Debt Rattle January 4 2019


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    Yasuhiro Ishimoto Untitled, Chicago 1950   • Congratulations! Apple Loses Record $463 Billion in Market Cap in Three Months (Mish) • Apple Just L
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 4 2019]

    V. Arnold

    Take a chill pill and watch the spectacle; I’m not convinced, but, it all seems to be going south.
    But the drama is interesting; when watched from a distance…

    Dr. D

    Lost half a trillion. And who owns Apple? Looks like the U.S. is taking out the Swiss investments – completely hilariously invested in FAANG and bubble-rigged insider stocks — possibly to weaken the BIS. Why? Because they’re probably gunning for the Fed, one of the BIS relatives. How to restore functioning markets? These would be some of the pieces to move. You can’t stop rigging without weakening or impoverishing the riggers and keeping them very busy. This is not a one-sided push either; the other side is trying to tank the economy to throw the 2020 election.

    So how much did Switzerland lose this quarter again?

    And Tim Cook naturally blamed everyone but himself. Didn’t they already do this last time they lost Steve Jobs? The company had no vision and no products, being run by pencil-pushing middle management? Sell sell sell.

    “We already have overwhelming evidence that the president has committed impeachable offenses,”

    Which are so clear and evident she cannot name them. “abuse of the public trust.” Newsflash: he’s a politician, it comes with the job. I won’t bother naming the last 10 greatest hits, starting with “read my lips” and ending with “you can keep your doctor” but under this premise everyone elected would be impeached, nor would I mind.

    Looked at dispassionately, it’s really a good representation of the country. In the House, they voted, what 280 to 58 to start impeachment? This is similar to the SJW portion in the nation and media, where although they throw and are promoted into and outsized representation, in reality, even here in their core territory, politics, they are a remarkable minority of the country, barely on the dial except in media in 4 cities. And also representational, they want to waste time staging “appearances” and “messages” that have no chance of changing anything or getting anything done. They also have cut no deals with the core Democrats, and certainly not the Republicans to buy them the leverage to do so.

    Suppose they DID impeach, then what? Non-citizens may not realize the process is to “impeach”, which is to say, the House votes that “high crimes” were committed, and a trial on those accusations is then held in the Senate requiring a 2/3 vote. That is to say, to impeach is nothing, as it was with Clinton and Johnson, you have to convict and remove. But the Senate is firmly held by Republicans, who if anything have fewer votes that would defect. So there is essentially –zero– chance of removing. However, if the SJWs were to impeach and lose, the President would be inoculated against everything and run roughshod over them and their policies for 18 months straight. Also if the market crashed, he would blame it on them and win 2020, and probably the House again too. And getting both would be a double win. So please, please, please impeach. Do it today.

    …Which is my point, what is with the 58 SJW Congress that would actively arrange a strategy that has no chance of winning, but a 90% chance of catastrophically backfiring? Did they leave their brains somewhere? Go ahead and resist, but for the love of God pick a strategy that will get somewhere. …Sort of like yesterday with promoting the “Green New Deal” in the only possible way it would be rejected and give them failure. #Antilogos. #Antitruth. If they were thinking clearly, with true root facts and paradigms, their approach would also be true and actionable, making pleasant inroads into the administration and progressive legislation. SMH.

    DeutscheBank can be saved, as we’ve seen, but that has costs. Big ones. Last time they had to liquidate all of Greece to save it. Who’s next, Italy? Portugal? France? They’re not going to go quietly and it will only make the problem bigger next time.

    Are you sure they’re not creating Brexit fears in order to justify massive stockpiling in front of the DeutscheBank/EU collapse? What are their scenario supercomputers telling them? Is this exactly what Trump is doing by milking tariff fears? Yes or no, that is the ultimate result.


    It is quite the spectacle, yes, though why it would surprise anyone I can’t fathom. Since, as I said, central banks destroyed the negative feedback loops from the financial system, moves such as Apple stocks have recently made should not be surprising. How could they? And yes, the SNB is known for its Apple holdings, and they’ve lost bigly. But it’s the Fed après 2014, and the BoJ and ECB taking over, assisted by China, that is even more impressive. If they are really going to make the predicted moves, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Here’s a larger version of the QE graph, click it for the full size. Is the BIS coordinating this?


    And as the US stock market suffers record losses, the labor market is overheating with giant payroll numbers. They can’t all be right, can they? It’s time for the Fed to disappear into the Jekyll island mists it came from.

    Dr. D

    I’d say pretty obviously we don’t have jobs numbers, just the same statistical mirage they’ve been giving for 40 years.

    Kudlow says “No Recession in Sight.” Let me get a t-shirt of that, I’m going to use it a lot shortly. Just because the Fed is raising rates, FAANG stocks are down 40%, auto sales have halted, and housing prices are dropping is no reason to think there’s a recession coming. That’s just cra-zee.


    • Why This Time Is Different (MooTrades)

    Nobody is jumping off buildings

    What kind of meds are they taking?

    It cannot be the same kind of opiods as the poor.


    “It’s time for the Fed to disappear into the Jekyll island mists it came from”.

    ^ I ask in sincerest ignorance…not that I necessarily disagree, but to what alternative?

    This is the quote from Tlaib’s oped. Seems RT thought it best not to include it.

    “We already have overwhelming evidence that the president has committed impeachable offenses, including, just to name a few: obstructing justice; violating the emoluments clause; abusing the pardon power; directing or seeking to direct law enforcement to prosecute political adversaries for improper purposes; advocating illegal violence and undermining equal protection of the laws; ordering the cruel and unconstitutional imprisonment of children and their families at the southern border; and conspiring to illegally influence the 2016 election through a series of hush money payments.
    Whether the president was directly involved in a conspiracy with the Russian government to interfere with the 2016 election remains the subject of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. …”

    I think it’s entirely premature to attempt impeachment, not that there aren’t sufficient grounds, imo. There just aren’t sufficient grounds to get a conviction and removal in the Senate. Mueller will be the deciding factor.


    Yet property taxed property is still collateral for the inextinguishable government debt.

    Got yer tent yet?

    Anyway, by what methodology do you claim the authority that you are the owner of the land?

    If this methodology is administered by some other authority, have you granted this authority to act in the interests of the greater whole? Or does the taxing authority have any specific duties to represent YOUR interests? If so or not, what are the limits and operational rules?

    See…again, how does one think they have RIGHTS when they submit to an authority structure to which they have no basic understanding of the rules of engagement?


    Unless you do some work to learn the rules under which you operate, you will be serfs FOREVER! And I can guarantee this will be the outcome for your LOT.

    Stupid cretins!

    OK. There will be no intelligent signs of life so no point continuing.

    Just for amusement purposes, ONE of you show some initiative and send your local land taxing authority a letter of inquiry. Ask them some iteration of the following:

    1) By what authority do you levy a tax against my property?
    2) Do you, as a taxing authority assert any claim of ownership, lien, attachment, encumbrance or otherwise, against the parcel in question
    3) Has the parcel in question been pledged as collateral, generally or specifically, in any capacity whatsoever against any debt or obligation of a governmental agency or private entity?
    4) Is there any claim recorded against this property, and are there any arrears or payments due to release any prior claims in order for clear title.
    5) What is the procedure and amount necessary to obtain allodial title for the property in question
    6) What is the procedure to have the property in question removed from the tax roles?

    General questions:

    1) By what methodology is the tax applied to assure an impartial apportionment of the tax burden.
    2) If property valuation is the operational methodology, why is an objective measure, such as square meter not used instead.
    3) How many parcels are defined in the area of the taxing authority.
    4) What is the total area of the taxing authority, and of this area, how many are taxable parcels.
    5) Of the untaxed parcels and land, list each and every reason why these properties are not taxed.
    6) How many properties have received tax exemptions, and what is the lawful basis of exemption?

    etc etc.

    Start doing research and start asking questions. It would be fitting if a few of you figured out the property tax fraud, since it is the basis of all the other frauds as well.

    “The establishment of central banks is ALWAYS a necessary first step of subjugation of geographically congregated bloodlines.”
    ~House of Rothschild

    “There will be NO jubilee…count on it!”
    ~House of Rothschild

    “Remember, the equity and bond markets exist only to remove fiat from circulation!”
    ~House of Rothschild

    Archived Rothschild Q&A


    PlanetaryCitizen- “obstructing justice; violating the emoluments clause; abusing the pardon power; directing or seeking to direct law enforcement to prosecute political adversaries for improper purposes; advocating illegal violence and undermining equal protection of the laws; ordering the cruel and unconstitutional imprisonment of children and their families at the southern border; and conspiring to illegally influence the 2016 election through a series of hush money payments.”

    The problem for the Democrats is that Obama is guilty of all of the above as well.


    >>The problem for the Democrats is that Obama is guilty of all of the above as well.<<

    No, the problem is all of ours because a Money Power Monopolist cabal is installing Presidents that are acting malevolently towards ordinary people – EVERY STINKING ONE OF US, NONE EXCLUDED.

    “The establishment of central banks is ALWAYS a necessary first step of subjugation of geographically congregated bloodlines.”
    ~House of Rothschild

    “There will be NO jubilee…count on it!”
    ~House of Rothschild

    “Remember, the equity and bond markets exist only to remove fiat from circulation!”
    ~House of Rothschild

    Archived Rothschild Q&A


    TheTrivium4TW- I agree that property taxation is a problem. It is ironic that the institutions — religious and educational — that stand in solidarity with the Money Power Monopolist cabal are exempt from paying property tax. “Funny story”: As a property tax rep for Texaco in the early 80’s, I attempted to get a local jurisdiction — Bellaire, TX — to reduce their assessment on an office building. The building was obviously a Class B or C building, but the Bellaire authorities taxed it as a Class A. A property developer with land in Bellaire was having the same problem with a high assessment. He sold the property to a church in vindication… I’m thinking of transferring title to my home to a church with the stipulation that I have a life estate in the same so long as I maintain it.

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