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  • kito

    We can lead very wonderful and fulfilling lives without economic growth, people have done it for 100,000 years and more.

    raul, you are a tad naive. there is no possibility of any grand, wonderous life for the masses once the current growth paradigm ends. our population has only exploded because of the model of exploding debt and credit. like deer on a lease, the human population has flourished, fattened up and overrun its habitat. once the artificial feedings on a lease stop, the area returns to population equilibrium. there is going to be a huge decrease in population once the excesses are trimmed. the only hope is that this somehow occurs in a non painful manner.

    in reply to: The Cost of Denying Reality #3992

    ash, you failed to mention-what the american people will do? after all, its fair to say that they too have been coerced into denying reality for far too long…………….

    in reply to: Autoimmune Finance: The System Attacks Itself #3957

    no ashvin, you are too generous. inject capital? ha! refloat the bank? ha! the banks need to go under. period. protect the depositers. have the govt protect ONLY the depositers and NOT A DROP MORE. let the wildfire clear the underbrush. set an example that NEVER AGAIN will any portion of any bank be saved. let the bankruptcy courts deal with their mess. let the private, FREE MARKET, bid for scraps. its not the governments job to fire management. the market will take care of management. LET THE SYSTEM WORK THE WAY IT WAS INTENDED.

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