Debt Rattle October 2 2020


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    Fred Stein Brute man 1946   • President Trump Says He And First Lady Have COVID19 (JTN) • What Happens If President Trump Contracts COVID19 (Huda
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 2 2020]


    You want people to be gracious about Trump getting Covid?

    You do realize how dismissive he has been about 212,000 dead Americans, right? And how cavalier his attitude about wearing masks, providing testing to the population, exposing other people at rallies, etc, right?

    Moonofalabama has a very concise timeline and some interesting info on this event here:

    The guy who runs moonofalabama, “B”, points out that it is possible Trump could have infected Biden during the debate. Now wouldn’t that be something? Both candidates not only mentally unfit, but also physically incapacitated. The shit is piling up fast.


    Yesterday’s EUCO was a disappointment. Again. They decided to sanction Belarus, but they rewarded Turkey for being the bully in the East Med. What a joke this Union is.


    You want people to be gracious about Trump getting Covid?

    Yes, like with everyone who catches it.

    You do realize how dismissive he has been about 212,000 dead Americans, right?

    No, but I’ve read the accusations that he personally killed them all single-handedly. These things don’t fly with me. I’ve seen the media for what it is.


    I was slowly letting go of the COVID graphs after 9 months, but this one gets a mention:


    Mr. House

    You should see the hatred on Facebook, soo many people hoping he doesn’t make it. I’m starting to think these people could be dangerous. They remind me of a parent at the soccer games you used to ref. They don’t know the rules, but its their damn kid and don’t you know they’re always right. Nothing stranger or more embarrassing for a child then to have to ask their parent to leave the park so the game can continue. People have no empathy or self respect anymore.

    madamski cafone

    It’s obvious that Trump is mentally ill. I wouldn’t wish severe NPD like his on anyone. Yes, not even Trump. People with NPD say and do crazy shit because they’re crazy. Grace is something we do not because we like someone. That’s affection, affinity. We extend grace because we believe in compassion.

    The left excoriates Trump for being Trump. Not long ago, the right excoriated Obama for being Obama, who presided over his own exorbitant share of brutal murder and torture. We have been neatly divided and conquered into warring camps. What brings us together as a people is a war. Apparently, we agree most readily on who to hate and kill.

    Mr. House


    “The left excoriates Trump for being Trump. Not long ago, the right excoriated Obama for being Obama, who presided over his own exorbitant share of brutal murder and torture. We have been neatly divided and conquered into warring camps. What brings us together as a people is a war. Apparently, we agree most readily on who to hate and kill”

    Very true. Does it not seem like someone is trying to start a fight?



    What I believe …. irrelevant
    What I say, will not change anybody’s belief.
    Changes were coming
    Changes to changes are coming.

    Everybody has a fogged up crystal ball.

    Mr. House

    If the economy had crashed without the Pandemic, as many of us have been expecting, what do you think the reaction from the populace would have been? Financial problems start bubbling to the surface in the fall of 2019. Crash in March, US primary is still underway. Only person in the primary advocating for the common person was Bernie Sanders. What a wave of momentum!

    Things that make you go hmmm

    Mr. House

    People think Trump is faking Covid. I get the logic.

    Trump= liar so he must be faking Covid.

    Lets take this up to the next level

    US government= liar so they must be faking Covid.

    madamski cafone

    @ Mr. House

    Someone is always trying to start a fight. The authorities we endure reflect the people they oppress. Everyone (loosely speaking) blames everyone. When we cooperate, when we organize, it is almost always in opposition to something. I still blame Canada.


    Very funny Madamski!😀
    Up here in the capital of Canada land (where we live in igloos) our health care system is in crisis again because of covid. Personal Support Workers just got a raise of $3 per hour to attract more workers.
    In schools, so many teachers are self-isolating or sick that they are looking for pretty much any warm body (inviting parents and university students) to come and teach.



    Trump has not handled anything about the virus well. It doesn’t matter what the media talking heads say, it matters what he himself has said and done – and he has been really bad in regard to Covid. I don’t need some spokesperson on CNN or FOX to tell me what to think – I can see with my own two eyes and hear with my own two ears and make my own judgment. His lack of response to Covid has nothing to do with the whole stupid Russia/Ukraine thing the idiots on the Democrat side have going on; I think you have somehow decided to dismiss criticism of the one topic because the other things are so egregiously ridiculous.

    I never said he caused all those deaths by himself or that he somehow brought Coronavirus into the US. I have, however, maintained that he and his administration’s responses were the worst and most inept they could have possibly been.

    I am really taken aback that you make the remark that we should all “be gracious” about Trump having Covid, “like with everyone who catches it”. A week or two back, I made a comment here on your blog about the death of my father. (I immediately regretted it – I was really missing Dad that day and otherwise would never have left such a personal comment on the damn internet – but there is no way to delete your comment here once it’s posted.) In any case, I did write the comment, and you sure didn’t bother to offer one word of sympathy. I never felt you were required to do so, but now that you are telling me how I am supposed to respond to Donald Trump having Covid, your own lack of response to a heartfelt comment from one of your readers makes your advice to “be gracious to everyone who catches it” look pretty hypocritical.


    Trump will get hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which most of us can’t get. He probably had a low initial inoculum which gives his immune system time to respond. But ivermectin has the reputation for resetting the infection level anyway. A story reported awhile back stated that a 113 year old woman in Spain recovered from Covid-19 after using hydroxychloroquine therapy.

    Trump’s doctors will probably load him up with vitamin D3 and perhaps other nutritional supplements. Trump will likely experience only mild symptoms.

    If Trump has any problem with the Covid infection, it will be due to additional co-morbidities that we don’t know about. The most likely is pre-diabetes with some serious heart disease or tendency for stroke.

    Mr. House

    Worth a listen



    I didn’t reply to your account of your father dying because it hit me too deep. I was in tears. The fact that you blamed Trump directly for it made it impossible for me to react. Anything said at that moment would have been wrong.


    Adam Curtis is a gem in this world that everybody should watch every last minute of. Search on YouTube alone. I featured him here umpteen times. The BBC has become terrible, but they’re great for having given him the space he used. But, you know, they did that with Python too. What are the odds they’d do it today?


    @teri: what gives a blogsite value – in addition to the host’s content – are the contributions from the posters. When folks like you open up and share from your own personal experience it provides meaningful insight while creating/building community. Your post from a few weeks back was heartbreaking. What I appreciate now is your desire to translate your loss into advocacy. You are in the early phases of grieving. Give yourself time. And no regrets friend – the Light is YOU.



    “Honest to God, Hope to die if I’m lying.”

    (Nobody died.)

    Thousands are joining Hillary in her prayers


    I like Adam Curtis’s BBC productions. Yes, a new society is needed if there is to be a future. But the Reagan/Thatcher dream has turned into a nightmare of dysfunctional government as the rich steal from everyone else with no consequences.

    To be shown on BBC today Adam Curtis simply cannot tell the whole truth. And, Yes, you can tell the clip Mr. House posted was recorded before everything went south in 2020. I’ve lived through what seems a lot. Today is worse than the malaise of the 1970s; the Vietnam War defeat, civil rights, oil crises and fiat currency that brought on the plutocrats counter-revolt and the tearing down of the solar panels on the White House.

    I am for restoring the rule of law – government control over corporations and ending their profiting from death. But it will be the youngsters who jump in front of the mobs and who will just maybe save Homo sapiens from itself.

    madamski cafone

    Because some of you will like it, here’s this:

    Pestilence was on its way to Damascus and sped by a chief’s caravan in the desert.

    “Where are you speeding to>” asked the chief.

    “To Damascus. I mean to take a thousand lives.”

    On its way back froom Damascus, Pestilence passed by the caravan again. The chief said, “It was fifty thousand lives you took, not a thousand.”

    “No,” said the Pestilence. “I took a thousand. It was fear that took the rest.”

    I add: Incompetence and Greed took five hundred thousand after that.

    Mister Roboto

    You should see the hatred on Facebook, soo many people hoping he doesn’t make it. I’m starting to think these people could be dangerous. They remind me of a parent at the soccer games you used to ref. They don’t know the rules, but its their damn kid and don’t you know they’re always right. Nothing stranger or more embarrassing for a child then to have to ask their parent to leave the park so the game can continue. People have no empathy or self respect anymore.

    I pretty much agree. While I have a difficult time feeling especially sympathetic for oligarchs of any stripe, I just don’t see anything worthwhile about schadenfreude.

    I do, however, think this is a good occasion to point out why I have such a strong opinion in favor of face-mask wearing and mandates. Yes, ordinary face-masks are more for protecting other people than protecting yourself. But I would point out that Donald Trump spent a lot of time around people who were not “masking”, while Joe Biden’s people have been very scrupulous about it. Biden and his running-mate Kamala Harris both continue to test negative for the virus.

    I submit for your reading displeasure “Trump Infects America” in New York Magazine.

    Nothing in this comment should be construed as an election endorsement.

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