Debt Rattle February 4 2023


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    Henri Matisse Olive trees at Collioure 1906   • Building A New World Order Is Now An Existential Issue For Russia (Trenin) • US-China War By 2025
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle February 4 2023]



    Olympic bobsledder, 48, dies after suffering a ‘catastrophic’ brain bleed leaving behind his devastated wife and two young sons

    Duncan above is a classic case of death-vaxx induced CVT – yet no one will speak it.

    “These findings support a causal association between CVT and the AstraZeneca vaccine.”




    Heartache as ‘fit and healthy’ young man dies after sudden chest pains at home



    Tributes as Cumbria cricketer Arthur Lamb dies aged 31

    “suddenly … in his sleep…”




    A great listen.

    Energy depletion, economic collapse, war in Ukraine.

    Dr. D

    Well that’s Ironic timing.

    “Secret CCP Overseas Police Station In NYC Closed After Reported FBI Raid”

    Well, that’s front page news: somebody did something.

    Noting new Leftist shootings most days now. What are we, 25 out of 27?

    Meanwhile, in #OppositeLand:” “Watch: Democrats Oppose Amendment to Recite Pledge of Allegiance; Label Republicans “Insurrectionists”

    The Government is Insurrectioning itself. Will it replace itself with itself? News at 11.

    Fed’s CBDC is ready to rumble and going in beta tests. Like Antifa, an “idea” and conspiracy theory that doesn’t exist. What could be better than Jamie Dimon and the people who gave themselves the largest bonuses in the history of the world after ‘08, total life and death control over the rest of us? I’m all in. I DEFINITELY want to get government permission and pay taxes on all those yard sales which I can totally do since I have a credit card machine right here by the coffeemaker.

    They’ve been working on getting that laaaaaaaast penny from the laaaaaaast poorest people, getting rid of cash:
    “Is Tipping Getting Out of Control? Many Consumers Say Yes.” –AP News

    “ US-China War By 2025: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy? (Fomenko)”

    Thinking so much about this. So, you had the war planned, Front A is gone bad, you always planned to open Front B, so you do it now for some reason? Or because you can’t be seen losing, and know the support of China is a large pillar of Russia’s (and the Global South’s) success and independence? Or because they need to collapse the U.S. as run by China and any attack in Asia will be so “Bay of Pigs”, the Some Random Guido, landing 10 men and a Yugo in Venezuela, that the failure HELPS China, and China WANTS and in fact NEEDS us to attack? Bribes, reports, and PAYS us to attack? They can then sue peace, take CA, OR, WA, and reparations in food while the home team dumps the guns and Constitution?

    Let me add this: soooo, what was the last time a powerful nation had an unlimited peace treaty but voluntarily opened a two-front war? How’d that go for him?

    Note China is now openly spy-hacking all the U.S. with the balloon. Why isn’t that a “Stingray” re-routing every cell phone call? Hacking every device in 20 states? I would. Way more than just viewing all our nuclear silos, although they have that too. We don’t shoot it down. Sooooo, I presume we are sending a “weather balloon” over all China tomorrow, right? They won’t shoot it down or nothin’, right?

    All men are bad. All white men are especially bad. They deserve to die. Therefore the U.S. is bad and we deserve to die. We have no rights, no sovereignty, and no right to self defense. (but you, the “Special people”, do)

    “It is up to the government in Kiev to decide how to use the new rockets for the US-supplied HIMARS launchers, the Pentagon said”

    Cool. What HIMARS? For the 2-3 HIMARS remaining, good luck. However this is an exceptional escalation, way past tanks. I guess the tanks didn’t cause WWIII fast enough, despite Joe’s promise.

    “Though the new weapons could take up to nine months to reach the Ukrainian battlefield,” And we’re going to send one of them, but a glossy picture of a few others.

    a trashed health system for 40 million in poverty”

    Point well taken and he could hardly exaggerate the desperation here, but that sentence is wrong: being in poverty is the only way to GET health care. You’d have to be way above the median income, maybe six figures to afford it otherwise. Remember, we provide healthcare to the sick, broken, old, and insane, but not to the healthy, young, and productive. …They have to become broke and insane first. “From each according to their ability…”

    the end of a 300-year period when Russia was enamoured with the West. Now Western deceit means that Russians have lost their illusions and naivety for ever.”

    Actually…sounds like the American Revolution, and for the same reasons. Leaving Europe to become something new and a culture of their own. Hmmmm. Hope you have better luck than we did. They tried to recapture in only 12 years, then after 100 eventually did.

    Only through such a crushing defeat for Western hubris can further crazy adventures,”

    Who wins in that “Crushing defeat”? Not Russia, they merely are left alone. No, China. And our owners. Europe, if they survive, ruling us with the UN, WHO, and WEF. And our own traitors, erasing the Constitution and social contract with the people as they already said so and already have. “Can’t we just drone strike this reporter?” Can’t we just imprison this publisher for life without trial? You’re next. Only this time for going to yard sales without the CBDC.

    “UK MIlitary Could Run out of Ammo in Single Afternoon – Ex-commander (RT)

    So they have the ammo and manpower of Bolivia? Sounds about right. Who wins if Britain loses? The same people buying all our politicians and media?

    A few years ago RAND put out a report Overextending and Unbalancing Russia.”

    This is the kind of white paper I talk about all the time. Then everyone says, “No they didn’t.” Yes, they did. They publicly say what they are going to do, because they know you’re illiterate, won’t read it, do nothing, then complain, attacking me saying “we never did nothin’”. Sure pal. Read a book. I promise it’s 6th grade reading since glue-sniffers can’t do more. Event 201. Cyber Polygon. Recent nuclear ads and radiation drugs.

    The Arsenal of Democracy Isn’t (Schryver)”

    I’d say we have no steel, but a lot of modern weapons don’t use it but 10,000 minor alloys. The men can’t be drafted as they are not healthy enough to cross the street. And it’s not just them that are illiterate and untrustworthy but their leaders too.

    failures to which they claim she is connected.”

    WTF? The Speaker is in TOTAL charge of D.C. She delegates a lot to the Mayor, etc, but the National Guard and security is 100% on her desk. “These silly people CLAIM the fire department puts out fires.” They do.

    44 year old Princess Bajrakitiyabha of Thailand collapsed while out walking her dogs

    So, ye royal Doctors don’t review a d—n thing before attending the Royal Princess? You don’t want “studies” and “Evidence” of product safety? You’re not fired: you’re hanged. After their corpses are black on the 4th week, then maybe we can turn to Pfizer.

    Alligators can gallop. …And are tasty. Must be why you should keep your guns.

    Note: the best possible state for the Engineers is for all of us to be animals. To be savages living in huts. Why? Think of the abuse you can heap on! Why it would be better than landing like Conquistador Cortes, killing all 1 Million Indians with your bare hands, you’d be like a Space Age, an Alien Race re-landing on a primitive planet.

    As you have space lasers, flying cars, genetic engineering and ICBMs and they have rocks, you can to ANYTHING you want, FOREVER. More than even the Hunger Games. You thought Epstein was able to steal girls from Minnesota Band Camp? You ain’t seen nothin’. You can kill anyone, rape anyone, destroy anyone, treat them as slaves, animals, experiments, ANYTHING.

    This is Le Plus Maximum, the APEX, the pinnacle of control-over. The height and ultimate in mental illness. .
    …And it still wouldn’t be enough.

    But does that explain why WE have to be animals, live in huts and walk everywhere while the Very Important People fly private jets to private islands, with private yachts? Food imported from Japan while you scratch the earth with your fingernails for maggots, you filthy animal? Because THEY are the ones with the “Secret Knowledge.” They are the “Enlightened Ones” who “Know”.

    That’s what the word “Illuminati” means. And the club. It’s not like they’re hiding it, they tell you because you’ll happily sell your car, lose your gun, and ride a bike, making yourself more helpless than a hamster for them. All they have to do is tell you words. Poof! Magic.

    So please go do their work for them, impoverish, disarm, and cripple yourself. It will be so much easier for them when they arrive in Christchurch looking for you.


    The same Government that says it doesn’t want to poke a hole in the Experimental Chinese Spy Balloon because it might injure people …

    Is the same Government that had no problems poking holes in people’s arm with an experimental gene therapy for a Chinese Virus.



    Just listen to this monster Hotez.
    Likely to be Fauci’s successor.

    The sick irony is that his own daughter, Rachel, is severely autistic.
    He most certainly pumped her full of childhood vaxxes, and god knows what else.

    He’s such a wanker that he even wrote a book in denial of it all:



    Kees Van Der Pijl on why Russia won’t lose in Ukraine

    Van Der Pijl was Sussex University’s former Professor Of International Politics

    Dr. D

    Hb-jb, here’s fodder for your mill:
    “Bonhoeffer’s “theory of stupidity”: We have more to fear from stupid people than evil ones”

    Among the long, long list of people to kill, are the goods ones. …Who are slightly lacking in some other way.
    Better, “They”, the “Smart ones” our given “superiors” have to fight and destroy both the evil AND the stupid, being of course, “Totally right” and “Practically perfect in every way.”

    “reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed — in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical — and when facts are irrefutable, they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack.”

    Not only that, as you can see, if they don’t OBEY you, they are by definition DANGEROUS. Ohhhh. They go “on the attack”!!! By saying – follow me here – WORDS. Wrong words. That you would have to HEAR. With your ears. Am I right here, or what?

    “The problem with stupidity, though, is that it often goes hand-in-hand with power. Bonhoeffer writes,”

    So the problem isn’t the stupidity, it’s THAT I DON’T HAVE UNLIMITED POWER. They shouldn’t have it: I should.

    Actually Bonhoeffer writes, “Upon closer observation, it becomes apparent that every strong upsurge of power in the public sphere, be it of a political or of a religious nature, infects a large part of humankind with stupidity.”

    I couldn’t agree more. It’s just that it’s people like HIM that are the stupid, powerful, and infectious ones.

    “stupidity does not disbar you from holding office or authority. History and politics are swimming with examples of when the stupid have risen to the top (and where the smart are excluded or killed).”

    Sound like Socialism yet? “We, the smart ones keep being outsmarted insert excuse here by these dumb people nearly all the time. But although Johnny Nascar with a whiffle bat can outsmart us 9 times out of 10, WE ARE STILL THE SMART PEOPLE. We should be in charge where everyone worships us and does whatever we say all day, and nothing else, Mister. We deserve it. ” N. P. D. Where even the dumbest NPD people that ever walked the earth 80IQ (it happens) simply cannot believe their Doctor, Psychiatrist, and the County Judge are smarter than them and have seen it before. Nope.

    So put them in charge. With an attitude like that, what could go wrong? We MUST raise the people who don’t deserve it naturally, and remove FROM the people who did rise to power ‘naturally’. That’s the Anti-Meritocracy we all lie awake and dream of.

    the lesson from Bonhoeffer is …we should get angry and scared” Really? What an amazingly productive and intelligent response.

    Speaking of idiots, the author “Jonny Thomson teaches philosophy in Oxford.” Well that explains it. Get this man a shovel.

    And all the links on the bottom of the site:
    “Nietzsche both wished he was as stupid as a cow so he wouldn’t have to contemplate existence, and pitied cows for being so stupid that they couldn’t contemplate existence.”

    Sound like Animals who are not Animals theory? Btw Don’t read Nietzsche or you’ll end up dumber than you started. I always make my heroes and models desperately unhappy people who produce nothing, have a breakdown, and end up committing suicide. That’s just common sense to emulate the truly “Smart” people like that instead dumb people who have peace, prosperity, and “deliver the goods.”

    P.s. the Nietzsche article ends in a far better giggle-fest about SETI and the definition of intelligent life being “That which must use radio™” What are the odds? Even better, it points out with all the new AI’s, “What is Intelligence?” Nobody has the fainest idea. Pretty hard to make one then. Or easy. An abacus is Intelligent. I’ve got your green ecological AI right here.

    Speaking of, the Woke GPT shows that AI will be the easiest thing on the planet to defeat and dismember. We know exactly what they think, what they get wrong (a lot), and where their (enormous) blind spots are. Now all we have to do is use that to get them to blow themselves up like Nietzsche: spectacularly, without me having to do a thing.


    That dog must have had all it’s shots to be allowed in hospital all that time. Hope the little guy doesn’t get any clots.

    The water thing showed in every instance the source – the top of the catchment was where the power was. Security comes from that position which is why I chose my place – top of the valley. Yeah sure it may only have 600 mm in a year and be very shallow soil with low fertility but water is it!
    3 dams. 1 big one of around a million litres and two very small ones for holding up high to get the spring watering done. Then the big one for summer. Growing trees, growing fruit. Looking good.


    Building A New World Order Is Now An Existential Issue For Russia (Trenin)

    Thi sis bollocks. The interesting factors at the moment are the random statements from NATO, one minute admitting that they do not have an economy to fight the fight, the next saying that they will defeat Russia.

    Consider this viewpoint: Russia is the strongest force on the planet, they are attacked by NATO who know that Russia is the strongest force, so they use Ukraine to do their fighting, they are afraid of Russia, the UK hates Russia, because Russia is known to be the strongest force on the planet, and NATO lose their proxy war. Russia could, but does not, destroy Ukraine, it is seen by Russia as an inferior force that is causing trouble. Russia is just not prepared to destroy Ukraine, the Ukraine used to be part of the USSR, they are not going to indiscriminately kill masses of their ex-comrades, regardless of how much the west wants them to. The west’s idea is that the people in the west will support the war if Russia goes crazy. But Russia knows it is the superior force, it has been preparing for this all the while the west has been shipping its manufacturing base to China, an ally of Russia and capable of producing all the arms that Russia needs in a year, in one day. NATO is seen by Russia as irrelevant, but Russia needs the rest of the world to see that. Russia is succeeding in its mission, Russia is disassembling NATO. People in the west need to understand that all that propaganda on NATO being the best, is bullshit, the rest of the world knows that Russia is the best.


    The strongest force on the planet is the Iron Bank. Russian citizens are just as paranoid as we are about CBDC’s and gov surveillance and control. There is a lot more lockstep going on WITH Russia and China than we allow ourselves to believe.


    American Four-Star General Mike Minihan, head of the US Air Force Air Mobility Command (AMC) believes the US and China will go to war by 2025.

    Why? What are they fighting for? What is the dispute? Taiwan? The USA will never sacrifice US soldiers for Taiwan, only a clown in Ukraine would believe that bullshit. Maybe the fight is for democracy, but the USA has not had democracy for over 70 years. So what would the USA be fighting for? Do the USA believe that they can occupy China, a country the same size as the USA but with a population way higher than the USA. Look at this logically, each US citizen, whether two years old or 102 years old would be required to go to China to guard four Chinese people. Empty the USA to occupy China, they are just stupid enough to try to do this, but it won’t actually happen. And once they have China, what do they think will happen? If only we still had journalists, in the old days a journalist would have asked these questions, but nowadays the media people are busy being dog turds on a concrete path, totally forgetable.


    @oxymoron I totally agree with your statement, my life in Hong Kong is way easier than when I go to China. The Chinese have a different way of thinking to the HK people, I have not worked out a simple way to explain how, but I will. Russia and China are dictatorships, but fortunately at the moment that serves our purposes, especially as both have reasonable leaders on the foreign stage. But how do these reasonable leaders behave back home, where media is controlled and limited news escapes the borders. Russia is less scary than China, which is very scary, which is why people would rather work in China but live in HK.


    The cultural bias is strong this morning. Opposite land – We’re the worst, We’re the greatest. It’s them what done it.
    A bioweapon was released, pointing a finger at this point is pure conjecture. Dating the weapon to the January 2020 date of notification is ignoring evidence of infection around the globe prior to that date. The Islamic Republic of Iran has no problem identifying a culprit. Crickets? Doesn’t fit the narrative?

    A Chinese spy balloon, a Chinese meteorological research vehicle. Pivot East, War with China in two years. We’re the worst, We’re the greatest. It’s them what done it.


    I read that Biden ordered the spy balloon shot down and the military refused to do it.

    If that’s true then we can expect the Pentagon to veto WW3. It must understand what a paper tiger their military is and the only way to preserve its reputation is to not fight. Like they didn’t fight Iran January 2020.

    It will be interesting to see how the NeoCons escalate WW3 when neither party wants to dance.


    Progress is Our Most Important Product




    Larry Johnson has a good take on the Chinese Spy balloon.

    Seems that balloons are a legal grey area in international law as long as they are high enough

    The Empire of Lies has them ner/over China and other places around the world and doesn’t want the precedent set of shooting them down to go viral.


    Here’s Larry’s take:

    More on the High Flying Balloons




    Yup – it’s just another mysterious “dies in sleep” and “healthy”.
    Good God!

    Mystery as healthy man suddenly dies in sleep just days before 22nd birthday



    Back in ’70 when I was a member of the US occupying army in Europe, They, our superiors told us that if the Russians attacked, they would overrun us in 3 days. And when the Russians got to the Rhine the US would unleash nukes which were waiting west of the Rhine. That was the plan then 50 years ago. Doesn’t seem to have been upgraded much.
    A German friend, a cynic told me that the reason for NATO was that the US wanted to do their nuclear war over in Europe instead of at home.
    By the way, back in Roman times, Germany’s western border was the Rhine. The Rhine was also the Eastern border of the Roman empire.
    In the futue can we imagine that the Russian empire ends at the Rhine?


    Name the ways
    • From Imperial Failures to Imperial Excuses (Batiushka)

    It’s too late to choose. Plow or swords?

    “hollowed out and underfunded.”
    “outstanding modern equipment,” but cautioned that without experienced personnel, ammunition, and spare parts they might turn out to be just a “glittering shop window”


    2 February 2023 by HELMHOLTZ SMITH

    RAND recommends a change in Western policy. Peace, not war, Hahahaha! It’s too late.

    Don’t bother reading the thing – the only interesting bit is the very tiny step towards accepting the failure of the proxy war in Ukraine that RAND helped start and a trial balloon for the cover story (Russia won but it cost it so much it that we really won).”

    those darned kids

    sometimes i can only see comments if i post a comment..



    those darned kids

    germ: ralph baric isn’t chinese.


    Un diplomatic ‘peace proposal’
    “Say, how about you guys taking 20% of Ukraine, and the U.S. will keep the other 80% as our Nazi dictatorship puppet state on your border? What do you say to that offer?”


    Comic Relief

    Had a lot of critters in my life, there’s always a dare devil to the rescue



    Looking at links I saved in 2014-15, the crucial ‘change’ times, a statis until 2022,
    stands out:

    Sergei Glazyev, interview, eng subs. 10 mins.

    Mass Draft Evasion Shows Maidan Ukraine Is a Failing State.

    5 Reasons Arming Ukraine Won’t Work. From The National Interest.

    The US House of Representatives Openly Calls for Regime Change in Moscow.

    This short paper from the Oakland Institute, 2014,

    The Corporate Take – over of Urk. Agri. is probably the most important.


    @dr-d Interesting you brought up the “Bonhoeffer’s “theory of stupidity”. It was sent to me just yesterday by a friend and only read it this morning before hopping over to TAE. My take on it is he confuses stupidity with ignorance. The fact that his brother didn’t know reindeer existed doesn’t mean he’s dumb. Did also think caribou weren’t real? Maybe he also thinks like Homer Simpson and ham, bacon and pork are three different animals! Ignorance of something is no sign of stupidity, it’s a lack of certain subject knowledge nothing more. To laugh at it without informing the other is at least cruel and may actually point to those who do the laughing as being the stupid ones. The ones who strive for positions of power tend to be crafty, sly and accomplished liars, far from stupid. You may have touched on the real problem when pointing out the author is from an ivy league university. It would seem those people have few if any clues of what life is really like outside of their tower. As well as the fact they tend to only rub elbows with like individuals. Hard to any reasonable conclusions about life outside your golden palace if you never experience it in any meaningful fashion. Never trust a millionaire or especially their offspring. No working concept of the lower classes. Common people dance and drink and screw because there’s nothing else to do.


    “”In 1945, the crew of USS New York spotted a sphere that they thought might be a Japanese balloon weapon. The captain ordered it shot down but none of the guns could score a hit. Finally, a navigator realized they were attacking Venus.””


    Tucker Carlson Tonight War With China Jimmy Dore January 31 2023


    To go back further in time, from a diplo US cable in *2006*, published by WikiLeaks:

    The controversy in Feodosiya surrounding the arrival of U.S. military reservists had been one result. Despite Feodosiya, Horbulin declared the Ukrainian government (GOU) would stay the course with regard to NATO membership; PM-candidate Yuliya Tymoshenko also supported Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic course.


    Considered by many to be Ukraine’s top strategic thinker, Horbulin agreed with former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski’s view, as related by Ambassador, that the relationship with Ukraine is one of the USG’s top four strategic relations worldwide because of the impact that Ukraine’s strategic orientation, whether to the West or to Russia, would have on Russia’s internal development.

    see the whole cable,


    The death-vaxxed have turned their very own bodies into Spike factories.
    Good grief:



    Where did Pfizer/Moderna get the sequence for their death vaxx Spike?
    China says Fauci !!



    “In his book Crowds and Power, written in 1960, Nobel laureate Elias Canetti argues that fear leads people to devolve into pack behavior. Fear of the virus did just that, leading people to set aside their basic humanity and common sense.

    Remember the mother who put her 13-year-old son in the trunk of her car? The boy had tested positive for the virus and she was taking him for additional testing. To protect herself from exposure, she had him lie in the trunk while she drove him to the testing site. “What she did is antithetical to every maternal instinct we have,” says podcaster Trish Wood in a post-Rogan interview with Desmet. “For a mother to put her own fear…above the care and comfort of a kid… I mean, really?”

    Or how about this one? Paramedics wouldn’t let a 19-year-old man with meningitis symptoms into the hospital until he tested negative for Covid. The staff was “so psychotically attached to the Covid narrative,” to use Wood’s phrasing, that they disregarded his obviously alarming symptoms. When his parents took him to the ER a second time, he was so weak they had to carry him to the car. Hospital staff refused to let him in, and the young man died.19

    Can people read stories like this and not conclude the virus vigilantes were under a spell?”

    I can add one to this, my wife sustained a nasty dog bite to the face and was slipping in and out of consciousness. When the paramedics arrived they would not administer any meds for the pain until she answered all of the protocol questions about covid. I still have a bone to pick over that one.

    The Madness of Crowds


    I don’t want any more pain. Tell me lies.


    RIM- did she surrender?

    Dr. D

    I think that’s what struck me about the article: Well WE, the smart people know everything there is to know and are always right. Oh DO you now? So when I dig a pond in your backyard in this particular subsoil should one start with a bulldozer or an excavator? Chop chop, clock’s ticking. So when I tow these back to the garage, should I use a Tesla Model S or a Prius? Seems the towing capacity is somewhat under the 67,000 pounds required. Tell me more about outlawing engines.

    Add to plumbing, planting, harvesting, sewing, roofing, doctoring, stocking, call answering, teching, archeology, linguistics, and there’s just about EVERY Thing that they are also “stupid” about. As you say, ignorant, but it’s more than that. It’s not knowing what you don’t know that makes a fool. And defines an expert, actually. It’s not RESPECTING how little you know, and how much others do know. And he was determined to be the decider, the arbiter of all right, and judgement of all wrong. You know, like an online fact checker.

    A man may not know reindeer are real because he’s been busy doing his own work. So much trash and made-up stuff in the news, who WOULD know? But this gentleman doesn’t respect that in addition to how he doesn’t know almost everything, while somebody else does, he doesn’t realize that practically everything he DOES know is also wrong. I can’t prove that but I’d bet and easy $500 on it. Why? Because if he’d ever come face to face with it, as economics majors who try to trade stocks, or archaeologists that attempt to live the way their digs did, you’d IMMEDIATELY know that practically everything you heard in school, read in the paper, or saw on TV is wrong. It gives a permanent altered color to the world. Then your great plans of being the smart guy and decider, arbiter of all things goes right up in smoke.


    “Why is DOD (US Government, all Western globalist governments) acting against the people, killing and injuring the population”? The answer is largely in the creation of money.”

    “The current war on the people is part of the restructuring that the globalist “owners” (owners of the central banks) are attempting – going direct reset and attempted CBDCs.”



    A beautiful collapse montage.


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