Debt Rattle September 30 2021
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- This topic has 79 replies, 30 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
Formerly T-Bear.
September 30, 2021 at 9:09 pm #88880
Participant@ those darned kids:
“i’m getting ‘website unsafe’ warnings in various browsers. certificate stuff, it says.”
This morning, I got that on a couple of websites I read every day, including TAE. It happened on both Safari and Google Chrome (yuck) browsers. I talked to my son, who is a techie dude, and it turns out that the problem is 1) my old computer plus 2) the aging out of the website’s original certificate holder.
So, 1) – my Mac Mini is pretty old and uses an operating system that cannot accept some of the new updates (I think my op system is an OS 11?). So while it might have, in the past, routinely accepted an update to certain certifications of websites, it cannot do so now.
And 2) – One of the biggest certifying groups (not sure you call them “groups”; maybe “companies” is a better word) apparently allowed the websites’ certificates to expire on Sept 30 this year. I.e., today. They certify a HUGE number of websites. The websites may or may not be aware of this and may need to seek a new company to handle their certification. My son is not sure if the individual websites were contacted to pick a new certifying company, but that is irrelevant to me, because of:
2a) – I can bypass the warning message if I want to and doing so allows me access to the website in question…with a caveat. My son warned me to ONLY do this bypass if I am positive that the website is not actually a fake and that it has never actually tried to install malware/bad stuff/hinky shit in my computer.
On the warning box, you can click on ‘details’ then within the paragraph that open up, you can click on the underlined ‘visit this website’. It will ask you to give your computer password, because you are over-riding the part of your system that checks and updates these certifications. This is why you don’t want to bypass the warning for a website you have never used before.
Obviously, you figured this out, because you are posting here today. However, I did want to write this to you just to warn you about handling it this way for every single website you get the message for. Sometimes the warning box really IS because a website is trying to get into your system to harvest stuff. Having an invalid certification is giveaway to that sort of activity as far as your computer warning system goes. I got the message today on TAE, Kunstler, and Turley. They must all use the same big company whose certifications expired today.
Anyway, that’s why you are getting the message – and do be careful about bypassing it for an unknown site.
September 30, 2021 at 9:14 pm #88882Germ
Participant@ teri et al
Use a good VPN. Trawling the internet without one is pure folly.
“Safe and Effective!” LOL !!
I use CyberGhost.
September 30, 2021 at 9:44 pm #88883SeaBirds
Participant@Polder Dweller #88866
“My colleagues have no idea what is about to hit them, and these are really intelligent people working in a demanding high-tech area.”The so-called intelligentsia are mostly unreachable because they are bewitched by their own ‘intelligence’. Those with intellectual humility, common sense and intuition are the only ones with clear vision to see what is obvious.
Thanks again to Raoul and all contributors on this valuable truth-telling website.
September 30, 2021 at 9:54 pm #88884deflationista
ParticipantWhen you see a vitamin supplement that says “Supports Immunity” .. remember the same vitamins (like vitamin D) that support replication of immune cells also support replication of viruses.
— Jeremy Kamil (@macroliter) September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021 at 9:55 pm #88885Germ
ParticipantIt’s a fucking miracle drug!
“Ivermectin has New Application in Inhibiting Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth”
” …suggesting that ivermectin might be a new potential anticancer drug therapy for human colorectal cancer and other cancers.” !!!
September 30, 2021 at 9:56 pm #88886deflationista
ParticipantPeople promoting ivermectin keep saying "But what about Uttar Pradesh!!" as if this analysis wasn't truly woeful and totally incorrect
A short thread 1/10
— Health Nerd (@GidMK) September 21, 2021
September 30, 2021 at 10:49 pm #88888Germ
Participant@ deflationista
23 Vitamin D in Covid studies with mortality results.
The vast majority of them point to a material positive treatment effect.Whatever you do, avoid all vitamin supplements.
“The smart man does at the beginning, what the idiot does at the end.”
September 30, 2021 at 10:50 pm #88889Germ
ParticipantSeptember 30, 2021 at 10:56 pm #88890Germ
ParticipantTake your Vitamin D!
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Volume 211, July 2021, 105883“Therapeutic and prognostic role of vitamin D for COVID-19 infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 43 observational studies”
September 30, 2021 at 10:58 pm #88891Germ
ParticipantOh dear.
“Vitamin D is a potential immunomodulator and its adjunctive role in the treatment of COVID-19 is established by this study. Improvement of serum vit.D level to 80–100 ng/ml has significantly reduced the inflammatory markers without any side effects. Hence, adjunctive Pulse D therapy can be added safely to the existing treatment protocols of COVID-19.”
September 30, 2021 at 11:00 pm #88892Germ
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
“Vitamin D deficiency is associated with higher risk of COVID-19 hospitalization. Widespread measurement of serum 25(OH)D and treatment of insufficiency or deficiency may reduce this risk.”
September 30, 2021 at 11:11 pm #88893deflationista
ParticipantMaybe you should read the thread and quit making assumptions about everything you pretend to read.
Or are you just the village idiot?
September 30, 2021 at 11:38 pm #88894ctbarnum
ParticipantWhere is your evidence?
Is there evidence that vitamin d helps virus replicate? never heard that
— Mike (@mikebot35384947) September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021 at 11:39 pm #88895ezlxa1949
ParticipantGood on the Australian corporations for taking a stand at last. A big problem here is that the feds are desperate to re-open the economy but the states are scared silly that the plague will swamp their healthcare systems (each state runs its own) if they don’t take extraordinary precautionary measures. So we have two diametrically opposed viewpoints.
This makes me wonder that if covid is just a stalking horse for the Big Reset, then why aren’t the Australian feds supporting indefinite restrictions and economic paralysis by agreeing with the states that the plague is too dangerous to deal with carelessly? Or are they playing some kind of clever double game, pretending to oppose the states while underneath supporting them?
Because the medical community here has by and large accepted the doctrine that covid has no treatment other than vaccines, they see no alternative path out of the morass. Because Australia has lagged far behind the likes of Israel in jabbing its people, we still don’t see much if any empirical evidence that vaccine effectiveness wears off after just a few months — while, paradoxically, there appears to be growing public awareness that this will happen. Until vaccine failure becomes impossible to ignore, the juggernaut will roll on and over us. What happens later I cannot guess.
I was zooming the other day with some people widely scattered around the country, and we got onto the topic of vaccines (well off-agenda). I was pleasantly surprised at how they viewed the situation, seeing it as a loss of democracy and covering up some other agenda. I don’t know if any of them reads TAE (fairly sure they don’t read PP), so it was good to see this high level of knowledge and disapproval displayed. We also agreed that the juggernaut is very large and will be very hard to deal with as it gains yet more momentum.
Youtube deleting and re-instating Ron Paul’s account is just a warning shot to everyone. “We can take you out of existence at any time we choose.” Why we’ve let Youtube achieve the quasi-monopoly position is has is sad. In other areas I find Youtube a hugely useful source of knowledge in practical matters such as home maintenance.
September 30, 2021 at 11:46 pm #88896deflationista
ParticipantHey PTBarnum:
Maybe you should ask a virologist. Or read a book. Or “do your own research”.
Now I know why you are so confused about so many things.
September 30, 2021 at 11:51 pm #88897V. Arnold
Participant@ Michael Reid
Wow Germ. That video has just about freaked me out of my mind.Fascinating; once they have a formula (fear) that works; double down and keep it churning…
We’ll see…September 30, 2021 at 11:52 pm #88898ctbarnum
ParticipantMaybe you should validate your claim with a source, like most informed people do. Otherwise, your ad hominems only come across as projection.
October 1, 2021 at 12:04 am #88899deflationista
ParticipantI posted a twitter thread from Jeremy Kamil. It was his thread. Not mine. I found it interesting, because I never thought about it. And neither did you.
His credentials can be found here:
Do you need me to do any more simple tasks that you could easily do on your own?
October 1, 2021 at 12:07 am #88900ctbarnum
ParticipantThat “credentialed” person never provided evidence for the claim, thus, it’s on you, good sir.
October 1, 2021 at 12:12 am #88901ctbarnum
ParticipantWell, there’s one that shows the exact OPPOSITE of what you and the “virologist” say:
“1,25(OH)2D suppresses Th-1 cell proliferation leading to lowered production of interferon gamma and interleukin-2.27,35,36 Lower levels of circulating cytokines leads to less antigen presentation by dendritic cells, in addition to less T lymphocyte recruitment and proliferation.36 Expression of Th-2 associated cytokines, including interleukin-4 are increased by 1,25(OH).37 Overall, vitamin D polarizes the adaptive immune system away from Th-1 and toward Th-2 responses.
Vitamin D also plays a role in innate immune response modulation. The toll-like receptors (TLRs) in macrophages, polymorphonuclear cells, monocytes, and epithelial cells are central to the innate immune response.38,39 TLRs recognize pathogen associated molecular patterns associated with infectious agents.39 For example, TLR2 recognizes the lipopolysaccharides of bacteria. TLRs have also been shown to recognize viral proteins and nucleic acids.40 Upon recognition, activated TLRs release cytokines that induce expression of antimicrobial peptides and reactive oxygen species.”
October 1, 2021 at 12:46 am #88902V. Arnold
Participant@ T-Bear
I second Ilargi on your post to Dr. John Day…excellent…
October 1, 2021 at 12:51 am #88903Veracious Poet
ParticipantDr. D:
I hope you’re correct about the potential of the citizenry’s ability, albeit future tense, to stand up to TPTB…
Cheeto was a fluke, a TV personality, that rose to quash the most hated candidate in my lifetime, but in the end he was an ill-prepared poseur, who I will always be grateful to for saving us from Hitllery…
Resident Xiden, his minions & the #DERPSTATE made sure THAT never happens again, no matter how many of “those voted Cheeto”, followed up with the psyop to end all DC false flags on JAN. 6, 2021.
Maybe I missed it? Have thousands of “patriots” rose to protest those blatant crimes perped by the #DERPSTATE against the nation & jurisprudence?
Guess I’ll be waiting a bit, won’t I?
Anyways, good luck with the “huddled masses” rising to restore the Republic ~ I have been in 43 states, on-the-ground, face-to-face, I’ve barely even encountered ” Summer patriots” 😐
At worst I saw a psychologically bent, violent & self-obsessed culture of childish deviants devoid of the humanity to inherit the SPIRITUAL principals of the Sons of Liberty.
My grandfather, who grew up on during the depression on a tenant farm in Battle Creek MI, started driving box trucks @ 15 during WWII, when most “children” today are busy playing video games, watching porn and/or other soul killing media.
In the mid 60s he was one of the first “Special Products” van line owner-operators that hauled everything from massive computer systems to nuclear missiles ~ He was rated #1 in his trade for almost a decade running ~ He was a “man’s man” that made WAY more than a typical trucker, supporting three families & his mother without a second thought.
He was my defacto father & I spent every summer from 12-18 traveling/working with him, reaching 38 states by the time I was 17 ~ Pickup/delivery locations were computer manufacturers, hi-tech end-users, .GOV/.MIL complexes ~ Several times as on young man (I could do the work of a man from 13 on) I pushed computers around the Pentagon, one time unescorted into the war room computer room.
Traveling the USofA in the 70s-1980 I was able to witness a world that no longer exists, before the advent of strip malls from sea-to-shining sea.
As great a man as my grandfather was, a hard-working professional trucker for 60 years, he had no real comprehension of the “IDEA” ~ His grandparents were Irish immigrants, his family were citizens of the Empire, he was not a descendant of the Sons of Liberty.
He was my step-grandpa through my grandma’s third marriage (his second). He never allowed me to entertain a trucking career, as my heritage derived mental capacity would have been wasted & he made sure I knew that, supporting me through college.
In my 60+ years of life within this nation state, I almost never meet anyone that has an accurate, or even a complimentary, concept of what the “IDEA” is, was or will be. Most minds are polluted with apparatchik politik combined with emotionally-based fictitious concepts spouted by academia & hollyweird.
The unified culture that laid it ALL on the line to establish the “IDEA” ended with the 618,222 men laid to waste in the Lincoln’s War.
We are entering dark territory now, about to go pitch black, I wish all of you the best of luck.
I no longer care, I just prepare…
October 1, 2021 at 12:58 am #88904zerosum
Participant” Until vaccine failure becomes impossible to ignore, the juggernaut will roll on and over us. What happens later I cannot guess.”
All of those studies are using language that is not meant for for blue collar workers.
Can someone simplify ….
what would work to neutralize the vaccine covi etc.?October 1, 2021 at 1:07 am #88905zerosum
Participant” I was able to witness a world that no longer exists….”
I know the feeling.
Pictures of NOW compared to my memories are a shock. The past, the locations, those possibilities, those events, only exist in my memories.October 1, 2021 at 1:19 am #88906₿oogaloo
ParticipantI do not share the optimism of some here that the “narrative” is turning around.
A lot has changed. They have stopped talking about herd immunity from the vaccines. That is a huge step forward. Yet there is still great faith that booster shots will turn out to be the answer. That will take some time to play out.
If booster shots end up conferring some form of long-lasting protection, then vaccine passports are here to stay.
If it turns out that booster shots wear off in a few weeks, then maybe the vaccine passport plan gets scrapped before the end of the year.
If it turns out that booster shots extend protection for six months each time, then vaccine passports are here to stay for at least another year. It will take time to see whether the cumulative detrimental costs of repeated vaccination with S-protein vaccines outweighs the benefit. The costs may come in the form of increased rates of short term side effects, increased long term side effects, or ADE (or some other form of enhanced disease).
Here in Korea things are better than Western countries in some respects, but worse in others. There is no vaccine mandate, and I have not heard of employers imposing vaccine mandates, but the rules say that evening meetings in public places can only have two adults, or up to four as long as two are vaccinated (doesn’t matter which two) . When things are relaxed, there can be gatherings of up to six, as long as four are vaccinated. This is a way to put indirect pressure on people, as this is very much a group oriented society.
Now there is discussion about a vaccine pass to enter public places like sporting events. The bizarre thing is that there is a recognition and admission that this will not stop the spread of the virus, or even prevent severe disease in the long run. The officials admit that the purpose is to create incentives to get vaccinated by intentionally making it more “inconvenient” if you are not. That is the purpose: To increase the vaccination rate as an end in itself. There is a bit of mass psychosis here that many Koreans see increasing the vaccination rate compared to other countries as some source of pride — as if there is a competition.
Another bizarre thing: The officials are quite open that they will just follow the lead of other countries, especially the US and UK. If the trend is vaccine passports, they will be rolled out here too. If the US and UK accept the Pfizer, Moderna, AZ and J&J vaccines, then those same vaccines will be recognized here too. If the trend is to ignore Ivermectin, they will ignore it here too. There is no original thought, no leadership. Which is really disappointing because there are a lot of smart people in this country who should know better.
October 1, 2021 at 1:36 am #88907John Day
Participant@Formerly T-Bear: Thanks for the helpful advice, but I’m doing this because it is a spiritual and moral test for me. No lawyers required. Doing this right opens the next layer of the mystery.
Stay tuned…October 1, 2021 at 1:52 am #88908John Day
Participant@”Deflationista”: What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
(I know you can answer that correctly. Google can.)What does that answer mean? (I think “Madamski” would know.)
October 1, 2021 at 2:10 am #88909citizenx
ParticipantTomorrow marks the start of my last month of work at the clinic, since I am COVID-unvaccinated.
Perhaps people who see what is going down in this suck-out before the next tsunami-of-history should hold hands and walk to higher ground..
Here’s to you and taking the Higher Ground…
“Higher Ground”
People keep on learnin’
Soldiers keep on warrin’
World keep on turnin’
Cause it won’t be too longPowers keep on lyin’
While your people keep on dyin’
World keep on turnin’
Cause it won’t be too longI’m so darn glad he let me try it again
Cause my last time on earth I lived a whole world of sin
I’m so glad that I know more than I knew then
Gonna keep on tryin’
Till I reach my highest groundTeachers keep on teachin’
Preachers keep on preachin’
World keep on turnin’
Cause it won’t be too long
Oh noLovers keep on lovin’
Believers keep on believin’
Sleepers just stop sleepin’
Cause it won’t be too long
Oh noI’m so glad that he let me try it again
Cause my last time on earth I lived a whole world of sin
I’m so glad that I know more than I knew then
Gonna keep on tryin’
Till I reach my highest ground…Whew!Till I reach my highest ground
No one’s gonna bring me down
Oh no
Till I reach my highest ground
Don’t let nobody bring you down (they’ll sho ’nuff try)October 1, 2021 at 2:36 am #88910Archie
ParticipantI no longer care, I just prepare…
Fair enough. Why do you pontificate so much? Are you related to deflationshitstorm?
October 1, 2021 at 2:47 am #88911Archie
Participant@John Day
I’ve loved you from afar for many years now, man. We know who you ARE. But you are in a unique situation compared to most, if not, all of us. Please reconsider taking the moral high ground as a personal test. These (to quote Khun V) galoots need to be lampooned with their own legal conceit. I agree with T-bear.
October 1, 2021 at 2:55 am #88912vlad
Participantre. Berejiklian “You’ll be going backwards” – today she’s under investigation by the Independent Commission Against Corruption. Karma.
October 1, 2021 at 3:00 am #88913John Day
ParticipantThanks CitixenX and Archie (and Jughead, and Hot Dog, too!)
I appreciate the support.
I am doing a lot of spiritual work. I am feeling a heavy sorrow, but I feel it is just what I must do, and I don’t see around the next corner.
I pray for guidance and I pray “thy will be done” to the compassionate and wise universe.October 1, 2021 at 3:08 am #88914zerosum
Participant“I don’t see around the next corner.”
Is it possible that there is an antidote to the vaccine?October 1, 2021 at 3:16 am #88915₿oogaloo
ParticipantJohn Day, I appreciate that you are taking the moral high ground, but at the same time I wish that more would fight this evil menace in the courts, advancing legal arguments supported by real science.
Any chance you might open your own practice? Or has the medical establishment now made that too expensive, too complicated, too risky?
October 1, 2021 at 3:26 am #88916₿oogaloo
Participant@absolute galore
Another issue to think about is just how much is on the line regarding vaccination in general.
If, in a years time, the data clearly indicates that the risks of these vaccines clearly outweigh the benefits, this will further embolden the “opposed to all vaccines” crowd. That would be unfortunate — because a science-based approach should consider each vaccine on its own merits, its own risk-benefit analysis. Good luck with that if these Spike protein vaccines turn out to be the long term disaster that we fear. How could the establishment admit that they were wrong about these vaccines without destroying their credibility? Hard to imagine at this point.
October 1, 2021 at 4:01 am #88917sumac.carol
ParticipantI am incredibly sad for all of you having to make terrible tough choices in this madness. My own situation is insulated fir a number of reasons (income generation, remote location, connected with other small organic farmers and back-to-the landers who have no use fir the vaccine). Why am I saying this? Because I still find the situation incredibly stressful with the propaganda etc. I really can’t imagine the stress some of you are enduring and you are in my thoughts.
Re antidote for the vaccine: I believe some synch info has already been provided. However I listened to a very authoritative interview conducted by Mercola speaking to an MIT scientist and they were discussing one of the key impacts of the vaccine on the body (I don’t recall the technical jargon) but it was along the lines of reducing the body’s ability to get rid of dead or damaged immune system cells. One of the recommendations to help the body get rid of these old cells is time-limited eating. This consists of only eating within sn 8 hour window. This gives the body 16 hours each day in which to cleanse itself. Something for the involuntarily backed to try.
On the broken supply chains: we desperately need to relocalize if only to reduce the energy consumed unmoving stuff massive distances just to enable the oligarchs to maximize profits. Maybe this is going to give us a push to take relocalization more seriously.October 1, 2021 at 4:09 am #88918Veracious Poet
ParticipantFair enough. Why do you pontificate so much? Are you related to deflationshitstorm?
You’re right, I’m wasting my time…
No, I’m not related to that train wreck.
I’m done.
I’ll just drop by occasionally to see if there’s anything new…
October 1, 2021 at 6:59 am #88919phoenixvoice
Participant@ John Day
I understand why you choose not to fight it.
There are multiple ways to face what is going on and work to undermine the totalitarianism.
We need legal battles…we also need other means to address it as well.
I trust that spirituality will find the best way for you to respond.
Sometimes fighting becomes a wasteful end to itself, that serves no purpose.
Sometimes we fight, because we must and it is the only viable option open to us.October 1, 2021 at 7:02 am #88920phoenixvoice
Participant@ boogaloo – I’ve thought the same about the public losing faith in all vaccines as a result of this botched Covid vax rollout.
October 1, 2021 at 7:03 am #88921Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantJohn Day at #88907
Appreciated your reply. After sleeping on the matter, I would have addended to my comment that your action would have given the opportunity for the others similarly effected a basis for a class action, multiplying the enormity of damages to the life investments involved. It too would help reestablish a balance between labour and management; a level, equitable playing field for future relations, something that no longer exists.I would also advise great caution concerning ‘morality’ and one’s relationship with such. It was the illusion of morality that has led to the delusional ‘morality’ warping the world today if you recall the ‘moral majority’ that put St. Ronnie of the Ray-gun into power. It seems you are trying to define the tao in your quest for morality, striving is like defining and if done becomes not tao. Tao will come of its own accord, like fog, creeping silently into your being silently as a cat and you will find it there when you are ready. Be careful about hiding behind your desire and lose the opportunity before you.
I began my comment by trying to avoid any appearance of authority and shall close by disavowing authority, this is only a heart speaking, nothing more.
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