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  • in reply to: Debt Rattle September 3 2021 #86210


    I’m a long time reader, 14 years in fact, and only a recent commentator due to my tolerance levels being breached. I shouldn’t bite, and yes myself and too many other people have put too much energy and attention on the negative.

    I originally found your blog when I was disenfranchised with buying a house, and how expensive and crazy everything was back then. I was living in England at the time after moving from Australia with the idea of earning more in England to return with my savings to Australia to level up. Only to find out (like a super slow playing movie) that everything reversed i.e. too expensive to go back to Aus. Although what is happening there now worries me.

    I warned my friends about a financial crash in 2007 on road trip to a rugby game in Wales only to laughed off by them, but vindicated 12 months later. They still bring it up in conversation from time to time that I was like Nouriel Roubini, Australians are all too familiar with black swans 😉 I was just relaying your observations and what I saw going on at the time in the banking industry (I was living in Canary Wharf at the time in a share house with 5 others)

    Travelling really opens your eyes. I’ve only visited 40 something countries, and lived in several, but enough to open my eyes. I currently live in Finland, which (apparently) is one of the least corrupt countries in the world. My wife was elected to the local council here (we are a township of 7000 that is the size of greater London) and corruption is here… even at the lowest level. Heck, if I give one of my children a bag of candy to share and I don’t police it, they will give themselves more… it’s human nature. However countryside Finland seems like an Oasis compared to many others, especially in these times.

    My favourite voices are: yours, Russel Brand, Chris Masterton, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Patrick Bet David, and others. I value all of these people’s integrity, backgrounds, and their dedication.

    This is some genuine personal info about me to put myself out there that I’m a real person. I value what you do. Admittedly I don’t donate, but I try to forward on good will, by doing a little myself. We foster a child whose mother is a single parent and an alcoholic. I also have 4 children of my own. Life is a struggle but that is what makes it life. If things are too comfortable we tend to not learn and appreciate things, perhaps this is also what besieges us all, things have been too good for too long.

    Lastly, I only know of one other long term consistent daily blogger: Seth Godin, but I don’t read his every day. Thank you so much for your daily dedication, it’s truly inspiring and makes a difference in this world for many.

    in reply to: Debt Rattle September 3 2021 #86184


    The quoted comment below is something you posted back in 2012. Based on the language you use these days and your opinions, it is easy to assume that you are not the same person. Your sole intent on commenting is to undermine the conversation, posting the same propaganda that is used to discredit, credit worthy information. You insult, swear, and fail to adequately debate a topic.

    You sir, appear to be as fake as the lips, tits, and butts of the Kardashians. Keep adding your “fillers” to the comments!!

    Money simply allows us slaves to believe that we are not slaves. We buy the stuff that our masters make for us, giving them more and more money and power. They even make us sick, so they can peddle their drugs to make us ‘better’.

    The best we can do is opt out. But even that is getting more and more difficult. And maybe even one day will be illegal.

    July 13, 2012 at 7:45 am in reply to:Europe Is Sliding Back Into Its Own Past

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 23 2021 #85031


    This is something you posted back in 2012, perhaps you should rename yourself to “the Oracle”

    Money simply allows us slaves to believe that we are not slaves. We buy the stuff that our masters make for us, giving them more and more money and power. They even make us sick, so they can peddle their drugs to make us ‘better’.

    The best we can do is opt out. But even that is getting more and more difficult. And maybe even one day will be illegal.

    July 13, 2012 at 7:45 am in reply to:Europe Is Sliding Back Into Its Own Past

    in reply to: Debt Rattle August 4 2021 #82340


    There are all types of people that share their knowledge and insight on here that I value. I do welcome your counter narrative compelling me to debate.

    I find it interesting that you are looking purely at the data and pointing out holes people have poked in them. Holes that some would argue to be counter conspiracy based upon your point of view, whilst ignoring what I think is the most important. Why would doctors with distinguished careers put themselves on the line for a drug like ivermectin, when they have nothing to gain but ridicule, persecution, and loss of credibility and their livelihoods. The answer i believe is the conviction of what is right, what they have witnessed first hand, and what they have sworn an oath to is: to do no harm and help people.

    Anyone who puts their whole life on the line because of ethics, that they believe they have no choice but to inform others of what can help. I will whole heartedly believe these people over any person trying to pick holes in data when there are many holes to be picked in the so called vaccines. The doctors are not anti vaccine, they promote this as a safe alternative as it already has one of the safest records of drugs on the market for over 30+ years, please do your research.

    Listen to the science they say, so who do you believe? The companies who are making billions or the doctors who are risking their careers and livelihoods, because they are sworn to an oath.

    Where have ethics and morals gone for the majority…. that is at the center of the crisis we are living through. We are living in a world driven by greed and dictated centralization. Do as you are told.

    What do they say… follow the money… well there’s no money in ivermectin so what does that mean…. don’t use it!

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