Debt Rattle September 28 2022
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- This topic has 36 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
September 28, 2022 at 8:52 am #117078
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterSalvador Dali Bather 1924 • Four Regions Vote To Join Russia: What’s Next? (RT) • Russia’s Main Gas Pipeline To EU Suffers Unprecedented Damage
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle September 28 2022]September 28, 2022 at 9:45 am #117079Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantI first encountered the term ‘sustainable development’ in district council so-called plans about 20 years ago, and immediately recognised it as an oxymoron.
No amount of pointing out that ‘sustainable development was an oxymoron made the slightest difference to the great ‘steamroller’ that central and local government had become. “No change to plan is recommended,” said every letter from every CEO.
And now I know why: the ‘sustainable development’ scam was passed down by the global controllers, to their underlings in national government and local government, to be imposed on the genral populace, whether they wanted it or not, and whether any of it made any sense or not.
So now the whole scam that has been imposed on us for decades is unravelling mighty fast -because it was only ever a scam.
Never forget that GDP is also a scam. GDP ascribes positive value to incessant destruction and reconstruction. Thus, the destruction of a large amount of infrastructure by the current hurricane will be deemed to be a ‘good thing’ because rebuilding will create work and use up precious resources, and make profits for corporations, just as the Christchurch [NZ] earthquake was celebrated because it gave a boost to a flagging economy and provided profit opportunities to banks and corporations… our masters.
The entire western system is fucking insane, and the fucking insane system is run by fucking insane madmen and madwomen, otherwise known as maniacs.
And that is why everything that matters is so diabolically bad, and everything that matters is being made exponentially worse.
It is also why the US, the UK, Canada, Australia and NZ etc. are at war with Russia. A war they are bound to lose, of course.
September 28, 2022 at 9:51 am #117080Afewknowthetruth
ParticipantLike him or hate him, Dan is telling it how it is…falling to pieces fast, with the vast majority of people totally unprepared. And not wanting to know.
September 28, 2022 at 10:44 am #117082Dr. D
ParticipantWe care about the environment so, so much!!! This and the million rounds of depleted uranium in Iraq.
Well, there’s only one answer: Germany needs to declare war on the United States. …Oh wait, they already were via the WEF.
Well, back when if Russia went into Ukraine Joe said he would blow the Nordstream Pipeline. Do we take him at his word or is he a liar? So who wins or loses? Germany and Russia have no gain as they own the two spigots. They just turn them on or off. And both Germany and Russia lose. …But especially Germany…and Europe in general. As I said last week, Germany can halt it, scare their people, then by popular demand, join Russia and kill MacKinder. London will never, ever let them, even if every last German dies. (Again)
I don’t think it’s “The United States”. That’s too simple. It’s this same group who need to and are willing to kill every European that ever lived just so the U.S. comes out on top. #Winning for their god and their weird religion. Like someone who would say “Fuck the EU.” Let’s pay billions for an illegal coup in Europe’s backyard (so to speak) and put in “our boy Yats”, an Israeli banker. Your Jimmy-Bob in Kentucky wouldn’t do that. Your Portland hipster would not do that. AOC would not do that. General Flynn and Admiral Rogers would not do that. Heck, possibly even Pelosi would not do that, although I wouldn’t bet on it. No, this takes a much smaller group with the resources, embedded in our system to do it. Ones who have said they would and have shown they would. Who runs that old teleprompter?
“For all purposes, the Empire of Lies has just declared WAR on Eurotardistan®.”
Yes, definitely. But WHO in the Empire?
“The Fed does not lead the market; the opposite is almost-always the case.” –Denninger
This is probably what Greenspan meant when he said we were on a “de facto” gold standard. He followed the charts just as gold would, and it worked okay.
30-year mortgage rates up 7X. 700% in one year. Every % takes $10-20k off the house? And Powell is still 1,000 points behind. (Although much less if he only follows the short rates)
Britain cancels the Pound. Or the paper version, making an early call to all drug dealers and cash economies. Classic and predictable, as is reduced trust in their currency because of it. And further into US $100s. Nice. What was that? MissTruss?
Great? Oh yes, as US$ is highest (for now), our manufacturing has least competition and will be even worse than now.
Armstrong, pointing out that Putin is a moderate and a dove, if he goes under we will have definite hard-liners. if they want war, WWIII, they definitely need to remove Putin. Which is the plan, intended or not.
“New Zealand Calls It Quits On Aiding Ukraine’s Military”
Ardern? Not killing people? Impossible.
Listening to many things this week. One said Russia has already defeated Ukraine. Twice. Once when they took out the Ukrainian Army and Air Force, rendering them helpless and without relevant resources, and second they defeated all of NATO, 100% of all borrowed resources. And they haven’t mobilized yet. That’s not untrue.
Ukraine is the 2nd largest Army in Europe, with extensive NATO training, 8 years of stockpiling, completely dug into concrete fortifications, with every square inch pre-dialed for their artillery. Gone.
Russia hasn’t mobilized yet, and is still producing weapons as fast as they are needed.
What do I mean by “defeated NATO”? This is a hyperbole, yes? No. Russia killed the equivalent of EVERY BRITISH SOLDIER IN EXISTENCE in 7 months. 80,000, conservatively. Not defeated on the field to go back home, but 100% of every active soldier has been erased, ceased to be, is no more, is dead. It’s only that Ukraine is a very, very large country. But Russia is very very very very very very much larger.
Britain is the strongest military of Western Europe. Gone in a few weeks. So…you think Portugal is going to fare better? Austria will make the difference? And there ain’t no Yanks there. Anyone remember Gulf? How many months to forward-ship the supplies for 300,000 men?
They thought – and said constantly – that they would wear out Russia by attrition, which is standard Army book for the attacker. Instead, Russia not only atrophied Ukraine, but all of NATO. In just 7 months.
Also, for same reason, Russia defeated Ukraine back in May. At this time, the various things Russia tried were scrapped, and they dialed in a plan that simply ground up Ukraine at a 10:1 kill ratio. Unheard of! Ukraine has not found a response, and they are out of time and men. So like D Day, they can keep going on, but the war is just playing out, not changing, which is why not settling for peace (obviously to double-cross and attack again later) is such a tragedy and a waste. And why Biden’s slavic genocide is so racist and criminal. Racist in Chief. But we knew that back with the ’94 Crime Bill.
Speaking of Joe, you must get vaccinated in a hurricane because it does NOT make you immune, and it does NOT stop the spread. (It’s also not safe and effective)
Agenda 21. What year was that blueprinted for again? And their new one? 2030? Okay. Like the Russians us standard humans are just withstanding your every assault as if it’s not happening. Not taking a swing. It must be frustrating as h–l.
“European Nat Gas Prices Soar after Gazprom Warns Ukraine Flows at Risk (ZH)”
Now I’m really not worried about prices anymore. This has become not funny, even for the Docktor, and is grave and deadly and long. That’s what happens in war: everybody has a plan until reality happens. What was the picnic day in the Civil War? And at the end throwing more people than almost every U.S. city (20,000) into a single battle? You may have seen nothing yet, either. It’s child’s play to add a million dead in 60 seconds using the right button. The exchange has greatly broken free from former channels and can now roam freely as in “Loose the dogs of war.”
“Russia is set to harvest a record amount of grain this year”
As it’s an actual “market” in a few places outside the West, the lack of sales means high supplies and low prices for oil, gas, and food in Russia. Best war ever.
“Washington has no objections to Kiev using Western-supplied weapons to target territories that may decide to join Russia, as the US considers the vote to do so illegitimate, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Tuesday.”
It took them a while, as they have their “Plans” but they found a new Syrian Red Line no-fly zone to start WWIII. They are going to bomb Russia directly and claim they’re the victim, like every psychopathic narcissist ever. “Why you punching yourself?” “Why do you make me beat you every night after you make me get my whiskey-drunk on?” Uh-huh.
No wonder Russia mobilized. Now they have to erase Ukraine. Luckily, Ukraine has no army left and can be at the Polish border in no time. Nor does NATO have any (conventional) weapons.
…”So,” as this week’s comments said, “If NATO has no weapons left, who are they protecting?” They’re a defense group with no tanks, no shells, no artillery? Why are we signed up? We can pay 3% of GDP for nothing? Doesn’t it seem like NATO has just defeated itself, ceased to be? What are they with no army, no weapons? 2 guys in Halloween pretend “general” costumes, like Milley?
“$65.9 billion, which is the same number as Russia’s entire military budget for 2021.”
And $12B/month? And still have no shells, no tanks, no guns? And Russia still defeated you both in
just 7 months? The 2nd largest army in Europe, the complete perfect pride of the West, Canada, the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Poland. Gone in 60 seconds.And NOW they are mobilizing. They were fighting with both hands behind their back before:
1) The soldiers were never “Russian”. They were Donbas militias.
2) Russia never attacked or used any modern or long range weapons. Like to staging areas in Poland and Germany. In fact, didn’t bother to shut off the trains in Kiev. Didn’t care because Why Bother?Long range like “Level NY harbor” like “Flatten Norfolk”. STOP SCREWING AROUND. You can’t hide in an age of satellites.
Remember this has to collapse and lose catastrophically under Biden. People wanted this, so here they are. They couldn’t believe nothing, couldn’t break the spell unless they experienced it for themselves.
“blueprint for the mass extermination of suburbanites? First starve them, easy: just stop the delivery to the local supermarkets and service stations.”
Like, have an accident at the largest food distribution site in France, and indeed in Europe? You know, the way they wrote 10,000 times in 30 years and Bill and George purchased the whole food silo/train distribution system?
“ Pro-Vaccine Doctor Suspects Pfizer Booster Sent His Cancer into Overdrive (CHD)”
We don’t need a discussion. We know it isn’t because we will never, ever look. We know telepathically. We know ahead of time, before you even finish the question. From God’s mouth. That’s “Science”: never, ever looking.
Beach Condos. Yes, he sounds like he is being volatile, but actually, what he says is LEGALLY REQUIRED, or they would be sued to death instantly. You are REQUIRED to list in the prospectus things that may happen, as your legal fiduciary duty. So if they don’t write in what is legally required, what does that mean? If nothing else, it means THEY don’t believe it. Don’t believe a word. Meanwhile, their ad and PR guys are out saying they totally, fully believe it, in fact will sink the entire company and bankrupt every shareholder in ESG. So when people do one thing and say another, you tell me what’s going on. I’ll choose their actions every time.
Of course it always was, but what I say seems less important than ever. The train is now going where it’s going. You now only have your carry-on and it is what it is now.
I guess the 28th did have something: Blinken just declared WWIII.
What do I mean? They LITERALLY just did the Sunday talk-show round and said WE, the UNITED STATES of AMERICA, will NUKE Russia. And this is because 1) we are directly IN the war? or 2) We are NOT in the war, it’s a war only between Ukraine and Russia?
Schrodinger’s War, as said. But no, what he says to the American people is that WE are in the war, a direct, offensive war with Russia. WE, the UNITED STATES, are going to ACTIVELY ATTACK, SHELL, BOMB, and NUKE Russian territory.
That’s what Blinken said. Is he a liar? Do you want to find out?
The only thing that’s happening is that they, the Democrats, the Derp State, are finally ADMITTING reality, the truth, and their intent and their plans. (and 1/2-2/3rds of the GOP of course)
Okay, let me repeat: This has to all collapse and happen on Joe Biden’s and the Derp State’s watch. Their fault. And we could have avoided it, but the American people said no. They wanted to feel it for themselves. Okay then. You can’t save a man from himself. Telling him what to do, forcing his choices is violence. That is not our, or God’s way. Suit yourself.”font-size:11px;color: #353535;”
September 28, 2022 at 11:03 am #117083Dr. D
Participant“No amount of pointing out that ‘sustainable development was an oxymoron made the slightest difference”
Yup. They don’t care about anything they say. Because everything they say is a lie. They just use these face-sounds as a means of control. If saying “Oh, baby Ooo eee, ooo ah ah, ting tang Walla walla bing bang” worked to steal your money and cripple your life, they would say that instead and twice as hard.
That was the whole POINT of inventing “GDP”. Replacing the logical measure they had before, “Gross National PRODUCTION.” …And even that was perfectly stupid, they should measure national happiness which is often much higher with less production. We’re perhaps more miserable now than ever in history, and statistically the women certainly are. But this was Keynesianism, to say that people digging holes and filling them up again, using government borrowed money, was a POSITIVE good thing. And as you say, you can stick their heads in a bucket for half an hour while punching them in the kidneys and they’d never, ever give it up. Insanity cannot be cured that way it seems, but “they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.”
What does Smith say? You optimize what you measure? So measure GDP this way and you spend a planet’s worth of oil, literally digging holes and filling them in again. Literally. On all the top farmland on earth (The bottoms of rivers where the cities are). What did that other part of GDP say? We BORROW money, at the highest possible level, national governments, to PAY and FORCE people to dig and fill those holes of topsoil with concrete rubble. FORCE THEM, or else the Sheriff comes with a gun and tosses you into the street, taking your children.
Insane is not a strong enough word for it, though we don’t have a stronger. It’s like what the natives said here, only they’ve gone like 10,000x further than back in 1801. The Colonists of 1801 are practically the same as the Indians compared to now.
I can’t stop the train though. I only did the same thing, said the same thing, told, educated, persuaded all the white guys I met, every day of my life. Their acceptance was not my task, only MY actions in trying. They are totally insane, and they are totally legion, more numerous than the stars in their spreading insanity. We do what we can.
Here we are, perhaps. They have made their choices. I have limited a lot of my own in trying to help them. That seems fine to me. So again: buy some food. Plant your allotment. People will need it when crazy, unprepared, violent people come knocking at your door. Right now.
September 28, 2022 at 11:49 am #117084anticlimactic
ParticipantSabotage of NS1 & NS2
It was not a simple matter of dropping bombs off a ship. It would require knowing the precise locations of the pipelines so a survey of the seabed would be required. The pipelines would be in a trench so may require the trench being excavated to expose the pipelines to make any explosions effective. In short, it was a technical challenge which could have only been carried out by a few countries.
It would not have been done without the approval of the US, if not by the US itself
It will have been done by an ‘ally’ of Germany at the very least
There was an increasing chance that Germany would have becomes desperate enough to accept gas from NS2 which has now been stopped. Expect other pipelines to Germany to be blocked.
Germany is screwed for good. There is no recovery from this.
September 28, 2022 at 12:31 pm #117085Oroboros
ParticipantSeptember 28, 2022 at 12:33 pm #117086Oroboros
ParticipantSeptember 28, 2022 at 12:35 pm #117087Oroboros
ParticipantAnd Now, something completely different……
September 28, 2022 at 12:46 pm #117088Red
ParticipantDBS “I think we should jazz it up a little, especially since this is gonna be the last time for a LONG time that humankind will be able to muster up enough energy to do war on a global basis. Let’s show a little panache!
Lets call it Word War Last or something like that.”How about WW1TFY, world war one the final years.
September 28, 2022 at 1:08 pm #117089zerosum
ParticipantChange is in the air
“The Hounds of War have been unleashed.”
Mother Earth/Gaea is awakeningMillions of those who can have left/are leaving/Getting out of the way.
Open the granaries/use the resources/spend the savings
Lock the doors/gates
Reevaluation/changing their priorities/using their crystal balls
Prepare accordingly
New battle front/line of war
1. Energy transfer war
Ukraine Naftogaz vs Rusian Gazprom
Who will pay. Who will receive. Who will gain.
• European Nat Gas Prices Soar After Gazprom Warns Ukraine Flows At Risk (ZH)
With Nordstream gone, they have to pay transfer fees again, to Ukraine and Poland. In dollars and euros.2. “Predatory” monetary and trade policies pursued by the US and its allies are the primary cause of the global food crisis, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said.
• Putin Blasts West’s ‘Predatory’ Food ‘Swindle’ (RT)3. People oppose the US providing aid to Ukraine at current levels if long-term global economic hardship continue to affect them
• US Preparing $1.1 Billion Arms Package for Ukraine (Antiwar)4. Work to rule, Quiet quitting,,rather%20doing%20precisely%20what%20the%20job%20requires.%20%5B1%5D
———-September 28, 2022 at 1:24 pm #117090my parents said know
ParticipantI thought globalization- interconnection of trade- was supposed to promote peaceful relations.
sad/sSeptember 28, 2022 at 1:43 pm #117091boscohorowitz
Participant“Yes, definitely. But WHO in the Empire?”
In capitals, WHO is an acronym. I don’t think that World Health Org fits this bill, but World Hell Org has a salient ring.
September 28, 2022 at 1:54 pm #117092Germ
ParticipantWatch tonight!
September 28, 2022 at 2:42 pm #117094Mr. House
ParticipantEnglish already restarted QE, not a good sign. Repeat after me, Covid was always about how much the state cares for you and not an economic event.
September 28, 2022 at 2:52 pm #117095zerosum
ParticipantPhotos: Russians flee to neighbouring countries amid mobilisation
I don’t believe those photos
1. Claims are too high
2. Too many people are wearing winter cloths
3. Too many commercial trucks stuck in the traffic jams
4. Looks like normal long week end traffic that I experienceSeptember 28, 2022 at 3:02 pm #117097boscohorowitz
ParticipantI have periodically given Dr. D. a very hard time. Never mind why/what for or whether I even understood what I thought I was critiquing. Seeing as how the internet’s existence is officially very precarious*, I wanted to take a moment and show him some honor. I think he deserves it. He talks an awful lot (like I tend to do also) but he also listens an awful lot, and remembers much of what he hears.
“He who listens, understands.” (aphorism from a Yogi brand tea label, my fave scriptures for the past two years)
I’ve learned a lot from Dr. D.
If anyone tries to honor or say nice things about me: don’t, pls. It will only infuriate some people. But feel free to say bad things about me. I prefer things I can rely on.
September 28, 2022 at 3:32 pm #117103Armenio Pereira
ParticipantHuman Sacrifices: are They Coming Back? (Ugo Bardi)
Human sacrifices are already here, cf. covid vaccination, especially in children and young people.
Taylor Swift (bad choices in men, endorses Joe Biden)
Joe Biden isn’t a man, it’s just an egregore, an ectoplasm conjured by the collective US bad consciousness.
September 28, 2022 at 4:03 pm #117104D Benton Smith
ParticipantIn the game of playing both sides against the middle the two sides fighting and suffering devastating losses is not bad news. It’s business as usual.
Will we wake up in time to suss out the folks who make that their business?
The Cabal, gentle reader, the Cabal.
September 28, 2022 at 4:51 pm #117107D Benton Smith
Participant@Red asked, “How about WW1TFY, world war one the final years.”
That works. A Trilogy, like Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.
September 28, 2022 at 5:48 pm #117110D Benton Smith
ParticipantI understand that there is a new vaccine against old age. 100% guaranteed effective.
September 28, 2022 at 6:00 pm #117112D Benton Smith
ParticipantThe big fear seems to be that this “World War 1; The Final Years” (WW1TFY) could quite possibly knock humankind back into the Stone Age. Hmmm. Yeah, I suppose that’s a remote but possible possibility.
But from what I’ve gathered from the historical and archeological record (not to even mention what I’ve pieced together from my own two eyes and life experience) humankind lived through the Stone Age just fine. It then went on to thrive and conquer the planet.
So, not to worry. Just keep yourself and loved ones alive as best you can and everything is going to be alright, overall, in the long run, if we’re lucky.
September 28, 2022 at 7:39 pm #117120zerosum
ParticipantStatement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on Ukraine
Statement by Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia at UNSC briefing on Ukraine
It is hidden at the UN web page. MEETING (PM)
So-Called Referenda during Armed Conflict in Ukraine ‘Illegal’, Not Expression of Popular Will, United Nations Political Affairs Chief Tells Security CouncilMr. NEBENZIA (Russian Federation) said …… Emphasizing that the recent referenda were conducted transparently with upholding all electoral norms, as witnessed by 100 independent observers from 40 countries who were surprised by the enthusiasm of the people of the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics, and Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions, he criticized the statement of the Western countries that they will not recognize the results of these referenda.
Mr. NEBENZIA (Russian Federation), taking the floor a third time, said the statement just heard from the representative of Albania confirms the double standards that he had talked about regarding Kosovo. He said that he provided an example of how Western colleagues who dealt with Kosovo are calling for a completely different approach with respect to the Russian Federation and the referenda taking place in the territory discussed.
September 28, 2022 at 7:48 pm #117121Michael Reid
ParticipantApparently the US administration is dangerous and needs to be removed for a more enjoyable future.
What is this world coming to?
September 28, 2022 at 9:20 pm #117127Oroboros
ParticipantDeutschland rolls out Thought Crimes
Thousands of Germans are being prosecuted for “Online Speech Crimes”
Wrong Think is dangerous don’t ya know!
September 28, 2022 at 10:20 pm #117134Veracious Poet
ParticipantGerman domestic intelligence is running hundreds of fake right-wing extremist social media accounts. According to a German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung report, the Federal Office for Constitutional Protection (BfV) argues that these accounts are necessary to “effectively monitor the extreme right.”
If you think that isn’t happening on TAE, you haven’t been paying attention 😐
Remember, entrapment is a “legal” MO almost internationally at this point, there’s a reason they call it the “Web”…
But from what I’ve gathered from the historical and archeological record (not to even mention what I’ve pieced together from my own two eyes and life experience) humankind lived through the Stone Age just fine. It then went on to thrive and conquer the planet.
99% of the almost 8 billion that represent “humankind” woefully lack ANY tools to survive such a scenario, that’s not even taking into account the possibility of a nuclear scorched earth apocalypse…
The inability of “humankind” to evolve out of it’s collective EGO madness (which has morphed with technology), toward a mutually predominant “awareness” of peaceful coexistence & cooperation (impossible without spiritual enlightenment), has doomed “US” to steadily descend uncontrollably into a no-win scenario ~ The event horizon occurred 15+ years ago…
September 28, 2022 at 10:58 pm #117137aspnaz
ParticipantUnder different circumstances, the West might be celebrating the ascent of this underdog. But her politics are, for the most part, outside the West’s liberal democratic consensus, which is why Italians love her.
The consensus is evidence that democracy does not exist, the wealthy elites have used their money to place their people in the top political positions, thereby preventing the rise of politicians who represent the people. The placement of people using money continues in Italy so I expect there to be a Greece 2 where the elites with money now threaten Italy with financial destruction unless Meloni does as they instuct. You can be sure that they are busy buying lapdogs in her party ready to stab her in the back, the press will be against her, the whole show is likely to come to a sudden stop thanks to the likes of Soros, Bezos etc.
September 28, 2022 at 11:15 pm #117139aspnaz
ParticipantWe can and we should wish her success. Good luck, Giorgia, you’ll need a lot of it.
She will not succeed without the overt support of the people, the physical support of the people turning out to demonstrate their continued support for her. The elites are already plotting her assassination if she does not do as they say. Support from the people shows that there is opposition to their plans and that an assassination will likely not result in something better … you see this in America where they are trying to criple Trump. Makes you wonder why they think DeSantis would be better than Trump.
The elites would rather control her than kill her off. If she survives then we know she is doing the devil’s work. The trouble with democracy is that there is no one individual in charge, a monarchy has a King/Queen, a democracy has the leaders hiding in the shadows. The world is full of conspirors and worse, full of people willing to do anything for the elites in return for a boost to their egos. The attraction of the Chinese system, where they have Xi to blame, is growing stronger.
September 28, 2022 at 11:21 pm #117141aspnaz
ParticipantGoldman said he rushed to get the booster shot, believing he would need it more than most people because once he started chemotherapy, his immune system would be compromised.
Yet they still trust authority, they still believe anthropogenic global warming, they still self-censor in fear of the woke brigade, they still read the Bezos Times. I was at a yoga class the other day and the instructor kept on saying “I am not being sexist but …”, after the lesson I called him out on it and told him nicely that he is a coward who should be pushing back against the “males and females are the same” bullshit, not helping to spread the fear.
September 28, 2022 at 11:29 pm #117142D Benton Smith
ParticipantI am repeatedly re-amazed at how the so-called “Masterminds” of the Cabal are capable of pulling off such absolutely BRILLIANT ways to do the most incredibly stupid things. I mean the intricacy and coordination of “moving parts” is just awe inspiring. And the sheer idiocy of their objective is just as impressively moronic beyond comprehension.
Take the Nordstream sabotage, for example. Years in the planning. Incalculable covert and clandestine machinations necessary to pull it off at the moment it was planned (many years ago) to be pulled off.
And yet, what does the sabotage of Nordstream actually accomplish other than the deaths of millions of Europeans this winter?
Well, here’s ONE other thing it accomplished. It removed the last lever of influence that the collective West could bring to bear to persuade Russia to stop conquering. There is now ZERO reasons for Russia to do anything else other than continue conquering. (first Ukraine, then Europe, and almost immediately thereafter the US and UK). After Ukraine falls there will not even be very much need for employing extreme violence. Why spend good money and priceless lives to destroy the West, when the Collective West is destroying itself all on its own. I don’t mean that facetiously or as a throw-way comedy line. I mean it literally and pragmatically.
The Russians are very good at war because they know that’s what war is. They will diligently attempt to use only the precisely sufficient amount of violence that is deemed necessary to achieve the objective.
So that’s what’s going to happen. Well done, Cabal. Brilliantly stupid.
Annihilation is what they wanted and annihilation is what they’re going to get . . . but not annihilation of us (as they plan) but instead annihilation of themselves, by their own hand. Maybe that’s what they really wanted all along.
September 28, 2022 at 11:57 pm #117143Veracious Poet
ParticipantI am repeatedly re-amazed at how the so-called “Masterminds” of the Cabal are capable of pulling off such absolutely BRILLIANT ways to do the most incredibly stupid things. I mean the intricacy and coordination of “moving parts” is just awe inspiring. And the sheer idiocy of their objective is just as impressively moronic beyond comprehension.
As is the Madness of the Collective EGO CULTure that supports them (aka Mass Formation Psychosis), either apathetically and/or enthusiastically…
There is now ZERO reasons for Russia to do anything else other than continue conquering. (first Ukraine, then Europe, and almost immediately thereafter the US and UK).
Getting a charge off the thought of that scenario?
Talk about “moronic beyond comprehension”, there is -0- possibility that Russia (even with China’s aid) could pull off such a task…
Nuclear deterrents would stop them *DEAD* in their tracks.
Addendum: You all have fun jerkin’ each other off with your daily EGO titillations, spam posting the latest & greatest *DOOM* porn for quick adrenalin highs, then making *expert* pronouncements about *current* affairs like you have sole access to Sauron’s crystal ball 😐
September 29, 2022 at 12:22 am #117148D Benton Smith
Does being abusive towards me make it easier on you? I think the estimate you expressed about my viewpoint is way off the mark, but it’s your mind, so its alright with me for you to think what you want.
September 29, 2022 at 1:28 am #117153my parents said know
ParticipantMore tech! More lies! More wait and see!
Let’s all say “hi” to world war three!
Attacks are made by who knows who-
It’s much more fun than world war two!September 29, 2022 at 1:56 am #117155WES
ParticipantStarting a week ago, I have been busy every day, building a 8 foot by 20 foot floating dock supported by ten 45 imperial gallon (55 US gallon) plastic barrels. This project has been keeping me occupied while the world goes to hell in a hand basket! Still trying to read all the TAE comments tho.
I noticed the Rino Republicans have been promising to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden if they get a majority in the midterms elections. As Dr. D noted this promise is worthless! The whole point of appointing a special prosecutor is to ensure that nobody gets prosecuted! You see a special prosecutor has to report everything to congress! See the dirty trick being played on voters here?
So the Russians earlier pulled some troops out of the Kharkov region and sent them south in preparation for holding the referendums. Along with the newly raised and trained 3rd Volunteer Corp
.So the US dollar appears to be very strong these days. Well not quite so fast here. The US dollar index that everyone mentions is composed of a basket of foreign currencies. The Euro’s weight is about 57%. The Yen’s weight is about 13%. The pound’s weight is about 12%. These 3 currencies make up about 83% of the US dollar index. Sweden Switzerland, and Canada are also part of this index but amount to beans.
So with the US’s war on Europe it is no surprised the US dollar appears strong. Both the Euro and pound are tanking! So is the Yen! Trudeau is tanking badly too! Sweden and Switzerland too!
The US dollar index sort a works like this:
So if you reduce the value of the denominator then the US dollar goes up. If you reduce the value of everyone of the denominators all at once, then the US dollar index shoots to da moon!
Now here is the $64 question. If I make everyone around me weaker, does that make me stronger? No, it does not! Actually it will probably, in the long run, make me weaker too!
This is happening because the US is waging an economic war against everyone else in the world. However this economic world war can not last forever. The US is hoping to use this temporarily boost in the USD to buy up other countries assets on the cheap. But many countries will not allow this to happen. Certainly not Russia and China. So the US may not be so successful this time around as it has been in the past.
September 29, 2022 at 2:14 am #117158Afewknowthetruth
Participant‘This Financial Crisis Will Be 10x Worse Than 2008’
September 29, 2022 at 10:28 am #117179aspnaz
ParticipantWES said
So the US dollar appears to be very strong these days. Well not quite so fast here. The US dollar index that everyone mentions is composed of a basket of foreign currencies. The Euro’s weight is about 57%. The Yen’s weight is about 13%. The pound’s weight is about 12%. These 3 currencies make up about 83% of the US dollar index. Sweden Switzerland, and Canada are also part of this index but amount to beans.
Doesn’t matter, the index is meaningless, it is a tool used for valuation. FX matters as that is often a factor in the price of collateral, which is mostly denominated in USD. If your OTC position has lost a lot of value today, your variation or initial margin will require you to top up and in a descending market that means that the reference currency increases in value as people try to buy USD to pay the collateral on deals that may have been struck 20 years ago.
September 29, 2022 at 11:48 am #117188aspnaz
ParticipantVeracious Poet said
Talk about “moronic beyond comprehension”, there is -0- possibility that Russia (even with China’s aid) could pull off such a task…
Nuclear deterrents would stop them *DEAD* in their tracks.
Nuclear deterrents? Like the USA is willing to be glassed over to save Germany, the Germany they are actively trying to destroy? I assume you are joking. It is pretty obvious to most of us that the USA’s NATO machine is only going into action to save the USA. Even the UK has to get USA permission to launch their Polaris missiles.
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