Debt Rattle September 10 2019


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    Marc Chagall The painter to the moon 1917     To everyone used to receiving Automatic Earth posts in their email, I’m sorry but since Saturd
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 10 2019]

    Dr. D

    “MPs Order Boris Johnson to Hand Over Government Communications (Ind.)”

    They’re just determined to give every possible negotiating supremacy to Europe, aren’t they? But don’t worry, if they got this far without leaks, most likely already didn’t write anything down.

    No idea how this goes since it will now depend on the arcana of Parliamentary process, but you did catch the possibility that he called for this – and for a real, honest election, twice – so that the Queen can then say, “Hey, YOU YOURSELF just proved there is absolute confidence in government, and YOU YOURSELF said and demanded Boris be in charge.” Then carry on with his, or rather Cumming’s, plan. (Presumably allied with the Queen, but can’t be proven as she has to appear an innocent)

    Same article pointed out that they have also outed 21 party traitors, which is a fabulous win. Gee, seems hard to negotiate effectively with half the government, plus 21, constantly selling out your every move and plan to Europe. No wonder they didn’t want an election. The people might be less-than-pleased with this epic screwing by Westminster by everyone left and right, within 500 miles of power.

    “Cambridge Analytica”

    Really? THIS is what they object to? Well, thank God for Trump Derangement Syndrome, or no one would promote any adherence to the law at all. #AntiLogos. That is to say, #AntiLogic, #AntiLaw.

    Do I exaggerate? Well the 2nd Amendment is FEDERAL LAW, but people march daily protesting AGAINST laws, and AGAINST their enforcement. Same with the 1st, the 4th, the 5th, immigration entry… They are, one and all, A N T I – L A W. Against any form of law and order at all. There is a means to fix this if they don’t like it: P A S S a L A W. But they won’t, they just selectively enforce ‘laws’ that do NOT exist, then selectively refuse to enforce laws that DO exist. That is to say, they live in a world of complete madness, without rules or definitions. What is right or wrong, rewarded or punished, legal or illegal, is whatever I think of from minute to minute, and will change again by lunch. It’s the madness of King Louis or King John, the order of Caligula and Nero. History does not smile on nations who accept and encourage the end of rules and “Let each man do as they wilt,” whatever “seems right in their own eyes” whatever the Aquarian New Age touchy-feely, “who am I to judge” “we tolerate all, however so violent” of such things.

    “Hong Kong Leader Tells US Not to ‘Interfere’ After Fresh Protests (AFP)”

    I can’t believe they are asking Trump to save them. Do they think he’s going to invade? Dummies. Okay, suppose he did: do they want the gentle democratic care we’ve given Iraq, Libya, and Syria? They want the full benefits we give Chicago and Baltimore? The only way we know how to save a town like Hong Kong is to bomb the town. Whatever. It won’t happen anyway, and more’s the better for them.

    “In the beginning was #Logos, and the #Logos was with God, and the #Logos WAS God.”

    If you can’t use language correctly, with shifting definitions, without lying, you can’t think straight. Then your sloppy, illogical talking and thinking lead to civil war as the #Logos must be restored, as has long been planned and is being attempted now. Ask Orwell: the first thing they attack and destroy is language. Why is that? The Devil is the “Father of Lies.” How come? Hold on: let me ask CNN.

    Ah but the Nobel is such a perfect indicator of complete Economic idiocy! Krugman has one, and he hasn’t said a word of sense since. Wrong in every prediction, more wrong than Gartman. You can make a lot of money on that. Besides, it tells you who’s in and who’s out and what they’re going to try next among lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering, as a tireless lion roaming the earth, seeking to devour. All for the low price of the Fauxbel prize. I say keep it! But force a warming label on the side saying, “This prize is dangerous to life on earth” and require the winner to wear leper bells and a dunce hat.

    Speaking of Nordhaus, however, the World Meteorological Organization Chief just warned off the million climate alarmists as basically being religious fundamentalists and not scientists.
    That’s coming from a guy and community that got 105 of 108 climate models wrong, all in the wrong direction. #NotScience

    Perhaps we need a new Fauxbel and some more hats, no?

    Dr. D

    Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – chapter 57

    Rule a nation with justice.
    Wage war with surprise moves.
    Become master of the universe without striving.
    How do I know that this is so?
    Because of this!

    The more laws and restrictions there are,
    The poorer people become.
    The sharper men’s weapons,
    The more trouble in the land.
    The more ingenious and clever men are,
    The more strange things happen.
    The more rules and regulations,
    The more thieves and robbers.

    Therefore the sage says:
    I take no action and people are reformed.
    I enjoy peace and people become honest.
    I do nothing and people become rich.
    I have no desires and people return to the good and simple life.

    V. Arnold

    Marc Chagall The painter to the moon 1917

    …but of course; what else could it possibly be?


    Trump just fired Bolton

    V. Arnold

    Trump just fired Bolton

    …and the gods rejoice…
    Now, how about fatso and Pence?

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