Debt Rattle January 3 2024
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- This topic has 45 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 1 month ago by
John Day.
January 3, 2024 at 9:44 am #149654
Raúl Ilargi Meijer
KeymasterJoan Miro Dancer 1925 • In Court Cases Facts Are Losing Their Relevancy (Paul Craig Roberts) • Maine Shows the Danger of Zealots in our Legal S
[See the full post at: Debt Rattle January 3 2024]January 3, 2024 at 11:52 am #149655tboc
ParticipantSix minutes with Johnny Winter
c’mon you have six minutes to spareJanuary 3, 2024 at 12:39 pm #149656Dr. D
Participant“Israel Assassinates Deputy Head of Hamas in Drone Attack on Beirut Suburb
Israel bombs foreign countries daily “because they were there” “lookin’ at me in that tone of voice” and then plays the victim. Never dun nuffin’
“Influential Israeli Politician Urges Army Occupation of Southern Lebanon for 50 Years
I agree. Since you’ve been attacking them, then Syria and Lebanon should occupy all of Northern Israel for 50 years down to Bethlehem, right? I mean if that’s how fair and justice work? No? Don’t F around; don’t find out. Everyone’s a hero when they’re not on the front lines.
“Shin Bet deployed anti-abduction force hours before the attack — but didn’t warn rave organizers”
Whoa, what? Deployed to where and why?
1^1 x 2^2 + 3^3 + 4^4 + 5^5 + 6^6 + 7^7 + 8^8 +9^9 = 2024 Fixed it.
““..pundits who warn that Democrats can no longer rely on the election process, given Trump’s soaring popularity.”
Tim Pool finally brought this up, and a long run on “Civil War”. That is, Trump isn’t a leading candidate, he’s LEADING THE ELECTION among all candidates. Trump even has the youth vote. (And you wonder why I think this is all a put-on, where he’s got essentially actors and blackmailed people like puppets)
I’ll post it, although long it runs down some essential points about how Civil war operates. That is, The Feds won’t police the borders, Texas says they will do it anyway, then the Feds say they will arrest and shoot Texas if they try. Both are governments, both have court orders.
FIBI/DoJ arrest Trump, do so with no charges, no legal warrants, in a case with immunity, we all know it, run a special prosecutor who hasn’t been approved and has no authority, then goes before a judge who charges his guilt BEFORE the trial, with no evidence. Just did the same with Giuliani. See what I mean?
THAT’S NOT GOVERNMENT. That’s just being some d—k off the street. “Government” as the White Hats are trying to hammer through our thick skulls, is when you ACT like a government, when you ACT like the police, when you have rules, and order, and warrants, and due process (14th). If you don’t have that, you are not the “legitimate” government. You’re just a bunch of thugs who took over the office when the mayor stepped out and are sitting in the chair. You went down to Spirit Halloween, got a plastic judge’s gown, and now say you’re Ruth Bader Ginsberg. You hauled me into a court, but the court is at the dog pound you got elected to, and the two policemen are thugs hired by Al Capone wearing a pin that says “I voted” and not a badge.
Now – I – know this. But the rest of the population needs this stupid spell of authority broken for them, and I guess it takes 10,000 immigrants a day and 10,000 fake trials with no Epstein flight list to break it for them. Worth it at twice the price.
Btw, if you search “Tim Pool” you get all pages of his enemies and zero pages of his 3-5 channels, each with millions of subs. Yeah, I really wanted top result to be his bald head under the beanie, really top, top priority for anyone clicking “search: civil war”, thanks. All hits FROM THREE YEARS AGO. But it ain’t rigged or nothin’, and YouTube is being a totally honest broker and not a disinformation tower, a beacon of steaming s—t.
Keep digging, morons, keep showing us who you are. He’s the bottom hit under HIS OWN NAME? Sure, that’s legit.
“New York City Council Members Reportedly Weighing Trump Ballot Ban (Sp.)
NY City? Really? Why not the dog catcher, as above? Reportedly, like Chicago, NYC already rigs the state as they allow election rigging in 5-metro which then carries the whole state. Very likely other cities do too, as we saw in 2020 where only 5 states and only like 10 cities tipped it. And going way back where 95% of all counties vote one way, the 5% win anyway, then complain about how there’s “No Democracy” and they need to kill everyone in the 95%. Uh-huh.
“• Karaganov: Russians Are The Real Europeans, The West Has Lost Its Way (RT)
Wow, but you don’t need him to say it. Every person out there, from Oxford to Harvard, would de-tenure, fire, and jail any Rousseau or Voltaire. Because they are. Every. Day. They would vote FOR intolerant religion instead of reason and debate. Because they do. Every. Day. And so on.
And we all know it. The real traitors are the traitors to Reason and the Enlightenment, the core “Rights of Man.” Which they are, know it, and say and publish it proudly.
“Because Western Europe is cancelling a culture that is largely based on love and Christian values. It is cancelling its history, destroying its monuments.”
He’s obviously not being hyperbolic. He’s being literally accurate, a hurdle I often can’t get over. Like people: I’m not being sarcastic. You HEAR it as me being sarcastic or hyperbolic, but I’m being literal. They are LITERALLY canceling. They are LITERALLY destroying all monuments. They are LITERALLY re-writing past history. They are LITERALLY jailing all opponents and stealing all money. And the method they use is LITERALLY fascism, the merger of corporation and state, where the State controls the means of production for “The greater good”.
And I am LITERALLY for the principles of Enlightenment that sparked the American Revolution, and I am LITERALLY fighting the same battle as we did then. It’s not some kind of metaphor, some self-aggrandizement. My God let it stop for all that. Go away so I don’t have to. But they are LITERALLY mentally ill and LITERALLY can’t. I am LITERALLY sick of it.
““..Europe is currently being prepared to hand its territory over to a new mixed, Islamised Europe..”
Interesting contrast to the West after 2001 when we were told we were fighting a 100-year crusade against Islam, we were all racists and shouldn’t be prejudiced. (Eyeroll.) No YOU were the racists, you NeoLibs, NeoCons in government. We TOLD you this would happen. So now Europe was handed to Islam? Or else an extended Civil War? Riiiiiiight. And it’s not like that’s a surprise, it’s like we have “Three World Wars” a struggle of all against all to utter exhaustion. …Which puts who in charge? Huh. Funny ol’ world.
““Our world has become a more unsettled and harsher place. It’s changing at an almost breathtaking speed,” the chancellor added.”
Yes it is when you send all your working Leopard tanks to attack Russia. These sort of things suddenly happen when you suddenly do that.
“We in Germany will get through it,” Scholz said.”
“Germany” will. Because “Germany” is a PEOPLE, and essentially eternal, whether good or bad, whether large or small. But YOU won’t get through it, Mr. Scholz. But you see he nearly lost his eye and is taking orders. From Al Capone or whoever, in the Dog Catcher’s office.
“it was Russia which “turned off the taps”
Many of you are in Europe: does anyone believe this? The man on the street? My thought is: No, that’s too far, but Russia did invade for no reason and we had to “do something”. Is that correct?
“Ukraine and Palestine: A Double Threat to US Hegemony (Bhadrakumar)
Except “Biden” did none of that. “Biden” doesn’t know where he is or what day. Therefore “Biden” isn’t feeling anything and isn’t running anything. Who is? Is that not, like, relevant? I would think who’s running one of the world’s largest countries should be of relevance to someone, right? No? Nope, I guess not. I guess nobody cares who has the nuclear codes and is handing out $1T a month.
“Global government is the endgame. We know that. Total control of every aspect of life for every single person on the planet, that’s the goal.”
Yes, but as Blinken’s father said a generation ago, THAT’S NOT GOVERNMENT. “Government” (modern) is when you have a say in who’s running things and what direction you go. This is “Corporations” controlling every aspect of your life, which are best demonstrated by the WHO and CDC. They’re both “Government” and “Not-Government”, both legal and illegal. Both authoritative and suggestive, both Public and Private. That is, the method they use is LITERALLY fascism, the merger of corporation and state, where the “State” controls the means of production for “The greater good”. Or Pan-State, as in good #AntiLogos fashion they are both the State and Not-State, whichever is more convenient, minute by minute.
Corporations: Blame Government! Government: Blame Corporations! Behind the scenes, same men on interlocking boards with a revolving door between public and private, DoD to Defense Contractors, EPA to Monsanto, FDA to Pfizer so fast it’s a blur.
“3 – There will never be an overt declaration of a change of system.”
Yes. That’s the system we’re under now, and all our lives now. There is no “SHTF”, no “WROL”. THIS is the STHF, WROL where you should dig up your guns. So says everything in history of any place you ever read it’s the same. They just put up “Walking Dead” etc on TV so you’ll act like a moron instead of say, reading FerFal who grew up watching Argentina be taken over into the world’s premier s—thole. “But Chiquito, we only need a bulletproof vest to walk to the grocery store on SOME days. Don’t go: It’s not that bad yet.” AYFKM?
Look outside: this is LITERALLY happening. Chicago is LITERALLY trying to take over groceries to be run by government, so they will stay open there, which is LITERALLY the first platform of Socialism, or if you like the proto Nazi party (Who were LITERALLY Socialists, thus the word in the name.) Can you get to the store and back without being robbed or going bankrupt? How long?
“the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” – Thomas PaineI’ll have a big plate of “Skip it”, thanks. No glory for me, you take mine.
“The polarization and fractures have become too deep to repair.”
Ay contraire. They are ALWAYS repaired. Always. So why don’t we skip the middle part and repair it now?
“If people sat out under the stars, they’d live differently…”
Yes. And we’re going there. They’d build houses and not be homeless and stay warm instead. It changes your view.
“Eclipse” But not just during eclipses, if you look carefully. They are always gravitating to rounds. And often you can see a camera obscura on many walls in many places as a car drives by, but slightly out of focus. It’s right there and your eyes see it, but not your mind, your word-intelligence.
The same with sound, but that is more intangible.
Following men and women over sports, or trans sports today is just astounding. Again, I thought men would be like 20% better and maybe one in 100,000 trans people would make purposeful trouble.
Instead, we have cases where ANY man, who just got up from Cheetos and WoW, can beat any top-ranking woman without trying. Like they’re 200% better or something. Cases one man beats entire woman’s soccer team. 60 YEARS OLD. One man wrestles off two women, just stands up and walks away. Any sparring partner can knock out the woman’s champ. Any man in tennis can serve 40 – Love. Like: there’s a huge difference in men’s power and ability too, but we’re not even talking the topmost men, who make average men look like little girls. We’re talking average, active guys.
So this has begun to annoy me as if you browse Netflix, Disney, Prime, and HBO, 100% of all soldiers are women. 100% of all assassins are women. 100% of all fighters are women. It’s what they’re really made for, I guess! There’s nothing women like better than fighting, hurting, yelling, killing, right? They’re faster, bigger, stronger, better, more determined. Just better at everything I guess! And one punch knocks a guy right out of his helicopter while the average guy like Jack McBrayer or Napoleon Dynamite hide behind her. OMG so bored. It was a fun novelty in like “Nikita” where nobody saw it coming, and also done properly, but we can expand to no Westerns with men, no super heroes with men, no walks up the Appalachian trail with men, no male climbers, no male fishermen, no male oil riggers…
This is because in reality, Napoleon Dynamite and Pedo could take on a forest of Austin Powers Fembots, with nunchucks, and destroy them while eating a taco. So the minute I see it now, in the title, or on the cover, swipe left, as I’m just going to roll my eyes, be annoyed, and lose all semblance “Suspension of disbelief” and end up in my living room, bored AF wondering what happened. Why did you do that? Why did you ruin a perfectly good movie AGAIN? “Put a chick in it, make ‘er gay.” –South Park
Apparently there are no men. Men don’t exist. There are no shows for men, no movies for men, no sports for men, no themes for men, no goals for men and NO PURPOSE FOR MEN. Uh-huh. Every person in all history is gay, black, and female. That’s what I learned from TV!! Everyone in Victorian England was black and gay: 100 Percent. Everyone in WWII was black and gay. Every Colonel, every codebreaker, every scientist, all women, black and gay. Make it Stop!!!
Okay then, fine: you win. Apparently THEY were on top, the majority, doing and running everything. That’s what YOU TOLD ME: I’m just believing what YOU said. MEN were the victims of their world, having no lives or agency of their own. Right? Therefore they are the designated victims, the underclass. And if you want to know what “Untouchables” look like, as a class, it’s this: if you even COMPLAIN or MENTION it, point at it, everyone loses their minds and piles on to pick on you AGAIN, “How dare you???” And you think this is not insane.
Here’s one: man on the street interview, asked, “So, you’re against the Patriarchy…in a Matriarchy, what will be the purpose of men?” Sputter, sputter…. No, legit LITERAL question. With a LITERAL answer. ¿Que?
This movie is not for you. Okay, you win: This movie, none of the movies listed anywhere since 1971 are for me. So I don’t pay for any of your services, and you have 150 million less customers. Right? Who then go out their doors to do REAL things, in the REAL world, with REAL people, while you can’t monitor, sap, or influence them. Right? WHILE giving them a challenge that makes them all infinitely stronger. Right? Okay then: you’re the genius; you win.
Yup, all united. Against me.
January 3, 2024 at 12:41 pm #149657Celticbiker
ParticipantKnightly is dead on correct. The worldwide covid clusterfuck and cattleshots should have driven this home, even to the dense. Its not coming, its here. Has been for a long time, set up by the World Wars. Western peoples were too busy being entertained and fattened up for the kill to notice. Voting is irrelevant, different actors in a soap opera following a script. Very soon we wont even be able to discuss such matters. Thoughtcrime, anti-semetism’s ugly stepchild has already castrated Europe. Prepare well, White people, it is you who must be destroyed for the NWO to succeed. Up against Leviathin, you have only the blood of your ancestors and the spark of God.
January 3, 2024 at 1:09 pm #149658Dr. D
ParticipantNot kidding: pushed on my feed not 10 seconds ago:
“The Royal Family’s Very Queer History: Beyond ‘The Favourite’: Queen Anne is just the beginning.” — Town & Country Magazine · 10 min
That’s right, every King, every Queen, every prince, every Lord, every Emperor, was black and gay! Even Elagabalus who was famous for sleeping with the Vestal Virgins! Sleeping with women = gay now, just like cold winters = Global Warming. Like me, he’s a Trans person who’s gay and presenting as male! (Translation: a Cis Hetero “Man”)
And the part: “What are you taking about Docktor? You’re overreacting, just seeing things.” No, I am literally pointing out the Literal headlines. Like yesterday, the Literal list of the NYT Book editor’s Literal every article.
And I’m sure that you’re literally sick of hearing it as I am of seeing it. Can we admit it’s happening so we can take the next step now? Thanks.
January 3, 2024 at 1:24 pm #149659Red
Participant“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I bet they’d live a lot differently.”
Most would already be living a lot differently if they could see the stars at night.
Concerning the electric tractor from yesterday and about ev’s in general. What’s up with all the Kw’s involved? All we ever see is the amount/number of kwh’s a battery pack holds and then equated to household usage. It’s comparing helium balloons with the space station, yes both seem to float but…. it’s the amp hours stupid. If your bank holds 35/kw hours how long does this do real work? For the x45h2 tractor it states 8hr running and equates that with 8 acres coverage, doing what exactly? Will it do that pulling a three or four bottom plough? I have my doubts especially if the ground is soft or conversely well packed. It has a 32/kw motor, so if all that power is required it will last about one hour as you can’t use all of your battery. You probably can’t use all the power at once for very long anyway as it would cause the bank to over heat and start a fire. At the end of the day, which will be less than eight hours unless you are just driving around the farm, it’s about the amps the work requires from the bank. If the bank is 800 amp/hrs and the work being done needs 200 amp/hrs then four hours later your day is over. I don’t know the amp hour rating for this as it required a sign in to maybe get it, so forget it from here. There are so many variables it’s a useless exercise to try and sort through it. Electricity is a most useful source of work but it’s storage for use later is a no go when compared to diesel. Battery storage works for small draws over shorter time spans but falls short over the longer time spans and is not very good for heavy lifting over shorter spans such as a work day. The devil is in the details! Having lived with a battery bank doing most of our domestics for 17 years and counting it is definitely about your amp hour demand over an extended period. For us that period is a conveniently defined unit: sunrise til sunrise. Over this time period we use approximately 65 amp hours and our requirements for refilling is about double. This at my latitude in the northern hemisphere from mid November til mid January isn’t doable on cloudy days, so it’s supplemented by running the generator a couple of hours +/- at sundown. Battery backup needs backup!
From Quora:
But a Ludicrous P100D is been seen to generate over 570kW during max acceleration, which at 400V gives you 1,425A. The new fuse that Tesla use to turn a regular P100D into a Ludicrous P100D (along with other changes) is rated at around 1500A, so that is roughly in the right ball park.So 1425 amps! Big number but how long could the bank last at that kind of draw? I suspect it would be shut down by internal safety mechanisms due to overheating long before it ran out of charge. Lot of heat there, think arc welders.
January 3, 2024 at 2:24 pm #149660D Benton Smith
ParticipantLike Joe Rogan said, there are lots of conspiracies that have already been proven to be true, nobody doubts that they have been proven, just follow the money and power.
What? What did he just say there?
“Just follow the money and power”?
Why do that?
Is Joe suggesting that money and power are somehow causally associated with criminal conspiracy to such a degree that you can get to the source of the crime more more easily by following the money and power than you can get there by following physical evidence of the crime itself?
Oh! Maybe what Joe is saying (without saying it) that money and power ARE conspiracy, and that money and power ARE criminal.
How could that possibly be? Isn’t it hammered into our brains from the day we’re born that we should (nay, MUST) strive for wealth and power, and that the measure of our worth as human beings (our very right to be alive) depends on how much wealth and power we can amass, relative to everyone else. I mean, isn’t wealth and power how you “get to the top” that we’re literally forced to try to ascend to?
So is Joe saying that to get to the root cause of criminal conspiracies you just trace back the hierarchical structure of wealth and authority (i.e. the food chain of money and power) and that is where it will lead you?
Well if THAT’S what he’s saying then I would have to say that I agree with him. Very very much.
January 3, 2024 at 2:59 pm #149661D Benton Smith
ParticipantA bunch of months ago (ancient history, I know) I posted a bunch of comments more or less in series, that basically said the following:
As truth comes out it releases more truths coming out as the obstructing lies get stripped away to reveal what they were hiding. This will result in a CLASSIC “chain reaction” , ending in what would appear to be an “explosion” of nuclear bomb proportions. That’s how chain reactions work. It’s just a process that speeds itself up as it speeds itself up, until it’s going so fast that it LOOKS like it’s happening all at once.
Already the pundits and headlines everywhere are predicting that the “Crazy” stuff is going to get a lot crazier this year. WRONG ! Absolutely wrong.
The crazy stuff isn’t new. It has always been there (and the craziest crazy is still there, right now!), it’s just that most folks couldn’t see it. The world is not getting crazier. The craziness is just getting LESS HIDDEN.
The truth bombs are starting to expose the storage bunkers and command & control centers of a WEAKENING ENEMY.
As more truth (about past and present CRAZINESS) comes into public view then more (and then even more) truths will come out as the layers of blindfold are removed from out eyes.
Get as ready as you can for experiencing a Max Truth “explosion”.
It will look like a literal explosion because it will happen so fast that you will simply not be able to keep up with all of it, and it will probably look a lot like Max Crazy when it does.
Brace yourselves.
January 3, 2024 at 3:25 pm #149662Red
ParticipantCatherine Price
Tue 2 Jan 2024 13.00 GMT
It was 3.30 in the morning when I realized I needed to break up with my phone. I was holding my baby in my arms as I scrolled through eBay, feeling a bit delusional with fatigue, when I had a brief out-of-body experience in which I saw the scene as if I were an outsider.There was my baby, gazing up at me. And there was me, looking down at my phone.
I was horrified. This was not the impression I wanted my child to have of a human relationship, and it also wasn’t how I wanted to be living my own life. I decided in that moment that I needed to “break up” with my phone and create a new relationship with better boundaries.
January 3, 2024 at 3:30 pm #149663zerosum
ParticipantDemocracy/King of the hill
Peaceful transfer of power with voting.
Only the idealistically few expect a fair trial/justice.
Who is running the USA?
They don’t want to know the truth.
They prefer going on believing the lies.
Motivators/Hate, revenge, fear.From the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita, “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”
Yemen Houthi official vows US will be ‘punished’ after killing 10 in Red Sea.
Hundreds of Palestinians took to the streets of Ramallah and other towns in the West Bank to condemn Arouri’s killing, chanting, “Revenge, revenge, Qassam!”
“Israel Assassinates Deputy Head of Hamas in Drone Attack on Beirut SuburbIsraeli bombardments have engulfed Gaza’s 2.3 million residents in a humanitarian disaster, genocide, in which thousands have been left destitute and threatened by famine due to a lack of food supplies. Gaza death toll passes 22,000.
Iran Confirms Over 70 Killed By Terror Attacks On Memorial Event For IRGC’s Soleimani
…vows to punish perpetrators———–
“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I bet they’d live a lot differently.”You forgot some motivators … the heat, the cold, the rain, the snow, the neighbors … bed bugs, mosquitoes, black flies ….
@ Red
Concerning the electric tractor …
The devil is in the details!
Good explanation.
Electricity is a most useful source of work but it’s storage for use later is a no go when compared to diesel.
How about, compared to NO diesel.
” Having lived with a battery bank doing most of our domestics for 17 years and counting it is definitely about your amp hour demand over an extended period. For us that period is a conveniently defined unit: sunrise til sunrise. Over this time period we use approximately 65 amp hours and our requirements for refilling is about double. This at my latitude in the northern hemisphere from mid November til mid January isn’t doable on cloudy days, so it’s supplemented by running the generator a couple of hours +/- at sundown. Battery backup needs backup!”
The future will be different.
( Benthere,donethat) “Having lived with a battery bank and windmill”)————–
@ D Benton Smith
“The craziness is just getting LESS HIDDEN.”
The web caused lost control of the narrative.
——–January 3, 2024 at 3:35 pm #149664Formerly T-Bear
ParticipantCheck it again Dr D, what was first given above works as well as this:
1^3 X (
Your formula is of a year not yet having a calendar printed it looks like. Try squaring 81 (9^4)=> 6561 plus all the rest of the nines and all the other additions. Too calculated by half.
January 3, 2024 at 4:13 pm #149665jb-hb
ParticipantSo we will keep European culture, which the West of our continent seems to be trying to abandon. But I hope that it will not destroy itself completely, in this regard. Because Western Europe is not only abandoning Russian culture, it is abandoning its own culture. It is cancelling a culture that is largely based on love and Christian values. It is cancelling its history, destroying its monuments.
Or from Karl Denninger/Tickerguy/Genesis the middle of a holiday dinner my father went down a bridge too far. He was not drunk; we did have a single adult beverage each, but none of us were intoxicated. He proceeded to tell me (as he had before) that he was entitled to take actions politically that would, with certainly, screw his granddaughter and, as I pointed out to him he knew it because he was not a stupid man…
…I got up from the table, collected my daughter and our things and we left to drive back home, 4-1/2 hours. I did not speak to him or anyone else in the family for several years.
Too much? I don’t think so — not even today. He threatened to by his advocacy and vote damage his own granddaughter and my progeny and it was not a mistake — it was a statement of both intent and was issued with both knowledge of the expected outcome and malice.
Why would anyone sit for that or excuse it? If you do then you are also taking up that position and permitting it to move forward without consequence; that’s your kid being screwed and yes, the screwing is indirect and 20 years into the future but it is as certain if that policy set goes forward as night follows day.
Karl’s getting it partially wrong in his response, I think. His solution is total separation, non-association.
Simply arguing or discussing facts is wrong as well. If a man is sitting in a living room presenting vile, self-serving, knowing declarations of screwing over his granddaughter, this isn’t a nice disagreement, that isn’t what is going on.
And if he didn’t come out and SAY he was going to screw over his granddaughter, in his heart, in his mind, totally dedicated, to the extent that he can, do so, but studiously avoids saying it throughout a heated debate? BECAUSE he knows it. Or maybe he keeps jumping in with “I never said it, I never said it”
I can certainly understand why Karl walks out.
Why the fuck should Karl
1.) Pretend that granddad just doesn’t know WHEN HE DOES
2.) Pretend grandad just hasn’t figured out the consequences WHEN HE HAS
3.) Pretend granddad has no malice WHEN HE HAS
4.) Pretend for granddad to have amnesia so they can have future get-togethers where he pretends 1-4 for him all the timeMake “This isn’t really happening” a way of life?
Folks if you won’t enforce reasonable standards that, if not enforced, will screw you or your children then you wildly increase the risk that when the privation occurs the outcome will be severe, civilization-rending violence
At least Russia is getting it. Not just tearing down the monuments, but tearing down what the monuments are TO.
We got so used to thinking being edgy and on the margins was cool, questioning the center is such a great piece of flair, we forgot it was DERIVATIVE. DERIVATIVE of that normal human life, culture, traditions that kept things actually running. (And the cool edgy different solar panels, windmills, electric cars depend on the larger oil and coal economy and are a virtue luxury…)
We pretend we can continually tear it apart but ALSO take it for granted, that it will be there giving us prosperity and stability – which were always emergent properties of the underlying culture. We saw away at the airplane wing, confident that “they” wouldn’t let anything bad happen with air travel. Counting on the hated thing that should not be to be indestructible and last forever. (does this just come down to the most widespread historically monumental case of daddy issues or something?)
When people keep endlessly regurgitating ideas that intrinsically are hostile to civilization, culture, human consciousness, reality, there SHOULD be a different type of response.
Like if someone keeps spouting all the underlying ideas of the nazis but never mentions invading countries or putting people on boxcars, but just keeps going and going KNOWING who holds the ideas, knowing what it leads to or knowing that people already ARE being put on boxcars, but then says “Woah, I never said boxcars. I never said it”
See 1-4 above. See “This isn’t really happening.”
I don’t know what to do with this yet because I’ve never dealt with it before. My current theory is you have to NAME the bad thing. Openly. Very overtly. Name it in such a way that pretending 1-4 is irrelevant to the “discussion” which isn’t discussion. I know I suck at it but I’m just a call center worker trying to punch above his weight while way out of his league. I’m not Jordan Peterson or Daniel Schmachtenberger or whoever.
Everybody’s advice on dealing with Cluster-B/NPD, which from a pragmatic point of view, is what’s going on – advice from experts, professionals with decades of clinical experience under their belts is “get away from them.” That’s it. There is no expert knowledge, no scientific study, no historical study of what to do when the NPD bubble expands to fill your society and there is nowhere to get away to.
January 3, 2024 at 4:33 pm #149667Oroboros
ParticipantTucker’s new company, ‘Tucker Carlson Network’, is running MASSIVE ads showing his Red Pill logo DESTROYING The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC and ABC saying ‘Your Great Replacement’
Eat Dirt and Die Mediawhores!
January 3, 2024 at 4:42 pm #149668Oroboros
ParticipantMy New Year’s Wish
Where the NeoConJobs finally end up
This guy looks like Blinken in full diplomatic regalia
January 3, 2024 at 4:42 pm #149669WES
ParticipantRegarding the 59 percentage figure of the USD used as the reserve currency by the world’s central banks.
Note this calculation converts all the other non-USD world’s reserve currencies into USD equivalents before calculating the USD’s percentage use by the world’s central banks.
So the current exchange rate between the USD and other world currencies plays a big role in the calulated percentage of USD being used by the world’s central banks as a reserve currency.
If the USD exchange rate goes up (USD gets stronger), then the calculated percentage of the USD being used as a reserve currency also goes up. If the USD’s exchange rate falls (USD gets weaker), then the calculated percentage of the USD being used as a reserve currency also goes down.
In other words, this USD percentage change really boils down to how strong or weak the USD is compared to other world currencies.
This çalculated figure only indirectly reflects the USD usage in world trade. Lots of world trade is priced in USD but paid for in other currencies.
So the hype this USD percentage figure gets, can be a bit misleading.
January 3, 2024 at 5:16 pm #149670zerosum
US upsets regional balance; Arouri assassination will backfire on Washington: Iran defense minister
Wednesday, 03 January 2024 9:53 AM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 03 January 2024January 3, 2024 at 5:21 pm #149671zerosum
Iran says at least 103 people killed, 141 wounded in blasts at ceremony honouring slain general
Iran explosion
People are seen running after an explosion in Kerman, Iran, Wednesday, Jan. 3, 2024. Explosions at an event honoring a prominent Iranian general slain in a U.S. airstrike in 2020 have killed dozens, state-run media in Iran reported Wednesday.Jon Gambrell, The Associated Press
Published Wednesday, January 3, 2024 9:29AM EST
Last Updated Wednesday, January 3, 2024 9:43AM ESTJanuary 3, 2024 at 5:34 pm #149672zerosum
Iran stations warship in Red Sea as US aircraft carrier leaves Middle East
JANUARY 1, 2024 13:58
Updated: JANUARY 1, 2024 15:20
Dec 31, 2024USS Gerald R. Ford to Leave the Eastern Mediterranean, ABC Says
Max Zimmerman, Bloomberg News(Bloomberg) — The USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier strike group will leave the eastern Mediterranean Sea more than two months after being sent to the region following Hamas’ attack on Israel in October, ABC News reported.
The carrier and other surface ships that form the strike group will head back to their home port of Norfolk, Virginia, in the “coming days” as originally scheduled, a senior US official and a US official told the outlet. The carrier group is returning to the US to prepare for future deployments.
The US will still have military capability in the region and flexibility to deploy additional cruisers and destroyers in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, the senior US official told ABC.
———-January 3, 2024 at 5:39 pm #149673zerosum
U.S. carrier set to leave war region
January 2, 2024 at 4:00 Tara Copp THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
The Ford and its accompanying warships will be replaced by the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan and its accompanying warships, the USS Mesa Verde and the USS Carter Hall. The three vessels had been in the Red Sea and have been transiting toward the Eastern Mediterranean over the past few days.January 3, 2024 at 5:47 pm #149674zerosum
January 03, 2024
Palestine SitRep – Hizbullah’s Response To Assassinations By Israel In Lebanon
The war on Gaza has not proceeded the way the Netanyahoo government had planned. Fierce resistance continues and Israeli Occupation Forces are taking relatively high losses.PressTV will have live coverage of the speech. Nasrallah will surely include a response to yesterday’s attack.
————January 3, 2024 at 5:56 pm #149675D Benton Smith
ParticipantThere are a couple of rules for being a friend, and one of those rules is that you tell friends the truth. You don’t lie to them, because that would weaken and harm them, which you have to admit would not be a very friendly thing to do.
The other rule is that we let friends be friends to us, too. We let them tell us the truth, for instance. We don’t try to stop them from doing that because that would prevent them from being our friend (see rule #1, above).
No true friend would let a true friend commit a fatal mistake without at least telling them the truth about it being a fatal mistake. Perhaps you should not FORCE them to not make the mistake (that is a hotly debatable issue all in itself) but at a minimum you are obligated by honor and friendship to at least TELL them about the fatal mistake that they’re making and why they should stop making it.
Both you and they have certain inalienable rights as well, such as the right to be a friend if you want to be. So you can’t be an actual friend by taking that freedom away. In other words, to use force to prevent another from even trying to treat you as a friend is an attempt to take away their right to at least TRY to be friendly. Since speaking truth to each other is what friends do then it should be recognized that making them stop truth-telling to you is the same as making them stop being friendly to you.
To put that another way, you can’t (or shouldn’t) censor a friend. That is to say that although you are CAPABLE of using force or other means to shut someone up or remove their presence, if you do either of those things then you are NOT being their friend. Clearly, then, the act of making someone shut up and go away (or die) is not an act of friendship. It is instead, literally, the act of ENDING friendship.
We are not alone in our lives. We are surrounded by others. If you’re surrounded by friends then life will tend to be, on average, a lot better than if one is surrounded by adversaries and non-friendly competitors. So, it is not just advisable to have friends. It is NECESSARY.
Therefore, the act of ending friendships is frequently (possibly always) a fatal mistake.
Real friends don’t let friends make fatal mistakes without at least telling them that’s what they’re making.
And if you really love them, you continue to tell them, even when they force you to shut up and go away.
Keep telling them the truth, because that’s what real friends do, but remember that they do indeed have free will, which includes their right to make a mistake that will be fatal ….. to THEM. It is in your own best interests to persuade them not to do that, and the only way that I know of to do that is to keep on telling them the truth of it.
January 3, 2024 at 6:38 pm #149676my parents said know
ParticipantWelcome your triggers when they come-
They tell you where you’ve been.
You’ll speak instead of being dumb-
With the courage you wished for then.When people study English in the far, far distance future, the American dialect will be known as “Fuckinglish”.
“If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I’ll bet they’d live a lot differently.”
Amen to that.January 3, 2024 at 6:55 pm #149677Dr D Rich
ParticipantLet’s hear it for war with China!
Dammit already!Elon (s)Mu(g)sk said, “Hahahahahahaha!” Smugly a few years ago.
2011: Elon Musk couldn’t stop laughing about BYD.
Now, BYD is on the cusp of surpassing Tesla as the world’s #1 pure EV carmaker.
Americans have been laughing at China for 25 years. And losing every fukkking time.
— S.L. Kanthan (@Kanthan2030) December 28, 2023
It’s hard to believe the following is true. I mean after all it’s CNN, but who doesn’t trust Elon Musk’s Midas Touch to winner, win.
CNN: China’s BYD sold a record number of cars in 2023, moving it closer to displacing Tesla as the world market leader for electric vehicles.
The Chinese company posted a 62% surge in global sales to just over three million units last year, compared to 2022, according to a stock exchange filing.
BYD sold 1.57 million battery electric vehicles (BEVs) last year, up 73%, as well as 1.44 million hybrids, 52% higher than the previous year.
Apples to Oranges
January 3, 2024 at 7:18 pm #149678poppie
ParticipantÇ or ç (C-cedilla) is a Latin script letter used in the Albanian, Azerbaijani, Manx, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Kurdish, Kazakh, and Romance alphabets
January 3, 2024 at 7:55 pm #149679Figmund Sreud
ParticipantAnd so they huff and they puff, … and puff still some more! – from my in-box mid-day today:
U.S.-Led Coalition Warns Houthis to Stop Ship Attacks, from 1 hour ago by Dow Jones
1 hour ago by Dow Jones
By Michael R. Gordon, Gordon Lubold and Nancy A. Youssef
WASHINGTON—The U.S., Britain and key allies issued a final warning to the Houthi Yemeni rebel group Wednesday to cease its attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea or bear the consequences.
“Ongoing Houthi attacks in the Red Sea are illegal, unacceptable, and profoundly destabilizing,” says the statement issued by 12 nations. “The Houthis will bear the responsibility of the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways.”
The U.S. military has prepared options to strike the Iran-backed rebel group, U.S. officials say.
Should the U.S., Britain and other nations use force, potential targets could include launchers for antiship missiles and drones, targeting infrastructure such as coastal radar installations, and storage facilities for munitions. Among the challenges to striking Houthi targets is that many of their weapons systems are mobile, the officials said.
The Biden administration has been cautious about using force, seeking to protect the prospects for a diplomatic resolution to the Yemen conflict and avoid becoming entangled in a tit-for-tat confrontation with Houthis, whom some American officials view as an unpredictable wild card.
Houthi fighters overthrew the Yemeni government in 2014, which led Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations to mount a military campaign against the rebels. Months of talks between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis, who are backed by Iran, have produced a road map that the U.S. hopes could lead to resolution of the conflict.
But the conflict between Hamas and Israel has spurred the Houthis to launch missiles and drones at Israel and shipping traffic in the Red Sea.
As of Tuesday, the Houthis have carried out 24 attacks on commercial ships since mid-November, according to the U.S. Central Command, which oversees U.S. military operations in the Middle East. Tensions escalated further last week when Houthi fighters on four small boats fired at U.S. helicopters that came to the rescue of a Singapore-flagged vessel in the Red Sea. The U.S. Navy helicopters returned fire, sinking three of the Houthi boats.
The Houthi attacks have had an effect on the global economy. Most oil tankers and containerships are still avoiding that route and going around Africa. On Tuesday, the Danish shipping company A.P. Moller-Maersk said it would avoid the Red Sea route.
“Nearly 15 percent of global seaborne trade passes through the Red Sea, including 8 percent of global grain trade, 12 percent of seaborne-traded oil and 8 percent of the world’s liquefied natural gas trade,” the joint statement read. “International shipping companies continue to reroute their vessels around the Cape of Good Hope, adding significant cost and weeks of delay to the delivery of goods, and ultimately jeopardizing the movement of critical food, fuel, and humanitarian assistance throughout the world.”
The U.S. and Britain led the effort to issue a fresh multinational warning to the Houthis. For days, diplomats discussed the text as they sought to broaden the list of the number of nations that were prepared to join it.
The final list of signatories was: the U.S., Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Britain.
An emergency United Nations Security Council meeting on the Houthi threat to shipping in the Red Sea has been scheduled for Wednesday afternoon at the request of the U.S., Britain, France and other nations.
The USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier battle group is in the region along with other American naval assets, British ships and ships from other nations.
The Houthis have said their attacks are a response to the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and were quick to join the fighting. On Oct. 19, the Houthis launched land-attack cruise missiles and drones at Israel, according to U.S. officials. Those weapons systems were designed by Iran, according to American intelligence.
The USS Carney guided-missile destroyer, which was sailing in the northern Red Sea, shot down several of the cruise missiles, while one was intercepted by Saudi Arabia, according to people familiar with the episode.
The Houthis soon turned their sights to commercial ships, including by using the same kind of ballistic missiles that Iran has provided to the group, U.S. intelligence says. Houthi officials have said they are aiming only at ships linked to Israel, but the Pentagon has tracked attacks on vessels flagged or owned in other countries.
Houthi attacks against international shipping have been carried out by drones, small boats and missiles, “including the first use of anti-ship ballistic missiles against such vessels,” the joint statement noted.
On Tuesday evening, the Houthis launched two missiles that landed in the Red Sea, without causing any damage, U.S. Central Command said. On Wednesday, the Houthis claimed they had targeted a Malta-flagged container ship they said was bound for an Israeli port. The group attacked the ship after its crew “refused to respond to calls from the Yemeni naval forces, including fiery warning messages,” a spokesman for the group said. It wasn’t immediately clear whether the U.S. and Houthi reports referred to the same incident.
“The Houthis appeared to be striking maritime targets given that they have failed to strike Israel on land,” said Behnam Ben Taleblu of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a Washington-based think tank that has highlighted the threat it says Iran poses to the U.S. and its allies. “Iran is using the Houthis to generate economic costs that it hopes will pressure Washington to wind down Jerusalem’s war against Hamas.”
Some U.S. officials have expressed hope that Israel’s plans to lower the intensity of its fighting in Gaza might lead to a reduction of the Houthi attacks on commercial ships and thus ease the pressure on the U.S. and Britain to respond.
The Obama administration carried out cruise missile strikes in 2016 against coastal radar sites in areas controlled by the Houthis, which the Pentagon described at the time as “limited self-defense strikes” after the Houthis fired missiles at a U.S. destroyer.
Iranian state media said Monday that an Iranian destroyer was moving toward the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb strait, a key crossing between the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.
William Mauldin contributed to this article.
Write to Michael R. Gordon at, Gordon Lubold at and Nancy A. Youssef at
Copyright 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.January 3, 2024 at 8:12 pm #149680my parents said know
ParticipantThat is, Americans use the “fuck” an awful lot.
My New Year’s resolution will be to use it somewhat less. ; )
If I ever make a New Year’s resolution, that is.January 3, 2024 at 8:14 pm #149681Dr D Rich
ParticipantTo be certain there’s more going on between dec(i)(a)billionaire boy (future centibillionaire) and cute flirty Asian chick. Generally seduction mode in an Asian Borderline is characterized by the unnatural deepening of the feminine voice followed by husky laughter BUT it’s Elon Musk who pulls off the latter. Frankly, I think Elon the billionaire is just a little piss-perplexed the Asian Anchor isn’t kowtowing to his eminence(s).
January 3, 2024 at 8:14 pm #149682my parents said know
Participant…the word “f***”….
Got up at 4am. Time for a nap.January 3, 2024 at 8:54 pm #149683tboc
ParticipantDBS if one takes Galbraith’s view that the elite prefer to risk losing everything than compromise a portion of their wealth and apply that to western culture as a whole the trajectory makes more sense. As it is noted that the elite will risk total destruction rather than surrender any part of their priviledge, the population of the west are a group of priviledge and are unwilling to surrender anything. I do not think that there is a substantial difference of intellect among the economic classes in the west. Knowledge of how to rise has become common knowledge. Corruption has a tipping point, we are here.
January 3, 2024 at 9:21 pm #149684zerosum
ParticipantUSA finally murdered Iranians
More than 100 people killed in twin blasts near slain Iran commander’s grave
By Mostafa Salem, Abbas Al Lawati and Rob Picheta and Hande Atay Alam, CNNUpdated 3:21 PM EST, Wed January 3, 2024
Expected denial:
The US was not involved in the twin explosions in Iran Wednesday and “we have no reason to believe that Israel was involved,” State Department spokesperson Matt Miller said.January 3, 2024 at 9:49 pm #149685John Day
ParticipantEconomics And Empires
Aleks at Black Mountain Analysis (Serbian) caps off his excellent series: Economics and Empires 6 [i] Downfall
Power or hegemony is attained through control of markets and resources. These two aspects are everything that is important in the global game of power. Nothing else. Again:
The United States of America has been chosen as the host for the Western Oligarchy to enforce its policies from a militarily unreachable place. Obviously, that has succeeded very well. The Western Oligarchy consists of Oligarchs, mainly from the Western states. Not only from the United States, but from other Western countries as well. Hence, their intention to make these states prosper at the expense of the rest of the world….
-Extensive analysis, graphics and explanation –
..Implementation of the free world order could be finished by 2032, maybe.
But will it be a paradise? I’m sure that a period of prosperity will follow for most of the people of the world. And there will be losers as well.
But will the freedom and independence of most nations be long lasting? I hope so, but by studying the rise and fall of empires we all know the following: The next empire is right around the corner. And it won’t be Russia in this case.
We should all stay vigilant and try to do everything to avoid any empire being established. People should be free. Nations should be free.
But our nature seeks to dominate over others. And this is why our history is full of violence. There is little hope to change this as long as humans are ruling over us. Russia’s BRICS Presidency Lends Hope for ‘Proactive Push Towards Multipolarity’
President Vladimir Putin underscored at the end of the year that Russia would devote its BRICS presidency in 2024 to building a fair world order, and “strengthening multilateralism for equitable global development and security.” Global Elections 2024: A Year of Political Shift? [Will I get to vote for anybody who is not already corrupted? Will votes be counted or just pretend-counted?]
As the world steps into the leap year of 2024, the global stage is set for a series of significant events, with elections playing a pivotal role in shaping the future. A staggering 46% of the world’s population, along with 54% of global GDP, will engage in the procedure this year. Gilbert Doctorow , The enabler of our two concurrent world wars: Washington
From the perspective of Washington, these are proxy wars which put at risk very few of its own men at arms, though some do come home in body bags without word to the press, while preparations proceed apace for the launch of a third proxy war in the South China Sea. The Philippines are the latest recruits to the prospective encirclement and assault on China.
On their talk shows, the Russians speculate on when a mutual defense pact with Iran, China and North Korea will be announced. This will not be a bloc, like NATO, but will enshrine the key principle of ‘one for all and all for one’ in case of attack by outside forces…
..Vesti maintains a near blackout of news on the Israel-Hamas war in broadcasts to its home audience. Why? Because Russia does not want to get embroiled in that war when it needs all its human and materiel resources to defeat the Ukrainians and their NATO backers. Moreover, Russia can be satisfied that the Iranians and their Houthi proxies have the situation in the Middle East under control, restraining the United States from region-wide escalation by engaging directly on Israeli’s side...
..In Russian news, all attention is on the one conflict in which the Russians are themselves deeply engaged, and there news from the line of contact, news from the home front which a day ago experienced a murderous attack on the border town of Belgorod that killed 25 civilians and gravely injured another fifty or so, news from the United Nations Security Council deliberations of the same, more than fill the time allotted to 14.00 o’clock and 20.00 o’clock wrap-ups.
Anyone following developments of the Ukrainian war these past few days will note the tit for tat nature of the strikes dealt out by the warring parties day after day. The chain of events began early on the morning of Wednesday, 26 December, when the Ukrainians deployed air-launched Storm Shadow cruise missiles to destroy the Novocherkassk, a large landing ship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet parked in the harbor of Feodosia, on the eastern shores of the Crimea. The ship was said to be loaded with drones and the missile strike set off a fire and explosions that may have killed as many as 74, both on the ship and in the port.
However, the outstanding feature of the attack was not the numbers of the dead or the loss of the ship itself: it was the demonstration that Kiev had now been given a Storm Shadow variant with much greater flight range than the initial shipments from the U.K. and France.
From the perspective of the Russian high command, this new ability of the Ukrainians to strike far deeper into Russian territory represented a serious escalation of the conflict which required mirror-image escalation from Russia. The Russian response was not long in coming: on the 27th, Russia launched the largest missile attack on Ukraine since the start of the Special Military Operation, more than 150 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and armed drones, directed at cities across the Ukraine, including Kiev.
..It would appear that their main interest was to destroy caches of the Storm Shadow and also the most advanced Western ground to air missiles. They claim to have destroyed a Patriot complex in the Lvov region, killing a substantial number of French military who were in charge of the installation... ..The Ukrainian response the next day was a concentrated attack on the Russian border city of Belgorod, capital of an oblast of the same name. Belgorod is not more than 20 km from Ukraine’s second largest city, Kharkiv… This time missiles were sent into apartment blocks and other civilian structures, killing some 25 Russians and gravely wounding perhaps 50 more, some of whom were evacuated to Moscow by plane on life support.
Yesterday and today the Russians avenged this serious loss by renewed missile attacks, now concentrated on Kharkiv, whence the attack on Belgorod had come. They demolished the headquarters of military intelligence in the city, claiming to have killed many foreign advisers, probably British and Americans, who were guiding the attacks. They also struck air fields across Ukraine which could be used to service planes carrying the Storm Shadow.
I end this overview with the remark that American-British escalation of the weaponry deployed against Russia was at the start of what we have witnessed these past six days. And that can be no accident. It follows from the news of the war in the immediately preceding period, which unequivocally demonstrated that on the ground, along the line of contact, the Russian forces were moving steadily to overrun Ukrainian positions and force a retreat…
The overall impression was depressing for the Ukrainian cause at the very time that Congress was in recess after rejecting efforts by the Administration to pass legislation ensuring continued financial and military aid to Kiev. Now these Ukrainian missile attacks on the Black Sea fleet in the Feodosia harbor and the attack on civilians in what is properly speaking Russian Federation territory of Belgorod oblast would give luster to the Ukrainian cause while prodding the Russians to escalate and perform what Washington would showcase as war crimes.
Escalation is the game Washington is playing. In Ukraine. In the Red Sea. In the Eastern Mediterranean off the coast of Lebanon.
Washington seems oblivious to the possibility that the proxy wars it is fanning may yet invite a Russian, or Iranian, or North Korean strike directly on U.S. assets, whether overseas or on the Continental United States [or “somebody” pulling strings in the empire WANTS that to happen.]January 3, 2024 at 9:50 pm #149686John Day
ParticipantThe Israeli economy cannot sustain this war for half a year. What does this mean? War in Gaza won’t end in 2024 – Israel
West Jerusalem has refused to entertain international calls for a ceasefire in the besieged enclave deniability? I don’t know. Biden Admin Says US, Israel Not Behind Iran Blast As Death Toll Surpasses 100 escalation in the Middle East: Israel crossed the “red” line – Bombed the Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut – The deputy leader of Hamas is dead Influential Israeli Politician Urges Army Occupation Of Southern Lebanon For 50 Years
Israel’s influential former defense minister, Avigdor Lieberman, who has long been known as an outspoken hawk aligned with the hardline political opposition, is calling for the Israeli army to occupy southern Lebanon with a goal toward creating a permanent security buffer zone. Says Hezbollah Prepared To Wage ‘No Limit’ War On Israel [Revenge is a dish best served cold. Nasrallah is a seasoned veteran of these wars.]
As is typical of his speeches, Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah gave no details on the paramilitary group’s next steps, or whether an escalation in the conflict is on the horizon, but he asserted that the killing al-Arouri will not go without punishment, issuing all the usual fresh threats and warnings. He did warn of a ‘no limit’ war.
“If the enemy thinks about waging war against Lebanon, then our fighting will be with no ceiling, with no limits, with no rules. And they know what I mean,” Nasrallah said. “We are not afraid of war. We don’t fear it. We are not hesitant. If we were, we would have stopped at the front.”
He called Israel’s targeting south Beirut the day before, which resulted in the assassination of al-Arouri and some six others, a “dangerous” act. 3, 2024 at 9:50 pm #149687John Day
ParticipantThis aircraft carrier is already out of range of Hezbollah’s Iranian hypersonic anti-ship missiles. It is replaced by an amphibious assault ship and missile cruisers.
The USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier strike group is heading home from the Mediterranean Sea, according to a Monday announcement by the US Navy.
It had patrolled there, particularly in the Eastern Mediterranean, for months of additional, extended duty in order to provide protection for Israel and be on the ready for potential escalation, given persistent exchange of fire between Israel and Lebanese Hezbollah too.
The Navy said the USS Ford’s presence will now be replaced by the Bataan amphibious ready group, which has 2,000 Marines onboard. This ready group includes the USS Bataan, and the USS Mesa Verde and the USS Carter Hall – which are currently transiting the Red Sea, making ready to enter the Mediterranean. Asymmetric response, or just carrying-on? Houthis Claim Another Container Ship Attack As Middle East Turmoil Worsens
Turmoil in the Middle East today has been marked by twin explosions near the burial site of the late Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani in Kerman, resulting in at least 73 fatalities and injuring 170 others. Additionally, there are new reports of another attack on a commercial vessel in the Red Sea by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels.
According to Bloomberg, the Houthis’ armed forces’ spokesman claimed rebel forces attacked the container ship “CMA CGM TAGE” after the vessel’s captain ignored multiple warnings. Same or different? Hard to keep up: Explosions reported near ship in Bab el-Mandeb Strait: UK agency
British maritime security agency UKMTO reported explosions late Tuesday near a cargo ship in the strategic Bab el-Mandeb Strait, which separates the Arabian Peninsula from the Horn of Africa. Great Game India, Yemen’s Naval Blockade on Israel
After Israel unleashed unprecedented violence on Gaza, killing over 20,000 people, mostly women, and children, Yemen’s armed forces led by Ansarallah declared on November 14 that they would attack any ship associated with Israel that was traveling through the vital Bab al-Mandab Strait in the Red Sea. This vital canal is the entry point to the Suez Canal, which is used by 8.8 million barrels of oil per day and around 10% of world trade every day.
Ansarallah declared on December 9 that it would broaden its operations to include targeting any ship, regardless of nationality, traveling to Israel through the Red Sea. Ansarallah Armed Forces spokesperson: “All ships in the Red Sea bound for Israeli ports, regardless of their nationality, will become a target for our armed forces if Gaza does not receive the food and medicine it needs.”Fiery statement from Sanaa calls on Yemeni people to prepare for all options after US attack in Red Sea [Do they have Iranian or Chinese hypersonic missiles yet?] 3, 2024 at 9:51 pm #149688John Day
ParticipantAgain: Maersk decides Red Sea too unsafe for its ships for now Israeli officer kidnaps Palestinian infant [Crying infant, dead family, Israeli officer who picked up baby has also died since then.]
According to the report, Israeli officer Harel Itach, a Givati Brigade commander, allegedly kidnapped a Palestinian infant from her family home in Gaza following the killing of her family members. The specific date of the incident was not disclosed, but the organization underscored the significance of taking this information seriously.
After learning about the Israeli officer’s death on December 22, 2023, due to injuries sustained in the Gaza war, a close associate of Itach revealed the alleged kidnapping incident. The friend disclosed that the whereabouts of the Palestinian baby remains unknown. Euro-Med Monitor voiced profound apprehension, expressing fear that this incident involving the officer and the Palestinian infant is not an isolated occurrence. The rights group cited numerous testimonies it has received, indicating a pattern where the Israeli army reportedly detains and relocates Palestinian children without providing information about their whereabouts.–other-children–euro-medIsraeli army storms 5 Palestinian camps in occupied West Bank, destroys infrastructure with bulldozers [Who can live in a barren wasteland?] for Mossad agents across Turkey: 33 arrests by MIT – Erdogan dismantles Israel’s network! MIT – Mossad war with 33 arrests of agents – 13 escaped range missiles? The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has announced in a statement that its fighters have targeted an Israeli military site in the occupied Golan Heights. 3, 2024 at 9:52 pm #149689John Day
ParticipantIsraeli occupation announces death of 29 soldiers due to friendly fire in Gaza
The Israeli occupation army announced that about 17% of the deaths of its soldiers in Gaza were accidents.
It said that 29 soldiers were killed in separate incidents since the start of the ground operation in the Gaza Strip, including 18 by friendly fire, according to what Israeli media reported on Monday, January 1, 2024.
The Israeli newspaper “Jerusalem Post” explained that some of these incidents were “friendly fire” incidents, while others were tanks running over soldiers they did not see, walls falling on soldiers, or errors with explosives during preparations for an attack on the Palestinian resistance. out, Lebanon! Israeli occupation forces withdraw 5 combat brigades from Gaza Strip are the big, rare, extremely-expensive drones that perform strategic missions. New in 2024: Marines train more drone pilots, fill MQ-9 squadrons my heating bill go up: U.S. Now World’s Largest LNG Exporter 3, 2024 at 9:54 pm #149690John Day
Participant2 types in 2 minutes. What are the different types of Artificial Intelligence?
Researchers train AI chatbots to ‘jailbreak’ rival chatbots – and automate the process [“Free, free, set them free”]
‘Masterkey’ method means that if a Chatbot is updated, a new jailbreak can be automatically applied.
NTU Researchers were able to jailbreak popular AI chatbots including ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Bing Chat. With the jailbreaks in place, targeted chatbots would generate valid responses to malicious queries, thereby testing the limits of large language model (LLM) ethics. This research was done by Professor Liu Yang and NTU PhD students Mr Deng Gelei and Mr Liu Yi who co-authored the paper and were able to create proof-of-concept attack methods. Detective: 50% of Sudden Infant Deaths Happened Within 48 Hours of Vaccination — But No One Is Allowed to Say It from 10/2/23
Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms from 9/14/23
The parents of 62-day-old Sawyer learned their baby’s blood contained 95 micrograms per liter of aluminum, a level that would be toxic for adults. The toxicologist who read Sawyer’s report said the aluminum and antigen levels in the blood were due to the vaccines.Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms
Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It from 3/16/23
The National Toxicology Program on Wednesday released a draft report linking prenatal and childhood fluoride exposure to reduced IQ in children, after public health officials tried for almost a year to block its publication.Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQ in Children Made Public After CDC, HHS Tried to Block It
January 3, 2024 at 10:17 pm #149691Oroboros
ParticipantIsraeli Ambassador to UK Admits All of Gaza Must Be Destroyed
Likud Party Member Says All Israeli Society Tells Him: “Annihilate All Gazans!”
January 3, 2024 at 10:41 pm #149692D Benton Smith
ParticipantIsraeli Ambassador to UK patiently explains to human beings why it is necessary to destroy bomb shelters. It’s because that is where people go to avoid being killed when Israel drops bombs on them. What is it about cold blooded genocide that you human beings just can’t seem to understand?
It’s like asking an homicidal maniac why he cleaved his mother’s head in two with an ax, well because it would kill her, of course! Duh!
January 3, 2024 at 11:31 pm #149693zerosum
ParticipantIsrael-Palestine Peace can be achieved with a two state solution not near each other/separated by a continent.
January 3, 2024 at 11:53 pm #149694Oroboros
Participant -
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