Debt Rattle January 18 2020
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- This topic has 13 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Doc Robinson.
January 18, 2020 at 10:55 am #52785Raúl Ilargi MeijerKeymaster
Esther Bubley Watching parade to recruit civilian defense volunteers, Washington DC 1943 • Sanders Campaign Looks At Warren For Vice President
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 18 2020]January 18, 2020 at 11:27 am #52786V. ArnoldParticipantAli; truly, one of the greatest Americans ever, in its entire history…
January 18, 2020 at 2:02 pm #52787Dr. DParticipant“the top 10% now control nearly as much wealth as the bottom 50%.”
There’s probably more to this than it seems at first. Because you can’t actually get rich fast enough by doing work, income disparity will be a consequence of financial speculation, a paper bubble. So by the time we see such levels of income disparity, we already have a bubble that is deep and wide. And bubbles pop, eventually. That’s why they make them. It’s not a financial secret. While millionaires go broke, billionaires consolidate.
So cause-effect may not so much be that, people politically cause trouble, purchasing power shrinks, although true, but as Mises says, “There is no avoiding the final bust.”
“ Battle of the Ages To Stop Eurasian Integration (Pepe Escobar) “
MacKinder again, by the idiot Brits and Anglos. Defending this theory – which exists only in their mind, never tested – has probably killed more people than Genghis Khan. And here we go again. These are the same University wonks who told us “permanent plateau”, “subprime is contained”, “Manhattan will be underwater”, and P.S. Eugenics is both scientifically obvious and good. I don’t want to die in service of their dumb theories, how about you?
“China’s $40 Trillion banking system dwarfs the American system at double the size, with over 4,000 small, medium and massive, state-owned banks.”
China is a great illustration of why bubbles pop, and why the Anglos, baiting them into it, can be sure no matter what happens, no matter how smart, no matter how authoritarian, China will still collapse and fail in an economic panic, like everybody else. However, at the moment, they have out-gamed the West, probably 12-20 years longer than we thought they could. Remember Asian panic, Congress demanding they re-set their currency, ‘cause we said so? Like that. Too bad suckers! China has their own ways and doesn’t live for you.
“UK Cops Block Bid To Trace Prince Andrew’s Location 19 Years Ago (NYP)”
They refuse to provide evidence to totally exonerate him. That is not suspicious at all. And they seem to be losing Royals at quite a pace over there. Anyone wonder why? Maybe somebody knew Andrew all this time and was playing too? Maybe they all did? This goes way, way back.
“Health care, education etc. must be universal.”
It is in a way. They’ll arrest you if you don’t go to school and aren’t vaccinated to do so. You can walk into any emergency room at any time. What we have are two TRACKS, as with everything: a doctor for the rich and for the poor, a financial system for the rich and for the poor, a legal system for the rich and for the poor. “It’s a big club and you ain’t in it!” No sir, it’s a big club and you’re receiving it.
(You know, after paying for it.)
I think you’ll find all of these match the post-Soviet experience, per Orlov. Difference is, following the American way, we’re lying about it. It’s not white guys dropping fastest, they’re the firstest! And they control everything, even the inside of womens’ voters’ minds, just ask Hillary. And like Putin once they do that, they attack and kill themselves, shave 10 years off their life expectancy like the tricky people they are!
Is there any thinking going on here in America? A: no. But you can’t think straight in the first place when – thanks to universal government education – every fact you’ve ever heard is a lie.
“When everything Americans believe is false, our misinformation campaign will be complete.” – CIA Director Casey, following the new Department of Education.
“Children, Young Adults Can’t Sue US Government Over Climate Change – Court (R.)”
This would be obvious legal nonsense. You could say, “I’m suing because you didn’t move my school, because my theory indicates a volcano will spring up under the gym.” You’re presuming what might have been in the past and what might possibly be in the future: an impossible legal standard. I could sue that you DIDN’T divorce me, since in the future the lack of divorce will cause my suicide, car wreck, alcoholism, etc. Nothing’s happened yet. We’re not smart enough to know it ever will. And although a lot of (bad) laws point in this direction, nothing like to this level of complete mental fabrication. “I thought it in my head, so it’s real.” as we see in Nonsense, Narcissism, and self-serving every day, in the media, but also whenever anyone speaks on the internet, whenever a sparrow falls to the ground.
No, Virginia, there IS objective reality. We may not be able to know it, but it is real. To say otherwise is a road to madness, ruin, and despair. However, it is the essence of #AntiLogos, of ego’s rebellion against God, of the “Spirit of AntiChrist” which pops up in cycles from time to time, as predicted. But this is its root, and why all these otherwise different groups, approaches, causes, all cohere together: they all have this as their root, so they are psychological allies, the same world view. Unfortunately one that doesn’t work, and kills millions trying. The inside of your ego is not reality. Things do not exist because you thought them so once. Delusion and samsara.
Ali is a paragon of how you resist. You just do. You don’t tell other people to do it, you don’t go punch gay Asians and flag-holding grandmothers. You just do the right and not the wrong. As Gandhi pointed out, they can’t MAKE you do the wrong. They need your consent. So don’t be the baddie. Don’t give it.
January 18, 2020 at 4:10 pm #52788zerosumParticipant“There is also much to be unraveled about the American mischief in Ukraine — which includes, but goes far beyond — the arrant grift of Hunter Biden. For example, ….”
if everybody followed the directives set up by the enablers then ….
There is no proof of wrong doing – Biden
• China’s Growing Economic Collapse (WRB)
We should be asking …..
Where are we going to buy what China produces if China goes bankrupt or if we destroy/go to war with China?
Where are we going to sell our surplus product if China is not there to buy?
“It’s not a financial secret. While millionaires go broke, billionaires consolidate.”
Trickle down economics
Poor people die,
middle class become poor
Enablers become enforcers and sheriff
Gandhi example – peaceful siege
Warning to USA troops staying in Iraq: incoming phlegm, tracking dye, and paint ballsJanuary 18, 2020 at 4:15 pm #52789zerosumParticipantWinter storms
Its miserable
Don’t panic
Its normal
Its worst somewhere elseJanuary 18, 2020 at 4:53 pm #52791boscohorowitzParticipant“Everyone just stopped thinking?”
This assumes they started.
If the USA can sue me for taxes that will, according to governmental theory, benefit me, I can sue them for damages that my theory says they caused. In my mind, at least, which is where 99% (to use a mathematical expression as a metaphor) of all this stuff happens.The real stuff happens “out there” in this thing called reality which, as Robin Williams said, is quite the concept.
Tell Us About the Good Old Days, GrampsPeople have been killing and oppressing each other over conflicting definitions of objective reality since we discovered language. In a previous century, I wrote something about this. (Graphomania happens.) Extracting a relevant portion:
I can’t help but imagine Genesis as recited by Ezra the Bum, a little, pudgy, middle-aged Jew from my youth in Chicago. “The only thing we learn from history is that we don’t learn from history”, Ezra liked to say.
Jehovah, as portrayed in the Old Testament, was an unlikable old cuss and deserved no better than Ezra’s fate, that of a sad, overweight, social outcast on Chicago’s northside. The Jews, it should be mentioned, had adopted and refined the concept of the sacrificial scapegoat, so it’s quite possible they wrote Genesis in such a way as to make Yahweh take the heat for mankind’s proclivity to make drudgery where simple work would suffice…”And a Voice spake unto them from within a fiery cloud of broomdust, saying, ‘Move dem boxes over dere’…”.
Much of the Judaic creational mythology was incorporated from the Sumerian codices, wherein a council of Gods cursed Man for his acquisition of Knowledge because “in time they may wax in wisdom and become even as We” (just a paraphrase). An exact quote from the King James bible says in Genesis 10:6-7, “And the Lord said, Behold, the people is(sic) one, and they have all one language; and this” (building the Tower of Babel) “they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us(sic) go down, and therefore confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.”
There were some mighty hip philosophers in Sumeria. These were the guys who invented writing; when you say cuneiform, you’re saying Sumerian. They knew the power of recorded, temporally transcendent language; they knew they were creating a monster; they knew they were firing a shot across Nature’s bow. Until cuneiform, temporally endurant code possessing any depth of storage, any capacity for carrying significant complexities of data, was limited to DNA, handwritten scrolls, and those talking tribal libraries, the bards. With cuneiform, language (especially math!) was unleashed as an evolving, symbiotic, intellectual organism riding the hordes and herds of its cultural host and commingling with its variant siblings. In the myth of Babel, one sees a healthy respect for the power inherent in a linguistic species existing in an environment free of competitive species. One language, under God, indivisible… oops. O.K., divisible.
People are the pollinator bees of language. So long as their cultural horde-host is sufficiently large, languages are in no danger of genetic stagnation via inbreeding, since languages create their own expanding gene pool. Each word is a unique individual as are you and I, specially defined by the globally consistent principles of human language, and racially defined by the specific vocabularies and grammars of its host culture.
A self-pollinating metaspecies resident in the minds and automata of the overwhelmingly dominant world species, ours truly, is a mighty powerful beastie. I don’t know of any ancient, global ur-language that a god or council of gods might confound, fracture and disseminate variously among the Biblical peoples of the earth, but I do know the power of recorded language.
The power of the Latin scribes of the Holy Roman Empire was upheld largely through the difficulty and expense of transcription. Cuneiformica (it’s a joke, son, I say, it’s a joke) was unwieldy (toting notepads of rock is equivalent to carrying scrolls of linoleum). Papyrus was light and fluent but provided no means of facsimile replication. The Chinese, I understand, had moveable type before the western world but were hampered by the semantic bulkiness of ideogrammatic language. Western literature has the benefit of a phonetic language which allows the semantic content of a written word to be mostly free from the constraints of its symbolic constituents: the word rules the alphabet as opposed to the ideogram ruling the word. This allows a nearly infinite degree of inflection and nuance along with a highly expandable plasticity. Alphabetic phoneticism is to language what polymer molecules are to plastic material fabrication. For example: antidisestablishmententarianism.
When Western language applied the concept of the finitely numbered /infinitely combinatorial phonetic alphabet to the concept of molded typefaces, language made an evolutionary leap comparable to man’s acquisition of fire, the lever, and the wheel. Language acquired the ability to reproductively organize into complex organs, linking them into intricate and interactive bodies: text as we know it.
A novel, for example, is an organism of thought. Its administrative center – its brain – is a thing called plot. Humans eat novels for their psychic nutrition and spread text seed the way birds shit fruit seeds. Complex entities of carefully constructed and dynamically self-referential thoughts such as stories, creeds, theories, philosophies, histories, etc., which were once confined to the recitations of bards, public forums as in Athens, or the painstaking awl/quill strokes of a scribe, were now free to clone themselves and wreak intellectual ferment across the land. Cloning of text was big enough but, once cloning had established its own developmental continuum, infecting thousands and millions of human minds across the world with viral reproductions of themselves (remember how viruses burrow into our cells and usurp our DNA code factories in order to mass produce a zillion copies of themselves), then texts were ready to interbreed just as words do. Works of literature, scientific treatises, religious histories: these entities could now go the rounds among each other and mutually mutate one another, all the while safely ensconced in the Mother Gene Pool of Language.
And that’s just text. Pre-20th century tech. Now we’z in the 21st Century, and people walk around holding tiny movie theaters to distract them from that notorious concept we claim allegedly exists: reality. I, for one, want to believe in the existebnce of an objective reality. But, being entirely bound in subjective consciousness, I must take the existence of objective reality on faith. I find God as good a name as any for this theoretic construct.
Here, have some subjective mediated reality with a good beat that’s easy to dance to:
Imagine James Brown riffing on the phrase “May all beings benefit… UNH!!!!”
January 18, 2020 at 5:13 pm #52792boscohorowitzParticipant“You just do. You don’t tell other people to do it, you don’t go punch gay Asians and flag-holding grandmothers. You just do the right and not the wrong. ”
I’ll amen to that. As soon as a crusade is large enough to be recognized as such, it’s an army of marching minions. We can’t save the planet from ourselves. As someone, I think iot was David Bohm, said, the mind that creates the problem cannot solve the problem. Ick. THat doesn’t say it. (googles deeper) Here:
In the seminar, Bohm develops several interrelated themes. He points out that thought is the ubiquitous tool that is used to solve every kind of problem: personal, social, scientific, and so on. Yet thought, he maintains, is also inadvertently the source of many of those problems. He recognizes and acknowledges the irony of the situation: it is as if one gets sick by going to the doctor.[33][39]
Bohm maintains that thought is a system, in the sense that it is an interconnected network of concepts, ideas and assumptions that pass seamlessly between individuals and throughout society. If there is a fault in the functioning of thought, therefore, it must be a systemic fault, which infects the entire network. The thought that is brought to bear to resolve any given problem, therefore, is susceptible to the same flaw that created the problem it is trying to solve.[33][39]
Thought proceeds as if it is merely reporting objectively, but in fact, it is often coloring and distorting perception in unexpected ways. What is required in order to correct the distortions introduced by thought, according to Bohm, is a form of proprioception, or self-awareness. Neural receptors throughout the body inform us directly of our physical position and movement, but there is no corresponding awareness of the activity of thought. Such an awareness would represent psychological proprioception and would enable the possibility of perceiving and correcting the unintended consequences of the thinking process.[33][39]
If one accepts this then, knowing that one cannot save oneself from one’s culture any more than one can save oneself from eventual death, the only remaining salvation is opf that allegedly theoretical construct: the soul.
But if there is no soul, what is there? INtelligence is not awareness. My computer is highly intelligent but shows no sign of sentience. It’s just information dancing with entropy. Something experiences one’s personal reality. Science has not a single(sic) clue about what that something is. As another scientifically famous David says:
Whether or not this something endures after death is currently unverifiable, so I will not urge anyone here to think in terms of saving their soul in some after-life (altho I do and tend to believe that almost everyone else does too when push comes to shove). Instead, I will urge us no9t to lose our souls before our body dies.
Sometimes, quite often in fact, we homo saps make pretty good art messing around with these concepts:
Your mileage may vary.
January 18, 2020 at 6:32 pm #52793boscohorowitzParticipant“Eugenics is both scientifically obvious and good.”
But eugenics are obvious and good. It’s in the name itself: good genetics.
As applied by human thought, however…. but this is also true of masonry, nuclear physics, literacy, religion, political science… if eugenics were unsound, then marrying nothing but first cousins 20 generations in a row would be just swell.
We forever confuse the currently prevailing label with the thing the label has been attached to.
A billion burning suns
Calmly do
As they did before
Like me and youSitting in their place
Bound, but years apart
Stubborn as we are
With matters of the heartScience, God and you
All agree
We’ve become something
We weren’t meant to bePaths run parallel
Here and up above
Distance held by hearts
Afraid to open upYet even though
Our love burns slow
It warms me
And all around
Sight and sound
Inform meThat we have found
A common ground
Like the stars
Why must we be
Alone?A finely diamond sky
Jewels in everglow
Illuminates the distance
Between the us belowMe here
You there
And in the middle
The frozenness of fearYet still we’ve found
A common ground
Like the stars
Why must we be
Alone?January 18, 2020 at 9:25 pm #52794PlanetaryCitizenParticipant12. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 King James Version
“Reality,” as we know it, is an extrapolation or logical conclusion/assumption based upon perceptions via the biological 5 senses and the analytical capabilities inherent to conceptualization and its cohort, the symbology of language. The vast majority of humans experience themselves/existence in exactly this same way. Otherwise known as an “Ego construct.” They “believe” in their reality and define themselves based upon their experience of their internal world. Body/mind. Also known as Narcissism.
Religion postulates that the human state of being sees but “through a glass, darkly. Is there Being-ness apart from an ego construct? Do we “exist” in actual reality? What are the capabilities of perception in a state of Being that transcends identification with the ego state? For behold, the kingdom of heaven is within you. Luke 17:21 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3
Would one say that the Kingdom of God is a state of Reality? Or Logos, if you will. If one can actually allow the ego state of identification to “die” and be reborn will the Being state emerge with its own inherent capabilities? The capability of being able to see face to face, and the capability of real knowing even as they are known (unto themselves)?
Also, the law is entirely based on the presumption of past events and future harm. Say, a wrongful death civil law suit “attempts” to prove a harm and culpability, and the remedy in part, is to calculate the future value of the loss both interpersonally and monetarily and ascribes a monetary value to both.
January 18, 2020 at 11:57 pm #52795Dr. DParticipantYes, you can come face to face with actual reality, outside dark glass of thought-words, but ego has to vanish, and likewise will not be able bring that reality back into thought-words. It will be yours alone. And who sees this and knows? Thought-words will not tell you.
This may be nothing, but: drones scouring all the Colorado West. GPS is being intentionally shut off through the South East. All night vision goggles of any merit are reportedly stolen by the FBI, in a enormous hurry. And on the first day of an impeachment, with a 2A little meet-n-greet happening next door in Alexandria. not want.
January 19, 2020 at 12:41 am #52796zerosumParticipant“It will be yours alone.”
Therefore, since I cannot prove it, I can say,”Reality is a figment/creation of my imagination.”January 19, 2020 at 1:03 am #52797zerosumParticipantI get it now, It easy ……
If you can get free money from the fed. then if you put it into the stock market casino you will make +30%.
At the same time my pension fund get saved until I kick the bucket.January 19, 2020 at 1:25 am #52798WESParticipantNice picture of real people!
Reality is being in a Tesla, on auto pilot, as it races to bang the rear of a sexy parked red fire truck!
January 19, 2020 at 2:32 am #52799Doc RobinsonParticipantSame parade day as above. A child of 13 in the crowd would be 90 this year.
Washington, D.C. Waiting for the parade to recruit civilian defense volunteers
Esther Bubley, July 1943 -
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