Debt Rattle June 3 2020
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June 3, 2020 at 11:11 am #59503
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterDPC ‘On the beach, Palm Beach’ 1905 • New Zealand Could Return To Normal Life As Early As Next Week (R.) • Coronavirus May Be a Blood Vessel Di
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle June 3 2020]June 3, 2020 at 1:57 pm #59505zerosum
ParticipantBecause of Raúl Ilargi Meijer of saying “
Here are my ResultsDo try to follow the path. Look at the links. Your beliefs might change.
• Coronavirus May Be a Blood Vessel Disease, Which Explains Everything (M.)
In April, blood clots emerged as one of the many mysterious symptoms attributed to Covid-19,In a paper published in April in the scientific journal The Lancet, Mehra and a team of scientists discovered that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can infect the endothelial cells that line the inside of blood vessels. Endothelial cells protect the cardiovascular system, and they release proteins that influence everything from blood clotting to the immune response. In the paper, the scientists showed damage to endothelial cells in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, and intestines in people with Covid-19.
Here are most of the known symptoms of Covid-19, followed below by deeper explanations for some of the strangest aspects of the disease.
VOLUME 395, ISSUE 10234, P1417-1418, MAY 02, 2020
Endothelial cell infection and endotheliitis in COVID-19
Zsuzsanna Varga
Andreas J Flammer
Peter Steiger
Martina Haberecker
Rea Andermatt
Annelies S Zinkernagel
et al.
Show all authors
Published:April 20, 2020DOI: complications are rapidly emerging as a key threat in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in addition to respiratory disease. The mechanisms underlying the disproportionate effect of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection on patients with cardiovascular comorbidities, however, remain incompletely understood.1, 2
If you read the links and found more info, then you should feel more ignorant then before.
Let’s try another “Read more …” belief shaker.• Lancet Issues Major Disclaimer On Anti-HCQ Study (ZH) course, this is yet more evidence of the manufactured disinformation surrounding HCQ that Richard Moss, MD, (via exposes below…
I took hydroxychloroquine for two years. A long time ago as a visiting cancer surgeon in Asia, in Thailand, Nepal, India, and Bangladesh. From 1987 to 1990. Malaria is rife there. I took it for prophylaxis, 400 milligrams once a week for two years. Never had any trouble. It was inexpensive and effective.
Chloroquine, the precursor of HCQ, was invented by Bayer in 1934. Hydroxychloroquine was developed during World War II as a safer, synthetic alternative and approved for medical use in the U.S. in 1955.
The World Health Organization considers it an essential medicine, among the safest and most effective medicines, a staple of any healthcare system. In 2017, US doctors prescribed it 5 million times, the 128th most commonly prescribed drug in the country. There have been hundreds of millions of prescriptions worldwide since its inception. It is one of the cheapest and best drugs in the world and has saved millions of lives. Doctors also prescribe it for Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis patients who may consume it for their lifetimes with few or no ill effects.
” … physicians in the field, on the frontlines, so to speak, based on empirical evidence, have found benefit in treating patients with a variety of agents including HCQ, Zinc, Azithromycin, Quercetin, Elderberry supplements, Vitamins D and C with few if any complications. Or that while such regimens may not cure, they may help and carry little or no risk. ”
Read more interesting info at 3, 2020 at 2:18 pm #59506John Day
ParticipantSARS-CoV-2 attacks the blood vessel lining, the endothelial cells, causing inflammation and clotting, shutting off blood to highly vascular organs like kidneys, cutting off flow to the heart, causing heart attacks, cutting off flow to parts of the brain, causing strokes. Vitamin-D stabilizes the endothelium every day of the year. Low vitamin-D is a risk factor for heart attacks and stroke, a major one. What, you never saw that on TV? How could that have failed to happen?
Look at MedCram series here. #63 really explains endothelial attack and dysfunction well. 3, 2020 at 2:19 pm #59507John Day
ParticipantThe western financial regime has entered a period of resetting, which is being negotiated through acts of political speech, such as recent protests and recent insertion of paid instigators, agents provocateur to make the protests against police brutality look bad, and justify martial law. This is in the interests of the sitting financial elites, of course. The biggest threat to elite control is when police forces take-a-knee in solidarity with peaceful demonstrators. Elites need to keep the enforcers on their side. Regimes change when enforcers and middle managers change sides.
Michael Hudson has the clarifying view. Financial/power elites intend for all losses to be born by workers and especially retirees. Loot the retirement plans to pay the bondholders!Power elites will double down, and their threat is utter chaos; economic destruction at street level, if they don’t get everything that’s “theirs”. All of the trillions of dollars recently created bolster their claims to “what is theirs”, diluting and eventually abolishing all other claims to groceries, apartments and electricity. They hold a very strong hand in this game. Very strong hand….Now, when it’s putting this money into the stock market, it’s buying stocks that are already issued and have long since —the proceeds have been spent on building factories or enterprises or as means of making money. So none of this bailout money, none of this 10 trillion going into the stock market has any effect at all on the real economy of production and consumption. It’s solely to support the assets that are held almost eighty five percent by the wealthiest 10 percent of the economy…. …Almost all the financial markets these days are manipulated by high finance in cahoots with the Central Bank. And if you don’t have that central bank backing, then there’s not going to be the flow of funds going into the markets…….Obviously, the stock market isn’t the economy. The real fiction and what the Federal Reserve, Powell was saying, was that somehow a recovery in the stock market means a recovery in the economy. And all it means is that the wealthy investors are bailing out of the market and moving into their gated communities and, essentially, they’re pulling out. The whole stock buyback program of the last 10 years has been disinvesting. All of the insiders and the big investors know that the game is over. That’s why there’s so much talk of moving to New Zealand. But the Coronavirus has, all of a sudden, provided a wonderful opportunity for the 10 percent. It’s enabled them to have an excuse for a huge bailout and an excuse to essentially make, enable them to get out of stocks, get out of bonds and avoid the crisis that’s coming, leaving the Federal Reserve and the suckers, as they would say, holding the bag when the economy collapses.Obviously, there’s going to be a collapse, and there was going to be a collapse even before the Coronavirus… …You’re going to have, basically, the financial centers buying up real estate and turning the economy into a landlord ridden economy, rather than an economy that is of home ownership, which is what made America’s middle class wealthy by giving it most of the net worth that it had……Wall Street was way ahead of you there. They knew that there would be pressure for just what you’re suggesting. The reasonable thing, if you really want to restore prosperity, is to develop an infrastructure for public spending programs, public transportation, to rebuild the roads and transports that have fallen apart, the parks. Look at how big the deficit is. And this is exactly what Mitch McConnell said to the states. He said the states have a tax shortfall. Well, let them take the money that’s in their pension funds. Let them lose the pension funds. Let them not pay any of the public sector workers that have agreed to get pensions in exchange for decade after decade of slow wage growth, saying, “Yes, we’d rather have a pension than a slow wage growth. Now that that you tricked them into taking a long term promise, do what Donald Trump does, break the promise, break the deal and say, „I’m sorry, you’re not going to get anything. We’re broke. And we gave all the money to the 10 percent. And if you don’t like it, vote for the other party.“ When you have the same donor class behind each party. So basically, there’s not going to be any money to spend into the real economy. It’s all been spent on the financial sector…… But the Democrats agreed with the Republicans to basically throw the workers under the bus, throw the retirees under the bus, throw the pensioners under the bus and focus on their donor class, the financial sector, the bondholders and the stockholders… … A lot of banks—-it’s very much like when the Greek bonds were collapsing and Greece was going to default five years ago under Syriza. Obama and Tim Geithner went to Europe and told the European banks. „Well, you know, we know that the biggest bondholders are the German and the French banks, but they’re not going to lose a penny because they bought credit default insurance from the American banks. And the American banks and especially Citibank, are going to go under. And if they go under, we are going to retaliate against you in Europe, and we’re going to drive you under.“ So the threats they made them was, they forced Europe to essentially tear Greece apart and impose a chronic depression on it. Well, right now, you have the same thing… ..The banks, basically the financial model of getting rich, purely financial engineering instead of industrial engineering hasn’t worked. The idea that the economy can grow and give all of the growth in GDP since 2008 only to the top five percent of the population. For 95 percent of the population the economy is already shrinking. Well if it’s already shrinking for 12 years, imagine the plunge that it’s going to take now. There is no way that an economy can grow when you’re doing to the American population what Europe and US diplomacy, did to Greece……Well, China can recover for two reasons. Number one, most debts ultimately are owned to the public, to the government. The government runs the banks. They’re not upright, private banks, except to decide what to do. The banks are owned by the governments or the government. When a corporation in China is unable to pay the debt, the government doesn’t say, „OK, we’re going to have to close you down and sell you to the cheapest bidder and let some American buy you out at a distressed price.
The government will simply say,“ We’re going to write down the debt that we’ve given you so that we want to keep you in business. And we want to keep your employees in business so others not see the debt problem in China because the debts are forgiven when they can’t pay…… And there is no way that the United States here can replicate Chinese industry without spending on rebuilding a generation of rebuilding, without higher living standards, without essentially any kind of political acquiescence by the people. So the America’s disinvested physically in its factories and in the industry and also financially by the stock buybacks that have left companies up without the cash. So American industry is all debt ridden and pyramided. And China’s isn’t because the government can always write down the debt and keep its industry going. So you essentially have a conflict between a productive financial system in China, very much like the Germans before World War One and an unproductive, predatory financial system in the United States. That’s added the cost and overhead and enormous wealth for one percent of the population by impoverishing the 99 percent and preventing its living standards from rising. And by forcing labor to survive only by going deeper and deeper into debt, leading ultimately to a grand default. 3, 2020 at 2:23 pm #59508zerosum
ParticipantA pandemic dodge ball
In the paper, the scientists showed damage to endothelial cells in the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, and intestines in people with Covid-19.
Wash hands, 2 meter distance, face masks, isolation/lockdown, trillions of dollars, economic shutdown ….
Rewind ….. watch where we go …..alternate, parallel universes …..June 3, 2020 at 2:37 pm #59509zerosum
ParticipantJohn Day
“Michael Hudson has the clarifying view”
Jubilee for the elites
June 3, 2020 at 2:47 pm #59510anticlimactic
A black guy murdered by looters. I wonder how the MSM will deal with this – ignore it?
June 3, 2020 at 3:05 pm #59511Doc Robinson
ParticipantI noticed something remarkable about the latest weekly excess death estimates for European countries, from EUROMOMO. If the you look at the weekly excess mortality graphs (weekly, not cumulative), they show that the estimated total European excess deaths in Week 21 (the most recent week shown) have dropped below the 2018 and 2019 levels, and dropped below the baseline, for all age groups!
You can see for yourself by going to this link and clicking on WEEKLY instead of CUMULATED. mortality
Graphs showing the weekly excess deaths (deviation in mortality from the expected level) in the data-providing EuroMOMO partner countries for the past years, all ages and by age groups. These graphs were generated in week 2020-22 with data from all 24 participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany (Berlin), Germany (Hesse), Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK (England), UK (Northern Ireland), UK (Scotland), UK (Wales).Some information about EUROMOMO, with some caveats:
JT: Lasse, your organisation is the only one that tracks excess mortality across an entire continent. How did this come about?
LSV: EuroMOMO’s network was set up in response to the global influenza pandemic in 2009, to ensure early detection of future public health events. Currently we have 28 partner institutions across 24 countries and regions. We also have representatives from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, who both support the network activities and our hub financially, participate in technical discussions, and help our active strategy to expand geographical coverage, especially in Eastern Europe.
For example, Ukraine has recently started to provide monthly data to the hub. One of the great strengths of our approach has been its consistency and close collaboration between participating countries, running week after week, year after year. Putting together the national data from all of them adds power to detect smaller changes than what individual countries may immediately see.
JT: How comprehensive are your numbers?
LSV: Our data come from national or regional statistical offices, and are typically based on information on deaths recorded in civil registers. Overall, our sample covers a substantial proportion of the European population, with more than 350 million people. However, the fraction covered varies quite a lot between countries, from 95–100% in many to only 15–20% in others. This all depends on local administrative systems and political decisions.
JT: Are there any limitations that people interpreting the numbers should be aware of?
First of all, we are providing mortality estimates, based on certain statistical models and assumptions, not the exact numbers of deaths. There will always be some level of uncertainty around them. Secondly, the coverage in some countries is only for a few selected regions or cities, for example in Germany and Italy.
Since we are looking at national-level estimates, the observed figures may not adequately detect much higher mortality levels within smaller parts of a country. Finally, even the best quality reporting is not fully complete, and there are always a few days or weeks of delay. We apply an adjustment function in the statistical algorithms, but still, the estimates provided for the most recent weeks must be read with caution.
June 3, 2020 at 3:28 pm #59512Doc Robinson
ParticipantIn those EUROMOMO graphs, the only European countries showing a substantial increase (over the normal range for the week) are Sweden and the UK (England). Some countries are significantly lower than normal, so that when all countries are added, the overall European excess deaths end up being below the baseline for the week.
June 3, 2020 at 4:29 pm #59513John Day
George Floyd Endgame: Martial Law and a Police State
It is disturbing to hear people who should know better describe the George Floyd riots as anarchism. The riots are not anarchistic, they are nihilistic. The people engaged in looting, arson, and widespread assault have zero comprehension of political philosophy.
There are, of course, a whole lot of people demonstrating who are not involved in crime and violence. However, these are the dupes, the idealists routinely exploited by the state and its propaganda media.
Rampaging “anarchists”—many undoubtedly agent provocateurs—are not interested in justice, fairness, nonviolence, and peaceful dialogue. They are providing a pretext to usher in a fascist police state.
The George Floyd riots are problem-reaction-solution exemplified. After Ronald Reagan initiated his “zero tolerance” drug war, the Pentagon began the process of converting local police departments into “thin blue line” paramilitary gangs paid for by know-nothing taxpayers.
Black-clad militarized American cops—many veterans of the illegal wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria—view citizens as the enemy. This is drilled into them at the academy and every day on the job. It is a gang mentality.Pepe Escobar: Our Grim Future: Restored Neoliberalism or Hybrid Neofascism? (Spiritual awakening, anybody?)
Western ruling elites will be deploying myriad tactics to perpetuate the passivity of populations barely emerging from de facto house arrest, including a massive disciplinary – in a Foucault sense – drive by states and business/finance circles.... The bottom line: we may be facing a mere cosmetic approach, in which the deep structural crisis of zombie capitalism – barely moving under unpopular “reforms” and infinite debt – still is not addressed.
Meanwhile, what is going to happen to assorted fascisms? Eric Hobsbawm showed us in Age of Extremes how the key to the fascist right was always mass mobilization: “Fascists were the revolutionaries of the counter-revolution”..
..And that brings us to the direct link between the Anthropocene and what has been conceptualized by French economist Benjamin Coriat as the Capitalocene.
Capitalocene means that our current state of appalling planetary degradation should not be linked to an undefined “humanity” but “to a very defined humanity organized by a predatory economic system.”
The state of the planet under the Anthropocene must be imperatively linked to the hegemonic economic system of the past two centuries: the way we developed our system of production and legitimized indiscriminate predatory practices...
..Covid-19 laid bare the necessity of the commons and the incapacity of neoliberalism to address it.
But how to build eco-socialism?…
…How to change the WTO’s free market rules, according to which buying palm oil and transgenic soya contributes to the de facto deforestation of large tracts of Africa, Asia and South America? This is a state of affairs that allows wealthy nations to actually buy the destruction of ecosystems...
…And even as a triple catastrophe – sanitary, social and climatic – is now unequivocal, the ruling matrix – starring the Masters of the Universe managing the financial casino – won’t stop resisting any drive towards change...
…Financial capitalism is an expert in adapting to – and profiting from – the serial crises it provokes or unleashes...
…So this is our choice: it’s either Neoliberal Restoration or a revolutionary rupture. And nothing in between. It takes someone of Marx’s caliber to build a full-fledged, 21st century eco-socialist ideology, and capable of long-term, sustained mobilization. Aux armes, citoyens.Our Grim Future: Restored Neoliberalism or Hybrid Neofascism?
Poll Finds Clear Majority of Americans Want Military to Help Police Deal With Riots (58% on 6/2/20)
Poll Finds Clear Majority of Americans Want Military to Help Police Deal With Riots
June 4, 2020 at 12:15 am #59514VietnamVet
ParticipantOur host can explain it clearer but the subjugation of Greece by the EU had the opposing effect of making Greece more unified and their governmental public health system worked. They are testing and quarantining incoming airline passengers and halted all Qatar Airways flights. All nations that have controlled the virus will have to do the same. Billionaires, Jamie Dimon, and Enablers, Tim Geithner, can no longer fly the globe to survey their riches. They must test negative or be quarantined for two weeks. If they bribe their way into nations that have controlled the virus, outbreaks will follow in their footsteps. From now on they are outcasts.
The whole of the former Western Establishment has yet to realize that their Empire is no more. Americans who are oppressed, out of work, broke, families subject to Eldercide, know what is happening. Due to the failure to demand a national jobs program and a free public health system to overcome the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats have joined the Whigs in the dustbin of history. If the Constitution and the rule of law are not restored and Trumpian Authoritarianism triumphs, the United States of America is finished.
June 4, 2020 at 12:23 am #59515anticlimactic
I became interested in Spain when I read that were using HCQ widely for treatment and as a prophylactic.
On may 26th 260 new deaths were reported. In the EIGHT DAYS following there were 9 deaths reported IN TOTAL!
June 4, 2020 at 2:00 am #59516WES
ParticipantMy recent 2 shopping trips this week in Toronto show an alarming decrease in the wearing of masks.
I would be very hard pressed to say 15% are wearing masks now that warmer weather has arrived.
Inside stores social distancing doesn’t exsist! Only in line ups, outside the store or at cashiers!
The only hope now is that warmer weather reduces the spread of the virus.
Did buy more Vitamin D & C.
June 4, 2020 at 3:31 am #59517Doc Robinson
ParticipantSorry, deleted post because I had the wrong graph.
June 4, 2020 at 3:40 am #59518WES
ParticipantDoc Robinson:
Thanks for the graph of Ontario! No I hadn’t seen it since the last time you posted it!
One of the worst spots is in Brampton immediately south of me. New Canadians simply not wearing masks!
Yeah, I am not encouraged by what I am seeing. Testing is actually falling not going up!
Only government workers can actually get tested!
Sure they say anyone can get tested but local authorities say not so fast. You still need to qualify!
If you are Canadian, you don’t qualify!
June 4, 2020 at 11:26 am #59532democritus
ParticipantThe Independent article about Sweden is absurd. They must have spent ages coming up with “seven day rolling average of new deaths”. If you want to see disaster, look at the UK. Not only have we destroyed our economy, but we have more deaths per million than Spain, Italy, Sweden .and France, Netherlands, Ireland, USA. What can the motive be for articles like this ridiculous article? Maybe people buy more newspapers in a lockdown?
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