Debt Rattle October 5 2022


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    Odilon Redon The boat 1900   • CIA Chief Weighs In On Putin’s Alleged Nuclear Threat (RT) • Russia ‘Fully Committed’ To UN Consensus On Nuclear W
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle October 5 2022]

    V. Arnold

    The insanity the western world inhabits is breathtaking; lost souls wandering hither and yon looking for answers….
    An article on Yahoo (yeah, I know) a poor soul wailed about making $300,000 a year and living paycheck to paycheck; what? Am I supposed to feel sorry for that sad sack of a human?
    He’s one of the lost souls looking outside for answers that can only be found looking inside…deeply inside.
    And I doubt he has a clue as to what I am talking about……….


    V. Arnold
    No clue .
    No doubt
    Toot ain’t cheap ya’know..

    V. Arnold

    Toot ain’t cheap ya’know..

    Yeah, I know. But it’s worse than that…
    Hope; that’s whats missing…there is no hope for a better tomorrow…
    Until that changes; there is no tomorrow to hope for………….

    Dr. D

    Headlines: “The Fed’s Strong Dollar Policy: A Recipe for Systemic Implosion”

    “The UN Demands All Central Banks Stop Rate Hikes and Switch To Price Controls Instead”

    Hmmm. “Demands”? So who did we say the “UN” was yesterday? Sure isn’t the Fed. So “The Fed” – NY Commercial banks – and the runners of “The UN” – Davos Globalists – are definitively on different sides.

    “It’s two big Clubs, and you’re not in either of them.” – George Carlin

    Clubs and factions: “Poland Formally Demands $1.3 Trillion In Reparations From Germany For WWII Damages” Poland to replace Germany in NATO, because Germany isn’t WWIII, kamikaze warmongering Armageddon enough for them.

    Since we can’t have peace talks 25Oct, they are putting up nuclear fallout posters in American cities. They have gone lulu over a Soviet Sub “escaping.” Um…guys? It’s the JOB of subs to leave their harbor without being seen. It’s YOUR job to find them. That just means you suck at your job. (it’s also completely ordinary). So why is this perfectly ordinary thing in the news all of a sudden?

    Speaking of, ran into the Iranian protests. Apparently, the gal did NOT get beaten by police in the street and die in the Police station. At all. Iran released the police station footage where she’s annoyed and concerned about being arrested but perfectly fine. She then falls down and is taken to a hospital, perhaps with a Vax stroke? Because they didn’t lay a hand on that camera.

    But this is 101% of the time for the West. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a coincidence!!!!!!! All these bad things happen the minute Russia’s allies need to be attacked! (Armenia, Taiwan) Not like every other day in every other nation on the planet, and 10x more in the ‘States. So the CIA/Mossad needed the TIME. Tiiiiiiiiime. So they read the Iranian police blotter, grab the next plausible thing, and activate the Twitter-idiot army. Exactly as with Trevon Martin. Obama needed a race war, grabbed a black attack from a guy named “Zimmerman” off the police blotter and said “Aha! White Supremacy in the South!”. …Except Zimmerman turned out to be Hispanic. Nevermind: facts and evidence, we ignore those. Then they did. So when Iran says the West and Israel made all this up as a direct attack? Er…if you don’t want them to be right, you’re going to have to be a lot more careful. But they can’t be careful because they need something to happen NOW. Blinken called, said they’re starting WWIII, so “To the Batcave!”

    Speaking of Media lying, it sorta seems like Ian may have had a strong wall, but a small footprint. Seems nowhere near the usual damage and cost of normal storms in Florida.

    “Power Grid Collapse in Bangladesh Leaves 140 Million People in Dark”

    Running beta tests like they did in Sri Lanka. To help predict what to do when it happens (aka “they cause it”) here.

    MissTruss, How is a reporter asking questions??? First time since ever. That’s the freakish anomaly here. Why? Because they didn’t get their man, and they have to slingshot her out to get in a REALLY evil man. Really, really, like V for Vendetta’s Adam Sutler evil. Like, release a deadly pandemic on your own people just to consolidate fascist panopticon power evil. The worse of all evils: Banality. Hell isn’t even bad; it’s just boring. One worn-out mall with peeling paint and the Gap.

    Economists: wait, after 50 years of advising similarly idiotic, similarly failed policies to hers, NOW they care about budgets, currencies, taxes…? And NOT America’s 30Trillion, where we offshored 90% of production and then shut down the remaining jobs for two years for no scientific or medical reason? But it’s TRUSS they don’t like. Riiiiight.

    Wow, didn’t think I’d be defending her already. They’re setting a world record for fabricating nonsense from thin air.

    “ CIA Chief Weighs in on Putin’s Alleged Nuclear Threat (RT)”

    Speaking of nonsense from thin air, the media is hyperventilating, hebephrenic that Russia will now NUKE THEMSELVES. Yup. They are going to battlefield nuke Donbas and add an extra nuke in Zap, so as to DOUBLE-Nuke themselves. …Because Donbas is Russia, and they forgot to nuke Russia before now. Those craaaazee Russkies! Always nuking themselves! That’s why they’re such a threat and are losing so much we need to INCREASE our aid and weapons. Yup! It’s when Ukraine’s winning that that they need the help, not when they’re losing.

    Moscow will only use nuclear weapons based on its official doctrine – meaning, in self-defense from weapons of mass destruction,”

    Note America has the opposite. A few years ago they loopholed themselves into a “First-strike” doctrine, as we saw in Iraq to “Fight them over there.” So the U.S. is an official aggressive user of nukes, and Russia is an official defensive user of nukes. – And the U.S. is the only nation on earth to have used them. Twice. On civilians. For no military reason, just ‘cause they looked cool.

    “Moscow has repeatedly warned the US and its allies against sending weapons, ammunition and equipment to Ukraine, but Washington and NATO vowed to keep doing so for “as long as it takes,””

    So they said they’re at war, Biden says we have to support high gas because we’re in a war, we’ll help one side only until the other collapses, we’re sending men and materials, intel, satellites, special ops, blowing up battleships, attacking nuclear power plants,

    But we’re not in the war. Riiiiiiiight.

    You know, I’m seeing something here. Russia can’t fight a war because they — having some semblance of law — would have to DECLARE one. Unlike us, at war since 1840 without declaring. But how would it look to DECLARE war on NATO and the U.S.? Er…not so great. How do you solve this problem? Annex the states, then it isn’t a declaration of war, it’s merely defense. And that’s the only way to mobilize materials and alter the rules of engagement. Because Putin is NOT a dictator. If he were, he wouldn’t have to bother with all these hoops.

    Musk is simply trial-ballooning to see if the people are ready for peace yet. I can’t know since 90% of Twitter is bots, about half from Ukraine, so it can’t be judged by reaction. They – that is, Musk being bought in as a temporary front for the White Hats – may be able to tell internally though.

    “Elon Musk Proposes to Buy Twitter at Original $44B Price to Avoid Trial (NYP)”

    As a bought in White Hat, they may have run out of time, got Twitter exposed and bashed in the news as a flip-flopping, Leftist bot-farm, but need to own the company for the Midterms. They could win the other way too, but atm that seems to be the decision.

    Ze: Notice that Ze’s plan (new law and must take Crimea) makes him known and immobile, while Russia remains unknown and fully mobile. Who do you think wins wars? Sure, they raised 300k – what are they going to do with them? Nobody knows. So is that good war, or bad? How do we, (who are the whole war but also not in the war at all) respond and prepare? Yeah, nobody knows, and it’s going to get crazier yet.

    “who have been devastated by what appear to be repeated Russian defeats.”

    Yes, apparently we fight wars without losing battles now. Say (Russian) media and commenters here. Are we children now? For heaven’s sake be patient a little. I’m certainly in no hurry for people to be killed.

    “In the UK, there are fears of a currency crisis because interest rates can’t go higher without triggering a debt (pension) crisis.”

    And all comes from where? The Fed. They’re talking about currency controls and falling together. That is, 100% inflation would be fine as long as all currencies fall IN UNISON. Like we’ve seen with the dollar DXY/Euro for decades. So what happens if the Fed flips? That’s right: all the money runs here. Second problem: Deflation is the death of central banks, they’ve lost control. That the Fed is CHOOSING this is what’s noteworthy.

    “Fauci Gives Daszak Millions More to Study Gain of Function (NYP)”

    Man, they’re trying this right under the cameras. Brazen. But why not? He’s 80 and has killed a couple million in his tenure (especially all those gay guys) with nothing happening. And even after Jon Stewart’s “chocolate factory” they’re still at denying it, and the denying is still going great.

    tampering with forging key documents to funnel over $5 million into a company he owned. “It’s called fraud,”

    And like the denial above, since everyone accepts it as normal and helps it along, it’s going wonderfully. Battered wives, laying their lives down, and especially the lives of their children to support the non-stop beatings of Biden(s). Morning showers with little girls. And abuse from government in general. How do you think I can help this if you won’t?

    “ Why Does Time Go Forwards, Not Backwards? (Henriques)”

    Why do they think time moves? Isn’t that an aspect of consciousness, which they neither examine nor have the slightest idea about at all? So let me get this straight: half of all observed Science is the Observer, about which you know nothing at all. And Science thinks they understand anything?

    Know thyself.

    “Ann Arbor” was just, Davos wants to build their Techno-Utopia in Europe. Okay, let them. BUT, what happens when their planned demolition of collapsing Europe leads to the collapse of markets and order in the United States? Well, they have an answer: do exactly what they plan in Europe and create a neofeudal, police surveillance state. Everywhere. Thus also in Ann Arbor. This presentation gets away from “Oh, that’ll only happen in D.C.,” and “Oh, that’s just oppression for Williamsberg and San Jose, people who vote for that sort of thing.” No, if they get their Factions installed, using billions donated from Soros to uproot the local DA and Mayor, that means YOU. You for the prison camps. Which will be your living room. And YOU for the gas chambers, which will be your local pharmacy. When you’re trying to kill this many people, you have to: Think Efficiency. Synergy. Do you have any idea how much diesel we’d waste running cattle cars again? Go kill yourself and Die at home where no one will notice and your own family will deny everything.

    And you thought Germany was bad.


    @v-arnold “Yeah, I know. But it’s worse than that…
    Hope; that’s whats missing…there is no hope for a better tomorrow…
    Until that changes; there is no tomorrow to hope for………….”

    Next up “destitution”. The replacement for hope. It’s in the dugout warming up.


    My father in law did not get the vaccine, heavily supported by myself and my better half. He lives in Taiwan and is, at this moment, receiving a telephone call from the Taiwan government trying to persuade him to get the vaccine. Aparently these harrassment telephone calls happen quite often. He told them to fuck off.


    V. Arnold said

    The insanity the western world inhabits is breathtaking; lost souls wandering hither and yon looking for answers….

    Hang on, my father in law is being arrassed by the Taiwan government for not getting the jab. Asia does not seem to be able to read the writing on the wall, they are still pushing this crap as if they are branches of Pfizer. Insanity is happening everywhere.


    V. Arnold said

    He’s one of the lost souls looking outside for answers that can only be found looking inside…deeply inside.
    And I doubt he has a clue as to what I am talking about……….

    So true, these people appear to be doing well but when you delve deeper you realise they are completely lost. Without an appreciation for the greatest things on this planet, the hills, seas, beaches and all that they offer, you are lost in a man made world of crap, crap such as video games. Who would play video games when they could go to the beach and learn to kite surf, go to the basketball court and play a game, go to the hills and take a hike, go to the hills and run the trails, go to millions of other activity centers and do something else, instead they look at an electronic screen showing them ridiculously crap man-made games? Losers, that’s who.


    @V. Arnold My wife asked her boss – in finance – how he socialised. He is HK Chinese, she has known him for eight years and they are firm friends at work – yes, this is friends in a Chinese company, in a Western company they would know everything about each other after eight years – in a Chinese company they are just asking the basic questions. He replied that he went home and played video games with his colleagues, that is how they socialize. Neither my better half or I are video games players, so we were not in his social group. I wonder what will happen to these people when the lights go out.


    Seems to me that Poland has a persistent mental problem. They have been the idiots of Europe for a long time, maybe at times unfairly, but mostly fairly, and they are surely earning that title at the moment. It is like watching that last shrivelled leaf of lettuce boasting that it is a salad. How do they think their ass kissing in Washington is going to end?


    Dr D said

    MissTruss, How is a reporter asking questions??? First time since ever. That’s the freakish anomaly here. Why? Because they didn’t get their man, and they have to slingshot her out to get in a REALLY evil man. Really, really, like V for Vendetta’s Adam Sutler evil. Like, release a deadly pandemic on your own people just to consolidate fascist panopticon power evil. The worse of all evils: Banality. Hell isn’t even bad; it’s just boring. One worn-out mall with peeling paint and the Gap.

    Even I could see her demise coming, and my analysis capacity is nowhere near the same as yours. I just wonder why they feel so confident to push a psychopath like Truss – yes, they are all psychos – into the mix and what is their aim. I suspect they intend to get Starmer into power, he is pure blue-blood evil and knows enough about the UK police, CPS etc to cause real trouble, if he is competent, a question that has not yet been answered. So many of these people should be hugely talented then turn out to be complete idiots, I am hoping that Keir Starmer is one of that 99%.


    Dr D said

    Note America has the opposite. A few years ago they loopholed themselves into a “First-strike” doctrine, as we saw in Iraq to “Fight them over there.” So the U.S. is an official aggressive user of nukes, and Russia is an official defensive user of nukes.

    Evcerybody should assume that America is a psycho with nukes. They will use them at the worst moment, simply because they are having a spaz. Any rules the US broadcasts about nukes is total bullshit, including the ideas that they would take a nuke on Washington to save Kiev. They are crazy people and you can see that the Russians and Chinese are now dealing with them as crazy people … don’t speak too loudly, you may trigger a US spaz.


    Dr D said

    Musk is simply trial-ballooning to see if the people are ready for peace yet. I can’t know since 90% of Twitter is bots, about half from Ukraine, so it can’t be judged by reaction.

    Did that trial balloon pay for his purchase of Twitter … he suddenly seems very keen at stupid price.


    Salient – A position where you have enemy forces on three sides

    Killing Field – When the fourth side is closed off!

    John Day

    V.Arnold could not access Strategic Culture or Moon of Alabama on the late comments. I can’t get them to come up , either, though I got MoA fine last night.

    : Good work on the electrical, potentially life-sparing for father-in-law.



    Are you referring to the latest setup around


    John Day said

    Good work on the electrical, potentially life-sparing for father-in-law.

    Hope so, he’s a dude.


    I think Gazprom has confirmed that Line B of Nord Stream 2 was NOT damaged by attack(s). Also that the damage to the other lines is reparable.

    Guess Germany has to talk to Russia, get the damage repaired ASAP, and use both NS1 and NS2, telling US it needs to make up for gas lost due to the attack.


    Personal anecdote:

    Just played a doubles tennis match.
    My 3x vaxxed doubles partner has just recovered from her third Covid infection.
    Can’t wait to get her next shot – but her doctor told her she now has to wait a while until she can.

    A year or so ago, she would hassle me to get vaxxed – she doesn’t any more.

    Over drinks after our game, she told me that she had to cancel our match next Tuesday.
    She’s going to a funeral of a 33 year-old who died unexpectedly from a pulmonary embolism.

    What a state of affairs.

    D Benton Smith

    “Why does time go forwards and not backwards?”

    Shucks, that’s an easy one. Time goes forwards because to have it run in re-wind mode would be insufferably boring. You would already know every single thing that had ever happened ever, but you would also know how the movie ended.


    Thinking/conceive/think of/plan/project/scheme …..

    Its foggy this morning.

    It’s too quiet.

    I cannot hear what I cannot see

    I’ll be happy when I do what I’m told

    embolism lump · clump · mass · curdling · obstruction


    Densest packing has no movement. Time requires movement.


    How to protect your credit card from “tap-and-go” swipes

    there are several steps you can take to protect yourself from contactless card fraud.

    Block RFID signals
    You can buy a specially-made wallet lined with a material that blocks radio-frequency identification (RFID) signals from picking up the payment card you store in it.

    A much cheaper option, however, is to do it yourself with aluminium foil (tinfoil).

    Lining your wallet with tinfoil effectively blocks readers from picking up any cards stored inside them.

    Confuse the reader
    Another simple trick is to store two contactless cards next to one another in your wallet.

    Placing your cards together, for example, is enough to confuse card readers and make it difficult to read the data stored on either card.


    Oil industry is Increasing their profits by cutting supplies to make you pay more.


    I was puzzled by Scholtz (PM Germany) stances on various topics, of course he is only marginally in charge, as Germany is a vassal state, plus he is a super lame duck, not bright, determined, + he doesn’t have (afaik) good advisors, etc.

    Recent events also made me review a pov I have held for a long time, i.e. that the Industrialists in Germany had enormous influence, strong control, of Gvmt. policy. Maybe so in the past, but we now see, the policies they want, hope for, are easily overriden by other, supra-national, more powerful, forces.

    G. Schroeder’s career is of interest here, he practically organised the D-R energy link, served at GazProm, Rosneft, NordSteam A.G., NordStream 2, and more.

    One MSM brief link on him, AP, Feb. 2022.

    Thierry Meyssan has a take:

    The United States declares war on Russia, Germany, the Netherlands and France.

    Mr. House

    This is interesting. Seem to fit with my theory that in 2020 the “East” said no mas to endless low interest rates and QE. Many say the price of oil acts like an interest rate, so if the West gets weak knees and decides to print and lower rates the East will just raise the price of oil.

    Michael Reid


    Seems beautiful along the Avon and it looks like you could drink out of the river if required


    Watch to the end! He’s on board now!!


    Keen observation Dr D. Time is in the mind of the Observer.

    Memory enables the past to exist. Memory is a collection of experiences. Imagine if there was no capability/capacity for memory. Where would the mind go?

    The future is created/appears when the mind is not in the present or the past. The future is a dream.
    (There’s more to the dream but that comes later).

    Reference to what is “back there” + dreaming of that which is “out there” creates the notion of forward movement – from past to future. Interesting how in both the past and future there is nothing tangible to hold on to – its all in your head. Past experience is a powerful driver: in the quest to recreate/resurrect the past, we bounce over the present and into the future.

    You can observe this for yourSelf. Watch how and where the mind gravitates. The power to break/stop the mind-process comes by/through steady and focused observation. This is an essential aspect of our life’s work.

    What about the present?

    The mighty Present. It is always HERE. The Present is the heaven (joy, contentment, peace, and LOVE) that you seek. It will present itself as/when you let go of past and future.

    The Observer of the Observer invites you to see for yourself. We can do our inner work as we watch the world go by…what’s on your mind?

    Be here now.
    LOVE to All.


    the phenomenon that produces heat – collisions of molecules

    Yeah, sure.

    Electrons manifest the retained energy in spin. When a spinning electron collides with another electron, the ‘victim’ gets more energy while the ‘perp’ loses some. Molecules don’t get warmer via collisions. Molecules get warmer because radiation comes along and smacks some electrons and makes them go faster.

    The guy has a good point, but, geez, can we at least start with HS-level chemistry?


    Re: Aspnaz
    “What business is it of government to force electronics companies to use certain power interfaces?”

    Whether one believes or not that government *should* be setting standards for industry, the history of the matter is that governments have done so for centuries, probably for millennia.
    Industry standards, regardless of the source, do tend to have positive impacts on industry and lead towards efficiency in the long term.

    John Day

    Thanks for the Thierry Meyssan, Noirette.
    Good analysis, likening the “Day of the Jackel” attempt against de Gaulle (by NATO!) to the current NATO/US attack upon Germany de Gaulle evicted the NATO bases from France.

    Thanks for the oblique video endorsement of ivermectin, Germ.

    John Day

    I am again able to access MoA.


    Credit card surcharge will have unintended consequence.
    1. Using debit cards gives access to your bank account to strangers.
    2. Increase in using cash will encourage merchant to give discounts.

    Michael Reid

    John Michael Greer

    Futures That Work


    You do not control what you believe/think/opinions

    Media Hide Fascist Ideology Of Ukrainian Militia Which Visit Congress
    ‘Western’ media continue to denazify Ukraine by pretending that the Nazi formations in that country, which they had long decried, are now a harmless collection of celebrities.

    One could follow those changes along various pieces in the New York Times:
    keep reading ….


    Only a few of us, I think, are willing or able to conceive of a future where an empty soda bottle with a sealing lid will have a “high value” to someone. Or a small pile of rusty pipes half sunk in the ground being a reason to fight to the death for ownership.
    Though there may be huge dislocations in time, space and infrastructure in the near future, it may very well be that the dystopian/apocalyptic future may arrive after all, and with a whimper instead of a blast.


    Who is Who
    Nazis are everywhere

    Ukronazi “good terrorists” – a who’s who (infographic)

    Infographic from The Lookout for the Saker blog

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