Debt Rattle April 30 2021


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  • #74188

    James McNeill Whistler Morning Glories 1869   • Mental Health Experts Ask Media Not To Create Panic Around Covid-19 (OpIndia) • Stanford Prof: CD
    [See the full post at: Debt Rattle April 30 2021]

    V. Arnold

    James McNeill Whistler Morning Glories 1869

    Lovely lass, bathed in blue…
    While we of the masses, are bathed in black; with shades of grey scattered about…
    Art can save us…………

    My alternative was: Lovely lass, bathed in blue…must be Windows 10… 😉

    Dr. D

    20 years, I guess we showed them. By losing utterly, completely, and predictably, then retreating having failed all and every goal and reason, while destroying all credibility abroad and morality and law at home. …Exactly as planned.

    The U.S. is now exhausted and discredited and divided and ripe for an attack that it can lose, and thereby “lose” its Constitution. What they forget is that the Constitution doesn’t give us F-all. The government is a zero. Our rights are a consequence of being human, at all, and come from our creator. Burning the document as they already have means nothing to us. Or Russia, for that matter, who never had such a document. Yet human nature requires you behave accordingly or you get unending, tireless, exhaustion, grief, and opposition.

    There are people who say they’ve already geo-engineered the weather (and appear to have stopped or run out of money during CV). However, their reflective clouds reflected the heat IN, as often as OUT. While dropping toxic, flammable aluminum and barium on forests in Canada that then died and caught on fire. …So some say. Sounds like the science I’m familiar with, where the “side effects” are really just the “effects” and make everything worse while “wasting” a lot of money by giving it to insider contractors by the billions and accidentally ruining all health and the planet by “helping.”


    I like the idea of “lightening the color of crop leaves”. It’s the better than God syndrome at its peak.

    V. Arnold

    I like the idea of “lightening the color of crop leaves”. It’s the better than God syndrome at its peak.

    I love it: Do anything, spend any amount of money, to enable our lives to continue, just as though nothing untoward happens in “MY” lifetime……


    Another peak performance: outdoor dining in Greece will be permitted as of Monday, but a genius gov’t expert has had his brilliant idea accepted that while customers eat on the terrace, there can be no music playing inside the restaurant, because that would make people tend to lean in closer to each other to understand what the other is saying.

    John Day

    Before I go to work (Friday’s the BIG day) here is tha Randy Rainbow song, Mr Biden Bring My Vaccine, with the mock Biden interview at the start.
    Mo’ Bettah!

    Also, Germ, Carrington Effect (Event).
    Pole reversal makes our shields drop, the Van Allen Belts.
    Big deal, when that happens…
    Just to give you some thoughts about lead roofing materials in your retirement …

    Mister Roboto

    I’ve been thinking lately about why it is “doomer” forums such as this seem to have drifted into what might be characterized as a “Trumpist” direction while the blue-state big-city types who care about things such as peak oil and climate change seem to have drifted away.

    Well, “Trumpism” is pretty much conservative nationalism, and one big reason why conservative nationalism might be more popular right now is that in a regime of declining available energy, globalism as it has been functioning since the end of World War II increasingly leaves ordinary people in the nations of the world holding the bag. Meanwhile, the comfortable classes who are momentarily benefiting from continued globalism (their turn to be thrown under the bus will come soon enough) are increasingly predisposed to indulge the pretense that “everything is just fine” or “all our problems can be solved with a little bit of determination and elbow-grease”. So one can tell things are starting to get tight and desperate.

    There’s also the fact that all the different factions who have come together under the Trump banner each have their own motivations for doing so, and some of them, such as the religious right and the alt-right, are pretty difficult for people like me not to find rather unsavory. So the blue-state big-city soy-eaters see a movement in this direction on blogs they have been following for a while and then decide to pay attention to other things instead. And all the while, the way quite a few of this crowd have been reacting to rise of Trumpism have lamentably belied their claims of being “the educated people, the reality-based people, the rational people”. And as we all know, the divide created by how we should respond to the very real Covid-19 international health crisis has not only sharpened this divide, but turned it into an out-of-control merry-go-round of pure bewilderment.

    So wherefore people like me who want to be “educated, reality-based, and rational” for real, not just as a vapid political posture? I’m still not entirely sure about the answer to that, but I am sure that I will be here always trying to figure that out until the day comes that none of it matters anymore, however that day may come.

    Polder Dweller

    Lavrov Calls Out Perfidious Albion in EU Diplomat Spat

    I’ve been expecting this and I think this story has legs. My guess is that Russia, most likely helped by China, is collecting a mountain of irrefutable evidence of the jiggery-pokery carried out by Bellingcrap et al, which they are preparing to show to some European governments showing that Perfidious Albion has been working hard to undermine them for years if not decades. I think they’ll bypass the EU as the Russians see them as fully compromised. I expect France, in particular (once they’ve got rid of McWrong in the spring) to take the presented evidence very seriously indeed and this will precipitate a major rupture in the UK’s relationship with the rest of Europe even to the point that there will be talk of war.

    There’s a worse scenario whereby PA actually precipiates a war between Russia and the EU, but I don’t like to think about that too much for obvious reasons.

    As for the timeframe, I think there’s a lot going on already – hence the SCF article – but it looks set to happen by the autumn of next year.


    “doomer” forums such as this

    That saves me from reading the rest of your comment.

    Mister Roboto

    Well, yeah, that is a pretty charged word. I thought I might soften the blow by putting it in quotes, but apparently not.


    If you question and discuss any “official” position, and arrive at a different conclusion/answer then you end up being discredited/attacked as Doomer.
    Continuously challenging does not always bring the desired changes.
    Patience, picking your fights increases the winning odds.


    Artificial Intelligence? Where’s Artificial Stupidity?
    That’s geo-engineering in a nutshell.
    Science- real science- is so effective that we have atom bombs, can hack and weaponize genomes, and take away the starry night (arguably the most inspirational visual in history).
    We are babies with razor blades, and we’re gonna hurt ourselves.

    Oh, the poor contractors! Who will protect the mercenaries? Who will protect the poppies? Who will protect the resource thieves?
    I think it has been a couple of months since I read the word “Hillary”. Let’s see if we can go a little longer next time.

    Mister Roboto

    Maybe “realist-futurist”?

    Mr. House

    Mr. House
    Mister Roboto

    I’m probably right on the border of bargaining and depression. Only in my case, it’s anxiety instead of classic depression. I suffer from lifelong low-key generalized anxiety disorder anyway.


    My 13 year is attending school right now. All must wear masks. She saw an unmasked student yesterday. She told me later that when she saw this student’s nose and mouth she felt “grossed out” by seeing this part of the student’s face.

    We don’t understand what this masking is doing psychologically.

    Doc Robinson

    • Covid-19 Could Cause Strokes Among Young & Healthy People

    So we should conclude that young & healthy people should get the Covid shots, to prevent strokes? Not so fast. What is the actual risk of a young and healthy person having a stroke after a Covid infection? The article gives no indication, but the study provides some indirect clues.

    The study looked at stroke-related cases (acute ischemic stroke, intracranial hemorrhage, and cerebral venous or sinus thrombosis) from 136 hospitals in 32 countries. The total number of stroke-related patients who had a Covid infection, from all these hospitals in all these countries combined, was 432.

    More than 91% of the stroke-related cases involved people over age 40.
    Only 37 of the stroke and stroke-related cases, from 136 hospitals in 32 countries, were under age 40.

    SARS-CoV-2 and Stroke Characteristics
    A Report From the Multinational COVID-19 Stroke Study Group

    [see Table 1]


    Mister Roboto I understand where you are coming from. Bewildered is a good description. If there was legitimately more good news I’m sure Ilargi would post it. The art is there to inspire, as are the various other nuggets ofte gold throt


    Got stuck –other nuggets of gold throughout, including the unparalleled commentary.

    madamski cafone

    @ Raul

    “doomer” forums such as this” That saves me from reading the rest of your comment.”

    My, aren’t we special, Raul. Sorry the world’s falling apart. Mister Roboto didn’t do it. Honestly. It’s not his fault.

    madamski cafone

    Joe Rogan is being attacked by Fauci & the White House for daring to have an honest discussion about Covid-19 vaccines

    “Then they fight you. Then they lose.” M. Gandhi, I believe paraphrasing someone else.

    madamski cafone

    @ phoenixvoice

    “She told me later that when she saw this student’s nose and mouth she felt “grossed out” by seeing this part of the student’s face. We don’t understand what this masking is doing psychologically.”

    Sadly, as twisted as that sounds now, it may well be beneficial long-term. Not psychologically per existing social norms, but per the new social norms emerging. There will be much “covid” in the coming years — various plagues, often concurrent — and people may well become averse, and wisely so, to seeing uncovered faces in public.

    Fashionable hygiene

    The Berk

    madamski cafone

    Mr. House’s image got sidelines. I’ll repost:


    Oh well.


    Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, in a recently linked video mentions the post-vaccination problems in Israel.
    Others have also mentioned this in passing, though without offering any supporting evidence.
    I have not found articles to back up the reports of adverse reactions or increased transmissibility. Seems everything there is just rosy pink.
    Can anyone provide links to severely adverse reactions to the vaccines in what is probably the most vaccinated country?
    BTW, I choose to remain in the “control group”

    Doc Robinson

    cloudhidden: “Can anyone provide links to severely adverse reactions to the vaccines in what is probably the most vaccinated country?”

    The Israeli People Committee (IPC) says that Israel has shut down its adverse event tracking systems, which “led to an unprecedented flood of thousands of serious adverse event reports after the vaccine on social media.”

    Links to their report and site:


    “grossed out”

    Let me count/name the ways:


    @ mr house

    “Grieving the end of progress”

    Thank you for this.

    It helps me to understand why I feel so distanced from my “progressive” friends, why their causes don’t fit as my causes…after the craziness in my own life the past 10 years, and efforts to heal from the trauma, I have found that acceptance, looking at what is, and a willingness to “pick up the pieces” and make lemonade from lemons is my strategy. The “wokester” strategies seem pointless and, quite frankly, a waste of my time and energy. Actually getting the dreaded Covid only contributed to this outlook — I didn’t want to be invaded by that damned, human-created virus, but I was, by family I love and trust, and…time to make lemonade.

    So…I can understand and empathize with those who are in a different grief phase than the one I inhabit…but my energies I will put into acceptance strategies, as that is what builds meaning for me.


    @ Doc Robinson: Thanks for those links. I have an Israeli friend who needs convincing, The People Committee links are a start, though more and more powerful links are needed for examples to even get doubter to have a look.
    Anybody have more?
    Kind regards

    Michael Reid

    @ Mr. House

    Thank you for the link to the article “Grieving the End of Progress” in comment #74203

    I recommend that we all read this article

    Doc Robinson

    More about Israel:

    Update, April 28
    The latest data provided by the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (updated on April 28 with data until April 4) confirms a substantial increase in deaths since late February. Moreover, on April 26 Israel announced an investigation into cases of heart inflammation after covid vaccinations.×441.png

    Israel: Why Is All-Cause Mortality Increasing?


    via Dr R

    “……has shut down its adverse event tracking systems, which “led to an unprecedented flood of thousands of serious adverse event reports….”

    This is an exact duplicate of the US shutting down the adverse events reporting system for monitoring radiation in seafood and ocean creatures immediately after Fukishima.

    I stopped eating any seafood from the Pacific when that happened.
    The radiation in seafood monitoring was intially setup to keep an eye on the debris from Pacific A-bomb tests.

    Amazing coincidence they stopped it right after Fukishima.

    So anyone eating anything from the Pacific has zero idea how much radiation they are ingesting unless they have their own test equipment. Which means almost no one.

    And no one really cares because they don’t even want to know, ignorance is bliss.

    Heard no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

    The new motto on the US Dollar replacing E Pluribus Unum

    Audite nihil mali nihil mali loqui nullum malum


    I guess all the ‘fifth-wave feminists’ are rejoicing that the mask mandates will force Burkas on men an infinitum.

    Isn’t that special.

    a kullervo


    Geoengineering: when TPTB allows it to become news one can rest assured they already have been toying with it for a while.


    Geoengineering is like building an extra large set of brakes for a runaway locomotive (human consumption as a heat engine) and then applying those brakes while keeping the throttle at full tilt boogie.


    Joe Rogan Calls BS on Bill Gates as “Mr Rogers”

    Mister Roboto

    I guess all the ‘fifth-wave feminists’ are rejoicing that the mask mandates will force Burkas on men an infinitum.

    As someone who has always enjoyed looking at attractive young male faces, that’s one thing about the masks I’m pretty sure I hate. In fact, I suspect the reason I talked myself into believing that the face-cloths are anything more than the modern-day equivalent of a medieval bird-mask was so that I could stand the fact that this was now going to be a “thing” that will probably be with us for a long, long time.

    The bird-mask analogy just occurred to me today. Odd that it took an entire year before that happened.

    There was also the fact that Chris Martenson came out in favor of masking pretty early on, and he always struck me as someone who tries to stay very fact-based. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be wrong about some things.

    madamski cafone

    Wearing face masks made sense in the early stages, even if only as a symbol of the unified behavior necessary to preventing contagion via public health protocols. But that was then.


    “even if only as a symbol…”
    Good god, Madamski.

    On a happier note, Bernard Grover puts out a heartwarming essay on human nature and pompous leaders.

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