Debt Rattle October 28 2014


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    Arthur Siegel Zoot suit, business district, Detroit, Michigan Feb 1942 • Fears Grow Over QE’s Toxic Legacy (FT) • Draghi QE May Help Europe’s Rich Get
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 28 2014]

    V. Arnold

    Follow the link; the E.U. stress test was phony as a three dollar bill…
    The Potemkin economy marches on…


    Interest rates and stock will likely not change much as long as liquidity remains abundant. QE’s end has flattened the rise in liquidity but not reversed it.

    Ken Barrows

    So health care workers will risk their lives to treat Ebola victims in West Africa but ONLY IF they are not imprisoned for three weeks after? Do I have that right?


    Ken – I think you’ve got that right. I’m torn on this one because they’re probably not infectious (but who really knows for sure) until they get further along in the disease, BUT do we really want to take a chance on what the so-called experts are saying? I mean, we keep hearing Fukushima is all well and good, don’t worry about eating the fish. Who notices until you’re glowing in the dark one night!

    What REALLY burns me up is why the WHO (World Health Organization) dropped the ball on this way back in March when it was clear that a problem was quickly developing. Ms. Chan now says something like, “I guess we should have acted faster.” Well, yeah! Again, why are these people paid huge salaries?

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