India Takes A Leading Role In De-Dollarization


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    Henri Matisse Young Woman at the Window, Sunset 1921 Andrew Korybko: Reuters reported on Wednesday that “India’s Oil Deals With Russia Dent Decades-Ol
    [See the full post at: India Takes A Leading Role In De-Dollarization]


    Writing , or even understanding, International Trade agreements between India and Russia is beyond my abilities

    Dr. D

    “US Treasury Secretary [The forgettable Ms. Yellen] actually said that India can buy discounted oil from Russia as much as it wants so long as western tankers and insurance companies are not used.”

    “You can buy as much as you want only if we can find no way to punish you.” Thanks! I’m glad all’s forgiven. Like Africa (?) and Macron the other day, um “We don’t need your permission? Stop being as condescending as Biden’s Press Secretary, we’re better than you and you’re not my daddy?” Piss off.

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand London Insurance and Shipping is now dying the slow death whereas it was just pleasantly raking billions a year in good money for doing f-all before. Brilliant!

    Armstrong is right: the West is gone, now ceded their financial focus to places that do things, like Singapore. I would be caught dead dealing with London and I speak English.

    Please go faster. Never stop.

    John Day

    Thank you for continuing to track this, Andrew.
    I am also tracking it, and you got Tom Luongo’s attentin on this. You may read his work.
    Both of you have noticed poor Mr. Soros and his recent frustrations, as well.


    The blows to the Western Empire are coming fast and furious:

    The US occupation of Syria and Iraq is untenable with China brokering peace with Iran and Saudi Arabia. From now on, to get Middle East oil and LNG, Europe and North America will have to pay full price. China assures its future energy supplies can bought with renminbi, (Chinese: “people’s money”). The hegemon is dead.

    Russian oil and the sanctions are triggering alternative currency trades. The off shore 2.1 trillion Euro-dollar trading, each day, is at risk. The US dollar inevitably will be discounted. Instead of the global economy, it will be pegged only to North America’s depleted resources, the sick work force, and the failed governments.

    The collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank, puts lie to “this is the best of all possible world” propaganda. Unless a buyer is found to take on the bank’s debt, the tech world, the UK subsidiary, and California grape growers will have lost a major source of money. $250,000 is not much solace to millionaire depositors. We shall see if FDIC will prevent future runs on other banks. I’d open accounts at other banks if I had more than $250,000 in one bank account.

    The proxy WWIII in Ukraine is unsustainable. The Kremlin is not going to crumble. An Armistice and a DMZ – peace – is the only alternative.

    Once trust is lost and everyone realizes that they are on their own, civilization is finished.

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