” Orange Man Bad.Like Maher above. Double houses, triple food prices? Quadruple homeless and drug deaths? You deserve it, at least it’s not Orange Man! That means it’s the infinite good. PMC can’t see it from my house! Stocks went up!
You see what happens when you don’t base your intellectual reality on something firm, say, Physics or God. Then Bannon or Podesta can just flip-flop out your anchor point to anywhere, and have. 20,000 times.
Back to Fani, so there was a PDA but that was when they were all openly married. See what happens when marriage means nothing, it’s impossible to scandal anyone, you can’t judge my proudly and completely immoral behavior because there’s no such thing as “Shame”? Well Shame is a bad emotion! Who wants to feel “bad”?? Duh. …Well like people who have leprosy, for instance? They can’t feel pain at their extremities and eventually kills them?
That “bad” feeling is good for you and can save your life. God made it for a reason. Infants want good without a bad and an up without a down.
““They say she’s in far more criminal liability than any of the people she’s looking at.”
Yes, but to be fair, that’s industry standard. Same as every other DA in America. And the police, stealing the drugs from people and using/selling them at home.
“the National Bar Association gave him legal advice on how not to answer”
This may also be normal – what they’re saying is legal advice and legal strategy – but we know for a fact dozens, hundreds of high-profile cases have arisen over the last few years and zero people were disbarred. Same as Scientists and Medicine, if you don’t want your entire industry to collapse, you need to police yourself. Breathless news article on … Politico? Or something, why no one is taking the new RSA vax. Conclusion: “People “r” dummmm n’ s—t… Do what you’re told!” No really, they had it right in the article…”We’re thinking about ASKING people why but haven’t actually got around to reducing our planet-sized egos to do that yet”. Final paragraph: “RSA fixes almost no one, on a very tiny chance of something that’s unlikely to happen and has other cures. You already want the Flu, Covid, and other vax this fall. Adding Yet Another thing to do seems like a big ask, ya know?” No. Kidding. So…with 75 shots before 17yo, AND you want +3 vaccines per year? Maybe 6? Is there any day of the year I am NOT supposed to be inside a doctor’s office getting stabbed? Jesus H. I got work to do. “Can’t understand it” they say. “Totally unreasonable and irrational” they say. Must be “Antiscience white supremacist Putinhitler misinformation.” from Planet 9, certainly not from anything WE did!
How about like that video this week, you just piss off, and when you get there, just keep pissing off for the rest of the month?
“The judge in former President Donald Trump’s New York hush-money trial”
I’m sorry, how is “hush money” illegal again? If I paid you all to shut up, that’s a crime? When you TOOK the money? That’s just “A Contract.” If I have an NDA in contract, that’s illegal? THIS IS STANDARD TO MOST CONTRACTS. In addition to whatever else is going on. Demonstrates no one in America does any work, or knows anything about “Business”. #Capitalism!!
Key with the Finnish operator is with machines he can work in the rain, extending the number of days in the year and their safety.
“..the US was not able to spy on Trump legally [through] the intelligence community,” McAdams said. “So they asked their allies, ‘Hey, spy on someone and tell us what’s going on.’”
Don’t be an idiot. Of course that is still illegal. “Your honor, — I – didn’t kill my wife, my best friend killed her for me!” I can’t believe I have to live in this madhouse. You’re all fired. Until we can finish pressing charges and sending you all to prison.
Inset: We ALREADY KNOW about their corruption. But no arrests.
““Congress should be interested in whether the origins for the Russian investigation began with nudges from American intelligence in 2016 to the “Five Eyes.”
Due to their corruption, they also aren’t interested. Hey, I remember saying this in 2001 when you passed the Patriot Act! I said, “Yeah, and the FIRST person they will wiretap is YOU, Congressman.” And I thought they were retards before. They’re failing at even being weasels.
“• US Intel Fabricated Claim Putin Preferred Trump Over Clinton in 2016 (Sp.)
Government and intel lied. In other news, water is wet…. They lied, but to be fair, it’s only EVERY TIME. Open mouth: lie fell out.
“In an explosive opening statement, Bobulinski alleged that Joe Biden could be probed in relation to the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity statutes, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).”
Not explosive. Everybody knows, nobody cares. Corruption would be business as usual and the only thing that would upset them is if they were NOT on the take. ‘Cause they were already an independent billionaire in Real Estate or something.
““Having stepped forward with his explosive allegations, Bobulinski runs the risk of being hunted by the Biden administration’s “justice machine”,
They already did, of course, it was out yesterday. Arrested another Ukrainian who was like their Burisma prosecutor. Well son of a bitch…
“A Kamala Harris Presidency Would Be The Death Of The Democrats (Bridge)
Yay! Now can we do the same to the Republicans?
“Harris, the first woman and first Black American to hold the office of vice president,”
Single drop of black blood. Yup, they and the KKK are identical.
Anyway, this all goes back to they weren’t SUPPOSED to be elected. They had it all worked out. With Q. Trump was supposed to COUP the country, bonds would flow to Europe and save them, America falls in Civil War, we’d be their colony, and Joe and Kamala would be the brave “government in exile” racing from San Fran to Seattle before dying at MAGA racist hands. Deagel’s 100 Million dead. Yupppers. This is way funnier. I tune in every day to watch them squirm and STILL have no idea what to do.
They’re Minions. Hive mind alien insect overlords. They can’t THINK, only follow orders, so it takes them years to Plan. So the easiest thing in the world for, you know, ACTUAL HUMANS, is to just erase their “Master Plan” every 12 Scaramuccis. Then giggle and play a week of golf. Then, because that’s who they are, it takes 6-12 months to reform the NEW plan, then you do it again. They can’t even figure OUT the plan most of the time, because we hide it in humor and memes, which they can’t understand.
Most of their plans were based on Action-Reaction-Solution, so they all require our resistance and cooperation. What happens if we don’t cooperate? We don’t play our role as the rabbit to the wolves? We just LET THEM open the border in public view? LET THEM start 10 wars they can’t win? Well, as Ayn Rand said, nothing else has worked. “You’re the geniuses, WE just follow orders. So do you want this mop a little more to the left, or the right?” If I, we, don’t add our INTELLIGENCE, our cooperation, in foreign policy, strategy, then in fact they’re so f’ing retarded, useless, moronic, crack-smoking losers that without us, they can’t exist. They’re blood-sucking parasites. The castle falls and they’re out moving mud with the rest of the peasants, rediscovering “meritocracy.”
Understand? Never close the border until America LEARNS something. Don’t swoop in like helicopter snowplow Moms and save them from themselves. This is a Republic. THEY are the government. That means THEY have the work and the duty, and the morality, or else we have none at all. And if that’s who we are, well…what else is there? Can’t save you from yourself. Everyone opposes me saying this. Oh well. If you suck and are immoral country, then electing from a pool of failed, immoral people wont make us moral.
“Republican congressman Chip Roy from Texas has slammed the US Senate for passing a $95 billion bill for Ukraine and Israel without including provisions for securing”
Case in point. American people get it yet? We can keep going. It stops when YOU ask. That’s what “Democracy” is. Duty. A Republic if you can keep it. If not, well, what can I say?
“Kremlin Responds to Rumors of Russian Space Nukes (RT)
Major news source (erased now) headlined this as “InterGALACTIC Russian Missiles.” Because we haven’t bombed the Andromeda Galaxy yet. …Not for lack of wanting.
“the European Union plans to target three Chinese companies as part of the bloc’s 13th round of sanctions against Russia.”
Astonishingly for the rate at which we’re losing, failing, being creamed everywhere platnetwide, Biden has just STARTED THE WAR IN CHINA. He stationed U.S. soldiers on an island 6 miles from the Chinese mainland border. In hopes as bait he can get them all killed and start a war. Europe’s thing here is just helping advance that war we’ve already declared against them.
As above this is “The Plan” and they never let go of “The Plan” ever, even if nothing in Reality conforms to it. Like, for example, if there’s no Coup and no Insurrection, even with 700 FBI agents there helping. They need the war and to “Lose” so they can erase the Constitution, get the guns, and reduce America to abject desperation, forgetting our past and ourselves. Like any street pimp abuses and cuts off his call girls. China can’t really occupy us as it’s too far, and Russia the idea is laughable. But Hillary can, and promised to in the 2016 debates. Every Congressman says they will for +6 years now, start an unwinnable war with China that is. When we can’t beat a dozen Pashtun goat herders with 10 military bases and a trillion dollars.
I can only tell you. You have to not WANT to do this and stop.
“Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb (Ellen Brown)
Silly. When did we follow the law even once during ‘08? We made it all up! Totally illegally! Fannie Mae being backed? Specifically printed on their front page. Did it anyway. There’s neither Constitutional authority to bail out the economy nor is that money used to pay more bonuses than the GDP of Iceland. Did it anyway. So you’re telling me we have to “follow the law”? Hahahahahahaha! Nope. No we do not.
We can “Tax” the Wall Street and “Bonus” the citizens instead if we want. Hundreds of countries have decided “that’s the law” when enough bankers and ministers are found on lightpoles. “I just remembered!” they say, “Suddenly I’m seeing things your way!!!” So sure, whatever. But the definition of “Chaos” is, “No one can control it.”
“An overwhelming majority in the Australian parliament has voted to request that charges against Julian Assange be dropped”
They won’t REALLY love him until he’s completely dead. Like MLK. Or JFK for that matter. Totally Patriots when there’s no risk. Aus has no leverage and is taking no risk. Boycott UK and seize all their assets if you’re serious.
“”In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” ― Mark Twain
So thanks for that. 15 years of war crimes, they’ve reached the point of “signaling”. Flaccidly.
MRNA. “Anyone who”. “Anyone” meaning “Doctors”. Who are literal experts. “Anyone” meaning “The rest of us” if we “Do not love Great Leader AS MUCH as they prefer us to.” Yes, we know you love Pimp Daddy, but would you DIE for him? Now prove it.
February 16, 2024 at 12:50 pm #152866Oroboros
ParticipantHighway Billboard Meme
Someone’s had enough of the whole ritual humiliation control grid psyop mask Thing
February 16, 2024 at 1:01 pm #152867Oroboros
ParticipantConsolation Prize Friday
February 16, 2024 at 1:04 pm #152868Oroboros
Participant“A” Team Prosecutor
Fani put her dress on backwards for her deposition
Justice isn’t that blind Babe
February 16, 2024 at 1:15 pm #152869aspnaz
ParticipantAmerica has the white bar association:
America has the black bar association: like my first TV. Good job racism doesn’t exist in the USA.
February 16, 2024 at 1:20 pm #152870Oroboros
ParticipantFebruary 16, 2024 at 1:28 pm #152871Oroboros
ParticipantTalking to a friend about how close we are to being in the Matrix
He texted me this:
February 16, 2024 at 1:47 pm #152872Red
ParticipantTo save the market from collapse? With what? More fiat! F.S. Laughable really.
“But in a general economic depression, the exchanges themselves could go bankrupt. No provision for that is made in the Dodd-Frank Act, which purports to decree “no more bailouts.” Still, reasons Prof. Lubben, the government would undoubtedly step in to save the market from collapse.”
“Anyone” meaning “Doctors”. Who are literal experts. The ones that you may consider “experts” have either quit or been relieved of their positions. So where do you go for timely assistance?
February 16, 2024 at 1:50 pm #152873Oroboros
ParticipantHard to make up this shit
Thinking is now racist
Seattle English students told it’s ‘white supremacy’ to love reading, writing.
Students in a Seattle English class were told that their love of reading and writing is a characteristic of “white supremacy,” in the latest Seattle Public Schools high school controversy. The lesson plan has one local father speaking out, calling it “educational malpractice.”
February 16, 2024 at 1:51 pm #152874Red
ParticipantOne of the most strongly divisive and imminently important issues in science is whether the known geomagnetic excursions of the last 100,000 years are coincident with major climate changes and loss of species.
The field is utterly divided, and a resolution is not only academically desirable, but evidence suggests that earth’s magnetic field is entering excursion again now, and if this geomagnetic secular variation presents a biosphere problem, the focus and discourse of various fields need a dramatic shift, now.
This disagreement was highlighted in February 2021, with major publications claiming both that the Laschamp geomagnetic excursion 42,000 years ago was a major extinction event (Cooper et al. 2021) and expressing doubt (Voosen 2021). Both were published in the same volume 371 of the prestigious journal SCIENCE, they created even more confusion in the field, and it is critical that the next round of academic discussions appreciates the magnitude of the issue, and issues involved.
We often see investigations in this field failing to include a broad enough array of issues. Let’s take the example of the well-publicized study in 2020, when it was proposed that the Neaderthal
extinction was the result of competition with modern humans, and not abrupt climate change or interbreeding (Timmerman 2020).The existence of dramatic geomagnetic changes during the Neanderthal extinction is well established (Blanchet et al. 2006; Channell et al. 2017; Korte et al. 2019; Levi et al. 1990; Noel and Tarling, 1975; Svensson et al. 2006), and this was not part of Timmerman’s analysis, even though this causal link between the excursions and extinctions has been directly explored via the increase in UV light damage to biological cells and DNA due to destruction of the ozone by solar radiation during the excursion (Valet and Valladas, 2010; Channell and Vigliotti, 2019).
These studies and others have found a plausible causation for the extinction. The Valet and Valladas (2010) paper appeared in the same journal as Timmerman (2020), and Channell and Vigliotti (2019) appeared in the #1 geophysical journal – Reviews of Geophysics (AGU) – it was unacceptable to ignore those studies in this context, and yet it is a common feature of analyses in this field.
No study investigating the connection between these geomagnetic events and biosphere stress has considered both climate AND radiation exposure as causes of extinction, they pick one or
the other (Cooper et al. 2021 picked climate change), and there are further biosphere challenges during a geomagnetic excursion which also deserve attention in this discussion.Recent studies have revealed numerous correlations between solar storms/cosmic rays and adverse biophysical outcomes like terminal cardiac events and strokes, multiple sclerosis and autoimmune flare-ups, migraines, seizures, and cognitive/emotional stresses. (Cherry 2002; Jarusevicius et al. 2020; Rozhkov et al. 2018; Shepherd et al. 2018; Stoupel et al. 2018; Vencloviene et al. 2018).
The potential dynamics of these biophysical correlations during a geomagnetic intensity minimum have not been explored in the literature, but there is unquestionably more exposure to those stimuli during an excursion, which means that the adverse reactions will be stronger and more numerous.
In a geomagnetic minimum, we should consider the well-understood stresses of enhanced UV-B exposure to microbes and plants, which directly impacts their photosynthetic processes, their
progeny (seed integrity), the herbivores that rely on them, and the carnivores relying on the herbivores. Another challenge comes with the loss of predictability and stability of migratory species; both birds and marine creatures (Granger et al. 2020; Keller et al. 2021) use earth’s magnetic field. It is reasonable to expect the excursion to negatively affect those species and their immediate superiors in the food chain.The totality of these challenges, including radiation, bio-electromagnetic coupling, climate changes and competition with modern humans, likely worked as an ensemble of stresses that led to the Neanderthal extinction, that of other hominin species, and numerous megafauna known to have disappeared during past magnetic excursions. These stresses on the food chaincould have created further food insecurity and competition between species, such that even the human-competition-effect would be partially driven by the challenges that come with a geomagnetic excursion.
Modeling any subsegment of these challenges as independent variables is a considerable error in itself.
Today, the earth’s magnetic field is undergoing a well-known weakening and shift of the magnetic pole position. These shifts have been accelerating over the last century, with the polar motion
increasing, and the rate of geomagnetic strength now decreasing at five percent per decade, as opposed to five percent per century for much of the 1900s (Dickerson 2014). The recent identification of another acceleration of the field over the pacific sector in 2017 (Finlay et al. 2020) has put the subject in firm focus as a major ongoing event on our planet.Our electrified society, air travel, communications and more have all developed in an age where earth’s magnetic field was much stronger than it will be during the zenith of this excursion event. We now have more than the climate, radiation, food-chain disruption and solar-geomagnetic biology connections to consider in this upcoming event- we are at risk of losing our modern, electrified society.
It is a common misconception that earth’s last major magnetic event was the famous Laschamp excursion 42,000 years ago, but the Mono Lake, Lake Mungo, and Gothenburg magnetic
excursions occurred more recently, along with a minor event known as “Hilina Pali”, and one earlier in the timeline that shows up in Vostok corings. These events are fast-flips, rapid reversals, and these occur in a cycle of ~12,000 years. Gothenburg was ~12,000 to 13,000 years ago, and earth’s field is performing the excursion again- right on time.Looking ahead to the next round of academic studies on this topic, it is imperative that the field give appropriate treatment to all the potential biosphere stresses invoked by a weakening
magnetic field and shifting magnetic pole position.This includes (1) the loss of ozone and climate changes, (2) the radiation effect from both extra UV and galactic cosmic rays – on the entire food chain, (3) the navigational disruption to species caused by the magnetic change, (4) the geomagnetic interrelationship with critical biological processes, and (5) the dependence of modern society on electricity, and the increased vulnerability of these systems to both cosmic rays and solar flares while earth has a weaker planetary magnetic shield.
The world is watching, and the future may depend on how well we understand these changes and the challenges they present.
February 16, 2024 at 1:53 pm #152875Oroboros
ParticipantSoft Men make Hard Times
Hard Men make Good Times
The dangers of public trash cans
Who coulda guess?
February 16, 2024 at 3:20 pm #152877zerosum
ParticipantKeep out of trouble, follow the Law/Rules/Regulations
(Remove space to get the link to work)
Political/Regulatory Obstacle Courseshttps: //
Frequently Accessed Acts
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Political Activities Regulations (SOR/2005-373)
Government of Canada’s response to COVID-19
The Government of Canada is acting to minimize the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadians.
This page is archived and will not be updated. For current information about COVID-19, please visit
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Case and mortality trends
Variants in Canada
COVID-19 data trendsThis webpage was created to provide the latest information on legislative and other measures adopted to protect Canadians in response to the pandemic.
Note: For more information on measures that are no longer in effect, please contact the responsible department or agency.
Who did Illegal Political spying/Interference?
• Obama CIA Colluded with Foreign Powers in Massive Spy Op Against Trump (Miles)Since 2016, Democratic Party officials have accused former US President Donald Trump of illegally colluding with the Russian government as part of the discredited “Russiagate” narrative. Now, it appears such claims may represent a case of projection on the part of Trump’s critics.
That’s the takeaway from a bombshell report by “Twitter Files” journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger this week that suggests that CIA officials under former US President Barack Obama worked through English-speaking intelligence partners to spy on Trump’s presidential campaign.
The report alleges that the CIA under intelligence chief John Brennan worked with Five Eyes intelligence partners to circumvent legal restrictions against domestic spying by the agency. Five Eyes is an alliance of intelligence agencies in the United States, the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.
Brennan’s CIA allegedly colluded with these foreign intelligence agencies to conduct surveillance on the Trump campaign.
The spy agency also reportedly targeted prominent people associated with the campaign, operating from a list of 26 figures that intelligence assets could attempt to extract information from.
Attorney Steve Gill and analyst Daniel McAdams joined Sputnik’s Fault Lines program on Thursday to discuss the shocking revelations.————
Donald Trump just got the green light to return to Wall Street
Matt Egan, CNN
Thu, February 15, 2024US regulators have finally given the green light to a controversial merger between Truth Social owner Trump Media & Technology Group and a blank-check company. The blessing from the Securities and Exchange Commission removes the last major obstacle holding back the deal.
The merger, if approved by shareholders, would pave the way for Trump Media to become a publicly-traded company — one where Trump will own a dominant stake that could be worth billions.
Digital World Acquisition Corp., the blank-check firm, announced that on Wednesday the SEC signed off on the merger proxy for the deal. A date for a shareholder vote will be set by Friday.
Truth Social was created to serve as a safe harbor for free expression and to give people their voices back,” Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes, a former Republican congressman, said in a statement. “Moving forward, we aim to accelerate our work to build a free speech highway outside the stifling stranglehold of Big Tech.”
In case of bankruptcy. follow the rules. Derivatives are first in line.• Defusing the Derivatives Time Bomb (Ellen Brown)
This is made possible by the Uniform Commercial Code, under which all assets held by brokers, banks and “central clearing parties” have been “dematerialized” into fungible pools and are held in “street name.”
————February 16, 2024 at 3:21 pm #152878Oroboros
ParticipantI thought the Tucker grocery shopping piece needed some further contrast with what the Empire of Lies has to offer
February 16, 2024 at 3:27 pm #152879Oroboros
ParticipantMore on Tucker groceries
From Project Liberal
A little spicy propaganda
Just out right lies from the Empire of Lies
Russians spend 38% of their household spending on food.
Americans spend 8%.
The Libtards are trippin’ today!
February 16, 2024 at 3:28 pm #152880Oroboros
ParticipantFebruary 16, 2024 at 4:03 pm #152881zerosum
ParticipantComplexity will survive.
Some life will adapt some life will change some life will perish
“…. the dependence of modern society on electricity, and the increased vulnerability of these systems to both cosmic rays and solar flares while earth has a weaker planetary magnetic shield.”February 16, 2024 at 4:08 pm #152882John Day
Participant@Thomasjkenne, from last night: Bike ride, Grateful Dead, reflection & meditations on life.
Good! Carry-on!
🙂February 16, 2024 at 4:09 pm #152883Red
ParticipantLooks like that grade point average is no measure of intelligence. Hind sight doesn’t require a grade point average of any size.
Turbo Brain Cancer Due to University COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in the United States
“I am a recent graduate of NMCC (2021-associates of arts) and UMFK (2023-bachelors of science), where I earned a 3.89 GPA at both schools, was consistently on the dean’s list, received special honors, recognition, and awards, and graduated as the top student in my program at both schools.
February 16, 2024 at 4:17 pm #152884John Day
ParticipantThanks Red:
Maybe Russian space nukes could help us step down from our GPS and Starlink habits?
What about the grid?
😮February 16, 2024 at 4:18 pm #152885jb-hb
ParticipantA new criminal offense in France could in future land people in prison who encourage people to withhold appropriate medical treatment.
No, you see, I’m explaining to you how it isn’t appropriate.
Anyone who advises against mRNA or other “medical treatments” that are “obviously suitable” for treatment based on the current state of medical knowledge can in future be imprisoned in France for up to three years or receive a fine of up to 45,000 Euros
Like once Canada catches up legislatively to France (how did they fall behind on this one?) as soon as a doctor recommends suicide as a treatment – obviously suitable, since a doctor recommended it – that’s it.
In fact, there shall be no second opinions! All that are going with second opinions now can keep as they are, but there shall be NO MORE SECOND OPINIONS!
You talk to ONE doctor – or even just an “expert” of some kind. Or an expert says something somewhere. Whoever spoke first, they are lord over all, no one shall question what the very first person says is suitable.
If an expert says something before a doctor. If a “journalist” or politician says something before a doctor, STFU, DO NOT QUESTION. We got in there and said it was reasonable before you could. Fair’s fair.
February 16, 2024 at 4:23 pm #152886John Day
Participant@jb-hb: Kat Lindley MD explains the French criminal statute which will facilitate hard time for dissing mRNA injections.
France: any criticism of mRNA platform punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment and 45,000 euros.
“Article 4 is central to the new law, which was first deleted but then reinstated. This creates a new criminal offense and criminalizes the “ request to stop or refrain from…
— Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) February 15, 2024
February 16, 2024 at 4:33 pm #152887jb-hb
ParticipantThis is like Medieval Catholic Church or Caliphate stuff.
February 16, 2024 at 5:22 pm #152888John Day
ParticipantGilbert Doctorow, Death of Aleksei Navalny: the Brits did it! Helmer, THE LATEST MI6 OPERATION AGAINST RUSSIA — A SPY ALONE IS SPY BALONEY
February 16, 2024 at 5:25 pm #152889February 16, 2024 at 5:40 pm #152890zerosum
ParticipantNo need for NATO
the bilateral defense agreement between germany and the ukraine from axel springers welt am starting two important days. Meetings with partners in Germany and France, new agreements, and the Munich Security Conference. A new security architecture for Ukraine, as well as new opportunities. We are making every effort to end the war as soon as possible on fair…
— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) February 16, 2024
February 16, 2024 at 5:41 pm #152891Dr. D
ParticipantSeattle Writing: Um, apparently they do not know more than half of White people can’t read good. And want to do other stuff good too? And they’re the LITERATE half.
No white guy I’ve ever known has done this. Go to the dumbest, most retarded, all-Liberal Girl’s School in
Americathe world, Smith, and Wellesley, (btw, that’s illegal) where you’d bet $1,000 that everyone on campus believes only what is written. Then start a rumor in the Teacher’s Cafeteria. Nope! Nobody believes the written word for two seconds anymore! Not. A. One.If not them, how much more the rest of America who can’t read, or all the lawyers who do, but don’t follow any of it?
This is what I’m saying every day. It’s like, “Look at this Blue Polar Bear.” That polar bear is white. “No it isn’t!!!” Yes, it is, my eyes are looking right at it, same as yesterday, same as last month, same as when I was but a wee childrens. “How can you say that? It’s totally Blue!” — Sigh. —
IF ONLY anyone in America, EVEN white people, believed a word of what was written. If they did, I would already be writing in that very special way.
So…what do they ACTUALLY believe? POWER. The purpose of power is to boot-lick power. The ownership of POWER is AUTHORITY. So, Appeal to Authority, folks! Carry on…
February 16, 2024 at 5:50 pm #152892zerosum
ParticipantBoth Russian and Ukrainian media reported Ukrainian troops had evacuated the formidable fortification network first built in 2014 following the Kremlin’s first invasion of Ukraine and improved since then.
February 16, 2024
The End Of The Avdeevka Cauldron
The Ukrainian defense of Avdeevka is falling apart.
———-February 16, 2024 at 5:53 pm #152893zerosum
Video of the 3rd Assault Brigade “AZOV” retreating out of the hell of Avdeevka…February 16, 2024 at 6:34 pm #152894zerosum
ParticipantA different point of view.
Alexei Navalny: Why is Biden supporting a Russian fascist?
By Sara Flounders posted on February 17, 2021At the very time Democrats in Congress were attempting to impeach Trump for the Jan. 6 fascist rampage, President Joe Biden expressed support for a Russian political leader allied with a gang comparable to the Proud Boys. In his first contact with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin as U.S. president, Biden immediately pressed for the release of anti-Putin candidate Alexei Navalny.
Navalny’s notorious record is well-known in Russia. U.S. and German officials, who describe him as a dissident journalist, investigative blogger or anti-corruption activist, are being deceptive.
Why not Assange or Mumia?
There is an international campaign for the release of a far more prominent investigative journalist from Australia — Julian Assange. Assange exposed U.S. government corruption, surveillance and war crimes. Biden could have sent an encouraging human rights message by dropping U.S. demands for the extradition of Assange.
There is a 40-year campaign for the release of another investigative journalist, an acclaimed Black author who exposed racist police brutality in Philadelphia — Mumia Abu-Jamal. If Biden called for his release, it could send a message to the Black Lives Matter movement that the U.S. is addressing systemic racism. Instead, he has focused his “human rights” attention on a right-wing Russian national chauvinist!
The difference is that Assange and Abu-Jamal challenged the power of the U.S. ruling class. Navalny embraces it.
A well-known racist
Navalny is not a political unknown. For many years he has been in the limelight, in the media, on video and in the streets in fascist mobilizations that call for expelling all non-Russian peoples from Russia. Navalny was a driving force in the annual anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant “Russian March” in Moscow. Its central themes are “Take Back Russia,” “Russia for Russians” and “Stop Feeding the Caucasus” — the latter a demand to end federal subsidies to poorer, less-developed, largely Muslim regions of Russia.
The Russian March rallies were gatherings of Nazi elements, monarchists and religious Orthodox groups. On display were swastikas, confederate flags, religious insignia and calls for “white revenge.” These ultranationalist rallies were countered most years by left-wing demonstrations led by Russian Anti-Fascist Front, progressive street activists and young communists.
Navalny is the organizer of the “Movement Against Illegal Immigrants” and “Great Russia,” and he has called for the breakup of Russia. He has demanded the expulsion of all peoples from the Caucasus and Asia, whether they are citizens living in what is still part of the Russian Federation or are from surrounding Central Asian republics, which were severed after the Soviet Union collapsed. On video Navalny has whipped up sectarian violence by labeling people of the Caucasus “rotten teeth, to be extracted” and “cockroaches that must be exterminated.”
Navalny calls for aggressive privatization of more Russian industries, cuts in public spending, total freedom for businesses and a dramatic reversal of social guarantees that still remain from the Soviet Union. Navalny boasts that if he were president, there would be very friendly relations with the U.S. and the European Union.
Anti-corruption activist?
Navalny has been arrested numerous times on corruption and embezzlement charges, coming from former collaborators. Many charges are based on his looting of organizations he himself formed. But this has not stopped Russian oligarchs and Western agencies from funding his Anti-Corruption Foundation or aiding him in maintaining offices and staff in 43 cities across the country. It has not stopped the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy from providing $5 million funding for Navalny and other phony anti-corruption campaigns.
But as with Bolsonaro in Brazil or Trump in the U.S., his reactionary views are masked as a campaign against corruption
Of course there is corruption in Russia. Capitalism, an economic system based on the theft of human labor and the private expropriation of public resources, is by its very nature corrupt.
So-called anti-corruption campaigns can have appeal to people enraged at the system’s glaring inequality. But, intentionally, such campaigns have no program for the masses beyond replacing the current politicians in office.
Now Navalny has tried to refashion himself by opposing new pension regulations that raise retirement age. This is a completely opportunist reversal of the position he and his Party of Progress held for years: to raise the retirement age and liquidate the government pension fund.
The proposed increase in the retirement age, from 60 to 65 years for men by 2028 and from 55 to 63 years for women by 2034, was met with outrage across Russia; it took major protests to force a retreat on some aspects of the plan. Russia’s retirees — old enough to remember pension guarantees under the Soviet Union — are not likely to be fooled by Navalny’s phony about-face on pensions.
Free market neoliberalism
All of Navalny’s ugly history is glossed over by the western corporate media. He is consistently called a “liberal” dissident. This implies he is progressive.
Navalny has little support in Russia. After an alleged poisoning by Putin forces last fall, his approval rating peaked at 20%. One poll now shows only 2% favor him as a candidate! But Navalny is dangerous because he has powerful supporters in the West and among Russian oligarchs.
February 16, 2024 at 6:35 pm #152895Oroboros
ParticipantShooting the breeze with old friend who was complaining about how people in general are driving like crap, rude, impatient, losing their shit at the drop of a hat.
I told him the Spike Protein had been literally eating their brains for a couple of years inducing premature dementia and senility.
He said he could accept that as an explanation as good as any other….
Get the fuck out of my way….Pretty please
February 16, 2024 at 6:40 pm #152896Oroboros
ParticipantQuiz Show Quiz
Joe Biden on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
February 16, 2024 at 6:43 pm #152897Oroboros
ParticipantThe Empire of Lies Media Whores® are running out of options to blame Russia for everything wrong on the planet but they still have a few cards up their sleeves
February 16, 2024 at 6:52 pm #152898Oroboros
ParticipantJohn & Tony Podesta request your presence at a Very Private Special Event Washington, DC
Black Tie & Black Heart
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