Debt Rattle June 24 2019


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    Pablo Picasso Sleeping girl 1935   • Free Money Socialism (Henrich) • Iran Goes For “Maximum Counter-Pressure” (Escobar) • Facebook’s Libra Crypt
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 24 2019]


    Hair Trigger Reparations

    My dog Daisy is all up in my grill because Loki has to fast for the vet, and she’s pushy when hungry.

    Free Money Socialism (Henrich)

    I didn’t read the article because it triggered the following:

    Our system has been bankrupt since 2007, or is it 2001…

    Only debt works now, but debt has an unstoppable, irreversible tipping point.

    We’re past that point now. The collapse trigger will be food prices.

    Socialists only want free education and healthcare.

    All they have to do is shut down the Pedogon.

    The Pedogon has its dick up our tech overlords’ ass.

    Tech is the Satanic version of the age old hippy.

    Getting free healthcare and education within your own bankrupt currency is fine.


    The credit and currency of the world is so corrupt, it’s beyond comprehension.

    We worship wealth that drives us to kill the planet.

    We have to stop wealth from starting WW3.

    Fighting for gay black tranny female reparations lets wealth get away with murder.

    Life is simple, you can’t get what you want unless you do what must be done.

    What we need is to tax wealth and pay it 100% directly back to the poor.

    No more movie stars on jets, yachts and climate conferences.

    I’m going to explain why wealth is bad, what we must do, and why we must do it.

    I would normally add ‘before it’s too late’ — but that doesn’t matter anymore.

    I will start with my daily Litany, and end with my Final Solution.

    The Litany ( skip if you heard it before )

    If you are 15 years old, emissions rose 30% in your lifetime. If you are 30 years old, emissions rose 60% in your lifetime. After 30 years of trying, solar and wind are just 2% of total world energy use. To avoid 2 C, emissions must drop 50% in 10 years, and 100% in 20 years. 5 of 13 major tipping points are triggered like dominos below 2 C. When these 5 tipping points begin, they reinforce each other and trigger the other 8. Runaway hothouse earth cannot be stopped or reversed once started. The earth will take many, many thousands of years to recover. Runaway mass extinction cannot be stopped or reversed once started. The earth will take many millions of years to recover. If indeed, it does. Runaway mass extinction is preceding runaway hothouse climate change. Usually, hothouse happens before mass extinction, not this time. Nobody wants to admit it. There are 25 billion chickens on earth. Humans and livestock are 98% of all land vertebrate biomass. 10,000 years ago, humans and livestock were 0.03% of all land vertebrate biomass. Livestock production caused 80% of species extinctions.. Virtual extinction precedes total extinction, where populations become too small to be sustained. We ignore virtual extinction. All male vertebrates are being biologically emasculated, feminized, sterilized, stupified and crazyfied. If you want tons of data on how and why, go to Loki’s Revenge Blog and read: The Withering Bones of Humanity

    The Final Solution

    Top 20% income earners = 70% of emissions.

    = 100% private carbon wealth fee and private dividend

    = 0% for corporations, NGOs and governments

    = universal basic carbon income

    Here’s the sad part…

    This will never happen.

    People are too stupid, selfish, greedy lazy.

    When Bernie Sanders stole James Hansen’s 100% private carbon credits and then went to Voodoo Pedo Donuts in Portland for a photo op with a child coffin, I knew what that coffin meant, and it wasn’t art, it was porn. Then when the media claims child rape is a conspiracy, I knew it was all over.

    We are hyper-sexualized by hormonal imbalance and nano-particle brain poisoning, this leads to more pedo and gay behavior. I don’t mind the gay, but I hate the pedo. Christians are a bit anal about both, but YT has opened my eyes to what they believe, which is basically crazy, but understandably so.

    Brain degradation and hormonal imbalance has polarized politics. I’m no intersectionalist, I can barely match sox, but civilizational collapse and sexual politics do not exist independently from each other, side by each, one on top another.

    Technocratic elites live in the Clinton Archipelago.

    Rural America has lost its jobs, its land, its money and food.

    America sold its grain reserves in 2008.

    Civil war is coming.

    The only reparations are class, not race not sex.

    Reparations must be kept out of the hands of corporations, NGOs and governments.

    Or the Gaia bitch gets it.


    I remember this saying ….
    It takes money to make money!

    For everyone whining about socialism: It already exists.
    It’s called central banking.
    Socialism for the top 1%.

    • How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean (BR)
    They sought to control local central banks, establish U.S. branch banks, take over commodity financing, reorganize monetary systems on a dollar basis, and refinance European-funded sovereign debt.

    Free education!
    Its not free.
    However, I believe that the organization that will benefit and profit from the skills and knowledge that has been acquired by a person should be paid by said organizations.
    I don’t believe that a person should get loans, or go into bondage for the benefit of a company.
    On the job training paid by the company that will reap the rewards.

    No more Socialism for the top 1%.
    Performance reviews are an important feature in any organization since it determines the future growth of an employee. Performance review examples help in guiding people responsible for drafting performance evaluations to effectively appraise an individual and draft their assessments, and establish specific goal in a specific time frame so as to correct performance deficiencies.

    Dr. D

    “Republicans Don’t Understand Democrats – and Vice Versa (Atl.)”

    This is the opposite of a widely publicized study that Conservatives DO understand Liberals…but not vice versa. That’s interesting both in cause and implications. The snap answer comes from ANOTHER study on WHY people choose their party. Liberals choose “care” and “fairness” as their moral foundation, and Conservatives have five: Care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and purity. It’s probably because of this that C’s can predict what someone having only two would do, but lacking the other three, L’s are not able to predict what Conservatives do and think. Then they are hated as the alien “other,” as is usual among humans. …But would never admit it, although they call for public assassinations on the cover of magazines, and say it to each other as a common greeting. I watch it: “You hate Trump?” “I still hate Trump.” “Good, we’re still brothers then. Would hate to have to stab you.” Kind of amazing. I’m like “Trump?” We’re at a Boy Scout picnic. What’s he got to do with it?

    Because of this, you see the other poll: that Liberals think Conservatives are Hitler, to be de-banked, de-platformed, and presumably killed, and Conservatives think Liberals are immature and misguided, and wish they’d grow up and leave them alone. And this has real-world effects, as that explains why the side with all the guns and the training doesn’t use them: why would you harm your fellow citizen who’s just misguided? Meanwhile, the reverse isn’t true, as the Left thinks the Right is obviously violent and coming for them. …Which they’re not. Because if they were, the Left are helpless as kittens as they haven’t bothered to train or prepare for this thing they claim to believe, because…they don’t believe each other? Themselves? They’re Immature? You decide.

    I mean, if you REALLY BELIEVED there was a volcano going off, would you twit about it? Give a larger budget to the pro-volcano forces? Maturity and integrity mean integrating your beliefs through all your beliefs into real action. Like personally sponsoring immigrants into your own house and bank account, or whot-not, because YOU can ALREADY do that. We so often see this is not the case. Somebody ELSE has to do that. With somebody else’s money, ‘cause we said so. AOC was doing it just this weekend, citing “concentration camps,” yet denying all money for help, offering no solutions except the total erasing of borders therefore the disbanding of the United States, and despite being a Congresswoman, still sitting around tweeting when she herself claims there’s de facto gas chambers. Shouldn’t she be visiting them, calling the U.N., or even raising arms or something? So does she believe what she’s saying, or not? She does, but without integrating her whole self into action with all the hard choices, real consequences and responsibilities and the costs therein, this is what you get. It’s just being young.

    I can understand this, but no matter how many times it’s said, they can’t understand why we don’t take all 6B people and give them all free housing and universal health care, while 30M of my existing neighbors and countrymen are already unemployed and on food stamps. ‘Cuz it’s mean. We’re supposed to give food we haven’t grown, no one has to work for, no one produced, no one cooked, no one made, no one delivered, with oil no one pumped, because when a 10-year-old goes to the fridge, there’s always food in it. Parents in contrast, take second jobs and lie awake nights worrying how on earth they will accomplish that food-magic again tomorrow. So they work and go hungry, and know why if we don’t have food for our OWN cities, states, people, and children, we can’t possibly have enough for the whole WORLD’S states and peoples.

    Anyway, science. I get it. They don’t. Or they’d already be W O R K I N G, already be making that food, that money, that housing so that T H E Y could generously give it. They don’t. They want MY food, which I barely have for myself. If they didn’t want MY stuff, they would be Republicans, because PERSONAL work, responsibility, and charity are already Conservative values. It doesn’t mean you don’t give them, it just means you give away your OWN stuff, not other peoples’. And to have something to give, you first have to PRODUCE. You can hide that in collectivism, but it just means you’re going to take stuff that isn’t yours and punish people who work, while protecting your own stuff in Westchester and Bel Air, and rewarding people who slack. That may be “care”, but it sure isn’t fairness.

    The article, by a major progenitor of the misunderstanding, manned by people who statistically are as misinformed as they themselves report, shows who is responsible for the polarization and misunderstanding: They are. Media + Universities. Yet gee willikers, they are AWARE that they are causing massive, erroneous polarization and civil war, and yet those 6 media corporations and their oligarch owners for some reason only INCREASE the likelihood of civil war. Pure accident, I’m certain. Somehow it’ll be ours, the people’s fault. Because it’s not like having us fight each other will let them escape the murder/crime scene of a now $50 Trillion bank/corporate heist in the getaway car. So as far as I can tell, Atlantic: Mission Accomplished! Muh, Private Platform. Corporations R People! Vote for Burr!



    The idea is that if the derivative market blows up then it would destroy the global banking system, but would it?

    One easy solution is to globally declare all derivatives null and void. It would cause pain to a few but should leave most people unaffected. Alternatively individual countries could refuse to honour derivatives in this situation, and would most likely survive.

    Derivatives are a mainly a construct of the West so if non-Western countries stopped trading with Western banks for a week or so and then dealt with the situation at that time.

    Given the enormity of the situation it would call for very drastic measures.



    One of the best books I have read was one on economics by J.K.Galbraith. In it he praises early trade unions who won higher wages for the workers. He argues that this additional spending meant the workers had money to spend on non-essential items, which spawned whole new industries, which brought more buying power to the economy, and so on, in effect creating the modern world.

    This seems to be being reversed with wages stagnant or falling. Also, for decades various methods have been used to hide inflation, further weakening consumer power. The GDP of countries is mainly driven by these consumers.

    For some years I have felt that we are returning to Victorian times, with mega-wealthy individuals and a small middle class to pander to their needs, while the general population is left to exist as best they can.

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