Debt Rattle July 1 2015


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    Harris&Ewing Army surplus 1919 • Tsipras Prepared To Accept “All Bailout Conditions” (FT) • Unpublished Troika Documents Say Greece Needs Substantial
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 1 2015]


    Greece – “Heartbreaking” Scene Unfolds At Greek Banks As Pensioners Clamor For Cash

    “And so, as sad as it is, the scene that unfolded today in front of the roughly one-third of Greek bank branches which opened their doors to pensioners, may have been preordained by the powers that be in Burssels because as we said yesterday evening, breaking Syriza’s voter base may have been necessary in order for the Troika to finally force Tsipras to relent or else risk being driven from office, after capital controls and depositor haircuts force public sector employees to collectively cry “Uncle”, beg Europe to take it back, and present Merkel with Tsipras and Varoufakis’ heads on a proverbial (and metaphorical, we hope) silver platter.”

    Diogenes Shrugged

    Martin Armstrong has a different assessment (very short blurb).


    All of his articles today are pertinent.

    Back in the 1990’s, Aaron Russo was close friends with Nick Rockefeller. He asked why, with all their money and power, they pursued more of both with such zeal. After all, what was the point? What was the goal? Rockefeller told him the ultimate goal was to get everybody on the planet chipped. That would give the elites absolute control.

    First two minutes:

    Chipping everybody would certainly be easier to accomplish if their designs on radical population reduction, for one thing, were achieved. Or maybe you think those nice people at the top will change their minds if enough angry people march in the streets. They command the world’s police and militaries (mercenaries, all), knuckleheads. Are you daft?

    Remember Bush senior back in the early 1990’s telling us confidently and smugly about how the NWO would eventually be instituted? Were you as disturbed as I was at his self-assuredness? Still at a loss to explain that smug confidence? Still hope he was mistaken?

    Ilargi: About that charitable fund you set up to help Greeks. I recommend you purchase as many old, cheap Russian sniper rifles from WWII as you possibly can, and plenty of ammunition. I know you’ll scoff. But I’d bet more than you have in your fund that you’ll someday realize, in retrospect, that it would have been the only sensible thing to have done. After all, five or six grand will only support *one* Greek family for a month or two. Or not even a week once the shelves go bare. Pensions? Don’t make me laugh. Sure, with plenty of caviar.

    The last impediment to total, permanent, worldwide economic dictatorship is American gun owners. If the American gun owner is eradicated, as looks to be the objective of Jade Helm, then I hope you’ll be happy with your chip. No more plastic cards, no more checking out at Walmart, no more elections, no more jury duty, no more free speech, no more personal opinions or important decisions. For a cursory glimpse at what this utopian paradise will look like, look no further than North Korea. Everybody smiling because it’s REQUIRED. Enjoy!

    In Greece, the uppity ones will soon be dead. Long live the Euro.


    After today’s capitulation, Alex Tsipras must resign immediately. We’ve all been watching this drama for many months now. One day Tsipras says one thing, the next, the absolute opposite. Regardless of whether it’s a case of bribery or blackmail – J. Edgar style, whether he’s insane or incompetent, this is the final straw.

    i hope and suspect that SYRIZA is meeting right now and voting to demand his resignation as leader. If not, the Greek Parliament must, by the end of the day today demand a non-confidence vote.

    IMO, it’s most likely that Tsipras has had some sort of mental breakdown. It’s all so sad. No matter which side you’re on though, this morning’s capitulation isn’t just another twist in some game. Tsipras must resign immediately.


    mr.mud – who knows what’s going on. He’s either had a mental breakdown or he’s been seriously threatened (he, his family, or his country). These guys don’t play around. We still don’t know what really happened to Kennedy. It could be, “You go along with what we want or your family is dead tomorrow.” And they mean it. You play with these sociopathic type thinkers, who have little to no empathy, guilt or shame, and you’re playing with fire. We have to consider that maybe that’s what’s going on.

    Another site said, “Moreover, Germany wasn’t even the most hardline country; Portugal, Spain, and Latvia are more hostile to cutting Greece any slack since their leaders had their citizens wear the austerity hairshirt.” He doesn’t even have the backing of the other countries who are getting creamed. If he did, that would make all the difference. He must be under tremendous pressure.

    They are going to literally crush that country just to make an example of them.

    John Day

    Ambrose has a good take on the apparent ups and downs of the negotiating stance of Alexis Tsipras. He may be positioning Greece to be financially blameless.
    I’m no expert. He is. This is an interesting angle.


    In response to someone who suggested that “the resulting defeat for Greece may have essentially been preordained from the beginning by the starting conditions,” Yves Smith had this to say:

    “They will either Grexit, which will be even worse than implementing structural reform, or they will have to swallow accepting even worse term than offered in the hostile negotiations of last month.

    Literally, any course that kept them from defaulting and letting the politicians turn the ECB loose would have been better. That’s why I have been so hard on Syriza. It was obvious to anyone who understood an iota about banking that the ECB had the power to bring the Greek government to its knees, quickly. And the Greek government created the circumstances that gave the politicians and the ECB the cover they needed. […]

    In other words, there’s a reason the Greek government says “no Grexit”. It’s not just to appease the voters. It’s also that some of the officials, particularly Varoufakis, understand or at least have a sense of what a catastrophe it would be. […]

    You be nice, you admit privately that you are a bankrupt (the appearance of contrition is an important part of the ritual of negotiating with creditors) and you move into pragmatics. You take whatever you get cause you got ‘nuthing to fight with.

    That may not be emotionally satisfactory, but the government has a duty to the citizenry. Saving lives is more important than national ego. Syriza had its priorities ass backwards. Syriza was in no position to take on the Eurocrats and ECB. Only France or Italy could pull that off. Syriza was running a 21st century Charge of the Light Brigade playbook. We know how that movie ended.”

    Nicole Foss

    Here’s a street-level view of events in Thessaloniki in German by a German/Greek woman visiting from Germany:

    Bericht aus Griechenland: Chaos pur, und es wird jede Minute schlimmer

    Google Translate version:

    10.13 Clock: After three days I am back in Germany Greece. After landing on the way home I could not believe my eyes: At around 15 kilometers expressway (weekdays at the time getting busier to heavy traffic) I have counted a total of three cars. Also in place is all eerily empty, few people in the street. Shops (even incl. Supermarkets) are empty. I have not been shopping yesterday, but today will go check times, what about the offer. Furthermore, long queues at the ATM.

    It is clear that there is already the capital controls massive difficulties. Our beverage supplier for the restaurant (alcohol and soft drinks) has already informed us about the fact that so few goods are currently not available, as import goods – and that these can not be cleared.

    If that’s been with us so, then I want to know how the hits in the big hotels so. Since there is then at the bar soon only Amstel, Heineken and Green Coke or something? And on the buffet are feta and olives …. Not that I have anything against that, but that is likely to be bad for the tourism destination Greece.

    Flown by the way I am with AirBerlin, typically brimming with tourists. Quite confused, and with money in your pocket …

    Speaking of money in your pocket: The number of robberies has increased by leaps and bounds. As a rule, it is evidently raids on people immediately after lift-off at the bank (was especially in the days when the banks had still or ATMs spit out more than the 60 euros that there is now even a day ). Supposedly yes get more with their non-Greek maps tourists / foreigners were allowed to spread. But since I am in possession of a CoBa card, I can announce: Bullshit.

    In general, the mood is very depressed, fear reigns. With “Yes” those will vote who have nothing to lose anyway, who are desperate and have no perspective. All this chaos busy here so far way, virtually no one with whom I have spoken, the Tsipras troupe at. How long this will continue for however, I am unable to say.

    So yesterday was the pensioners who are members of UCI (which is the pension fund for farmers) announced that it will apply until further notice no or very reduced pensions. There are about one million pensioners concerned, I read. Many retirees are currently doubly affected because they have no bank card and can not get their pensions, but need the money urgently. For them, the banks have now opened, it must be chaotic scenes have played.

    Then something else. Yesterday here one of the worst storms has descended that I have experienced over the years here. Duration and amount of precipitation were incredible. I see cars floating away. According to the weather map the phenomenon was so violent all the way down to Athens. I have not seen any other reports, but if that was so, should have suffered the harvest. Poor in the current situation.

    12:23 clock: On Monday just wanted all the 20 passengers on the Western Cyclades. The famous island hopping is first past.

    16:12 clock: transactions that require online payment (via credit card) are no longer possible for customers of Greek banks since today. The AppStore is closed, Ryanair tickes there are only against cash at the counter.

    16:54 Clock: A huge banner hanging on the Ministry of Finance. Advertising for a “No” on the referendum day. Varoufakis tweets: “Not in my name.” Goods allegedly activists of some unions.

    17:07 Clock: A US tour operators should not pay the note, we do not know so, whether the money arrive or remain blocked supposedly Greek hoteliers. Now that’s really not the problem of the tour operator, and if he has paid, he has paid, perhaps ne excuse. But now the company dying really begins. Man, where is this going to end?

    17:00 clock: More than 50 percent of all private loans are now in default. And the banks fight back tooth and nail against the “collection” of real estate. These qualities are virtually worthless. Have a friend who works in the “recovery department” of Piräusbank. The thought: We accept virtually everything, but just not Immos.

    17:37 clock: Lidl Greece does not accept Greek banks more.

    18:01 clock: Level I wrote an acquaintance on Facebook, which is currently in Canada: Your husband should comply with Skygreece tomorrow (Greek line). Received Call: Since the plane is currently in Budapest and you can not send the money to fuel him, he remains on the ground. Maybe Friday then ….

    18:18 clock: In the evening, the limit for withdrawals of 60 euros was reduced to 50 euros – because the 10s and 20s Euro bills are all.

    20:19 clock: Why does one weeping, starving old only now in the news? I had the ARD can show those years ago. But there was the not, because there were only lazy, ouzosaufende, prassende Greeks.

    Had shown many years ago, in which abject poverty and despair among others, the policy of the Troika much of the population has fallen, so you’d better understand today why so many people are on Sunday probably vote “No”.

    John Day

    Thanks Nicole.

    Diogenes Shrugged

    An interesting half-hour interview of Dmitry Orlov by Pete Santilli via Skype yesterday:

    How can the quality of electronic communications be so flawed in an era of advanced electronics? The Santilli Skype and Google translation from Greek (above) make me wonder. It’s certainly not for want of lots of expensive equipment. Anyway, Dmitry said things I hadn’t realized before and I was glad to have run across the interview.


    Nicole – great post, empty streets, empty shops. Must be terribly scary for the Greeks.

    Diogenes – Dmitry Orlov is always such a good listen. Thanks for posting that.

    TAE Summary

    * What people want:
    – Greek pensioners want their promised-pay paid to them
    – Rockefeller’s want everyone to be chipped as a means of control
    – George Bush wants a New World Order
    – Diogenes wants to donate sniper rifles to the Greeks
    – Portugal, Spain and Latvia want Greece to suffer like they have

    * TPTB:
    – Are sociopaths
    – Don’t care if we march in the streets
    – Play for keeps
    – Have no empathy, guilt, shame or pesky calls from insulation salesmen

    * Fear reigns; North Korea is a Utopian paradise; American gun owners are the stopper that keeps evil in the bottle and Jade Helm is the corkscrew; Shoot first, ask for donations later; The Euro is dead, Long live the Euro

    * Alex Tsirpas should be forced to voluntarily quit; He speaks out of both sides of his bifurcated mouth; He has been either bribed, blackmailed or mentally broken down; This had better be the last straw

    * Greece:
    – Shouldn’t have defaulted
    – Has painted itself into two opposite corners
    – Is empty except for robbers on floating cars
    – Should value lives over national ego
    – Uppity Greeks will be the first ones up against the wall

    * Greek phrase of the day:
    – Pragmatic Utopian Paradise = Systematic non-existent pleasure grounds for the rich


    @ TAE Summary – Thanks, have missed your commentaries!

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