Debt Rattle July 22 2019


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    Claude Monet Impression, sunrise 1872   • Nadler: Mueller Has Evidence Of Trump High Crimes And Misdemeanours (G.) • Trump Has Nothing To Fear Fr
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 22 2019]

    V. Arnold

    Claude Monet Impression, sunrise 1872

    Love the Monet…


    Now that the Tories have demonstrated that they cannot pay off the debt that they said they would pay off in 5 years, no one cares about it. It used to be an existential threat to the UK. It used to be frenzied hysterical apolalypse stuff. But we have a new apocalypse now, so no one cares about the debt. Why does the debt matter? says the establishment. We need to get rid of democracy first. That’s our priority. Then we can get rid of debt by introducing slavery.
    Don’t vote. It only encourages them.

    Dr. D

    “Between 1910 and 1997, African-Americans lost about ninety per cent of their farmland. This problem is a major contributor to America’s racial wealth gap”

    Because farmers are rich? Have you gone mad? Ninety percent of ALL farmers have left the land and gone to work elsewhere just to avoid bankruptcy.


    Wow, a straight line drop since the industrial revolution, with a 90% drop since 1910: you might have heard. Wot a coincidence! Nice race-baiting, tho. New Yorker doing their job creating the long-planned, long-attempted civil war that lets the theft of $21T + $23T stolen over the last 20 years get away in the fire. P.S. heir’s property is a problem of many, but almost all farmers, who like the overall country over that time-period are mostly white, and are the reason one party opposes punitive probate taxes: it would utterly destroy the few farms and families left, and hand all farms and property to ADM and Monsanto. But hey, running all family farms out of business with taxes but especially regulation has already created a lot of baronic neo-feudalism, so that part’s going well.

    “the convention’s leaders, quoting a few carefully selected Bible verses and claiming that Eve was created second to Adam and was responsible for original sin, ordained that women must be “subservient” to their husbands”

    Thankfully neither Carter nor anyone else noticed this in the past 90 years. He finally opened his Bible and started with “Genesis” and Lo! What he found! This is one of those thousand things that was totally obvious and taken for granted and overall was no worse than any other way until suddenly! It wasn’t. Now no one ever thought or supported those things, and they never worked.

    “This view that women are somehow inferior to men”

    Um, false. Having two different jobs or approaches doesn’t make one person more deserving of life than another. But luckily he expands to, “Women are prevented from playing a full and equal role in many faiths… women must be subjugated to the wishes of men excuses slavery, violence, forced prostitution, genital mutilation and national laws that omit rape as a crime.”

    “in many countries boys are educated before girls; why girls are told when and whom they must marry; and why many face enormous and unacceptable risks in pregnancy and childbirth because their basic health needs are not met.”

    Yes, and all those things are illegal in all “Christian” nations, but are legal in many Muslim nations. Nowhere in the West, at all – and especially among Southern Baptists – are any of these things true, most not for centuries. Yes, thankfully, at last! Carter is going to boycott the Baptists who are A G A I N S T all these things, in order to show those predominantly Muslim nations who are actually FOR them, what-for. Because abandoning the Christianity — one of the ONLY things that has historically stopped these things — is the way to shore up their defense and move forward. By retreating and surrendering, of course! It is tolerance to HATE Christianity for one views, but LOVE other religions for a different view, ones that by his own accounting is about nine times worse. Logic!

    I don’t know. Is this an example of the perfect being the enemy of the good? Or is it an ideological purity test where everyone who falls short of God must be banished and purged? Since he spends a lot of time in Africa, among many Muslim nations who do these things (and pushing the subsequent cultural imperialism instead of leaving them alone), shouldn’t he himself be the first one to ostricized and removed from society? I think his own logic says yes. What is wrong with the thinking these days?

    John Day
    Rugged Individualism cannot save us. Only Enlightened Collectivism can.​ ​ Caitlin Johnstone
    Individualism cannot save humanity from the crises it faces. It’s not the right tool…
    …Collectivism by itself is worthless. What we need is not just our healthy impulse to collaborate, but to collaborate in a wise and intuitive way that is not manipulated by the propaganda narratives of the powerful. We need an enlightened collectivism in which we all collaborate toward the good of the whole, not because we’ve been manipulated into it, nor even just because we’ve been convinced to by compelling arguments, but because we’ve become wise and compassionate enough to understand that that’s what’s best for everyone. This means fundamentally changing how our minds operate. It means a collective evolution into a wildly new relationship with thought…
    The belief that humanity can and must undergo a profound psychological transformation if we’re to survive isn’t flaky “out there” spiritualism, nor is it in fact “spiritual” at all; it’s a political position just as mundane and valid as the belief that the working class can and must rise up against the plutocracy. There isn’t actually any mechanism in place preventing us from doing this; the only thing stopping it is our not wanting it badly enough yet.
    Humans were never meant to operate as individuals. We’re not descended from solo creatures like tigers or polar bears, we’re descended from monkeys, group-oriented throughout our DNA. We need each other. It’s how our brains and nervous systems are wired. There’s no getting out of this. We’re going to wake up together or not at all. We’re going to evolve together or die together.

    Rugged Individualism Cannot Save Us. Only Enlightened Collectivism Can.

    This is the fantasy: we can rebuild our entire global industrial society every generation or two forever.​..​ Charles Hugh Smith
    ​ ​The revelation that strikes me is the insanity of pursuing eternal economic growth, not as an option but as the only possible path: there is literally no alternative to extracting ever greater quantities of the planet’s resources to enable ever greater consumption by the planet’s 7.7 billion humans.
    ​ ​Stripped to its essence, this mad drive is about profit and power. The necessity is sold as the only path to prosperity for humanity, but it’s really about securing wealth and power for the few.

    I can’t find much at all about Senator Rand Paul (and other Senators?) meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister Thursday.
    “I think diplomacy is a good idea, and I think that if sanctions are to work, you also have to talk about removing them,” Paul said. “So I think the discussion now, since we have maximum pressure on and maximum sanctions on Iran, now we have to say what would we be willing to remove them for.”
    Zarif, speaking to reporters in New York Thursday, proposed that Iran could move up ratification of the Additional Protocol, ensuring lifelong extensive International Atomic Energy Agency inspections and verification to ensure Iran’s nuclear program is strictly for civilian purposes, in exchange for the United States moving up its lifting of sanctions.
    “If Trump wants more for more, we can ratify the Additional Protocol and he can lift the sanctions he set,” Zarif told the journalists Thursday, The Guardian reported. “He has said that he will take any measure to Congress — fine. Lift the sanctions and you’ll have the Additional Protocol sooner than 2023.”

    Iranian oil tankers keep going to China and storing oil there. This hasn’t slowed down. China isn’t “buying” Iranian oil, because it is in bonded-storage-purgatory. Still, Iran seems to be fulfilling it’s oil-for-investment deals with China in this format. China is holding the oil locally, and seems to have developed a lot of storage capacity, somehow. This increases Chinese energy security, in case the US blocks oil. Clever Chinese and Persians, huh?

    Tom Luongo has a lot of good insights into the shifting Persian Gulf balance of power as UAE pulls troops out of Yemen and negotiates with Iran, realizing that if a major war breaks out UAE will be clobbered. Saudi Arabian troops, bogged down in Yemen, are lonely and considering despair. Iran upped the ante of retaliation with shooting down the Global Hawk drone. Bolton blinked. The rest of the world against Israel/US/Saudi Arabia is looking stronger. Look at this point, too. The main reason why Trump and Netanyahu are so angry about the JCPOA is the mutual outsourcing of the nuclear ballistic missile program by Iran and North Korea. North Korea was working on the warhead while Iran worked on the ballistic missile. Trump tweeted about this nearly two years ago, confirming this link…. Trump can’t, at this point, back down directly with Iran. Yemen is deeply unpopular here and ending our support of it would be a boon to Trump politically. Trading that for some sanctions relief would be a good first step to solving the mess he’s in and build some trust.

    Tulsi Gabbard talked to Tucker Carlson a few nights ago, from Puerto Rico, where she was standing with protesters against the endemic governmental and corporate corruption which bleeds everything from them and “their” island. Corrupt local government taking the last skim to allow outside interests to take all of the major resources is the core of the colonial model.

    Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case Thanks, Tom.
    (The mob, FBI and CIA have had common purpose in arranging girls and boys for powerful men and women of the world , then insisting on their ongoing cooperation, since before WW-2. Hi Mr Hoover. Hi, Mr Lansky. Hi. Mr Cohen. Hi, Mr McCarthy.)
    Epstein is only the latest incarnation of a much older, more extensive and sophisticated operation that offers a frightening window into how deeply tied the U.S. government is to the modern-day equivalents of organized crime.
    by Whitney Webb

    Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case

    The Harvard Crimson ​(2003) ​ran an article telling its readers what a good guy Jeff was.​..​
    ​ ​In addition to linking Epstein to a number of notables, including then Harvard president and future US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers, the article notes Epstein was at the time a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.
    ​ ​Described as “one of the most pleasant philanthropists” by professor Martin A. Nowak of Harvard’s mathematical biology and evolutionary dynamics program, Epstein was said to have a “bevy of eminent friends that includes princes, presidents and Nobel Prize winners.”


    ADAM & EVE

    It struck me recently that genetically speaking Adam and Eve would have been brother and sister. This is not the only problem as who do the kids mate with? Incest would have been a feature for many generations until differences evolved.

    V. Arnold

    The Old Testament is rife with incest, fratricide, and genocide.
    Yahweh was indeed a jealous and murderous god…
    Very likely the beginning of patriarchy…


    The Jimmy Carter article was written in 2009. It went viral recently. The Age has an analysis here.

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