Debt Rattle February 16 2024
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February 16, 2024 at 6:55 pm #152899
Egypt builds ‘enclosure’ for displaced Gazans in Sinai
Sami Quadri
Fri, February 16, 2024 at 9:01 a.m. PST·
Sami Quadri
Fri, February 16, 2024 at 9:01 a.m. PST·2 min read
Satellite picture shows machinery building a wall along the Egypt-Gaza Strip border in Rafah (Satellite image ©2024 Maxar Tech)
Satellite picture shows machinery building a wall along the Egypt-Gaza Strip border in Rafah (Satellite image ©2024 Maxar Tech)
Egypt is building a walled camp in the Sinai Peninsula to accommodate Palestinians who have been displaced following the war in Gaza, according to reports.The Wall Street Journal claims that Egyptian authorities are constructing an “eight-square-mile walled enclosure” on the Egyptian side of the border with Gaza.
Since the conflict between Israel and Hamas militants started in early October, Egypt has expressed concerns about the “forced displacement” of Palestinians into the Sinai desert.
However, facing the challenge of 1.5 million displaced Palestinians at its border and without any progress in ceasefire negotiations, Egypt is now setting up a camp capable of hosting “more than 100,000 people” as a “contingency plan”, according to the Journal.
The Sinai Foundation for Human Rights (SFHR), a monitoring group, has published photos and videos showing workers operating heavy machinery to construct concrete barriers and security towers around an area on the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing.
Videos and satellite images from Planet Labs show land being cleared near the Gaza border without clear signs of water or infrastructure development.
The SFHR said on social media that these efforts are to create a walled, isolated area on the border with the Gaza Strip, intended to house refugees in case of a mass exodus.
February 16, 2024 at 7:02 pm #152900zerosum
Egypt-Gaza Borders: Satellite Imagery Exposes Ongoing Wall Construction
2 hours ago February 16, 2024February 16, 2024 at 7:17 pm #152901zerosum
Sayyed Nasrallah Warns: Bloodshed in Lebanon Villages Will Be Avenged in Blood
February 16, 2024
The Hezbollah leader condemned the media’s portrayal of Hamas as “ISIL,” emphasizing that Hamas has been unjustly accused without evidence. He called out the hypocrisy of world leaders who condemn Hamas while ignoring Israeli atrocities against Palestinian civilians.February 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm #152902D Benton Smith
ParticipantIt’s baffling and impossible to successfully negotiate with a psychopath until one truly understands their mindset (which is a pretty damned uncomfortable feat all in itself!), because until you accomplish that you won’t be able to understand them or make them understand you.
Look at the multi-crisis for example. We don’t believe THEM when they tell us they mean to turn us into livestock and dead stock, and they don’t believe US when we tell them that they better knock it off OR ELSE !
It doesn’t do much good to tell a psychopath to stop being bad and be good “or else”, because if they do not BELIEVE the “or else” part of it then the threat will have no effect and they’ll just go right on being bad because what they BELIEVE is that you won’t stop them. And so long as you don’t stop them then their estimate that you won’t stop them (which they BELIEVE) also happens to be true and actual. That’s why they believe it, and it is also the entire reason and justification they cling to as proof of their own basic rightness. They are, as you know, as crazy as bedbugs
Successful negotiation depends on them believing the “or else” part of it, and that depends on it being actually true, and unfortunately that usually depends on carrying through and actually making it true by doing it.
If you think on that for a while you might notice that in THIS case ( the narrow case in which an “or else” threat is believed by both sides to be a hollow falsehood) it’s the psychopath who’s being rational. Until he is not.
The mindset of psychopathy is that it is definitively good to do anything they want to do that others don’t stop them from doing. Very very simple. One might even say idiotically simple.
But not as idiotic as dealing with psychopaths as though they were NOT psychopaths.
When negotiating terms of acceptable behavior to a psychopath those statements must be presented in such a way that the psychopath BELIEVES them. The “or else” part of the terms should be clearly stated and fully meant. For example: “If you commit a felony you will be physically arrested and put in prison.”
Ideally these terms are presented as fait accompli. Then the psychopath believes them for sure. Until reality is made manifest to them, however, they will believe that it’s just a bunch of big talk (which it often is) and go right on doing the crime that they’re doing before being so rudely interrupted by their victims’ call for justice.
So, don’t bother to threaten a psychopath. Just inform and then do.
Most of us are not ready to do that because we fear (reasonably) that all this might come to force and violence, and know that force, violence and overwhelming the free will of others are wrong. We are right in knowing that such actions degrade everyone involved, and especially those who are driven to such extremes in a last ditch stand against terrible evils that are on the verge of prevailing.
In a very real sense it is an act of loving self sacrifice that we are willing to resort to such extremes in order to snatch back to safety those teetering or falling into pure evil, because we know that sacrificing our innocence is a very very high price to pay. We pay with a coin much more valuable than our mere lives.
I know that I’m not telling you anything that you don’t already know, but especially in view of where all this crisis stuff is headed, it doesn’t hurt to be reminded once in a while.
February 16, 2024 at 9:25 pm #152903citizenx
ParticipantDr D says-
“Did they rape this child ENOUGH?” Too soon? You can be offended by me but not the rape or CNN helping?
Did Epstein, Mossad and the Jew sucking politicians rape enough children for your tastes?
Did cnn cover up Epstein, Ukraine nazis and bio-weapon labs? Kinda like your few bad apple ny jew theory?We absolutely do not tolerate any harm to civilians, and it is imperative that the enemy realizes they have crossed a red line in this regard
The Israelis failed to present a single slaughtered child or raped girl to the world; instead, the settlers who were killed were actually victims of Israeli army fire
Sayyed NasrallahEpstein and Mossad literally rape children for blackmail and pleasure- for the whole world to discover.
Then the Jews of Israel falsely claim their own citizens were raped by hamas and the whole world believes their lies? Hypocrisy much Jew trash?Joe “sniff em before you rape em” Biden claims he saw photos of the raped babies heads as the were tossed out of the incubators in Iraq and landed in Israel. Must be true.
Vast majority of Israelis support new Lebanon invasion: poll – The New Arab, Feb 16, 2024
Seventy-one percent of Israelis believe Israel should conduct a large-scale military operation against Lebanon to deter Hezbollah, a recent poll has shown.
Like covid- 99.9% of Jews support Israels right to steal, murder, lie and “defend themselves” in the right for Israel to exist. Imagine that. Raping children and flying planes into buildings is just icing on the jew cake.
Strange that the Jew dictator leader of Ukraine is sending his army of nazis off to fight the Russians who liberated the jews from camps in ww2. Strange that the Jew leader of the Jew state of Israel is operating a massive death camp in Gaza exterminating Palestinians like it was ww2 all over again…
Ahh Jews… raping children and exterminating their enemies in death camps… please support Dr D and DBS in their “good jews” feel good campaign bedtime stories for kiddies.
February 16, 2024 at 9:25 pm #152904WES
ParticipantSometimes when you read enough c^omments on MoA you can figure a few things out.
Like what is really going on in Avdeevka?
See there is no death penalty in Russia.
So the Russians are taking no Nazi prisoners in Avdeevka.
Justice is being served.
Just common sense.
That is why the Nazis want to leave Avdeevka.
That is why Avdeevka’s steel and concrete defenses are now crumbling.When a Ukrainian commander talks about beefing up their defenses, what he is really saying is he has greatly increased the number of blocking troops and set up more machine gun positions to prevent any Ukrainian cannon fodder from being able to retreat.
Noirette yesterday mentioned brave Sir “Scardy Cat” Macron cancelling his trip to Kiev, after 2 French men were executed north of Odessa as traitors. This execution had to have been approved by the “Special Ukrainian Envoy” US Gen. Agov. The 2 French men were supposed to co-operate in setting up a false flag operation of Macron. This sort of confirms the “US first” culture change that has recently happened in the Ukraine, highlighted by Mr. Za’s exit.
Now that the “cat is out of the bag”, it will be interesting to see if any other European NATO puppets will willingly visit Keiv, to sacrifice their lives to help create a successful future false flag operation in the Ukraine, to blame Russia.
There are rumors that the new Ukrainian commander-in-chief is setting about eliminating all of Mr. Za’s Nazi troops, by ordering them to the frontlines. Hence the recent training ground missile cleansing?
By-the-way, the new commander-in-chief was serving at Nato Brussels headquarters in 2013. So all his staff officiers are Nato too.
My best guess is no one will be visiting Kiev for a photo opportunity anytime soon!
Borris Johnson, please pick up the courtesy phone, it is Kiev calling!February 16, 2024 at 9:48 pm #152905zerosum
Ukraine has signed an “agreement on security guarantees” with Germany. What it says ….Ukrainian President Zelensky says it consolidates German support for Ukraine at more than €7 billion for this year.
“These are weapons for which there are already specific contracts. The agreement fixes Germany’s clear position on sanctions against the aggressor, the tribunal, and frozen assets,” the president writes.
It should be noted that the word “guarantees” is not mentioned in the document. It is called the “Agreement on Security Cooperation and Long-Term Support between Ukraine and the Federal Republic of Germany.”
In the event of a second Russian invasion of Ukraine, consultations will be convened within 24 hours to determine the next steps, and Germany “will provide Ukraine with prompt and ongoing security assistance, if necessary, modern military equipment in all necessary areas, as well as economic assistance.”
But the specific volumes and timing of the delivery of this aid are not specified and remain at the discretion of Berlin.
With regard to the latter, there is an important reservation – “Germany recalls that national budget allocations apply and require the express permission of the German Bundestag.”
That is, in each case of allocating money, the decision on the fact will be made by the German parliament at its discretion.
The document is valid for 10 years from the date of signing.
February 16, 2024 at 9:56 pm #152906Dr D Rich
ParticipantWhere’s Scott Ritter?
As in, where is Former Marine Scott Ritter’s opinion and valuable insight on Navalny….and, come to think of it, belatedly on his frendo Lira?
February 16, 2024 at 11:02 pm #152907John Day
ParticipantZugzwang Again
Big Serge represents physical realities of military capability and industrial capability clearly and in context.
The Age of Zugzwang , The Merciless Grip of Geostrategic Logic
Zugzwang (a German word that literally means “move compulsion”) refers to any situation in chess where a player is forced to make a move that weakens his position, such as a king that is backed into a corner to escape from check – each time he moves out of check, he moves himself closer to checkmate. More simply put, Zugzwang refers to a situation where there are no good moves available, but it is your turn…
..I would like to argue that, despite these many powerful emotional-religious currents, much of the Israeli-Arab conflict can be understood in fairly mundane geopolitical terms…
..First, Israel is an Eschatological Garrison State. This is a particular form of state which perceives itself as a sort of redoubt against the end of all things, and accordingly becomes highly militarized and highly willing to dispense military force. Israel is not the only such state to have existed in history, but it is the only obvious one extant today.
A historical comparison may help explain. In 1453, when the Ottoman Empire at last overran Constantinople and brought an end to the millennia-old Roman imperium, early medieval Russia found itself in a unique position. With the fall of the Byzantines (and the previous schism with western papal Christianity), Russia was now the only Orthodox Christian power remaining in the world. This fact created a sense of world-historic religious siege. Surrounded on all sides by Islam, Roman Catholicism, and Turko-Mongol Khanates, Russia became a prototypical Eschatological Garrison State, with a high degree of cooperation between Church and State and an extraordinary level of military mobilization…
..Israel is the only Jewish state in the world, founded in the shadow of Auschwitz, besieged on all sides by states with which it has fought several wars. Whether this justifies the kinetic aspects of Israeli foreign policy is not the point. The simple fact is that this is Israel’s innate self conception. It is an eschatological redoubt for a Jewish population that sees itself as having nowhere else to go…
..However, the Eschatological-Garrison nature of the state is not the only way in which Israel is abnormal. It is also quite unusual in that it is a Settler-Colonial State in the 21st century. Israel maintains hundreds of settlements in soft-annexed territories like the West Bank, which are home to half a million Jews. These settlements constitute an effort to demographically strangulate and assimilate Palestinian lands, and cannot be described as anything other than settler-colonialism…
..Thus, Israel unfolds according to unique geopolitical logic because it is a unique state, having both an Eschatological-Garrison and a Settler-Colonial nature. The viability of the Israeli project depends on the ability of the IDF to maintain powerful deterrence and protect Israeli settlements and settlers from attack. This fact creates a sense of asymmetric vulnerability for Israel… A security asymmetry exists in Israel because the IDF needs to maintain massive full-spectrum overmatch over its adversaries, both in conventional war against state actors *and* a preclusive defense that can effectively filter against low intensity non-state actors. Israel’s security situation has been built on the back of overwhelming victories over surrounding Arab states – the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War, and so forth, but it also needs to constantly filter and defend against low intensity attacks. The viability of Israel’s settler project is guaranteed only by IDF overmatch and the threat of punitive attacks…
..Rome was able to secure the borders of an enormous empire for centuries with shockingly low force generation by maintaining the threat of overmatch, and reliably (we might say excessively) punishing those who either invaded or rebelled. In the case of the 1st Century Jews, their temple was destroyed, much of Jerusalem was wrecked, and their leadership was devastated and scattered.
Ironically, Israel now finds itself in a situation similar to their former Roman overlords, needing to maintain full spectrum overmatch and the political will to wield their power punitively in order to sustain deterrence and protect their settler project…
..That is why, on October 7, Israel found itself in Zugzwang. It had to move, but the only move available was a massively destructive invasion of the Gaza Strip, because Israeli strategic logic dictates an asymmetric response. Hamas’s attack necessarily triggered a ground invasion and concordant air campaign with the ostensible goals of eliminating the organization, despite the obvious certainty that would cause mass casualties in Gaza and abnormally high losses among the IDF…
..Ultimately, I have always believed that there is no durable solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict short of military victory for one side or the other. Neither a two-state nor a one-state solution is viable given the current construction of the Israeli state and its ideological content. A one-state solution (which gives citizenship to Palestinians within the Israeli polity) is unlikely to satisfy anyone, but would be particularly abhorrent to the Israelis who would correctly perceive it as the de-facto surrender of their state via demographic overwhelming. A two-state solution would require an Israeli strategic retreat from its settlements. In short, any of the potential diplomatic arrangements constitute Israeli strategic defeat, and can only come about once Israel has actually suffered such a strategic defeat on the battlefield…
..Ultimately, foreign observers must understand that the Israeli-Arab conflict is practically predestined by the peculiar nature of the Israeli state. As both an Eschatological Garrison state and a Settler-Colonial enterprise, Israel is unable to relate normally with the Palestinians (who do not have a state at all), and the only way out of the jam is either an Israeli strategic defeat or the shattering of Gaza…
..Concurrent with the collapse of the temporary stable state in Israel, the United States faces an unraveling of its position across the region, particularly in Iraq and Syria. This, perhaps even moreso than the Israeli predicament, represents an idealized example of geopolitical zugzwang.
To begin, one must understand the strategic logic of American strategic deployments. America has made generous use of a strategic deterrence tool colloquially known as the Tripwire Force. This represents an undersized, forward deployed force located in potential conflict zones with an eye to deterring war by signaling a commitment to respond. The classic example of the tripwire force was America’s minuscule deployment in Berlin during the cold war…
..On the whole, the tripwire force is a useful and well established tool in strategic deterrence, utilized by both the United States and the Soviet Union (as in its deployments in Cuba) throughout the cold war. Today, the United States adopts a similar strategy in the middle east, in relation to Iran…
..The American strategic goal, in a few words, is to conduct area denial and prevent Iranian hegemony in the middle east. This, in turn, is an extension of the broader American grand strategy, which is to prevent the preeminent or potential regional hegemons from consolidating positions of domination in their regions: Russia and Germany in Europe, China in East Asia, Iran in the Middle East. The geopolitical story of the modern world is one of triple containment by the United States, using an array of regional satellites, proxies, and forward deployments. Because Iran is the only state in the Middle East with the potential to become a regional hegemon, it is the object of American containment. America’s lingering deployments in places like Iraq and Syria therefore ought to be understood primarily as efforts to disrupt Iranian influence and offer forward deployment to combat Iranian militias… They can be understood as a form of tripwire force that also has limited operational value.
Unfortunately, the United States has discovered the limits of these skeletal forward deployments. The American presence across the region is too small to credibly deter attack, but large enough to invite it…
..The standard American reprisal for attacks on its facilities and personnel – air strikes – have little deterrent value against irregular combatants who are both willing to take casualties and mentally acclimated to a long struggle of strategic attrition and survival. Iran and its proxies have long time horizons that are resistant to short, sharp rebukes.
Furthermore, Iran and its allies thrive in conditions of governmental disorder, inuring them to America’s capacity to smash up states (creating what I call trashcanistans). Creating a trashcanistan can be strategically useful in many circumstances – by intentionally creating a failed state, a vacuum of disorder can be created on the enemy’s doorstep. In the right circumstances, this is a potent lever for creating geostrategic area denial. In Iran’s case however, failed (or at least, destabilized centers) create vacuums for which Iran is the most natural fill. This is why America’s geopolitical shooting spree across the Middle East has coincided with decades of steady growth in Iranian influence…
..American bases have endured relentless rocketry attack by Iranian proxies (attacks that have killed American soldiers), and the Ansar Allah movement (the Houthis) continue to obstruct shipping in the Red Sea despite a limited air campaign. In a geostrategic environment where deterrence is no longer credible, tripwire forces (like the American bases at Al-Tanf and Tower 22) cease to become deterrents at all, and become mere targets… After decades of wars across the Middle East, Americans are simply habituated to hearing about casualties in places that they have never heard of and do not care about. Thus, as both a geostrategic and a domestic-political instrument, the tripwire is busted…
..This is why those voices calling for war with Iran, as deranged and dangerous as they may be, are actually keyed in on a crucial aspect of America’s strategic calculus. Limited measures no longer suffice to intimidate, which may leave nothing in the stable except the full measure.
And so, America faces Zugzwang. As yet it appears that the traditional American toolbox has little to no deterrent value, and American bases around the region appear to be more like targets than tripwires…
..America soon faces the prospect of a difficult choice, between strategic retreat or escalation. In either case, a skeletal tripwire deployment in the region becomes obsolete, and America must either get out or go in deeper. This is why there are now alarms flashing in the foreign policy blob, who fear an American withdrawal from Syria, alongside ever more deranged calls to “bomb Iran.” That’s Zugzwang: two bad choices…
..America faces Zugzwang in Ukraine. It can choose to go all-in, but this means both selling a disruptive breakneck rearmament to the American public in peacetime, *and* gambling on a faltering piece in Kiev (which is now facing a command shakeup and yet another shattered defensive stronghold in Avdiivka). Strategic retreat in the form of abandoning Kiev may make the most sense from a pure cost-benefit perspective, but there are undoubtedly prestige factors at play. Walking away from Ukraine entirely and simply leaving it to be steamrolled would be seen, and rightfully so, as a Russian strategic victory over the United States. Farber, “There Is A Massacre Unfolding, Right Now, In Nasser Hospital In Khan Younis. Masses of Patients, Children, Men and Women Are Being Slain Indiscriminately.” Footage From Inside Hospital Surpasses All Imaginable Horrors, As Patients Try To Escape Besieged Hospital, Amidst Screams, Machine Gunfire, TOTAL Chaos
War on Gaza: Biden slammed over failure to help US nationals abducted by Israel , Hashem Alagha, Borak Alagha and their father Ahmed were taken by Israeli forces in Khan Younis last week, and their family says the US has not done enough to secure their release 16, 2024 at 11:03 pm #152908John Day
ParticipantEssay by Mike Whitney, “Over a Million Palestinians Are About to Be Forced From Gaza into Egypt at Gunpoint”
The IDF’s recent airstrikes on civilian areas in Rafah mark the beginning of the final phase of Israel’s massive ethnic cleansing project. On Monday, Israel bombed a number of locations where Palestinian refugees were huddled in tents after fleeing Israel’s onslaught in the North. Videos of the destruction appeared on a number of Twitter-sites which showed a deeply-cratered wasteland in the middle of makeshift encampments. Not surprisingly, women and children made up the bulk of the casualties with no evidence of Hamas to be found anywhere. According to a witness at the site, body parts and carnage were strewn across the landscape. This is from an article at the World Socialist Web Site: “Israel launched a massive aerial bombardment of Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza, on Sunday night into Monday morning, killing over 100 people. As the sun came up, the world was horrified by images of the mangled bodies of children, in a chilling demonstration of what is to come in the weeks ahead.” Erects 8-Square-Mile Walled Enclosure In Sinai Desert For Rafah Refugee Spillover Moon of Alabama, (Lebanese Hezbollah leader, Sayyed) Nasrallah Responds To Israeli Attack On Civilians In Lebanon
We absolutely do not tolerate any harm to civilians, and it is imperative that the enemy realizes they have crossed a red line in this regard
Since October 7, there has been immense global pressure to prevent the southern front from opening up to support Gaza. The enemy’s tactic, through targeting civilians, is to coerce the resistance into halting its actions., the enemy should anticipate this response.
The enemy will pay the price in blood for shedding the blood of our women and children in Nabatieh, Al-Suwanah, and elsewhere...
..It is essential for Americans and Zionists to understand that in Palestine, they are confronting a people who will not retreat, regardless of the sacrifices or challenges they face.
The Lebanese resistance possesses powerful and precise missile capabilities, enabling its reach from Kiryat Shmona to Eilat...
..The Israeli goal was to displace Palestinians from occupied Palestine, relocating the people of the West Bank to Jordan, those of Gaza to Egypt, and those of the 1980s to Lebanon. Operation Al-Aqsa Flood exposed this long-standing Israeli objective of establishing a purely Jewish state extending from the sea to the river.
The project of establishing a purely Jewish state not only targets Palestinians but also poses a threat to Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon.
In memory of our martyred leaders, we reaffirm the efficacy of popular resistance as a viable option…
..Seventy-one percent of Israelis believe Israel should conduct a large-scale military operation against Lebanon to deter Hezbollah, a recent poll has shown.
The survey was conducted by the Israeli Maariv newspaper amid worsening cross-border violence between the Israeli army and the powerful Iran-backed Hezbollah militant group. A growing number of Israelis, especially those who evacuated their homes in the north, have urged their government to take decisive action against Hezbollah and push them away from the frontier, even if that means a land invasion. Scholars to President Biden: You Must Act Now to Prevent Genocide in Gaza
Academics Across America Demand Immediate Ceasefire, Restoration of Humanitarian Aid, and a Just Resolution in Israel-PalestineUS Scholars to President Biden: You Must Act Now to Prevent Genocide in Gaza
February 16, 2024 at 11:03 pm #152909John Day
Participant Also on our Mother Planet. Thanks Red. Geomagnetic Extinction: A Paramount Science Disagreement
One of the most strongly divisive and imminently important issues in science is whether the known geomagnetic excursions of the last 100,000 years are coincident with major climate changes and loss of species.
The field is utterly divided, and a resolution is not only academically desirable, but evidence suggests that earth’s magnetic field is entering excursion again now, and if this geomagnetic secular variation presents a biosphere problem, the focus and discourse of various fields need a dramatic shift, now...
..Our electrified society, air travel, communications and more have all developed in an age where earth’s magnetic field was much stronger than it will be during the zenith of this excursion event. We now have more than the climate, radiation, food-chain disruption and solar-geomagnetic biology connections to consider in this upcoming event- we are at risk of losing our modern, electrified society.
It is a common misconception that earth’s last major magnetic event was the famous Laschamp excursion 42,000 years ago, but the Mono Lake, Lake Mungo, and Gothenburg magnetic excursions occurred more recently, along with a minor event known as “Hilina Pali”, and one earlier in the timeline that shows up in Vostok corings. These events are fast-flips, rapid reversals, and these occur in a cycle of ~12,000 years. Gothenburg was ~12,000 to 13,000 years ago, and earth’s field is performing the excursion again- right on time.
Looking ahead to the next round of academic studies on this topic, it is imperative that the field give appropriate treatment to all the potential biosphere stresses invoked by a weakening magnetic field and shifting magnetic pole position.
This includes (1) the loss of ozone and climate changes, (2) the radiation effect from both extra UV and galactic cosmic rays – on the entire food chain, (3) the navigational disruption to species caused by the magnetic change, (4) the geomagnetic interrelationship with critical biological processes, and (5) the dependence of modern society on electricity, and the increased vulnerability of these systems to both cosmic rays and solar flares while earth has a weaker planetary magnetic shield. House Intel Chair Accused of Disclosing National Security ‘Threat’ to Get Ukraine Aid Passed
US officials later told the media that the “unspecified threat was related to Russian space capabilities and a plan to develop a nuclear weapon that can target satellites. For their part, Russia dismissed the claim and said the US was “making up malicious stories.”House Intel Chair Accused of Disclosing National Security ‘Threat’ to Get Ukraine Aid Passed
Simplicius, Planetary Scare: Russian Doomsday Space Weapon Steals Headlines of Avdeevka Collapse [It’s hard to keep up with Adveevka. See below.]
..This could be a potential new escalation on Russia’s behalf to draw a final red line and issue the implied threat that if you continue meddling and harming us with these assets, we will consider wiping out your entire space-based ISR assets.
Of course, the problem with such an approach—if we’re talking about the nuclear/EMP-style option, at least—is it would indiscriminately wipe out everything in sight, including friendly and allied space assets. But I agree with one analyst who said that China likely wouldn’t mind trading a few of its own destroyed satellites in exchange for seeing the entire fleet of U.S./NATO assets go up in smoke.
Such a weapon could truly be a ‘hand of god’ that totally erases the Empire’s most crucial capabilities, instantaneously blinding it in every theater all over the world, allowing Iran, Yemen, North Korea, China, and anyone else to run rampant. I said before that Russia knows how to fight blind—hundreds of videos attest to its artillerymen, for instance, using Bussols and other scopes to accurately hit targets day in and out, while NATO relies primarily on satellite-guided GPS for almost everything... This morning: Avdeevka has been cut in half by Russian forces. Russians offered surrender last night. Ukrainians are abandoning positions to regroup in the 9th quarter to evacuate. Azov reserve forces got to Avdeevka, saw it was hell, and withdrew to the next town against orders, leaving Ukrainian forces no way out, except to cross muddy fields under Russian fire, with 20% survival prospects. Attempts To Escape From The Encirclement Turned Out To Be A Disaster. Military Summary For 2024.2.16
This Afternoon: There is no way out for Ukrainian forces, who have been hit by 300 precision FABs (fuel air bombs) in the past 24 hours, and cannot hope to survive crossing muddy fields under heavy Russian fire tonight. The political decision must be made for something like 6000+ Ukrainian troops to surrender or die pointlessly.
Half Of Avdiivka Was Captured.1000s Of Soldiers Were Trapped. Military Summary 2024.2.16
February 16, 2024 at 11:04 pm #152910John Day
ParticipantWeeks After US Journalist Dies In Ukrainian Custody, Biden Uses Navalny’s Death To Push For More Russian War Funding Gilbert Doctorow, Death of Aleksei Navalny: the Brits did it!
The Financial Times confirmed that Navalny had indeed died and set out the comments of leading Western statesmen condemning what they considered to be the latest murder by Vladimir Putin of prominent activists who oppose his rule. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, European Council President Charles Michel and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz were among those who already had spoken before microphones and were reading from the same anti-Putin script.
In short, what happened in the West this afternoon was a new campaign to vilify Vladimir Putin on the world stage based on a death which was, if I may quote former British PM Theresa May, ‘highly likely’ to have been perpetrated by British Intelligence for this very purpose...
..Why would Putin want to murder Navalny, when the man is now largely forgotten within Russia. Navalny is yesterday’s news and his ‘anti-corruption’ campaign is irrelevant to Russians in the midst of an existential struggle with the Collective West that is being fought on the territory of Ukraine? However, the murder of Navalny clearly serves the interests of that same Collective West as an intended antidote to the major Soft Power coup of the Carlson Tucker interview with Vladimir Putin just a week ago…
..Russian doctors at the prison colony were said to have spent half an hour today trying to revive Navalny, but in vain. He is just one more case of collateral damage in the British secret war on Russia
Time was, in the days of Tony Blair, we spoke of the British as the ‘lap dogs’ of Bush. Today it would be more appropriate to say that the British have become the Hound of the Baskervilles, ahead of and likely outside the control of Washington.“This Is Scary”: Soros Prepares Takeover Of 200 Radio Stations Ahead Of US Presidential Election
America’s second-largest radio broadcaster could soon emerge from bankruptcy with a new shareholder: Soros Fund Management. Phil sent this 24 minute video of (officially disgraced) US Government bioweapons expert David Martin speaking about the WHO and global crime syndicate decades of preparation to launch the COVID bioweapon and the profitable “vaccine” bioweapon-countermeasure, which they openly documented the development of. If you want to cut to the chase, it is found after 16:00, up to the end at 24:00 minutes. (This is not the European Parliament talk.) DR DAVID MARTIN MINCES NO WORDS
Meryl Nass MD, Trump spent $10 billion on US depopulation: Catherine Austin Fitts/ Mark Crispin Miller’s Substack
In an interview with Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog, Catherine Austin Fitts has said that “No matter who is president, they will allow bioweapons to kill Americans without hesitation.” She also argues that the former president Donald Trump is either a knowing participant in the Covid bioweapon operation, or he is grossly incompetent not to understand what’s happening, which Fitts claims is highly unlikely. 16, 2024 at 11:05 pm #152911John Day
ParticipantDigging in the dirt, out in the sunshine, to plant and cultivate vegetables is also very good, supporting a healthy, antidepressant gut microbiome.
New Study Finds Exercise Twice As Effective At Treating Depression As Anti-Depressant Drugs (and won’t make you want to shoot up a school or church) WEATHER | Where, Why and How 2:30 minutes on how air movement with charged particles carries electric current which creates and responds to magnetic fields.
The 3 minute case for the next turn of our ever-changing planetary weather being a cold one. Recent evidence. Cold Climate Bomb is Coming
February 16, 2024 at 11:21 pm #152912Dr. D
ParticipantAlthough Dr. Scooped me,
Okay, news in, Avdiivka probably fallen, certainly cut off. Because these mouth-breathing death zealots won’t give up and inch of Ukrainian land, they now have 7,000 men trapped instead of retreating. They send in the Azovs at last (probably why they removed Zu) and they are instantly trapped in a death cauldron as well. So instead of helping things, it made it worse, Syrsky’s specialty. Since they already asked for surrender, not much good surrendering now, Russia’s just going to shell them, with Fabs, until nothing moves.
Congratulations, you can all go give each other medals now, as the fathers of 30,000 future soldiers are all killed.
We only hear rumors that Congress and officials are browning their pants, as they all thought they had plenty of time to come up with something, run it in a holding pattern, create a DMZ, get a House vote for shells we can’t make, all that.
If Ukr falls, then the money laundering to CIA and DNC fall too, along with maybe 1/3 of Republicans? Awwww. I’m all kinds of broken up to hear the funding you steal and only pretend to help others will be stopped. How you gonna pay blackmail now?
General comment: y’all got to read each other and stop jut making stuff up. Do you not notice when you’ve gone so mental, so emotional, your brains have turned off? What good is all that? And attacking commenters? Boy, sure glad all the local, state, and federal officials have been arrested and we have time for small beer. Just silly.
February 16, 2024 at 11:22 pm #152913Dr. D
ParticipantBtw, wasn’t that an American flag on the Azov helmet? Ummm… makes me want to check?
February 16, 2024 at 11:27 pm #152914D Benton Smith
Where’s Scott Ritter?
As in, where is Former Marine Scott Ritter’s opinion and valuable insight on Navalny….and, come to think of it, belatedly on his frendo Lira?”
Yer question is my command, so here ya go, a link to a video wherein one of my favorite human beings, Anna, interviews Scott about Navalny (and other interesting stuff).
February 17, 2024 at 12:07 am #152915WES
Your comment about your university educated kids telling your grandkids to go to trade school is interesting.
I guess I have a foot in both camps. My son is a millwright/mechanic now a boat mechanic, something he always wanted to be since he was a kid. We kid him that he took the 10 year short cut to being a boat mechanic, via industrial millwright and wind turbine technician.
None of which was easy. My son has his Mother’s learning disability and is no good with paperwork. It was only with the help of a friend who took him under his wing in his last 2 years of high school, that he got his lucky break and succeeded.
My son spent one semester as an unpaid co-op student, under his supervision as leadhand, at an underground sewage tunnel boring operation in Pickering, Ontario. My son was only allowed to work about 500 hours but ended up working well over 1,000 hours! He didn’t merely break work hours laws, he literally smashed them to pieces!
The real key to breaking into the trades and being able to go to trade school is you must already be hired by a private company. This friend had a HVAC company as a sideline so he hired my son and applied to the trade school for my son using his co-op hours. The only other route into the trades is to go to a community school and upon graduation hope someone hires you. Obviously this route wasn’t open to my son as he didn’t have university level skills.
(P.S. I wrote all of my son’s written homework and did all of his projects and oral presentations. I didn’t do this to improve his grades or his abilities (he never stuck around!), but rather to make him feel better about himself! The teachers all knew what was going on.
In one memorable project, my son was to give an oral presentation on the different types of native Indian transportation systems, like snowshoes. My son’s presentation took him over half an hour to deliver! The presentation consisted of mainly lots of sketches/diagrams/pictures with just a few words under each. Once I had completed composing his presentation, I then sat down with my son, the night before, and verbally explained very quickly the significance of each picture before he lost interest!.
His teacher said the one thing my son was surprisingly good at doing, was standing up in front the class and talking! This was very strange as my son is a man of very few words! How was school today? “Good!”. Same one word reply from grade 1 to grade 12! He had learned that any other answer elicted follow-up questions! He could have burnt the school down and I would have only found out by reading the local paper! One thing I am proud of is he is his own man, and not susceptible to peer pressure.)
Now my daughter is fairly good at university paperwork, took partial French immersion in middle school, then special art program in high school. She is now finishing her 5th and last year of co-op business in university. She likes working remote co-op jobs, having so far worked from home, Florida, and the cottage thanks to Elon’s Starlink internet. So her future remains uncertain for now.
We don’t get to see our son during the winter monrhs, except at Xmass as he gets 2 weeks off, but get to see him every day at the cottage in the summer because the marina is only a mile away. He paddle boards to the mainland and then bikes to work. So far our daughter has managed to work from the cottage during the summer or has just taken the summer off. She too is rather independent like her brother. Her brother is bolder while she is quieter, but with the same “make me!” trait! This what you get when you mix 3/8 English, 1/4 German, 1/8 Welsh, 1/8 Scottish and 1/8 Irish!
February 17, 2024 at 12:26 am #152916zerosum
There are many paths to old age.
LOved your success story with your kids.
My grandson response is “Yep”, “Okay”
I’m slowly going back to being an introvert. (I’m outliving all my friend.)February 17, 2024 at 12:34 am #152917Oroboros
ParticipantSyrsky was put in to KILL all the Azov-Kraken guys who where Zaluzhnyi’s private SS army.
Nazilensky needs Azov-Kraken dead so he doesn’t have to watch his back (as much)
Night of the Long Knives in Avdiivka
Azov-Kraken wannabe SS were held in reserve by Zaluzhnyi to maintain ‘enforcers’ for his cut of the Grift.
Zaluzhnyi pampered them with the best gear, lodging, food and hookers. Elite fascist filth got the best goodies.
I heard a bridge or two of Azovs refused to deploy into Avdiivka and that several bridges of Azov-Krake were vaporized by the hypersonic missile strike when they were assembling west of Avdiivka.
I also heard from Telgram channels that the old Donbass militias (now incorporated into the Russian Army) that have the lead in much of the Avdiivka fighting are taking no prisoners. It was their families and kids who were shelled and killed by the Ukronazis in Avdiivka the past 10 years. 15,000+ civilians intentionally killed by the Ukronazis. Gonna be a turkey shoot massacre of Ukronazis, no mercy.
Hey, sounds like Gaza.
February 17, 2024 at 12:35 am #152918thomasjkenney
Participant@WES re: difficulty
My brother is dyslexic. He almost got his pilot’s license, and is now also almost through airframe mechanic school. Difficult, sheesh! But for a motivated person, it’s called ‘just living.’
February 17, 2024 at 1:06 am #152919jb-hb
ParticipantSouthfront is saying Russian flags are going up in the center of Adeevka now, so I guess that’s over. Bakhmut seemed important as a lynchpin of Ukranian prepared defenses, but then nothing much happened.
Maybe, as I predicted, the Brussilov method – applying pressure everywhere – is what can work for Russia.
Or maybe how Liddel Hart describes Sherman’s march through the south would work. Your enemy will know where you are and have sufficient force to halt you, so you “put the opponent on the horns of the dilemma” – advance towards two important objectives, maintaining uncertainty as to which you are going for.
With such a strategy, surprise doesn’t matter, it’s uncertainty that counts. If the enemy commits to defense of one of two objectives, just take the other. Sherman walked his opposites back step by step for a thousand miles this way. This only works if the enemy does not have the wherewithal to block you in both places at the same time. Mobility, intelligence/scouting, the strength of defense vs offense, and disparity in available forces and comparative capabilities is starting to look like the US Civil War, which is another good conflict to look at in addition to WW1.
February 17, 2024 at 1:19 am #152920zerosum
ParticipantOne more report
ParticipantFrom what I gather, tonight after darkness falls in Avdeevka, is going to be a blood bath, in the multiple 1,000s, as the Russians don’t want to take any UKRAINIAN prisoners while panic sets in and the Ukrainians all run for their lives! A real deadly turkey shoot.
Clearly the Russian plan of attack focusing on only pressuring about 10% of Avdeevka, is quite different from the 100% approach in Bukhmut. Once Ukrainians abandon Avdeevka, expect the Russians to continue attacking, unlike Bukhmut where they stopped! There appears to be no fall back positions/trenches prepared for the retreating Ukrainians. Expect follow up attacks.
I expect that the Russians are taking heavy casualties but the Ukrainians much more so.
What is rather interesting are the reports of the “brave” Nazi “blocking” brigades refusing orders to move to the front. Obviously they must now know it is their turn to die. This wasn’t supposed to ever happen to them!
NAZIS: Live by the sword. Die by the sword.
February 17, 2024 at 2:33 am #152922my parents said know
ParticipantIlargi- Wilhelmenia Wiggins Fernandez died. She sang the aria from “La Wally” in the movie “Diva”.
If you haven’t heard it, give it a listen.
Outstanding!February 17, 2024 at 2:36 am #152923Dr D Rich
If your thesis on psychopaths holds true and becomes widely accepted by psychiatrists and psychologists THEN you’ll be next Kaitlyn Kariko, she of the Nobel prize in medicine.Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a disaster for communities, institutions, nations and targets of their abuse. The psychopath’s wingmen enjoy at best a tenuous existence until their all too predictable devaluation and discard.
In my estimation, the world has a whole religion, nation and culture dominated by this abusive, acquisitive, parasitic mindset. An apt analogy is tick-borne neurological disease. Additionally, Lobaczewski’s Political Ponerology fits the American political, corporate, and elite behavior on blatant display since NDAA 2003 and in hyperdrive since COVID madness took hold.
They are irredeemable, simply put.
Take the test. It’s free.
February 17, 2024 at 2:54 am #152924Dr D Rich
ParticipantAntisocial Personality disorder instead of Narcissistic, but y’all knew that
February 17, 2024 at 4:09 am #152925wdt
ParticipantLarry Johnson had a guest post, about 3 back, quite though and, IMO, good
about narcissistic personality disorder. Well worth a look
sonar21.comFebruary 17, 2024 at 4:22 am #152926wdt
ParticipantIt has ALWAYS been my opinion that someone who cannot admit error, when appropriate
is worth NOTHING. I am not talking about debate, argumentation, that is just words
I mean when an action fails, even if it is only to yourself, and only then when it only affects yourself
Sorry, that’s a bit convoluted. If the error affects other people, at least an apology is warrentedFebruary 17, 2024 at 4:35 am #152927D Benton Smith
If your thesis on psychopaths holds true and becomes widely accepted by psychiatrists and psychologists THEN you’ll be next Kaitlyn KarikoI’m confidant that I can postpone writing the acceptance speech for a while, but your exemplary of Kaitlyn Kariko is interesting. Her insights into mRNA showed such awe inspiring intelligence, coupled with gobsmacking irresponsibility for consequences.
February 17, 2024 at 4:53 am #152928my parents said know
ParticipantI have liked nearly every Jewish person I’ve ever met- some, very, very much.
And Israel was and is a rotten idea that just keeps getting worse.February 17, 2024 at 10:29 am #152939aspnaz
ParticipantI wonder whether there were Britons who used to say, back in 1066, that “I have know many Vikings, they were really nice people, I think I really, really liked all the Vikings I met”?
People are suckers. First, they have no idea of the priorities of the people they are talking to; one of the most common manipulations in crime is to utilise the fact that people initially project their own values on the people they meet, they “assume” that those people are just like them. It is only after the people they meet start acting weird that they start to distance themselves from those people, until then, they are completely open, which is how swindlers etc take advantage of people. How do you think your granny lost her fortune?
Just because people are “nice” does not mean anything, it does not mean they won’t rape your daughter when you are not looking; how do you think child abuse happens? It happens because people are completely defenseless when they first meet new people, something that you would hope – but it doesn’t happen – that adults would grow out of, especially adults with responsibility for others.
People need to assess the people they talk to not on an emotional basis but on the basis that you, white guy, are supposed to be defending your family, your home and your country, so what are the primary motivations of these people that you have met? I have met many Nigerians over the years, I have had many drinks and jokes with them, they were really nice people, but i would not trust them for one second.
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