Debt Rattle April 21 2017


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    Fred Stein Nadinola 1944   • Trump Signals Provide Comfort to Central Bankers, Finance Ministers (WSJ) • Protectionism Is More Than a Political S
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 21 2017]

    Chris M

    Mr. Meijer,

    I’m really glad you posted the article by Robert Parry. Not too long ago I expressed my frustration, in one of my comments here, that whenever one criticizes something the leadership in Israel does, he or she is automatically labeled as an anti-Semite (should be anti-Jew, because you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Semite). With all the criticism about political correctness lately, this seems to be the one last form of political correctness that is still ok.

    The depth of the debate about Israel gets into theology. Did God endorse the recreation of Israel, after such a long period of non-existence? In Christian circles, that gets down to a biblical debate involving preterism vs. dispensationalism and interpretation of scriptural passages of prophecy.

    I, myself, am still researching that debate. I’m quite interested in how Orthodox Christianity views it. It is claimed that Vladimir Putin is an Orthodox Christian.

    Interestingly enough, it is also claimed that Jared Kushner belongs to an ultraorthodox Jewish sect that is awaiting the coming of the Messiah.

    The plot thickens.


    Chris M,

    A lot of people deliberately use the Bible as some sort of history book. On the one hand, they don’t believe in the Adam and Eve myth, but on the other they believe that a vast number of Jews were prisoners of the Egyptians for hundreds of years. 🙂

    The Ancient Egyptians were remarkably good at recording events. Despite a vast expenditure of effort, archaeologists are unable to find a single clue as to the presence of any Jews in Egypt at the time of the so-called Exodus. In sum, it is a total fabrication by those who translated the Torah into Ancient Greek and Latin.

    To give readers some idea of how thorough the Egyptians were at documenting their lives, here is a recently-discovered example:

    The World’s Oldest Papyrus and What It Can Tell Us About the Great Pyramids

    BTW, the Great Pyramids were built around 1000 years _before_ the Jews were supposed to have been in Egypt.

    In a similar vein, Israeli archaeologists have been desperately searching of anything to prove that the “Promised Land” was Palestine – without success. The most likely location is along the Red Sea in what is today called Hejaz.

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