Debt Rattle July 6 2017


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    Roy Lichtenstein Woman With Flowered Hat 1963   • The Fed Grows Worried Its Loose Policy Threatens US Financial Stability (CNBC) • Fed Eyes Septe
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle July 6 2017]


    Why do you keep pining for a reset, Ilargi, when it’s possible to end the game permanently?

    Dr. Diablo

    • German Banks Pose A Threat That Politicians Want To Hide (CNBC)

    So the German Banking problem is too much competition? The IMF regrets there has not been more vertical monopolization? Also these banks traffic in real business, like manufacturing and shipping, and not phantom profits of paper-ginning? And that they still provide capital to real production is a major concern? They are also deeply concerned profits are inadequately high. Efficiencies to create profits (via monopolization) have not been realized, but effiency is the enemy of resiliency. Meaning, because there are thousands of small, inefficient, home-town banks in Germany, who only collect modest and fair profits while insuring capital flow so real-world things get done, when they pull the plug on the large ones, like DeutscheBank, which must go down, they cannot justify taxpayer payouts to insiders as they re-monopolize the system, as local banks will be there, providing service, ready to fill the gap left by the dinosaurs.

    Is this what you’re trying to say, IMF? Because that’s what I’m hearing.


    Report after report circles around money. Not people.

    The Zioglobalist neoCON agenda prioritizes profits and efficiency above all else; it is intrinsically anti-human.

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