Debt Rattle July 1 2021
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July 1, 2021 at 7:49 pm #78720
ParticipantCJ Hopkins’ “War on Reality”
I follow him on Facebook and he had a post not long after he published his article lamenting he didn’t change the title due to a colleague who posted an excellent COVID summary of the same title on Tablet News. An excerpt:
In reality, the rushed doomsday forecasts and commitment to politically correct pseudoscience prompted leaders to abandon decades of pandemic planning. This not only had disastrous economic consequences, but it also exacerbated the effects of COVID-19 itself. And rather than swiftly correct their errors, public health officials and politicians doubled down, manipulated data, and blamed ordinary people for the failure of nonsensical policies. The uncomfortable truth is that “The Science” did not protect vulnerable populations. Instead, “expert” advice served only to make the pandemic more deadly and replace the scientific process with destructive anti-science.“
“Now, the stories that were used to justify these hardships are continuing to unravel. Many of the people responsible will insist that the second-order consequences are the horrible symptoms of a magic virus and that the mistakes made in handling such a crisis were inevitable. But preventing young children from reaching crucial developmental milestones in the face of mounting evidence is not just a “mistake.” Forcing hospital patients to die alone without saying goodbye to their families is not just a “mistake.” Pushing millions of people into poverty and starvation is not just a “mistake.” These are crimes.“
The medical community has a lot to answer for.
July 1, 2021 at 7:55 pm #78721my parents said know
ParticipantGoodness, what gets written while I am composing my bits!
Rumsfeld dead! My mother always said people died in threes. So why is Hanky K still around?
Who’s next?
Aspartame and glyphosate- who needs a big giant meteor? or even a deadly plague?July 1, 2021 at 8:09 pm #78722my parents said know
ParticipantRe Kendrick and vit D:
“The review also highlights the important link between vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. Vitamin D administration, which is part of certain clinical trials protocols for COVID-19, may induce short-term hypercalcaemia, resulting in an accelerated elastic fibre calcification and degradation.”
From this.I got there looking for a connection with taking vitamin D and pseudoexfoliation syndrome (a kind of pre-glaucoma) that complicates cataract surgery.
July 1, 2021 at 8:16 pm #78723phoenixvoice
ParticipantWell, I was wondering if this would happen, and this may be the start.
I know a lot of people at the local retirement community. One woman has been my client for over a decade — in that time she has also become a friend. (She comes to see me when I sing.) I just got off of the phone with her. She has just begun to have heart problems. She has undergone her first battery of tests. She leans right politically, and is more aware of the problems regarding the covid vaccine than my left leaning friends. She suspects the vaccine. She had a terrible time of it after the second dose — she was feverish, had a migrane, and pressure/pain in her chest for three days. The heart problems are surfacing 4 months after her second vaccine dose, so there is no obvious link at this point. She asked her cardiologist if the vaccine could have caused this — she says that he got very quiet and said that he would find out what is going on.
My aunt is schizophrenic and has been institutionalized the past few years after she could no longer manager herself in a subsidized “independent living” situation. Two Sundays past my mom mentioned that my aunt has had a problem with very bad tremors in her hands. (My aunt already had some minor “parkinson-like” tremors brought on by meds for schizophrenia, so this is a sudden worsening.) The insitution believes that her meds must be causing this, and are thinking about changing her meds again. I asked, Mom, was she vaccinated? And my mom realized that the vaccine could be the cause. Now my mom will be inquiring, when did the increased tremors start? And, what were the dates of her vaccinations?
July 1, 2021 at 8:23 pm #78724ctbarnum
ParticipantDenninger with another home run looking at Obamacare rates on the upswing with huge increases due to COVID and Vaccine claims. I think it will happen, but I also think the major area to watch for the vaccines is a rise in SSDI claims due to myocarditis on the premise that long term effects will result in many younger people being unable to work.
“What are we doing right now, and what have we been doing since the start of 2021, in the people younger than of Medicare age with wild abandon, what does the data say is happening, but it is claimed to be “very rare”, and if its so rare why are Obamacare premiums going to skyrocket for next year?”
July 1, 2021 at 8:27 pm #78725phoenixvoice
ParticipantWell…for young people contemplating a career in medicine, cardiology and neurology may be some very in-demand specialties for the next few decades. (Probably some other specialties that deal with Covid vaccine side effects…these were just the two that immediately came to mind. Oh, and the heart problem my friend is facing is, naturally, inflammation.)
July 1, 2021 at 9:02 pm #78726Bill7
Participant> In reality, the rushed doomsday forecasts and commitment to politically correct pseudoscience prompted leaders to abandon decades of pandemic planning. This not only had disastrous economic consequences <
The above framing still makes the 10-20-percenter Covid response sound like an oopsie! accident. It does not look that way to me; not at all.
July 1, 2021 at 9:04 pm #78727July 1, 2021 at 9:22 pm #78728Bill7
Participant> Since a pandemic induced nations to lockdown their economies, rescue packages and unlimited money printing to keep people from literally starving<
Thanks for the link Mr. House, but Ehret reminds me way too much of ‘Pepe Escobar™’: feeding its readers 60% self-righteous Truths in order to catapult the essential (for whom?) untruths like the above-quoted one..
July 1, 2021 at 9:24 pm #78729Bill7
ParticipantMeta: if it’s in the digital domain, it’s gotten-to, or will be.
July 1, 2021 at 9:54 pm #78730Mr. House
ParticipantTrue, but what i took away from it was the “plan”. And the technocrats building everything up towards their goal with the catalyst being it which shall not be named.
July 1, 2021 at 10:03 pm #78731Bill7
Participant> True, but what i took away from it was the “plan”. <
We might read the same text and infer (and such) different things: I’m 62, and that plays into my take for sure. Too bad we’re not conversing face to face, as our overlords have deemed “unsafe” and “inauthentic™”.. funny times!
July 1, 2021 at 10:19 pm #78732Bill7
Participantmpsk said:
“Re Kendrick and vit D:
“The review also highlights the important link between vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. Vitamin D administration, which is part of certain clinical trials protocols for COVID-19, may induce short-term hypercalcaemia, resulting in an accelerated elastic fibre calcification and degradation.”Yes, this commenter has mentioned before that the quasi-hormone known as Vitamin D taken as a supplement is not an unmixed blessing.
July 2, 2021 at 12:13 am #78733VietnamVet
ParticipantA year and half into the coronavirus pandemic, the very foundation of the West’s response that “mRNA vaccines are safe and effective” is false. They are not vaccines but gene therapy.
Human beings are crash test guinea pigs with inadequate follow-up and compensation for the side-effects from the mRNA emergency use. To date, blood clotting with low platelet counts in young females and myocarditis in adolescent/young males are associated with mRNA jabs. Jabs continue in the USA with a label warning.
There are increases in the COVID-19 reproductive rate in highly vaccinated nations in particular Israel. asymptomatic vaccinated people may be passing the virus to the leftover unvaccinated. But this is a known unknown since there is no cheap accurate test to detect virus shedding individuals or surveillance and identification of coronavirus virus in the Western population. Federal masking and social distancing requirements were ended. There is no plan B. This is not science.
In the Americas we have an acute case that the propaganda that the rulers believe to be true is in fact not reality. In the 20th century, the 1000-year Reich and the Soviet Union collapsed directly because to this.
The Western Empire is withdrawing from Afghanistan too and has an economic disaster underway worse than the effects of Chernobyl. Politico is pointing out Kamala Harris is an unsuitable replacement for Joe Biden; except there is no Gerald Ford ready on the sidelines.
There is one final frenzy to grasp the last shinning glimmer of wealth.
When the climate changes, Siberia and North America will become choked in hot toxic wildfire smoke and more of Miami’s seaside condos will collapsed. Everyone will be on their own trying to escape.
My alternative is to restore the US Constitution and government by and for the people, end inequality, and jail the criminals who got us into this. Enron’s Jeff Skilling in 2006 was the last CEO imprisoned for their crimes.
July 2, 2021 at 1:35 am #78734Bill7
ParticipantVietnamVet said: “A year and half into the coronavirus pandemic..”
Are you seeing clear evidence of said pandemic, Vv, and if so, where do you live?
I have seen not even a hint of a pandemic (other than the lockdowns, masks, et c),
and have been looking for signs of one with real interest. I live on the central coast of California, FWTW.I think it’s been noted here before that life insurance rates and underwriting requirements
have been more-or-less unchanged since the “pandemic” was rolled out fifteen months
ago. This is as solid evidence as there can be, since those actuary folks keep a keen
eye on the numbers.July 2, 2021 at 1:51 am #78735John Day
Participant@Bill7, who quoted: “The review also highlights the important link between vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. Vitamin D administration, which is part of certain clinical trials protocols for COVID-19, may induce short-term hypercalcaemia, resulting in an accelerated elastic fibre calcification and degradation.”
That is made up. Really. I have never seen hypercalcemia from normal blood levels of vitamin-D. Vitamin-D is truly a pure blessing.
@Mr House: Yeah, I don’t know “the plan”, but I have your same suspicion that getting used to mRNA Trojan horsies into your body is opening your door to whatever somebody decides “your” body should be…
@Madamski: Go Girl!@Phonix Voice” I always listen to you. You are getting more and more open, and showing more and more of your intelligence. Deciding what is right nd following it. Yes Maam!
July 2, 2021 at 2:14 am #78736sumac.carol
ParticipantZerosum – on the hundreds upon hundreds of unmarked graves of institutionalized Aboriginal children: perhaps you have not followed the reporting. This was a government policy intended to delete Aboriginal culture. It was explicit. Also According to government records, children were removed from their families and kept as ransom in order to pacify their parents, whom it was argued would be more malleable if their kids were held in government custody. The children were housed in unheated residences in Canadian winters and they received practically no medical care when ill. No Zerosum, this is far from just a story to extract money. It is a story for Canadians to take stock of our sordid hustory with our indigenous people, Happy Canada Day.
July 2, 2021 at 2:29 am #78737Doc Robinson
ParticipantJohn Day: “I have never seen hypercalcemia from normal blood levels of vitamin-D.”
I believe you. Daily intakes of up to 10,000 IU “have not been linked to hypercalcemia or acute toxicity,” according to a big study done by the Institute of Medicine (now called the National Academy of Medicine.) They set their recommended upper limit at 4,000 IU per day, instead of 10,000 IU, to be extra safe (for ages 9 and older).
The starting point for the current UL for vitamin D was 10,000 IU/d, because lower intakes have not been linked to hypercalcemia or acute toxicity.
July 2, 2021 at 2:54 am #78738Veracious Poet
ParticipantAre you seeing clear evidence of said pandemic, Vv, and if so, where do you live?
I have had 3 friends/acquaintances die from the China virus, another 20+ that survived the virus with varying levels of severity.
Most of them last summer, with the last one dying in February 2 days after exhibiting symptoms…
We’re in SoCal, & most of the survivors have taken the kill-switch vaccine, even after I warned many.
The pandemic is definitely real, my wife (autoimmune disorder), mother (late stage cancer 2019) & I are still in iso with full PPE precautions since FEB 2020 ~ We are also part of the control group re: the “vaccines”.
July 2, 2021 at 3:18 am #78739TAE Summary
Participant* The Covid Chronicles
– Covid, the silent, unseen, absent killer
– Opioids are the last Covid
– Heatstroke is the next Covid
– Covid picked the ripest, low-hanging, vitamin-D-deficient fruit
– Covid prefers the fat and happy to the down and out
– CDC announces Covid vaccine statute of limitations to be set at two weeks
– Upswing in myocarditis among youth due to aspartame and glysophates
– Pandemics don’t require excess deaths
– The vaccinated are crash test guinea pigs engineered to infect the unvaccinated* Oh! Canada!
– Wildfires
– Burning churches
– Destroyed records
– Unmarked indigenous grave sites* Big brother is jabbing you; All rise for the two minutes of hate; Obey! Consume! Reset!; You will happily own being nothing
* The Health Industry
– They no longer test
– $1000 per hour is what the market will bear
– Do no harm only started 100 years ago
– Healing is power and power corrupts; Absolute healing corrupts absolutely
– Midazoliams are off the scale
– Cardiology and neurology are promising careers* Knowledge is finite / Ignorance is infinite
(Note: Knowledge increases sorrow and ignorance is bliss)
– The bullshit must stop
– There is no science only experts* Kamala elected through fraud, treats people like sh*t but can’t fill Joe’s slippers
* Reality is no longer approved but only authorized for emergency use; Approval will require the torturing of sentient creatures
* Climate change: We will all be on our own; The air will clear once the forests are all gone; We deserve worse and are getting off light
* Rummy shuffles off his mortal coil. His unknown unknowns become known knows as he reaps his eternal reward
* Timorati non carborundum
July 2, 2021 at 3:18 am #78740VietnamVet
Yes, I believe that there still is a coronavirus pandemic ongoing among the elderly and obese and for those with long-haul COVID. COVID-19 did overrun hospitals last year from New York to California triggering the rush to get rich with gene therapy jabs. Life expectancy in the USA for the last two years declined; 1.4 years for Whites up to 3.9 years for Hispanics.
Today there are good arguments that this is no longer the case. The excess deaths in Europe and the USA are below historic averages. CDC says this is due bad reporting which may be the case, since the US mail service is still disrupted and I have not got my income tax refund yet. But coronavirus is not eradicated in the USA. My county is low risk right now. 50% of adults vaccinated and one death last week. But it had the highest number of deaths in Maryland; 1,597 . The elderly, overweight and unvaccinated are still at risk. Not to mention the bills if hospitalized. I maybe paranoid but I am still here. At this point, being cautious and avoiding the public, the risk of vaccination could outweigh the risk of not getting jabbed. It is fairly clear for young males the risks of a second mRNA jab outweigh the benefits. Yet only a label warning was added.
Perhaps, the virus will follow the pattern in the past of becoming more contagious and less deadly. Hopefully this winter this comes true and the hospitals are not overrun once again. I wish the USA had a competent government that could provide a working public health system that would care for its citizens and eradicate the virus so the worry would vanish.
July 2, 2021 at 3:27 am #78741Bill7
ParticipantJD said: “..That is made up. Really. I have never seen hypercalcemia from normal blood levels of vitamin-D. Vitamin-D is truly a pure blessing..”
Ok. I’m not an MD, for sure (and by the way, the quote was mpsk’s, not mine; but that’s cool). Some think supplementation is an readily-available silver bullet, some like me think otherwise.
My take is that low Vit D levels signal other, undiagnosed issues.. indicative, not causal.
As I said above though, I am definitely *not* a Medical Doctor.July 2, 2021 at 3:53 am #78742Veracious Poet
ParticipantOh, almost forgot:
Sister-In-Law’s father went in for a procedure in April to clear a coronary artery, & the day after the procedure was successful he had a stroke due to a blood clot.
Then a couple days after that he had a heart attack that put him on life support, which was pulled a couple of days after that when he became non-responsive in a coma…
No previous history of stroke, cardiac problems ~ He was 68 years old.
He had his second jab of the Pfizer gene therapy wonder drug a little over two weeks before the procedure, of course no effort will be made to connect-the dots…
July 2, 2021 at 3:55 am #78743Bill7
ParticipantVietnam Vet: thanks for your reply.
> COVID-19 did overrun hospitals last year from New York to California triggering the rush to get rich with gene therapy jabs <
Not in my region of CA (Los Osos, SLO County); not at all: the three hospitals here have been underwhelmed (and oddly understaffed) all through the ultra-deadly COVID “pandemic”. We have as well a substantial homeless population, but no big outbreak of Da Covid.. weird!
The interested PMC-folk here tell me (emphasis on “tell”) : “We’ve been lucky!”. Ok: show me the places that have been unlucky, WRT the ultra-deadly Covid.
The one thing I’m learned from the “pandemic” is that having the preponderance of
public opinion on one’s side matters much, much more than facts do. This satisfactorily
explains what we’ve all been subjected (good word!) to from various media
for the last fifteen-plus months..July 2, 2021 at 4:28 am #78744Veracious Poet
None of my friends that died were obese, but they all had underlying medical situations (heart/lung), no diabetes though ~ 63, 71 & 74 years old.
July 2, 2021 at 5:03 am #78745Archie
ParticipantTo whomever here first linked to CJ Hopkins (was it Bill7?), I want to express my sincere thanks . He is cut from the same cloth as Joe Bageant.. I miss Joe a lot!
July 2, 2021 at 8:25 am #78747V. Arnold
ParticipantThe CJ Hopkins link to his essay on reality was spot on; my wife and I had a terrific 2+ hour talk on fear and reality in these times of covid, today…
…and yes; fear is powerful, especially when weaponized…as has been done…
We’re armoured up with a firm grasp on the “reality” of today’s propaganda of fear…
What I fear is most peoples general ignorance of the life around them……July 2, 2021 at 11:15 am #78756Dr. D
ParticipantBill: There are in fact Covid indicators. Hospitals and ICUs were actually overrun — probably in Fauci states — and not just with screening delays and 2nd effects. Here’s the thing though: suppose you have an ICU of 100 beds. Generally that’s tuned to run 80-90% capacity. That’s 20 beds open (or not really “open”, but people whom it’s even possible to shift to lesser wards). So 20 severe cases in an area maybe 1-2h drive, as hospitals are spaced, would overwhelm the hospitals. Needless to say it was more than that. But put that way, doesn’t sound like a crisis or an epidemic, does it? Sounds like the state voluntarily shut a lot of hospitals to keep up profits, while reducing the flexibility of the remaining wards and assets.
At the same time, they shut off the screenings and surgeries of everybody else. But those cancers and heart attacks happen at home, so who cares? If we don’t count them, they’re not dead. Of course, that’s all based on encouraging terrible, terrible health, no exercise, overweight, no Vitamin D, Type II Diabetes, and so on for +60 years. But profits are LOST if that’s fixed. Answer? LESS exercise, Vitamin D, less O2, while sitting at home on the couch next to the fridge. Science!
Now that we’re out, or had a break, did they say, “Hey, weight and health is the #1 risk factor, outpacing everything else by multiples, get out there and improve your health before fall flu season”? Not on your life! Cuz that’s Science!
Hippocratic Oath: “We only give pills. Otherwise, f–k off!”
July 2, 2021 at 3:53 pm #78774Noirette
ParticipantMadamski, yes a different vax, which of course makes all the difference… you see the positive side where I am more suspicious.
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