Debt Rattle May 26 2022
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- This topic has 32 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
May 26, 2022 at 8:07 am #108508
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterGustave Courbet The village maidens 1852 • History is Being Written Before our Eyes (Baliushka) • Russia, China Give World a Glimpse of What WW
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle May 26 2022]May 26, 2022 at 9:20 am #108509V. Arnold
ParticipantGustave Courbet The village maidens 1852
What a lovely painting…
When I first looked at it the sky caught my attention; so much so I had to do a double take that it wasn’t a photograph…May 26, 2022 at 10:20 am #108510Red
Participant“Worse, some in the media insisted that questions and suspicious happenings should not be investigated even if the outcome would reassure a skeptical public the election was fair. To feel otherwise, we were told, was to be a conspiracy theorist of the worst kind bent on treason or the fall of democracy itself.”
It has fallen some time back!
May 26, 2022 at 10:23 am #108511Red
ParticipantAt any given moment there is an orthodoxy, a body of ideas which it is assumed all right-thinking people will accept without question. It is not exactly forbidden to say this, that or the other, but it is “not done” to say it, just as in mid-Victorian times it was “not done” to mention trousers in the presence of a lady. Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing, either in the popular press or in highbrow periodicals. – George Orwell, “Freedom of the Press”
May 26, 2022 at 10:35 am #108512chooch
ParticipantRussian advances in the Donbas are prompting a lot of commentary, including some irrational enthusiasm and gloom. It's worth looking at the bigger picture, as @ian_matveev (follow him!) has done in a thread which I've translated below with his permission.
— ChrisO (@ChrisO_wiki) May 26, 2022
May 26, 2022 at 10:50 am #108513oxymoron
ParticipantRed- yes I feel it. Silenced. 96 % of 16 yo and over jabbed in Vic Oz. No one wants to hear it so they don’t. I asked for an apology (not that I need it) from a friend recently after every one in their family had been quite ill from Spike. I had done the reading and research (not being a debt-slave) and gave solid data and very clear reasoning to not get jabbed. Can’t teach dumb but even harder to teach New Normals. She of-course says I’m arrogant and have a God complex when telling her I haven’t had Spike illness.
Fuckin’ whatever’s man. I tried. I failed. Don’t care.May 26, 2022 at 11:13 am #108514Michael Reid
Another item that’s always on their agenda is central bank monetary policies. I’ll make a bet that Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is very much in the cards. MMT amounts to the basically unlimited creation of currency units to finance whatever governments want. It’s essentially Keynesianism on steroids. It seems inevitable because all the major governments are actually bankrupt. And the Deep State—Davos types—would far prefer to see things financed with inflation than taxes, because that could take stock markets much higher. And make corporate bailouts much easier.
”May 26, 2022 at 11:16 am #108515Michael Reid
Lecturer Stuart Hooper takes an academic look at national and international elites. Individuals no longer matter in this mass society where all political parties have been captured. C. Wright Mills points out power is held in the economic, political, military establishments. America was founded by elites, but it isn’t until 1886 and the 14th Amendment when power is transferred from the political elites to the economic world. The postwar Military-Industrial-Complex became a self-reinforcing clique concerned with maintaining power. The iron law of oligarchy says that elites are always ready to justify despotic acts under the pretext they are done for the good of the public. The armed forces of the U.S. seem to have been captured by the transnational elite, used to destroy ideological and political forces not aligned with globalization. Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies are creating a command and control grid for the elite.
”Stuart J. Hooper: Elites Use U.S. Military to Destroy Forces Unaligned with Globalization
May 26, 2022 at 11:19 am #108516Red
ParticipantOxy baby! “don’t care”. I know it’s getting harder to give a shit. Those who have managed to stay natural are going to have to care for the damaged at some point, most likely. Hope I’m wrong as I’m not much of a “people” person. If however it comes to that I’ll do what I can. As for educating the mindless I say don’t waste your time. Find constructive ways to help them with seemingly unrelated things that you may see as related without mentioning the jabs. Also trying to connect the dots of jabbed with bad outcomes I’ve found thatij the cases of unexpected deaths I ask ” was it covid”. The answers can tell a lot, “oh no they were all jabbed up” or some such with add ons such as it was a fast acting cancer or heart issues that were undiagnosed etc. Another tell here In Canada is air travel, if anyone you know flies anywhere they are “up to date” because you have to be to get on a plane.
In Brief: Hot air and false optimism
Windfall hot air Even now, the political class is treating rising energy prices as temporary – just like they thought inflation was temporary this time last year. They would like you to believe that Russia – which has continued to supply oil and gas (which were expressly excluded from sanctions)
The fake horsemen of the apocalypse
Apocalyptic, however, our latest versions of pestilence, war and famine are certainly not. For sure, a lot of people died from the Covid. And at an individual and family level, every death is a tragedy. But at a national, international and civilisational level, the truth is that many of those who succumbed to the Covid would have died within the next twelve months anyway. Deaths as a percentage of the population make Covid one of the least deadly pandemics we have ever experienced. Six to seven million (those who died “of” rather than “with” Covid) out of a population of nearly eight billion pales compared to the Spanish flu’s 40-50 million out of a population of less than two billion. The Spanish flu, in turn, was a mere echo of the fourteenth century Black Death which wiped out some two-thirds of the European population – and likely as many in Africa and Asia too, although the records are less definitive.
May 26, 2022 at 11:47 am #108517Dr. D
Participant“US Government Admits It Used Schools As Tool To Erase Culture, Seize Native American Land: Report”
And now our schools and our culture. Beta, full release.
“Is the US Already in Recession?”
Yes, but only since 1999.
“I can’t help but wonder…will the people wake up and demand change when the electricity is blacked out and the air conditioner dead in 110 degree weather and food is scarce and expensive?”
My guess is no, from what I’ve seen so far. Like living in the ‘burbs, keeping up with the Joneses, there is some canyon of imagination that exists where if anyone thinks differently or acts with imagination, they are set upon like a pack of dogs. You would have quite the obstacle course – perhaps impossible – to change your apartment block, cul-de-sac into sustainability, even to earth ships that can survive AZ. At the same time you can go to areas where that is their pack of dogs and if you DON’T build one, but a tech millionaire Utah ski lodge instead, you’re the unwanted outsider. Odd about people that way. But the point is you can stretch only so far with them, and they WILL die – and kill – and kill your kids — to protect the idea of “Us”, whatever that may be. For them that is cars, malls, and the Myth Progress – “Back to Normal”, so no, they will simply die of obstinance thinking tomorrow it will return to “before”, their mental anchor and persistence of vision.
The powers have this problem as well as they say “There’s no going back” “New Normal” as they attempt to unmoor human psychology entirely and replace it with a new vision of Fascist NeoFeudalism. The unmooring they’ve been at for 50 years is causing deep harm, insanity, and often violence. Of course this is a much-loved feature and not a bug as their previous meddling causes more stress and therefore makes their next meddling easier.
“Even Lithuania has said that it can help to export Ukrainian grain”
Was wondering as Lith becomes the mistress of London pimps, what they had to do with attacking the Black Sea and sinking the Russians there. Something like this, but it was a weird statement. Lithuania is in the Baltic. I would use a methaphor like “that’s like Canada saying who can sail in the Persian Gulf,” but they have, they do, other countries do, and it might now be the norm, not the exception. The further away and less power you have over it, the more you mouth off and have opinions these days. Things you actually have knowledge about, and power over, like fixing ourselves, we don’t mention or take action on. Never-ever.
“Defending Sovereignty: The Fight of Our Lifetime (Malone)”
The only way the Feds can do what they’ve done is with the power of the purse. To pay for it. This is the 1913 taxing authority, but mostly the “Global” Financial System. Drop this, the Feds become LESS than the states. Again, as it used to be or should be. They call this Balkanization and it might be, but that seems unlikely. It’s just a return to the Pre-Lincoln setup. Anyway, the money is the key – to so many things. Bonds and USD are holding, so for the moment it’s the status quo. However they’ve lost $22,000 Billion in just 5 months, in just the U.S. alone, not counting money flows worldwide transit NY and make a de facto hole here. It seems incredible that no derivatives have detonated yet, but with so much going on, no telling what is happening or where. They probably have but the capacity for lies is infinite, and they just channeled $40B in 40 days to parts unknown.
“but is likely being viewed almost exclusively by those in no need of conversion.”
This is the norm. It’s also a sign of a cult. Wouldn’t you want to know what the other guy is thinking? Even if it’s just to get and edge, conquer and abuse them,, the “enemy”, the other guy? If not, it’s a very strange way to handle the field: by promoting pure ignorance and bias? If we go to Iraq, wouldn’t you want to teach everyone Arabic? Islam? Customs? Seems useful. Seems like the path to winning. …But we do not do this, and we’re losing, everywhere we go. This is the same psychology. I don’t like it, therefore it doesn’t exist, the psychology of 8-year-olds.
Speaking of, heard a term: “Sheeple are people who believe their leaders; Cattle are people who follow the herd.” And cattle can suddenly stampede. I see a lot of both, but it’s a useful distinction, and why they’re fighting the media/Twitter battle so hard. The unblinking blue eye will tell the cattle what to think so they can be directed wherever. The Sheeple just believe whoever has power. They don’t care who, all claimed shepherds are the same.
“Most of the news media issued a collective shrug in the face of an election that was at the very least unusual,”
Why? Why did they do that? My question is, “Who sent the memo?” How was that memo sent? Why did they obey the memo unthinkingly when it arrived? Like the Memo HRC sent to the FBI. Instantly obeyed. Why?
“FBI Spied on 3.3 Million Americans without a Warrant (ET)”
Yes, but only since 1980, when they put a Trunc line into the AT&T switch boxes.
“FBI and other intel agencies, who can use the same power against American citizens who had any interaction with targeted foreigners.”
Hahahaha. Hilarious. Or by 5 degrees of separation, officially, so the very first day they use it to monitor Senators, Judges, Reporters… If you’re too dumb or too busy to read history, this is the way the secret service always captures the government everywhere in history. But it only happens 100% of the time, so, you know, “We’re the Exception” and “it’s different this time.” You’d think paranoid power-hungry maniacs would have more horse sense than to allow themselves to be monitored and recorded all the time. But the Secret Services just let those morons believe they actually run anything and everybody’s happy. Really, it’s like those shopping-cart steering wheels for toddlers, controlling and steering nothing while they hit the horn for mommy, honk-honk. If you’re not going to put AOC, Biden, and McConnell into a retarded group home you have to do something with them.
Yeah: don’t allow unlimited wiretaps on everyone for 50 years. And don’t fight a land war in Asia. Twice.
“Comey et al Were “Fired Up” to Pursue the False Alfa Bank Claims (Turley)”
Again, somehow Mueller investigated all the same claims and didn’t discover this. Not a single thing. …And also didn’t interview any of these witnesses, while having the creators of these claims on his team. So instead of being concerned about national security, Comey was happy and excited? I think and can prove China has purchased many Congressmen and institutions; it does not make me happy. I am not at all elated to hear it.
“This decision will kill a small but non-trivial number of kids, in exchange for nothing whatsoever.”
Heard the recent interview with Pfizer VP Yeadon, who simply says, as I do, that you have to simply admit A = B. IF they are killing kids, AND it’s for no scientific reason, with no plausible premise, THEN… Then they are mass-murdering citizens, it’s a depopulation program, and they don’t care if the targets are children or not. IF that is true – provably so – THEN what sort of people are you dealing with and what are they capable of? What are they likely to do to you? Don’t turn away in horror and denial. Just use your God-given head and be honest about it. Then things can improve. They’re outnumbered: tell the truth and the whole thing vanishes.
“The WHO is calling it “a multi-country monkeypox outbreak!”
That is, it’s Thursday. The same as every other day since air travel was invented. Monkeypox pops up from time to time but is so exceedingly hard to transmit it extinguishes itself. Tell the truth and the whole thing vanishes. P.S. CV19 has the death rate only slightly higher than H1N1 and Hong Kong. Nothing was shut down, so there was no hyperinflation that killed millions. Soon.
You should hear the Minister of Health in Oz tying herself in knots with the “don’t say gay” MonkeyPox press conference. Since it’s only transmitting in gay bathhouses right now, and it’s not actually dangerous, and health has reached out to that community, it’s as under control as ever. But the level to which she can hold an hour-long press conference and never name the “community” that’s involved, at risk, and affected, is truly breathtaking. I thought “don’t say gay” was a bad thing? I thought we weren’t ashamed of “them”? So why can their name never pass your lips on pain of death? As a professional and doctor? Do you usually fight diseases by NOT naming the disease, NOT naming the people at risk (women, men, children, elderly, and yes, perhaps, “gay”)? Oh well, I guess they’re following the Fauci plan of killin’ some gay folks. 100, 200 thousand? Who can say, we haven’t seen if they’ll take AZT immunosuppressors yet. Hope so. Profit$$$ are high, Fauci replays his greatest hits on “Now THAT’S What I Call Scienz!”. JHC can we stop this now?
” the New Normal Reich, where the masses will be perpetually menaced by an inexhaustible assortment of” fabricated threats that they themselves invented. Until everyone is dead and neo-feudalism has returned. That’s the “New Normal”: feudalism. If you want the emergencies to stop, tell the truth and tell them no. They’re outnumbered, and also inbred idiots who don’t have the brains to push a broom. Look at “W”.
Davos: Someone suggested we take and average measurement of the carbon footprint of Davos and what they eat and make it the baseline for the general population: we’ll do exactly what they do. They were having imported crab, followed by Spanish acorn-fed pork, then farmed salmon from Norway. As the appetizer. Do as the Romans, I guess.
Kennedy on the Moon. I have a theory they brought back a slow moving microbe that eats brains and it’s been spreading over the planet ever since. Dementia. Angry, pointless outbursts. Wandering randomly like doodlebugs. Yup.
“Orwell” Pants Party!
May 26, 2022 at 11:54 am #108518Dr. D
ParticipantOxy: yes, that’s where I am now. If I’m correct, food will be in shortage, we’ve got a lot of trouble, and their self-selecting suicide will save the rest of us. My task is to tell them, not MAKE them. I will tell, inform, warn, cajole, encourage until I’m blue in the face as you noticed, but at this point I’ve said my say. Death rates are up 6-sigma, 40%, and among the young. This is public. They are immovable. So thanks for saving your food for me I guess? A sacrifice for my kids because they just can’t change to the new world?
Try to think positively, although that must seem strange coming from me.
May 26, 2022 at 12:14 pm #108519boilingfrog
Participant“Learn to be Still”, From The Eagles’ “Hell Freezes Ovr”, 1994. It’s a beautiful, beautiful song, brought to mind by posts today. If I was clever enough I’d post a link. Might be a good mantra in these times
We are like sheep without a shepherd
We don’t know how to be alone
So we wander ’round this desert
Wind up following the wrong gods homeBut the flock cries out for another
And they keep answering that bell
One more starry-eyed messiah
Meets a violent farewell
Learn to be stillLearn to be still
May 26, 2022 at 1:25 pm #108520zerosum
Participantmasters of deceit/lying
narrative being shaped by the U.S., EU and NATO.How long can the people be manipulated/believe/lied,
“The Russians are lying”?articles with little or no evidence, just allegations, skewed data or blatantly omitting awkward yet crucial information.
Read an Example
• Grains of Deceit (Saker)
a global food crisis loomingRussia is placing terms and conditions on exports and there is a sting in the tail. Similarly, to oil and gas exports, Russia will be forcing unfriendly countries to buy at high prices in rubles or stopping exports altogether, at the same time, encouraging neutral and friendly countries from the south to buy products at a cheaper rate. This has effectively hamstrung both the U.S and the EU and sanctions had already had a significant boomerang effect.
CNN is the prime source for all disinformation, top class agitators, writing articles based on allegations.
Lying through his teeth since Romania is currently exporting Ukrainian grain crops and even Lithuania has offered to help export crops as well.
The crass and cynical blame game implemented by the West continues. The West instead of getting Kiev to implement the Minsk accords in the first place, are now busy with a lot of evolving threats and crises, out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Author’s blog:
This article uses references to corporate Western media outlets and organisations, as it is easier to point omissions, manipulation of information, to show how the West’s infowar gets “hoisted with their own petard”.
May 26, 2022 at 1:43 pm #108521zerosum
ParticipantDid you hear the following report about monkeypox?
Monkeypox causes fever, headaches, muscle aches, and sometimes fluid-filled blisters, tends to resolve in two to four weeks, and thus poses absolutely zero threat to human civilization generally.
May 26, 2022 at 3:01 pm #108522Red
1 Russian Federation 39,000
2 EU-27 36,000
3 Australia 24,000
4 Canada 24,000
5 United States 21,092
6 Argentina 14,000
7 Ukraine 10,000The above numbers are metric tons so far this season. According to this site the Ukraine exported 18,000 MT in 2021. Lots of year left yet to get those numbers up. There is this little nugget as well: “I’m really not that hyped up about the new crop supply impact, specifically for wheat,” said Rich Nelson, Allendale Inc.’s chief strategist.
That is because more than 95 percent of Ukraine’s crop is winter wheat and it was already in the ground before the conflict began.
The fate of that crop is more likely to be determined by spring rains than war, he said.
Western society is being played big time, I know, preaching to the choir for the most part here.
May 26, 2022 at 3:07 pm #108523Oroboros
Participant• Comey et al Were “Fired Up” to Pursue the False Alfa Bank Claims
Ya see, I keep harping on the fact that judges and prosecutors are spineless cowards and boot licking toffee nosed twats.
This goes triple for high ‘law enforcement’ officials like pond scum Comey.
The only thing worst than a Dirty Cop is a child molester.
They are actually pretty much the same thing in the Empire of Lies.
And Comey is the poster boy.
Trump let TWO Attorney Generals stab him in the back. They were actively undermining and conspiring against him instead of covering his back, and he did diddly squat about it.
Merrick Garland is the latest snake in the grass, truly a pitiful greasey buttplug of an AT, even as lawyers go, he’s as crooked as they come.
Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions would show their behinds to him in a New York minute. Yes Merrick yes, harder Merrick….please…..
Ya see, laws don’t matter if they are not enforced or enforced by fiat, unevenly.
The words on the page of a ‘law’ don’t mean anything anymore.
And even if they did, the cops, prosecutors and judges don’t do their jobs, they just collect a pay check.
Yummy pay checks!
There’s no hope whatsoever because the weak soft pink underbelly of a Republic is the legal system.
And the Empire of Lies doesn’t have one anymore.
The Empire of Lies ‘legal system’ is like a used discarded condom floating along down by the dock of the bay.
May 26, 2022 at 3:41 pm #108524Susmarie108
Participant@ Dr D: “But the point is you can stretch only so far with them, and they WILL die – and kill – and kill your kids — to protect the idea of “Us”, whatever that may be. For them that is cars, malls, and the Myth Progress – “Back to Normal”, so no, they will simply die of obstinate thinking…The powers have this problem as well as they say “There’s no going back”…“New Normal” as they attempt to unmoor human psychology entirely and replace it with a new vision of Fascist NeoFeudalism. The unmooring they’ve been at for 50 years is causing deep harm, insanity, and often violence.”
You clarified it perfectly (again). Those who are mindlessly “fighting” for a goal called Back to Normal at any/every cost will not be stopped, convinced, or changed. In their minds, Back to Normal is THE most worthy cause! Simultaneously, TPTBe implement the label/tool called New Normal to legitimize the aspects that they know are not coming back. Notice how the idea of NORMAL creates leverage and empowers the myth keepers/makers in both instances.
So here we are, standing up against the myth called NORMAL. Most at TAE UNDERSTAND and accept that there is no going back to something called NORMAL, and that things called new NORMAL are NOT NORMAL at all – they are abnormal abstractions imposed/forced upon us.
Yesterday’s NORMAL is a dream, it is bondage.
In closing there are two perfect recommendations on the table:
1.”Try to think positively.” Since the only thing we can control is how we respond to the world, the act of choosing to BE positive is a radical act. In this choice we will find the strength and courage to carry on.
2.“Be still.” You will improve your discernment – to see/know what is TRUTH.
LOVE to All.
May 26, 2022 at 3:43 pm #108525Susmarie108
ParticipantApologize for bold type gone rogue.
May 26, 2022 at 4:06 pm #108526Michael Reid
Debt vs Autonomy
The unresolved conflict between Jefferson and Hamilton enables WEF hegemony.
” 26, 2022 at 4:28 pm #108527Mister Roboto
ParticipantOkay, that Batiushka guy on the Saker blog really comes off as someone who is smoking his shorts. His little dream-vision of a Russified future sounds as though it involves quite a few moves that could easily set of World War 3.
May 26, 2022 at 4:53 pm #108528Polder Dweller
ParticipantI’m never quite sure about “Dr” Campbell. Seems like a nice bloke with honest intentions but sometimes he just seems to parrot the government’s pov. In this video he says that the pox is transmitted through the air (face masks and antisocial distancing incoming in 3…2…1) yet I’ve not seen that claimed anywhere else (yet).
May 26, 2022 at 4:59 pm #108529citizenx
ParticipantI asked for an apology…She of-course says I’m arrogant I tried. I failed.
You tried but did not fail. They failed you and society and themselves. Tis impossible to “un-brainwash” these sick and twisted f’s and their virtue signalling cult. Better success may be found in encouraging them to get another “booster” ad nauseam until they drop dead.
Elites Use U.S. Military to Destroy Forces Unaligned with Globalization
Yep, I believe Smedley Butler had a few words to say about this oh, 100 years ago. He won lots of medals to prove his point I guess.
CSNY Carry On
Coke heads all of them- yeah sure, teach your children well and all that garbage, another line? Of course Neil Young went full retard recently- pushing safe and effective lies and advocating for censuring free speech. Reel it in and get real rather than worshiping coke head pop star liars?
To attain enlightenment you have to see your nature. Unless you see your nature, all this talk about cause and effect is nonsense. Buddhas don’t practice nonsense. To say he attains anything at all is to slander a buddha. What could he possibly attain? Even focusing on a mind, a power, an understanding, or a view is impossible for a buddha. A buddha isn’t one-sided.The nature of his mind is basically empty, neither pure nor impure. He’s free of practice and realization. He’s free of cause and effect.
A buddha isn’t a buddha. Don’t think about buddhas. If you don’t see what I’m talking about, you’ll never know your own mind.
May 26, 2022 at 5:07 pm #108530boscohorowitz
ParticipantI was going through some notes of mine and found a little ditty that I seem to recall writing with my parents said know in mind. I don’t recall sharing it:
The track was long but round
A closed lap just for me.
They told me I could run
Fast and far but never free.I jumped the fence and walked,
Slow not fast, so I could see.May 26, 2022 at 5:09 pm #108531willem
Participant“The powers have this problem as well as they say ‘There’s no going back’…’New Normal’ as they attempt to unmoor human psychology entirely and replace it with a new vision of Fascist NeoFeudalism. The unmooring they’ve been at for 50 years is causing deep harm, insanity, and often violence.
Even if by the push of a button we could make these “powers” all disappear, the damage they have already wrought and the division they have already intentionally sown would take decades to undo.
When we say we don’t care, and then expound at length, the painful reality is that we DO care. Otherwise we would dismiss the issue without comment. ANY emotion that is evoked by the issue at hand is evidence that we care, whether it is sadness, disgust, anger, etc. To truly not care means we have no feeling associated with it. (P.S. It’s OK to care!)
“Laws don’t matter if they are not enforced or enforced by fiat, unevenly.”
So true, and soon the general public will start to catch on. A given system of justice only prevails over anarchy by public acceptance. In older societies, populations had internalized the idea that The King and certain elites were “higher” and thus not subject to the same rules as “the commoners”, but in modern societies, the public’s expectation is that justice will be administered objectively and not play favorites.
So from here we can choose one of three paths. 1) We can go back to the concept of “privileged classes” where people are no longer equal under the law. 2) We can take down and replace our currently appointed “administrators of justice”. 3) We can massively ignore the laws until anarchy forces change upon society.
One sure Mark of the Beast is the professed desire to “centralize, centralize, centralize”. Eliminate borders, concentrate assets and control in fewer hands, shrink peoples’ choices so they can’t avoid the undesirable, mandate or prohibit as much as possible. Centralization = Control.
The answer and the way to defeat these people is to DEcentralize.
Push everything down as low in the social organization as possible.
To Big To Fail = TOO BIG.
Bigger is not better; there is an optimum size for everything, and most of our institutions exceeded that optimum size a long time ago.May 26, 2022 at 5:42 pm #108532D Benton Smith
ParticipantSo, let me get this straight. China and Russia have tricked, bribed and enticed the Collective West (principally the UK/USA) to attack Russia and China for the purpose of stealing Russia and China’s resources (grain, natural gas, coal, workforce, market, etc.) which China and Russia already possessed (by dint of BEING Russia and China).
For some reason or other, I don’t think so. I think it was something a little more Machiavellian.
Let’s run a hypothetical scenario. Pure speculation.
Let’s say that I’m China and Russia and I’m sick and tired of the USA and all of it’s nasty shenanigans. Furthermore, I wouldn’t at all mind stealing all of the USA’s stuff and making it my own. But, alas, if I tried anything so risky directly (like with a straight up invasive war of aggression) I would both get my ass kicked AND lose the few possessions I already had.
Let’s try a longer game.
First I offer soulless greedy Western financial and industrial elites BAIT that they are emotionally and intellectually incapable of resisting: immeasurably numerous SLAVES. A whole country full of them.
I sweeten the pot with cheap money, low taxes, lax regulations and the most bribable civil authorities that the world has ever seen. A so-called “business friendly” environment that makes a Wild West brothel in full swing look like Sunday school.
Switching the world’s industrial base over to slave labor can be a VERY profitable enterprise. While getting immeasurably wealthy from that process I can also use those proceeds (and counterfeiting, too!) to buy and control every single one of the Collective West’s governments, news media, banks, justice systems, educational systems, spy networks and even much of it’s top brass military. Spies and Soldiers are a tough nut to crack, but it’s amazing what is possible with enough money and the ability to make TREASON look just like ordinary politics.
Now that my hands are firmly on the controls (virtually ALL of the large scale organized controls in existence) and there is no one in charge except me, I then direct the Collective West (principally the UK/USA) to attack Russia and China for the purpose of stealing Russia and China’s resources (money, grain, natural gas, coal, workforce, market, etc.) which China and Russia possess.
And make special note that I have made damn sure that it is an attack which can only fail. And I mean FAIL as in total and complete debacle. Defeat of the Collective West and victory for Russia and China has to be a lock cinch, slam dunk, absolute friggin’ CERTAINTY. Which isn’t all that difficult since I control pretty much everything that’s anything in the whole damn country.
The music rises, the Grand Ball opens, and the weird dancing begins.
When the smoke clears and the dust settles I will have removed the Collective West (principally the UK/USA) as any sort of threat, AND I will have stolen (and now own) all of their stuff.
In a sense it is a kind of giant circle that winds up coming back to very much the same place: of countries and Empires owning countries and Empires. What’s the point? Why bother? Upon closer examination, however, notice that it is not a circle but a SPIRAL, and that when the whole shebang “comes full spiral” that it is not the same ownership of Russia, China and the Collective West as it was at the start.
At the start it was in MANY hands, and at the end it is intended to be in FEWER hands. Far, far, far fewer. (as an aside, I sure would like to know who those intended few hands actually are.)
It’s a moral puzzle, and puzzle solvers get to survive. In my opinion the rulers of the whole damn clown show have been so intent on each other (rulers large and small) that they failed to take proper notice of everybody else, and thereby gravely miscalculated in their Machiavellian visualization of who the moral puzzle actually applies to. They forgot that the moral puzzle applies to EVERYONE, not just the noteworthy. They failed to notice that in the process of battling for more (and ever more) POWER that they were abusing a literally incalculable number of quiet but capable folks who just wanted to be left alone. They’ve never actually bothered to count how many that number actually comes to, but let’s just say it is a very big and very unknown total. And increasingly pissed off, no humor intended.
And what is the moral puzzle? It is that for anyone to live on Earth for very long that person must earnestly and sincerely answer the question of whether it is better to submit to slavery or to fight against being enslaved, quite possibly suffering severe loss, injury, death or even killing others in the process?
It is a very very hard question which no one, ultimately, avoids answering.
My best advice is to keep in mind that the only thing really worth saving is you . . . and I do not mean the temporary housing accommodation called your body. I mean the consciously aware non-material being that is you and your loved and all the rest of us.
May 26, 2022 at 6:25 pm #108533citizenx
ParticipantFor the children…and the small child inside all of us. For the classroom full of dead children laying in our collective pool of blood…murdered by another broken child. For the broken adults…who continue the cycle of abuses. For the truth seekers, seeking courage and tenacity to end the cycle of abuse and neglect. Life is worth living if we may preserve it for all forms of life. For the coming days ahead when the battle will rage and destructive forces of terror will be silenced permanently.
“Throwing Stones”
Picture a bright blue ball just spinning, spinning free
Dizzy with eternity
Paint it with a skin of sky
Brush in some clouds and sea
Call it home for you and me
A peaceful place or so it looks from space
A closer look reveals the human race
Full of hope, full of grace
Is the human face
But afraid we may lay our home to wasteThere’s a fear down here we can’t forget
Hasn’t got a name just yet
Always awake, always around
Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down
Ashes, ashes, all fall downNow watch as the ball revolves
And the nighttime falls
Again the hunt begins
Again the bloodwind calls
By and by, the morning sun will rise
But the darkness never goes
From some men’s eyes
It strolls the sidewalks and it rolls the streets
Staking turf, dividing up meat
Nightmare spook, piece of heat
It’s you and me
You and meClick flash blade in ghetto night
Rudies looking for a fight
Rat cat alley, roll them bones
Need that cash to feed that jones
And the politicians throwin’ stones
Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down
Ashes, ashes, all fall downCommissars and pin-stripe bosses
Roll the dice
Any way they fall
Guess who gets to pay the price?
Money green or proletarian gray
Selling guns ‘stead of food todaySo the kids they dance
And shake their bones
And the politicians throwin’ stones
Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down
Ashes, ashes, all fall downHeartless powers try to tell us
What to think
If the spirit’s sleeping
Then the flesh is ink
History’s page will thus be carved in stone
And we are here, and we are on our own
On our own
On our own
On our ownIf the game is lost
Then we’re all the same
No one left to place or take the blame
We can leave this place and empty stone
Or that shinin’ ball we used to call our homeSo the kids they dance
And shake their bones
And the politicians throwin’ stones
Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down
Ashes, ashes, all fall downShipping powders back and forth
Singing “Black goes south and white comes north”
In a whole world full of petty wars
Singing I got mine and you got yours
And the current fashion sets the pace
Lose your step, fall out of grace
And the radical, he rant and rage
Singing someone’s got to turn the page
And the rich man in his summer home
Singing just leave well enough alone
But his pants are down, his cover’s blownAnd the politicians throwin’ stones
So the kids they dance
And shake their bones
And it’s all too clear we’re on our own
Singing ashes, ashes, all fall down
Ashes, ashes, all fall downPicture a bright blue ball
Just spinnin’, spinnin, free
Dizzy with the possibilities
Ashes, ashes, all fall down
Ashes, ashes, all fall downMay 26, 2022 at 9:07 pm #108534Veracious Poet
ParticipantEven if by the push of a button we could make these “powers” all disappear, the damage they have already wrought and the division they have already intentionally sown would take decades to undo.
If TPTB suddenly disappeared tomorrow, there would be another crop of NPD sociopaths would instantly rise to replace them (the rot is from the body, not the head), as the entire CULTure created, supported, selected, adored the previous “powers”, having no appetite for healthy, sane, judicious leadership to begin with…
A corrupted, SICK CULTure abhors the very spiritual laws written within their spirit & would rather follow madness than change ~ It’s the fruit of toxic EGOcentricity (eg the scienz!), that has blocked-out the Loving, Healing, Creative Power of the Infinite.
It took me until the last decade to fully realize that “the damage” is multigenerationally self-inflicted 😕
I say this real reality with great sadness, realizing the future bodes very, VERY badly as a result…
All the best,
May 26, 2022 at 9:45 pm #108535Susmarie108
Participant@citizenx: Neil Young lost me (in 2016) when he dumped Pegi, his wife of 36 years. His tantrum on the vaxx was pathetic. I still appreciate his music. The MOMENT IN TIME captured on many of the albums I reference is what matters to me…they are notches/milestones on the timeline of life.
Bodhidharma sat in meditation for 9 years to?
May 26, 2022 at 10:02 pm #108536willem
Participant@Veracious Poet: “It took me until the last decade to fully realize that “the damage” is multigenerationally self-inflicted 😕”
I fear I must agree, and think I wrote as much a few days ago. Just as no one is coming to “save” us, no one really “ruined” us either. At least not all by themselves…
May 26, 2022 at 11:01 pm #108537zerosum
ParticipantBetter be friends with China, Russia, and your local chip stealer.
Rash of parts thefts is leaving Freightliner trucks inoperable
Rash of parts thefts is leaving Freightliner trucks inoperable
Semiconductor shortage blamed for rash of rip-offs that leaves trucks for dead
Alan Adler Monday, May 23, 2022May 27, 2022 at 1:41 am #108539Oroboros
ParticipantMay 27, 2022 at 1:47 am #108540greco
Thanks for the Freightliner post.
It points out that prepping for disaster is not the only strategy for surviving hard times. Prepping is successful if you can predict the future. Nobody expected parts shortages, so prepping was not done.
So who steps in and deals with shortages, the hustlers who see a need and figure out how to deal with it in the moment. In hard times, hustlers come out ahead, partly because they understand that enforcement of laws takes a back seat to meeting people’s needs.
Want to survive hard times? Look into hustling if you have what it takes. If not, join a gang with a good number of hustlers who you can do support for.
Reminds me of working as an engineer. Sales hustled new jobs. Engineers delivered the product. Took both kinds to make it work.
Come to think of it, join a gang that can use your skills, hustler or otherwise.May 27, 2022 at 2:44 am #108541boscohorowitz
ParticipantPolder Dweller:
Monkey pox can spread through the air but very poorly. Even the CDC are telling people not to concern themselves much about airborne monkeypox. Meanwhile, by comparison, omicron had the fastest transmission rate of any disease known except measles.
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