Debt Rattle July 22 2022


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    Pablo Picasso Dora Maar with green nails 1936   • EU To Face ‘Infinitely’ Higher Energy Prices Because Of Sanctions – Banker (RT) • EU Proposes V
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 22 2022]


    V.P. these are interesting about our food? You may already be well aware.

    The following is an abridged version of the second chapter of the author’s short (free-to-read) e-book Food, Dispossession and Dependency (2022)

    GM crops are required to feed the world is a well-worn industry slogan trotted out at every available opportunity. Just like the claim of GM crops being a tremendous success, this too is based on a myth.

    There is no global shortage of food. Even under any plausible future population scenario, there will be no shortage as evidenced by scientist Dr Jonathan Latham in his paper “The Myth of a Food Crisis” (2020).

    However, new gene drive and gene editing techniques have now been developed and the industry is seeking the unregulated commercial release of products that are based on these methods.

    These new techniques can cause a range of unwanted genetic modifications that can result in the production of novel toxins or allergens or in the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes. Even intended modifications can result in traits which could raise food safety, environmental or animal welfare concerns.

    The European Court of Justice ruled in 2018 that organisms obtained with new genetic modification techniques must be regulated under the EU’s existing GMO laws. However, there has been intense lobbying from the agriculture biotech industry to weaken the legislation, aided financially by the Gates Foundation.

    ..and this:

    One of the latest attempts to thwart your ability to access nutritional supplements comes in the form of draft legislation that would require premarket approval for dietary supplements. In short, it would require supplements — which are food — to undergo the same approval process as drugs

    In the past, the drug industry and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has tried to ban certain supplements, including vitamin B6 and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), by reclassifying them as new drugs

    Another strategy the drug industry has been using to gain a monopoly over the supplement industry is to buy up supplement brands. Just 14 mega corporations — many of them drug companies — now own more than 100 of the most popular supplement brands on the market

    This monopoly over the supplement industry gives drug companies enormous regulatory influence, and that’s a way by which they could eliminate independent supplement makers who can’t afford to put their products through the drug approval process. Indeed, it seems that’s what the Durbin-Braun premarket approval proposal is trying to accomplish

    V. Arnold

    Pablo Picasso Dora Maar with green nails 1936

    Wow! An wesome picasso; Dora Maar with green nails is just the bee’s knees…


    Limits to economic growth
    Across the world, decisions on investment and policy are made under the assumption of continuous economic
    expansion. Fundamental physical limits may soon put an end to this phase of development, as foreshadowed by the
    1972 report The Limits to Growth.
    Thomas W. Murphy Jr

    An end to quantitative economic growth
    need not translate to an end to innovation or
    other forms of qualitative development and
    improvement. But growth as we have known
    it will no longer be able to drive the way
    civilization operates. The entire financial,
    economic, political and social system will
    be forced to undergo radical change, leaving
    something bearing little resemblance to
    today’s world.
    Given that as assumptions of quantitative
    growth are pervasive in our society and
    have been present for many generations,
    it is perhaps not surprising that growth is
    not widely understood to be a transient



    I don’t think I’ve ever commented on the art you open your posts with, but today I will offer an opinion.

    Enough already with Picasso’s repulsive, louche, peculiar, and disrespectful renderings of women. The guy was an overt misogynist, who treated women like doormats and sexual toys. His paintings of women, with odd placement of boobs and bizarre extra appendages or strangely misshaped parts are not “interesting” – they are the signal of his inner psychological need to demean and mock the females in his life. Two of the women in his life committed suicide and two others were put away after having nervous breakdowns. His own granddaughter wrote about him, “He [Picasso] submitted them to his animal sexuality, tamed them, bewitched them, ingested them, and crushed them onto his canvas. After he had spent many nights extracting their essence, once they were bled dry, he would dispose of them.”

    Plus, his art is just ugly.

    Ah, but I don’t come only to complain about your taste in art; after all, each to his own, and I can easily scroll past the picture of the day. So rather than just offering the personal aghastitude and revulsion I feel toward Picasso, I have a suggestion for some other artwork that would make subtle political statements about these times in which we find ourselves.

    How about some Russian art? The Russians are being banned all over the place. Let’s celebrate them instead. Here are some names of Russian masters as a for-instance:

    Valentin Serov
    Ivan Shishkin
    Isaac Levitan
    Ivan Aivazovsky

    Or, how about this? Some Dutch painters to show solidarity with the farmers of the Netherlands:

    Pieter Claesz
    Johannes Vermeer
    Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig
    Jan van Goyen


    Shares of AT&T fell on Thursday after CEO John Stankey said that customers are starting to put off paying their phone bills – which resulted in the wireless carrier cutting this year’s forecast for free cash flow by $2 billion, Bloomberg reports.


    @teri agreed.

    Hope springs eternal.

    The ECB made two big announcements following its meeting today, July 21, 2022, and we’ll engrave this date into digital stone because it’s so important in the absurd NIRP fiasco:

    One, the ECB finally exited its Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) by hiking all its policy rates by 50 basis points, including its deposit rate, which was the negative rate, at -0.5%. This deposit is now 0.0%, and there are no more negative rates at the ECB.

    And two, it showed off a new glue gun – the Transmission Protection Instrument or TPI – designed to prevent a sovereign debt crisis and keep the Eurozone together, even has the ECB hikes rates and reduces its balance sheet (quantitative tightening or QT) to fight raging inflation.

    ECB Exits Negative Interest Rates, Hikes by 50 Bpts, Double its Promise, Bigger Hikes on Tap, Shows Off New Glue Gun to Prevent Sovereign Debt Crisis During Rate Hikes & QT



    Picasso absolutely adored women like Dora Maar and Marie-Therese Walter. He worshiped them. That’s why he painted them. But he was also a macho man, and trying to cross the barrier between 2D and 3D. Which is where the “odd placement of boobs and bizarre extra appendages” come from. He’s looking at them from multiple angles at the same time.

    Aivazovsky, Vermeer and Rembrandt are regular guests here.

    Dr. D

    How about Vasnetsov?
    Viktor Vasnetsov

    From the Internets: “the fact that the EU lost the Russian gas supply makes me think we could see some unusual, Schwab-shaped lamppost decorations this Christmas in Europe”

    Following the list from yesterday, what caused the 2019 Repo fail, (then immediately suspended with Covid) was that Wall St. refused to take any Eurobank overnight debt as collateral. Leaving the Fed as the single source and backstop. Why bring this up?

    It’s still true three years later. EuroBank bonds are still completely denied in Wall Street, Eurodebt is considered likely to default at any time. Surprise? With Germany? With DeutscheBank being the single largest threat to financial stability? As said by Treasury secretaries, the SEC and Germany’s BaFin (yes, “baffin”) themselves?

    “Euro Tumbles, Spreads Blow Out As Market Realizes ECB’s TPI Is Just Another Useless Word Salad”
    “The schizophrenic ECB is hiking 50bp at the same time as it indicates it will keep buying Italian bonds.”

    This was a setup, you know. The U.S. put all their garbage in “Bad Bank” and then make Deutsche merge with them. Exactly how I forget atm, but the Empire has long arms.

    “Feds Eye Criminal Charges for Hunter Biden as Probe Reaches ‘Critical Stage’”

    35 years but they think they may be on to something. Just a hunch this might not be kosher. Let’s not be hasty.

    “Blackstone Prepares a Record $50 Billion to Snap Up Real Estate During the Coming Crash”

    That’s what? ¼ of all houses in America? “…You’ll own nothing.” Because the interlocking BlackRock boards own everything. Including Neil Young’s catalog he sold them since they’re well-known swell guys.

    Bloomberg: their arrogance knows no bounds. Now they speak for the entire earth? Like the spokesman for Thanos? Which kills the poor almost exclusively? Party of the Working Man, I guess.

    “The IMF warned on Tuesday that Germany, the EU’s chief economic powerhouse, risks losing almost 5% of its GDP if Russia completely shuts off its gas supply.”

    Well that’s an incredible lie. How about loses 85% of GDP?

    “EU Proposes Voluntary Goal for Countries to Cut Gas Use by 15% (R.)”

    First, they can’t do it. Second, 15-20% isn’t enough. Third, that only brings the horror of winter closer, making the hard times longer. I mean, hey, if you’re in a war, then yes, clamp down, hunker down, move to one room, two families to a house. But when you can just buy the gas? What are you, nuts? (A: Yes. They are “nuts”, mentally ill, insane and want you to join them.)

    “Greece, Spain and Portugal immediately said no. Others will follow. I’m starting to wonder if the EU will make it to Christmas.”

    They won’t. Germany will cave and flip East. Not sure how yet.

    “The new Iron Curtain has been raised, and won’t be crossed for years to come.”

    Sure it will, because it has to. We’re just not sure how. But 2/3rds of Germans aren’t going to kill themselves for the favor of London. They’re going to flip their government instead. …And then shutter Ramstein Air Base and removing the 80-year American Occupation. Good. We all approve.

    As General Washington said:

    Observe good faith & justice towards all Nations cultivate peace & harmony with all…nothing is more essential than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular Nations and passionate attachments for others should be excluded; and that in place of them just & amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated.

    “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence the jealousy of a free people ought to be constantly awake; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government.Real Patriots, who may resist the intrigues of the favourite, are liable to become suspected and odious; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause & confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.”

    “Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have no, or a very remote relation. Hence [Europe is] engaged in frequent controversies the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence therefore it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations & collisions of her friendships or enmities.”

    Harmony, liberal intercourse with all Nations, are recommended by policy, humanity and interest. But even our Commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand: neither seeking nor granting exclusive favours or preferences; consulting the natural course of things; diffusing & diversifying by gentle means the streams of Commerce, but forcing nothing.”

    You know, like with the largest base in the U.S. Army occupying major nations overseas.

    He also said this:
    “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. … Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men & citizens. … ought to respect & to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private & public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in Courts of Justice? … morality can[not] be maintained without religion. … National morality can[not] prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

    Just like everything else our fathers said that we ignored.

    “The Ukrainian underworld government sold very expensive French heavy weapons to Russia. These brand new French howitzers were sold to Russia for 2% of what it cost the French people

    Yes, but they’ll make it up on the volume. Nope, no corruption here! Ukraine is the beacon of Democracy! The Capital of Freedom! The Lighthouse of Humanity.

    “MPs voted to legalise “zero-hours contracts” and made moves towards removing up to 70 percent of the country’s workforce from protections guaranteed by national labour law.”

    Standard IMF “Economic Hit Man” stuff.

    “Belarus strongman Alexander Lukashenko,” You’re Fired. It’s “Belarus President Lukashenko” Unless you want a paper that also says “Well-known U.S. bagman Hunter Biden.” I don’t think we want that. Just the facts, ma’am.

    “The abject submission of British authorities to the Master in Washington … is painful to observe”

    I’d argue the opposite, but clearly they’re merged, and neither side of the pond follows the people. Wasn’t it Britain doing the hard-core election-rigging in collusion and coordination with the FBI, CIA, and CNN? Foreign powers rigging U.S. Federal Elections isn’t a crime now? Like Gen. Washington warned is the death of Republics?

    Nope. And why? Because London is burrowed just that deep into us. And elsewhere too.

    “10,000 Dutch farmers risk losing their farms altogether”

    Yes, but only the farms you can put expensive beach condos on. Which will all have empty refrigerators, I guess.

    “Fauci, Biden Officials Subpoenaed over Collusion to Suppress Free Speech (JTN)”

    Basic Human Rights violation. I can prove without a subpoena.

    GMO crops is so stupidly obvious it’s in “Jurassic World”. They GMO crops that are resistant to their GMO locusts so the whole world has no choice but to buy or die. I mean, when your scams are so common, so ordinary that 3rd rate pop movies carry them as obvious…

    …Then they still don’t exist. What exists doesn’t, except it does, but it doesn’t. Which we proved in court exists when they paid the fine, but doesn’t exist because “TV said so”. Like Joe Biden’s cancer.

    Studies have shown that GMOs fail to have higher yields. The end. However, they are more expensive, more legally confined, more poisonous, more monopolized, and most importantly: more monocultured than ordinary seeds (including hybrids). So the slightest disease attack will wipe out even MORE of that clone than the previous industry strains, if such a thing is even possible. And no ADM = no food. ADM runs your nation, in India, in Nebraska, or you all go bankrupt and starve. Says their CEO Luciano, Fink, Soros, or whoever.

    But why would anyone listen to me when “normal” seeds are cheaper and better? Lower yields, yes perhaps, but lower inputs too = higher profits and more mobility.

    absolute galore

    I will refrain from entering the Picasso debate, but I must say his portrait of AOC in today’s post is spot on.
    And plus one to the suggestion of Russian artists!

    absolute galore

    Oh, and that mini Kingfisher needs some Head & Shoulders….

    absolute galore

    One more: Thank Dr. D for the GW quotes. I live right across from his Revolutionary War headquarters, and he really did sleep in lots of places around here. Yesterday the auction house next to the bike shop where I work put out a bunch of free books and records, including a biography of Benjamin Franklin, which I grabbed. Coincidentally, watching Jason Whitlock later in the day, he mentioned Ben Franklin in his latest show, in which he took a viewer to task for not getting the solution he espouses every day:a biblical world view. Also in the midst of reading Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson, which covers the years leading up to the Civil War. It’s instructive to go back in our history–especially since very little of it was taught when I was in public school 50 years ago. One big akeaway is the complete lack of moral character or integrity or capacity for intellectual thought in the majority of public figures today as compared to the founding fathers and dudes like Lincoln.


    TAE is your doorway into the truth that bloggers have found.

    Sanctions is another name for war.
    Russian grain and Ukraine grain shipment to resume.

    Nord Stream 1 resume gas flow at 40% .
    The EU asked to cut usage of gas by 15%

    Sinking Germany
    19 JULY 2022
    The relative inefficacy of sanctions was predictable. If decades of economic warfare had proved incapable of bringing down effectively defenceless regimes such as Castro’s Cuba (by now targeted for over 70 years), Bolivarian Venezuela (30 years) or Khomeinist Iran (42 years of American sanctions, plus around ten years of international measures), it’s difficult to imagine them triggering regime change in a country like Russia, which has been preparing for this eventuality by revamping its industrial capacities. Yet the more ineffective the sanctions the more the war drags on, lurching from one escalation to the next, and deepening divisions that seem ever more irremediable. By now we can assume that relations with Russia will be interrupted for at least some decades (a regrettable situation for any Westerner who hasn’t had the good fortune to visit Moscow and St Petersburg). The new Iron Curtain has been raised, and won’t be crossed for years to come.

    Next winter Germany, and other European countries, will have an energy crisis. This crisis, we are told, is caused by the proxy war between the U.S. and Russia in Europe. They say that Russia has cut us off from its natural gas deliveries.

    That is a lie.
    Kanekoa’s Newsletter
    OSCE Reports Reveal Ukraine Started Shelling The Donbas Nine Days Before Russia’s ‘Special Military Operation’

    All of my articles on the Ukraine-Russia War — Part I, Part II, and Part III.

    The Biden Administration, U.S. political officials, and the corporate media are lying the American public into World War III.

    John Day

    @Bill7: You just need to give plants what they need. For a larger garden, it’s good to send a soil sample to your regional Ag. Extension service for analysis. Your soil may have too little of some essential nutrients/minerals, or even excess phosphorous from prior Ag. use.
    Drip watering with a timer is a bit of hassle and cost to set up, but keeps gardens alive through the summer.


    Corruption Concerns Involving Ukraine Revived As War With Russia Drags On

    The Media Whores® actually covered Ukraine corruption years ago then dropped all mention recently because it doesn’t support the ‘narrative’: Russia Bad, Zelensky Good.

    Aside from the childish disconnect from Reality, the Media Whores® are every bit as corrupt as the Ukronazis and their buttboy Führer Zelensky.

    The Ukronazis are thugs and thieves but not very good ones. Selling brand new France mobile howitzers for 2% of their value is not good criminal practice. You fence stuff for at least 5-10%..


    All ‘aid’ from the Collective West going to the Ukraine Laundromat amount to 2% for the ‘war effort’ and 98% skimmed off for ‘the House’

    You see, the House never looses.

    So in the Empire of Lies, not enough money to secure the southern border, but tens of billions for the Pimp Puppet Zelensky and his goon squad of Nazis.

    The SMO is grinding to a close so the Oligarchy Grift Machine needs one last payoff before Eurotardistan® descends into a starving freezing madhouse of chaos for the winter fro Hell.

    Without cheap dependable Russian fossil fuel, Eurotardistan® CANNOT be competitive in the world market place. The added fuel cost will shift the competitive advantage to Asia for manufactured goods of any type, plus Russia is selling fossil fuels to Asia at a discount.

    GDP is welding to fuel cost.

    No amount of efficiency tweaking will break that iron clad link.

    Eurotardistan® is toast.

    The train is leaving for the Greater Eurasia Trading Zone and Eurotardistan® is not on it.

    It stands shivering on the station platform, tears freezing down it’s cheeks.

    Blow and kiss and say goodbye

    Farewell Eurotardistan!

    Keep the baby, Faith!



    Two days in a row with great bird photographs. The eagle yesterday and the sublime little kingfisher today.
    I would gladly sell my soul at the crossroads to be that good of a photographer.


    Well, Ilargi, if Picasso “adored” them, it was a funny kind of love. Picasso seduced Walter when she was 17 years old. He was 45 and married. He and Walter had a child together. He promised to divorce his first wife (which he did) and marry Walter (which he did not do). The relationship went on for awhile, even though in the last years Walter knew she was sharing him with his new mistress – Dora Maar. Walter eventually committed suicide. (To be fair, she did that after Picasso’s own death, so he was spared from having to ponder how the relationship had affected her.)

    Picasso enjoyed pitting Maar and Walter against each other for his attention until Walter had the sense to leave him. With Walter out of the picture, Maar got more “loving” from Picasso. He physically abused her and deliberately sabotaged her photography career. Maar became clinically depressed and suffered a nervous breakdown which required years of therapy. She spent the last decades of her life alone and never received the attention she deserved for her own art and photography. It was only posthumously that her later experimental work in photography was found and put on exhibit.

    Sad stories.

    Autonomous Unit

    “Oh, and that mini Kingfisher needs some Head & Shoulders….”
    look closer, those are dew drops.
    What plants need:


    Hunter the Cokewhore

    The gift that keeps on giving

    What a cluster phucked up ‘family’




    I see signs everywhere.

    Now I see ones that say,“We’re Always Hiring”

    Really, you must have great working conditions or be constantly expanding to have open ended hiring.

    The was talking to a store manger for Home Depot recently, they have a 95% employee turnover rate annually.

    I asked him why so high a turnover.

    He said,“Cause Home Depot treats them like shit”

    I said how long have you worked for them, he said “22 years.”

    I said how did you survive this long.

    He said, “I don’t let anyone treat me like shit.”



    Europe needs fertilizer. Cows make fertilizer. Heat waves let you dry that fertilizer so it is easy to ship to where it’s needed.

    I expect this has already been posted here, but for those of you who like Armstrong’s “Socrates”, there’s Blackrock’s “Aladdin”. (From Nov 2021)

    TAE Summary

    The Logic of Sanctioning Russia

    TAE Summary

    The Logic of Sanctioning Russia
    Lock the Gates

    D Benton Smith


    It’s a deal. Midnight, at the crossroads, bring the goods . . . and no cops.

    D Benton Smith

    What’s with all of this confusing business going on about money?

    Surely folks do understand that there is no such thing as money, without business. That is, money existing in the absence of business taking place just can not happen. No business, no money. Simple. This remains true (and simple!) regardless of and despite the fact that “money people” . . . in their ubiquitous hubris . . . keep forgetting it. Business comes first and money (if it comes at all) comes after that.

    So what, then is “business”? Business in its most accurate and fundamental definition, is everything that people have to be, or do, or have in order to be alive, and stay that way. Which is to say, a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do . . . because if he doesn’t do what he’s got to do then he will stop being altogether and no longer have anything, including life.

    Money can and frequently does make business easier and more efficient, but it is demonstrably factual that business can exist without money, but not the other way around. In the absence of business, money does not exist a’tall a’tall.

    Business is the stuff. Money is the promises, symbols and settlements ABOUT that stuff.

    If you want to see that played out in real life just observe what happens when people run out of money or run out of stuff. When they run out of money (but still have plenty of the stuff that living requires) then they can hang on and hold out for as long as the stuff does. In other words, for as long as the necessary stuff in their possession lasts. That can be a REALLY long time! But when they run out of the stuff required to keep body and soul together, well then thing get serious in a hurry.

    When people run out of “business” supplies like food, energy, warmth, mobility or the services of cops and well-equipped armies (!!) then the situation is immediately urgent. In short, they either get those goods and services or they cease to exist. Get stuff or die . . . and SCREW the money.

    Michael Reid

    Thus, two JPMorgan analysis, Natasha Kaneva and Ted Hall, recently argued that Russia could halve its total output temporarily and starve the world of up to five million barrels a day (5% of global supply) without doing lasting damage to its drilling infrastructure, or suffering an intolerable economic hit.

    Furthermore, they estimate that a shock and awe squeeze of this magnitude would drive prices to $380 a barrel, levels that would bring the global economy to a shuddering halt.

    David Stockman on Europe’s Economic Suicide…

    Michael Reid

    Pelosi to visit Taiwan. Neocons push escalation with China


    What about an army of woke sheep lead by a woke sheep





    Veracious Poet

    New York Gov. Kathy Hochul Directed Supporters to Zeldin Campaign Event Hours Before Failed Attack…

    New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) sent out a press release urging her supporters to “RSVP” to her Republican challenger Rep. Lee Zeldin’s (R) upcoming campaign stop, just hours before a man rushed the stage at one of Zeldin’s events in a failed attack.

    Alleged Attacker Of Republican Congressman Released From Custody…

    The man accused of attempting to assault Republican congressman and New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin (R-NY) with a weapon was released from police custody hours after the attack.

    The suspect, 43-year-old David G. Jakubonis of Fairport, New York, was charged with attempted second degree assault and was “released on his own recognizance” Thursday, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

    Zeldin was speaking on an outside stage at a Veterans of Foreign Wars Post in Perinton, New York, when Jakubonis allegedly ran onstage and told Zeldin, “You’re done.” Jakubonis then allegedly swung a weapon KNIFE at Zeldin’s neck.

    “The attacker will likely be instantly released under NY’s laws,” he tweeted.


    John Day, thanks for that gardening information. My impression is that
    there is some soil contamination,
    though it might be one of the imbalance
    that you mention. Becoming less rigorous
    about outcomes and doing more watching
    have both been helpful, as has planting
    possibly-hardier stuff. We’ll see how it goes. I sure do like seeing healthy
    plants coming up out of the ground..


    Second day in a row, no news about the “war” in the Ukraine on the Saker, Moon of Alabama, and Zerohedge. Zerohedge did have one story about exporting Ukrainian grain. So the powers to be have banished the war in the Ukraine. Raul obviously didn’t get the memo!

    About yesterday’s great photo of a hawk/eagle flying side ways. Notice the bird has it’s head turned 90 degrees so it can keep it’s gyroscope properly orientated with respect to the earth’s horizon. Something human pilots can not do without a gyroscope.

    So the Dutch politicians first pass a stupid law about reducing nitrogen. Then if you want to build more housing, then the politicans can say with a straight face, the law says you have to shutdown a farm first. But not any other sources of nitrogen. And nobody even questions the circular logic.


    @WES: I think you’ll find that birds, just like humans, can only do this if they can see. Birds will stay close to the ground if visibility is poor. You can see this where I live, on the coast where it is often foggy. We have a lot of birds here, and they are essentially grounded on poor visibility days.



    Hmm. Problem with images again.




    Yes I agree birds generally only fly in good weather. Even rain seems to ground many birds. Right out in front of the island cottage there is a rock everyone calls “Turtle Rock” because it is perfectly shaped like a turtle’s shell. It is heavily populated by the local water birds. However in heavy winds/rain they are all standing around looking rather dejected and quiet. I think the birds love sunny weather just like we humans do too.

    Michael Reid

    Russia Prepares Big Offensive, Putin Talks to MbS, Ridicules EU on Gas; EU Scraps Food Sanctions


    For all you gardeners out there-
    Go to your local farmer’s market and see how their crops of whatever isn’t doing well in your garden are doing. It won’t console you that your basil crop this year is less than spectacular, but it’s a comfort to know others had the same problems.

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