Debt Rattle June 20 2023


Home Forums The Automatic Earth Forum Debt Rattle June 20 2023

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  • #137359

    Wordpress is having a hard time today. Must be bad internet weather around its core.

    We love war almost as much as money even though we absolutely hate its consequences. We love it so much that, to steal from W. Gibson, it has become “so popular it’s almost legal”. In fact, it IS legal. We enacted Just War doctrines to be sure we butcher each other en masse PROPERLY.



    i tried to post something earlier and it didn’t work, so, testing testing


    I think WPress is having bandwidth issues.


    thanks, boscohorowitz. i just tried again and got “Error: Duplicate reply detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that.” even though the previous attempt didn’t post. i’ll try again tomorrow before i assume wordpress has shadowbanned links to epstein’s flight logs.


    huh, i think it must actually be a shadowban, as i posted the same text edited slightly, seems to post successfully but doesn’t appear, unlike these previous 3 posts.


    Unless TAE gets major press, I doubt we’re worth shadowbanning. Not that we’re nothing, but not that big; meanwhile shadowbanning would just further cionvince us that Big Bro is Everywhere.


    uranian: Try logging out. Shut down PC. Bury your posts in attendant verbiage (maybe italicize it so we can tell).

    I had your same experience and now, voila, have posted alI intended to.

    And easy on any links today. WPress has difficulty swallowing them today, it seems.


    well, even pastebin censors this, so i tried at

    if you are feeling helpful, bosco, try going there and pasting it here, as i can’t.


    We were told to conform to Communist ideals but we opted for My Favoriter POny.

    Seeing as how our currency/economy/most everything is crashing, we might want to start exploring what that other form of love at large might be.

    Well, that’s weird. It’s almost like this paragraph means something?

    I know what it is for me: honor. Love cannot live without mutually reliable trust, and without the love of money (based on trust, nyet?) to bind us together as one great unhappy family, trust seems to be the starting foundation of whatever new form of shared love we will use to create positive consensus.

    A Small Family Venture


    I succeeded with the method that I described above.


    Pastebin’s SMART filters have detected potentially offensive or questionable content in your Paste.
    The content you are trying to publish has been deemed potentially offensive or questionable by our filters, because of this you’re receiving this warning.
    This Paste can only be published with the visibility set to “Private”.


    i guess it’s the link to epstein’s flight logs that are banned, by at least wordpress and pastebin. the link works, at least.


    The links work work. You are probably being punished for your sins in a past life. (examines the flight log of Epstein’s Dead Now Airways… oy. U bin a bayyad boy, uranian. 😉

    Let me try a more alt link of yours:

    Fu Manchu on U 2!


    Yup. It’s you, uranian. 😉 You’ve led an evil life. Buy my book and I’ll show you how to cleanse yourself of guilt!

    Heroin for Dummies

    Doc Robinson

    Partial lyrics from a song by one of D Benton Smith’s favorite Welsh rappers ; )
    Money Game part 2, by Ren

    …This is business economics in a nursery rhyme

    She sells seashells on a seashore
    But the value of these shells will fall
    Due to the laws of supply and demand
    No one wants to buy shells
    ’cause there’s loads on the sand

    Step One,
    You must create a sense of scarcity
    Shells will sell much better if the people think they’re rare, you see
    Bear with me, and take as many shells as you can find
    and hide ’em on an island
    Stockpile ’em high
    until they’re rarer than a diamond

    Step Two,
    You gotta make the people think that they want ’em,
    really want ’em,
    really f#ckin’ want ’em.
    Hit ’em like Bronson.
    Influencers, product placement, featured prime time entertainment
    If you haven’t got a shell then you’re just a f#cking wasteman

    It’s monopoly, invest inside some property
    Start a corporation, make a logo, do it properly
    “Shells must sell”, that will be your new philosophy
    Swallow all your morals, they’re a poor man’s quality

    Expand, expand, expand
    Clear forest, make land, fresh blood on hands

    Why just shells?
    Why limit your self?
    She sells seashells, sell oil as well!

    Guns, sell stocks,
    sell diamonds, sell rocks,
    sell water to a fish,
    sell the time to a clock

    Press on the gas, take your foot off the brakes
    Run to be the president of the United States

    Big smile mate, big wave, that’s great
    Now the truth is overrated, tell lies out the gate

    Polarise the people, controversy is the game
    It don’t matter if they hate you if they all say your name

    The world is yours
    Step out on a stage
    to a round of applause
    You’re a liar, a cheat, a devil, a whore
    and you sell seashells on the seashore…

    Veracious Poet


    Actually, no. The Constitution expressly does NOT say that. That would be illegal. However, the Declaration of Independence does. That would also be the result of Enlightenment thinking, but why go there? It’s also cave man thinking, and it’s been done regularly for all the millennia in between, for reasons far less than today.

    Funny how so many “Americans” have -0- comprehension of the how & why concerning the American Revolution, nor the legal foundation of the “Declaration of Independence” (U.S Founding document), specifically regarding the real reality application of John Locke’s legal arguments against The Divine Rights of Kings, that The Sons of Liberty seized as their “Natural Right” to revolt against King & Parliament:

    The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one: and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty, or possessions…

    Whenever legislators endeavor to take away and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience.

    Every man hath a right to punish the offender, and be executioner of the law of nature.

    Of course all of that is now, more or less, gone 🙄

    As I & others have stated over & over, for decades now, America transmogrified into Empire (officially since 1933) under the legal foundational rule of Equity (Corporate/Banking) & Admiralty (State sovereignty) Law, governed/herded by the UniParty GlobalCap maelstrom…

    The once “great” democratic republic is *now* the refuge of liars, cheats, thieves & murderers, beyond penitence or reproach, celebrated enmasse by know-it-all toxic child EG0 🙄

    What the future portends is anyone’s guess, but we’ve already seen wave after wave of “evil” unleashed upon strip malls from sea-to-shining-sea, with all manner of tyranny unfurled across the planet with the “consent of the governed” 😐


    Meanwhile back in the Empire of Lies

    LA McDonalds Robbed by Flash Mob

    Home of the Knave, Land of Debris


    It all started with distant ancestors working out that hitting a competing human on the head with a large stone was a strategy for success. Working out how to fix sharp stones to long sticks and throw them accurately was the great leap forward that facilitated domination of larger, more dangerous species, at a distance.

    Sharper stones; bigger sticks; better throwers.

    Once people at ‘the top’ realised that symbols carved into stone or written with ink could control large populations, humanity was well down the path that led to the present predicament.

    Adding heat engines fueled by fossil fuels was the final ingredient necessary for creating the presently unfolding catastrophe.

    So here we are now, with the most effective remote killing systems ever developed -all of them products of fossil fuels-, the bulk of the population controlled by symbols on bits of paper or screens -predicated on fossil fuels- and headed at an ever-faster pace towards complete collapse all the systems that made industrial ‘civiliastaion’ possible in the first place.

    We could argue that it need not have come to this, since most of the critical factors and failure points had identified and quantified by the 1960s; a path towards aversion of catastrophe -or at least delaying it by a substantial time- had been identified. However, the critical factors, the ‘weak links’ of the analysis, not identified by the 1960s, were human stupidity, greed, and the ruthless of control of western societies by banks and corporations, plus the ruthlessness of whoever sits above banks and corporations in the power pyramid.

    We can call them satanists, for want of a better term.

    We probably have another few years before the last of the ice covering the Artic Sea melts completely.


    Died suddenly.


    Tucker Carlson.
    Episode 6.


    All of you , today, are witness to a slow motion genocide. The old jewschool method of world war and starvation are no longer in vogue. They want you dead, your families, history, culture and religion destroyed. The revolution will not be televised. This country is being destroyed by jewbanker money, with intent, with plans long ago made, surely you can see this. Chaos just does not appear out of nowhere, for no reason. Read the talmud, the protocols, they have to tell you before they fuck you. It’s a cult, Hell bent on your extinction.


    @AFKTT … … Greta told us the world would end by TODAY (21 June 2023) yet we are still here. Maybe she is full of shit?


    You are looking too small. Look up, look up, its called depopulation.

    Chatbot said:
    “I’m sorry but I cannot generate text on this topic. Depopulation is a harmful and unethical idea that violates human rights and dignity. I respect all people and I do not support any attempts to reduce the population by force or coercion. Please choose a different topic for me to generate text on.”


    DBS said

    Without its SPIRITUAL nature no creature will even get the chance to attempt living in the first place! A creature without its spiritual component is not actually a “creature” at all. It’s a corpse. A dead body. No life. Dust to dust. Spiritual nature is therefore the defining and most crucial element in the mix.

    You are saying that the “spiritual nature” pre-exists the creature and only if that exists will that spiritual nature get a chance at life. Wow, you are starting a new religion. How do you know that these spiritual natures exist? What happens to the spiritual natures that do not get a chance of living? What does the word “life” really mean if you can say that a dead body has no life because it has no spiritual nature? If life is just spiritual nature then aren’t you just creating meaningless words? Maybe life is spiritual nature or is it something else? How do you know that this applies to all creatures? If life is not spiritual nature then what is the big problem in killing other people, their spiritual nature will survive, so no big deal. Will they get a second chance, you know, reincarnation style? Do they get endless chances? If so, maybe we can kill the poor and unhappy so that the spiritual nature can move onto the next life? As the population expands, who is creating all the new spiritual natures? Obviously it is not that new life is created by nature because the new life has to pre-exist the parents’ actions to create the baby.

    What is most interesting about humans is their problem solving nature: they will create pretend solutions – spiritualism, religion etc – otherwise known as beliefs, even when they have no idea of the true nature of the problem. Humans are natural bullshitters mostly driven by selfishness in its many forms. For example, many humans believed the earth was flat: how could you rationally believe the earth is flat when the moon, the sun and other visible objects are not flat? Because humans think they are special: globe world for the aliens, flat world for us. It makes no sense unless you see humans as endlessly trying to fix problems by making up solutions based on nothing but their selfish beliefs. It is in our nature and you are doing the same, your solution is made up in the way you want it to be, it all lives in your head, very post modern.


    Alexander Carpenter said

    aspnaz: The factual statement is “Some Jews used terrorism to…”
    Others didn’t.

    Of course, in the same way as when we say that “Christians believe in God” we do not mean that every Christian believes in God. In fact, there is something called Christian Atheism. Why are you so sensitive about generalising Jews when we are happy to generalize Christians?


    “Wow, you are starting a new religion.”

    I’m all for people taking matters into their own hands. Unsubstantiated dogma, of course, is problematic, but ambiguity displeases most folk, seems to me, so we tend to speak in absolutes even though we lack convincing proof.


    “LA McDonalds Robbed by Flash Mob”

    Inevitable. Coordination is crucial to successful campaigns of aggression. New tech yields new modes of activity.

    US sees spate of flash mob robberies



    “For example, many humans believed the earth was flat: how could you rationally believe the earth is flat when the moon, the sun and other visible objects are not flat? Because humans think they are special: globe world for the aliens, flat world for us.”

    People who don’t live on very flat steppes or near a very large body of water never get to see the curvature of the horizon. Meanwhile, gravity makes everything seek out the level, peneplains, what have you. It’s logical to think the world is flat and the heavenly objects revolves around us. It made common sense at the time. No need to project psychological assumptions onto people long dead. Believing this requires an act of, what’s that word? Oh yeah: faith.


    “All of you , today, are witness to a slow motion genocide. ”

    I think it’s a not so slo-mo suicide, but if you want to give the chewish full responsibility for human affairs, knock yourself out. Humanity is killing humanity. Few of the bad things being done to our planet are done at gunpoint. They’re done for wages and investment profit.

    btw, if you spend money, you are obviously a chewish minion chewtoy. Why you despicable chewish accomplice!

    Hasidic Rapster

    It is SO obvious that das negros and them dirty wiggers are the ultimate force behind all this, taking over the minds of men and minions with nonsensical jive with a clunky backbeat. Haven’t you read the Protocols of the Elders of Autotune?

    Figmund Sreud

    Charts of the Week

    … scroll down to:

    As El Niño returns, watch out for damage section, … and see chart displaying “world economic costs connected to extreme weather, especially part from ~1990 and since.


    Figmund Sreud

    Tidbit on El Niño:
    Extreme weather expected as El Nino climate pattern returns, US forecaster says


    D Benton Smith

    “LA McDonalds Robbed by Flash Mob”

    If they went after the cash registers that at least makes some kind of sense, but if they stole the food then the news headline should have read:

    “Flash mob poisons itself in Los Angeles MacDonalds”

    D Benton Smith

    To the few who care about linguistic minutia the original name for the people we now call Jews was Hebrews. The word “Hebrew” (in Hebrew, “Ivri”) is first used in the Torah to describe Abraham, but the literal word, Jew, did not appear until much much later. “The English term Jew originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi, meaning “from the Kingdom of Judah”.[1] It passed into Greek as Ioudaios and Latin as Iudaeus, which evolved into the Old French giu after the letter “d” was dropped. A variety of related forms are found in early English from about the year 1000, including Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, and Iew, which eventually developed into the modern word. [wikipedia].

    The nitpickers in the crowd are missing the main points. Firstly (though less importantly) non-Semitic “Jews” are simply NOT descendant from the “people of Judah”, and are thus NOT Judean, or Biblical Israelites, or Hebrews (etc.) and are thusly NOT Jewish in accord with its original meaning. The main point is point is that the Khazarian name stealers stole the friggin name, and have had about 1500 years to muddy the waters to the maximum of which they were able.

    At the end of the day, what’s in a name? Heirs of the evil worshipping Khazarian Dynasty, by any other name, would stink just as sickeningly.


    Of the 16 million world-wide population of Jews around the world, over two thirds live in Israel and USA. Israel contains the most, the USA second. It is therefore logical to assume that Israel and its policies are supported by the vast majority of the Jews: after all, we hear nothing of Jews protesting the tratement of Palestinians, or of US politicians being blackmailed by Jews. When I refer to the Jews, I am referring to this majority, in the same way as when I refer to Christians, I am referring to the majority.

    D Benton Smith

    And now on to the more interesting items as listed by @aspnaz in his heartbroken rant against God, but which is actually a rant against stupidity, evil, corruption and con-artistry. Hey, man, you’ll get no argument from me about any of that. I share your views.

    God is not religion, or dogma, or any other sort of bullshit. On the contrary. If you think you’ve got a beef with Him then take it up with Him. You think I’m kidding? I assure you that I am not. It may seem a strange way to pray, but petitioning Him for a redress of grievances is a legitimate form of prayer. The key thing is to listen to His reply. That inner “voice” or impulse that is your “better self”, the knowledge or impulse or restraint that advises silently (or otherwise) against being evil or mean or stupid is Him, communicating to you in the only way that you will accept (and is therefore the only way He can get through that thick skull of yours to be heard.)

    You may have noticed that you have the free will to ignore that good advice to not be evil, or mean, or stupid or selfish or greedy, or any number of ill advised possibilities for fucking up. Complain to your hearts content, but for God’s sake ( and your own sake too) try to shut up occasionally and listen for His answer once in a while. It will be there. He ALWAYS answers, and in a manner that you are capable of understanding.

    In your case I would imagine that it will be a VERY colorful conversation.


    DBS said

    That inner “voice” or impulse that is your “better self”, the knowledge or impulse or restraint that advises silently (or otherwise) against being evil or mean or stupid is Him, communicating to you in the only way that you will accept (and is therefore the only way He can get through that thick skull of yours to be heard.)

    Been through all that God stuff in my life, came out the other side realising that one’s desire to be good (or inner voice as you put it) is simply a survival instinct in all of us. You can interpret it as God if you wish. I am not an atheist in the sense that I do not believe the universe just appeared, but I also do not believe that our existence on earth is being directed by a micro-managing God who answers prayers, which is what you are suggesting.

    We all want better things, we are selfish, and so we learn to play the game of keeping others happy in order to benefit ourselves. If my friend is talking bollocks about the vaccine, is passionate about the vaccine, but I completely disagree with him, I will probably keep quiet otherwise he will not lend me his boat again, then we can’t go fishing at the weekend and my wife will scold me for not keeping my trap shut. People are very simple and benefits keep us in line. That is why so many companies go along with woke even though you know the people doing this stuff do not really believe it.

    That said, it is none of my business how people model the world in their heads. I am sure it is different in every head on this planet, and some will model more than others. Some will simply accept that they are ignorant of the truth and have no way to discover the truth. Acceptance of your ignorance is the real goal, to be able to overcome your instincts to create a false model of existence in your head.


    Who’s Yehudi?

    As for Who’s thechewdi and who ain’t: we’d have to do some interesting forensics of any Khazari mummies we could find in order to see if they’d clipped their tips:

    “The Khazari race seems to lie behind the Ashkenazik Jews of Eastern Europe.
    This kind of assertion can, of course, be debated. The real problem in the
    discussion is the notion that Jewishness is a blood or racial phenomenon. It is

    Biblically speaking, a Jew is someone who is covenanted into the people of
    Jews by circumcision. . . .All these people were Jew, but only a small fraction actually had any of
    Abraham’s blood in them. . . . What this demonstrates is that covenant, not
    race, has always been the defining mark of a Jew.4

    from THE KHAZARS AND THE JEWS Tom’s Perspectives by Thomas Ice

    The quest for some entity or group on whom to blame the evils of our world seems inexhaustible.

    The history of every single major polity I’ve read is vile beyond redemption. But the Jews do have a way of drawing unwanted attention to themselves, and as a group, were the primary de facto banker’s guild, sort of the financial IBM>>>Microsoft of the Western world. There is a curious historical reason for this that is rarely mentioned or discussed, not so much cuz it’s deliberately a giant secret, more because scholars are too busy either defending or (not often) attacking historical Jewry, vis a vis the money-lending usury history of Jewry in Xtiandom to look at why Jews did so WELL at banking.

    Before usury and banking, money-changing was where Jews excelled in dominating the currency game wherever they lives. Julius Caesar was hep to it too. (I think it was Julius.) The diaspora placed them in a unique position to profit by the price differences between gold and silver in coastal China and the Western reaches of Roman/Byzantine Xtiandom.

    Jews were, through their knowledge, better at running the financial shell games that ALL races, creeds and ethnicities practice. But let’s make something clear: Jews merely FINANCED the wars of goyim. They didn’t start the wars. That didn’t begin to happen until the age of conquest and all that (especially with all that silver coming from South America), and even then they didn’t actually drive war itself until quite recently (Ziionistas/911 neocons). They were merely happy to finance and profit from goyim wars, but it is the goyim who wanted/started those wars.

    This mostly secret knowledge probably contributed to goyim’s tendency to view Jews as being in pact with the Devil.

    No one I know has met the Devil. Or God. If no one can look on the Face of God and live to tell about it, imagine how viciously lethal the Devil is about people learning His Secret Identity. In the end, speculation is speculation however much we insist it is true.


    Goodnight my verbal, floral friends.
    All snappy patters meet their ends
    As sweet somnolence settles.
    What any of us comprehends
    From things somebody else contends
    Will pluck tomorrow’s petals


    I went and got help from AI

    Searching for: morphogenesis of thinking
    Chat answer
    Based on web search results, morphogenesis of thinking is a phrase that can be interpreted in different ways. One possible interpretation is that it refers to the study of how forms of thought emerge and change over time, influenced by various factors such as biological, social, cultural and historical conditions12. Another possible interpretation is that it refers to the application of morphogenetic concepts and methods to the analysis of thinking processes, such as creativity, problem-solving, reasoning and learning3. Morphogenesis of thinking can also be seen as a way of exploring the connections between organic form and cognition, following the insights of thinkers such as Goethe, Spinoza and Turing12.

    Compose professional paragraph medium

    Morphogenesis is the process by which biological structures acquire their shape and form during development. Biological techniques are methods or procedures that are used to study living organisms or biological processes. Some examples of biological techniques are microscopy, cell culture, gene editing, and electrophysiology. These techniques can help researchers understand how morphogenesis occurs at different levels of organization, from molecules to tissues to organs.

    D Benton Smith

    Beware of comments that begin with the word well, because that word is usually followed by lame excuses for failure.

    So it is with this one , except that I moved the word eight places to the right from its original position as a delaying tactic, buying a little time to gather my thoughts. Instead of lame excuses I will just say thank you for respectfully considering what I had to say in today’s commentary exchange. I haven’t given up on you heathens yet, but obviously my presentation needs a little more work.

    Good night, you unrepentant argumentarians. See y’all tomorrow.

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