Debt Rattle Mar 23 2014: Will Ukraine Power Game Raise EU Energy Prices By 100%?


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    Dorothea Lange Mississippi grocery store June 1937 If I were a citizen of the European Union, especially of either the more eastern countries or of Br
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle Mar 23 2014: Will Ukraine Power Game Raise EU Energy Prices By 100%?]


    Someone, I forget who, called the US/EU involvement in Ukraine monumental incompetence, or something on that order. Perhaps IM I don’t recall. Pretty much everything looks like incompetence now. The ‘wars’ in Afghanistan and Iraq, check. The housing/credit bubble and money printing aftermath, check. I could go on.

    If any are the result of incompetence, honest mistakes, or dishonest ‘mistakes’ in order to expand the power and wealth of the main players probably does not matter much for you and me. While I lean to the incompetence, Twilight of the Elites sort of view, even if that were true the gain power and wealth crowd is probably prepared. What better way to explain the decline of the middle classes than it’s Putin’s fault?

    In the corner of more than a few minds is that war by would be a likely outcome of the condition the world finds itself in vis a vis the AE view of things. That being declining cheap energy availability and credit over expansion. Pick any story you want about the hows and the whys of war or the preparations for war evolve, error or design, for you and me the result will be the same.

    IM isn’t American but Americans are taught that world events, historic events, do not much effect them. No, Americans determine their own destiny. Individually and collectively, is the lesson we are taught. If as Wodehouse wrote, “Unseen in the background, Fate was quietly slipping lead into the boxing-glove.” we will remain blissfully unaware. The final chapter of the story would be if the elites found they had lost control or should I say the ability to profit by events. The last to discover that history, fate if you will, favors nobody all the time.


    I am wondering if all this will make more money flow to develop methane hydrates faster. If they do find a cheap way to develop them then it is all over for Russia….Japan thinks they are 7 years off….Ted


    The Ukraine should charge Russia $200B for the loss of Crimea and $200B for lost military equipment and bases so after subtracting what it owes for gas Russia will still owe them $387B. Something left out of your thinking.


    Orlov just produced a totally illogical piece. Neo facists sounds like a Republican line on FOX which is always a lie, so you can draw the same conclusion about Orlov. To say that Russia has an ideology is like saying a 15 year old teen has a conscience. No one is above the law except Putin and his cronies and they support the Russian gangsters that rob people world wide. I think the US will have to deal with similar fate to Crimea when all the illegal Mexicans decide they want to join Mexico and take the US southwest with them. Only the threat of a hot war will stop Putin and that requires NATO to arm Ukraine.

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