Debt Rattle March 10 2019


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    Arthur Rothstein Girl at Gee’s bend 1937   • Bruce Ohr’s Testimony Contradicts Rosenstein And Simpson (Sara Carter) • Three-Quarters Of New Voter
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle March 10 2019]

    V. Arnold

    The US went to Daylight Saving Time 3 weeks ahead of Europe. Caught me by surprise.

    Do I need to call for a 2nd Special Counsel again? What a friggin mess.

    And it’s worse than that; DST should be abolished!
    Thank the gods; we don’t have it here.
    DST is a complete clusterfuck! Humans don’t operate like that…

    V. Arnold

    Arthur Rothstein Girl at Gee’s bend 1937
    That’s quite a photograph; a careful examination is quite revealing; the poverty is deep…

    Dr. D

    I can only dream of living in such a place. It would be safer and freer than where I live.

    Dr. D

    • Bruce Ohr’s Testimony Contradicts Rosenstein And Simpson (Sara Carter)

    1, 2, 3, 4… These are all facts, which is why they will never matter. Americans are immune to facts and logic. That’s what makes us the exceptional nation! PS, since all this is known, and most of it is a crime that undermines democracy itself, is anybody going to be arrested? No? Then maybe Trump should use these tactics, since they’re a public-approved good now.

    Three-Quarters Of New Voters Would Back Remain In Second Brexit Referendum (G.)

    As above, “Justice delayed is justice denied.” If they had done what the voters wanted back when they voted, we wouldn’t be here. If not, then maybe when the people vote, we should enact the voted policies 10 years later? 50 years? Wouldn’t that be great? Really? Then how about for 2.2 years of a 4-year term when they run non-stop obstruction and refuse to seat executive seats like judges and cabinet members in the U.S. It is legal, so doesn’t that make delay and obstruction moral too?

    I mean, isn’t democracy when we vote in a person and policy, and the losing person and policy then prevents the other side from taking their seat and executing their plan? …Or was that the OPPOSITE of democracy, supporting a government by sheer power and force, run by the rule of men, not laws?

    This goes back to whether we’ll make them vote over and over until they vote ‘right’. So what if democracy can cause mistakes? It’s made of people who make mistakes. Is this the alternative, a rule where the law and policy is whatever the leaders say it is? If you’re looking for that pressure valve, we already have it: in a representative democracy the elected officials have latitude not to do as their constituents say, and may or may not be voted out for it. Since this valve is already wide open and the representatives almost never do what the people voted, yet this level of non-democracy is no longer enough for them. Well if you go any further, it’s not democracy at all.

    PS I think Trump is holding together a failing economy with baling wire waiting for Brexit and Europe to crack. Then he can blame GFC II on them. Because “it’s not whether you win or lose, but where you place the blame.”

    That candidate list is not good: Biden is 76 and has had 5 heart attacks. He also supported Obama’s 5 new wars and 5,000 civilian drone deaths, among a long, long list. What is shows is the party is driving sharply to the left, while the people haven’t moved left at all, and want a ‘center’ candidate more than anything, even if it’s a false one. Since every candidate is either far-left or crippled, this means the party is effectively split and whoever wins the primary will lose the election. Nice going.

    “Tulsi Gabbard, who has already taken a lot of heat from her party for being outspoken against senseless war and regime change…”

    Why? Is this not a Left/Democratic value now? Have they honestly ceded anti-war to the right? Quite a number of Trump supporters think so. Whoever ran against war (and lied) won the last 4 elections. How’s that sell in Peoria?

    I think more people would vote for Gabbard than Biden because she would pull off 20% of Trump supporters – she’s also strong enough to hold and run the office – but neither party is having it, and DEFINITELY not the media. So be it. Lose if you want to and hand it to your self-made supervillain, I don’t care.

    “Elizabeth Warren Defends Her Big Tech Breakup Proposal (AT)”

    SSDD. Hasn’t anyone read 1984? Everyone IN Facebook, Google, Twitter, is FROM the government, CIA, etc. It has ALWAYS been the plan for them to be regulated by the government, that they’re from, and they also run via the revolving door. So since it’s the same people breaking freedom of speech, suppressing dissent, and openly rigging elections that will write the laws and enforce them, why do you think it would be any different or better? It will only be stronger, and then have the force of law, like say the Fed or the Insurance and pharmaceutical companies do. It’s called fascism, classic definition, the merger of corporations and state. Warren is the minion turning the gears.


    “ EU Plan To Rein In Facebook And Google Will Do Exactly The Opposite (G.)”

    Europe is planning a different fascism. When CNN and Google post (false) stories, they published right away. When you post stories de-bunking their continual fake news on (pick subject), they are posted a week later, after the war starts, or pulled down for “copyright” and can only be re-posted after a year and $100,000 in legal fees. If you run a website, it will then be terminated for your user’s content or comments, (as is already happening on YouTube), while no matter what BBC or their commenters say (Saddam has weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-queda) it will be forgiven. That’s free speech!

    “Wikipedia, if true to its ideals, should go dark in protest.” They would love this.

    The whole internet WILL go dark in protest, or rather by legal edict. They think that will win but really it just means the entire internet and everyone on it will be hidden, or “dark”, and look like 4Chan over a blockchain, with a layer of CNN/BBC “Pravda” on top everyone read but no one believes. Such is Soviet Stalinism, as promoted by the EU, invented by bureaucrats imported from the former eastern bloc. They had to get new tin-hitler jobs somewhere, and Brussels paid best. Not that, as you say, the U.S. is any different, just home-grown.

    “How America’s Food Giants Swallowed The Family Farms (G.)”

    They’ve passed 50 years of laws “helping.” …Helping family farms be run out of business by passing a new multi-thousand dollar regulation and compliance each year that we never needed before. Big guys can comply, small guys can’t. Boom, death of families and the founder’s vision for America. Mansanto wins! The cities cheer! Millions die of glyphosate! #winning.

    “low-interest, federally guaranteed loans to build Cafos that then overproduce.” While I say that, the real damage has been done here, as in all industries. Central planning at its finest.

    “The thing that is really pervasive about it is that they control the rules of the game because they control the democratic process. It’s a blueprint. We’re paying for our own demise. “It would be a different argument if it was just based upon inevitability or based on competition. But it’s not based upon competition: it’s based upon squelching competition.” Impossible to say better.


    Is The World’s Most Popular Weedkiller Carcinogenic? (G.)

    The substitute has existed for years

    Cows, sheep, goats, chickens, pigs

    Chris M


    People too. 😏

    Pull those weeds and put them in the compost pile. Those “weeds” draw out nutrients in the soil, that one may say, are “hard to get” in the locality where they are growing.

    Nature knows how to balance, if we care to observe. 😏


    The family farms had been significantly destroyed by 30 years ago. So many of these small rural towns have a boarded-up main street. You can’t tell from the rural roads and highways, but most of those farm houses you see in the distance are vacant. It’s like a neutron bomb effect.

    Corrupt politicians, like Earl Butz, have deliberately created this devastation by changing laws and policies to provide a free lunch for agribusiness at the expense of the small farms.

    Giant agribusiness is not more efficient. They pay poverty wages. They over use herbicides and pesticides. They create polluted runoff to the streams and ground water. They don’t take care of the soils or the surrounding environment. They squeeze the last nickel out of the land. Yet they still need government favoritism. So now our children eat their Cheerios with Roundup.

    Agriculture is in no way unique in this. The nation’s monopolies and oligopolies in every other part of the economy have the same effect. It’s past time for a major reversal of fortune.

    V. Arnold

    Agriculture is in no way unique in this. The nation’s monopolies and oligopolies in every other part of the economy have the same effect. It’s past time for a major reversal of fortune.

    You bring up salient points.
    I think most of us here at TAE are well aware of the problems; which generally point to solutions.
    The crux of the problem is that we are no longer in control of our government; which is to say our own lives.
    The U.S., as a democracy, is merely a Potemkin illusion…

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